Flood Control - LOMR - Waters Edge #1 - 7/26/2011Page 1 of 3 Date: July 26, 2017 Case ..a.: 11.10-1269A LOMB -F �rA�ry RE IVED & FILED Federal Emergency Management 4genE Y OF EAGLE -rF Washington, D.C. 20472 AUG 0 5 2011 LETTER OF MAP REVISION BASED ON FI 'e: DETERMINATION DOCUMENT REMOVA outer°: COMMUNITY AND MAP PANEL INFORMATION LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, A pardon of Government tot 4, Section 20 and a portion of Section IDAHO 17, all in Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, as described in the Warranty Deed, recorded as Instrument No. COMMUNITY 111029743, in the Office of the County Recorder, Ada County, Idaho The portion of property is more particularly described by the following COMMUNITY NO.: 100003 metes and bounds: NUMBER; 16001C0161H AFFECTED MAP PANEL DATE: 2/19/2003 APPROXIMATE LATrruoE & LONGITUDE OF PROPERTY: 43.67s, -116.369 FLOODING SOURCE: BOISE RIVER; SOUTH CHANNEL_ BOISE RIVER SOURCE OF LAT 6 LONG: STREETS 8 TRIPS 2009 DATUM: WITS 64 DETERMINATION OUTCOME I% ANNUAL LOWEST LOWEST WHAT IS CHANCE ADJACENT LOT LOT BLOCK/ SUBDIVISION STREET REMOVED FROM FLOOD FLOOD GRADE ELEVATION SECTION THE SFHA ZONE ELEVATION ELEVATION (NAVD 88) NAVD 88 NAVD 88 — — — West Sherason Portion of X 2547.6 feet — 2547.6 feet DrivelSouth Property (shaded) Bellemonle Way Parcel A Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) - The SFHA is an area that would be Inundated by the flood having a 1 -percent chance of being equaled or exceeded In any given year (base flood). ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS (Please refer to the appropriate section on Attachment 1 for the additional considerations listed below.) LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION DETERMINATION TABLE (CONTINUED) PORTIONS REMAIN IN THE SFHA This document provides the Federal Emergency Management Agency's determination regarding a request for a Letter of Map Revision based on FII for the property described above. Using the information submitted and the effective National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map, we have determined that the described portlon(s) of the property(Ies) Islam not located In the SFHA, an area Inundated by the flood having a 1 -percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year (base flood). This document revises the effective NFIP map to remove the subject property from the SFHA located on the effective NFIP map; therefore, the Federal mandatory flood Insurance requirement does not apply However, ft lender has the option to continue the flood insurance requirement to protect its financial risk on the loan. A Preferred Risk Policy (PRP) is available for buildings located outside the SFHA. Information about the PRP and how one can apply Is enclosed. This determination Is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877 -FEMA MAP) or by tetter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, LOMC Clearinghouse, 6730 Santa Barbara Court. Eikridge, MD 21075. Luis Rodriguez, P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration Page 3 of 3 Date: July 26, 2011 Case no.: 11-10.1269A LOMB F Teoat Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 ��vo ss LETTER OF MAP REVISION BASED ON FILL DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (REMOVAL) ATTACHMENT 1 (ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS) OUTCOME 1%ANNUAL LOWEST LOWEST WHAT IS CHANCE ADJACENT LOT LOT BLOCKI SUBDIVISION STREET REMOVED FROM FLOOD FLOOD GRADE ELEVATION SECTION TME SFHA ZONE ELEVATION ELEVATION (NAVD 88) NAVD 88) (NAVD 88 — — — West Shereson Portion of X 2547.6 feet — 2551.2 feet Drive/South Property (unshaded) Bellemonte Way (Parcel B) PORTIONS OF THE PROPERTY REMAIN IN THE SFHA (This Additional Consideration applies to the preceding 2 Properties.) Portions of this property, but not the subject of the Determination/Comment document, may remain in the Special Flood Hazard Area. Therefore, any future construction or substantial improvement on the property remains subject to Federal, State/Commonwealth, and local regulations for floodplain management. This attachment provides additional Inforrrragon regarding this request If you have any questions about this attachment, please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Center toil free at (877) 336-2627 (877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, LOMC Clearinghouse. 6730 Santa Barbara Court, Elkridge, MD 21075. Luis Rodriguez, P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration Page 2 of 3 1 10ate: July 26, 2011 ICase r.o.: 11-10-1269A I LOMR-F Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 LETTER OF MAP REVISION BASED ON FILL DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (REMOVAL) ATTACHMENT 1 (ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS) LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (CONTINUED) Parcel A: COMMENCING at the Southwest comer of said Section 17, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; thence N63003'26"E, a distance of 1481.51 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S55035'41"E, a distance of 9.24 feet; thence S52028'08"E, a distance of 9.66 feet; thence S43056'35"E, a distance of 12.46 feet; thence S38037'27"E, a distance of 8.17 feet; thence S00'05'31"W, a distance of 8.41 feet; thence S16°10'39W, a distance of 7.92 feet; thence S28045'45"W, a distance of 6.97 feet; thence S75033'37"W, a d)stance of 15.55 feet; thence S66023'25"W, a distance of 16.79 feet; thence S55057'52"W, a distance of 20.27 feet; thence S26°31'31"W, a distance of 18.22 feet; thence S37055'03"W, a distance of 15.40 feet; thence S70°02'10"W, a distance of 6.73 feet; thence S82'47'56"W, a distance of 33.37 feet; thence N79"07'49"W, a distance of 71.26 feet; thence N42°36'01 "W, a distance of 135.61 feet; thence N25"25'21"IN, a distance of 262.21 feet; thence N24"50'40"W, a distance of 62.34 feet; thence N24°05'51 "W, a distance of 130.46 feet; thence N00"51'57"E, a distance of 139.21 feet; thence N06"56'40"W, a distance of 22.72 feet; thence N86"36'22"E, a distance of 16.86 feet; thence S70036'1 FE, a distance of 19.68 feet; thence S79"15'21"E, a distance of 21.78 feet; thence N82041'42"E, a distance of 21.08 feet; thence N87003'39"E, a distance of 32.63 feet; thence S88°46'00"E, a distance of 42.87 feet; thence S66016'54"E, a distance of 29.38 feet; thence N81055'28"E, a distance of 24.01 feet; thence N22"29'25"E, a distance of 27.93 feet; thence S82041'51"E, a distance of 23.20 feet; thence S69009'32"E, a distance of 22.93 feet; thence N85059'09"E, a distance of 47.59 feet; thence S36"48'55"E, a distance of 14.50 feet; thence S65°10'34"E, a distance of 25.85 feet; thence S14°14'45"E, a distance of 24.57 feet; thence S37051'51'E, a distance of 22.54 feet; thence S35"50'11 "E, a distance of 1.71 feet; thence S40"43'49'E, a distance of 19.43 feet; thence S65"19'59"E, a distance of 14.15 feet; thence S64"06'13'E, a distance of 36.30 feet; thence S18007'1 1"E, a distance of 17.36 feet; thence S17'43'06"E, a distance of 31.70 feet; thence S14'48'02"E, a distance of 19.74 feet; thence S09025'12"E, a distance of 39.04 feet; thence S00053'27"W, a distance of 101.16 feet: thence N84052'29"E, a distance of 30.17 feet; thence S00"53'27"W, a distance of 210.67 feet; thence N79°14'04"W, a distance of 23.25 feet; thence S54"56'33W, a distance of 21.48 feet; thence S56'52'37"W, a distance of 11.70 feet; thence S13059'18"W, a distance of 8.55 feet; thence S08"57'25"W, a distance of 18.29 feet; thence S34050'09"E, a distance of 18.63 feet; thence S35"50'02"E, a distance of 13.61 feet; thence S39°10'52"E, a distance of 3.91 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING Parcel B: COMMENCING at the Southwest comer of said Section 17, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian; thence N77023'24"E, a distance of 1385.66 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S29006'26W, a distance of 129.09 feet; thence N75'44'44"W, a distance of 121.56 feet; thence N29"06'07"E, a distance of 111.47 feet; thence N07"54'51 "E, a distance of 112.97 feet; thence S75'44'26"E, a distance of 141.65 feet; thence 96.08 feet along a curve to the right having a radius of 212.00 feet, a central angle of 25'57'58", and a chord bearing of S16007'27"W, a chord distance of 95.26 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING DETERMINATION TABLE (CONTINUED) This attachment provides additional Information regerding this request. If you have any questions about this attachment, please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Center toil free at (877) 336-2627 (877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, LLMC Clearinghouse, 6730 Santa Barbara Court, Ellaidge, MO 21075. Luis Rodriguez. P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration w�om,tW�++- \sr»iluw-star-r umd v. *Minn M0,40 PK ate. Wr xr COW UWAM cwaw w I21+ nW Iwn1-ra T-0 DUMM M MMAIEMI 6 W MWT Cr 1-0 OEM NM POWJMK MM 61 Ma000I OF 1618 M a M 016 OW 9'C><IC EM 1916Af1 Cr 4 Oafs 5 MW MMFM J s } N I 2546 � 2 0 n I zg o � m � � 2 0 n zg o � m g Qw a1��Vd+My.�wVaw-rynw-� ►t VA. .d e.. MA.% 4/n/mi &res rK cry. lww 03 o - IWO= (It f%w M.n*e7 w ®aa wf an�aa a a: nava a r cams ar w�ooa�ot � a � a ue ®n a a wneg wean aaEc waa raasr Q w awns n a� Haan¢ r r to co t7 ti P 0000��0000��000000009� 'b r0 � Cn � J g tz 90 'b r0 � Cn y O J g t rnp V r 0 y W