Flood Control - LOMR - Banbury Meadows #7 - 6/25/2005 Page 1 of 2 I I Date: October 13, 2005 ICase No.: 05-1Q.on4A I LOMR-F - 181 Federal Emergency Management Agency ~4' v'" Washington, D.C. 20472 ~<1~o st.(; LETTER OF MAP REVISION BASED ON FILL DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (REMOVAL) COMMUNITY AND MAP PANEL INFORMATION LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO Portions of Sections 19 and 20, Township 4 North, Range 1 East, Boise COMMUNITY Meridian, as described in the Corporate Deed recorded as Document No. 105100015, in the Office of the Recorder Ada County, Idaho COMMUNITY NO,: 180003 NUMBER: 16001C0142H; 16001C0161H The portion of property to be removed from the SFHA is more particularly described by the fOllowing metes and bounds: AFFECTED NAME: ADACooNTY,lDAHOAND COMMENCING at the northeast corner of Section 18 thence; S4S011'S1"E, MAP PANEL INCORPORATED AREAS 995.48 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; S41OS0'30"W, DATE: 2/1912003; 2119(2003 FLOODING SOURCE: SOOTH CHANNEL BOISE RIVER APPROXIMATE LATITUDE & LONGITUDE OF PRCPERTY: 43.675, -116.375 EAGLE ISLAND SooRCE OF LAT & LONG: PRECISION MAPPING STREETS 7.0 DATUM: NAD 83 DETERMINA TION OUTCOME 1% ANNUAL LOWEST LOWEST WHAT IS CHANCE ADJACENT LOT LOT BLOCK! SUBDIVISION STREET REMOVED FLOOD FLOOD GRADE ELEVATION SECTION FROM THE ZONE ELEVATION ELEVATION (NAVD 88) SFHA (NAVD 88) (NAVD 88) Banbury Meadows Portion of 2541.6 feet 2542.8 feet - X (shaded) to to - - 7 Property - 2545.4 feet 2546.2 feet Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). The SFHA is an area that would be inundated by the flood having a 1-percent chance of being equaled or exooeded in any given year (base flood). ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS (Please refer to the appropriate section on Attachment 1 for the additional considerations listed below.) LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FILL RECOMMENDATION PORTIONS REMAIN IN THE SFHA This document provides the Federal Emergency Management Agency's determination regarding a request for a Letter of Map Revision based on Fill for the property described above. Using the information submitted and the effective National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map. we have determined that the described portlon(s) of the property(ies) is/are not located in the SFHA, an area inundated by the flood having a 1-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded In any given year (base flood). This document revises the effective NFIP map to remove the subject property from the SFHA located on the effective NFIP map; therefore, the Federal mandatory flood insurance requirement does not apply. However, the lender has the option to continue the flood insurance requirement to protect its flnandal risk on the loan. A Preferred Risk Policy (PRP) is available for buildings located outside the SFHA. Information about the PRP and how one can apply is enclosed. This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document. please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 130, Alexandria, VA 22304-6439. -L.~ -~~~t - Doug Bellomo, P.E.. Chief Hazard Identification Section, Mitigation Division Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate Version 1.3.3 1056349.1 LOMR-F-SL 107520724 Page 2 of 2 I I Date: October 13, 2005 lee. .-k>.: 05-1Q.0724A I LOMR-F - l~.:1 o ."'!Li t: ~~~ ~<1lVD stG Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 LETTER OF MAP REVISION BASED ON FILL DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (REMOVAL) ATTACHMENT 1 (ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS) LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (CONTINUED) 122.82 feet; thence S85018'39"W, 72.48 feet; thence S58009'53"W, 301.80 feet; S58009'53"W, 59.96 feet; thence N84021'09"W, 158.13 feet; thence S89026'29"W, 204.57 feet; thence NS7048'12"W, 181.72 feet; thence S88011'04"W, 248.03 feet; thence S41 o20'OS"W, 81.29 feet; thence S65052'01"W, 89.95 feet; thence NS9037'24"W, 255.09 feet; thence S16011'35"W, 27.67 feet; thence N64034'34"W, 181.89 feet; thence N30031'11"E, 212.35 feet; thence N53002'41"E, 56.97 feet; thence N65048' 41"E, 115.36 feet; thence N76027'57"E, 583.55 feet; thence N83"14'03"E, 186.26 feet; thence N87022'49"E, 105.80 feet; thence S72023'33"E, 131.18 feet; thence SS7"30'S8"E, 190.18 feet; thence S64030'24"E, 190.26 feet; thence S60034'21"E, 205.73 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING FILL RECOMMENDATION (This Additional Consideration applies to the preceding 1 Property.) The minimum NFIP criteria for removal of the subject area based on fill have been met for this request and the community in which the property is located has certified that the area and any subsequent structure(s) built on the filled area are reasonably safe from flooding. FEMA's Technical Bulletin 10-01 provides guidance for the construction of buildings on land elevated above the base flood elevation through the placement offill. A copy of Technical Bulletin 10-01 can be obtained by calling the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877-FEMA MAP) or from our web site at http://www.fema.gov/miUtb1001.pdf. Although the minimum NFIP standards no longer apply to this area, some communities may have floodplain management regulations that are more restrictive and may continue to enforce some or all of their requirements in areas outside the Special Flood Hazard Area. PORTIONS OF THE PROPERTY REMAIN IN THE SFHA (This Additional Consideration applies to the preceding 1 Property.) Portions of this property, but not the subject of the Determination/Comment document, may remain in the Special Flood Hazard Area. Therefore, any future construction or substantial improvement on the property remains subject to Federal, State/Commonwealth, and local regulations for floodplain management. This attachment provides additional information regarding this request. If you have any questions about this attachment, please contact the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 3601 Eisenhower Avenue. Suite 130, Alexandria. VA 22304-6439. ~t--> -=-= ~t Doug Bellomo, P.E., Chief Hazard Identification Section, Mitigation Division Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate Version 1.3.3 1056349.1 LOMR-F-SL 1 07520724 uvin m muN wo FAA 303 ur 1dn mcnae1 aaHer Jr. nic. INvvirvva Dam 09/19/2005 TO: Roy B. Johnson From: Erik King 355 North Union Blvd. Suite 200 Lakewood, CO 80228 Contemm LOMA. Case 905-10-0724A Notes. Dr. Johnson, er&Idng@mapmodteam.com Direct Phone: 720-5141118 Fa= 720-514-1120 Since the portion of property that Richard Phillips would like removed from the Special Flood _bzard Arra (SFIW is so large, FEMA asks that you submit an Mention Form showing a range of Lowest Lot Elevations (LLE). one of the mrss needs to be taken from the upstream side of the portion of property and one of the LLFs needs to be taken from the downstream side of the portion of property. The reason this is done is so FEMA can. cwnpare an upstream and downstream Base Flood Elevation (BFE) with each LLE that you provide. Although the portion of property map shows finish contour lines, FEMA does not wish to assume that these lines could be used as upstream and downstream LLEs, therefore, FEMA asks that you resubmit an Mention Form with an upstream and a downstream LLE. A map will be sent showing where the upstream and downstream LLEs need to be placed. Thank You, Erik King JOHNSON ENGINEERING 9225 CHINDEN BLVD. SUITE J BOISE, ID 83714 (208) 323-7563 FAX (208) 323-9004 September 27, 2005 Erik King 355 N. Union Blvd. Suite 200 Lakewood Co. 80228 Case No. 05-10-0724A Community: City of Eagle, Idaho Community No: 160003 Re: Banbury Meadows No. 7 —Additional information Mr. King: Please find enclosed the addition of individual lot elevations as requested for your review. Also included are two plat maps with LLE's shown on them. Please also note that the plat of Banbury Meadows No. 7 is now recorded and therefore individual lots are shown in the elevation form. Please review and let me know if you need any further information. el.,� !� Rovy if1 l Y ' C:WEW WORD D0CS\banbury\BMN7IFEMA REVISIONSAd 19/1911005 IUM 11:57 YU X13 98F— ua limael 6aKer Jr. Inc. I I Sol 1 f �5n5 yrt 12 ■ ReBa$R R N :?OR2 -- - ----- A -5-- Z xZS;;�fi_'�Y YYYYV WYYY d xiNSZSSSSSMMMx s ,xb a I ,a. !l /''_l wa , 91I N-181' gyuv��uvo U9/lu/zuub xuh ll;bl NAA 3u3 mr--bbuu mcnau DaKer df. inu. l 1j Il twuutif uud FEDERAL EamR(;ENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY ELEVATION FORM &0'030r[atbr/lu PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE PWiO rapollittg burden for this form 4 estimated to average 7 DOUr per response. TM burden estimate 11"du0ea the hme for revr¢aUng utswarors 5*=hmg existing data sourm. gathedng and maintaining the, needed data. and com0ofilig. reviewing. and submt rtag the tour Y:., arc not r", to respond to this collection of information unless a mrid OMB control number eppean: In the upper right comer of this form Send rr,-,m¢nts rw.raP a* accuracy of the burden estimate and any sugg¢stions for reducing this burden to, information Collections Management. Federal Emergency Maneglimenl Agency, SW C Street. SW. Washington DC 20472. Paperwork Reductum Protect t3067.0147) Svbmrss,O^ of the form rc n.gtnrea to i _ *own or retain genaors Unger g,e rruw,w, ' This fan must be completed for requests and must be completed and signed by a regarered pfofessronai engineer o• ncersed car_ !_••veyor A •• • � f t National Rood rnsu ance PrOgtam (NFIPi Elevation Certifmato may be submitted In addition to this form for single structure roguesw. For requests tai remove a structure on natural grade OR an erginvered fu) from the Spedal Flood Hazard AM [SFRAr. su0mn me lowest adjacent 3 grade phi lowatt ground touching the structure). including an ateicned deck or garage. For requests to remove an en:.re parcel of la -c rrom the SF H provide the Wheat lot elevation: or, it the request Involves an area oescvueo oy metes and bounas. 01OV40 the Ipeest r,tr+alwr. wnr�'• :1e met¢S e - bounds deecdptIon. 1. NFIPyCOmnunsNumber. 1&00&3 Property Nameor Address: afg(jt11t.7' i'i 6/4DOf r%J SM'� r✓fir d't a .1 based On Jul Or ❑ Rrceowd condtlions? (ick one) 2. Are the OW000118 Miad below ilixistinq fll What isthe 01"atfon datum? MY any of lig elevations listed below were computed using a datum different than the datum used for the 3• effective Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) (e.g.. NGVO 20 or NAVD 88). what was the conversion faagry 4,. Lout Elevation ♦f• 1L = FIRM Oatwn 4. For theosed ctures listed below. hat am tho—typas of {cPiedk as that apply) ' crew$ spacer� slab on grade ❑ b85ernlntl enclOsura IJ mer (eexplaainconstruction? E S. Hare FEMA identlead lift area as wbJect to laid subsidence Or Uplift? (see instructions) ❑ Yes No { if yes, wfiat is the date Of the current relevelfng? f (rrtonuhfyea) E —� Lot Number Block Number Lowest Lot Elevation Lowest Adjacent Grade To I Base Flood ( For FEMA Use Only Elevation i Zs'/O•o Zs•"'if/ra 253%0 i ieselonal a ineer, Of ar&..IC t 3UthefaP^ r f raw tO C:'• ti signed end casted by a tend registered 7x0 ng This tion ) elevation iMormation. M documents submitted le aultpod M this request oro carted to the best of my knOe+tad=c l ate=ars'.•.^" that am: +^= [olorro n. A support is request t -w+�anr mea h. n.:+�ePsrhla R.. ro imgri56ndEent olefin =role 16 of the Uo,ted States Code. Section 1001. i fw �nlrOI Cerimer's Name: p D. VOns C'% Ltoense No._NC Ag Z;ye/ E%pUation".. 3Yf oE' Company Nerve: d n5 trrr.tM�irt Telephone No.. Zli.iC,$L3 -7rC Fax No.: 741'-3r. -Yam Stere; Dale: $ �id!"• ' Oro y�Df4�o 9 of �° fi FEMAFomt "A. SEP 02 Elevation Form MT -11 Form 2 Page 10: 2 For FEMA Use Only Th:S certification is to be signed and sealed by a licensed land surveyor, registered professional engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify etevatlon information. All documents submitted in support of this request are correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false sfatement ma be gunishablea line or imprisonment under Tdie 98 of the united States Code, Section 1001. f CerGBers Name: Kay J3. Jo4 n s a &I License No.: Z S'2 Y �� Expiration Date: / _ CGi.gTany ivcS,e: 1144tSo-m F— M'• erti2iephOlie No.: Signature.* > axtvo.: Date: '117- 7/6 FEWA Form 85-87q; SEP 62 Elevation Form / €it3-'i Farm 2 Page lor Continued from Page 5. Lot Number ''=" LmP.--st t of i_os.est Adjacent iatade To o Structure 1 p..se RoodNumberElevation Elevation 2 s-lH 2sy3 0 ' 25-43•L , 7.5-gq, 25gz,7. l 113,1 a 5 YY / z 5 'lx,g Z: I z` 25 � ysy . J 25y3.> Zsys. f zsYYs 2sd2.-tri zsf/,z z ZSYz,[z SY3,1 2S�o.s Zp z$-lLr! ZSv�?) ZSt/a.3 ZD asyL7 zsyz,� ZSHo.a 3/ �y 93 93 zsHL7 2-5y"3 A7`v Yo;Ho, Z5yz,7 25Y1,6 zs39. 3 t. 5- 2,4'39,3 i 7 z rH/, l ' 7- 5HD,7 2 539.39, S 3.-. -7 For FEMA Use Only Th:S certification is to be signed and sealed by a licensed land surveyor, registered professional engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify etevatlon information. All documents submitted in support of this request are correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false sfatement ma be gunishablea line or imprisonment under Tdie 98 of the united States Code, Section 1001. f CerGBers Name: Kay J3. Jo4 n s a &I License No.: Z S'2 Y �� Expiration Date: / _ CGi.gTany ivcS,e: 1144tSo-m F— M'• erti2iephOlie No.: Signature.* > axtvo.: Date: '117- 7/6 FEWA Form 85-87q; SEP 62 Elevation Form / €it3-'i Farm 2 Page lor FOM F=orm 811-87A, SLS 02 Elevation Form � -i Farce 2 ftga4-w 3W4 - Continued from Page 1- i LM }dumber ui FSA Form 81-8'7A, SEP- uZ Elevation r=a.-m fAT-: Farm 2 Page- ydf' s Continued from Page tot Number 4 L ow"a 4? Number EtevaFion LGwest . Adjacent Grade ! ;o 5tn;mre I Eietation I For FEMA Liss Only - 3( -t3l 25-7,12.9 Z!0'3, i 7,3 yo• - 32 23y2,7 2sy3.7 2TY0,6 33 5y7,:�r zs-15, 25- 3'` j j 25`12,3 a513,3 f ZYYaS i 3 zSSKz-1 Zs 3J 2s°1o,y/ 36 zSyo,9 z.ryl, 12SyO, 37 zSNI,° SKZ•o Z4Y6, " � 38 s�l•� zsUZ,p ZS�/O,S E ?9 z s�lb� zsyz.s' z sycs No Z S // L Z SYZ,L 25�(U 3 / asyl , Z 2 `/z, L y 10 z5-0, S- zsyoo 43 25'1, 7 25Nz • 2539.7 ZS,/f.0 2,5,H2,6 2:5°fo, / els zSvl• s- 7,5-/2.5 7,571/0,0 K6 2 s`'(l• 2 5'17,V 25397 y7 aS /•3 ! 05KZ.3 2s 39.6 i(� 2 Sy/•/ ZS`iL• / 237, yy 2 5"r/O, S z s�1/,t3 Z S3�i•3 S° zS�/o, S 7,i y/,5 2539.4 y-/Zz. j 27,2555 ,/ ,575 7-7 ya,o 2E39,� ! 1/2,U Z53q,0z, o 7 z 1/1 ? 3-3929 56 Yh� 7,538. $% 7,53`!,7 2Syo.� 253U•a e '.tris cert-iticalion is to be signed and sealed by a licensed land surveyor, registered professional engineer, or architect author¢ad by lav; to certiy elevation information_ All documents submitted in support of this request are correct to the best of my knowledge. F understand that any false statement m2l be Punishable by fine orimpfisonment under Tide i8 ofthe finked States Code, section 1001. CerSfier's Name:(2 license No.: ?szy, Expiration Date: C.-mpany None: J- k3i+t 6i++ In. �ewrn.� TeiephOne No.: ZGy_ 323-7J uj Fax No.: Signature: Date: ?/2, 76J� �dGIP;Er `o Gn na!} j N tr FSA Form 81-8'7A, SEP- uZ Elevation r=a.-m fAT-: Farm 2 Page- ydf' IC KI a LLg� �>O LL >wV w�o w�a ZpUI SQ� o AT \ I FALU ✓If 11"rp, WWJ Lx i m LL a` �QSQFfi�S8S��8�S8. Sd555 F5�5 �$�a5o s��sz le Isssss ;999 �� 333;3WyW WWWWWWw m- omN�"Wi �?�ie.nign�na i TpAFrnnfl3�pli+. 5+3+�,9i pX fOVwmngIONVYn UOIO NWZNZZZZZZZWNNN s es I;r o >$ Wg !M 5 555 55355 r a_� Ee - s opps 2� iF �'S�OmN�VTS�mnO OFE$ �m fg cd��n�n$e~mi®� p ��~�^wy;�$333m33333 $i ayFa E HMvbi �Wn <� �YI��mNNN`jN2NZW�, T i l o m . r / q a ow Q W m$ IC KI a LLg� �>O LL >wV w�o w�a ZpUI SQ� o AT \ I FALU ✓If 11"rp, WWJ Lx i m LL a` �QSQFfi�S8S��8�S8. Sd555 F5�5 �$�a5o s��sz le Isssss ;999 �� 333;3WyW WWWWWWw m- omN�"Wi �?�ie.nign�na i TpAFrnnfl3�pli+. 5+3+�,9i pX fOVwmngIONVYn UOIO NWZNZZZZZZZWNNN s es I;r o >$ Wg !M 5 555 55355 r a_� Ee - s opps 2� iF �'S�OmN�VTS�mnO OFE$ �m fg cd��n�n$e~mi®� p ��~�^wy;�$333m33333 $i ayFa E HMvbi �Wn <� �YI��mNNN`jN2NZW�, T i ! 19, T.4N., RAE., BOISE MERIDIAN, CITY OF PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: The basis of bearings for this plat is the line between the East Y4 comer of Section 19, T 4 N, R 1 E. B.M. and the Northeast corner of Section 19, T 4 N, R 1E, B.M., which bears N 0112'58" E. Commencing at the Section comer common to Sections 17, 18, 19 or 20. T 4N, R 1E, B.M.: thence S 45'11'51" E 995.48 feet to a point on Banbury Meadows No. 5 Subdivision, the Point of Beginning; thence along the boundary of Banbury Meadows No. 5 S 41'50'30" W 122.82 feet; thence S 85'18'39" IN 72.48 feet; thence S 58'09'53" W 301.80 feet; thence leaving the boundary of Banbury Meadows No. 5 Subdivision S 58'09'53" W 59.96 feet; thence N 84'21"09" W 158.13 feet; thence S 89'26'29" W 204.57 feet; thence N 57y48^12" W 181,72 feet; thence S 41'20'05" W S 65'52'01" W N 59'37'24" W S 16'11'35" W N 64'3,04" W N 30'31'11" E N 53'02'41" E N 654841" E N 76'27'57" E N 83'14'03" E N 87'22'49" E S 7223'33" E S 57730'58" E S 64'30'24" E S 60'34'21" E 81.29 feet; 89.95 feet; 255.09 feet 27.67 feet; 181.89 feet; 212.35 feet; 56.97 feet; 115.36 feet; 583.55 feet; 186.26 feet; 105.80 feet; 131.18 feet; 190.18 feet; 190.26 feet; 205.73 feet 16.17 ACRES thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence thence to the Point of Beginn