Flood Control - LOMR - Hamilton Floodway, Eagle Road b/w North & South Channel - 11/5/2015y. T 0 ND SF.C'J4` CIT" e OF EAGLE Federal Emergency Manageme t Agp���m CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED The Honorable James Reynolds Mayor, City of Eagle 660 East Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Mayor Reynolds: Washington, D.C. 20472 Fite: Routo to: y November 17, 2015 IN REPLY REFER TO: Case No.: 15-10-0917P Community Name: City of Eagle, ID Community No.: 160003 FIRM Panel Affected: 16001 C0161 H, 16001C0162H In a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) dated June 24, 2015, you were notified of proposed flood hazard determinations affecting the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and FIood Insurance Study (FIS) report for the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho. These determinations were for Boise River - from approximately 2,175 feet upstream of Eagle Road to approximately 3,470 feet upstream of Eagle Road. The 90 -day appeal period that was initiated on July 8, 2015, when the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published a notice of proposed Flood Hazard Determinations in The Idaho Statesman has elapsed. FEMA received no valid requests for changes to the modified flood hazard information. Therefore, the modified flood hazard information for your community that became effective on November 5, 2015, remains valid and revises the FIRM and FIS report that were in effect prior to that date. The modifications are pursuant to Section 206 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-234) and are in accordance with the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended (Title XIII of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, Public Law 901148), 42 U.S.C. 40014128, and 44 CFR Part 65. The community number(s) and suffix code(s) are unaffected by this revision. The community number and appropriate suffix code as shown above will be used by the National Flood insurance Program (NFIP) for all flood insurance policies and renewals issued for your community. FEMA has developed criteria for floodplain management as required under the above-mentioned Acts of 1968 and 1973. To continue participation in the NFIP, your community must use the modified flood hazard information to carry out the floodplain management regulations for the NFIP. The modified flood hazard information will also be used to calculate the appropriate flood insurance premium rates for all new buildings and their contents and for the second layer of insurance on existing buildings and their contents. If you have any questions regarding the necessary floodplain management measures for your community or the NFD' in general, please contact the Mitigation Division Director, FEMA Region X, in Bothel, Washington, either by telephone at (425) 4874600, or in writing at Federal Regional Center, 130 - 228th Street, Southwest, Bothell, WA 98021. 2 If you have any questions regarding the LOMR, the proposed flood hazard determinations, or mapping issues in general, please call the FEMA Map information eXchange, toll free, at (877) 336-2627 (877 -FEMA MAP). Sincerely, Luis Rodriguez, P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration cc: The Honorable Dave Case Mr. William E. Vaughan, AICP Ms. Angie Gilman Mr. Michael Mongell Mr. Keri Smith-Sigman, CFM Mr. Karl Gebhart, P.E. Federal Emergency Management Age CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED The Honorable James Reynolds Mayor, City of Eagle 660 East Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Dear Mayor Reynolds: Washington, D.C. 20472 June 24, 2015 RECEIVED & FILED CYCITY OF EAGLE JUN 2 9 20 Flle: Route to: IN REPLY REFER TO: Case No.: 15-10-0917P Community Name: City Of Eagle, ID Community No.: I60003 Effective Date of This Revision: November 5, 2015 The Flood Insurance Study Report and Flood Insurance Rate Map for your community have been revised by this Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). Please use the enclosed annotated map panels revised by this LOMR for floodplain management purposes and for all flood insurance policies and renewals issued in your community. Additional documents are enclosed which provide information regarding this LOMR. Please see the List of Enclosures below to determine which documents are included. Other attachments specific to this request may be included as referenced in the Determination Document. If you have any questions regarding floodplain management regulations for your community or the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in general, please contact the Consultation Coordination Officer for your community. If you have any technical questions regarding this LOMR, please contact the Director, Mitigation Division of the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in Bothell, Washington, at (425) 4874682, or the FEMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1 -877 -FEMA MAP). Additional information about the NFIP is available on our website at http://www.fema.gov/business/nfip. Luis Rodriguez, P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration List of Enclosures: Letter of Map Revision Determination Document Annotated Flood Insurance Rate Map Annotated Flood Insurance Study Report cc: The Honorable Dave Case Mr. William E. Vaughan, AICP Ms. Angie Gilman Mr. Michael Mongell Mr. Keri Smith-Sigman, CFM Mr. Karl Gebhart, P.E. Page 1 of 5 Issue Date: June 24, 2015 Effective Date: November 5, 2015 7 Case No.: 15-10-0917P LOMR-APP x Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT COMMUNITY AND REVISION INFORMATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION BASIS OF REQUEST City Of Eagle FILL FLOODWAY Ada County HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Idaho NEW TOPOGRAPHIC DATA COMMUNITY COMMUNITY NO.: 160003 IDENTIFIER Boise River Eagle- Idaho Previous Case No- 15-10-0140P APPROXIMATE LATITUDE & LONGITUDE: 43.683, -116.346 SOURCE: Other DATUM: NAD 83 ANNOTATED MAPPING ENCLOSURES ANNOTATED STUDY ENCLOSURES TYPE FIRM' NO 16001CO161H DATE February 19- 2003 DATE OF EFFECTIVE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY October 02 2003 TYPE FIRM' NO 16001CO162H DATE. February 19. 2003 FLOODWAY DATA TABLE TABLE 3 Enclosures reflect changes to flooding sources affected by this revision. ' FIRM - Flood Insurance Rate Map FLOODING SOURCE(S) & REVISED REACH(ES) Boise River- From approximately 2,175 feet upstream of Eagle Road to approximately 3,470 feet upstream of Eagle Road SUMMARY OF REVISIONS Flooding Source Effective Flooding Revised Flooding Increases Decreases Boise River Floodway Floodway YES YES DETERMINATION This document provides the determination from the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regarding a request for a Letter of Map Revision (LOMB) for the area described above. Using the information submitted, we have determined that a revision to the flood hazards depicted in the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report and/or National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map is warranted. This document revises the effective NFIP map, as indicated in the attached documentation. Please use the enclosed annotated map panels revised by this LOMB for floodplain management purposes and for all flood insurance policies and renewals in your community. This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. if you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1 -877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 847 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 223044605. Additional Information about the NFIP Is available on our website at http://www.fema.govinrip. Luis Rodriguez, P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 15-10-0917P 102-1-C Page 2 of 5 Issue Date: June 24, 2015 Effective Date: November 5, 2015 Case No.: 15-10-0917P LOMR-APP j't4JVD5VC' Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) OTHER COMMUNITIES AFFECTED BY THIS REVISION CID Number: 160001 Name: Unincorporated Areas of Ada County, Idaho AFFECTED MAP PANELS AFFECTED PORTIONS OF THE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY REPORT TYPE: FIRM' NO-' 16001CO161H DATE: February 19, 2003 DATE OF EFFECTIVE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY; October 2- 2003 FLOODWAY DATA TABLE TABLE 3 This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1 -877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 847 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304-4605. Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at hUp://www.fema.govinfip. Luis Rodriguez, P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 15-10-0917P 102-1-C Page 3 of 5 Issue Date: June 24, 2015 Effective Date: November 5, 2015 Case No.: 15-10-0917P LOMR-APP 7� Federal Emergency Management Agency 0 z 0,ND SEWashington, D.C. 20472 LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION APPLICABLE NFIP REGULATIONS/COMMUNITY OBLIGATION We have made this determination pursuant to Section 206 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) and in accordance with the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended (Title XIII of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, P.L. 90-448), 42 U.S.C. 40014128, and 44 CFR Part 65. Pursuant to Section 1361 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended, communities participating in the NFIP are required to adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations that meet or exceed NFIP criteria. These criteria, including adoption of the FIS report and FIRM, and the modifications made by this LOMB, are the minimum requirements for continued NFIP participation and do not supersede more stringent State Commonwealth or local requirements to which the regulations apply. We provide the floodway designation to your community as a tool to regulate floodplain development. Therefore, the floodway revision we have described in this letter, while acceptable to us, must also be acceptable to your community and adopted by appropriate community action, as specified in Paragraph 60.3(d) of the NFIP regulations. COMMUNITY REMINDERS We based this determination on the I -percent -annual -chance flood discharges computed in the FIS for your community without considering subsequent changes in watershed characteristics that could increase flood discharges. Future development of projects upstream could cause increased flood discharges, which could cause increased flood hazards. A comprehensive restudy of your community's flood hazards would consider the cumulative effects of development on flood discharges subsequent to the publication of the FIS report for your community and could, therefore, establish greater flood hazards in this area. Your community must regulate all proposed floodplain development and ensure that permits required by Federal and/or State/Commonwealth law have been obtained. State+Commonwealth or community officials, based on knowledge of local conditions and in the interest of safety, may set higher standards for construction or may limit development in floodplain areas. If your State, Commonwealth or community has adopted more restrictive or comprehensive floodplain management criteria, those criteria take precedence over the minimum NFIP requirements - We will not print and distribute this LOMR to primary users, such as local insurance agents or mortgage lenders; instead, the community will serve as a repository for the new data. We encourage you to disseminate the information in this LOMR by preparing a news release for publication in your community's newspaper that describes the revision and explains how your community will provide the data and help interpret the NFIP maps. In that way, interested persons, such as property owners, insurance agents, and mortgage lenders, can benefit from the information. This revision has met our criteria for removing an area from the 1 -percent -annual -chance floodplain to reflect the placement of fill. However, we encourage you to require that the Iowest adjacent grade and lowest floor (including basement) of any structure placed within the subject area be elevated to or above the Base ( I -percent-annual- chance) Flood Elevation. This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional Information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document. please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1 -877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse. 847 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 223044605- Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at hnp:11www fema.gov/nfip. Luis Rodriguez. P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 15-10-0917P 102-1-C Page 4 of 5 Issue Date: June 24, 2015 Effective Date: November 5, 2015 Case No.: 15-10-0917P LOMB -APP Federal Emergency Management Agency xo Washington, D.C. 20472 dND StiGJ� LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) We have designated a Consultation Coordination Officer (CCO) to assist your community. The CCO will be the primary liaison between your community and FEMA. For information regarding your CCO, please contact: Mr. Mark Carey Director, Mitigation Division Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region X Federal Regional Center 130 228th Street, Southwest Bothell, WA 98021-8627 (425)487-4682 STATUS OF THE COMMUNITY NFIP MAPS We will not physically revise and republish the FIRM and FIS report for your community to reflect the modifications made by this LOMR at this time. When changes to the previously cited FIRM panel(s) and FIS report warrant physical revision and republication in the future, we will incorporate the modifications made by this LOMR at that time. This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1 -877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 847 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 223044605. Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at http://www.fema.gov/nfip. Luis Rodriguez, P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 15-10.0917P 102-1-C Page 5 of 5 Issue Date: June 24, 2015 Effective Date: November 5, 2015 Case No.: 15-10-0917P LOMB -APP r�F �bRp� Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 1VD 5'E�Jv LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) A notice of changes will be published in the Federal Register. This information also will be published in your local newspaper on or about the dates listed below and through FEMA's Flood Hazard Mapping website at hups:ilwww.floodmaps.fema.gov flun/Scripts/bfe—main.asp. LOCAL NEWSPAPER Name: Idaho Statesman Dates: July 1, 2015 and July S, 2015 Within 90 days of the second publication in the local newspaper, a citizen may request that we reconsider this determination. Any request for reconsideration must be based on scientific or technical data. Therefore, this letter will be effective only after the 90 -day appeal period has elapsed and we have resolved any appeals that we receive during this appeal period. Until this LOMR is effective, the revised flood hazard determination presented in this LOMR may be changed. This determination Is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional Information regarding this determination_ If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1 -877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 847 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 223044605. Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at ht(p://www.fema.gov/nrip. Luis Rodriguez, P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 15-10-0917P 102-1-C tiQARr 0 7ND 5�GJ4• Federal Emergency Management Agency CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED The Honorable Dave Case District Commissioner Ada County 200 W Front St 3Rd Floor Boise, ID 83702 Dear Mr. Case: Washington, D.C. 20472 June 24, 2015 IN REPLY REFER TO: Case No.: 15-10-0917P Community Name: Ada County, ID Community No.: 160001 Effective Date of This Revision: November 5, 2015 The Flood Insurance Study Report and Flood Insurance Rate Map for your community have been revised by this Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). Please use the enclosed annotated map panel(s) revised by this LOMR for floodplain management purposes and for all flood insurance policies and renewals issued in your community. Additional documents are enclosed which provide information regarding this LOMB. Please see the List of Enclosures below to determine which documents are included. Other attachments specific to this request may be included as referenced in the Determination Document. If you have any questions regarding floodplain management regulations for your community or the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in general, please contact the Consultation Coordination Officer for your community. If you have any technical questions regarding this LOMR, please contact the Director, Mitigation Division of the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in Bothell, Washington, at (425) 4874682, or the FEMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1 -877 -FEMA MAP). Additional information about the NFIP is available on our website at http://www.fema.gov/business/nfip. Luis Rodriguez, P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration List of Enclosures: Letter of Map Revision Determination Document Annotated FIood Insurance Rate Map Annotated Flood Insurance Study Report cc: The Honorable James Reynolds Mr. William E. Vaughan, AICP Ms. Angie Gilman Mr. Michael Mongell Mr. Keri Smith-Sigman, CFM Mr. Karl Gebhart, P.E. Page 1 of 5 Issue Date: June 24, 2015 Effective Date: November 5, 2015 Casa No.: 15-10-0917P LOMB -APP 09*", Federal. Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT COMMUNITY AND REVISION INFORMATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION BASIS OF REQUEST Ada County FILL FLOODWAY Idaho HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS (Unincorporated Areas) NEW TOPOGRAPHIC DATA COMMUNITY COMMUNITY NO.: 160001 IDENTIFIER Boise River, Eagle- Idaho Previous Case No 15-10-0140P APPROXIMATE LATITUDE & LONGITUDE: 43.683, -116.346 SOURCE: Other DATUM: NAD 83 ANNOTATED MAPPING ENCLOSURES ANNOTATED STUDY ENCLOSURES TYPE FIRM' NO 16001CO161H DATE February 19- 2003 DATE OF EFFECTIVE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY Oclober 02. 2003 FLOODWAY DATA TABLE TABLE 3 Enclosures reflect changes to flooding sources affected by this revision. • FIRM - Flood Insurance Rate Map FLOODING SOURCE(S) & REVISED REACH(ES) Boise River - From approximately 2,175 feet upstream of Eagle Road to approximately 3,470 feet upstream of Eagle Road SUMMARY OF REVISIONS Flooding Source Effective Flooding Revised Flooding Increases Decreases Boise River, North Channel Floodway Floodway YES YES DETERMINATION This document provides the determination from the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regarding a request for a Letter of Map Revision (LOMB) for the area described above. Using the information submitted, we have determined that a revision to the flood hazards depicted in the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report andlor National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map is warranted. This document revises the effective NFIP map, as indicated in the attached documentation. Please use the enclosed annotated map panels revised by this LOMR for floodplain management purposes and for all flood insurance policies and renewals in your Community. This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange loll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1 -877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 847 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 223044605. Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at ht1pJ/www.fema.gov1nfip. Luis Rodriguez, P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 15-10-0917P 102-1-C Page 2 of 5 Issue Date: June 24, 2015 Effective Date: November 5, 2015 Case No.: 15-10-0917P LOMR-APP Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 �t tND 5E�J� LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) OTHER COMMUNITIES AFFECTED BY THIS REVISION CID Number: 160003 Name: City Of Eagle, Idaho AFFECTED MAP PANELS AFFECTED PORTIONS OF THE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY REPORT TYPE: FIRM' NO' 16001CO161H DATE: February 19- 2003 DATE OF EFFECTIVE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY; October 2- 2003 TYPE FIRM' NO- 16001CO162H DATE: February 19- 2003 FLOODWAY DATA TABLE- TABLE 3 This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange loll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1 -877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOW Clearinghouse, 847 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304-4605. Additional Information about the NFIP Is available on our website at htlp:Uwww.fema.gov/nfip. RR� Luis Rodriguez, P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 15-10-0917P 102-1-C Page 3 of 5 Issue Date: June 24, 2015 Effective Date: November 5, 2015 Case No.: 15-10-0917P LOMR-APP 4 RTM` 0, Federal Emergency Management Agency Off Jam. Washington, D.C. 20472 D SEG LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION APPLICABLE NFIP REGULATIONS/COMMUNITY OBLIGATION We have made this determination pursuant to Section 206 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) and in accordance with the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended (Title XIII of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, P.L. 90448), 42 U.S.C. 40014128, and 44 CFR Part 65. Pursuant to Section 1361 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended, communities participating in the NFIP are required to adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations that meet or exceed NFIP criteria. These criteria, including adoption of the FIS report and FIRM, and the modifications made by this LOMR, are the minimum requirements for continued NFIP participation and do not supersede more stringent State/Commonwealth or local requirements to which the regulations apply. We provide the floodway designation to your community as a tool to regulate floodplain development. Therefore, the floodway revision we have described in this letter, while acceptable to us, must also be acceptable to your community and adopted by appropriate community action, as specified in Paragraph 60.3(d) of the NFIP regulations. COMMUNITY REMINDERS We based this determination on the I-percent-annual-chance flood discharges computed in the FIS for your community without considering subsequent changes in watershed characteristics that could increase flood discharges. Future development of projects upstream could cause increased flood discharges, which could cause increased flood hazards. A comprehensive restudy of your community's flood hazards would consider the cumulative effects of development on flood discharges subsequent to the publication of the FIS report for your community and could, therefore, establish greater flood hazards in this area. Your community must regulate all proposed floodplain development and ensure that permits required by Federal and/or State/Commonwealth law have been obtained. State/Commonwealth or community officials, based on knowledge of local conditions and in the interest of safety, may set higher standards for construction or may limit development in floodplain areas. If your State/Commonwealth or community has adopted more restrictive or comprehensive floodplain management criteria, those criteria take precedence over the minimum NFIP requirements. We will not print and distribute this LOMR to primary users, such as local insurance agents or mortgage lenders; instead, the community will serve as a repository for the new data. We encourage you to disseminate the information in this LOMR by preparing a news release for publication in your community's newspaper that describes the revision and explains how your community will provide the data and help interpret the NFIP maps. In that way, interested persons, such as property owners, insurance agents, and mortgage lenders, can benefit from the information. This revision has met our criteria for removing an area from the I-percent-annual-chance floodplain to reflect the placement of fill. However, we encourage you to require that the lowest adjacent grade and lowest floor (including basement) of any structure placed within the subject area be elevated to or above the Base (1-percent-annual-chance) Flood Elevation. This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional Information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 847 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304-4605. Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at htIp:Avww.fema.gov/nfip. Luis Rodriguez, P.E.. Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 15-10-0917P 102-1-C Page 4 of 5 Issue Date: June 24, 2015 Effective Date: November 5, 2015 Case No.: '15-10-0917P LOMR-APP ° Federal Emergency Management Agency x oWashington, D.C. 20472 AND SE�J�` LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) We have designated a Consultation Coordination Officer (CCO) to assist your community. The CCO will be the primary liaison between your community and FEMA. For information regarding your CCO, please contact: Mr. Mark Carey Director, Mitigation Division Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region X Federal Regional Center 130 228th Street, Southwest Bothell, WA 98021-8627 (425) 4874682 STATUS OF THE COMMUNITY NFIP MAPS We will not physically revise and republish the FIRM and FIS report for your community to reflect the modifications made by this LOMR at this time. When changes to the previously cited FIRM panel(s) and FIS report warrant physical revision and republication in the future, we will incorporate the modifications made by this LOMR at that time. This determination Is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional Information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange loll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 847 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 223044605. Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at httpJ/www.fema.gov/nfp. Luis Rodriguez, P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 15-10-0917P 102-1-C I Page 5 of 5 f Issue Date: June 24, 2015 1 Effective Date: November 5, 2015 1 Case No.: 15-10-0917P I LOMR-APP I Federal Emergency Management Agency °w '; Washington, D.C. 20472 �lw atC LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) A notice of changes will be published in the Federal Register. This information also will be published in your local newspaper on or about the dates listed below and through FEMA's Flood Hazard Mapping website at https:r,�www.floodmaps.fema.gov' fht11/Scripts/bfe—main.asp. LOCAL NEWSPAPER Name: Idaho Statesman Dates: July 1, 2015 and July 8, 2015 Within 90 days of the second publication in the local newspaper, a citizen may request that we reconsider this determination. Any request for reconsideration must be based on scientific or technical data. Therefore, this Ietter will be effective only after the 90 -day appeal period has elapsed and we have resolved any appeals that we receive during this appeal period. Until this LOMR is effective, the revised flood hazard determination presented in this LOMR may be changed. This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document. please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1 -877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse. 847 South Pickett Street. Alexandria. VA 223044605. Additional Information about the NFIP is available on our website at http://www.fema-gov/nfip Luis Rodriguez_ P.E., Chief Engineering Management Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 15-10-0917P r O N to fr w m w 0 w U w LL LL w 0 J U w J LL LU x 0 0 w LU W O t'� a0 O lO ID n YD 00 N M Ip t` lll� O n t- O U 2 Z } �[ t7TORt7 �OOdm09r! r! IC«t+ONlDoodt': M Q ~ �G �D V7 r r a0 ONO OMO o0 Ch T p~Q ppW N N M M ih h V7 v1 V1 V) h V1 V7 V) VS h V7 ON Lu N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N r �U Z � W w W tai II' } S Q � p 3 � h oo oo p %0 m M oo t- V7 oo CJ M in t- %0 c)" mt O N � M N -'1 P, 0� N t*1 `�t �O O �-- N %n �--- t- � �O O ori M . v. Q > m o o °nn� n °I °I°On,°°v;2 S�o.o c a o W W im, N N N N N N N N N N N (d N N N N N N N N (14 N N U) } 7 0 to } tT n O0 09 O ID M n00 t- h 00 O M V� C-: N O 0 r. 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