Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 404 S Eagle Road - Eagle Pavilion Sub - 10/17/2000 001;. 1 7 Rifi8f\f~fP~'F'I LED CITY OF EAGLE 'n ox 208- '2-7437 p.2 ........ JUN 0 7 2001 EDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGeMENT AG!NCY NATIONAl FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE 1m rtant: Raad tM Instructions on 1 a 7. SECTION A . PROPERTY OWNf!R INFORMATION O.M.B. No. 3067-0077 Expires July 31, 2002 File: Route to: BUILDING OWNER'S NAMe ;a:u.~2.$ ~/'V ~:r..____. BUIL.DlNG STR.EET ADDRESS (Including AfIt.'(jt, Sub, end/ol Bldg. No.) OR P.O. R 1'EAND BOX NO. -4:12.4 ~. EA&~ J?PAR rr~~T CITY STATE _6A~ 1&Wb ~.3~/~ PROPeRTY ~CRlPTlON (lot .lId BIoc:k Numbers. Tax PIIfOII Number, l.eg*1 Oewlptlon, .u;.) p~r'~AI 011I ~T ~;t. MI'. 1011I .PAt"4I'C'AoI ~Fn~/./OAl BUIL~ USE (e,g,. ~d8ntiaI. N ....identlal.Add!tion, ACQUIOIY. etc. OM mtntuedlon ifnecess.ary,) ~'i'A~ LATlTUOE/!. (OPTIONAl) HORIZONTAL OATUM: SOURCE: 1-1 GPS (Type): ( #If..'. .... or #I#:tIfiMiII") U NAD 1927 I_I HAD 1983 Ll USGS Quad Map For Insurance Company U~: , Po1lGy Number 'ComI:I,~y NArC Number ZIP CODE L_l Other: SECTiON B . fLOOD tN$URANCE RATE MAP (FUUI) INFORMATION 61 NFjf) COMMUNiTY NAME & COMMUNiTY N~R GA~us ,~OOO. ~. MAP AND PANfiL 66. SUFFIX NUMBER c: 810. Indicate the source ofthe BaGe Flood Elev (BFE) dIIta Of base flood depth entered in Be. I_I FIS Profile U FIRM ~ Community Oetennlned U Other (Desoribe): B 11. Indicate the elevation datum uaed tor the BFE in 89: U NGVD 1929 ~ NA VO 1988 L.J Other (Describe): . 812. Is the building located In . Coaatal Barrlw Reeourcee System (CBRS) erea or OthefWIse Protected Area (OPA)? U y~ ~ No Designation Delte: 8ECTlON C . BUILDING IELlVAT10H INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C 1, BuDding elelJatloos are based on:Ueon.tructlon Drewlngs" I-'BuIkling Under Construction" ~inished Construction i .A :new Elevation C.~ will be Nquired whltn conlltruotion of the building II.OQmpltt., C2; BuUding Diagram NuJl'i)<< ....1..- (Select the building diagram moat similar to the buRding for which thill certiftcate 15 being completed - SEle . p~es 6 and 7, If no diagram accl.irately rtpClMel1t, the bWlklln9, pl'O\lide a $ketch or photograph,) C3. EltilJBtions - Zones A1.A30, AE. AM, A (with BFE), VE, V1.V30. V (with BFE). AR. ARiA, ARlAE, ARiA1-A30. ARlAH, ARJAO Complete Items C3e-i below according to the b\lUcllng diagram aptcified In Item C2, State the datum uNd. If the datum i$ dIfferent from the datum used for the 6FE In Section B, convert the datum to that used f(Jr the BFE. Show field measurements and datum con...erllion calculation. Use the aper.e provided or the Commerm er.. of Section D or Section G, as appropriate, to document the datum conversion, Datum N.I& VD .S Converslon/Comments .... Elevation reference mark used Does the elevation rererenOlt mark UMcl appear on It't$ FIRM? LJ Yea ~I No a a) Top of bottom lloor (including basement or encIo&ure) Ill. ,.g . U ft.(m) 1 ...\ ".'- Y.N. o b) Top of next higherftoor - ,E.J:ft.(m) ~Q~ .~~ o c) Bottom of Iowe~t horilont., 'tructural member f'J lones only) ^f" AI. . t!rl'l.(m) ,~ T ~ ~~ o d) Att8C~d garage (top ofalab) - .l!Cft.(m} ~.' 'I) CJ e) Lowest elevation of machinefy and/or uquipment 'I 8 '1 9 0 servldng the buIICSfng ,.sa .4 ft.(m) ~ c. :D o f) Lowest adjacent grade (LAG) g,6.7. '!r ,"fl(m) i. 'f1.\~ ft1.I7~OO ,~ o 9) Highest 41dj&cent grade (HAG) ~",. SO . Ltft.(m) ~ \~ ~1'i ,.~ ~, D h) No. of ~nt opening5 (1100" venta) wlthln 1 ft. abov. edjaoent grade (;) ~ rtA ~ 0' \~ ~ Q I) Total area of all pennllC1ef1t openings (ftood venm) in C3h 0 SQ. in. (9q, em) ~(, 11. ~ I I SECTION 0 . SURVEYOR, ENOINt!EA, OA ARCHITECT CEATIFICATlON Thi~ ~rtfficatlon is to be 6igMd and sealed by a land surveyor, enginMr, or archlt.ct authortz.ed by taw to certify elevation information, J Cflrt{fy rhat the Information in S8cifon8 A, 8, and C on this celtificate r&pte3eilts my best efforts to Jntetpret the data avaJ/sbJ8. J understand that 80y falstl sts/Bm6lnt may be punishable by fine or imprisonment undtf 18 U.S. Code. Seotion 1001, ..._____ CE~T1FIER'S NAME . L1CENft NUMB~R TITlEZ;;:';"'~EN;;:;;;~~:Io~&~ .,~ ~ . ADDRE~ .Ill..-. .,., ' At ZIP CODE S<;NA~~~ "':_(~~ 1.=' ,~~~-~~c. I"EMA Fonn 81.31, AUG 99 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CONTINUATION REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS