Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 398 S Eagle Road - Eagle Pavilion Sub - 8/17/1999 Aug-17-99 11:52A Arrow Land Surveying 208 939- ELEVATION CERTIFICATE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ATTENTION: Use of this certiflcato does not provide a waiver ot the flood in$Urance purchase req. relJle~t This lor~ is used only t provide elevalion Inlonnalion necessary to ensure compliance with appticable community floodplaJ rlfM8g9fReRt, ~fd'l''''~~ to determinu the pt'oper insuranc;e premium rato, and/or to support a roquesl for a l.ettet of Map Arne dfik)at~Avl"lnn (L.Oa -. 8r LO R). . Instructions for completing this fonn can be found on the followl RECEIVE~fk CITY Or.~i.a;JI, AUG 1 7 1999 SECTION A PROPERTY INFORMATION BUllDIHGOWNER'S NAMEttZza "'" f - lJA eml 11 _ _ _ STREEiAODRfSs (1ndU(jjng Apt, Unlr. Suite a~( Bldg. Numbef) OR P.O. ~~D % NUtolBER Q~oz;;r-j:tffrloc-*'i.~on Pad A ..-- - - _.__' I_~ I.. ---- ITY STATE C ~k ID SECTION B FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (ARM) INFORMATION FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE "Olley HUMB~ - . '-,-1 COMPANY HAle NUMBER ZIP CODE 8$'lb Provide lhe foUowing from the proper FIRM (See Instruclions): I. COIMooIUNITY HlM8ER 2. PI,NF.L NUMBER 3. SLJrTlx " DATE OF FIRM IMl8( 5. FlAM lONE 8. BASE flOOD ELl:vATlON (In AO ZQltfts. use deplhl IbtJoo 3 Ct:JO I ~ /()- 17-8'5 A3 'Z'5'5b 7. Indicale the elevation datum system used on the FIRM for Base Rood Elevalions (BFE): L.I NGVO '29 n Other (describe on back) 8. For Zones A Or V, where no BFE is provided on the FIRM. and the community has established a BFE for this building site, indicale the community's BFE: L I Ii! 1.1 J feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum-see Sedion B, Item 7). SECTION C BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION 1, Using the Elevation Certificate Instructions, indicar the diagram number from the diagrams found on Pages 5 and 6 that best describes the subjeCl building's relerenco level _ _ 2(a). FIRM Zones A1-A30, AE. AH. and A (with BFE). Tho top of the reference level floor from the selected diagram is at an alevation of ut~ .U1feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum-see Section B, Item 7). . (b), FIRM ZOnes V1-V30, VE. and V (wilh BFE). The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member oflhe reference levellrom the selected diagram, is at an elevalion 01 L.! 1_L..LJ LJ feel NGVD (or other FIRM datum-see Section B. Itom 7). (e). FIRM Zone A (without BFE) Tho floor used as tho reference level from the selectod diagram is LJ...,J.I I feet abovo I -lor below 0 (check one) tho highest grade adjacenl 10 lhe building. (d). FIRM Zone AO. The floor used as lhe relerence level Irom the selected diagram is Uj, U feel above 0 or below 0 (check one) lhe highest grade adjacent to the building. If no flood depth number is available, is the bUilding'S lowest floor (reference level) elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain rnanagoment ordinance? 0 Yes I --I No 0 Unknown 3. Indicate the elevation datum system used in determining the above roference level elevations: ~ NGVO '29 n Other (describo under ComrnenlS On Page 2). (NOTE: If tile elevation datum used in measuring thEl alovations is different than that usod on the FIRM (588 Section B, Item 7}. then convert the etQVatiOrls to the cL'Jtum system llSOO on the FIRM and show the conversion equation uOOst Comments on Page 2.) 4. Elevation reference mark used appears on fiRM: r 'J Yes 00 No (See Instrudions on Page 4) 5. The reterence level elevation is based on: ~ actual construction [..I construction drawings (NOTE: USfI of constrl/ction dfiJwings is only valid if the bUilding does not yet !lave the r~fefP.nce level floor in place. in which case this certificate win only bo valid for the building daring Iflt:! wurse of construction. A post construction Elevation Certificate will be required once constr/,lCtiorr is complete.) 6. The olevation of tho lowest grado irnmedialely adjacanlto the building i:;: I ~15JbI.!C! leel NGVD (or other FIRM datum-see Section B. Item 7). SECTION D COMMUNtTY INFORMATION 1. 11 the community official responsiblo for verifying building nlcvabons specifies Ihatthe relemnce level indicated in Section C. limn 1 is nolthe "'owttSt floor" as defined in the community's floodplain management ordinance, the elevalion of the building's "lowest floor- as definod by the ordinance is: I I I L J.. 1.I.J feet NGVD (or othAr FIRM datum !>90 Section B, Item 7). 2. Date of the start 01 construction of suh!':taolial improvoment FEMA Fo"" 81-31, MAY 93 REPlAaS AU PREVIOUS EomONS SEE REVERSE Slot: FOR CONTlNUATlON Aug-~7-99 ~~:53A Arro", " Land Surveying 208 939-7321 P.03 SECTION E CERTIACAnoN This ceni1icalion is to be signed by a land surveyor. engineer, or archlled who is aulhorized by state or local law to cer1ify elevation information when the elevation infonnation for lones Al-A30. AE, AH, A (with BFE),V1-VJO.Ve. and V (with 8FE) is required. Communily officials who are authorized by local law or ordinance to pnwide floodplain managemBnl informalion. may also sign the certification. In the case of Zones AO and A (without a FEMA or community issued BFE), a building official, a property owner, or an owner's representative may also sign the a:n;flC8lion. Reference level cfiagrams G. 7 and 8 - Distinguishing Featur~t tile certifier is unable to certify to breakaway/non-breakaway wall, enclosure size. Iocalion of servicing equipment. area use. wall openings. or unfinished area Feature($). then list the Fealure(s) nol included in the certification under Comments below. The diagram number, Section C. Item 1. must $till be enlered. I certify fhatlhe information in Sactions B and C on this C8rfilicate represents my best etfoffs to interpret the data avail;Jble. , und8rs1and that any ta/56 statement may be punishable by line or imprisonment under 18 U.S. COde. Section 1001. e~TIFIER'S NAME ...:Y!~. fl.. Leal/Iii Tln.E .. ~,Jec"f._. _ ADDRESS J;t~ ~ D LICENSE NUMBER (or "iii. SeaJ) ?3Z3 __ COMPANY NAMt: ,4rnJW.~~nt:.._ '''_. CI1Y STAll G4rjlt. '_. ---1p. DATE PHONE 8-J7AJ9 9~~-7~73 Copies should be made of this Certificate for: 1) community official, 2) insurance agent/company. and 3) building ownef. liP 8S"~ COMMENTS: _ ON ~ WITH BASEMENT " ZONES V ZONE5 A lllNFS ~l fl(J()() ~ ON PILES. PIERS, OR COLUMNS A ]ONCS ~-.- .., - .~. .::::-::--:T' .:~~:?~ ~ti2;:':{:V'~;~!_; f.f The di3grams above iIIustrale the poinlS a( which \he elevations should bo measurod in A Zones and V Zones. Elevations for all A Zones should be measured at the top ollhe relerence level floor, Elevations for all V fones should be rneasurod allhe hottom of the lowest horizontal slructural momb~r. n,..... ~\