Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 1397 W Mace Road - Two Rivers Sub 10 - 8/24/2009 0.8. DEPARTMENT Of HOIlELAND SECURITY Fedend Eme/glNIGy Mar1agernIR~ N8lIonBl Flood Insuranoe ProgrIrn ELEVATION CERTIFICATE OMB No. 1860-0008 Expires March 31, 2012 Important Read the Instructions on pages 1-9. SEC110N A - PROPERTY INFORMA11ON Ai. BuIlInO o..r'a *me 'EAGLE SEWER DISTRICT ~. Bulcllng street AddNeI (inducing ApI., Unit, SUIte. andfOr Bldg. No.) ar P.O. Rol*t IIld Box No. 1387 W. MACE ROAD Oily EAGlE State ID ZIP Code 83616 A3. PIOP8Ity ~ (Lot and BIoGk NlmbIJrt. To Parcel NII1lber. Legal DetGlipllon, m.) A PORTION OF LaT 53, BLOCK 31. 'MID RIVERS BUBDMSION NO. 10, TAX PARCEL NO. R85&459028O M. BuIldIng UIe (e.g., ReIIdIntIII, ~ AcdIon, AcceIIary. eC.) NON-RESIDEHT1AL M. L8tIIudIIIl.ong: ....a-41.7JIN Long.118"22'9W Horizontal Datum: 181 NAD 1927 0 NAD 11183 AS. Mach.. lealt 2 photog.. oftha bu1IdIng If'" Celtlflcate II bHlg ueed to obleln flood lnIurance. AI. BuIldIng IlIIIPm ~ 16 AB. For. bUIdIr1G wIIh a crawIIpace ar en~): ASJ. Far a bulldfng wIh .. IIIbIched g8I1I8e: a) eq... bltIIge of an~pIIOlt ar enaIo8unl(a) ~ aq It a) aq... tooIIIge of......... ~ Iq ft b) No. of penrI8I'" flood openkIp kI the aaw1apace or b) No. of pennanent flood openIng8 In the abched e-age endotUftl(a) wIII*l1.0 foot .w..dJacenI gIIIde' & wItNn 1.0 foot IIlcM ""'1I11111e It6 c) ToIIII net .. of flood ~ kI M.b ~ all In c) Total net... af tood openInga In A9.b I!!A 1Iq In d) EnglneenJd ftood openings? 0 v. 181 No d) EnginNl8d flood openingS? 0 v. 1m No secnON B - FLOOD IN8URANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORIIA11ON I ~NFJ=~&ComrnunIlyNUmber r~CountyN'" I B3.Stal8 IIWl) 84. UapIPuaI Nldber 86. SUIIlC B8. FIRM IncIIIJc 87. 88. FIocld 89. Bae FIocld EIev8tIon(a) (Zone 1800100161 H DIdB ~Dtte Zone(a) AO, use bue flood deptl1) Oct. 2, 200~ FE&.. 19,2003 AE 2647.5 B10. IndiDIIB the 80URle of ItIe B8Ie Flood EIevIIion (BFE) dII8 or baN tood ctapth ...... ~ 118m Be. D FIS ProliIa 181 FIRM 0 Communlly ~rninad 0 OIlIer (DaacrIbe)_ B11. lncIIDaI8ekm111ondllUmu_rorBfE~ItIm_ 0 NGVD1828 181 NAVD1888 0 Other(DeacrIle)_ B12. Ie the building IclGllIIId in. eo.t.J Banter Resource. .,.... (CBRS) ... or 0ltIeIwIIa PhllKtied ~ (OPA)? 0 Y. 181 No o.lgnlllfon DIIte M 0 CBRS 0 OPA SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVA110N INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) 01. BuIldIng elevalllllll.. bIIeId on: 0 ConIIrucIIon Drawnga* 0 aMIg Under ConItrudIon. . IBI FInIahad ConatructIon *A new EJewdIon c.tIIIcatI WII be .-quhd when COI'IItrUCIIon of tho building III ~. C2. e.vatIorw -Zonae A1~. AE, Nt, A (wIh BFE). VI:, V1-Y3O, V (wIlt'I BFE), Aft, ARIA. AWAE., NfJA1~, MINt, NUAO. CompIetIItIme ~h baIDw IIClCOIIIq toUle buIdIng dIIgrwn........1n ItllmA7. Ulellle ..,...11'I1.... EFE. Benchmark lM:rJed 11134 TOIIVIJ..INC.. VeltIoaI DaUn HAW 1888 ~1!Ia .) Tgp of boUom floor (1nc*IdIng a.ement. orawIal*8. or endoaure fIoot1 2a-D b) Top ~the,.. higher floor H6._ c) BotIarn d lha IGwlIIt horImnIalllrucltural member ~ ZoMa only) NA._ d) AIIachad gMIglI (lap ~ U1b) J!tA. e) LowIIt......... ~~or~~ the tddlng lAMa (Deacxtbe ~ d aquIprnlri and IocaIIIln In CcJrnInents) l') 1..CMIIIt...... (ftnlllled)... ,.ID buIdIng (lAG) 2liZ-1 0) ~..... (InIIhed) grade next to buIdIng (HAG) ~24 h) Loweat ..cenlg.... It IoWeat eIMIIIon of deck or _n, Including &._ atruclunIIlUDDOIt Chedt tho m....l8ITI.nt UICld. IBII'811t 0 metera (Puerto RIco aNy) I8IIl1et [J mIII8ra (PueIto RIco only) 181'" [J metM (Puerto RIco only) 181 feet D metM (PueIto RIco only) 181 feet 0 /IlI8IIIIra (PueIto RIlIo only) I81Ieet 0 I1ltIfM (Pwdo RIco only) 181'" 0"'" (PueIID RIco only) 181 feet 0 metera (PueIto RIco only) SECTION D - SURVEYOR" ENGINEER. OR ARCHtTEC'f CERTIFICATIOII 11lls certlflolltlon Ie to be 8Igned and ..lad by . lend 8lJMtYOI'. engineer, or atdlIac:t UhaIIzIad by ID certry elevation 1nfarm8tIon. I cMIlt' thai"", illbr~"'''lM on ". ~ ,.,....,.,. my belli efbta >>..".., lite dIfIt .....~ I und8rBIBnd thai MIY faI.N ."""".,., may be putnhIIbIe by fine or ~t undI1r l' U.s. eoct.. Secliott 1001. I8l ctleck '*- if c:or...lMIs... provided on bid: offonn. Were...... and Ionglude ~ 8ec:tIon A pnwIded by. IIcenaad land eurvey0r'7 181 V_ 0 No Certlller'a NImI JAMES R. RN UcentIe Number 7880 CIty BOISE Date ~ SlaleID ZIP Code 83704 11Ie lAND SURVEYOR Y NIme ENGINEERING NORTHWEST. lLC TaIeptIone 206-376-&100 See reveI'M skis for continuation. Replaces all previous editions ..' "~':"";'_'. . . .+_.+....;.._.;..;...;'O';;".a=JO~_..;._'.. +' _ORl'ANT: In theu...... copy the correepond1na InforrnMlon from SectIon A- BuIlding Street Addrwa (inducing Apt., UnIt, , and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route ancI Box No. 13f1T W. MACE ROAD CIty EAGLEState 10 ZIP Code 83816 SECllON D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHrJ'ECT CERllFICA110N (CONTINUED) Copy both aides of this EIeYdon c.tIIc:8Ie tor (1) community ofIIcIaI, (2) nurance agent/a)mp8ny, and (3) buIdIng 0Mlel'. CommenII Sec:Ion C2., PImp . GInntor .. mauntId on floor InIIde lie norIh end of lie buIdIng. ",< ~ .lJJL - - B4'+-~W1 ~ . DaI8 0 Chedt here If aIt8aI1rnenI8 SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVA110N INFORMAnoN (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BPE) Far Zon88 AD n A (wIhlut BFE). ~ IIiImI E1-E5. If lie CertIfIct* It Inlllndad 110 IUppClrt a LOMA ar LOMR-F 11lqUeIt, compl_ 8dona A. B. and C. For ItImS E1-E4, 1M netanI pIle,lf 1MIlIIIbIe. Check lie ~ UHd. In Puerto RIm onty, enIIIrmeler8. E1. PnwIde eIeIlIlIlIon InIormdon tor "1oIIcIIwq 8nd dIect Iha appr-oprIIMIJ lxDlBe 110 lIhow whelhIr !he eIlMIIon Is abowl ar beloW the hlgheet edjaClflI ~ (HAG) and the Iow8at 8dj8cent pde (lAG). .) Tap ofbOllDm floor (ndudIng ---It, en! .1111*1, or endoua)" _'_ 0 feet [] meIIn D above or 0 below the HAG. b) Tap ~ botIom floor (including b8IMIent, CfIIWIepace, or enclolln) Ie _'_ 0 feet 0 melln 0 above or 0 below the LAG. E2. For BuIklIna DI8cJwnlI8-8 with permMllnt tIood CIpeI*'Da prWded in SecIon A ItIlm8 8 endIor 9 (~ M ~ 1n8IrucIIane), the next hWw floor (eIev8Ion C2.b In the cIIaCII'Mla) of.. buIdIng '- -'_ 0 feet [] main 0 abcNe or 0 beIcw the HAG. E3. AIIached gIf8CI8 (1I:lp of 8IlIb) II _'_ [J feet 0 met8r8 0 above or 0 below !he HAG. E4. Tap of pI8Cbrn oflYl8CHMly andk.lr equipment -*k1a the building Is _'_ 0 feet 0 metn 0 above or 0 below the HAG. EI. Zone AD en,: If no load depIh number IIIV8IIIbIe, Is .. tap af 1h8 bdbn tIoor elevelld In accanIance wI1h the ClOITInUlIly'e fIoodpIatI msnagement orcIrwIce? 0 v. [] No 0 Unknown. l11e Ioc8I ofIlcIBI nul <*tfy this l..rUln""'.'" SecIIon G. SECTION F. PROPERTY OWNER (OR 0MER'8 REPRESENTATIVE) CElmFICA110N The pmparly owner or CJIMl8f'a au1horiz8d .....Ildw Wto oarnpIetIIa 8edIorlI A. B, 8nd E for Zone A (wlI1ouI a FEMA _18d or CClrmU'IIty-IalIuad BFE) CK Zone AD must BIgn hera. 7lIe IIaeiImIfD III SedbII A, B, 11IIII E .. oomu:t m tile beet at my ~. Properly o.net's or Ownn AuIhortz8d R....IatIve'. ~e 'P H I L. rp J 0 H- N .:50 ~ M w t-f 1 Addreee ~ll E RIVE~AlLlL %t-2DO CItv ~,~e State ro ZIPCOcIe Z37~ tfl-io VI.. ~ lloIo Z-U.-02 T-'ZD'iS-'3~g-4'302. SlgnaILn CommenIa 8EC11ON G - COIIMUNITY INFORMA11ON (OPTIONAL) The /ocel oIIcI8I who II ~by_oronllWlC8to IIdmllllldl..thlt llOIIDUnIy's 1IuodpIIIIill1l8ll8g11n11111tGldlll8l1C8mr1...... SectIons A. B. C (CK E), .-Jd G of thll BeYlIlIon CertlllCIIlII. Complete.. appIlcIlbIe hIm(.) and IV! below. Chec:lc the rnIIIIU"8IIlent ueed k111Bm8 G8 and 09. G1. [] The hlb..1lItIon In 8eoIon C WIIlIlaken from olher dOCUMlI1IIlIan that'" been'" end 8tlIIIed by a IIoensed sutwyOr, engh\eer, or nhllllct who IIIUlho1tzad by IIIw to certIY III8VIIIIon hlbmllon. (Indlc8I811e 8CIIIAlII and dIdI of the elevation d8Ia In the Comments .. beIcw.) G2. 0 A community afIIc:IaI c:ompIeIM 8eclIon E rot II building Iclc:aa.d In ZOne A (wIlMlut . FEMMalUed or communlty.iuued BFE) or Zone AD. 03. 0 The fdIowIng blur.....tIon (ItIma G4-G8) Ie prowIdecl1or cornmunIy ~111lMllgln lent purpceee. I G4. PermIt Number I ~. DatI P.-mIt Isaued I 08. DIIIt Certlftcale Of ~ IeIued 07. ThIa permit has been IIaUed for: 0 New ConIIrucIon 0 SubatantIBIImpRMmant G8. s.vetIon of 8lHMIt Iowe8tfloor (including t.ement) of !he buHcllng: -'_ 0 reel 0 melrn cPR) Datum _ 09. &FE or (In Zone AO) dep'ulfllaod"'" III the building....: _'_ 0 feet 0 maIIn (PR) Datum _ G10. ComrnunIty's design IIoocI eIeveIIon _'_ 0 feet CJ meIln (PR) Datum _ D Check hIn If JIthot!hman18 l..oc8I OffIcIaI's Nsne 11IIe Telephone 0.1e CommunIty NIIme SIgnature convnents FEMA Form 81-31, Mar 09 o Check here If alladmenls Replaces all pnMoUS editions Building Photographs See Instructions for Item A6. o--.'-u" ... .________.........__._....___._..__.._______...__._ ....... ........_..__._....___... ._. _ _u_._.~_._~cit~ii1sura~~y..i:i'M~-l " Building SlreetAddress (f1c1uding Apt.. Unit, Suire. anellOI' BIdg No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. ' PolICY Number "1 ; 1397 W. MACE ROAD I 1 ~____._____. '-u .___._._._..._u_.. ...._.___---.-.-..- .... '.. . ..____. _ _~ _ i City EAGLE State ID ZIP Code 83616 , C<ln1pany ~IC Nwber-' . : ...__ __._.____.___.... _..___. ___ ._______._ . _.._..._______........._....__... I .. ____......! If using the Elevation Certificate to obtain NFIP flood insurance. affix at least two building photographs below according to I the instructiOns for Item AG. Identify all photographs with: date taken; "Front View" and ~Rear View"; and, if required, hRight : Side VieW' and "Left Side View. ~ If submitting more photographs than will fit on this page. use the Continuation Page on the i ~~ f .__..____. _.______.__. __.____________...______.__ .-.-.------..------..____1 NORTH 5 \ 'DE BE Building Photographs Continuation Page !Bufldiilgsireet Address (indiidinQ-API.. unit. Suite.- s'ndlor-Bldg:NoTOi- P.QROUte and BoX No'-' ___~:I~;~::rcom~~!~:~ I 1397 W. MACE ROAD ! I I'crty EAGL!~----Stale--IO' Zi"PC'Ode- 83616---'--' .._- ----- .. __h. ------ I Canpany"WCNlIriler --- . I ! ;--_ _. ._....._... __..... _.._..._'....~.~._,~.._ ,____...__. _......_ ...__ ....___ _.0_____ ___ '.'M__...a..-- .....; lit submitting more photographs than will tit on tha preceding page. aHix the additional phologfaphs below. Identrfy all I , photographs with: date taken; DFront VieW' and -Rear View"; and. if required. "Right Side View" and "Left Side View." i I ' _____..__ -....._1 WES"T S\'DE. ~ -