Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 533 E Riverside Drive - Mixed Use Sub No 03 - 3/10/2005 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE 1m Read the instructions on 1 . 7. SECTlON A. PROPERlY OWNER INFORMATION BUILDING OWNER'S NAME Ea Ie River, LLC BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Induding Apt, Unit, Suite, and'or Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. 533 East Riverside Drive CI1Y STATE Eage Id PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block NlJ'TIbers, Tax Parcel NlJ'TIber, Legal Description, etc.) Lot 7, Block 2, Mixed Use Slb:livision No. 3 - Recon:ls of Ada ColJ'lty, Idaho BUILDING USE (e.g., Residential, Non-residential, AddItion,IVxesscry, etc. Use a Comments area, if necessary.) Office LATmJDEA...ONGITUDE (OPTIONAL) ( It' - ##' - ##t.##" or ##.#####j a.M.B. No. 3067-0077 Expires December 31,2005 7-1 For Insuanoa ~Use: Policy Number Company NAtC Number ZIP CODE 83616 f-z7 HORIZONTAL DATUM: o NAD 1927 0 NAD 1983 SOURCE: 0 GPS (Type):_ o USGS Quad Map o Other._ SECTlON B. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION 81. NFIP COMMUNITY NAME & COM'.1UNiTY NUMBER Cly 01 Eagle . 16OXl3 B2. COUNlY NAME MJA B3.STATE Idaho . 84. MAP AND PANel 87. ARM PANel 89. BASE FlOOD ELEVATION(S) NUMBER 85. SUFFIX 86. ARM INDEX DATE ~EV1SEDDATE 88. FlOOD ZONE(S) (Zone NJ, use dep1h oIfrodi1g) 154 G W1lv.!(XX3 W1s.2003 I>E. 2562.9 B10.lrdcate the source 01 the Base Rood Elevation (BFE) data or base flood depth entered in 89. o FIS Profile 18I FIRM 0 Conm..nity DeIen'rined 0 Other (Descrile): _ B11.lrdcatetheelevalioo claIunusedforthe BFE inB9: 0 NGVD 1929 18I NAVD 1988 0 OIher(Describe):_ 612.15 the buiking located in a Coastal BanierResOllt:es System (C8AS) area or Otherwise ProtecledArea (OPAl? 0 Yes 0 No Designation Date SECTlON C. BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Buiking elevations are based al: 0 Constndion 0ra\W1gs. 0 BUking Under Construction. 18I FII1ished Construction . A reN Elevation Certificate wiD be required when construction 01 the bl.iking is compIeIe. C2. Builcing Diagram Number 1 (SeIeclthe bl.iking dagram most similar to the buildng for v.fdch Ills certificate is being completed. see pages 6 and 7. ff no dagram accurately represents the buldng, pIO'oIide a sketch or Jtiolograph.) C3. EIevations-ZonesA1-AIl, M:., AH, A (with BFE}, VE, V1.v30, V (with BFE), AR, MJJA, MJJI>E, MJJA1-AIl, MJJAH, MJJN) Complete ttems C3. -e-i below llCCOIdng to the bl.iking dagram specified in ttem C2. S1aIe the dahJn used. ff the claIun is dfferent fran the dam used for the BFE in Section B, convert the cIaturn to that used for the BFE. Shaw field measurements and datum caMlrsioo caIcUation. Use the space provided or the Comnents area 01 Section D or Section G, as appropriate, to cXx:lrrent the datum <Xll1Versioo. _ A , Datum Conversiorv'Qmnents ~ Elevation reference marl< used _Does the e1evatiorl reference mark used appear on the FIRM? 0 Yes 18I No a a) Top 01 bottom floor Qnclucing basement or enclosure) 2563. llft.(m) a b) Top IX next hig1er floor _' _ft.(m) a c) Bottom 01 lowest horizontaJ structural member ry zones only) _' _It.(m) a d) Attached gamge (top 01 slab) _' _It.(m) a e) LO'NeSl elevation 01 machinery mor equipment servicing the building (Describe in a Comments area) _' _It.(m) a ~ Lowest a.qacent (finished) grade (lAG) 2562. 20 ft.(m) a g) IfIQhest aqacent (finished) grade (HAG) 2562. 93 ft.(m) a h) No. 01 permanent openings (flood vents) \Whin 1ft. above aqacent grade _ a i) Total area 01 a1lpennanent openings (flood vents) n C3.h sq. in. (sq. an) SECTlON D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation Information. I certifythat the information in Sections Ai B, and C on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME LICENSE NUMBER Oeniis Lewis 11575 TITlE . COMPANY NAME Professional Lard Surveyor Roylance & Associates ADDRESS Cm' 391 W. State Street Eagle SIGNATURE DATE 02J2:W5 c;; ., en alo> .,- .,'" .80 e'2 w'" .....aG) .,~ ~::I e7U ::Ie: z.Q> .,en ., e: fl ::;j , STATE ID TELEPHONE (2080 939-2824 ZIP CODE 83616 FEMA Form 81-31, January 2003 See reverse side for continuation. Replaces all previous editions IMt'ORTAN7:. In these spaces, copy the corresponding infonnation from Section A. For Insurance Coo1Jany Use: BUlDING STREET MJORESS Qnc:lIxli"g.Apl., UnA, 5uIil, ard'or Bklg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. P~ Nurber 325 E. Shore Drive CITY STATE ZIP CODE . Corrpany NAJC Nuniler Eagle kl 83)16 SECTlON D. SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFlCAnON (CONTINUED) C'ni1I bdh sides of this Elevation Certificale for (1) cornrl'U'lity official, (2) insurmce~, and (3) buiking O'Mler. COMMENTS o Check here ~ attachments SECTlON E. BUILDING ELEVAnON INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zone AO and Zone A ('Mlhout BFE), call1Iete ftems E1 thl'OUlj1 E4. n the Elevation Certificale is inteMed for use as S\.WOIling infoonation for a laMA or lOMR-f, Section C mJSl be completed. E1. BUking Diagram NLmber _(Select the buiking dagram most similar to the buiking for which this certificate is being COl'r4lieted - see pages 6 and 7. ff no dagram accurately represents the bUIdng, pIO'oIide a sketch or photograph.) E2. The top 01 the bollorn ftoor ~ncludng basement or encIosum) 01 the bl.iking is _ It.(m) _in.(an) D above or D bek7N (check one) the tig1ElSt aqacent grade. (Use natural grade, K avaiable). E3. For BuikirYJ DiagIams 6-8 v.;th ClpE!l1ngs (see page 7), the nex! higherlloor or elevated ftoor (elevation b) 01 the bl.ilcing is _ ft.(m) _in. (an) above the highest aqacert grade. Complete items C3.h and C3,j al front 01 fonn. E4. The top 01 the platform 01 rnachinely ardIor eqlipment servicing the buldng is _ It.(m) _in.(an) D above or D bek7N (check one) the tig1ElSt ~t grade. (Use natural grade, K avaiabIe). E5. For Zone NJ crly: K no flood depth runber is available, is the top 01 the bottom ftoor elevated in accon:larce with the conmJlity's IIooqlIain management orcinance? o Yes 0 No 0 l.lnI<nl7Ml. The kx:aJ oIficial roost certify Ills irlonnation n Section G. SECTlON F. PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERnRCAnON The property O\\OOr or O\\OO(S autorized mpresenlaIive Yi10 CIJIr4lIetes Sections A. B, C (fterns C3.h and C3.i ooIy), and E for Zone A ('Mlhout a FEMA-issued or COl11ITU1ily- issued BFE) or Zone NJ mJSl sig1 hem. The statements il Sediorls A, B, C, BOO E aTe cxmct to the best d my 1crJovJedge. PROPER1Y OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE SIGNATURE DATE TELEPHONE COMMENTS o Check here ~ attachments SECTlON G. COMMUNITY INFORMAll0N (OPTIONAL) The kx:aJ oIficial Yi10 is authorized by law or orci1arce to acmnster the caTI1'll.rity's ftc:lcqlIain management orcinance can call1Iete Sections A. B, C (or E), and G 01 this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable nem(s) and sign below. G 1. 0 The information in Section C was taken from other OOa.mentation thai has been sig1ed and emtxlssed by a licensed surveyor, engneer, or architect Yi10 is authorized by state or kx:aJ law to certify elevation information. (Indcate the source and date 01 the elevation data in the Coovnents area below.) G2. 0 A community oIIiciaI completed Section E for a bl.iking located in Zone A (v.;thout a FEMA-issued or COITVTlUnity-issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3. 0 The folloYling information (ttems G4-G9) is provided for community flclcqlIain management purpooes. G4. PERMIT NU~ER GS. DATE PERMIT ISSUED 00. DATE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCEiOCCUPANCY ISSUED G7. This permit has been issued for. 0 New Construction 0 SlAlstantiaIimprovernent Ga. Elevation 01 as-buitt lowest ftoor ~nducing basement) 01 the buiking is: G9. BFE or ~n Zone AD) depth 01 fIoodng at the buidng site is: lOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME COMMUNITY NAME SIGNATURE COMMENTS _._It.(m) _._It.(m) Datum: Datum: TITlE TElEPHONE DATE o Check here ~ attachments FEMA Form 81-31, January 2003 Replaces all previous editions