Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 485 E Riverside Drive - Mixed Use Sub No 05 - 3/20/2003 l ~ -'1 ~~&~C\{~ h\btw ,;-; , FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NAl10NAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE 1m t Read the Instructions on 1 - 7. .SECTlON A - PROPERTY OWNER INFORMAll0N BUIlDING OWNER'S NAME Ea Ie River, LLC BUIlDING STREET ADDRESS (1ndudi1g Apt, Unit, Suite, ancVor Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. 485 E. RivefSide Drive CITY STATE EAGLE 10 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Nl.mbers, Tax Parcel NI.I11bef, Legal DesalJtion, et:.) LOT 6, Block 2, Mixed Use Sltx:livision #5 BUIlDING USE (e.g., ResldentiaI, Ncn-residentiaI, Addition, hxessory, et:. Use a Commenls area, if necessary.) Office LA lTTUOEA.ONGrruoe (OPTIONAl..) ( ##" - ##' - I##.W or 1##.1#I####j a.M.B. No. 3067-0077 Expires July 31,2002 Fa' Instrcrol CorrfMf Use: Policy NI.I11bef Company NAIC NlITlber ZIP CODE 83616 HORIZONTAL DA1\JM: o NAD 1927 0 NAD1983 SOURCE: 0 GPS (Type):_ o USGS Quad Map o Other:_ SECTlON B. FLOOD INSURANCE RAtE MAP (ARM) INFORMATlON I ~~~NMt:&rot.MmYMM3ER I ~~~ I ~STATE 84. MAP NIJ PN-a. 85. su:FIX 87. FlAM PANEl. 69. BASE R.OOO aEVATlON(S) NlM3ER 86. RAM tDEX DATE EFFEC'TIVCflEVI DATE 88. R.OOO ZOOE(S) (Zone N.J, use depIl d foodiv;)) 154 G 2I1!rlOO3 2I1!r2003 PC. 2562.5 B10. rdcate the SOlJtl9 a the Base Flood EIevaIion (BFE) daIa or base lIood ~ enlemd i1 89. o AS PlOOIe 181 FIlM 0 CormulIy Oetemlned 0 0Iher(Describe):_ B11. rdcate the eIevaIion daII.m used for the BFE il B9: 0 OOVD 1929 181 NAVD 1968 0 0Iher (Descrile): _ B12.1s the b..ido;J Ioca1ed i1 a Q)asfaI Banier Rescuces System (CBRS) arm orOltlerMse ProIeded Iwa (OPA)? 0 Yes 181 No Desig1ation Dale_ SECTlON C - BUILDING ELEVAmN INFORMAmN (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. 8l.iIdrg elevaIions are based on; 0 Construction 0mv.i1gs- 0 &iking lhJer Construction- 181 Rrlshed Construction -A reN EIevaIioo Certificale \\111 be I'e<Pred when oonstruction of the buildfYil is <XXr4JIete. C2. BuldrYJ Oagram Nurber 1 (Select the buldng dagram most similar to the wldng lor Yi1ich this certificate is being COf1'4lIeted - see pages 6 and 7. H no dagram acwately represenls the buldng, provide a sketch or pholograph.) C3. EIevaIions-ZonesA1-A3>, PE., AI-\, A(v.1th BFEj, VE. V1-\I:ll, V (v.1th BFEj, AR. ftPJA,ftPJPE.,ftPJA1-A3>,ftPJAI-\,ftPJNJ ConlJlele ~ems C3. -a-i bek7N 0CC0Idng to the bUking dagmm specified in ~em C2. Stale the daII.m used. . the dall.m is dflerent from the datun used lor the BFE in Section B, convert the datun to 1haI used for the BFE Show field measurements and datt.m COflYel'Sion cak:UaIion. Use the space provided or the Corrments arm 01 Section D or Section G, as appropriate, to cb:unenI the dall.m conversion. Oall.m Q)nversiooQmnents EIevalion reference mall< used _Does the eIevaIion reference mall< used awear on the FIRM? 0 Yes 181 No a a) Top a baIom ftoor fndt.drg basemel1 or encIostJe) 01 It.(m) a b)Topanexlhicjlerftoor t-': _fl(m) a c) Bdkm a lowest Ini2maI stnWaIl1lElIT'berN zones OIly) . fl(m) a d)Akhedgamge(topaslab)- . _fl(m) a e) I..aNest eIeYalion a madilery a'd'or~ seNicilg the lUdrg (Descrile il a Qmnens area) f1_It.(m) a ~1..aNest~(fnsOOd)grcm(lJ6) _It.(m) a g)Hglest~(lnshed)grcm(HAG) . _It.(m) a h) No. d pElI1llMl!R operbJs (nood YeRs) Ytfil1 It. aboYe ~ grade ~ a Q T daI area a aI pellTlMert operbJs (nood YeRs) il C3.h -12..sq. il. (sq. an) SECTlON D. SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHrrECT CER11F1CAllON This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or atthitect authorized by law to certify elevation infonnation. I certify that the Infonnation In Sections A, B. and C on this certifICate represents my best effcxts to Interpret the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERllFIER'S NAME DAVID H. ROYlANCE, P L8. LICENSE tu1BER 3624 OJ CI UJ iCl ..- .... 00 ~'2 WCII B! E~ "c: z.QI ClUJ .. c: 8 :J 03-Z0-0-S TmE POOFESSK)NAL I..Af'.I) SlflVEYOR OOtIfJNN NAME ROYl>>O: &ASSOCtATES ~~ mY EAGlE DATE STATE 10 lB.EPI-()NE (200) 939-2824 ZIP CODE 83616 FEMA Form 81-31, JUL 00 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CONTINUATION REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS !)! ., f- \ .' , : In these spaces, copy the correspondilg information from Section A. . v" STREET ADDRESS (Ir1cbfrYoj~ lk1I, SlE,aOOIorBtjg. No.) OR P.O. AOUTEN-I>BOX NO. . Drive For~ COfrpanyUse: Pokytbrbef STATE D ZIP CODE B:Jl16 Coo1JanyNAlC Nurber SECTION D. SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERnFJCAllON (CONTlNUED) boIh sides 01 this Elevation Certificate for (1) oonmrity official, (2) ilsurance~, and (3) bliIdng O'M1E!r. OOMMENTS o Oleck here Wattachments SECTION E - BUILDING B.EVA11ON 1NFORMA11ON (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zone N) 1n1 Zone A (v.fltm BFE), COl1llIete Items E1 houljl E4. . the EIevaIion CeItificaIe is i1lended for use as SJ.4lPOrIing Ronnation for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C IllJStbe ~ E1. EIliIcfrg Dagrcm ~ _(Select the IUdrg daIpn most smarto the buldng forYdlch this certificale is being COl1lJIeted - see pages 6 am 7. . no dagram ~ represeRs the Ilc.iIdIYJ. pn:Mde a sketh or ptdografrL) E2. The klp a !he boIIom ftoor fmrlng basemel1 or erdosue) a the bliIdng is _ It.(m) _h(an) 0 above or 0 bek7N (check one) the tijlest ~ grOOe. (Use nal1J'aI gme, i avaiabfe~ E3. For EIliIcfrg llagrams &a v.1th operi'gs (see page 7), the nexll91erftoor or elevated ftoor (elevafion b) d the bt.i1dcYJ is _ It.(m) _ h(an) above the h9lest ~ grade. ConlJIele kerns C3.h and C3j on mn d form. E4. For Zone N) rdf. . no lIood ~ rurber is avaiable, is the klp a !he bolIom ftoor elevated i1 ~ v.1th the c:onm.rity's I'looqJIai'l rnanagemeI1 Oldnance? o Yes 0 No 0 lki<nc7.\n The Iocaf dIiciaIlllJSt ceI1ily this iionnaIion il Section G. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTA1lVE) CERnFICA110N The property OYtfleforcw.oor's aAhorized represertIIiYe Yotlocol1lpletes Sections A, B. C (Items C3.h 1n1 C3.i ony),ln1 E for Zone A (wittW a FEMA-lssued orconmrity- issued BFE) or Zone N) IllJSt sigl hem. The staIemenls i1 Sections A, B, C, am E are corred to the besl 01 ITrf ~" PROPERTY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AlJllK.)R1ZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME Eage River, LLC do JoIY1 Swartz ACXJ=lESS ~~~. mY Eagle DATE M.OO3 3/2-DfCs STATE ID TELEPI-K>NE (200) 9384270 ZIP OOOE 83616 o Oleck here ~ attachments SECTlON G. COMMUtfTY INFORMA11ON (OPTIONAL) The Iocaf d6cia/ Yotlo is auhorized by law orOlthn:e b.mw Iistel the conmrity's ~ ITl8IIag8I'1lE!l1 ordrw1ce can COI'I1lIete Sections A, B. C (or E).1n1 G a this EIevaIion CeItilicaE. ~ the applicable item(s) 1n1 sigl bebv. G1. 0 The i'IonnaIion i1 Section C was taken from QherOOc:unentalion thal has been sigled am enixlssed by a icensed ~, ergneer, or arctitect v.1lo is auIhorized by slafe or kx:aIlaw b ceI1ily eIevafion iionnaOOr L (nIcaIe the SOlJtl9 and dale a the elevation daIa i1 the Corrments arm beIctN.) G2. 0 Acormuity d6cia/ ~ Section E for a Ix.iIdrg IocaIed il Zone A (v.1ttW a FEMMssued or CXlIl'f1Ul\y-is BFE) or Zone NJ. G3. 0 The foIk:r.W"g i'IonnaIion (Items ~ is proo.;ood forconmrity IIooqlIain nmagemert \UJlOSe5. I G4. P8MT MM3ER I G5. DATE P8MT ISSUED I Ga. DATE CERTIF1CATE OF COMf'LW.lCE.OCCN-lCY ISSUED m.11ls pemlt has been issued for. 0 New Qlnsfndoo 0 &bsIantial krpoYement G8. Elevation a as-bJt b.wst ftoor fl'd.dr9llasernen) a the Ix.idrg is: _' _It.(m) Dallm: 00. BFE or fn Zone N)) ~ a lIoocing aI the Ixidrg site is: _' _ It.(m) Dallm: LC>CAI.. 0FFIC1AL'S NAME TTTlE cx:>fII.1lm'Y NAME 1BEPI-DNE SlGNAlUlE OOMMENTS DATE ," o Oleck here ~ attactvnents FEMA Form 81-31, JUL 00 REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS