Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 65 E Riverside Drive - Mixed Use Sub No 03 - 3/25/2004 NA110NAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEV A rlON CERTIFICATE Important Read the instructions on pages 1 - 7. SECTION A - PROPERTY OWNER INFORMA 110N V.M.O. 1'10. ",UO/-UUII Expires December 31 , 2005 BUILDING OWNER'S NAME . r . Fa hsuanc2 CoItlmf Use: Policy Number BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt, Unit, Suite, ancVor Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Company NAlC Number 65 E. EAGLE RIVER STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE EAGLE 10 83616 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Descriptioo, etc.) LOT 4, BLOCK 1, MIXED USE SUBDNISlON NO.3 BUILDING USE (e.g., Residential, Non-residential, Addition, kcessory, etc. Use a Commenls area, if necessary.) NON-RESIDENTIAL, RESTAURANT LATlTUDEJLONGITUDE (OPTIONAL) HORIZONTAL DATUM: SOURCE: 0 GPS (fype):_ ( #If - ##' - ##.##" or ##.#####j 0 NAD 1927 18I NAD 1983 0 USGS Quad Map 0 Other: WWW 1160-21'-12" W, 430-41'-17.6. SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (ARM) INFORMA110N I B1.NFIP~ITYNM1E&~ITYNWBER I B2.COUNTYNAME 16001-C flDA I ~ STATE B4. MAP AND PANa B7. ARM PANS.. 69. BASE R.OOO B.EVATKlN(S) NlM3ER 85. SUFFIX 86. FIRM NlEX DATE EFFECTlVEJflEVI DATE 88. R.OOO ZONE(S) (Zone f.lJ, use depth eX 1kxxlilg) 153 H a!-1M!003 a!-1M!003 AE 2560.8 810.1ndcale the source eX the Base Flood EIevaIion (BFE) dalaorbase ftood depIh entered in 89. o FIS Profile 181 ARM 0 Corrmrity Deterrrined 0 0Iher (DescIile): _ 811.lncicate the eIevaliondaMn used for the BFE in B9: 0 NGVD 1929 181 NAVD 1988 0 0lher(Describe):_ 812. Is the bUking Iocaled in a Coasta/8anier Resoun:es System (CBRS) area or OlherMse ProtecIed Area (OPAl? 0 Yes 181 No Designation Date_ SECTION C - BUIlDING B.EVATION INFORMA11ON (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Blitdng elevations are based on: 0 Corlstrtdion Drawings* 0 BUldrY:! UnderCorlstrtdion* 181 Finished Constn.dion . A new Bevation Certificate will be reqt..ired when construction 01 the buildrY:! is complete. C2. Buildng Diagram Number 1 (Select the buikilg dagram most similar to the buildrY:! forv.ttich this certificate is being completed - see pages 6 and 7. If no diagram accurately represents the buiking, provide a sketch or photograph.) C3. Bevations - Zones A 1-A30, />E, AH, A (~BFE), VE, V1-V3), V (~ BFE), AR, APJA, APJ/>E, APJA1-/l:JJ, APJAH, APJftD Complete Hems C3.-a~ below accordrY:! to the blildrY:! dagram specified in Hem C2. Stale the datum used. If the datum is dfferent from the datum used for the BFE in Section 8, convert the datum to that used f()( the BFE. Show field measurements and datum conversion calctJation. Use the space provided or the Comments area of Section D or Section G, as appropriate, to docu11ent the datum conversion. Datum NA VD '88 CooversiorVCorrvnents Elevation reference marl< used SITE Does the elevation reference marl< used appear on the FIRM? 0 Yes ~ No o a) Top of boItom floor (nch.rlng basement or eOOosure) 2561. 12.ft.(m) o b)Topofnextllglerfloor rt'a._ft.(m) o c) Bottom eX lowest hotizontal stndural rnerrber (V zones only) rt'a . _ ft.(m) o d) Alla::hed garage (top of slab) rt'a _ft.(m) o e) Lowest elevation eX macIlnery mor eqUJX11ent servicing the bliking (Describe in a CorTvrents area) rt'a . _ It.(m) o n Lowest aqacent (finshed) gr.Kle (LAG) '2$1. Q.ll.(m) o g) Iighest aqacent (fi1ished) gr.Kle (HAG) 2560. ~ft.(m) o h) No. of pemmert ~ (flood vens) Ytflhin 1 fl. above ~ graOO Q o ij Total area eX III pemmert qllll'iIYJs (rood vens) i1 C3.h Q.sq. in. (sq. an) SECT10N D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CER1lACA11ON This certifICation is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. I certify that the information in Sections A, B. and C on this certifICate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTlFlER'S NM1E lICENSE NUM8ER DAVID H. OOYlANCE, P.E, P.LS. 3624 IDlE CJ:JJ.IRAN'( NAME POOFESS ROYlANCE & ASSOCIATES P A ADDRESS a1Y 391 W. STATE. 00lE SIGNATURE DATE Oi CD en '0 CD CD "'- ",os 00 .0'0 Ee: wos I...h 4i CD ~ .a::> Eo; ::>e: z.2' ",en '" e: 8 ::J FEMA Fonn 81.31, STATE 10 TB.EPOOM: 3l!. 939. 2824 ZIP OODE 83616 See reverse side for continuation. . Replaces all previous editions IMr .;,..1011'\1' ,. "' UI'-"-" ~t"Q\"o'"" \rVtlJ U.~ ....U..c,;;,t^".U"'~ ""U"'KI""'" "UI.I ~UV'II"\.. . U .~CUI\.C VVlI't-U1l U.;:JI;::. BUl.DtNG STREET ADDRESS (lrWfrg ~ Uni, SlE, am<< ~ No.) OR P.O. RJUTE AND BOX NO. 65 E. EAGLE RIVER STREET CITY EAGlE ,. STATE [) ZIP COOE 83616 Poley NIITiler CarparrfNAIC Nlrrber SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CER11ACA llON (CONTlNUED) Copy both sides of this Bevation Certificate for (1) COIl'llTIlrity offICial, (2) insurance agenVcompany, and (3) bu1cirY:! owner. COMMENTS o Check here ff attachments SECTION E. BUILDING ELEV A 110N INFORMA 110N (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WJTIiOUT BFE) For Zone NJ and Zone A (\Whout BFE), COlllJIele hems E1 through E4. If the Bevation Certificate is interded for use as Sl.ppOrting infonnation for a LOMA or lOMR-F, Section C must be cort1Peted E1. Buldng Diagram Nurmer 1(SeIect the bu1cing ciagram roost simlar to the bu1cing for vd1ich 1his certificate is being ~ted - see pages 6 and 7. If no dagmm accurately represerIs the bliking, provide a sketch or pOOiograph.) E2. The top eX the bottom ftoor CirdudrY:! basemert or enclosure) of the lxiking is Q ft.(m) ~.(cm) L8I above or 0 below (check one) the Ag1est aqacent grade. (Use natural grade, if available). E3. For BLidng Diagrams 6-8 v.flh operings (see page 7), the next tlgher noor or eIevaIed ftoor (elevation b) eX the buiking is _ ft.(m) _in.(an) above the tlghest aqacem grade. Complete Kems C3.h and C3.i on frort eX form. E4. The top eX the platfonn eX machinery aOO'or eqUpment seMcing the bUlcing is _ ft.(m) _in.(cm) 0 above or 0 below (check one) the Ag1est acfacent grade. (Use natural grade, if available). E5. For Zone NJ r:df. If no ftood depth runber is available, is the top eX the bottom noor eIevaIed in llCCOldcn:e ~ the conmrity's fIooqllai1 management ordnance? o Yes 0 No 0 U1known. The local official roost certify ths irloonalion in Section G. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTA11VE) CERTlACATION The property O'M'ler or O'M'le~s authorized represertative v.m oompletes Sections A, 8, C (hems C3.h em C3.i orly), and E for Zone A (wi1hout a FEMA~ or conmunity- issued BFE) or Zone NJ must sign here. The statemen5 in Sections A, 8, C, ard E are conect to the best of my kncw.fedge. PROPERTY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NM1E ,JAr So/I..l Of:..A 15mf:;/l. ..., w, ~r4n-- ADDRESS CITY . _ STATE/b CA (;rL-c- DATE m -1'" TELEPHONE J4R. L-~ OV ZIP CO~6/b Q3'1- Zl> -- COMMENTS o Check here ff attachments SECTlON G - COMMUNTY INFORMAT1ON (OPTlONAL) The local official YA10 is authorized by law or OIdnarce to acmnster the cornnllrily's fk:xqllain rrmagernert 0Idncn:e can oompIete Sections A, 8, C (or E), and G eX ttls EJevation Certificate. Complete the applicable Kem(s) and sign below. G1. 0 The infoonalion in Section C was taken from aher OOctmentalion that has been signed and enfu;sed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or arctVtecl YA10 is authorized by slale or local law to certify elevation infoonalion. (Incicale the source and date of the eIevalion data in the Comments area below.) G2. 0 A conmlri!y officjaJ completed Section E for a buldng located in Zone A (\Whout a FEMA-issued or COlTVTlUMy-issued BFE) or Zone NJ. G3. 0 The following infoonalion (hems G4-G9) is prcMded for COIl1ll1Jf1ity lIooq:JIain management purposes. I G4.PERMfTNlNBER I GS. DATEPERMITISSUED I 00. DATE CERTFlCATEOFCCJMPL.W..ICE.OPANCYISSUED G7. This penm has been Issued for. 0 New Oxlstndion 0 St.IbstamaI ~ Ga. 8evation eX as-blit lowest Ikxir CII'dudrYJ basement) eX the blilcing is: 00. BFE or (Ill Zone NJ) depIh eX lIoodng at the Ix.iIcing site is: LOCAlOFFICIAI..'S NAME _._ft.(m) _._ft.(m) DaItm: DaItm: TITlE COMMUNITY NAME SIGNATURE OOMMENTS lB..EPf-K)NE DATE o Check here if atlachmenfs FEMA Form 81-31, January 2003 Replaces (ill preylous ~itlons