Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 145 E Riverside Drive - Mixed Use Sub No 02 - 3/25/2004 rtU~EMERGENCYMANAGEMENIAutNCY NATIONAl FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE a.M.B. No. 3067-0077 Expires December 31, 2005 Important: Read the instructions on 1 - 7. SEcnoN A - PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION For~~Use: Policy NlKTlber BUILDI"~G OWNER'S NAME EAGLE RIVER HOSPITALITY, LLC BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt., Unit, Suite, and'or Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. 145 E. RIVERSIDE DRIVE CITY STATE EAGLE 10 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel NlIl1ber, Legal Description, etc.) LOT 6, BLOCK 4, MIXED USE SUBDIVISION NO. 2 BUILDING USE (e.g., Residential, Non-resldential, Addition, kxessory, etc. Use a Comments area, if necessary.) HOTEL LA TlTUDElLONGITUDE (OPTIONAL) ( ##" - ###' - HH.##" or ###.######j 1160-21'-11" W, 430-41'-11" N Company NAfC Number ZIP CODE 83616 HORIZONTAl DATUM: o NAD 1927 181 NAD 1983 SOURCE: 0 GPS (Type):_ o USGS Quad Map 181 Other: WNW SEcnoN B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (RRM) INFORMATION I B1. NAP COMMJNITY NAME & COtv'MJ..IITY NlJ..lBER I B2. COUNTY NAME 16001'{; ADA I ~.STATE 84. MAP AND PANa B7. FlAM PANS.. 89. BASE FLOOD aEVAOON(S) NlJ..1BER 85. SUFFIX 86. FlAM WEX DATE EFFECT'J\IE1flE DATE 88. FLOOD ZONE(S) (Zooe ftD, use dep01 It ixxlOJ) 153 H a1-1~2003 a1.1~2003 />E 2561.0 Bl0.lncicatethe source of the Base Rood Elevation (BFE) dataor~ ftood depth entered in 89. o FIS Profile [8J RRM 0 Corrmrity Determned 0 Other (DescOOe): _ B11.lncicatetheelevationdahmusedforthe BFEin B9: 0 OOVO 1929 [8J NAVO 1968 0 OIher(Describe):_ 812.15 the bliIdirg located in a Coastal Barner Resources System (CBRS) areaorCllherMse Protected Area (OPA)? 0 Yes [8J No Designation Date_ SECOON C. BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Buildng elevations are based on: 0 Construction Drawings' 0 BUldrg UnderConstrudion' [8J Rrlshed Construction . A new Elevation Certificate wiU be reqt.ired when constrtdion ol the bUldng is lXlf1lllete. C2. Building Dagram Number 1 (Select the building diagram rrosl similar to the buildng for Vvtlich this certificate is being completed - see pages 6 and 7. If no diagram accurately represents the buildrg, provide a sketch or photograph.) C3. Elevations-Zones A1-A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, V1-V~, V (with BFE), AR, ARiA. ARiAE, ARiA1-A30, ARiN-l, ARiNJ Complete ~ems C3. -a4 below according to the bUldng dagram specified in Item C2. State the datum used. If the datum is different from the datum used for the BFE in Section B, convert the datum to thal used for the BFE. Show field measurements and datum conversion calcUation. Use the space proviOOd or the Comments area of Section 0 or Section G, as appropriate, to doClI"nent the daltrn conversion. Datum NA VO '88 ConversiorVComments_ Elevation reference maI1< used SITE lXles the elevation reference maI1< used appear on the RRM? 0 Yes [8J No o a) Top of bottom floor (nducing basement orendooure) 2561. 94 ft.(m) o b) Top of next higlerfloor 2575. Q.ft.(m) o c) BolIom of lowest horizontal structural merrber rJ zones only) _' _ft.(m) o d).Attoched garage (top of slab) ria. _It.(m) o e) LO'NesI elevation ol macnnery and'or eqlipmenl servicing the buldng (Deocribe in a Comnents area) ria. _ ft.(m) o Q Lu.vest ~ (firlshed) grOOe (LAG) 2553. _ft.(m) o g) Hghest aqacert (1ilisOOd) gnlde (HAG) 2561. 63 ft.(m) o h) No. ol peITl"1aflert opOOngs (ftood WIis) \Whin 1 It. aboYe ~ grade Q o Q Total area ol aI peIl1laneI1 qJerlrgs (ftood vents) in C3.h Q..sq. in. (sq. an) SECOON D. SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERllFlCATlON This certifICation is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation infonnation. I certify that the information in Sections A, B, and C on this certificate represents my best efforts to intelpf8t the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code. Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME I..lCENSE NUMBER DAVID H. OOYLNa, P.E., P.LS. 3624 TITlE frA5WN NAME PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OOYLANCE & ASSOCIATES P A AOOFlESS CITY 391 W. frrA EAGlE SIGNA lURE DATE OJ ., 00 "0 .,., "'- ",01 00 ~-g WOl ~GJ .,~ ~~ ;:,c: z.Ql .,00 III c: ~ :J FEMA Form 8 frrATE .[) 1B..EPI-DE roll. 939. 2824 ZP coa: 83616 See reverse side for continuation. Replaces all previous editions . 'IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the corresponding infonnation from Section A. 3tii1iiNG STREET AOORESS (lncbf0J ~ UnI, StAl, and'a" Bl:lg. No.) OR P.O. OOUTE NCJ BOX NO. 145 E. RIVERSIDE DRIVE CIlY EAGlE For Insuanoo Carpany Use: ~~ STATE ZIP COOE D lm16 SECTION D. SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CER11RCA TION (CONTINUED) Copy both siOOs 01 this Elevation Certificate for (1) COl1lrl1triy OIficiaI, (2) insurance agenVcompany, and (3) bliIdng owner. COMMENTS Ca'lJaIlY ~ Ntxrber o Check here ~ attachments SECOON E - BUILDING ELEV A 110N INFORMA 110N (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AD AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zone N) and Zone A (without BFE), CQI1"1)Iete tterns E11hnx.lgl E4. If the Elevation Certificate is nerded for use as Sl4JPCllIilg infonnation for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C must be coo'4JIeted. E1. Buldrg Ilagram Nl.rOOer l(SelecI the btti1g daglMl roost simlar to the btiking for v.tlich I1is certificate is being competed - see pages 6 and 7. U no diagram accurately represerts the 1:11.ildng. provide a sketch or photograph) E2. The top d the boIlomftoor (trdudng basemen or enclosure) of the bt.ik:irg is _ ft.(m) 1in(an) [8J above or 0 below (check one) the highest ~ac:ent grade. (Use natural gr'OOe, K available). E3. For Bc.ildng llagrams 6-8 y,;th operlngs (see page 7), the next tlgher floor or elevated ftoor (elevation b) of the building is _ It.(m) _in.(an) above the tlghest aqacent grade. Complete kerns C3.h and C3.i on frort olloon. E4. The top ol the platform of machinery ancVor eqlipment seMcing the bUldrg is _ ft.(m) _in.(an) 0 above or 0 below (check one) the highest ac4ac:ent grade. (Use natural gr'OOe, K available). ES. For Zone PD mr. U no ftood depth runber is avaiabIe, is the top of the boltOO1 ftoor elevated in lm:lI'danc:e wi1h the COI1YTlJrlty's fIooqlIain management ordnance? o Yes 0 No 0 lklknown. The local dficial roost cerfifylhis irionnalion in Section G. SECTION F. PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERllRCATION The property owner or owner's authorized ~ v.OO COf11lIetes Sections A. 6. C-(IIems C3.h em C3.i any), and E lor Zone A (y,;!hoU a FEMA-issued or COI'IYTlUflty- issued BFE) or Zone PD must sigl here. The statements il Sections A, B, C, 8rxJ E are COfTeCt to /he best of my krlov.4edge. PROPERTY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME ... ~A.~DI--} ~\~g.. ADDRESS Ur CITY eAb DATE 111412. ' 2'5 ZIP OOOE 'D' :; Q3Cf - 2~2V o Check here ~ attachments SECTION G - COMMUNTY INFORMATION (OPTIONAl) The local official v.OO is authorized by law or ordnance 10 acmrlster the COITYTUlity's lloc:qJIain rrmagerner1 ordna1c:e can complete Sections A. 8, C (or E), and G ollhis Elevation Certificate. ConlJIeIe the applicable item(s) em sig1 below. G 1. 0 The infoonalion in Section C was taken from oIher docunentaIion that has been signed and embossed by a Iic:ensed surveyor, engneer, or an:Iltecl v.tlo is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation iriormation. (Indcale the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2. 0 A COl1YnlJIlIy official completed Section E for a IUdng located in Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or COlllIl"Ulty-issued BFE) or Zone PD. G3. 0 The foIJoy,;ng infonnation (ttems G4-G9) is prtMded for COllYTlriIy ~n management purposes. I G4. PERMIT t-UA3ER I 65. DATE PEPMIT ISSUED I G6. DATE CERT'JFC6.TE OF COMfll..W.ICOOCANCY ISSUED G7. Ths pem1t has been issued for: 0 New Qlnslnx:tion 0 Sc.bslartial ~ Ga. EIewtion of as-blil Jowest ftoor (1I'dt.dng basement) ollhe Ix.ikIng is: 00. BFE or (10 Zone PD) deplh ollloodng at the bUking site is: LOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME _._ft.(m) _._ft.(m) DaItm: DaItm: TITlE COMMUNITY NAME SIGNATURE OOMMENTS TREPHONE DATE o Oleck here if attachments FEMA Fonn 81-31, January 2003 Replaces all previous editions