Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 336 Connemara Lane - Paddy Row Sub - 6/23/2005 11(~~(L~~8 ~L:13 3232209 k:U I H HUMc.~ FEDERAL. EMeRGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL. FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Mead the Instructions -.' r~~ ( ,o{' 7-;L Y) / I-'AC:ic. 05 O.M.8. No. 3067-00n Expires December 31, 2005 7~ .: J- j hlDOrtant on Paaes 1 - 7. SECTION A . PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION For Insurance Company U911, BUILDING OWNER'S NAME Poley Numbet ROTH HOMES BUILDING STREET AnDRESS (Indwlng Apt. Unit, Suite, snd/or BIdg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Campany NAte Number 336 CONNEMARA LANE CITY STATE EAG~ 10 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block NI.I'nbers. Tax Pan::eI Nm1ber. l.BgaI ~ etc.) LOT 23.. PADDY RCMJ SUBOIVISION BUILDING USE (e.g., Residential. No~, Addllon.~, etc. Use II ComrneIll!l lll'llll, If 1'll!a!8Safy.) RESrDENTlAL LA TITl.JDEJLONGITUoe (OPllONAL) ( ##f' -.. "##11#' or '11#.#11##II') ZIP CODE 83816 HORIZONTAL DATUM: o NAD 1911 0 NAn 1983 SOURCE: B GPS (TypB):- USGS Quad Map o Other._ SECTION B. A.OOD NlJRANCE RATE MAP (FRM) N=OAMATION I 81. NFPCCJ.MJN1lY NM.E & cntd.JIJITY ~ 1 B2. COlMY NAAt: EAGlE 1B0003 ADA l~re 84. tMP AJI() PANEL . 87. FIRM PANEl 89. BASE FLOOD El.EVA~(S) fU43ER 85. SUFFIX 86. FflM NOEX DATE e=FE~DDA~ 88, FlOOD la-E(S) (ZfY3 AO, use dePh 01 ftoodlng) 1Em1CXl153 H 2-19-03 2-1!).()3 AH 2S62 810. Indicate tile SQURl3 d Ihe Bage F/oo:j E1evSJon (BFE) ~ or base flood deptf1 erItsred in 89. o FIS ProIIIe 181 FIRM 0 Comu1IIy De1ennined 0 other (Descr1be): _ 611.IndIcate1heelevatloodatum usedfor!heBFEk1 00: 0 NGVD 1929 ~ flL,6,VO 1988 0 Other{De$C1bl):_ 812. Is !he tddiOOIoca1ed in a Coasla/ 8lJI1er ResooItes ~ (CBRS) wea or 0Chelwise ~ Iw8 (OPA)? 0 Yes 0 No ~nallon Date SECTION C. BtII..[)IfG B..EVA11ON INFORMATION (SURVEY REQURED) Cl. EMding elevations iI'B besed crt: 0 CcmndIm ~. D BlJIkQ UrderCamtnldkln* ~ FInlshed ~ *A new ~ Ce1'\ikate wi! be ~ when construcIa1 dlhe btA:Irg Is~. C2. Buiklng ~m Number ~ (Sfjectthe I:lJIIcfng tfagrsn mostsinlarlo IhetxJqfcrYlhk:h 1hisca1l1bm Is I:el~~ -see ~6 and 7. If no dagram a;curaety representslhe bUk&lg. ~a sk~ Q'~.) C3. 8evalIoos-Z0ne9A1-A30.AE, AH,A (Y.ith BFE). \IE, V1-~, V (.. BfE),AR,ARlA,ARlAE. ARlA1-A3:l, ARlAH,ARIAO COlTllIele Itm19 C3.-a-I beIoN a:mdIng b tie tuklng cIcvan spded In ll8n C2. SID 1he dcmJm used. 1f1he dam1 is ~ from the datun Uged fa'lheBFE in SErlIon 8, o:JM!It the dmlm to Ihat used fa the 8FE. Show field measuremenl5 Md daull1 cmvasion cacuIalioo. Use the 8pQ proYided or the Commenls lrea d Secllon 0 or Sectlorl G, as appropr1ate,lo docl.ment the daf1Jn cxrwersbn. DaIum ~ EIevaIkln reI'ererD mark used _Does lheelev8lbn reBmre rrm Uged appea" on the FIRM? 0 Yes ~ ftJ o a) Top of bQbn 1bor [lI'ldudng basement (unclosure) 2559. lft.(m) o b)Topofnextt1gherftoor ~.lfl.(m) o cJ Bollom ci lowest tmzootal structural member N ZO'les roy) ~. _ft(m) o d) At13::hed gS'a;1l (lop dslaJ) 2561. Q.ft.(m) o e) Lowest eleYafion ct mad'linery cn&r:x equipment servicing the building (Descrlbe in a Coomenls area) m..lfl.(m) o n laNest ~acmt (lilIshed) grade (LAG) 2558 . ift.(m) o g) H1ghe!ll mjeoent (tnlshecl) gra:Je (HAG) 2500. 2.,ft.(m) o h) No. ct permanent operings (1Icxd vents) \\1thIn 1 It !tlow Bl1acent gnlde 20 o i) Taal area rJ all j)3flT1Ment OIJlrings (11oo:I Ylri1) kl C3,h.1msq. ~. ($;I. em) SECTION 0 - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHrrecT CERTFICATtON This certification is to be signed and geaIed by a land surveya', engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevatlon ~. I certify film the lnrormetfon In S6c/ions A, a snd C on thls 00f1jffc8te r&pIU66fII& my be&t eftixm to lnierpIet the dsts 8V8IIBbIe. I understand th81 S/'IY fe/se st6fement rosy be P.tJ.nfshsble by fine or Imprisonment under 18 U. S. Code, SectIon 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME DARREN R.lEAVf1T, P LS. UCENSE NUMBER 7323 TntE PROFESSIONAl. LAr'f) SURVEYOR ADD~ . ~;,S:TF. SllITE105 ~12~ i=EMA Form a 1-31. Jan uary 2003 COMPANY NAME APRYN l.H[) SURVEYlI'G.INC. CITY EAGlE [}Il.TE 6-23-C6 See reverse side for continuation. STATE ID TaEPHoNE ~7373 ZIP CODE 83616 Replaces all prevlouEI editions