Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 270 Connemara Lane - Paddy Row Sub - 6/23/2005 I HUL.- U .J FEDEIW. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGeNCV NAnoNAL FlOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE 1m R.ead the Instructions on 1 . 7. SECTION A. PROPERTY OWNER lNfORMATlON O.M.B. No. 30a7.0077 expires December 31. 2006 ..'~)~;"; ,) J._' BUILOING OWNER'S NAME ROTH HOMES BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt. Unft. Suite, lind/or Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROlTTE AND BOX NO. 270 CONNEMARA LANE OIlY STATE EAGLE ~ PROPERlY DESCRIPTION (lOt and BloCk N~, Tax ParoeI Number, Legal Desctipllon, etc.) LOT 20, PADDY RON SUBDIVISION BUILDING USE (e.g.. RMkll!Intlal, Non-l8&Idential, Add/llon,~, etc, UM II Cornrn8nIs lII'88, If I'lI!Cl!IS8l11Y.) RESIDENTIAL LA TITUOEIl.ONGITUDE (OPTlONAL.) ( mf - tI# -fill#' Of ##.~ For iIIsu1<ro! CompaI1y Use; Policy Number Company NAIC Number ZIP CODE 83616 HORIZONTAL OATUM; D NAD 1927 0 NAD 1983 SOURCE: 0' GPS (Type):_ D USGS Quad Map D Other._ SECTlON B. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ~ INFORMATION I ::~~NAME&ca.MJNfTYNJt&R1 ~CW'lTY~ j ~ATE B4. w,p ANOPA~ 67. ARMPANa 89. eASE A.OCO 8.EVATDl(S) NUM8eR as. SUFFIX 00. FIRM INDEX DATE EFFEC1lII'E.REVISED DATE ea. FLOOO ~!:(S) (Zona AO, UIle depIh rJ foxllrQ) 16001C0153 H 2-1W3 2-1~ AH 2S62 810. Indicate the sourre of !he Base Flcxxj EIevitIon (BFE) data or base lIood depth enterOO i1 89. o FIS PtOlile 181 FIRM 0 Cormwrily I:letelrrlned 0 Other ~):_ B1'. Indicate lheelevation datum used forlhe BFE in B9: 0 NGVO 1929 1:81 NAVD 1988 0 Olher(De9C11le):_ 612. Is thebuUdlng looated in a Coastal BanlerRe9aJrc:es System (CMS) area 1X0000rMiSProtected Araa(OPA)? 0 Yes 0 No DGsignatlon DElle SECTION C. BUIlDING B.EVATION INFORMAllON (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Building eIeIIations are based on: 0 C'4lsttuc:IicJJ 0nfNings. 0 8UlcIng urder CcnsIrudloo* 181 Frni9hed Con9Iruction -A new 8evliftln CerliIic$wilI be ~ when c:oostrudIa1 d the buJdIng Is oomplete. C2. BuIldIng DIagIa'n NlJ/lbr ~ (8eIecl the D.tlIding ci~ rrost slnillI' to !he bu!kirg b'whkil thls ~ 19 blIng ~ . !lee pages 6 and 7. If no cJagram aooul'lllely represems the buildng, pn:wide a sketd'l ~ photogiaph.) C3. 8eY1IIlals - ~ A 1-A30, AI; AH. A (wiltl BFE). \IE, V1-'m, V (wIh eFC), AR, ARIA, APJAE, APJA M30, ARlAH, AAJAO CoITP&le Items C3.Tl ~ ~ n t1e tuldngQam 9PEded In Ilem C2. StSe1he delum 1I88Cl1f\l'l&~ isclli!nrtfmm theclatl.lm usedfcrtJe BFE In Section 8, cttlV8It the rJaum to 1hat usedfcrlheBFE. SIl7lYfleld measuramenI!l and ~m D:JMlISlon csIcUatioo. \Jsl!l1he spa prcMdedCl'the Comments area of Section 0 or Sectioo G. as appropriate, to dooumm 1he dliUm \XI'iIIerSi)n. Qatum _ ConverslaVCorrrnenls_ Elevation rlierenre ms1< used _Does !he eleItSion ~ mark used appES on the FIRM? 0 Yes 18I No o a) Top rt boltom f1oo!' (ncludlng basement Of endosul'e) ~, !ift.{m) o b)T~dnexthiglwftoor ~.!ft.(m) o 0) BotIom of lowest horizontal SIIUClIJraI nlerrter 0/ zooes 0l11y) r-uA. _ll.(m) o d) Allact1ed gamge (top of slab) 2561. ~ll.(m) o e)1..aNes1 efevaliCtl ct mad1inery and/or equipment servidng!he buDding (Desatbe In a Comment!l area) ~. 2-.ft.(m) o 0 l.cM'est aqacenf (finished) grOOe (LAG) 2560 .1ft.(m) o g) Highest ooJ8len! (flnlshed) gm:le (HAG) 2560. Q.ft.(m) o h) No. r1 pennanent openings (flood "&l'IIs) within 1 It above a$Cent gra:le 25 o I) Total area rJ all perm819Ill openings (bxl vents) In C3.h ~sq. In. (sq. emj SECTION D. SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHlTECT CERTIFICATION ThIs certlflcatlon is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect autho"* by law to certify elevation Information. I certffy th9f the information in Sections A, B, and C on this certJfic816 ~ my best tfIorls to interpmt the dE1f8 SV8/15ble. Ivndersf8nd that any fal86 &taf6ment may be plJn;shflble by fine or Imprisonment under 18 U,S. COde, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME DARREN R. LEA VITT, polS. UCENSE NUMBeR 7323 ~~ EO;; :ft Sl ~ ;:j Tm..E . PROFESSlONALI.AND SURVEYOR COMPANY NAME AAAON lAND SURVEYlNG.INC. ADDRESS -I'51!TF, &JlTE105~ S~Q: ' FEMA Form 81-31, January 2003 CITY EAGLE o..re ~ STATE lD l'El..EPl-IOfE ~7373 :::: ZlPCOOE 83616 Sse reverse side for continuation. Replaces all Pl'8viOUIl l!Idltlons