Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 100 E Riverside - Mixed Use Sub No 03 - 4/20/2005 p.2 _..ng 208-939-7321 ;, _ eMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE I 1 7 a.M.B. No. 3067-0077 Expires December 31, 2005 ImpOrtant: Read the nstructions on pages . . SECTION A. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION For IIISUCIOOl Coollany Use: BUILDING OWNER'S NAME PoRcy Number HOME FEDERAL BANK BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt, Unit, Suite, aneller Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Company NAlC Number 100 EAST RIVERSIDE CITY STATE ZIP CODE EAGLE 10 83616 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal OescripIion. etc.) LOT 4, BLOCK 1, MIXED USE SUBDMSION NO.3 BUILDING USE (e.g., Residential, Non-resldentlal, Addillon, Arn:ssory, elc. Use a Comments area, if necessary.) NON-RESIDENTIAL LAllTUDElLONGlTUDE (OPTIONAL) HORIZONTAl DATUM: SOURCE: 0 GPS (Type):_ (##O_'##'.##.#If' or ##:#####"j DNAD1927 DNAD1983 o USGS Quad Map SECTION B. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION o Other. -'-- 81. NFIP COtlMlNrTY NAME & COtlMJNrTY NUtlBER CrTY OF EAGlE 16001C B2. COJJIITY NAWE NJA BJ.STATE IDAHO 84. MAP AND PANEL B7.FIRM PANR 89. BASE FLOOD ElEVATlON(S) NUM3ER B5.SUFFIX 86. FIRM INDEX DATE EFFECll'.SREVlSED DATE as. flOOD ZONE(S} (Zone AD, use dept1 a Iloodi"g) 16COO1COI53 H. 2-19-03 2-19-03 AE. 2560.8 B10.lndicale lhe &XJrce ~ 1he Base Rood ElevatJon (BFE) dala or base flocxl depth entered in 89. o FIS Profile [gI FIRM 0 Canrronity Delenrined 0 OIher (Describe): _ 811. Indicate !he elevation datum used for tre BFE in 89: 0 NGVD 1929 181 NAVD 1988 0 Other (Descnbe):- B12.lslOO bUlding loccted in a Coastal Barrter Rescm;es System (CaRS) area Q' OIhe1wise Protected Area {OPA}? 0 Yes [gI No Designation Dale SECTION C. BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Buiding elevations are based on: 0 Coos/ruclioo ClrcrMngs. 0 Buidng lJroer Construdion' ~ F\l'lished Conslncllon 'A OON Eklva1ioo Certificala wll be reqUred when o:rlslruc1lon of the bJildng Is ~ C2. Buiding Diagram Number 1 (SeIecl1he lxJjldi1g diagran m:lsl slmDar to the buDding fer 'I81ich !his oeI1lficate is oong <Xm,)Ie\ed - see pages 6 and 7. If no diagram a::ruralely represents the building, provide a sketch or pOO1ograph.) C3. Elevatioos - Zooes A 1-A30, AE, AH, A (wi!h BFE), VE, V1-V30, V (with BFE), AR, ARiA, ARiN:.. ARiA 1-A".1J, ARiAH. mAO Com~te Items C3.-a-i belCNJ aa;oo:ling to !he lxJildng diagram sp:rlfied in lIem C2 Stae 1he datum used. ~!he dalum is afferent from the dalum used for !he BFE in Section B, convert the dctum to thaI used for !he BFE. Show field measurements and daurn oonversion cabJlation. Use the spoce provided CX' !he Comrrenls area of SecIion 0 or SEdion G, as appupriae, to documenllhe datum converslon. Datum ConversionlComments 8evation reference marl< used NEB2 Does the elevation refererca mall< used appear on the FIRM? 0 Yes 181 No o a) Top of botIom 1loor Onduding basemen! or enclosure) 2561. Q.fl(m) o b)Topofnexlhigherl\oor NlA._ft.(m) o c) Balian of lowest haizonlalslructural member (V zones only) NlA . _fL(m) o d) Allached garage (lop of slab) N1A. _ft.(m) o e) LoNesI elevation of machinery and/or equipment servicing the lxJildng (Describe in a COITVTlents area) o ~ laNest a:ljacent (finished) gale (LAG) o g) Highest a:lja::ent (finished) grade (HAG) o h) No. ct rermanenl openings (nood vents) vvithin 1 11. aoove adjaoont grale Q o i) Total area ct all permalent opOOngs (fkxxl vents) In C3.h Qsq. in. (sq. em) SECTION D . SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect au!horized by law to certify elevation Information. I certify that the information in Sections A, B, and C on this certificate represents my best etrorls to interpret the data available. I understand thalany false statement may be punishabte by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME DARREN R LEAVITT. P.LS. UCENSE NUMBER N1A . _ft.{m) 2557 . ift.(m) 2560. ~n.(m) OJ .. Vl '0 ~ ~c Will 1.... 4i ..8:; Eli ::Ie z.2> ~Vl l'l :::; TITLE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR COMPANY NAME 7323 AAROW LAND SURVEYING. INC. CITY EAGLE DATE 4-20-05 "'- FEMA Form 61-31, January 2003 See reverse side for continuation. ZIP CODE 83616 STATE ID TElEPHONE 200-939-7373 ['] . Replaces all previous edltrons