Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 150 E Riverside Drive - Mixed Use Sub No 05 - 11/16/2004 ""t:DERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NA TJONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Important: Read the instructions on pages 1 . 7. a.M.B. No. 3067-0077 Expires December 31, 2005 SECTION A. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION For Insurance ~ Use: BUILDING OWNER'S NAME Policy Number JOE OSIER BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt, Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Company NAlC Number 150 E RIVERSIDE DRNE CITY STATE ZIP CODE EAGLE ID 83616 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parrel Number, Legal Desaiption, etc.) R-5760250060 a.k.a. LOT 8, BLOCK 1, MIXED USE SUB'D NO.5 BUILDING USE (e.g., Residential, Non-residential, Addition, Acressory, etc. Use a Comments area, if necessary.) COMMERCIAL LATITUDElLONGITUDE (OPTIONAL) HORIZONTAL DATUM: SOURCE: 0 GPS (Type):_ ( ##' - #If - ##.##' or ##.#I###f) 0 NAD 1927 0 NAD 1983 0 USGS Quad Map o Other. _ SECTION B. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION I 81. NFl' COM\fJNITY NME & CCN\u.JfTY NUfvI3ER I B2. COONTY r-w.t: CITY a= EAGlE -16CXXl3 MJA I~ATE 84. t.W> AND PANEl B7.FFWPANEl 89. BASE FLOOD ELEVATJ()-.j(S) NUM3ER 85. SlFFIX 86. FIRM taX DATE EFFECTI'vEREVIS DATE 88. FLOOD ZOOE(S) (Zooe AO, use deph IX bxl('g) 154 H 02-19-2003 02-19-2003 AE 2561.1 B10.lndcate the source a the Base Fkxx1 Elevation (BFE) data or base fIocxf ~ enierOO in 89. o FIS PrOOle ~ FIRM 0 Coommity Detemlned 0 Other (Desaibe):_ 811.lndcatetheelevaion dcium usedtrthe BFE i1 89: 0 NGVO 1929 ~ NAVD 1988 0 Other(DesaiJe):_ 812.15 the bt.iIdng kx:ciedin a Coasta Ib1ierResoun:es System(CBRS) area ocOlhert.;sePJdectedArea(OPA)? 0 Yes ~ No Desi;,mion Date_ SECTION C . BUIlDING ElEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Buildng elevciions ere based 00: 0 Cooslnx:tioo Drawings- 0 Buildng Under Construction- ~ Rnished 0:lnsIrudi0n -A OON Elevction Certificae wi be raprect when eoosIndioo a the bt.iIdng is c:orJ1lIete. C2. Buildng Diagram Number 2 (Select lhe 00iIding dagran roost sinllar to the building tr Yilich 1I1is rertificale is being cc.mpeted - see pa'Jes 6 and 7. If no diagran a:curately represents the buldng, pl'O't1de a sketdl oc lXdograph.) C3. Elevatioos - Zooes A 1-A30, AE, AH,A (with BFE), VE, V1-Vl:l, V (with BFE), AR. APJA, AAJAE, AAJA 1-1JJ, APJAH, AAJAO Ccmpete Items C3.-a-l bebN aa:ordng ilthe lxiIdng dagram specified in Item C2. Stae the datum used. If the daum is dfferent from lhe dalum used fer the 8FE in Section B, convert the dcium to thci used fer the BFE. SIlCfN field measurements em dcium conversioo caIcuIatioo. Use the spa::e provided oc the Coolments area of Section D or Section G, as ~e. to document the datum conversion. DcIum NA YO '88 Cooversioo.Qmnents ~ referenoo mal< used SITE 06. TUM Does the elevaion reference mark used <wear 00 the RRM? 0 Yes ~ No o a) T qHX lxitan floor (IIldtrlng basement or enclooure) 2561. 23 ft.(m) m o b)Topanexthiglerftoor _._ft.(m) ~ .,., o c) Bottom a bNest horizoota slru::1urci member (V zooes ooly) _' _ft.(m) ~ ~ o d) Alta:::hed garage (top a slaJ) _' _ft.(m) ~ 'g w'" o e) La.vest eIevaIioo a mcd1inery arl'oc Eq./ipment .: Gi ~5 servicing the builcing (Describe i1 a Comnents area) 2561 . 23 ft.(m) E (jj '" c o ~ La.vest cqa:'eflt(finished) grOOe (LAG) 2556 .1Q.ft.(m) ~ ~ o g) Highest OOja:'eflt (finished) grade (HAG) 2561. 48 ft.(m) ~ o h) No. a remment openings (flooj vents) ~n 1 ft. above cqa:'eflt gra:le Q :3 o i) Tota area a at peITTla1ent q:Jenings (flood vents) in C3.h ..Q...sq. in. (sq. an) SECTION D. SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or ardlitect authorized by law to certify elevation information. J certify that the information in Sections A. B, and C on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. J understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME LICENSE NUMBER DAVID H. ROYLANCE 3624 TITLE COMPANY NAME PROFESS~L LAND SURVEYOR ROYLANCE & ASSOCIATES P A ADDRESS CITY 391 W. STAT EAGLE SIGNATURE DATE 11-15-2004 See reverse side for continuation. FEMA Form 81- STATE 10 TELEPHONE (208) 939-2824 ZIP CODE 83616 Replaces all previous editions --- -- - IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the corresr - ""ding information from Section A For Insuranre Company Use: BliWNG STREET ADDRESS (II1Cix:IirJ Apt, Unit, Slife, and!. -9. No.) OR P.O. ROOTE AND BOX NO. Policy NUITiJer 150 E. ~IVERSIDE DRIVE CITY STATE Z1PCOOE ConllanyNAICNI.JIl"ber EAGlE ID 83616 SECTION D. SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy bcth sides of 1his Elevation Certificate for (1) ccrnmunity offidal, (2) insurcnce agenVcompany, and (3) buiking CNJTler. COMMENTS o Check here if attachments SECTION E . BUILDING REVATION INFORMA TJON (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zone AO and Zone A (without BFE), CXlITlpIete"ems E11hroogh E4. If 1he Elevation Certificate is intended for use as supporting infonnatioo for a LaMA. or LOMR-f, Sectioo C must be ccrnpleted. E1. Buildng Diagram Number _(Seloct lhe building diagram roost simlar to 1he buildng tr YAlich 1his certificale is being ccrnp/eled - see pa'Jes 6 and 7. If no dagram CkUJrately represents the buiking, provide a sketch a- photOJraPh.) E2. The top a the bottom IIocr ~ndudng baseroont a- encIooure) of 1he buildng is _ fl.(m) _h(an) 0 cix>ve a- 0 00k1N (check 006) the higlest aqcn!llt grade. (Use natural graje, if ava~). E3. Fa- Buildng Diagrans 6-8 wi1h qJenings (see page 7),1he next higherllocr or elevated m (elevation b) a the building is _ fl.(m) _in.(an) ctJove the highest adjacent grade. Complete kems C3.h and C3.i 00 front a form. E4. The top a the platform a rm:hinery mor Eqlipment selVidng the building is _ fl.(m) ~in.(an) 0 cix>ve a- 0 belON (check 006) the higlest aqa:ent grade. (Use natural graje, if ava~). ES. For Zone AO ooly: If no fIocxf 00pth oomber is availaje, is the tq:> a the bcXtom IIocr elevated in axordalce with 1he conmunity's ~ rTlarlagement ordinance? o Yes 0 No 0 lklkrctvn. The kJcaI cII'ria must lB1ifylhis ilfOllTlCfun i1 Sectioo G. SECTION F . PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTlRCATION The property CNJTler or a.NIlel's aihaized representative who ccrnpetes Sections A, B, C (Items C3.h and C3.i 00)'), and E tr Zone A (without a FEMA~ or rommunity- issued BFE) or Zone AO must sigl here. The stciements in SedKxJs A B, C, ard E are cooed to the best rimy krcMedge. PROPERTY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE SIGNATURE DATE TELEPHONE COMMENTS o Check here if attachments SECTION G. COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAl) The local offidaI who is au1hOOzed by law a- ordillar1Ce k:l aillrlster the conmunity's ~ain nmagement ordina1ce carl oomplete Sections A, B, C (or E), and G a this EIev~oo CertiOCate. CoolJIele the aprkct:Ae kem(s) and sigl beION. G1. 0 The infOl1l1aion in Sectioo C was ta<en from aher documentatioo tha has been signed and enfussed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or adlitoct who is aulhOlized by state or kJcaIlaw to lB1ify elevation information. (Inciccie the source and dcte a the elevation dcta in the Comments <rea beION.) G2. 0 A COITYnunity offidal completed Soction Efora buildnglocated in Zone A (withoutaFEMA-issued orcornrrunity~ BFE) orZoneAO. 03. 0 The fdlcNJing infoonalion (Items G<<39) is provided fer ccrnmunity floOOplain rTlarlagement purp:>ses. G4. PERMIT NUM3ER GS. DATE PERMIT ISSUED G6. DATE CERTIFICATE a= CCM'I..W-lCE.O::CUPANCY ISSUED G7. This pemlt has been issued for. 0 New Construction 0 Substantial Improvement 08. Elevation of as-built Ic1.Yest IIocr (indudng basement) of the buiking is: 09. BFE or em Zone AO) 00pth a fIoodng at the buiking site is: LOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME COMMUNITY NAME SIGNATURE COMMENTS _._ft.(m) _._ft.(m) Datum: Daum: TITLE TELEPHONE DATE o Check here if attachments FEMA Form 81-31, January 2003 Replaces all previous editions