Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 1025 S Bridgeway Place - Mixed Use Sub No 05 - 5/10/2005 12/07/2005 12:11 2083752744 PREMIER FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY , NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE PAGE 03 Q,M.B. No. 3007-0077 J Expires December 31,2005 " 6U\LDINCl OWNER'S "lAM~ River's Ed e Buildin ,LLC BUILDrNG STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt.. Unit. Suite, QOO'Of' Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROVTE AND BOX NO. 1025 ~. ~ridgeway PI01<':~ Cl1Y SiATE Eagle ID PROPERTY OEseR/I-' I ION (Lo~ ill III flIed> Numbero. T3X P~tCQI NlmhRl'. LeQal Description, etc.) Lot 25, Block 4, Mixed Use Subdivision Nlnlber 5, Records of Ada County, Idaho BUILDING USE (8.g" Residential. Non-residential. Addition, N;oessory, elc. Use a Comments are$, If nece$sary,) Ollles LA TIWDEJl.ONGITUDE (OPTIONAL) ( mf. p:#' . ##.lffI" or .ff#.#####") Company NAIC NumbG:r ZIP (.;uut:: 83616 HORIZONTAL DATUM: o NAn 1927 0 NAD 1983 SOURCE: Ll tiP:; I fype):_ o USGS Quad Map o Other._ SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMAll0N 81. NFIP COMMUNITY NMlIO. & COMMUNIlY NIIMRFA City of Eag'Q 1&r03 a2. COUNTY NAME Ada 53. STATE Id:Iho 84. ~ ANO PANa 87. FlAM PANs. Be. BAse R..OOD ElE\IATION(S) NUMBER 65. SUI-t-1X Il(\. F1RM It~DCX OATE I;F:FECT1VFIRFVISED DATE 00. A.OOD ZQN!:(S) (Zone AD. ure cIep'h ollkxxfrg) 154 H 2119f2OO! 2119/(003 AE 1.:501.9 e10. lndieato (hQ SCiJTD? nllhP. B3se Flood E1evallon (BFE) data or base noed OOpth entered in 89. o FIS PI'Jfi\c 18J RRM 0 cnnmunity CctermiMCl 0 O\h::r (CM:rtbe):_ B11.lncflCale the elevation datum usedforlhe BFEin 89: 0 NOVO 1929 I8l NAVD 1988 0 O\I);)r (DescriOO):_ BI2.I~ U~ building located In a C08l:taI Banit:!r RP.!'NlrteS System (CBRSl al93 orOt/'1eIWise Protected Area (OPAl? 0 Yes 181 No Oesigna~on Date SEcnON C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMA110N (SURVEY REQUIRED) (':1, RiJildng elevations are based on: 0 Constnx:tion Drawings. 0 Buildng Under Construdion+ 181 FInished Constndion · A new Elevation Certificate 'Mil be required when coostrucIIon olltle ooildng IS alITlplt!\l.I. C2. BuUding Diagram Nunber 1 (Select the building dagram most sim~arto rl1e buikfing forvmich this certificale is ooing ronpleled. see pages 6 and 7. /I no diagram accurately rupl~nls h building, prD'.'ido a skotch or p~mph.) C3. Elevations -ZooesAl.A30. PE, AH, A (v.ilh BFE), VE, V1-V30, V (With BFE), AR, APJA, NVAE, ARtA1-A3Q, ARlAH, APJAO ComplelB ttems C3.-a~ oolCHI accooing to the buldng diagram specified in Item C2. Slate the datum used. If lt1Q datum is c1fferent from the datum uscd for the BFE in Section S, oonvert the d3tLlm 10 \hat used for tt'e ~I-I:. ShOw 11eld rr\l.:!i:lSlJlell1e11t$ and dntum COI1\IO~ion caleulation \ 1M the space provided or the Comments aIM of Section D or Scclion G, as appropria.te, to docl.menl the datum conversion. Dntum _ Conver.;>Jrv'I!('.ommenlS_ Elevation mferenc8 mai1< used _Does !he elevation rnteronce mark used appear on the FIRM? 0 Yes 0 No o a) Top at bottom floor ~ndudIng baSQment or enclosure) 2582. j1ft.(m) o b) T~ of next highQr 11001' _' _11.(m) o c) Bottom of Icmest ronzonlal sll1.JClural member t:J zones only) _' _ft(m) 1:1 d) An.~C'.hed garage (toP of slab) _' _fl.(m) Cl 0) t.ov,.Qst elevation of machinery mor equipmen1 .seMcing tm building (Describe in a Cmments areal _, ~J.(ml U 1) Lowest ~acell\ ltirWlec) ~ (LAG) z;Qi. ~ lllm) Q g) Highest adjacent (finished) grade (HAG) 2582. li,ft(m) o h) No. of pQrrnar1ent opening$ (flood vems) Within 1 ft. a'oove ~acent graoo _ Q i) Total area ofalt permanenlopenir9s (fIoojvents) in C3.h _sq. In. (sq. em) SECTION 0 - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERllFlCA'TlON This certification is to be signed and sealed oy a land surveyul, I::llgineer, or arch~ect authorized by law to certify ~1F!V;:ltiorrinformation:' I certify that the informa!ion in Sections A, e, and C on this certificate represents my best efforls to interprstl/1e data available. 1 understand that any false sfat~menl '!lilY be punishable ~y fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S, Code, Section 1001. CERTlFIER'S NAME ' LICENSE NUMBER !)ann!; LlJlM.'t, P.LS. 11575 rl11.F .--. .'-"'-" .---.. cOMFN-NNM1C Professional Land Surveyor Ruyl;jJ~ & ANociatt'll', PA ADDRESS CITY 3g, W. SIAIA ~t~: Eagle SIGNATURE~- ()" '- "7", ' " , DAIt: __ l..:L~ ~ tJS-I() ..~S FEMA Form 81-31. J3T1ua1Y ~003 ~ ., (/) ~.s! ~lll """0 E C Wtll ~4f '" - .o,a E '" ~.g, .. en VI c ~ :J' STATE ID TO.O'11ONE (200) 93&2824 ZIP CODE 83816 See r~"ero~ c,ida for eontiflLlt\,it"'lt'\ Rcpla\l8S all prgviO\l& ~dl~ions 12/07/2005 12:11 2083752744 PREMIER ,:--'.. , . IfJlPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the corr 1nding informaijon from Section A. 9UIlDIN~ ~T~FFT ADDRESS Ilndudil1!l Apt, Unit, Suile, a!1\lor6Klg. No.) OR p.o. ROUTE AND BOX NO. PAGE 84 For In.c;urancs CrJrrpany U~: PoG Nurrrer CITY STATE ZIP CODE Corrparry Nf>JC Number SECTION D. SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERllACA 110N (CONTINUED) Copy ~ si~$ nl thi.~ !;I~~on Certificate for (' ) commlll1ity offlclal. (2) irl..~rance agenlloompany, and (3) lYJiking ~r. OOMMENTS o Check here ~ attachments SECTION E- BUILDING ELEVA110N INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (\\'ITHOlIT BFE) For Zone AO and Zone A (without BFE), complete Items E1lhrough E4. I1lhe Elevation Ce~iflcate is intended for use as supporting informa1iOll for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C must be ~etcd, E1. Buildng Diagram Number _(Selecllt1e building diagram most similar to the bUl1dng for which this certificate is being completed - see pages 6 and 7. II no diagram accurately rep~l:llho bU.1ding, provide as\cQtd'\ or phr:rl.l'\(Jr.'I[lh.) E2. The lOp of n~ bottom noor (including basement or enclooure) of the buildirg is _ ft.(m) ~ in.(cm) 0 aoove or 0 below (check one) the hgl1est ad'J3Cflnlgrade. (Use na1ural grade, if available). E3. For Builolllg Diagrams &8 with openings (see page 7). The next hiyhl:!l rJuur or elevated floor (elevatlon b) of the bul'ding i:; _ ft(m) _in.(em):.above lne hig~ ar.fj~nt grnde. Compleie hems C3.h and C3.i on front of lonn. F4. The lop of !he platform of machinery arrl'orequilX11ent servidng the buHcing Is _ ft(m} _in.(cm) 0 above or D below (check one) ttle highest adjacent 91<100. (Use natuml grade, ~ available). E5. For Zone AO my: 11 no flood depth number is available, is the lop 01 the bollom floor elevaled In a.coordance with lh9 rommunity's ftooq:lIain management ordnarK:e? Dyes 0 IIlO 0 Unknuwr~ TlII-J ~ officilJl fT1IJ:SI cerfrfyttli3 infO!1Tlalion in Scc1ion G. SEcnON F - PROPERlY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTAllVEl CERllFlCAllON Tho plQPQrty O\\IMr or 0WI'1'?r'!(: "'.I.~hnri7P.<i rP.presentative WrY:J complertes Sedlons A, 8, C (lIems C3.h aryj C3.i only), and E lor Zone A (will1ool a FEMM.owed or COOlmunity- issu€d 8FE) or Zone AO must sign he~. The s18rements in Seclions A 8, C, and E are oo17Pd to tha best of my ~. PROPERTY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AlJTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME ADDRESS erN STAlE ZIP CODE TELEPHOt~F. SIGNATURE DATE OOMMENTS SECTION G . COMMUNITY INFORMA nON (OPllONAL) Th;IIr.r.<\! offici@l whn j!;l :'II r.1w17P.rl hy lilW or ortiinllllCS to administer the commt.\1itYs f!oodp/ain management ordinance can comple1e Sections A. B, C (or 1:), and G of this Bevallon Certifica1e. Complete the applicable ttem(s) and sign beiow. G1, 0 The info~tion in ~tion C was !alIen from other documentation that has been signsd and Mlbossed 'rty a licensed surveyor, engineer, or arthilect who is authorlzed by slate or local law to certlfy elevatIOn 1nI0rmaTlon. (Indk:.alll n ~ lAAJl~ i:ll1C.l Vall:: 01 u.te elevation data in the Cornmenl$ ~ OOIow.) G2. D A community official romplelecJ Section E for a building Ioc.ated in Zone A (Vrithout 0. FEM^~ssued or communlty~ssued BFE) or Zone AO. 00. 0 The loIlowirg information (11ems G4{]9) is provided lor (XlIl1ml.onily floodplain management plJrposllS. G4. PERMIT NUMBER GO. DATE PERMIT ISSUED GG. DATE CERTIFICATE OF COMPlJANCEIOCCUPANCY ISSUED o Ch9Ck here If attachments G7. This permh has 00en issued for: U New Con..o:;lruclioo 0 SubslanUallmproveroont 00. Elevation of as-bui11lowesl floor (including basement) 01 Ire buOding is; G9. BFE or Qn 20m! AO) c'P.pth r:J flnrtino 'It thP. hi dlrli~ ~e is: LOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME _._ft.(m) _'_ u..... !Uml Da1um: Datum: TInE TELEPHONE \XJMMUNllY NM1E SIO;NATURE DATE COMMENTS o Check here n attachments Fc;MA Fv,m 51 -31, Janu.:lry :<:000 RFl[1IM':F!l\ all DrevioLl~ editions