Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 839 S Bridgeway Place - Mixed Use Sub No 05 - 12/13/2006 1""'" U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Feder8I Emergency Management Agency National FJood Insuranc:e Program ELEVATION CERTIFICATE ~BNo.1~ ExDlres Februarv 28. 2009 SECTION A - PROPERTY INFORMATION For Insurance Company Use: At. Building Owner's Name ROLAMl WOOLSEY Policy Number A2. Building Street Address (Indudlng ApL. Unit, SUIl8, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No. Company NAlC Number 839 S. BRlDGEWAY PlACE Important Read the instructions on pages 1-8. City Eagle State 10 ZIP Code 83618 A3. Property DeIcription (lot and Block Nl.mbera. Tax Parcel Nlrnber, Legal Deec:riptIon, etc.) LOT 20. BLOCK 4, IIIXED USE SUB. NO. 5 A4. BuDding UIe (e.g.. Residential. Non-ResIdenlI8I. AddIIon, Accessory. etc.) ~ICAL. AS. LatItudeILongltude: Lat. Q"41'14"N Long.118"21'OS'W Horizontal Datum: 0 HAD 1927 181 HAD 1983 AJ1. AItach at least 2 photographs of the buDding If the CertIIIcalIlIa being used to obtain 1Iood inSurance. A7. Building DilIgnm Number 1 M. For a buldlng with a crawl space or enclosure(s), provide AS. For a bulkfll'lQ with an alt8ched g&11Ig8. plOVide: a) SqU818 fool8ge of cf3WIspace or enckls\n(s) ~ It a) Square rootIIge of aII8ched garage NlA sq ft b) No. of pennanent tIood openings In the crawl SJI8C8 or b) No. of permanent nood openings In the 8ll8Ched garage endosura(a) walls within 1.0 foot above ~ grade wa wells within 1.0 foot above edjecent grade NlA c) Totel net area oftloocl openings In M.b trA aq in c) ToI8l net aree of flood opening. \nAB.b tilA sq In SECTION B . FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION 81. NFIP Community Name & Community Number 82. County Name 83. Slate CITY OF EAGLE 16001C ADA IDAHO 84. MaplPanel Number 86. FIRM Index B8. Flood 89. Base Flood EIevatIon(s) (Zone Date Zone(s) AO, use base flood depth) 16001C0153 H 2-19-03 2-19-03 AE 2560.1 810. Indlcalelhe source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) dllt8 or b8a8 ftood depth entered In Item 89. o FIS Profile 181 FIRM 0 Community DetermIned CJ Other (DescrIbe) _ B11. Indicate elevation datum used for BFE in nem B9: Cl NGVD 1929 181 NAVD 1988 CJ Other (DescrIbe) _ B12. Is the building IoaIt8d In a CoaslBI Barrier Resources System (CBRS) 8188 or otherwise Proted8d Area (OPA)? Dyes ~No Designation Dale _ 0 C8RS 0 OPA SEC110N C . BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMAnON (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Buldlng eI8vatIona are based on: 0 Conatructlon DrawIngs" 0 BulIding Under Conatruc:IIon" 181 Finished Construction *A new Elevation Certfflc8te win be required when construction of the building Is complete. C2. EIevB1iDna-Zones A1-A30. AE.. AH. A (wIIh BFE). VE, V1-V3O, v (WRh BFE), Aft. ARIA, AAJ~ AAJA1-P30. ARIAH. ARJAD. Complete Items C2.a-g below accon:II1g to the buIdIng diagram speciIied In Item A7. BenchmaItt UIIIIzed _ Vertical Datum _ CorMlnIonIComme _ a) Top of boaom floor (Including baement, crawl apace, or enclosure fIoor). b) Top of the next higherftoor c) BoItam of the lowest horlzontal atlUCtural member ~ Zonea only) d) AlIBched garage (top of slab) e) lowest elevation of machinery or equipment urvk:Ing the building (DescrIbe type of equipment In Comments) f) Lowest adjacent (finished) gl'llde (LAG) g) Hlghallladjacent (finished) grade (HAG) Check the measurement used. ~fi 181 feet 0 meters (puerto RIco only) NfA._ 181 feet CJ meters (Puerto Rico only) &_ 0 feet 0 met8ra (Puerto RIco only) NfA._ 181 feet D meters (Puerto RIco only) 2W..~ OS! feet D meters (puerto RIco only) ~.a 181 feet D metefs (Puerto RIco only) 2:ilm~ 181 feet CJ mete1S (Puerto RIco only) SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER. OR ARCHITECT CER11F1CATION ThIs cectIftcatIon Is 10 be 8Igned and sealed by ellmd surveyor, engineer. or erd11ec:t aulhoriIed by law to certify elevation Information. I cerlJfy thaI the Irrfonnatlon on IhIs Cett/1iceja l8pIesents my but eIbIs to Intetpt8t the data available. J undeIsIand IIJBI any fB/$e statement may be punlshsblfl by line or /mprI:JonmenI under 18 U.8. Code, Section 1001. . o Check heIe If comments are provided on back of form. . CIty EAGLE Dale 12-13-06 State 10 ZIP Code 83618 Telephone 208-939-7373 Certllier's N8I1I8 JEREMIAH 8. AELDING, PLS Ucense Number 12220 TrUe PROFESSIONAL lAND SURVEYOR Company Name ARROW lAND SURVEYING, INC. See reverse side for contIroaIion. Replaces all previous editions