Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 1177 N Eagle Road - N/A - 12/5/2001SEC -05-2001 11:52 MJPR-E ENGINEERING A 208 378 0328 P.02/03 ATiOMAI. FLOOD INSULRANCt: NKUUMr#1 I Expires July 31, 2002 I ELEVATION CERTIFICATE L _ Important: Read the inmiciions on pages l e 7, e 7 SECTION A • PROPERLY ONNER INFORMATION Far Insurance Company Use { BUILDING OWNER'S NAME I Policy Number Mike Higginson BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Inducting Apt, Unit, Suite, and& DIdg, No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Company NAIL Number 1177 N. Eagle Road CITY STATIE ZIP CODE Eagle, Ada County ID MIS PROPERTY DESCRR ON (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number Legal DsscdpUon. 0—') Ada County Parcel No. 60508110343 BUILDING USE (e,g„ Residential, Non-residents Addition, AcceiWry, etc, Use a comments area, if necessary) Non -Residential IA1'ITUDE/LOM1 MJDE (OPTIONAL) HORIZONTAL. DATUM SOURCE; ❑ GPS (Type)- ( W -1W -##.## or rYtt►t14 ❑ NAD 1927 ❑ NAD 1983 ❑ USGS Quad Map ❑ Other. SECTION B - ROOD FORANCE RATE MAP FIRiq INFORMATION Ad& County, ldaha kxwpc+taNd Arses 160003 Ada County NUMBERB6. FiRM INDEX DATE EFFECTKPEVISED DATE 813. b10DDZCNE(S) (ZoneAO, use depth 16=0153 G Sep 22, 98 Sap92, 99 AIeX 2583.3 B10, Indicaie the source ofthe Base Flood Bwatim (B dataor basettvod depth entered in 89, El FIS Pm5le ❑ FIRM (ST * Ddfinire 0 other moi; Dgeed LOMEAd Jur* a 2000 B11, Indicate the elevation datum used for the 5FE In B9: ® NOVO 1929 Q NAVD 190 ❑ Other (17maw SECWN C - SULDING C1, Building elevations are based ant ❑ Consttudfon Dmwvings' ' [j D dlding Under Corlslrudion" 0 Fidshad Cons rudon A new Elevation Cerlificate 4 be required when consWcthn of the building is complete. C2, Building Diagram Nurnberg (Select the building diagram most skn* m Ute buliOng for*Kth this ceM&c;ate Is being aempleied -see pages Sand 7. ff no dagram accurately Tepesenis the bwlding, provide a sketch or phdogrdph.) C3. Elevations --zones Al -A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, V1 430, V (with BFE), AR, AWA, ARZAE, AFJA1-AW, AWAH, AR1AO Complete Items C3.,+i below accodfing to the budding diagram speatied in Item C2, Stale the datum used, ff the daktm Is ddferen(fioml the datum used for the SFE In Section B, convertthe datum to that used fortheBFE. Showfield measurernents and datum conversion ca)aWon, Use thespa s provided or the Comments area of Section D or Section G, as appropriate, to document the datum conversion, Datum NGVD29 Ccnversion/Commerts l3etratiolt teff toe uttarRk used rOoes the elwadart retri[LVIs� mark used co the FtRM7 ❑ Yes R No o a) Top of boltatt ftr(ir� basernerlt or to o b) Top of next K#w ttcor ( F to • a 0 estreat of iomest hmzmW shd4d ernber(+mm Only) �• _ftdm) � o d) Abdied garage 0op of stab)Uj (m) o e) Lowest elevation of mm*ery and/or equipment servicing the budding (Describe in a Commert ansa) o t) Lowest adjacent (finished) grade (LAG) 256fi , 3 ft.(m) y o g) Highest ad=nt (%shed) VC10 (NAG) 22W. 5.341111) o h) No, of permanent openings (Stood vents) within 111. above a4soentgrade 15 o i) Total area of ail permanent openings (flood vends) in C3.h 1404 sq. in, (sq, cm) SEcnON 0- SURVEYOR, 9NGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. I certify that the information in Sections A, B, and C on This cedificafe represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. / understand that any false statement may be PuW119blO by fine or i WrreW under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFEER'S NAME D. Terry Peugh LICENSE NUMBER Idaho PLS 4431 TM_EPMPdLx4SUWejW WANY NAME F!d#delxginee Inc ADDRESS�- -•"\ ,CITY STATE ZIPPCODE 701 S, Allen S W ,�"" ' R�idlan FEMA Form 81-31. JUL 00 SEE: REVERS[; SIOE FOR CONTINUATION REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS DEC -05-2001 11:53 HUBBLE ENGINEERING 1 208 378 0329 P.03iO3 IMPORTANT. In these space, cppythe cmTes rKr ►ionnalfan ctio from sen A. T BuR aNG STRWADORESS (Irtdudirg Apt, Unk Suite, and.:, M, No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND 90X NQ Pore/ Number f CrrY - - STATE ZIP CODE Company NAIC Number Eagle 1) 83616 SECTION D. SURVEYOR ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CON11NUM Copy both sides of this Elevaicn Certificate for (1) oorrmunily official, (2) insurance agenticompany, and (3) WkIng owner. COMMENTS C3,e) Saner Foe smPK ed horn bwft ❑ Cnedk here If attachments SECTION E • BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEYNOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE)- For ZoneAO and Zone A (vAthout BFE), oornplets Items E1 tivough 1i:4. Ifthe Elevation Certificate is intended forwassupponing Ir tOrmalon fora LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C must be owroeted. Et. Bing Diagram N urnber_(Seledthe building diagram mod Wft to the buUng forwhich this cerdflrate is bong cm*W- pages 6 and 7. Wno diagram =uratefy represents the building. pvvkle a ske or$=graph.) I E2, Ti,e �P of the twtiam floor {incud 15 I r l a endocu re) of the builing is —140 _in.(an) ❑ above or ❑ below (chock one) the highest adjacent grade. (use naMal grade, if avallaible), • j E3, Forsuilding Diagrams U Wth openings (see page 7), the nest hfghefvor elevated fi=(elev4m b) of theWding Is _ft(m)� irt,(an) above the highest arfjaorrtt grade, Complete items C3.h and C3,i on front of form. E4. ForZone AO only; If no flood depth number Is avaiiable, is the top of the boom floorelevated in aomMm Witt the oorrununfty'sfloodplain managentettt advance? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown. The local ofWal mustcertify Ihis fnfornation in Section G, SECTION F - PROPE'M OWNER (OR MNEWS REPRESENPATIM CERTIFICATION The property owner or c*ne(s authafzed representative who completes Seckns A, 8, C (Items C3,h and C31 only), and E for Zone A (without a FE"ssued or community issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here, The statements in Sections A, 3, C, and E are correct to Iho best of my knowledge. PROPERTY OWNER'S OR 0/ftR'SAUTKPJZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAHE ADDRESS CITY STATE ZtPCODE S2 nJRE DATE TELEPHONE COMMENTS ❑ Check here ITettacttments SECTION G • COMWWrY1NFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The loca) anodal who is authorised by law or ordinance to administer the mrruTxmn Vs tloodplain management adfnanoe can complete Sections A, B, C (or E), and G d Geis Elevation Catficate, Complete the aW able ltem(s) and sign below, G1. ❑ The information in Seddon C was laken from other documentation that has been signed and embossed by a kensed sutveyo, engineer, or ardhW who is authorized by state or tool lair to certify elevaton infornAort. (In Me thesource and dale of the elevation dda in theCommentsi area belay,) G2, ❑ A community oTtdal completed Seddon Efor a building located In Zone (Without a FEf4lAassued or canrnunity4ssued 5M or Zone AO. G3, ❑ The following information (items G4 -G9) is pavided forcommunity floodplain management purposes. GQ PERMIT NUMBER I G5. DATE PERMIT ISSUED j G6. DATE CERTIFICATE OF COMIANCECr..CUPANCY ISSUED i G7. This permit has been issued for. ❑ NewCmOucttat 0 S iWentlall Improvement Ga. Sevation of as -Wk towest flax (Including basement) of the building Is; _t(m) Dam— G9, G9. BFE or (in Zane AO) depth of Roocng at the building site is; --: IL(m) Mm: - 4I OFFICIAL'S NAME TITLE COF,tAAJNffY N—Me _ TELEPHONE SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS ❑ Check hate if etscttmerhts FEMA Form 81.31, JUL 00 REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS TOTAL P.03