Minutes - 2019 - City Council - 08/27/2019 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 27, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GOLD, PITTMAN, MITCHELL. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PRESENTATION: 1. Flood District 10: Mike Dimmick, Boise River related projects, plan to mitigate sedimentary changes impacting Eagle. (SN) Mayor introduces the issue. Mike Dimmick displays a power point presentation and provides an overview of the Boise River Flood Control District 10. Discusses flooding issues within the City and flood management. Eagle Island is a very complex area that we watch very closely. Mike Shubert continues the power point presentation and discusses River Hydraulics which drives flood risk. Mike Dimmick discusses Boise River/Sunroc Gravel pit flooding issues during the 2017 flooding. General discussion. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: None This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, land use application, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 6. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA; INCLUDING THE CONSENT AGENDA: A. City Staff Requests: Planner Baird -Spencer: I would request that Item #10A will be moved. Mayor: The Council has agreed to move Item #10A. Item #10A will be moved to right before Item #9 Public Hearings. B. Mayor or City Council Requests: None 7. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Page 1 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-27-19rnin.doc Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Minutes of August 8, 2019 Joint Workshop ACHD. (SKB) C. Landscape Maintenance Agreement: A contract extension between the City of Eagle, Idaho and Trautman Lawn & Landscape Company. Landscape maintenance services for fiscal year 2019-2020, in an amount not to exceed $292,500. (SR) D. Fiber Optic Cable Installation and Service Agreement: Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Zayo Group for fiber optic cable installation and service at the Eagle Landing in an amount not to exceed $26,000, and recurring monthly charges not to exceed $490 per month. E. Appointment to the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee: In accordance with Resolution 14-19, Mayor Ridgeway is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Eric Fillmore to the committee. Mr. Fillmore will be serving the remainder of a vacated term that will expire in March of 2021. F. Minutes of August 13, 2019. (SKB) G. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for iPUD-07-19 & F'P-09- 19—Fmal Development Plan and Final Plat for Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 3—North Corridor, LLC: North Corridor, LLC, represented by David Sterling, P.E., is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 3, a 72-lot (62-buildable, 10- common) residential planned unit development. The 27-acre site is located on the east side of State Highway 16 approximately 2,215-feet south of the intersection of State Highway 16 and West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) H. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ-15-18/CU-07- 18/PPUD-05-18/PP-11-18--Hidden Pond Subdivision —Creek Water, LLC: Creek Water, LLC, represented by Mark Butler, is requesting a rezone from R- E (Residential -Estates) to R-3-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Hidden Pond Subdivision, a 12-lot (9-buildable, 2-common, 1-private road) residential planned unit development. The 9.85- acre site is located on the south side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 750-feet east of the intersection of North Ballantyne Lane and West Floating Feather Road at 1795 and 1797 West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) I. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for RZ-06-19--Rezone from R-4 to MU-DA---Kurt Barats: Kurt Barats is requesting a rezone from R-4 (Residential) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement in lieu of a conditional use permif) to allow one (1) residential multi -family four - Page 2 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-27-19min.doc plex. The 0.34-acre site is located on the west side of North Eagle Road approximately 450-feet south of the intersection of East Ranch Drive and North Eagle Road at 543 North Eagle Road. (WEV) J. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-07-18/RZ-12-18 & PP/FP-02-18---Annexation and Rezone with Develo ment A reement from RR to R-E-DA & Bruneel Subdivision (fka Gooder John Subdivision) — Steve Bruneel: Steve Bruneel, represented by Tamara Thompson with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting an annexation, rezone from RR (Rural Residential — Ada County designation) to R-E-DA (Residential Estates with a development agreement) and combined preliminary and final plat approvals for Bruneel Subdivision (fka Gooder John Subdivision), a 7-lot (4-buildable, 3-non-buildable) residential subdivision. The 39-acre site is located on the northeast corner of West Homer Road and North Gooder John Lane at 4952 North Gooder John Lane. (WEV) K. DR-48-19—Multi-Tenant Clinic/Office (Business and Professional/Medical and Dental) Building—Rennison Companies, Inc.: Rennison Companies, Inc., represented by John Rennison, is requesting design review approval fora 29,398-square foot, two-story, multi -tenant clinic/office (business and professional/medical and dental) building. The 2.49-acre site is located on the southeast corner of South Stellar Cove Avenue and East Riverside Drive at 2120 East Riverside Drive within Truman Cove Subdivision No. 4. (WEV) L. DR-49-19-Master Sign Plan for a Multi -tenant Clinic/Office (Business and Professional/Medical and Dental) Building within Truman Cove Subdivision No. 4—Rennison Companies, Inc.: Rennison Companies, Inc., represented by Walt Lindgren with Lindgren:Labrie Architecture, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi -tenant clinic/office (business and professional/medical and dental) building. The 2.49-acre site is located on the southeast corner of South Ancona Avenue and East Riverside Drive at 2120 East Riverside Drive within Truman Cove Subdivision No. 4. (WEV) M. DR-50-19—Common Area Landscaping within Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 3—North Corridor, LLC: North Corridor, LLC, represented by David Sterling with T-O Engineers, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 3. The 27.03-acre site is located on the east side of State Highway 16 approximately 2,215-feet south of West Floating Feather Road west of Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 2. (WEV) N. F'P-11-19---Final Plat for Pamela Baker Park Subdivision—DMB Development: DMB Development, represented by Dan Torfin, is requesting final plat approval for Pamela Baker Park Subdivision, a 1-lot, subdivision for a public park. The 17.47-acre site is located on the east side of East Colchester Drive approximately 600-feet southeast of the intersection of East Colchester Drive and South Brookwater Lane. (WEV) Page 3 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-27-19min.doc Pittman removes Item #7K from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Pittman moves to approve the Consent Agenda Items #A thru #N taking out Item #7K for discussion as stated in the Agenda. Seconded by Gold. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE; ALL AVES: MOTION CARRIES............ 7K. DR-48-19—Multi-Tenant Clinic/Office (Business and Professional/Medical and Dental) Building—Rennison Companies, Inc.: Rennison Companies, Inc., represented by John Rennison, is requesting design review approval fora 29,398-square foot, two- story, multi -tenant clinic/office (business and professional/medical and dental) building. The 2.49-acre site is located on the southeast corner of South Stellar Cove Avenue and East Riverside Drive at 2120 East Riverside Drive within Truman Cove Subdivision No. 4. (WEV) Pittman discusses waiver that are being requested. I think we need to hold fast to what we have in code. I don't think we should just hand out waivers when they are requested. I would strike out Site Specific Condition #20 allowing metal to be used. General discussion. Pittman moves to approve Item #7K on the Consent Agenda striking out the aluminum metal on Site Specific Condition #20. Seconded by Mitchell. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.......... 10A. Review of Prosecution Services Contract with Ada County Prosecutor's Office for iY2O19-2O2O. Jan Bennetts, Ada County Prosecutor's Office (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird -Spencer introduces Jan Bennetts. Jan Bennetts, Ada County Prosecutor's Office, discusses the work that her office is doing for the City of Eagle and other cities in the area. Provides an overview of the office procedures and the staff assigned to the City. General discussion. 1. ACTION ITEM: Approval of the it Y 2019-20 Joint Powers Agreement - Prosecution Services Contract with Ada County Prosecutor's Office. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. The Action Item would be to approve the II' Y 2019-20 Joint Powers Agreement -Prosecution Services Contract with Ada County Prosecutor's Office, So, moved by Pittman. Seconded by Gold. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AVE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NONE Page 4 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-27-19min.doc 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:OOp.m. • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. ♦ Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. ACTION ITEM: CU-05-16 MOD —Private School/Modification to Conditions of Approval— Megan Stephens: Megan Stephens is requesting a modification to the conditional use permit previously approved for a private school/childcare facility. The modification request is to increase the number of students permitted from 30 to 49 students and increase the number of classrooms from 3 to 4 classrooms. The 0.33-acre site is located on the north side of East Idaho Street approximately 115-feet east of the intersection of North 2nd Street and East Idaho Street at 342 East Idaho Street. (WEV) This item was continued from the August 13, 2019, City Council meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. Brittany Elliot, representing the applicant, provides Council an overview of the Cross - Access Agreement. We are in full agreement with all of the conditions of approval. I would ask for your approval. Planner Williams presents a power point presentation and provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Brittany Elliot displays the power point presentation and discusses the ingress option. The teachers will be opening and closing the gate. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor: no one has signed up to testify. Is there anyone in the audience who would like to testify? Seeing none. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Bastian moves to approve CU-05-16 MOD —Private School/Modification to Conditions of Approval —Megan Stephens and add Site Specific Condition #1 as proposed by Mike Williams and Site Specific Condition #12 as proposed by Mike Williams with the addition of Site Specific Condition of Approval that states: "the gate shall be closed except for the drop off and pick up times". Seconded by Pittman. Discussion. Gold: Coilman Bastian's motion should include striking "should to shall" in Site Speific Condition #1. Bastian and Pittman concur. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... ............. B. ACTIONITEM: A-01-19 & RZ-04-19---Annexation and Rezone from RUT (Rural - Urban Transition —Ada County Designation) to R-E-DA (Residential -Estates with a Development Agreement— George P. Brecht: George P. Brecht is requesting an annexation and rezone with development agreement of Lot 1, Block 1, Garrigan Estates Subdivision, from RR (Rural Residential —Ada County designation) to R-E-DA (Residential -Estates with a development agreement) and a development agreement modification associated with Lot 6, Block 1, Garrigan Estates Subdivision No. 2. The Page 5 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-27-19min.doc 3.1 5-acre site (consisting of Lot 1, Block 1, Carrigan Estates Subdivision and Lot 6, Block 1, Carrigan Estates Subdivision No. 2) is located on the north side of West Homer Road between North Hawkcrest Lane and North Hawk Wing Lane at 4830 and 4878 North Hawk Wing Lane. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. George Brecht displays overheads and provides the Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Planner Williams displays a power point presentation and provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor: no one has signed up to testify. Is there anyone in the audience who would like to testify? Seeing none. Mayor closes the Public Hearing General Council discussion. Bastian moves to approve A-01-19 & RZ-04-19—Annexation and Rezone from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition —Ada County Designation) to R-E-DA (Residential -Estates with a Development Agreement) and with a Development Agreement modification associated with Lot #1 of Garrigan Estates Subdivision #2, with a change to Site Specific Conditions #3.4, no additional dwelling units shall be constructed on the property except for additional accessories structures. General Discussion. Seconded by Mitchell. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ C. ACTION ITEM: CU-0249/PPUD-02-19/PP-02-19--- Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 4 — White Sturgeon, LLC: White Sturgeon, LLC, represented by David Sterling, with T-O Engineers, is requesting conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 4, a 91-lot (82-buildable, 6-common, 2-shared/common driveway, and 1-future right-of- way) residential planned unit development. The 37.57-acre site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of West Decathlon Street and North Palmer Lane. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. David Sterling, TO Engineers, displays a power point presentation and provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Planner Williams displays a power point presentation and provides the Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Mayor: I need to declare that the Planning and Zoning Staff and I have been meeting with Idaho Transportation Department on issues in dealing with our roads and as you know the Idaho Transportation Department doesn't have the authority for charging impact fees the way ACHD does. So, one of the ways to deal with that is to enter into an Inter - Government Agreement with cities so the city, working with ITD, can collect and hold money to be specifically used for certain projects within our area. So, we don't have a written agreement, but we have been working with the people in our region and one Page 6 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-27-19min.doc Board Member on that project, so I want to disclose that I was not talking about this specific project. This is something that we are working forward, and I want everyone to know that I have been involved in that. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Christopher Hayden, 909 N. Morley Green Place, displays a power point presentation. I'm here to request a no vote. Provides an overview of the application. General discussion. John Peterson, 2300 E. Buxton Court, discusses the fast growth and density. I object to the density, the setbacks. Discusses high density, traffic, Beacon Light traffic and quality of life. Mayor closes the Public Hearing except for the issue that will be brought back the next time it comes before the Council, that will only deal with the ITD portion of the hearing in dealing with the money that ITD has requested. David Sterling discusses the Development Agreement. Discusses the ponds as being active space and lot sizes. General discussion. Gold moves to table Action Item CU-02-19/PPUD-02-19/PP-02-19—Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 4 to the September 10, 2019 Council meeting. Discussion. Gold: leaving the Public Hearing open for the ITD portion only. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.......... 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. Review of Prosecution Services Contract with Ada County Prosecutor's Office for i'2O19-202O. Jan Bennetts, Ada County Prosecutor's Office (NBS) ACTION ITEM: Approval of the ti Y 2019-20 Joint Powers Agreement - Prosecution Services Contract with Ada County Prosecutor's Office. (NBS) These items were moved to before the Public Hearings by Council Motion. 11. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: None This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items. Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters (excluding Public Hearing and land use items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Page 7 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-27-19min.doc 12. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Gold reports on the meetings with the Ada County Board of County Commissioners and also the Ada County Highway District Commissioners. Pittman: I would ask Nichoel (Planner Baird -Spencer) to give a brief summary of what Miranda just asked so that I understand that I am on the same page. Gold reports on the Art Commission Meeting. Pittman: I was not able to attend the ACHD Budget Hearing, however, I did watch the video of the ACHD meeting. I would like to ask the Mayor and Council that we seriously consider putting a joint agreement together so that we can get something started. So that when something needs to be done in Eagle, we can set our own priority list. Discusses doing a Joint Power Agreement. Planner Baird -Spencer discusses amending the Comp Plan. General discussion. A draft would be prepared and would come to the Council for a public hearing. General discussion. Bastian discusses clean energy. General discussion. Mitchell reports on the Library and the Library Board meeting. Planner Baird -Spencer reports on the ACHD Budget meeting and discusses the City's projects with ACHD. General discussion. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: 1. Financial Report for July 2019. (SKB) PZ Administrator Vaughan provides an update on the zoning ordinance amendment that he is working on. C. City Attorney Report: None Chief Clifford discusses the City entering into an agreement with the Ada County Prosecutors Office. This will make our work easier. Discusses arrest and control technique training. Discusses Code Enforcement issues and investigations. General discussion. Mayor reports on Ada County mosquito abatement. General discussion. Reports on the meeting with the Idaho Humane Society. Discusses proposed changes to the fence ordinance. 13. ADJOURNMENT: Gold moves to adjourn. Mayor: are there any objections to adjournment? Seeing none we are adjourned. Page 8 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-27-19min.doc Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted: "HARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER STAN RIDGEWAY MAYOR ,0011i!ld1lils0a ao O,' OF E A 0 d',, .� •.•••••...• N .• O R sty • T o v -•e . • thI, �; • °•,1(r)Rp(Akt\" \`r' •• V •••••••° EO 000 AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 9 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-27-19min.doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ITEM #9C CU-02-19/PPUD-02-19/PP-02-19—Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 4—White Sturgeon, LLC August 27, 2019 NAME PLEASE PRINT (77 (IA76 ADDRESS .4r ( i- ( (c. re" 'FA (-)0 (5- (Uee reel", TESTIFY PRO/ CON YES/NO NEUTRAL '4'v� EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ITEM #9A CU-05-16 MOD —Private School/Modification to Conditions of A roval— Megan Stephens August 27, 2019 NAME; PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/ CON YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ITEM #9B A-01-19 & RZ-04-19—Annexation and Rezone from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition —Ada County Designation) to R-E-DA (Residential -Estates with a Development Areement—Geore P. Brecht August 27, 2019 NAME: TESTIFY PRO/ CON PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL Notes: 1. Hello Mayor and City Council. My name is Christopher Hadden. I live at 909 N Morley Green Place, Eagle 83616. 2. I am here to today to testify that a "NO" vote should be made on the proposed changes to Snoqualmie River (Sno River) Subdivision No. 4 in the Legacy Community (Legacy Master Plan). This is the land west of Palmer Lane. 3. I have prepared a presentation/documents to discuss my areas of concern. 4. Please turn to (slide) 2 of the presentation which shows the original plan approved prior to 2017 with a density of 57 homes. 5. (Slide) 3, in 2018, is the current plan and was increased, approved by this council and the city of Eagle to add 8 more homes bringing it to a total of 65 homes; increasing the housing density by 8 from the original plan of 57. 6. (Slide) 4 is a screen shot from the developer's application under review showing the new plan with 82 homes. This would be an increase of the housing density by an additional 25 homes from the original PUD and to this phase of the Legacy expansion. 7. On (slide) 5, is a condense view of all prior 3 pages; the original 57 homes, the revised 2018 showing 65 homes and the final one showing 82 homes. My concern(s) (listed on slide 6) with this application are as follows: 1. The ongoing changes in density from the originally approved 57, to 65 and now to 82 while the lot sizes significantly decrease in size further away from the R-2 Low Density zoning of this parcel. 2. Adherence to R-2 Zoning Designation in accordance to the "Zoning Districts and Maps" 8-2-4. Specifically, where the city code states in 8-6-5-5 (Arrangement of Residential Units) section B1&2 "The number of lots below the minimum lot size do not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total number of lots within the development". 3. Traffic impact from increasing the density from the original 57 to 82 lots impacting our roadways with an increase of over +250 vehicular trips on our roadways to an estimated total of "820. 4. Public School Impact from increasing the density from the original 57 to 82 lots will negatively impact our schools with an additional +33 students to a new estimated total of —107 students.; almost double. 5. Concern with the calculation of "Total Acreage of Common Area Open Space" or "Active Open Space" as defined in 8-6-5-2. The current application specifies 13.5 acres of open space when over +60% of both lakes are private; lakefront Tots are private property making shoreline inaccessible to the public. 6. The use of "Share Driveways" to "Cram" 4 houses into an area that otherwise would normally contain 2 homes. Details of above concern(s): The current application will increase the houses by 25 lots to 82 lots from the original 57 homes. These changes to increase density have occurred recently in 2018 and there was no obligation by the city to approve the 2018 application nor any. adjustments that would increase housing density which ultimately impacts traffic on our roadways, class sizes within our schools, and overall health of our community as a whole. a This is pretty evident from the historical screen shots of the Legacy Master Plan that it does not appear to confirm with City Zoning Codes as well as the City of Eagle Comp Plan. My following points will explain further, 2. My second concern: The current application is for a property that is currently zoned as R-2 as seen on (Slides 7 & 8) noting "No Change". The application has been submitted with a zoning designation of "R-2-DA-P" (Residential with a development agreement — PUD). • The concern is that "none" of the applicants proposed lots sizes conforms with the R-2 designation requiring a minimum lot size of 17,000sq ft. • On (Slide 9), the applicant breaks down the number of home types and proposed lot sizes. I have taken the time to provide the closest zoning designation. And they are as follows: Applicants Description of Proposed Lots Closest Zoning District 35 Patio Homes (5,000-8,000 Sq Ft) MU & R5 45 Custom Lots (8,000-11,999 Sq Ft) R3 & R4 2 Estate Lots (12,000-16,999 Sq Ft) R3 • I respectfully request the Mayor and Council to consider what steps can be taken to ensure this application and its development matches the R-2 designation as this parcel has not been rezoned. • It is my belief; the developer could be within; 100 f : compliance with the R-2 zoning if the original plot agreement had never been amended in 2018 by this council with the original planned 57 homes. • That there is plenty enough room in the 3 .75-acre site to accommodate the original approved 57 lots 1 7,000 sq ft while maintaining 2/XL. common area open space. • And there isn't one lot that 1 con see that comes close to the R-2 zoning minimum lot size of 17,000 Sq Ft. According to 'Arrangement of Residential Units'" section 8--6-5-5 (8-2) of city code (Slide 10 screen shot of city code), the number of lots below the 'minimum lot size do not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total number of lots within the development"; this application is not incompliance with this city code. o Now, I can scroll up and down in Chapter 6 in City Code of the "Planned Unit Developments" and regardless of where I l0ok, A. 8, C, D, E & F respectfully are adhered to and fo//owec/. How is it that in t lis one section, the applicant is not being del/required to conform with the city code in section 8-6-5-5 (8-2)? I respectfully would like to hove a written reply to this specific issue from the city attorney to address this concern. o Since there is no adherence to the R-2 Zoning Designation, then is the applicant effectively looking to rezone this property and is this the correct process to follow? ow? It is , misleading to have a R-2-DA-P when none of the lots conform with the city zoning laws for the R-2 designation. o Based on this, I would expect the applicant to conform with city code �.y have ?(�((- �� t lot p� � with City Cole �� 1 �: and ? �� / i,.i Y � L1 1.1 r !�s �.,.' f m. .7e lots � con � � �� 1 y i i / Yr �r 1 � , ao. 8-6-5-5 8 1&2. o And i would go on further to state that I .:suspect whether the applicants Srio River Nol. Not & No3 conform as well with city code. (Slides 11 & 12 are examples of how the code is applied) 3. My third concern: Increased in traffic to and from all the public schools, to department and groceries stores which are predominantly toward the East into Eagle or thru Eagle. Studies have shown the average household makes 10 trips per day (Source: Washington, D.C.: U.S. Bureau of the Census and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1999). For the original plan, 57 homes would generate roughly 570 trips on our already congested roadways. An increase in density to 82 homes would increase the trips from 570 to 820. That is an increase of 250 vehicular trips on our roadways per day. I respectfully request the Mayor and Council to not approve this application which will increase housing densities that will only further impact our congested roc:Q-/wo ,r5_ 4. My fourth concern: Is the increase in students in our public schools. The statistic I heard from a prior hearing is a single-family home generates 1.3 students in the public - school system. For the original plan of 57 homes, this would —74 students. And the proposed 82 homes would generate ^'107. That would be an increase of "'33 additional students. • 33 might sound like a small number, however taking into account all the other subdivisions including the new proposed Belvoir subdivision as an example, they will add over 900+ students to an already over crowded school system. And there are "no new schools" being built as we speak. This directly and negatively impacts the schools and in turn will impact our housing values if not addressed by the City in conjunction with WestAda School district. The City is responsible for ensuring that service level agreements are being met with any city services that are being provided by an outside agency on behalf of the city; such as Eagle Fire, Eagle Police (Ada County), WestAda School District, Water, Sewer, etc. o respectful y request the Mayor and City Council to "NOT" increase density to further negatively impact our schools. It is a/so noted, that this DA-PUD agreement does not include land nor have land set aside for a school which would help to mitigate this issue further and is also usually what a DA-PUD agreements is used for. PUD's agreements usually contain a school, church and/or light commercial within the communities to serve the community. If one had been part of the PUD at some point in time, it certainly would hove on/y benefited the community and would have been more in harmony with existing DA-PUD agreements like the Lexington Hills and Brookwood subdivisions while innkeeping with the Comprehensive Plan 5. My fifth concern: Is with the calculation of "Total Acreage of Common Area Open Space" of 13.5 acres respectively. • The new proposal for 82 homes show smaller lots with larger lakes; but those are lakefront properties rather an actual common space (slide 5). This plan negatively impacts the "Open Space" calculation as the lakes are "not fully accessible" to the public. In reviewing both lakes, less then —40% of both lakes are only accessible on the south side; as north, east and west sides of the lakes have houses directly on the lake (aka lakefront property). • There are also no paths, park benches, or gazebos around these lakes making this "usable open space". There is only a playground/park proposed on the eastern lake which is immediately adjacent to a major roadway in/out of the subdivision. There is only minimal buffering or land between the street and park which from the drawing appears to be some trees and a sidewalk. • The original proposal of 57 homes and also the 2018 65 homes show more accessibly around the lakes with what appears to be a 10'+ plus green space completely around the lakes consistent with the layout in the "Preserve Subdivision" which is adjacent to "Legacy". This may not be the intent of the develop but should be required if the lakes are indeed part of the "common area open space". • respectfully request the Mayor and City Council to hove the builder re -work these areas to be more in concert with the Comprehensive Plon and other Communities such as Lexington Hills, Brookwood and The Preserve which have open walkways and lakes winding thru the subdivision accessible to the entire community; not just the lakefront properties. • I 0 S 0 ask that the Pork be move more toward the interior and off the roadway. Since it is on a major rood artery into the subdivision, this will also create a parking congestion "hazard not failing to mention the hazard of a child running in-between park cars on the street. • If the plan is 1e4't unchanged on/or approved, these lakes areas and common space calculation will need to he reworked to be more accurate as again 100% of the lakes ore not accessible to the entire CaMMUnity Cind therefore should not be used as part of the calculation as it is not consistent with "Common Area Open COC1Ce", 6. My six concern: Is with the "Shared Driveways". Due to the increase in density the developer is seeking; the 2018 Plan plus the current application have the introduction of "share driveways". In my expressed opinion, "Share Driveways" are nothing more than the developer trying "Cram" as many houses into a subdivision not taking into account the impacts to the owner/occupants. It goes against the city design standards which are to. "create livable communities that provide exemplary open spaces ". Examples communities which conform are Lexington Hills, Brookwood and others around the Eagle Rd and Floating Feather corridor. • In both the 2018 plan and the new proposal (Slides 3, 4 &5), the developer has elected to cram 4 lots with a "Shared Driveway" into the Northeast corner and the far west which in other areas of the community there are just 2 homes. • res ectiully request the Mu rot alio 4,:ity Council review we original DA-PUD which I have on (Slide 2) which shows "No Shared Driveways" in the Northeast corner and far west which is more consistent with other L evelopmen ts with', the community. Allowing a developer to "CRAM" 4 houses into a corner when 2 are normally seen on/y benefits the developer and negatively impacts the home values immediately adjacent to these properties and nego Ivey impacts the harmony of the land use and development. It is my belief that the original 57 home plan not only would meet the R-2 zoning designation, it would eliminate the need for the unfavorable and undesirable "shared driveways. � _ _ Repon Critena Repoil typ GL deta Bank- Bank account -% 1*8200'7705*' Check Check Issue Date Numt*r Payee Check Register Transparency Version Check Issue Dates. W1412019 9*612019 Invoice Inva'Ce Sequence GL Account Invoice GL Acmunt TiOe 1512019 29527 Ads County Shefiff - Civts, Divis*'n I Ch 23-&021'7,08*00 GARNISHMENT Total 29527 29528 0811 W2019 29528 Alana Dunn Tot& 29628 I ch 07,0461 g041,00 TRAVEL 9 PER DIEM Page- . Aug 26, 2019 03.59PM Invoice Check Arnount Amount 24311 24311 243-11 319 5G 319-50 31950 29629 08/1512019 29529 Bwrd.' `. 23-0417'�'' GAS '^'-' ^'^' 37490 08/1,�.` 29529 Bwd`, ., `^./�.^. .'..` `.. ^�'z 08/1512019 29529 B&rd 01 `...,7-0`,FUEL COSTS 7113 ^. 0811512019 29529 Baird 0-,--1 ', 60-60420*01-oOO FUEL & LUBRICANTS 33666 336,66 08/1512019 29529 Baird 0f,-,I 5 ch 17w0422m04-00 GAS/MILEAGE 69-61 6961 Total 29529" 29530 08/150*2019 29530 Core& Main LIP Total 29530 29631 08,15/2019 2953 `.,`''.',"'.``'"`08#1 15120 19 29531 iidaho Ch,-:1d Support Rect-tpticig Total 29531 29632 08/15/2019 29532 MASTERCARD 08/15/20 19 29532 MASTERCARD 06/15/2019 29532 MASTERCARD 08/15/2019 29532 MASTERCARD 0811 W01 9 29632 MASTERCARD 29633 08/1512019 29533 Key Bank - HSA 08/15/2019 29533 Key Bank HSA 08/1 6J2019 29533 Key Bank HSA 0811612019 29533 Key Bank HSA 08/1512019 29533 Key Bank - HSA 08/1512019 29533 Key Bank - HSA Total 29533 29534 0812612019 29534 AM E E*clfic. Inc 0812612019 29534 A.M E E*ctric. Inc ., 60&04381*08*00 CAPITAL METER SETS (NEW CUST) 9463870 953876 `. .., .-^`* GARNISHMENT 2 ch 23-0217, -08,00 GARNISHMENT '''. 13848 15230 '^»`^ .^h 24o,0401 ,`," ADVERTISEMENT °`" 41516 2' 24-)0410w01v00 SUPPLIES 20-98 2098 3^ 09-D467%k02,w-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 6.95 6.95 .-^ OT1,0462,49-00 MISCELLANEOUS . . 2 ch 07 -04 x 2-68 -00 MUSEUM PROGRAMS 23-97 2397 `, 20,w0217-w 1 OPOO .``.`..`"v.,, 250-00 25000 2'` 0690217- 10-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 65000 650-00 3` ..''^p'. HSA CONTRIBUTION 50000 500.00 'ch 09-021710-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 20000 200..00 .* 1"217,10-&00 HSA CONTRIBUTION ''' 15000 6 & 13,&021 T 1 Oe-00 HSA CONTRIBUTION 10000 100.00 '''" .^ 60%0434,58'1 RPRIMTNC .,,` 17000 .^ 60-0434-.5S-01 RPRIMTNC PUMPSvWELLS,,CHEM1CA `-`.. `,* - City of Eagle .__ Check ..eIssue Date Number - Total 29534 �~~ 29536 08/26,1019 29535 AAF International Total 29535: 29636 0&2er2019 29536 ABC Stamp Co. 08,12612019 29536 ABC Stamp Co. 29537 08/2612019 29537 ACS-Advanced Control Systems Total 29537, 29538 08/26j?Ol 9 08126-12019 0812151019 08/26;2019 08/26,'2019 29538 Ada County Shexiffs Dept. 29538 Ada County Sheriffs Dept 29536 Ada County Sheriffs Dept 29538 Ada County Sheriffs Dept 29538 Ada County Sheriffs Dept Total 29538 29639 084126;2019 29539 X'sco 29540 08)126oQ019 08112&2019 08t,2612019 29640 Asay 04 VYbrks LLC 29540 Asay Dt\rt VVbrks LLC 29540 Asay Din V\fo(ks LLC Total 29540 20641 08/26'2019 29541 Aspen Apartments, LLC 0&2&'2019 29641 Aspen ApaMnwts, LLC Total 29541 29542 081261019 29542 Autxie Levi 29643 08/26i2019 29543 AutoSort Total 29543 Chea R.Transparency "'',` Check Issue Dates Oil V201 9 - W&201 9 - .``- Invoice Sequence GL AccAwnt Invooce GL Account Title �c" lgwO465*0140 COMMUNITY FACILITY RESERVE I ch 11'0422.1'" COMMUNITY RMATIONS I ch 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES I ch 60-x0434, 19-00 TELECOMMUNICATIONSISCADA 'r' I ch '`° I Ch `~ ":`'`*-* LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 01.16-09-0" LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 01-0416-09-00 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 01,41 &09,*0" LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 01~41649,#00 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT I ch 23a0442w03,w00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES I ch 23-0414-02-00 MIS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS I ch 01-0417-00-00 WEEDABATEMENT `. 23-0414,&02-00 MIS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS I ch 23-0440-00-00 SHOP LEASE 2 ch 60,0434,50-00 SHOP LEASE I Ch 17'-0416-WmOO C ONTRACT& PERMIT'SoCAMPSIC LASS I ch 17*422,wWOO PRI NTING-- DUPLICATION Cho* Amowt _ 1691 1411 3102 230.33511 3745000 3,16238 5.27063 5,27063 28148931 24500 32500 1 13000 '`: � ``,`^$75-00 - _ Page 2 Aug 26, 2019 03 59PM Invme Amunt 230,335 67 37450.00 316238 5.27063 5*270 63 245-00 32500 113000 .'`/ 87500 � � City of Eagle Check R"ster w, Tfansperency Vwston Page.- ` Che* Issm Dates. 811412019 ,8/2612019 Aug 26. 2019 03 59PM --'___� Check CheCk Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoice Check issue Date Numbet Payee Sequence GL Acwunt Account Title Amount Amount '' _-- --_ --I I 29544 08/26/2019 29544 "rd 04 `. 13-007-02-00 FUEL COSTS 21-70 2170 08/2612019 29544 Bard Oil 2- 23-007-02-00 GAS AND OIL 306-89 306,89 ,&,',., 29544 Baird Oil ., 60a0420*01 *00 FUEL & LUBRICANTS 251-70 25170 0&2612019 29544 'air` '" ^` 20,0426,P00,00 GAS101L `.-, `.`' 0812612019 29544 Baird Od `^ 0,0463*23, 00 GASIMILEAGE 60-51 6051 Total 29544 `m.. ...................... - 29646 08/28t2019 29545 Beakerz, LLC ,^ 17-0416-00-00 5250 6250 08128/2019 29645 Seakerz, LLC 2, 17-0423-02-00 ,E.,'.,. 330-00 33800 Total 29545. 38850 29646 0812612019 29546 BeMda Fish `. 21w,0421*00.*00 ART EDUCATION &ADVOCACY 15000 ToW,, 29546 15000 29547 0861*26J2019 29547 Bosse City Attofney's OffKe I ch 01,&0416,,05&00 PROSECUTOR 5 5 .46 5.500,46 Tom. 2954'"T 5 500,46 29548 0812tV2019 29548 Brenda or Erwk Ffeeman ` .A 6or-0220-00-00 WATEFUSERVICE DEPOSITS 6:3 t.4 5300 Tcal 29548 5300 29W QSr26/2019 29549 8rcan .`"tje/..' I ch 60-0220-00-00 WATEWSERVICE DEPOSITS 6315 Total 29549 6315 --' 29550 0812812019 29550 8SN Spo"S Inc. I Ch 17,425.0-00 REC EOUIPMENT-TEAM SPORTS 'w `.'`, TcAal 29550 ``',» 29661 08/26/2019 29551 Burkholder Group Inc .C. 23,s0415,a02-w00 TREES-6- LITES REPLACEMENT FUNDS 2,240 OG 2024000 Total 29551 2,24000 29552 081261201,9 29552 ChOsi Benger .` 21.,0421,*00,%00 ART EDUCATION & ADVOCACY '~' Total 29552 150 DO 29563 0812612019 29553 ConneCt 4 Solutions,, LLC I ch 09,*0467*04,.00 GAZEBO CONCERT SERIES 300-00 Total 29553 300,00 29654 0812612019 29554 Core& Main LP 1 , 60-0434-59-00 RPR/MTNC-L1NES-METERS.,ETC 8384 8384 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Check `�°^.'',''`'`','`. Pwo . Check Issue Dates. 8114/2019 * 812612019 Invoice Invotm Payee Sequence G L Ac=u nt 08/25/2019 29554 Core& Main LP OBJ25/2019 29554 Cofe & Main LP 08125/2019 29554 Core& Main LP _____.__` Invoice GL A=unt Title Aug 26,20ig 03 59PM Invoice Check Amount Amount ___ .' W0434-26-00 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 28-46 28-46 ., W*0434*58,rOO 4620 46-20 .. W0434*58-v011 RPR4ATNC 2193 .-c Total 29554 180-43 29655 08126/2019 29555 Craig Ezekiel Washer `" 01,4413oo2v,00 DESIGN REVIEW 8RD COMPENSATIO m Total 29555- 50.00 .~ ''; ' ' � rW�^ - ' '' �'� �; '� "­'10-1 29566 08r261201 9 29556 CTC Bus..ness I ch 18-041s,01`0 INTERNET& PHONE SERVICES 9064 85364 ToW, 29556 85354 29567 08/2&`2019 29557 DEBEST PLUMBING INC .~^ .`.....*' PLUMBING PERMIT REFUND _0000 .1`.. Total 29657 1 0000 29668 08/262019 29558 De(ek or Berkellee Haver -ch 17-0422.rll-00 REFUNDS -PARK REC PROGRAMS 75-^- 7500 -------' Total 29558 7500 ""t 0&26/2019 29659 Derek T Srnith I Ch OleO413-41*00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI .50-0 5000 Total 29559 5000 29660 08/26,2019 29560 Diane McLaugWe,,P, I ch 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATi 1 GO.0. 10000 Total 29560 10000 29561 08/2612019 29561 Ditch witch of the Rockies 'Ch 19-0472-0`00 E00IPMENT PURCHASES r,-W. 0� 21,900,00 _ Total 29561 21,900-00 29662 0 &7&2 019 29562 Drugfree Idaho .' 01-006-49-00 DRUGFREIE IDAHO 8274 8274 Total 29562-. $274 29563 08/2612019 29563 Dustin or Ashtey Bengovich '.' 6&,0220M-00 WATER/SEIRVICE DEPOSITS 54 7^ $411 Total 29563 54 71 29664 08126/2019 29564 Eagle ChambeOf Commerce I ch 11-0422-01-00 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 30-00 30-.00 08/26/2019 29564 Eagle Chan-ber Of Commerce .* 11-0422-01-00 COMMUN17TY RELATIONS 30.00 3.00 0812612019 29664Eagle Chamber Of Commerce 1 ^ 11,x0422a0la-00 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 30-.00 3000 City of Eagle Check Reg*ster - Transparency Versson Check Issue Dates 811412019 8/2812019 Wa.�N•� „r�•�4(n460{'/n Il . Check Check Issue Date Number Total 29564 Invoice Invoice Payee Sequence GLAccount 29565 08/26/2019 29585 Eagle Single Family, LLC Total 29565 29566 08/2612019 29566 Eleanor Shaw Total 29566 Iflvosce GL Account Title wwoa.o��s n.doa.o+ 1 ch O1O2O3O1O1 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 1 ch O9O467O2OO EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 29567 08/2612019 29567 Eflce Gnbskoyccutar creauuons 1 ch O9O468-01OO EVENT REFUNDS Total 29567 Invoice Amouni Page 5 Aug 26 2019 03 59PM Check Amount 1.4 18,837 sa 18 637 50 18,637 50 20OC 25000 250 00 •.. ,. -..,•ter,. • 1500 15.00 29568 08/26/2019 29568 Fire Extnguisher Co Inc 1 th 19O46SO10O COMMLJNITY FACILITY RESERVE 106 00 108.00 Total 29568 108.00 21569 0812612019 29569 Gary McCal 1 ch 21O421O0OO ART EDUCATION & ADVOCACY 150 CO 150 00 Total 29569 29870 08/26/2019 29570 Green Viage 2 Development, Inc 08126/2019 29570 Green Village 2 Development, Inc 1 ch O1O2O301O1 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE t ch O102O301O1 BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 12,753 00 12505 50 150 00 12753 00 12505 50 Total 29570 25258 50 sue, /2612019 295M Hydro Spec*afties Company 1 ch 6OO43459O0 CHEMICALS Total 29571 .3 1317 • 13 17 29512 08/26/2019 29572 Idaho Medca1 AdacemyAHA Dtv ? ch 17.O418QOOO CONTRACTPERMITSCAMPS/CLASS 70200 702 00 Total 29572 29573 08/26/2019 29573 Idaho Power Co.Processing Ctr t ch 23O44102OO UTILITIES 08/26/2019 29573 Idaho Power Co.Processng Ctr 1 ch 23O454O40O UTILITIES 08126/2019 29573 Idaho Power Co -Processing CK 1 ch 23-0455O4OO UTILITIE$ 0812812019 29573 Idaho Power Co Processing Ctr 1 ch 6OO4346000 ROWER 08/26;2019 29573 Idaho Power Co..Processing Ctr 1 ch 6O043460•00 POWER O8F262O19 29573 Idaho Power Go. -Processing Cu' t ch 234454-O4OO UTILITIES O8/262O9 29573 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr 1 ch 23O454O4OO UTILITIES 08/262O19 29573 Idaho Power Co•Processsng Ctr 1 ch 23O454•O4OO UTILITIES 0812612019 29573 Idaho Power Co..Processing Ctr t ch 23O449.04.00 UTILITIES 0812612019 29573 Idaho Power Co.Processing Ctt 1 ch 23O44142OO UTILITIES 0812612019 29573 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr t ch 23O455O4OO UTILITIES 08/2612019 29573 Idaho Power Co.Processing Ctr 1 ch 2304S4O40O UTILITIES • 702 00 1003 1003 6 27 627 7 39 139 1,183.48 118348 229 52 22952 18607 18607 26 24 26.24 138 21 138 21 347 55 347 55 22 57 22 57 728 ?'28 5 19 5 19 City of Eagle _ Check '`Issue Date Nun*er - Check Rewster a Transparency Verspon Page , Check Issue Dates 8/14/2019 & $12612019 -------' Invoice --w" ` Payee Sequence GL Acmunt Aug 26, 2019 03 59PM '`..r` Invoice Check Ac4wnt Title Amount Amount 08/26/2019 29573 Idaho Power Co.-P(ocessing Cir `° 19,4465m044' EAGLE LANDING 08126/2019 29573 Idaho Powef Co. -Processing Ctr .~ 604434-40,vOO POWER 08126/2019 29573 Idaho Power Co.-Proce3sing Ctr I ch 23.,0441.*02,,00 UTILITIES 08/2612019 29573 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr .` 23-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 0812151209 29573 Idaho Power Co.,AProcessing Ctr I ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 0812612019 29573 Idaho Power Co 4Processmq Ctr I ch 23-0441-02-00 UTILITIES 08/2&2019 29573 Idaho Power Co.,,Processmg Cir '^ 6OwO434*50,101 SHOP UTILITIES 08/2612019 29573 Idaho Power Co ' Processing Ctr 2. 23,m0440,*02s00 UTILTIES 0812612019 29573 Idaho Power Co.- Processing Ctr ,° 23-0441 .29,00 UTILITIES 08126/2019 29573 Idaho Power Co -ProcessinCir I ` 210448-04-00 UTILITIES 08/26/2019 29573 Idaho Power Co ProcessinCtr .. 60,0434-60-00 POWER 145-35 `'' 64470 64470 32.29 3229 33733 33733 5.40 540 519 519 17-57 1757 3514 `1. 9186 9186 672 672 1908892 1,088,92 Tolal 29573 4 5 80,27 29574 08126/2019 29574 Idaho States manwAdvertsfng 08/2612019 2957*4 Idaho States ma n,&Adverbs�nq I ch 14,-0413-OMO LEGAL ADS & PUBLICATIONS 2 ch 01 -*0413-08*00 LEGAL ADVERTISING/PUBLICATION 449.84 -,' 492.84 49284 Total 29574 942,68 29575 0812612019 29575 Interactive Bldg Svc-wPIanRacks.c `^' 13-0413,05-00 ,.-.` .`,.`.ES "+ _ .95 16895 Tota29675: 16895 -v. 0812612019 29576 J Kent Smdh or Karen A Smith I Ch 99*0107-00,oOO CASH CLEARINGeUTILITY BILLING e*., 5638 Tota.: 295"76 5638 2957#7 08/2612019 2957 Jeanna Sat '_ 21,0421,00,00 ART EDUCATION & ADVOCACY 15-0,00 15000 Total 29517 15000 29578 08/2612019 29578 K&T M&AIntenance ', 23o04401*03a00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 102,67 102 6t 08/2612019 29578 K&T Matntenance 2~ 60%,0416-00*,00 SHOP UTILITIES 5133 6133 08/26/2019 29578 K&T Mamlenance 3` 23.sO442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 121/68 '.^-' 08/2612019 29578 K&T Maintenance .^.~'5-01,COMMUNITY FACILITY RESERVE ..^, .^3300 08/26.:9 29578 K&T Maintenance I ch 07-002-53-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 6619 66-19 0812612019 29578 K&T Maintenance I ch 06-0464-05-00 CUSTODIAL 6.226.88 6226 88 08126/2019 29678 K&T Maintenance I ch 23-c0443*03%00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 99498 994.98 Total 295 s" 8 9.791 73 29579 08/2612019 29579 Kelhe Rekow '' 60o0434o15,-00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 19-6'^.. Total 29579- 19-65 29580 08/26/2019 29580 Kimberly Houle I Ch ''^' '0*00 ART EDUCATION & ADVOCACY 150 00- 150.00 Total 29580 150-00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Check issue Dates, 8/14/2019., W26120% Check Check issue Date Number Payee Invoice Sequence Invo" GL A=unt Invoice GL Amunt Title 08/26/2019 29581 Lemsnexis Matthew Bende .' 01,4413*28*00 RESOURCE MATERIALS Total 29581 29582 08/2&2019 29582 Louis Germano Page. , Aug 28. 2019 03,59PM Invoice Check Amount Amount 14810 14810 I ch 01 .,0413,*,02&00 OESIGN REVIEW 8RD COMPENSATIO 10000 10000 Total 29582 10000 2*583 0&2&2019 29583 Mark McAllister '' 21-0421 -00-00 ART EDUCATIO^..,/, 50 00 15000 Total 29583 1 so 00 29584 08/26/2019 29584 Mary Gardiner I ch 21,*0421-00-00 ART EDUCATION & ADVOCACY n=Go .5000 Total 29584 29586 08/2&2019 29585 Matthew J Roos Total 29585 29686 0812612019 29586 MCCI -26/2019 29586 MCCI m, Total 2,9586 29587 08/2612019 29587 AAmfissa Chambers Total 29587 oaksvc�_ I ch 09,v,0467,PO4*00 GAZEBO CONCERT SERIES 37,5 I ch 18"416,1.,00 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS `, 01w0416.,35*00 ADMINISTRATIVE RESERVE `, 21,--0421-00*-00 ART EDUCATION & ADVOCACY .500 00 5,95315 `"^ - 8s500 00 si953 15 14,45315 '50,' `-m 29588 0612612019 29588 MtchO* Toolson I ch 99-o107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 100.9 `,` Total 29588 29589 08/2612019 29589 Mountain View Roofing Total 29589 29590 08126/2019 29590 Nathan VeRMI Total 29590, 2MI 08/26/2019 29591 Oxarc... Inc Total 29591 ^'' n- 19.,0466v.01 -00 COMMUNITY FACILITY RESERVE 903000 993000 `^ 21.,0421 -00-00 ART EDUCATION ` ADVOCACY ., 60-0434-59,*00 CHEMICALS ,`+~ 15000 456-20 466-20 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 29592 08/26/2019 29592 Petron A Bendito Total 29592 29593 08/26(2019 29593 Precision Automatson Systems Total 29593 29594 08/2612019 29594 Purchase Power Total 29594 29595 08/26/2019 08/28/2019 08/26/2019 08/26/2019 08/26/2019 08/26/2019 08/26/2019 08/26/2019 08/26/2019 08/26/2019 08126/2019 08/26/2019 08/26t2019 OS1262O19 29595 29595 29595 29595 29595 29595 29595 29595 29595 29595 29595 29595 29595 29595 Total 29595 29696 O826/2O19 O826I2O19 O8i262019 O826/2019 O8262019 Regence Blueshietd of 1dato Regents BIueshied of Idaho Regents Blueshied of Idaho Regents Blueshied of Idaho Regents Blueshied of Idaho Regence Blueshie4d of Idaho Regents Blueshied of Idaho Regents BIueshied of Idaho Regence 8lueshielcl of Idaho Regents 8kieshield of Idaho Regence Bkieshseld of Idaho Regence Bluesbield of Idaho Regents Blueshield of Idaho Regents Bluestneld or Idaho 29596 RepubM Servces #884 29596 Repubc Services #884 29596 Republic Servces #884 29596 Repubic Services 11884 29598 RepubIc Services 11884 Cote 29596 21597 0812612019 29597 Robert Grubb Totat 29597 29598 08/262019 29598 Robert R Schafer Total 29598 Check Register • Transparency Version Check issue Dates 814/2O19 8/2612019 �.:i-.t ��': �• �•}'.�� ?`.c•: z�M,'� -- -v"1. :-h.ti .'.."r'r:: '. •ti?t.•�'r'`�'.t•., .1' Invoice Sequence . •. �r...r ;.� aJ.r r,.,.Y.w.r,...rr Y.rr � r, L.'rY.r' r. J..rJ Invoke GI Account ' ��a.�":dtita,::iyy �`�Y''k'- '•�ia�]�'.O • .•�k.•?4sM'J'. ; ; : ..:�'>•.. �.... /. � .. �'i ; >', i. . ,�.:� rSfoercr+,y roRaiO4advN �, r r...,.. Y.rr... J..r..r,rr , .. .�.�..,.......,.-e�.e,a,r.r...........�orr+ssys�...,.,.� .. . Invoice GL Account Title 1 ch 21O4220000 ARTS IN PUBLIC SPACESJBEAUTIFY 1 ch 60O43458O1 RPRJMTNC PUMPSWELLSCHEMICA 1 ch O10413O70O POSTAGE i ch 11-0217 07 00 2ch 0102170700 3 ch O6O217O7 00 A ch 13-0217.07.00 5 ch 23O21707Q0 6 ch O7O217O1OO 7 ch O9O217O7OO 8 ch 2O0217O7-OO 9ch 18O21707OO lOch 6OO21707OO 11 ch l4O21707OO 12 ch 12O217O7•OO 13 ch 26O217O7•OO 14 Ch 17.0217-07.00 1 ch 1 ch 2ch lch 1 ch EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE GEN AOMIN HEALTH INSURANCE LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE P&Z DEPT HEALTh INSURANCE CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE H.ALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE 23O415-01OO REPUBLIC SRVS -ADD PROGRAMS 23O449O40O UTILITIE$ n-0452-04-00 UTILITIES 23O454O4OO UTILITIES O7O482520O MUSEUM UTILITIES 1 ch O1O413O2OO DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 1 ch O1O413O2OO DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO invoice Amount Page. 8 Aug 26, 2019 03 59PM Check Amount IDOCOO 1.00000 812 71 328.00 610 92 3 303.25 3 034.24 292221 451 93 481 41 1 245 16 1 829 92 5 362 78 663047 5 719.60 533 93 1 885 61 71 32 411 66 411 66 349 34 73 03 lek 1,000 ao 812 77 �: --.. x '�rf� +ot'G4r•.c.�.tr!.u.C.tR cw.rwcrw...•. 812 77 30000 w1h....•vl. •. � .rn 300 00 c.. w.rir�rwwwrcw.r�cw�.ww . 328 00 61092 3 303.25 3 034 24 2 922 21 451 93 461 41 1 245 16 1 829 92 5 362 78 6630.47 5 719.60 533 93 188561 34,319 43 71 32 411 66 411 66 349 34 73 03 1 317 01 goo oa 10000 100 00 • . .:. Lr,.�7•�L4?O�[w. Ate.. :.•. 100 AO 29699 0&26:2Q19 29599 Rocky Mountairi EIectrc t ch 23•0415O2•QO TREES LITES REPLACEMENT FUNDS 4 545 00 4.545 00 Total 29599 4,545 00 .. - -• 'tom.•,. - . City of Eammle Chftk Register - Tramspremy Ve(sto Check Issue Date& fW14/2019,& 812&2019 Aug 26 2019 03 59PM Check Check lnvo"*' Invoc'e Invoice GL Issue Date Nun9w Payee Sequence GL Account A=unt Title �- . - - - � - ­0 . � 29600 0812&2019 29600 Shadows I ch ...'a,., UNIFORMS LAUNDRY Total 2%00 Inv(xce Check Amunt Amount - 5n, 73 52073 29601 08/2&2019 29601 Sho S;rnontacchi Ich '^^.^`,, ART EDUCATION & ADVOCACY .``^ Total 29W1 =. , 08126/2019 29602 Shredwits,.' 08126/2019 29602 :. ', = I01.%0413o,05,,00 OFFICE EXPENSES ^, 07',462,a36*00 MUSEUM SHRED4T 2M3 08112&2019 29603 Stan's Goll Cars. Inc ', 24,*0410.&03-00 GOLF CART RENTALS 70-00 7000 Tot& 29603. 7000 29604 `,�',�` ��- ,',^,`,,''"-`.,``' `^ ,�``-,'� DUES,`''''�`'�,/ 60-00 60-00 Tota,- 29604 00/2612019 29605 Stericycle Environmentai So4ution I ch 23-0415-01-00 REPUBLIC SRVS ADD PROGRAMS - 1,21666 1 v216 66 Total 29605 1,21666 29606 08/25/2019 29606 Steve Guerber i ch 01,0413-01*00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI , Total 29606. 5000 29607 08/26/2019 29607 Talena Baer ,` 01*04131-02,100 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 100/0 ^`,' Total 29607- 10000 29608 08/2612019 29608 Tamyra Gen I ch 09*0468*01,w00 EVENT REFUND$ 6000 60-00 Total 29608, 60,00 29609 08/26/2019 29609 Terra Enviro Consul1mg, Inc ', 23o0414,02w00 MIS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS .`^,`. 4987 00 __ Total 29609, 1,98700 '`'" 08/26i2019 29610 Terry L Sayef ,, 011-4413-024POO DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 10000 `.. Total 29610 10000 - ............ ........... ` City of Eagle _ Check Check Issue Date Number _- Check Register - Transparency Versio Check Issue Dates- 8/1412019 -.8/2612019 hV01ce Invoice Sequence GL A=ount _____-______ v... 08/2612019 29611 Theresa Johnson Tota 129611. -^'` 08/2812019 29e12 Townsquafe Media Some 29613 08/2&2019 05/2612019 08/26/2019 0812612019 0812612019 08/26/2019 ` 29613 29613 29613 29613 29613 29613 Total 29613 T*ra`,`Lawn + Landscape Trautman Lawn & Landscap Trautman Lawn & Landscape `a''` ... ' .,`.,' Trautman Lawn & Landscape Trautman Lawn & Landscape 29614 08/2612019 29514 Trent J . Koci Total 29614 29615 08126/2019 291515 Trent Wright 29616 0812fv,'201 9 29616 United Site Services Totai*. 29616. 29617 08/26/2019 29617 Waxie Sanitary Svppty 08/26/2019 29617 Waxie Sanitary Supply Total 29617 29618 08126-52019 2 = 18 ZayoGmup LLC ft.��������'������ lnv(xce GL Account Title `, 01*0413a.01*00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI '` 24*0401.&04*00 ADVERTISEMENT ., 23-0414,,02-00 `^ 23.wO449.&03*,00 ', 23"V*0414,v02,w00 ," 23o0460w03,w00 .~ 23,0454,,03,,00 1 ch 19o0466-01,w00 MIS MTINC & REPAIR GROUNDS GROUNDS NITNC & REPAIR MIS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS GROUNDS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS MTNC & REPAIR COMMUNITY FACILITY RESERVE i ch 01*,0413*,02,*00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO I ch 01-0413,.01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATI 1 ch 23-0448-04-00 UTILITIES .* 23-0414-05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS `~ 210414,05-00 PAPER PRODUCTS Invoice Amount Page e Aug 26. 2019 03-69PM Check Amount 5000 5000 21938 0C 2938,00 20493-00 ..75^, .,5'.o 325.00 95000 2,50000 1010-00 2890 52045 2,1938,00 20,493 00 4,875,00 1.*'0 32500 95000 2,50000 30,64300 8790 8790 `', '-0417~1'00 INTERNET PHONE SERVICES 78a 38 78338 Total 29618 783.38 Grand Totats 507-85161 _