Minutes - 2019 - City Council - 08/13/2019 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 13, 19 INVOCATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GOLD, PITTMAN, MITCHELL. Bastian: AU present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. RECOGNITIONS: A. Eagle Fun Days Parade: Eagle Fun Days Parade trophy presentation: Mayor introduces the issue. Councilmember Pittman presents trophies for the Eagle Fun Days Parade Dry and Wet Entry to European Wax Center and Advanced Automotive Humvee. B. Boise Rescue Mission: Vice President of Development Jason Billester will present about the City of Eagle's relationship with the Rescue Mission. Mayor introduces the issue. Jason Billester, Boise Rescue Mission, thanks the Mayor and Council for their support. Jason displays a power point presentation and provides Mayor and Council an overview. General discussion. C. Ada Coun Hi' hwa District -Ea' le Nei hborhood Pedestrian and Bic cle Plan update. Mayor introduces the issue. Edinson Bautista, distributes a handout to the Council and displays a power point presentation and provides the Mayor and Council an overview of the projects. General discussion. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: None This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, land use application, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. 6. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA; INCLUDING THE CONSENT AGENDA: A. City Staff Requests: Page 1 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-19minbdgt.doc B. Mayor or City Council Requests: Mayor adds Item #1OD to the Agenda, MOU Regarding Prosecuting Assistance to the City of Eagle, Idaho. Bastian pulls Items #E, #F, #G and item #H from the Consent Agenda. 7. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS CONSENT AGENDA: • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Minutes of July 23, 2019. (SKB) C. Minutes of July 24, 2019. (STUB) D. Appointment to the Parks Pathways and Recreation Commission: Mayor Ridgeway is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Samuel Blaine to the Commission. Mr. Blaine will be serving the remainder of a vacated term that will expire in March of 2022. E. Master License Agreement for Installation and Maintenance of Wayfmdmg Signage: Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with ACHD for the installation and maintenance of wayfinding signage within Eagle. F. *Wrought Iron or Vinyl Fencing Contract: A request to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Boise River Fence for fencing services at the Landing for an amount not to exceed $6,125.00. G. Posts and Poles Contract: A request to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Heartland Post and Pole for the installation at the Landing for an amount not to exceed $8,331.00. H. DR -63 -18 --Common Area Landscaping within Bellemeade Subdivision—Madera Development, Inc.: Madera Development, Inc., represented by Sabrina Durtschi with the KM Engineering LLP, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Bellemeade Subdivision, an 80 -lot (72 -residential, 8 -common _3 -common area open space, 4 -driveway access, 1 -private road]) residential subdivision. The 10.99 -acre site is located on the northeast corner of West Flint Drive and North Park Lane at 3850 West Flint Drive and 312 North Park Lane. (WEV) This item was continued from the July 23, 2019, City Council meeting. I. i'PUD-O7-19 & IP -09-19 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 3 — North Corridor, LLC: North Corridor, LLC, represented by David Sterling, P.E., is requesting final Page 2 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-19minbdgt.doc development plan and final plat approvals for Snoqualmie River Subdivision No. 3, a 72 -lot (62 -buildable, 10 -common) residential planned unit development. The 27 -acre site is located on the east side of State Highway 16 approximately 2,215 -feet south of the intersection of State Highway 16 and West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) J. Amendment to RiveRidge Engineering Cost -Sharing Agreement for Engineering Services: Barry Semple is requesting an increase in the original contract amount for additional expenses that were beyond the original scope of work and for increased billing rates to reflect current market conditions, for an amount not to exceed $11,232.50 above the original contract amount. The cost-sharing agreement is split between five (5) parties making the total increase for the City of Eagle, not to exceed $2,246.50. K. Pump Contract: A request to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Dan's Pump and Filter, LLC for the installation of a new pump at the Landing for an amount not to exceed $3,894.72. Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda not including Items #E, F, G, and H, but including #I, #J and #K with the ones first mention to follow. Seconded by Pittman. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ E. Master License Agreement for Installation and Maintenance of Wayfmding Signage: Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with ACRD for the installation and maintenance of wayfinding signage within Eagle. Bastian removes this Item from the Consent Agenda and questions where the City get this insurance? Mayor: ICRMP would cover this insurance. Bastian I am alright with this item. Bastian moves to approve Master License Agreement for Installation and Maintenance of Wayfinding Signage. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ F. *Wrought Iron or Vinyl Fencing Contract: A request to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Boise River Fence for fencing services at the Landing for an amount not to exceed $6,125.00. Bastian removes this item from the Consent Agenda and has questions on the contract. Mayor provides an overview of the improvements to the Landing. Bastian moves to approve Item #F for the installation of A Vinyl Fence. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ G. Posts and Poles Contract: A request to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Heartland Post and Pole for the installation at the Landing for an amount not to exceed $8,33 1.00. General discussion. Page 3 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-19minbdgt.doc Bastian e Item #7G. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......... ...... H. DR -63 -18 --Common Area Landscaping within Bellemeade Subdivision—Madera Development, Inc.: Madera Development, Inc., represented by Sabrina Durtschi with the KM Engineering LLP, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Bellemeade Subdivision, an 80 -lot (72 -residential, 8 -common _3 - common area open space, 4 -driveway access, 1 -private road=) residential subdivision. The 10.99 -acre site is located on the northeast corner of West Flint Drive and North Park Lane at 3850 West Flint Drive and 312 North Park Lane. (WEV) Bastian removes this Item from the Consent Agenda. I would like you to look at the design of the subdivision. Bastian reads certain portions of the wood fence. My question is, why a wood fence? Discusses wood fences. Instead of having a wood fence we have a 6' vinyl fence that has a wood looking fence. General discussion. Sabrina Durtschi, KM Engineering, displays a power point presentation and provides the Council an overview of the project. Tom Ricks provides an overview of the fence to be installed. This is to be a decorative style fence with stone columns. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve DR-63-18—Common Area Landscaping within Bellemeade Subdivision—Madera Development, Inc. and the fence being a combination of cedar and stone that is a 6' tall, solid fence, and we choose Option #1 which is a 5' sidewalk. Seconded by Pittman. General discussion. Two AYES; Two NAYS: Mayor based on the Code I think that an open style fence is appropriate. I am going to vote no because the Code does not allow that. The Motion fails. Gold I move to approve DR -63 -18 --Common Area Landscaping within Bellemeade Subdivision with the sidewalk configuration #1, a 5' sidewalk and an open style fence. Seconded by Mitchell. General discussion. Two AYES: Two NAYS: Mayor: I will vote for the open fence as the Code outlines. So, the motion carries. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. • Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. ACTION ITEM: A-07-18/RZ-12-18 & PP/FP-02-18— Annexation and Rezone with Development Agreement from RR to R -E -DA & Bruneel Subdivision (fka Gooder John Subdivision) —Steve Bruneel: Steve Bruneel, represented by Tamara Thompson with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting an annexation, rezone from RR Page 4 J:\COUNCILWINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-19minbdgt.doc (Rural Residential—Ada County designation) to R -E -DA (Residential Estates with a development agreement) and combined preliminary and final plat approvals for Bruneel Subdivision (fka Gooder John Subdivision), a 7 -lot (4 -buildable, 3 -non -buildable) residential subdivision. The 39 -acre site is located on the northeast corner of West Homer Road and North Gooder John Lane at 4952 North Gooder John Lane. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Tamara Thompson, The Land Group, displays slides and a power point presentation and provides the Mayor and Council an overview of the project. General discussion. Denise Lauerman, Planning Staff, displays a power point presentation and provides the Mayor and Council an overview of the project. Planner Williams discusses the irrigation and water rights. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor: no one is signed up to testify on this issue. Is there anyone in the audience that would like to testify? Russell Buschert, 235 N. Floating Feather Road, discusses septic's and wells. Discussion on the types of grapes that will be grown. Tamara Thompson discusses the streets, hillside development, set -backs, the street light, sewer and septic on site and the type of grapes grown. We agree with the balance of the Conditions of Approval. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Planner Williams: you would want to add a Condition of Development onto the Development Agreement which states "owner shall place a subdivision sign containing information regarding the proposed development, the subdivision sign shall be located on the property adjacent to Homer Road. For the termination clause: terminations would state if a final plat associated with property is not recorded, this agreement shall termination five years after the effective date. General discussion. Planner Williams: If you choose to approve based on making Lot 4 unbuildable there is one more condition of approval, Site Condition of Approval as recommended by the Commission if this approved as a combined plat. Page 17 of 24, Site Specific Condition of Approval #4 of those additional conditions states, provide a revised final plat, plat note #10, revises the state Lot 4 Block 1 is nonbuildable unless certain grading guidelines on the hill side development standards are reviewed and approved by the City at the time of development and staff recommends is that just be noted as provide a revised final plat with plat note #10 revise the state that Lot #4 is a nonbuildable lot. General discussion on the size of the sign. Gold moves to approve A-07-18/RZ-12-18 & PP/FP-02-18— Annexation and Rezone with Development Agreement from RR to R -E -DA & Bruneel Subdivision (fka Page 5 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-19minbdgt.doc Gooder John Subdivision) with the conditions of approval that Mr. Williams read into the record. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......... B. ACTIONITEM: RZ-06-19--Rezone from R-4 to MU -DA --Kurt Barats: Kurt Barats is requesting a rezone from R-4 (Residential) to MU -DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement :in lieu of a conditional use permit_) to allow one (1) residential multi -family four-piex. The 0.34 -acre site is located on the west side of North Eagle Road approximately 450 -feet south of the intersection of East Ranch Drive and North Eagle Road at 543 North Eagle Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Kurt Barats: my wife and I have owned this property for about 19 years. Discusses the location of the property. Displays site maps of the property. Discusses the rezone request to Mixed Use. I am in agreement with the staff recommendation and the PZ decision rendered with one quick caveat and that is 3.6 regarding fencing. Discusses the fencing. I am in agreement with the schools wishes. Denise Lauerman, Planning Staff, displays power point presentation and discusses the project and the special concern areas. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor: no one is signed up to testify on this issue. Is there anyone in the audience that would like to testify? Kurt Barats discusses the issues with School District. Mayor closes the Public Hearing General discussion. Pittman moves to approve RZ-06-19---Rezone from R-4 to MU -DA as stated and as written by the decision of the Commission and the Planning and Zoning. Discussion. That the existing chain link fence could remain up to andthgh the point of construction for safety reasons and after that it needs to be readdressed up to occupancy. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.. .............. Mayor calls a recess at 8:10 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 8:20 p.m. C. ACTION ITEM: CU -OS -16 MOD—Private School/Modification to Conditions of Approval—Megan Stephens: Megan Stephens is requesting a modification to the conditional use permit previously approved for a private school/childcare facility. The modification request is to increase the number of students permitted from 30 to 49 students and increase the number of classrooms from 3 to 4 classrooms. The 0.33 -acre site is located on the north side of East Idaho Street approximately 115 -feet east of the intersection of North 2nd Street and East Idaho Street at 342 East Idaho Street. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Brittany Elliott, displays a power point presentation and provides Mayor and Council an overview of the project. General discussion. Page 6 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-19minbdgt.doc Megan Stephens discusses the number of teachers. Further General discussion. Planner Williams displays a power point presentation and provides the Mayor and Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Megan Stephens discusses the closing of the gate. The gate will be open in the morning and closed in the afternoon. Planner Williams discusses the traffic through the area. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mark Butler, I own a property right around the corner. These are good neighbors, they bring pedestrian traffic to downtown and I think you should approve this. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Bastian moves to continue CU -OS -16 MOD—Private School/Modification to Conditions of Approval and refer this back to staff for the actions that we should take. Seconded by Gold. General Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES....... Mayor rescinds the closing of the Public Hearing, so the Public Hearing stays open. This will be brought back at the next meeting. D. ACTION ITEM: RZ-15-18/CU-07-18/PPUD-05-18/PP-1 1-18 —Hidden Pond Subdivision—Creek Water, LLC: Creek Water, LLC, represented by Mark Butler, is requesting a rezone from R -E (Residential -Estates) to R -3 -DA -P (Residential with a development agreement—PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Hidden Pond Subdivision, a 12 -lot (9 -buildable, 2 - common, 1 -private road) residential planned unit development. The 9.85 -acre site is located on the south side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 750 -feet east of the intersection of North Ballantyne Lane and West Floating Feather Road at 1795 and 1797 West Floating Feather Road. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Mark Butler displays a power point presentation and provides the Mayor and Council with an overview of the application. General discussion. Planner Williams displays a power point presentation and provides the Mayor and Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Steve Crane, 1668 W. Cotton Hill Court, we have not seen a modified drawing until presented tonight. The modified drawing has taken care of some of my concerns. Discusses the size of the lots, the clustering, and my concern with so many homes touching my lot. There are a lot of trees and if the can remain that would be great. General discussion. Page 7 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-19minbdgt.doc Richard Soeaeuton, 1631 W. Covenant Hill, as far as the new drawing which looks better. Discusses the foliage, we want to make sure the foliage stays and discusses the street lights. General discussion. Robert Hall, 1090 N. Wood Stream Court, discusses the neighborhood meeting. I would like to have a one story home next to my property, Lot 3. That property sets 20-25' above the existing homes. General discussion. Mark Butler discusses the lighting, I am in full agreement with one story as long as the neighbor agrees to a deed restriction. We have worked with the neighbors and we will work with you. General discussion. Mayor closes the Public Hearing General Council discussion. Gold moves to approve RZ-15-18/CU-07-18/PPUD-05-18/PP-1 1 -18 --Hidden Pond Subdivision with Condition 8.10 to include if the final plat is not recorded in 5 years the development agreement would be void, 3.10 include a 4x8 subdivision sign showing what the future development would be and approved by staff, and in agreement with the Commission decision the maximum number of dwelling units shall not exceed 8 dwelling units including the one existing house, also restricting Lots 3, 7 and 8 to one story and a condition on Lot 12 to have a setback adjustment to the East property line to be a minimum of 30'. Seconded by Bastian. General discussion on the lot numbering. Planner Williams: Staff would request that as shown on the concept plan provided to the Council on 8/13/19 so we are not going off from the preliminary plat that is in front of you we are going off thdigram that is provided tonight as the lot numbering did change. Gold, I agree to include that in the motion. Second concurs. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.... ................ E. ACTION ITEM: F'ISCAL YEAR 2019/2020 BUDGET- PUBLIC HEARING. (SR/SKB) An Ordinance for fiscal year 2020 commencing on October 1, 2019 and ending September 30, 2020, appropriating sums of money to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of the City of Eagle for said fiscal year. Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor, no one has signed up to testify on the Budget. Is there anyone here who would like to testify on the budget as presented. Bob VanArnem, 3049 S. Whitepost Way, the Eagle Fire Department Public Hearing on the budget wore me out and I have nothing to say. Sony disappoint you. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Bastian moves to approve the Executive Budget Summary for fiscal year 19/20. Mayor discusses the proposed chgto the Budget. So moved by Bastian. Seconded by Pittman. Bastian: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.. ............. Page 8 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-19minbdgt.doc El. Ordinance No. 817: An Ordinance entitled the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the City of Eagle, Idaho, for the Fiscal Year 2020 commencing October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2020. Mayor introduces the issue. Bastian moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #817 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Bastian moves that Ordinance #817 be adopted. Bastian reads the title of ordinance into the record. Seconded by Pittman. BASTIAN: AYE; GOLD: AYE; PITTMAN: AYE; MITCHELL: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.. ...... 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Termination, Settlement and Release Agreement between the Urban Renewal A enc of the Ci of Ea le the Ci of Ea le and Joint School District #2: Authorizing the Mayor to sign the termination, settlement and release agreement to terminate all rights and obligations between Parties with respect to payment of further rebates of the Tax Increment Funds by the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency to the District. Mayor introduces the issue. Robin Collins, Executive Director of the URA, the agency was calculating the reimbursement for the School District incorrectly. Discusses the correct calculation, the different taxing areas, the levy rates, and delinquent taxes. We met with West Ada County School District and we do have some solid numbers. We have over paid the District by $276,000 since 2009. The reimbursements to the District would be about what we currently paid them. This is how we came up the termination agreement. General discussion. Mitchell moves to approve to terminate the settlement and lease agreement between the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Eagle and Joint School District #2. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......... B. ACTION ITEM: Ir YWP FY 2020-2024 Update: Update on the Ada County Highway District Integrated Five Year Work Program (IFYWP) 2020-2024 Draft. (NBS) Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird -Spencer displays a power point presentation and provides the Council an overview of the Ada County Highway District Integrated Five Year Work Program and the Councils priorities. General discussion. Discussion on the meeting with ITD on the collection of impact fees. We will be moving this forward and you see this in a few weeks. The City would hold these funds, they will be spent in the City. Page 9 1:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-19minbdgt.doc C. ACTION ITEM. Police Impact Fee Study: A request for City Council to authorize the Mayor to hire a consulting firm to study impact fees for police. Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion. Pittman moves to authorize the Mayor to hirClting Firm to study impact fees for police and to bring this back to the Council for approval. Seconded by Mitchell. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... .................. D. ACTION ITEM: MOU Regarding Prosecuting Assistance to the City of Eagle, Idaho. Mayor introduces the issue. This is an emergency, so I put this on the agenda for your consideration. Provides an overview of the emergency situation and the MOU. I need approval to enter into the MOU. Bastian Seconded by Gold. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........... 11. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items. Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters (excluding Public Hearing and land use items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Bob VanArnem, 3049 S. Whitepost Way, discusses the impact fee study. I would like to encourage the City to get hearings for the Fire Department impact fees. This has been many months in the works. The impact fee needs to be realistic for the anticipated growth. 12. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Reports: Mitchell reports on the Senior Center. Gold: The Arts Commission meeting was cancelled, and they will be scheduling a special meeting and there is an opening on the Commission. The HPC meeting was also cancelled. There is also an opening on this Commission. Reports on the URA. We have been doing some work over the last several months to get things sorter so we could move forward on projects with some confidence. As the treasurer I have met the auditor last year and went over some recommendations. We issued an amended budget. We hired Robin as the Executive Director and she reviewed the budget. We have opened a Local Government Inveshnent Pool Account and we will be able to accrue interest. We have Page 10 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-19minbdgt.doc never made a payment on our Purchase Participation Agreement and we made our first payment last meeting. We have never invoiced the other entities in the River Ridge Cost Sharing Agreement that we reviewed tonight, and we found the overpayment to the West Ada School District. All of these things have helped to get the Board better positioned to make decisions and move forward on projects and at the last meeting we issued the check for the purchase of the Museum property. So, we can do the Request for Proposal for the purchase and redevelopment of that property. Bastian reports on the Eagle Sewer District meeting. Gold: I would like to suggest that we consider getting a report from URA's Executive Director on occasion, quarterly or bi-monthly. Council agrees with this suggestion. Mayor discusses the BBQ for the Senior Citizens and I would like to invite the Council Members and City Staff. The BBQ is on Wed, August 21' at 11:30 p.m. B. City Hall Department Supervisor Reports: Baird -Spencer discusses future meeting dates and times for the Council. C. City Attorney Report: None Mayor in the next day we will have posted on the City website an update from our attorney's who are handling the Eagle Water case. 13. ADJOURNMENT: Gold moves to adjourn. Mayor: are there any objections to adjournment? Seeing none we are adjourned. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: STAN RIDGEWAY MAYOR �,. G� ..••••e•• `.^ •. • V. . OSP OR • ▪ • • • • •• re: • • •! • • e. )10),R :,�� ••••..•• ▪ �, 4 OF ION ,1 AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 11 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-19minbdgt.doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ITEM #9D RZ- 15-1 8/CU-07-1 8/PPUD-05- 18/PP-1 1-18 —Hidden Pond Subdivision—Creek Water, LLC August 13, 2019 NAME PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS /626 (6 G/J (-73j,/-v\ &,—(f- g(C_ dOVA \ IC; Oalf \ ( e -L=5 \,4 TESTIFY PRO/ CON YES/NO NEUTRAL c\j., EAGLE CITY COUNCIL METING AGENDA ITEM #9C CU -05-16 MOD—Private School/Modification to Conditions of As sroval—Me'an Ste hens August 13, 2019 NAME; TESTII PRO/ CON PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ITEM #9B RZ-06-19--Rezone from R-4 to MU -DA --Kurt Barats August 13, 2019 NAME: TESTY Y PRO/ CON PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ITEM #9A A -O7-18/-12-18 & PP/FP-02-18—Annexation and Rezone with Development Agreement from RR to R -E -DA & Bruneel Subdivision (fka Gooder John Subdivision) —Steve Bruneel August 13, 2019 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ITEM #9E FISCAL YEAR 2019/2020 BUDGET- PUBLIC HEARING August 13, 2019 rwri4- are,' roject ID Project Location Treatment Type Draft Bicycle Projects B-31 2nd St And Plaza Dr, State St / Eagle Rd B-8 Ballantyne Ln, Floating Feather Rd / Homer Rd B-29 Ballantyne Ln, State St / Floating Feather Rd B-9 Beacon Light Rd, Ballantyne Ln / Eagle Rd B-11 Beacon Light Rd, Eagle Rd / Hwy 55 B-1 Beacon Light Rd, Hwy 16 / Palmer Ln B-4 Beacon Light Rd, Linder Rd / Park Ln B-2 Beacon Light Rd, Palmer Ln / Linder Rd B-7 Beacon Light Rd, Park Ln / Ballantyne Ln B-45 Colchester Dr, Terminus / Chipper Way B-10 Eagle Rd, Beacon Light Rd / Homer Rd B-21 Eagle Rd, Floating Feather Rd / Beacon Light Rd B-32 Edgewood Ln, State St / Hill Rd B-24 Fisher Park Way, State St (Hwy 44) / Floating Feather Rd B-13 Floating Feather Rd, Hwy 16 / Palmer Ln B-17 Floating Feather Rd, Linder Rd / Park Ln B-14 Floating Feather Rd, Palmer Ln / Linder Rd B-19 Floating Feather Rd, Park Ln / Ballantyne Ln B-38 Hatchery Rd, Linder Rd / Terminus B-39 Hatchery Rd, Terminus / Mace Rd B-34 Hill Road Pkwy, Horseshoe Bend Rd / Hwy 55 B-6 Homer Rd, Linder Rd / Ballantyne Ln B-36 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Heceta Head Dr / State St (Hwy 44) B-33 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Hill Rd / Floating Feather Rd B-35 Horseshoe Bend Rd, State St (Hwy 44) / Hill Rd B-15 Lanewood Rd, Floating Feather Rd / Beacon Light Rd B-40 Linder Rd, Artesian Rd / Hatchery Rd B-3 Linder Rd, Beacon Light Rd / Homer Rd B-41 Linder Rd, Chinden Blvd (Us 20/26) / Artesian Rd B-16 Linder Rd, Floating Feather Rd / Beacon Light Rd B-37 Linder Rd, Hatchery Rd / State St (Hwy 44) B-25 Linder Rd, State St (Hwy 44) / Floating Feather Rd B-44 Locust Grove Rd, Chinden Blvd (Us 20/26) / Chipper Way B-43 Meridian Rd, Chinden Blvd (Us 20/26) / Terminus B-20 Meridian Rd, Floating Feather Rd / Beacon Light Rd B-46 Meridian Rd, Temple Dr / Terminus B-22 Moon Valley Rd, Palmer Ln / State St (Hwy 44) B-47 New Collector Rd, Joplin Rd / Colchester Dr B-23 New Collector Rd, Old Valley Rd / Moon Valley Rd B-28 New Collector Rd, State St / Floating Feather Rd B-26 Old Valley Rd, Linder Rd / State St (Hwy 44) B-12 Palmer Ln, Moon Valley Rd / Beacon Light Rd B-5 Park Ln, Beacon Light Rd / Homer Rd B-18 Park Ln, Floating Feather Rd / Beacon Light Rd B-27 Park Ln, State St (Hwy 44) / Floating Feather Rd B-42 South Channel Bikeway B-30 State St, Ballantyne Ln / Eagle Rd Low -Stress Bikeway (Level 1 Facility) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Low -Stress Bikeway (Level 1 Facility) Level 2 Facility (Bike Lane) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Level 2 Facility (Bike Lane) Low -Stress Bikeway (Level 1 Facility) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Multi -Use Pathway Low -Stress Bikeway (Level 1 Facility) Level 2 Facility (Bike Lane) Level 2 Facility (Bike Lane) Low -Stress Bikeway (Level 1 Facility) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Level 2 Facility (Bike Lane) Multi -Use Pathway Multi -Use Pathway Multi -Use Pathway Multi -Use Pathway Multi -Use Pathway Multi -use Pathway Level 2 Facility (Bike Lane) Level 2 Facility (Bike Lane) Level 2 Facility (Bike Lane) Low -Stress Bikeway (Level 1 Facility) Level 2 Facility (Bike Lane) Level 2 Facility Level 2 Facility Level 2 Facility Level 2 Facility (Bike Lane) Level 2 Facility (Bike Lane) Level 2 Facility (Bike Lane) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Level 3 Facility (Enhanced Bike Facility) Low -Stress Bikeway (Level 1 Facility) Level 2 Facility (Bike Lane) DRAFT - 8/8/19 Mr WOW ii1.1111 MN ill iNNA 111114Milelli B-6 ; 1 MI m m1 g_ I Beacon light Rd g_1 B_4 Z, B-1 -= 1 / '-'� o0 0 — I - ' : ,+ m .. , 1 13-13 a , , B-11 ,B-19 • Floating Feather: Rd — —North Star — -- _ • — — Galileo • 1 C -I / m f ,-,+ N a m Magnet�� ii 1 II.2 S Eagle High I Charter a _i. a:......„A___,,,,.. B-21.41 i jState St i i i 6-40 I, ‘*.k . , . ._....,_.,....: �_ I f s. 1Y c Draft Bicycle Projects Level I Facility Level 2 Facility -- - Level 3 Facility Future Collector & Level 2 Facility r f CO row mi r 1 ! Eagle Island State Park m 1 b�Y ('3 9 B -II 4.0 — — - Beacon light Rd = t m Eagle Middle °0 1 Floating Feather Rd Eagle Elem`'(#1 CCI for the Arts 1 Eagle Hills Elem war MI .111. Seven OaksElem' State St 8_31 C-� i Eagle C-5 s t. (-6 Lel m 1 1 Academy,,,; B-36 110 —414441,* � —" Rolling Hills Hwy 44 R 41 BanBury Golf I Course Eagle b41ilfal.4 US 20/26 fa Ar or. .-a C-4 State Highway Planning Boundary Existing Level I Facility Existing Level 2 Facility Ilk Draft Crossing Projects Destinations :) Grocery Store • Library Q School ACHD Park & Ride Downtown Eagle Public Charter B.q9 III 1 Chinden Blvd Figure II Draft Bicycle and Crossing Projects • Gam .».» c'r I, 3«4 3.4. • roject ID Project Location Treatment Type Draft Pedestrian Projects S-8 Ballantyne Ln, Beacon Light Rd / Homer Rd S-21 Ballantyne Ln, Floating Feather Rd / Beacon Light Rd S-28 Ballantyne Ln, State St / Floating Feather Rd S-5 Beacon Light Rd, Ballantyne Ln / Eagle Rd S-6 Beacon Light Rd, Eagle Rd / Hwy 55 S-1 Beacon Light Rd, Hwy 16 / Palmer Ln S-3 Beacon Light Rd, Linder Rd / Park Ln S-2 Beacon Light Rd, Palmer Ln / Linder Rd S-4 Beacon Light Rd, Park Ln / Ballantyne Ln S-9 Eagle Rd, Beacon Light Rd / Homer Rd S-23 Eagle Rd, Floating Feather Rd / Beacon Light Rd S-36 Edgewood Ln, State St / Bishop Dr Floating Feather Rd, Ballantyne Ln / 0.25 Mile East Of Ballantyne Ln S-10 Floating Feather Rd, Hwy 16 / Palmer Ln S-14 Floating Feather Rd, Lanewood Rd / Linder Rd S-16 Floating Feather Rd, Linder Rd / Park Ln S-20 Floating Feather Rd, Meridian Rd / Ballantyne Ln S-12 Floating Feather Rd, Palmer Ln / Lanewood Rd S-18 Floating Feather Rd, Park Ln / Meridian Rd S-32 Hill Rd, Hwy 55 / Horseshoe Bend Rd S-24 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Floating Feather Rd / Campsite Ln S-31 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Hill Rd / Floating Feather Rd S-37 Horseshoe Bend Rd, State St (Hwy 44) / Hill Rd S-13 Lanewood Rd, Floating Feather Rd / Beacon Light Rd S-38 Linder Rd, Artesian Rd / Hatchery Rd S-7 Linder Rd, Beacon Light Rd / Homer Rd S-39 Linder Rd, Chinden Blvd (Us 20/26) / Artesian Rd S-15 Linder Rd, Floating Feather Rd / Beacon Light Rd S-33 Linder Rd, Hatchery Rd / State St (Hwy 44) S-26 Linder Rd, State St (Hwy 44) / Floating Feather Rd S-22 S-35 Mace Rd, 0.75 Mi West Of Eagle Island State Park / Eagle Rd S-34 Mace Rd, Eagle Island State Park / 0.75 Mile West Of Eagle Island State Park S-19 Meridian Rd, Floating Feather Rd / Beacon Light Rd S-25 Palmer Ln, Moon Valley Rd / State St (Hwy 44) S-11 Palmer Ln, State St (Hwy 44) / Beacon Light Rd S-17 Park Ln, Floating Feather Rd / Beacon Light Rd S-27 Park Ln, State St (Hwy 44) / Floating Feather Rd S-30 State St, Riverview St / Cobblestone Way S-29 State St, State St (Hwy 44) / 0.25 Mile West Of Payette Way Draft Crossing Projects C-3 Floating Feather Rd And Edgewood Ln C-5 Floating Feather Rd And Horseshoe Bend Rd C-1 Floating Feather Rd And Meridian Rd C-6 Horseshoe Bend Rd And Shadowview St C-4 State St (Hwy 44) And Palmetto St Extension C-2 State St And Plaza Dr Add sidewalk on both sides Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Add sidewalk on both sides Add sidewalk on both sides Add sidewalk on both sides Add sidewalk on both sides Add sidewalk on both sides Add sidewalk on both sides Add sidewalk on both sides Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Add sidewalk on both sides Add sidewalk on south side Add sidewalk on both sides Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Add sidewalk on both sides Add sidewalk on both sides Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Add sidewalk on west side Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Add sidewalk on both sides Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Add sidewalk on both sides Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Add sidewalk on both sides Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Add sidewalk on south side Add sidewalk on both sides Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Add sidewalk on both sides Add sidewalk on both sides Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Add sidewalk on north side Fill gaps in existing sidewalk network Flashing Beacon Crossing Enhance Crossing Flashing Beacon Crossing Enhance Crossing Enhance Crossing Enhance Crossing DRAFT - 8/8/19 ▪ sr ass at . 1s ars w i no am of F w .lam a■si as .ia war w #r rap ai9 S- I Beacon Light Rd 5-2 ' S-3 S- 12 Floating Feather Rd State St Destinations q,,I) Grocery Store • Library • School t ACHD Park & Ride Downtown Eagle S- 14 North Star Charter as.p co tis t/1 as +111111 w + 10 ars a 1 ar sea. +� + alt MB w E aE ENE w SIM as t sa a. w + w war s + ar aaat w aaaa w + it ar fa rt �w w E aC111 • 00 t>A ti, c 6c.J t � O•• S -t4 S -S Bacon Light Rd S_6 x,04cm S- 16 tn, Galileo Magneti. State Highway NM Mt I a< NMI Planning Boundary Existing Sidewalks Draft Crossing Projects Eagle High C-1 Eagle Island State Park US . 20/26 S-20 .S-12 CO t/f S aai aw 3 1.1. NONI .s 1 INN *ME *M as . Draft Sidewalk Projects • Both Sides -_------ Fill Gaps - One Side 5-34..x, M PV V f Eagle Middle , 41.0 Floating Feather Rd Eagle Elem for the Arts S•30 Hwy 44 S-35 Seven Oaks Elem • C"St C-3 IC -6 ""r I M Eagle Hills Elem Eagle Academy 0C-2 ,, State St BanBury Golf Course Eagle Chinden Blvd C-4 — i Ss, ism, aE.mo. 4 aq s treAM.a. as■ws. t VMYr1111.r tt .i - r Rolling Hills Public Charter r Figure I0 Draft Sidewalk and Crossing Projects 60 50 40 1 t7 ji 30 20 0 15 10 — U � m a, . 76 0 9 o E a, > CD CD a,° > Q O 8 � (,) ILL 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 joiseD Bike Facility Matrix EVALUATION REQUIRED Engineering analysis required to determine whether bike facilities are appropriate. Buffered Bike Lane Protected Bike Lane Raised Bike Lane Cycle Track Multi -use Pathway Shoulder Bike Lane Conventional Bike Lane Buffered Bike Lane 0 10 20 25 30 35 40 50 e7t SPEED 85th -percentile speed lpreferred), design speed or posted speed (MPH) 60 4 Caty of Eagle Check Regrster Transparency Version Page: 1 Repori Critetia: Reporttype. GLdetatl Bank Bank account "82007705" ------------' Check Check issue Date Number Payee _-_ 21321 07/25/2019 `93.` .`.'~`^/ 29322 07/3112019 29322 Ada County Sheriff. CiA Division Total 29322 29323 07/3112019 07/3112019 07i311201 9 07/31/2019 0713112019 07131S201 9 07/31/2019 07/3112019 07/3112019 29323 29323 29323 29323 29323 29323 29323 29323 29323 Total 29323 Albertsons/Safeway Albertsons/Safeway './.''-`^'.' Albertsons/Safeway Albertsons/Safeway ``-'.''S,,'. Mertsons/Sa(eway `..'w',,~.,. AbertsonsiSafeway 29324 0713112019 29324 Aspen Apartments, LLC 07/3112019 29324 Aspen Apartments. LLC Total 29324 29325 07/31/2019 29325 CenturyLink 07/3112019 29325 Centurylink Total 29325: 29326 0713112019 29326 De Lage LandeFinancial Svc Total 29326. 29327 07/3112019 07/31/2019 07/31/2019 07/31/2019 07/3112019 07/31/20)9 07/31/2019 07/31/2019 07/31/2019 07/3112019 07/31/2019 07/31/2019 29327 29327 29327 29327 29327 29327 29327 29327 29327 29327 29327 29327 Delta Oenta$ of ldaho Delta Denta 01 daho ``/``-',`. Delta Denta of Idaho Delta Dental of Idaho Oetta Denlal of daho ..',.^,`^,. r,, /.`. ' '`` Oelta Dental o( Idaho Delta Dental of ldaho .'""°``^.'. Delta Dental of Idaho Check Issue Dates: 7/24/2019 8412/2019 Invoice Sequence __ Invoice GL Account --'--------- "`^^-' Account Title Invoice Amount Aug 12, 2019 04302PM Check Amount 1 c `1-0416''-0" THE .".`"`^ ^^`'.` `'/`.6 1 c 23O217O8OO GARNISHMENT 1 c 24O43OO5�O 1 c 21O421OOOO ^' ^`".55-0`* .~ 24"430`'' 1 c .^.'..`. '' '6-'``''' 1 c '`..20`,-. 1 c 06-0455-00-00 1 ch 06-0455-00-00 MISCELLANEOUS ART EDUCAT(ON & ADVOCACY CIASSES & EVENTS COMMUNITY GROUP MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT CIASSES & EVENTS '''A''``' CLASSES & EVENTS CLASSES & EVENTS 1 ch ^,`^-'.-00 SHOP LEASE ch 23-0440-00-00 SHOP LEASE 1 c 01O41319�0 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 1 c .7.`.-5.^^ MUSEUM UTILITIES 1 c 18O416O1�O CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 1 c 11O217O7OO /' ```21'`,^0 3 ` `+...''`. .r 12.0217-07,00 ,` 14021 r.... 6ch ^+`.'.0`` 'r '9-04'':'' `' '......`", �' .,2..'-00 10 ch 2OO2 17.O7OO 11. 60,0217.`0 12 ch 26-0217-07-00 EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE MUSEUM HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE ,.2 '..' "`'''" ''o`^`'' .'''R` .'`,. ,.".``` LNSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH NSURANCE WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE ^'.`.'6 243 11 243 11 42380 90 81 9174 2120 ^`^` 3..' '^'` 38,30 39,90 243 11 423 80 90 81 9174 2120 .... 3109 15955 38..30 39_90 ^." 87500 1,842 34 1,842 34 10974 227 43 82 .0 94 134 26 29333 23322 409 40 `,2. 68.23 271 34 68.23 .98'` 134 26 2,717 34 109.74 227.43 337,11 ___ 122383 122.82 40 94 ..4.26 293_33 23322 409 40 ^'24 68 23 271 34 68 23 29802 `^ / E.'. Check Register - Transparency Verson Page 2 Check Check Issue Date Number Payee ___________ 07131/2019 29327 ..` r.`, , ,.= 07/31/2019 29327 Delta Dental of Idaho Total 29327 29328 07/31/2019 29328 Idaho .'ildSupport Receipting 0713112019 29328 Idaho Chid Support Receipting Total 29328 29329 07131/2019 07/3112019 07/3112019 07/31/2019 07/31/2019 07131/2019 07/31/2019 07/31/2019 07/3112019 07/3112019 07/31/2019 07/31/2019 29329 29329 29329 29329 29329 29329 29329 29329 29329 29329 29329 29329 Total 29329 29330 07i3112019 07/3112019 07/31/2019 `,` `/.9 07/3112019 daho Power CoProcessing Ctr daho Power GoProcessing Ctr Idaho Power C^-P.ce`...` Idaho Power CoProcessinIdaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr '`'.'.^,..,`'^,^-` Idaho Power Co Processing Ctr /``,`., '`.,:x.` .^ '-, `.^- ..'.,.x^/ .^ Idah� Power CoProcessinIdaho Power Co -Processing Ctr Idaho Powe .-''^'',. .' `^.` '..- ..'`.'^. C' ..,r ..-. ..'"..,.., .. 29330 Key Bank HSA 293O Key Bank 1 -ISA 29330 Key Bank HSA 29330 KeyBankHSA 29330 Key Bank HSA Total 29330 29331 O1/31/2O19 29331 07/31/2019 29331 07/31/2019 .93;. 07/31/2019 29331 07131/2019 29331 07/3112019 29331 07/31/2019 29331 07/31/2019 29331 07/31/2019 2331 07/31/2019 29331 07/31/2019 2931 07/31/2019 ^'`^ 0713112019 29331 07/31/2019 29331 Total 29331 United Hentage-Goup Dept. United Heritage-GrouDept United HenIageGroup Dept United Heritage.Group Dept '`~ ''`r -G`. -'. Unted HentageGroup Dep United Heritage -Group Dept. United Heritage -Group Dept. Unted HentageGrouUnited Heritage -Group Dept. United Heritage -Group Dept. United Herilage-Grotip Dept. Unsted Her1tageGroup Dept. Unsted HentageGroup Dept. ,.^,,`'~....'`^. 29332 08/0912019 29332 Kevin Zaso Check Issue Dates: 7124/2019 - 811212019 "'~. Invoce Sequence GL Account _ ,.'^'" Account Title 13 eh .3-02``.`. BLDG DEPT HEALTH $NSURANCE 14 ch O1021707O0 GEN ADMtN HEALTH INSURANCE `^ 23O21708OO GARNISHMENT .~ 23O217O8OO GARNISHMENT lch 2 3 .. 5 c 6 `' 8 r , 10 ch 11 ch .. ^' ^' 3 c .^ ~` `3-`,.... 23-0450-04-00 23O449O40O `^`''''' 01-041 3i6C0 07-0462-52-00 `-0'..... `-``8,.-0. 2a -044...-C. '^''''-' .'-'.'^^ 23-0455-04-00 ''`''S UTILTI ES ..`"IE` UTILITIES UTILITIES CITY HAL MUSEUM UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES 17-027-10`0 HSA CONTRIBUTION ''^'/0-.` HSA CONTRIBUTION ``'''```` HSA CONTRIBUTION 2OO217$OOO HSA CONTRBUT1ON .^+``~..~0 HSA CONTRIBUTION 1 c ,.^`.'' 2ch 14-0217,7-0 3 , 06-0217-07-00 `^ ^-0^/-'' '' '''-'''-` Och 17.O217O7O0 lch 13-0217-07-N `^ '`.'7-`7-"' 9ch O7-O217O7-OO 10 ch '``.``'^ 11 ch .-.2`7``. 12 ch 180217-O7-00 13 ch `^..,.`. 14 ch ^.'`-`.4' ,`.`' "E'. "^.., ...'.`.` ,.Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE ../r.',.,.',/^.``E ,...^ "S"`'.`' .`'.. `S"`''`. HEALTH NSURANCE EXEC DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE `.` '.`' ,`^'` ..`."``'E Aug 12, 2019 04.02PM Invoice Amount 216.14 40 94 152.30 138.46 6797 24761 5 10 77 .,,0,.. 89.70 201.09 17 88 ^.6' 82_47 .`^.^. 5.19 ... 35000 5000 5000 100 00 157 21 ,'/' 248.59 14852 182 75 96.45 88 53,83 26.29 63.23 3316 73 54 56.93 7_39 1 ..-'`.``` MISCELLANEOUS 875 Check Amount • 216 14 40.94 --' 2399 37 30 13846 290 76 67.97 247 61 5.19 10.77 v~~..5 ^9.. 201 09 17.88 43.60 82.47 1,290 51 5.19 3.135 43 100.00 350.00 50.00 50.00 100 00 650.00 157.21 277.45 248,59 ''`'. 182 9645 13288 53 83 2629 63 23 3316 73.54 56 93 7,39 1,558.22 875 00 _ ^'```'' '`"~ ',``r - ``"r''', `'°~' Check Issue Dates: 712412019 - 811212019 Check Check issue Date Number '-------- Page: 3 Aug 12, 2019 04:02PM -.m` Invotce ,^._.` ,.', Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount ________ Total 29332 MOO 29333 08/12/2019 29333 76 On the Fty 1 ch 23-0414-02-00 MTNC REPAIR GROUNDS 46 25 45.25 Total 29333 29334 08/1212019 29334 , ''`.'.. ``e 08/12/2019 29334 A SmartSign Store 1 c 23O414OBOO SIGNS & SIGN REPIACEMENT 2 ,.,z-0'-0` .=w''.'' ,'"`'. `"' 4525 778 45 778.45 559 63 559 63 Total 29334 1.338 08 29335 08/12/2019 29335 A Tree COMpany `ch .9-04,'-1'x .^,`'... F... -, ,...`.E -----`-- 1,670 (X) 1,670,00 Total 29335 1670.00 29336 08112/2019 29336 KM _E. Electric, Inc: Totat 29336 29337 /12/2019 29337 ABC Stamp Co. 1 ch ,s,.`^~' RPR/MTNC 25-6'V 255.00 °` 11,0422-01'' COMMUNTY RELATIONS 28`r - 255 00 28 07 Total 29337 28A)7 29338 08/12/2019 29338 ,.s~'..,. .,...,''~' 08^2/2019 29338 ACSAdvanced Control Systems Tota; 29338 29339 08112'2019 29339 Ada County Highway District Total 29339 1 c 6G04341900 TELECOMMUNICATIONVSCADA 1 c 60O4345&01 '^'``'"` PUMPS-WELLS-CHEM1CA .82.. 382.00 431 25 431 25 813.25 1 c .,s3-.-'. .`C., PAYABLEACHD IMPACT FEE 98,20600 98206.00 98,206 00 29340 08/12/2019 29340 `,'`^`-'.` 1 23-.`.'.0. MIS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS Total 29340 321 75 321.75 321 75 '`. 08/12/2019 29341 Adam Schaffne1c .,»/''', WATERISERVICE OEPOSITS 40.44 40.44 Total 29341: 29342 08,12/2019 29342 Nana Dunn Total 29342 29343 08/12/2019 29343 Albert Liew 1 c 01041635OO ADMINISTRATIVE RESERVE 1 . 6OO220000O WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 40 44 98,57 98 57 98 57 7-5,00 M City of Eagle Ctieck Check Issue Date Number Check Register Transparency Version Check Issue Dates! 702412019 8/12/2019 ^``' ``"' Sequence GL Account Page: 4 Aug 12, 2019 04 02PM Invoice GL Invoice Check Account Title Amount Amount Total 29343 MOO 293`` 08/12/2019 .93' `', 08/12/2019 29344 Also° 1 c .''`'-^-0' CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 `3-^.`0:`. CUSTODIAL SERVICES 69 16 69.16 69,16 69 le Total 29344: 138.32 29345 08/12/2019 29345 .`,,. .'-., ..,,',o. . _r ....°'c PROFESSIONAL DUE$ 64~ N 644.00 Total 29345 644,00 29348 08/12/2019 29346 Amy or Thornas Weber 1 c '0-'-^'`' WATER]SERVICE DEPOSITS Th.00 , 0. Total 29346 75 00 29347 08112/2019 29347 ^`,'.-``.``''',` 0811212019 29347 Analytical Laboratories. Inc1 60-0435-56-00 TESTING -WK -MO -QTR -ANNUAL 1 c ..`'35-5'`. TESTING -WK -MO -QTR -ANNUAL 614.00 598 00 61' `. 598 00 Total 29347 1,212.00 2934 08112/2019 29348 Andrea Brandt 1 ,..22'.'.' '...`"S -:.-E ^.'`'.` 75 00 75.00 Total 29348 75 00 29349 08/12/2019 29349 Andy or Jo Nader 1 60-r...^. WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS ,``^ 7500 Total 29349 75.00 29350 08112/2019 29350 Ansefina Loisetie 1 c .,.n20.,.. WATERJSERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 75.00 Total 29350 7500 29351 08/1212019 29351 Asay Dirt Works LLC 1 c 23041402O0 MiS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 14,080 00 Total 29351. 1,080.00 29352 08/12/2019 `' Baer Design Group, LLC ' ch '-``~' ''' , "m' .., 958000 ,., Total 29352 9,580.00 29353 08/1212019 29353 Beakerz, LLC ch 1T0416.00-00 CONTRACTS.PERMITS • 157 $0 157 50 Total 29353 157 50 29354 O8/l2/2O1 29354 BiIing Document Speciahsts _ 1 6^`'''`' MA'L SERVICE CLJSTOMER BILLING 1 _6.'2 '014 `2 Cty of Eagle Check Register Transparency Version Check Issue Dates. 7124/2019 - 8112/2019 •__• Check Check Issue Date Number Total 29354 29355 08/12/2019 29355 Boise CO Attorney's Office Total 29355 29356 08/1212019 29356 Boise Diseaster Services LLC Total 29356 29357 08112/2019 29357 Boise Office Equipment Total 29357 29358 08112/2019 29358 Boise State Public Radio Total 29358 29359 08/1212019 29359 08112/2019 29359 08/1212019 29359 08/12/2019 29359 08112/2019 29359 08112/2019 29359 0811212019 29359 08112/2019 29359 '^'2120` 29359 08/12/2019 29359 08/S212019 29359 08/12/2019 29359 08/12/2019 29359 08/1212019 29359 08/1212019 29z^. Total 29359 Bor1onLakey Law & Pocy ^.,..`` Law & Poftcy BortonLakey Law & Poftcy ,.'^^``.`,".. BortoriLakey Law & Poicy `.``n-."^ "..^.'. BortorLakey Law & PoIcy .o'.^... Law & PcIcy BortonLakey Law & Policy `.,.`.`eyLaw & Policy .`.,'`-.,.''^'` BortonLakey Law & PoIicy r...'..' ~. ^ .^, '.``'`.'".`..- .....-,^°.`.''. 29360 08/12/2019 29360 Bradley or Katherine Stolp Total 29360 29361 08/12/2019 29361 Brent orVirginia Davis Total 29361. 29362 08/12/2019 29362 BSN Sports Inc Total 29362' ,^.` r''. ,..`'^ Sequence GL Account Account Title 1 c `.'^6'.^` PROSECUTOR 1 c 23O443 -01 -OO BLOG MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 11 th 18O416O1OO . 1 ` ....3-`2^, '.O.n.o.. 1 c 1 c .. `° 1 . 1 c `^ 1 c '" 1 c '^ ,_ `^ 1 c icti '`~'''.0^ ,`'''1.' ,,.,..0v.. ~`.'6-`'' ' ...,-0^.` ....,.2-D, O6O41 6O1OO ,.,..3... 0143416-02-00 01-0416,02-01 '`^`'```- `^'``'-'` ,~',.6-'`~` `'`...2-0. 010416-02-00 CITY ATORNEY ATTORNEY FEECHARGE DEVELOPE CITY ATORNEY CITY ATTORNEY CI'' .`..'`` CflY ATORNEY LEGAL CITY ATTORNEY ATTORNEY `.``'.,^......`,' .`' .````E. ^.`'`/` '.`'``'` '`,S `..^`'.' ```^``.`..`.'`^",. c.. -,o,-.. CITY ATTORNEY LEGAL SERVPCES CTY ATTORNEY .. ``.-~'^. `^.~''.^`'`.E.'`.S .^ ^'^-.-.. WATERJSERVICE OEPOSITS 1 c 17-0425.O0O0 RECREAflON EQUIPMENT .• • Invoice Amount 5.5 w Page 5 Aug 12. 2019 04:02PM Check Amount _ .46 5,500 46 5,500.46 -------' 2.873.74 2,873.74 30 is 2502.50 ,.`` 3,635 00 66500 4195 1,18i 25 420 00 124250 35 00 ^5 . 752 50 .,872`` 4,802 50 '^2 ' .,4'.. 75, 75.(X) 2,873.74 30 76 _ 30 76 390.00 390.00 2,502.50 175.00 3.53500 665.00 41 95 `'.'` 420 00 1,24250 3500 175.00 752 50 `,-'. 4,602.50 ,..5, 1,495.00 - 75 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 5. 1.694 58 `,6"^, City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number c'6c `^'`'` 08/12/2019 08112/2019 08/12/2019 08112)2019 08/12/2019 29363 29363 29363 29363 29363 29363 Total 29363: Payee CaIdweII TransportatioCaldwell Transportation Company Caldweil Transportabcn Compan Caldweil Transportalicn Compan c,... Transportation Compan CaIdweIl Transportatcn Compan CaIdweII Transportaton Company 29364 0811212019 29364 Cameron or Jani Miles Total 29364 29365 08/12/2019 29365 Carly or Parker Lamm Total 29365 29366 08112/2019 29366 Charles HewItt Total 29366 29367 08/12/2019 29367 Chris Schaffer Total 29367 29368 08/12/2019 29368 .''.`` ` .``'- Total 29368 ^`'^ 08/12/2019 29369 CIT 'rota,: 29369' 29370 08/12/2019 08/12/2019 08/12/2019 29370 City Of Eagle 29370 CityOfEagle 29370 City Of Eagle Total 29370 29371 08/1212019 29371 CompuNet, Inc Total 29371: ___ Check Register Transparertcy Version Check Issue Dates: 7/24/2019 - 8/12/2019 Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account 1 c .7-0423-04`0 1 c 17.0423-04-00 1 c .`.,..`' 1 c 17-0423-04'' 1 c 17-0423-04-00 1 ch 17.0423-04-00 Invoice GL Account Title TRANSPORTATION SERVICES TRANSPORTATION SERVICES TRANSPORTATION SERVICES TRANSPORTATION SERVICES TRANSPORTATION SERVICES TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 1 c .'22'.^. WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 -`^`'''' '`''...,.,. u..^`.` 1 ^ 6OO22OO000 WATERJSERVICE DEPOS1TS 1 c `'.`0-`'.` WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ` `'`'`^'' GAZEBO CONCERT SERIES 1 c .^`.``'. CONTRACTANO AGREEMENTS 1 c .`^..``. UTILfl1ES 1 c 23O4550400 UTILITIES 1 23.0454.04-00 UTILITIES 1 c 23041402 -OO MIS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 29372 08'21201' 29372 Connect 4 Soluhons, LLC 1 c ./.`~'04.. GAZEBO CONCERT SERIES Total 29372 Page 6 Aug 12. 2019 04 02PM Invoice Amount 30',0` 525,00 31875 337.50 412 50 337 50 7-5 75 00 75 00 75 00 00 98.03 ^'' 850 95 1,428 12 507 39 Check Amount 30000 52500 318 75 3375O 41250 337 50 2,23115 75,00 75 00 75.00 75.00 75.00 -------` 75.00 75.00 75.00 500 00 500 00 98.03 98.03 105,98 85095 1,428.12 2385.05 507.39 507 39 300 00 300 00 City of Eagle Check Register Transparency Version Page 7 Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 29.73 08/1212019 29373 Consolidated Supply Total 29373' 29374 08,1212019 29374 Core & Main LP 08/12/2019 29374 Core & Main LP Total 29374 29375 08r12/2019 29375 County Line Brewmg Total 29375 2'37, 08/1212019 29376 Craig Ezekiel Brasher Total 29376 29377 08112/2019 29377 D&B Supply 29378 08112/2019 29378 Daniel Glivar Total 29378 29^79 08112/2019 29379 Danieie or Nathan Albertson Total 29379 2.38, 08112/2019 29380 David or Elaine Welk Total 29380 29381 08/12;2019 29381 Dennis Nolte Total 29381 29382 08112/2019 29382 DigLine Total 29382: u, 0811212019 08/12/2019 08/12/2019 ...., 08112/2019 29383 '`e .`-, `^'^ 29383 Eage Sewer Dstrct 29383 Eagle Seweaistrict 29383 Eagle SeweDstrict 29383 Eagle Sewer District Check Issue Dates- 712412019 8/1212019 lnvoce Invoice Sequence Gt. Account Invoice GL Account Title '° 23/^^''0 MATERALS AND SUPPLIES 1 ch .`'``-8-'c CAPITAI METER SETS (NEW CUST) ' r ..``'^'' HORSESHOE BEND RD-GREENBROO 1 c `-.`,-2,. MISCELLANEOUS 1 ch 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO .. `^`^``^. MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 1 c 6OO22OOOOO WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 c ,..22...'' WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 c '....-0'`. WATERJSERVICE DEPOSLTS 1 di 13-0416-09-00 PLUMBING INSPECTtONS .^ `'.^'``'^ DIG LINE 1 c '° .^ `^ 1 . .-`^.`.' COMMUNJTY FACILITY RESERVE ,'`.'6-. UTL1TIES GITY HALL .3-.'-0`' UTILITIES 07046252M0 .'.E., ,`".'' 23-0450-04-00 UTILTIES Aug 12 2019 04.02PM Invoice Amount 34 02 `',.', 587.62 20 00 100 00 13312 75 %I 34.27 75 00 Check Amount 34.02 34 02 1,463 00 587_62 2,050 62 20.00 20 00 100.00 100.00 133 12 133 12 75 00 75 00 34 27 3427 7500 75.00 23,060 58 23.060.58 23 060 58 2-1 269.21 7200 144 00 3600 36 00 18 00 269.21 -`0 144 00 3600 a•ne+w�� - . . • s, ; '\ �::.� S ` C\: E _ �L!.;: is .! �.� •. F1:/ t 1 1� s�1..�.L?r��., !.G/' C �y'�._. ��•..: _ ti _� �-��... ..t •.� 'l- "� '\•: 'C �:� Sit ,tom � .� •�� .. � t. � .amu.. .� :` � � .. W�\'\ \:�:\\�'A"!V'\��\�\\�:'L'�U'�� v���'v'.�� i�._��'�. .�.�\..a:..::���\�.•... �:�a... �:r-� � ��.•1��.._ .�y�1.; �1� •1.��.�':��� \���\\�?. \�tt 3�W����`����v;� �•�\ City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Check issue Dates 7124/2019 - 811212019 Check Check Issue Date Number Payee 08/1212019 29383 Eagle Sewer Distrt 0811212019 29383 Eagle Sewer Ostrct Total 29383 29384 08/12/2019 08/12/2019 08112!2019 08112/2Q19 08/1212019 08/12/2019 08112!2019 08/12!2019 08!1212019 08/12/2019 08112!2619 08/12/2019 08142/2019 08/12/2019 08/1212019 0811 2/2019 08/12/2019 08/12)2019 08/12/2019 29384 29384 29384 29384 29384 29384 29384 29384 29384 29384 29384 29384 29384 29384 29384 29384 29384 29384 29384 Total 29384 Eagle Water Co_ Eagle Water Co. Eagle Water Co_ Eagle Water Co. EagleWaterCo. Eagle Water Co Eagle Water Co Eagte Water Co. Eagte Water Co Eagte Water Co. Eagle Water Go. Eagle Water Co Eagle Water Co. Eagle Water Co. Eagle Water Co. Eagle Water Co. Eagle Water Co. Eagle Water Co. Eagle Water Co. 29J85 08/1212019 29385 ElanaSalzman Total 29385 29386 0811212619 29386 EIec Controls & Instrumentals, LL Tota 29386. 28387 08/12/2019 29387 Eric or !.aura Simplot Total 29387: 29988 08t1272019 29388 Esp Prnting & Mailing Total 29388' 29389 08/12/2019 08/12/2019 08!12/2019 08/12/2019 0 811 21201 9 08!1212019 08112/2019 08/12/2019 29389 29389 29389 29389 29389 29389 29389 29389 Evan's Build -mg Center Evan's BuiIdng Center Evan's Buildng Center Evan's Buitdng Center Evan's Sultdsng Center Evan's Buk1ing Center Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center .,-Ddsi�..��.i: .i'`. .: ��'1�;. `ii.. �� � �:�\;is11���� �ti�=•'.=\�� =��. ' ��=�� �.�:-•...- '•1��=.� S:Y��':.��\=�. ��_ �. ."t��=J�R`�� Involce nvo4ce Sequence GL Account 2 Ch 23-0452-04-00 UTLITIES 1 ch 23-0454-04-00 UTILITIES 1 Ch 1 ch t ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 1 ch 23.0454.0400 23=0452.04400 01.0473.16.00 23.0455.04.00 23.0455.04.00 23.0455-Q4-00 23-0447-04-00 23-0449-04-00 23-0049-04-00 23.0455 -04 -{FO 234452.04.40 074462.52.00 23.0453-04-00 23,0456.04 00 23O455O4 00 23'044604OO 23-0454•U4.00 23O44B-04OO 23-0455-04-00 Invo4ce Gl. Account Title UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES CIN HALL UTILITIES UTILITIES UTIUTIES UTILTIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES MUSEUM UTLITES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES 1 ch 09 0467-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 1 at 13.0416-25-04 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 1 ch 80.0220.00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 21-042300.00 ACQUISI11ON OF ART 1 Ch 23.0414-0344 1 ch 23-0414>02,00 1 ch 20-U423.02-00 1 ch 23-0414-43.00 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 1 ch 23-041403-00 1 ch 23-0414.03-04 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MIS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS ANO SUPPLIES MATERIALS ANO SUPPLIES li.;.tst .��SalEia�ee:!�: �Ftii;�lAslia➢Hdi➢alT • Page 8 Aug 12, 2019 04 02PM Invoice Amount 18.00 3600 20 az 53 80 .:: 71 193 98.98 783.18 22.50 53.80 228.66 54.93 140.67 8 15 284.33 231 30 8 25 10 07 815.00 105.58 109.92 Check Amount 18.00 36.00 360.00 20.82 53.80 268 77 193 32 98.98 183.16 22.50 53.80 228.66 54.93 140 87 8.25 264.33 251 30 8 25 10 07 815 00 105.58 108.92 289205 25000 250.00 14. 381 75.E I W, sa 96 33.10 4 22 18.38 18.99 12 86 34 95 38.94 25000 14381MO 14,381.00 75.00 75.00 190.80 190.80 59.96 33 10 4:22 18.38 19.99 12 B6 34.95 38.94 City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number 08/12/2019 29389 08/1212019 29389 08/12/2019 29389 08/12/2019 29389 08/1212019 29389 08/12/2019 29389 08/1212019 29389 08/12f2019 29389 08/12/2019 29389 O81212O19 29389 08/12/2019 29369 08/1212019 29389 08/12)2019 29389 08/12/2019 29389 08/12/2019 29389 08/12/2019 29389 08112/2019 29389 08/12/2019 29389 08/1212019 29389 08112/2019 29389 08/1212019 29389 08112120i9 29389 ...o'.`- 29389 08/12/2019 29389 .E02/2019 29389 Total Payee .-.` ''.'' C'-` Evans Building Cente' .,`'^``.`.'', Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center ``.'s ,`..' ''.` Evan's ``"'g Center `^`` `.`'g .``, Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center ..'. `..'` .°r. Evans BuiIdMg Cente Evan's Bntding Center Evan's Building Center `-^'`,.''.`,. ,`.- B..', -'^. ,',' B^,^, '''` Evan's Building /'^. Evan's Building Center .`.' `.,`` ..,r Evan's Building Center Evan's Building Center `'.'..^.^'.^' Evan's Building Center '^.. n.^,', ..., 29390 08/12/2019 29390 ,_..'-'`,`-^`' 08/1212019 29390 Ferguson Enterprises #3007 Total 29390 29391 08/1212019 29391 Fishers Technology Total 29391 29392 08/12/2019 29392 Glenn Electric Total 29392 29393 08/12/2019 29393 Hannah Goodwin Tota 29393 29394 08/12/2019 29394 Heather Pacedes Total 29394 29395 08/12/2019 29395 .,Co._...a 08/12/2019 29395 HECO Engsneers Check Register Transparency Version Check Issue Dates 7/2412019 - 8112/2019 Invoice Invoice Sequence GL Account 1 ch 23O414O3OO 1 c ``''^`..' `/ 23-0414-03-00 1 c .3-^``''. 1 c `.`...3-. 1 c 23O41 4O3O 1 c ''`1`'3-' `^ '-0'`^1'' 1 c .`.''-0`` 1 c '0-',`.^,- . ~ .``'`/`. '^ 23O414O3OO 1 c 2304i4 -O3-00 '^ ^0-`''^'' 1 c 23`.`...` i ch `3-`'^'`` 1 c 2OO42303OO 1 c `.`42''`` 1 c 23O41403 -OO 1 c ''''`'^'` 1 c ^^°`,``. 1 c 23-0414-03-00 1 c 23'.``'^. `` 23-0414-03-00 1 ch 23-0414-03-00 Invoice GI Account Title MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES RPR/MTNC-LINES-METERS-ETC MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES .`..-`., .w" ...,.'' MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES "^^"''S MATERIAtS AND SUPPL$ES MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES RPRiMTNCLINESMETERSETC ^'_,`"''",`'''"`' MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES TOOLS TOOLS MA1'ERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIAIS AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES MATERIAIS ANO SUPPLIES 1 c `'..'.^` ....^.`S ,^. ,`. -"`S '.' `..,-5..' RPRAITNC,LINES-METERS-ETC 1 ch .'^`''''`' CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 1 ch 13-0413-29-05 ELECTRICAL PERMIT REFUND 1 17-N22-04-00 GAS/11ILEAGE 1 ch 01-0422-06-00 FIELD OF HONOR .^ .^``^`, ENGINEERiNG .`^`-'.`^'..`'` 1 c O1041341OO E',",`.,. FEE/DEVELOPER CHG Page 9 Aug 12, 2019 04 02PM Invoice Amount 15.63 2114 11 95 34.95 3.67 459 '^ 2115 ^^' ''9` `'`` 5608 9.18 49.47 27.20 7 251 1 93 `"^' `'^ 807 12.13 .. 3381 12.13 70 59 97 87 70 54 Check Amount `'` 21.14 11 95 34.95 3.61 4 5 18 2115 14,33 ,`9` .e.62 56.08 9.18 49.47 27.20 7.35 2 51 1 9 '5 '' 9.17 807 12 13 2.75 3381 12 13 628 58 7059 9787 70 54 _ 70.54 13000 130 00 57.18 57.18 57 18 254 93 254.93 400 00 14,545 50 254,93 400 00 ___ Check'^�,,_"�s��..'`".` Page. 10z.�''.' Check lssue Dates. 7124/2019 8/1212019 Aug 12. 2'°`'2~` Check Check ''^` lnvoce lnvoice GL `'^` Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 14,945.50 Total 29395 29396 1, ''`'''^ WATERJSERVICEo�',s-p �'� `'' `.�.`' '�` `-,..''.`~..`^~..` Total 29396 29397 08/12/2019 29397 Idaho Humane Soclety, trIc Tolal 29397 .^ r^``^6-` IDAHO HUMANE Sc.'`' 5.63.33 7500 5,633 33 29398 08112/2019 29398 Idaho Power Co -Processing Ctr 1 ch 23-0455-04-00 UTILITIES 6 00 5 00 Totat 29398 29399 08(12/2019 29399 Idaho Rural Water Assoc Total 29399 29400 NM 2/2019 29400 Idaho State Poi= Total 29400 29401 08112‘2019 29401 Jackson or Lyn Crabtree Total 29401 1 e .`,'-2.' TRAVEL-MTNGS-EDUCATION 6 00 285.M 285,00 285.00 ^' .'^`'`.. BACKOROUND e31.75 63175 1 c 60.220-`'` WATER/SERV10E DEPOSITS • 631 75 75 00 75 00 75 00 29402 08112/2019 29402 Jared Luke/Kurs(irt AndersoJared Luke/Ktirstin Anderson 1 c `'.`-0'' .`S, ,.'`".,",`' ``", Se SS 58 55 58 55 Total 29402 29403 08,1212019 29403 Jeffrey or Donna ,.,.^' '^ '.':'`0-' WATER/$ERVICE DEPOSITS 7$ GO 75 00 75 ` 29403- 29404 08/12/2019 29404 Jess Bradley 1 ch .`',`.. R`.SUPPLIES-CAMPS , CLASSES ^`^ 705 Total 29404, 29405 08112/2019 29405 Jesus or Mable Guerrero Total 29405 29'08/12/2019 29406 J-rn or Linda Wood - `, 60-0220'0-0 .`T^',.'``' .'.'`-` 1 ' '^`.... ...r.`''"'` ^^'»'`' (I.6 75 00 75,00 75.00 75 00 15 00 City ot Eagle Check Regster Transparency Verson Page 11 Check Check Issue Date Number • ___ • Total 29406. ''008/12/2019 29407 John or Candace Jackson - Total 29407 '/`' 08/1V2019 29408 John or Donna French Total 29408* 29409 08112/2019 29409 J4J-B Engineers, Inc. Tota: 29409 29410 08112/2019 29410 Judy Stover Total 29410 29411 ''21'-' 08/1212019 08/12/2019 08/1212019 08/12/2019 08/12/2019 08/12/2019 29411 29411 29411 29411 29411 29411 29411 Total 29411 K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance ^'-'`^``'` ^`.`,.^`~/ K&T Maintenance K&T Maintenance 29412 08/12/2019 29412 Kate Plaisted Total 29412 29413 2/2019 29413 Kelly Wallace Tota 29413 29414 08/12/2019 29414 Kevin Hu,sey Total 29414 29415 08/12/2019 29415 Kevin Plats Total 29415 29416 08/12/2019 29416 Larry or Melanie Woodard Check Issue Dates 7/24/2019 - 8/1212019 Aug 12, 2019 04 02PM Invo8ce Invoice Sequence GL Account -___-____ '... s. Account Title 1 c ,,.22:`'' WATERJSERVICE DEPOSITS 1 , .."..-0`'. WATER/SERVICE DEPOS1TS 1 c .`^43'.`^ EAGLE SLAND ST PK CONNECTION 1 ch 60.220-00.00 WATER/SERVIGE DEPOSITS 1 c `'`'^:'' '' ''''^`^` 3 c 230442O3OO ,^ 06`464-05`0 `^ ..,`-5'`. 1 c .^.`.`` �, 2'.,u._. S^^^ ..`"`. CUSTODIAL SERVICES CUSTODIAL SERVICES CUSTODIAL CUSTODIAL SERV10ES CUSTODIAL SERVICES CUSTODIAL SERVIGES 1 ch ,-0.`'.' EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 1 , .-0^0-`.' WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 c _.`'-0''. WATER/SERVIGE DEPOSITS 1 c 6'`...', `/`.'.`-'`. D/`^:-` Invoice Amount 75.00 75,W, . On 15 00 69.30 161 70 1,825.02 2,774 07 '''- ^```' 3,144 75 Check Amount -------` 75.00 75.00 75.00 75_00 75 00 951,00 951 00 __- 75 00 75 00 ^''' 161 70 1,825.02 2,77407 66 .19 1,492 47 3,144 75 9.533 50 250 00 250.00 75.00 75 00 15 00 250,00 75,00 75_00 75 00 75AX) 75 OD 75 00 1 c 60'220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS ,e.0 75 00 - City of Ea1e '`'''``^'-,''`,'`'``' Page: 12 Check issue Dates: 7/2412019 8/12/2019 Aug 12, 2019 04 02PM Check Check Invoice Invoice Invoice GL Invoce Check Issue Date Number Pale* Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Total 29416 7s.C4 29417 08112/2019 29417 Larry or Regina Altamuano 1 c .'c, 0.-0. WATERJSERVICE DEPOSITS 75.00 Total 29417: 75.00 '', 08/1212019 29418 Laura Pinelk 1 c .-022...c WATERJSERVICE OEPOSITS mix 75.00 Total 29418 75.00 29419 08/1212019 29419 Lisa Wiseman 1 `.'`'^.' CONTRACTS -PERMITS 377 60 377,60 Total 29419 377 60 29420 08/12/2019 29420 Lori Loduca 1 c ^''20-..` `'...`E.``. ',''^-. MAXI 75 00 Total 29420. 75.00 29421 08/12/2019 29421 Louis Germano 1 c 01-0413-02-00 OESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO i.QO 100.00 Total 29421 100.00 29422 08112/2019 29422 LoweI or Virgrna Schultz .. .`.c.,.'. WATERJSERVICE DEPOSITS 75 `/ 7500 Tota: 29422, 75 00 2423 0811212019 29423 Lustre -Ca! . ,r 13-O41305OO OFFICE EXPENSES 810.78 610,78 Total 29423 610 78 29424 08/12/2019 29424 Marie J Schro 08/1212019 29424 Mane J. Schrtko . .v ''`-`'' CONTRACTS -PERMITS 1 di 17.0416-00r00 CONTRACTSPERMITS 140 00 14.1,040.00 1,040.00 - Total 29424 1,180 00 `S425 .''^.' 29425 .`.``,'/ 1 c 8O0220.00OO WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 3819 38.89 Total 29425 38.89 23426 08112/2019 29426 MASTERCARD ^° ''''°" MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 112 17 112 17 08112/2019 29426 MASTERCARD .^ .'..'''`` PERSONNEL TRAINING 70.00 70,00 08/12/2019 2942MASTERCARD 3 c ...62,`^" PUBLIC RELATIONS 42 05 42.05 08112/2019 29426 MASTERCARD 4 c "',`.. GAILERY MTNC/SLUPPUE$ '`` ```1 . 0811212019 29426 MASTERCARD1 ch `'`',o PUBLIC RELATIONS .`.50 110.50 0811212019 29426 MASTERCARD 2 c ..-'''` COMMUNITY RELATIONS 25.95 25 95 08/12/2019 29426 MASTERCARD 3 ' 14041 312OO PERSONNEL TRAINING 199. 199-. City of Eagle Check Check Issue Date Number 0811212019 29476 0811212019 29426 08!12/2019 29426 08/12/2019 29426 08F12/2019 29426 0811212019 29426 08/12/2019 29428 08(12/2019 29426 0811212019 29426 08/12/2019 29426 08!12/2019 29426 0811212019 28428 08112/2019 29426 08/1212019 2842b 09f1212019 29426 08/12/2099 29428 08!12!2019 29426 08712/2014 29428 08112!2019 29426 g811212018 28426 08!12/2019 29426 08/1212019 29426 08:12!2019 29428 08112/2019 29426 08F12/2019 29426 Total 29426. Payee MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD MASTERCARD 29427 68112/2019 29427 Me4issaMajor Tont 29427 29428 08112/2019 29428 Mchae or Georgena Koto Total 29428 28429 08112/2019 29429 Mountain View Plumbing Total 29428. 29430 08!1212019 29430 Muriel or VVam Ward Total 29430- 19431 08(12/2019 08(1212019 08:12.'2019 29431 NAPA Auto Parts 29431 NAPA Auto Parts 29431 NAPA Auto Paris Total 29431; 29432 08/12/2019 29432 National Benefit Services, LLC _� ` �� � . �-:\\\\\'\�L-.\•2 \.� \�\�;J.�\�•��..\\\�\�\ .�..-�-....��. � �-�.�.._._�.:'\\ ��.�:�>>�..�ti� .� \\� �\\\\\\ �� \\�;:�� 1�-a.�\\\\\\\\\\`1�\�•:_�..c.\��:_;•::.::�::���.:•_... � ���:::: r:`.::L,'��3:v::�c''v':�.A�Ria�S��J Check Register - Transparency Verson Page_ 13 Check Issue Dates. 7124/2019 - 6{12!2019 Invoice Sequence 4 cti 5ci 1 ch 1 th 2 ch 3 ch 1 ch 2 ch 1 ch 2 ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 th 4 ch 5 ch 6 Ch 7 ch 8 Ch 9 ch 10 cn 11 ch 72 ch 13 Ch 14 ch 15 ch Invoice GL Account 21-0427-00-00 01M462010O 01-0462-01-00 24-0430.08-00 20-0423-05.00 2O0424O0OO 23-0417-01.00 24.0410.01-00 23-0417.01 .00 23-0442.01.00 17A423.02=04 17-0422=02.00 17O423O2OO 24O4200500 170416OOOO 17-0423.00.00 17 -0423 -d2 -0Q 17-0423-02-00 170423-02-00 17.0422-02-00 24-0440.03.00 17•U423.02-00 17-0423<02=00 17-0423-02-00 17>0422M-00 invoce GL Account Title GALLERY MTNC/SLUPPLIES PUBLIC RELATIONS PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMUNITY GROUP EQUIPMENT MTNC-REPAIR SPECIAL EVENTS VEHICLE MTNC 8 REPAIR SUPPLIES VEHICLE MTNC REPAIR BLDG MAINTENANE REPAIR FIELD TRIPS ADVERTISING/MARKETING FELD TRIPS MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTS -PERMITS REC SUPPLIES -CAMPS & CLASSES FIELD TRIPS FIELD TRIPS FIELD TRPS ADVERTISING/MARKETING ADVERTISING FIELD TRPPS FIELO TRIPS FIELD TRIPS ADVERTISING/MARKETING 1 th 99-Q107-00-00 CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING 1 ch 60-02204)0-00 WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 1 df 13-0413.29-04 PLUMBING PERMIT REFUND 1 ch 6d•0220-00.00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 ch 20-0423-02-00 MATERIA! AND SUPPLIES 1 ch 23-0420-09-00 MTNC/REPAIR EQUIPMENT 1 ch &0.0420A3.00 VEHICLE MTNC & REPAIR 1 ch 01-0415-23-01 HRA ADMIN FEE Aug 12, 2019 04:02PM Invoice Amount 78.38 74.80 30.89 18.00 1,000_00 6.38 14.00 11000 900 55.00 112.00 2 00 220.00 27.88 228.00 14.84 228.00 50.78 162.99 9.99 5.30 29.97 17.50 25.00 9 99 234.41 7604 Check Amount 78.38 74.80 30..89 iBAO 1000.00 8.38 14.00 110 00 9.00 55.00 112 00 2.00 22000 27.88 228 40 14.84 228.00 50.7B 16299 9.99 5.30 29.97 17.50 25.00 9.99 4433 60 234.41 ' \��: � ate: ;�.�.\�\�\��'c�:�r \\"'.L\• 234.41 75.00 75.00 32500 325.00 40.84 61 29 699 68 47 325.00 75.00 75.00 40.84 67 29 6.99 708 12 69 47 ��.. 1��\:�� �l`�\r ,�V•:�.c�w• ..\1�.�ti,.Y .�.��.\�v�.\�....���....s•�l `•' �\`�\ '���'. �.��\�.. ����V �.�oC.`�'xv-•': a.�\`�\'S.\\v.'...\\� ����ri�\\���\ra;.�el��\Vc:\'�YY\`c.'�cV�tl�'bth\CGS.`��K .:,...•.� ••.:-��+�\`Q:t City of Eagte Check Register - Transparency Version Page. 14 Check Issue Dates_ 712412019 811212019 Aug 12. 2019 04:02PM • ._____-_ Check Check Invoice Invoce 1nvoce GL ".^e Check Issue Date Number Payee Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount 08/1212019 29432 ...,` .",. S^. -es. ,- ,. .^..`.. COBRA ADMIN FEE ^`.^ 6948 Total 29432 138 95 2943. 08112/2019 29433 Nicholas or Angela Bucchino Total 29433 29,34 08112/2019 29434 Osborn Tracy 08/12/2019 29434 Osborn Tracy 1 c ``^'-0''' WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 1 . -.^,'-. PUBUC RELATIONS ch 12-0413-13-00 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 75Cfai 75.00 9, 16.01 mm 75 00 9 86 16 01 Total 29434 25.87 29435 08/12/2019 29435 Owyhee Publishing 1 eti 17-0422-06-00 PRINTING-DUPL1CATION 3,2V 40 3.252 40 Total 29435' 3,252 40 29436 0811212019 29436 Paige MechancI Grou Total 29436. 1 c .3-..``.. BLDG MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 3e2 50 382 50 382 50 29437 '.2,2.9 29.37 Patty or JohFukon 1 ch 60'22G-041. WATER/SERVCE DEPOSTS ,-%) 75 .' Total 29437 29438 08112/2019 29438 Portia or Layne Flynn Tota 29438 1 c .`'22. 0''' WATER/SERVICE OEPOSITS 29439 08/12/2019 29439 Prec4son Automat4on Systems 1 e ^``.`,`. RPR/MTNC PUMPS-WELLS-CHEMICA Total 29439. 29440 08/12/2019 29440 Rebecca or Jeff Fisher 1 c `-0`'-0-' WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 75 00 7$,M1 7500 75,00 151.38 751,38 751 38 34 23 34 23 Total 29440 34 23 '=44` 01,2.019 29441 '`^``' o'-.."_' ^ `. 1 e O1O203O1O1 .^':/ v.'.`~' '''^``` 10.102 SO `,^' '- Total 29441 10,192,50 p... 08/12/2019 29442 Richard or Nora Kuchta Total 29442 29443 08/12/2019 29443 Rick G. Wenick 1 60-0220-00-00 WATERJSERVICE DEPOSITS ' ch 13`416-13.0 BLDG INSPECTOR 75 00 75 00 3,940 MI 75 00 ' ''••.'•••••••,•••••• `` . E'` Check Register 'Transparency Verson Page: 15 Check Issue Dates, 7124'2019 8/1212019 Aug 12, 2019 04.02PM '.^. Check issue Date Number • `..e Invoace Invoice Gt. Invoce Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount -�' Total 29443 3_940.N 29444 08/12/2019 29444 Rimi Inc Terry Medey 0811212019 29444 Rif*, Inc- Terry Medey Total 29444 29445 08/12/2019 29445 Robert R Schafer Total 29445: 29446 08/12i2019 29446 Roger or Marilyn Jones .=. .~~.,'... MECHANICAL INSPECTOR 1 * 13O41614OO '`' '```' . ,",..`'231 89 - `'30..6` ,'.-x. 231 89 135325O 1 c .`4.`'`` DES!GN REVIEW 8R0 COMPENSATIO 50~X) 5000 1 c ~-'`... WATER/SERVICE OEPOSITS 50 00 47.20 47 20 Total 29446 47.20 29447 08112/2019 29447 Russ or Sherry Fairlamb Total 29447' 29456 08/12/2019 29456 Ryan or Rebekah Nayfor Total 29456 29457 08/12/2019 29457 Scott or Ruth Rubel Total 29457 29458 08/1212019 29458 Sean Luster .. ..r.''.0' ',.E,. -,... '.,O..~ .. 6OO22000EOO WATER/SERVICE DEPOStTS 75:00 75.00 75.00 32 83 32 83 1 ch 6O022�0OMO WATERISERVICE DEPOSITS 1500 1 ch '`+`''' EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 32.83 75.00 75 00 260 00 250,00 Total 29458 250.00 2..59 08/12/2019 29459 Shadows 0811212019 29459 Shadows Total 29459 1 c 23041408O0 SIGNS & SIGN REPLACEMENT ch 19-0469-11-00 MERRILL PARK SPLASH PAD 37060 37080 197 80 197 80 568 40 29460 08,1212019 29460 Shen Bias/Terry Thomas 1 , ...22.`... WATERJSERVICE OEPOSITS 40.71 4071 Total 29460 29461 08/12/2019 29461 Smith Brighton, Inc 1 c '^-`'-0' BONDS DEPOSITS PAYABLE 40,71 7.0e7 50 7.087_50 Total 29461 7,08750 29462 08/1212019 29462 Staples Creflt Plan 1 e 06-0420-05`0 OFFICE SUPPLIES 15. 8r 153 81 ', . ','e Check Check Issue Date Number O8/2/2019 29462 08/1212019 29462 08/1212019 29462 08/1212019 29462 08/12/2019 29462 0811212019 29462 08/12/2019 29462 08/12/2019 29462 Total 29462 Payee Staples Credit ,.n Stapies Credit `v. ..,.^ ..c ^.` .^`^ Cred( Pan ``"^`.,.~' Stapies CredStaples Credit Pan Stapies Crecfit PIan Staples Credit Plan 29463 08/12/2019 29463 State of ID-Oocupational Licenses Total 29463 29`64 08112/2019 29464 Sterling Codefiers, Inc. Total 29464 29465 08/12/2019 29465 Steve Tubbs Total 29465 29466 08/12/2019 29466 Structural Edge Total 29466 '`08/12/2019 29467 Talerm Baer - Total 29467 .46, 08/1212019 08/1212019 08/i2/2019 08/12/2019 29468 Tates Rents 29468 Tates Rents 29468 Tates Rents 29468 Tates Rents Total 29468 29469 08/12/2019 29469 Taylor Thompson Total 29469 29470 08/12/2019 29470 Tech Academy/Computer Explore Total 29470 29471 08/12/2019 29471 Terry L Sayer Check Regsster Transparency Version ``o, 16 Check Issue Dates 7124/2019 - 8/12/2019 Invoice Sequence .. 1 c lch 2ci lch `^ ''` 3 c lnvovce GI Account InvoiAccount Title ce GL __________ ______ 01-0413-05-00 r.'3-.5-'^ .`.0''` '` 01-0413-05-00 '''2-'^` O1O413050O 14O413O5O0 17-0422-01-00 OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE E',',..' OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 e 60.'`... OUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS '° '`-^'''' RESOURCE MATERIALS 1 60-0220-00-00 ''./'`E`.`" .`',`". 1 cti 13-0413-09-00 COMMERCIALPLAN REVIEW 1 c 01-0413-02-00 DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 1 c 1 c `- `` 24 -O41 -02 -OO TRAFFIC BARRIERS & CONTROL 60-0434-58-00 RPR/MINC-LINES-METERS-ETC 20-0423-03-00 TOOLS 20-0423-03-00 TOOLS Aug 12, 2019 04.02PM Invoice Amount .•.•„.....•..... 35.27 10.99 `2.. 48.89 167.35 79.32 3108 15_29 DO 75 00 Check Amount `'' 10.99 /'- 48 89 '''' 7932 31 08 15 29 564 63 30 00 30 00 993 00 993 00 75 00 75.00 1jGO.0 1,100_00 5000 36876 33.60 11.16 3.28 _ 1 c 60-0220-00-00 WATERJSERVICE DEPOSITS 41 17 1 ol 17-0416-00-00 CONTRACTS -PERMITS 2,340.00 Z340.00 1 c `'^'``' DESIGN REVIEW BRD COMPENSATIO 1,100 00 50.00 50.00 76 33.6. ^`' 328 416.80 '- ---` - 2_340.00 MOO 100 00 - ___ CiIy of Eagle Check Register Transparercy Version Page 17 Check Issue Dates: 7124/2019 - 811212019 Aug 12. 2019 04 02PM Check Check Issue Date Number "`~e Invotce [nvcce GI ".`e Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount Tota129471. IOGQO 29472 0811212019 29472 The Pulse Fitness Shop 1 c .,^,8-.^, EVENT REFUNDS 45,0 00 .*o. • Total 29472) 450 00 29473 08/12)2019 29473 The Sherwrn W1ams Go, 08/12/2019 29473 The Sherwin W1ams Co, 1 th 17.Q425OOOO RECREATION EQUIPMENT 1 e .`.^-00-`, RECREATION EQUIPMENT 1,41360 5890 1413.6O 5890 Total 29473. 1 A72.50 29474 08/12/2019 29474 The Traffic Sign Store 1 c ,..r3-.'^ EQU1PMENT MTNCsREPAIR 365 00 365.00 Total 29474 365.00 29475 08112/2019 29475 TIAA Commerciat Finance 2,476 `p' �.� ',,`z.`'^ CONTRACT AND AGREEMENTS 216 4,15 216 16 Total 29475. 216 16 12/2019 29476 Timothy or Laura Lapp n477 1 60 0220.0`' WATER/SERVICE ..pO.., 75 04) 75 00 Total 29476' 75 00 112/2019 29477 Trautman Lawn & Landscap.^ 23O416-O60O LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEM 22,20000 2220000 Total 29477 22,200.00 29478 08/12/2019 29478 Treasure Valley Coffee 08/12/2019 29478 Treasure Valley Coffee 1 OO413O5OO OFFICE EXPENSES 1 ch O1-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES '/. 7600 125 55 125:55 Total 29478, 201 55 29479 08/12/2019 29479 United Site Services Total 29479: 29480 0811212019 29480 '` /''. E.~`-.'- . , 24-O41O.00OO PORTA POTTIES 1 ' 21O425-O00O COMMUNITY EVENTS 1,221 CIO 1,221 00 1,221 00 oo 1.000 00 Total 29480 1,000 00 29481 08/12/2019 29481 Verizon 1 ch 23-0413-07-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 138,W 138.60 Total 2948 138.60 29482 08(12/2019 29482 Verizon Wreless `^ ...^..,. TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 322 77 322.77 _ City of Eagle __•_______ C`.^ Check Issue Date Number Payee 08/1212019 08/1212019 08/12/2019 08112/2019 08/1212019 08/12/2019 08/1212019 08/12/2019 08/12/2019 29482 29482 29482 29482 29482 29482 29482 29482 29482 Total 29482: ----------' ``'`'`^``' Venzo Wireles Venzcrt Wireless Venzon WreIes Verizon WreIes Verizon WreIess Venzon Wreless `'''`'``^. Verizon Wireless 29483 08/1212019 29483 Wagner Farms Total 29483: 29484 08112s2019 29486 08....9 .'.12..' 08/12/2019 08/12/2019 29484 Wafter Laurence Huntsman Total 29484 29485 ',.` .a... .,^. 29485 ''x)^ '..^` ''^. 29485 `.,. ..`'` '.,ply 29485 Waxie Sanitary Suppty Total 29485 29486 08/12/2019 29486 Mite Sturgeon LLC Total 29486. 29487 08/12/2019 29487 08/12/2019 29487 08/12/2019 29487 08112/2019 29487 `''`.' 29487 08/12/2019 29487 Total 29487 Wiamette Dentat lnsuance Wiamette Denta nsurance Wiamette Denta Insurance Wiamette Dentai nsurance ViMamette DenLal nsurance Marnette Dental Insucance 29488 08/12/2019 29488 Zachary Davies Total 29488 29489 08/12/2019 29489 Zackery RQey Total 29489 29490 08/1212019 29490 Uns Bank ---'----- ___....... ____ Check Register Transparency Verson Check Issue Dates: 7/2412019 811212019 `..' Invoice Sequence GL Account 2cti `^.`..''' 3cti .,.,..'. ... _`....-0. '' ^'`"`-'. 6 17O422.O500 7 '.''..^ '` `-0'22-0^-00 '`' ''''-1`'' 1 ch 23-0413-07-00 Invoice 3L A=unt Tit* TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS iNTERNET & PHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE TELEPHONE -COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION TEt.EPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS CELL PHONE TELECOMMUNICATIONS,$CAOA TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 1 c 23O414O2-00 `' `-'' ^ "-'', ,..v."` 1 c '9-'''--0 [AGLE SATURDAY MARKET 1 ^ 1 ^ .^ 1 c ,3-'``.*'. PAPER PRODUCTS .-0'`'r.." PAPER PRODUCTS '''`'^'` PAPER PRODUCTS 23O414O50O PAPER PRODUCTS .. 01`203-01.' BONDS DEPOSTS PAYABLE 1 " 14O217O7O0 .~ 12O217O7OO 3 13O217O7OO ., 234)217m7'0 Sch .7..21-`..' ch 20-.0217-0TO° P81 DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE BLDG DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE 1 c 23-0414-02`0 MIS MTNC & REPAIR GROUNDS 1 e 60-0220`0r0 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSTS Page. 18 Aug 12, 2019 04:02PM "'^' Amount 160 52 88 5294 52.94 135 188 105 188 10 6812 `. 23184 `''.' 78 7857 80 Check Amount 16052 88 52 94 5294 135 16 18810 ../`. 188 10 ` - 2.685.00 2,685.00 250 00 250 00 23184 .,6^./, 78_18 57 80 2,009.37 104,208 00 104,208 00 519 52 5800 220 88 5800 242_30 58 00 00 51952 58.00 220.88 58 00 242.30 58,00 1,15670 326 37 326 37 75 00 326.37 75.00 75 00 1 c `../-8^'. PRINCIPAL BOND PAYMENT 70`00'0 ...,./ City o( Eagle Issue Date Number 08/12/2019 29490 Zions Bank Total 2949(Y Payee Check Registe Transparency Version Page 19 Check Issue Dates. 7/24/2019 - 8112/2019 Aug 12, 2019 04:02PM _-_ -___ Invoce ,``` .`.e `- Invoice Check Sequence GL Account Account Title Amount Amount ., .,`'-8'` INTEREST BOND PAYMENT 16,.`., 16.341 38 86,341 38 Grand Iota s 713.799 42 Dated- M`yor_________ City CounciP -__ Report Criteria: Reporttype: -,`.`^ :''...''`^`~''`-,' --`