Minutes - 2019 - City Council - 07/24/2019 - Town HallEAGLE CITY COUNCIL TOWN HALL MEETING MINUTES July 24, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GOLD, PITTMAN, MITCHELL. Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Mitchell: AYE. Bastian is absent. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. TOWN HALL MEETING: A. The City of Eagle is pleased to invite all Eagle residents to attend the town hall meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome your input and look forward to answering any questions that you may have. Have a suggestion? We'd love to hear from you! Like what's happening? Great! Let us know! Have a concern...we want to hear those as well! We wish this to be an open discussion inspired by the interests of all of the people of our wonderful community. Stop by to visit with your elected officials. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, each speaker should limit their presentation to three (3) minutes. If time permits, and after all attendees who wish to address the City Council have done so, the City Council may invite rebuttals or engage in additional discussions with the attendees. Most items are eligible for discussion, however, due to the public hearing regulations associated with land use applications, discussion/testimony of any pending application before the City must be reserved for the date of the officially scheduled public hearing noticed for City Council or the Planning and Zoning Commission. Each speaker is to be treated with the utmost respect, courtesy and afforded the right to speak without interruption. The intent of our town hall meeting is to create a friendly community spirited forum where by the Eagle community may express their views openly and freely. May we suggest this is a gathering of neighbors openly speaking with neighbors, and we hope everyone will feel welcome to participate. Mayor welcomes everyone and provides an overview of the procedures for the Town Hall Meeting. Mayor provides an overview of the Idaho Humane Society's new hospital facility, the meetings that the City has had with the IHS staff and their request for funding from the City. Mayor displays a power point presentation and discusses the contract with the IHS and the monthly services the IHS has provided to the City. Chief Clifford discusses animal control on the part of the City Eagle Police force. Page 1 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-24-19twnhallmtngmin.doc General discussion on animal control. Lisa Coffman, State Director for Idaho and Wyoming for the Humane Society United States, I am based in Boise. I work with animal groups and animal shelters within the State as well as legislation. I work closely with the Idaho Humane Society on several issues. The City has a lot of options. You need to look at the services you receive, and the amount of money being charged for those services. Discusses the Garden City humane facility. To use this facility at this time I feel there would need to be upgraded and they won't take cats only dogs. Discusses the procedures that need to be done when a dog is taken to a facility. You need the right kind of facility to hold animals. General discussion on animal control and on forming a committee to address the animal control issues. Discussion on the Art Walk sponsored by the Art Commission. Further discussion on animal control. Discussion on preparing an ordinance to regulate short term rentals. Discussion on Next Door postings. Discussion on Eagle's city limits and Star's city limits. General discussion. Councilmembers thank the people who have attended the meeting. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Pittman moves to adjourn. Seconded by Gold. Mayor: are there any objections to adjournment? Seeing none we are adjourned. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER APP OVED: STAN RIDGEWAY MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 2 J:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-24-19twnhallmtngmin.doc