Findings - DR - 2002 - DR-75-02 - Master Sign Plan For Eagle Professional Park For Doctors Alan Miller And Joel Courtial BEFORE THE EAGLE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR A DESIGN REVIEW FOR THE MASTER SIGN PLAN FOR EAGLE PROFESSIONAL PARK FOR DOCTORS ALAN MILLER AND JOEL COURTIAL ) ) ) ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER DR- 75-02 The above-entitled design review application came before the Eagle Design Review Board for their action on December 12,2002. The Eagle Design Review Board having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; FINDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: Doctor Alan Miller and Doctor Joel Courtial, represented by Stan Oliva with Young Electric Sign Company, are requesting design review approval of the master sign plan for Eagle Professional Park. This application includes the approval of a multi-tenant monument sign and a building wall sign for Eagle Pediatrics. The site is located on the west side of Stierman Way approximately 100-feet north of East State Street at 125 and 151 North Stierman Way. B. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The City of Eagle received the application for this item on November 7,2002. C. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners abutting the subject property in accordance with Eagle City Code on November 22, 2002. D. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: On August 14,2002, the Eagle City Council approved a design review application for the multi- tenant professional/medical office building (DR-31-02). E. COMPANION APPLICATIONS: None F. ZONING DESIGNATION: CBD (Central Business District) G. SIGNAGE: Sign Data Proposed Required Wall Sign Dimensions I' 10" high x 6' wide N/A Area of Signage II-square feet 42-square feet (maximum) Illumination None Interior-illumination prohibited Building Wall Sign for Eagle Pediatrics Page 1 of 7 K:IPlanning DeptlEagle ApplicationsIDrI2002IDR-75-02 mstr sign plan drf.doc Monument Sign Sign Data Proposed Required Sign Dimensions 8' high x 8' 6" wide 8' high (maximum) Area of Signage 29-square feet (approx.) 50-square feet (maximum) Illumination Four (4) ground mounted light Interior-illumination prohibited fixtures Sign Landscaping 240-square feet 87-square feet (minimum) H. AGENCY RESPONSES: None 1. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: None received to date STAFF ANALYSIS PROVIDED WITIDN THE STAFF REPORT: A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROVISIONS, WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: (None) B. ZONING CODE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: . The general theme of the Design Review Overlay District is to encourage the use of American Northwest and 1870 through 1930 architectural styles and the use of those materials, graphics and architectural designs set forth in the DR chapter. Signage for any project shall provide for business identification and minimize clutter and confusion on and off the site. Signs are to provide effective and necessary business identification systems adapted to the building design. . . Section 8-2A-8(K)(1) No signs shall be erected or maintained in any district as established by the Zoning Ordinance except those signs specifically enumerated in this Chapter. The number and area of signs as outlined in this Chapter are intended to be maximum standards which do not necessarily ensure architectural compatibility. Therefore, in addition to the enumerated standards, consideration shall be given to a sign's relationship to the overall appearance of the subject property as well as the surrounding community. Compatible design, simplicity and sign effectiveness are to be used in establishing guidelines for sign approval. . Section 8-2A-8(C)(5) Sign materials and overall appearance shall compliment with the building architecture and colors as determined by the Design Review Board. C. DISCUSSION: . A master sign plan has been proposed for the existing dentist office and the new multi-tenant professional/medical office buildings located at 125 and 151 North Stierman Way, known as "Eagle Professional Park, November, 02". The master sign plan may not be changed unless approved by the Design Review Board. The applicant should be required to provide a revised master sign criteria outline. The revised master sign criteria should be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the City accepting any . Page 2 of 7 KIPlanning DeptlEagle Applications\Dr\2002\DR-75-02 ms!r sign plan drfdoc sign permits for this site. Staffrecommends the following changes to the applicant's document titled "Eagle Professional Park, November 02", with strike thru text to be deleted and underlined text to be added so as to be in compliance with Eagle City Code. 2.) Monument Sign: . One monument~ will be permitted to identify Beth ~buildings located at 125 and 151 North Stierman Way, which will consist of brick and metal (metal to be painted to match the buildings located at 125 North Stierman Way) with vinyl letters on aluminum inter panel. The tenant names on the monument sign shall will be black vinyl. The font style for lettering on the monument will be Dauphin. The addition of new tenants shall comply with this same letter style....md (logos will be eonsidered, ho',ye'ler, will be the subject to approval from the property owner and the City of Eagle). . The All monument signs can be illuminated by ground mounted t1oed illuminatedJ2J: a total of four 70-watt high pressure sodium ground mounted lights (two on each side of the monument sign). The ground mounted lillht fixtures are required to be completely screened from view by landscaping. Building Wall Signs: . Cabinet style "Gaß" building wall signs will be prohibited. Sculptured signs ef channel illuminated letters ',vill Illi!)[..be permitted. . Wall signs shall consist of flat cut out aluminum or sentra (plastic composite) and will be flush mounted on the face of the building (logos will be considered. however will be the subject to the approval from the property owner and the City of Eallle. Colors for wall signs shall consist of black and style shall be Dauphin (light or bold). Lighting shall consist of recessed soffit lighting located on the building flooè illlH11ination. . Other than limited temporary identification, no paper, canvas, banners, painted wall signs, or painted wood signs will be permitted proHibited. . All building wall signs shall be constructed of individual letters a minimum of y,¡" thick and mounted so as to be flush against the face of the buildinll . No internally illuminated or flood lit building wall will be permitted. . Building wall sign locations are identified on the attached buildinll elevations (see Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). Entry Door Signs: . Door signs identifying the business and/or indicating business hours. emergency phone numbers. etc. Window identification (not to exceed two (2) square feet) shall be allowed in vinyl letters, style in Dauphin and color shall be in white or cream. Logos will be permitted (not to exceed two (2) square feet). 4.) Compliance with this sign criteria will be strictly enforced~ and any Ren The tenant or purchaser or his sign contractor (thethe User") shall remove any non- conforming signs or his sign oontraotor at their expense upon demand of the Owner. ~ Main entry sign loeations are identified on the attaehed site plan and artwork are identified at their loeations subject to staff appro'lal. 6.) Each tenant shall ti5ef submits hvo (2) eopies of detailed design drawings of the proposed building wall sign, showing the in eolor, location and materials to be used in Page 3 of 7 K:\Planning DeptlEagle Applications\Dr\2o02\DR- 75-02 mstr sign plan drfdoc the construction of the building wall siJlO. Each tenant shall submit detailed desi~ drawinlls of the proposed si~ to be located on the monument siJlll. The detailed drawings shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Eagle prior to the City issuing a sign permit for each individual tenant building wall sign. and to scale including materials and leeation. 9+ Internally and flood lit '.vall signs within this project, appreved by the City code will be permitted subject to property o':mer approval. 10.).\1l individual letters signs must be at least ~~" thick and mounted so as to be flush against the v.'all. Special Note: The existing monumeat sign on Dr. Courtial's property will be removed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PROVIDED WITIDN THE REPORT: Based upon the information provided to staff to date, staff recommends approval with the site specific conditions of approval and the standard conditions of approval provided within the staff report. PUBLIC HEARING OF THE BOARD: A. A public hearing on the application was held before the Design Review Board on December 12, 2002, at which time testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Board made their decision at that time. B. Oral testimony in opposition to this proposal was presented to the Design Review Board by no one. C. Oral testimony in favor of this proposal was presented to the Design Review Board by no one (not including the applicant). BOARD DECISION: The Board voted 3 to 0 (Barnes, Floegel, McCullough, and Stanger absent) to approve DR- 75-02 for a design review application for the master sign plan for Eagle Professional Park with the following staff recommended site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval with text shown with strike thru to be deleted by the Board and text shown with underline to be added by the Board. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: I. Provide a revised master sign criteria outline showing the following changes to the applicant's document titled "Eagle Professional Park, November, 02" with strike thru text to be deleted and underlined text to be added so as to be in compliance with Eagle City Code. 2.) Monument SiJlO: . One monument~ will be permitted to identify betH t1K.buildings located at 125 and 151 North Stierman Way, which will consist of brick and metal (metal to be painted to match ~buildingslocated at 125 North Stierman Way) with vinyl letters on aluminum inter panel. The tenant names on the monument si~ shall will be black vinyl. The font style for lettering on the monument will be Dauphin. The addition of new tenants shall comply with this same letter style.Jlld (logos will be considered, hmve'/er, will be the subject to approval from the property owner and the City of Eagle). . The All monument signs can be illuminated by ground mounted li~ht fixtures fleeà illuminated by with a total of four 70-watt high pressure sodium wound mounted Page 4 of 7 K\Planning DeptlEagle Applications\Dr\2002\DR- 75-02 mstr sign plan drfdoc lights (two on each side of the monument si p1). The ~ound mounted lillht fixtures are required to be completely screened from view by landscaping. Buildin~ Wall Signs: . Cabinet style "GaB" building wall signs will be prohibited. Sculptured signs ef ohannel illuminated letters will ~be permitted. . Wall signs shall consist of flat cut out aluminum or sentra (plastic composite) and will be flush mounted on the face of the buildini (logos will be considered. however will be the subject to the approval from the property owner and the City of Ea~le. Colors for wall signs shall consist of black and style shall be Dauphin (light or bold). Lighting shall consist of recessed soffit li~hting located on the building fIooà illumination. . Other than limited temporary identification, no paper, canvas, banners, painted wall signs, or painted wood signs will be permitted prohibited. . All building wall signs shall be constructed of individual letters a minimum of \.4" thick and mounted so as to be flush against the face of the buildinll . No internally illuminated or flood lit buildinll wall signs shall be permitted. . Building wall si p1 locations are identified on the attached buildinll elevations (see Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). Entry Door Si p1s: . Door si p1s identifying the business and/or indicatinll business hours. emergency phone numbers. etc. 'NindO\v identification (not to exceed two (2) square feet) shall be allowed in vinyl letters, style in Dauphin and color shall be in white or cream. Logos will be permitted (not to exceed two (2) square feet). 4.) Compliance with this sign criteria will be strictly enforced.. and any non The tenant or purchaser or his sign contractor (thethe User") shall remove any non- conforming signs or his sign oontraotor at their expense upon demand of the Owner. ~ Main entry sign looations are identified on the attaohed site plan and artwork are identified at their looatiøas subjeot to staff approval. 6.) Each tenant shall 'Y5ef submits two (2) oopies of detailed design drawings of the proposed building wall sign, showing the in oolor, location and materials to be used in the construction of the building wall sign. Each tenant shall submit detailed design drawings of the proposed si¡p1 to be located on the monument sign. The detailed drawings shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Eagle prior to the City issuing a si¡p1 permit for each individual tenant building wall sign. and to seale ineluding materials and looation. 9+ Internally and flood lit '.vall signs ',vi thin this projeot, approved by the City code will be permitted subjeet to property o'.vner approval. 10.)All individual letters signs must be at least ~/,¡" thiok and mounted so as to be flush against the '.vall. 8peøial Note: The existiag monument sign on Dr. Courtial' s property will be remoyed. 2. The existing monument sign located in front of the dentist office building (151 North Stierman Way) shall be removed prior to the City accepting a sign permit for this site. Page 5 of 7 K:\Planning DeptlEagle ApplicationsIDr\2002IDR-75-02 mstr sign plan drfdoc 3. Provide a detailed cut sheet of the specific light fixture to be used to illuminate the monument sign. The light fixture shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the City accepting a sign permit for this site. 4. The floodlights used to illuminate the monument sign shall be screened or located so they do not shine onto the roadway or onto any nearby property. The light fixtures shall be concealed or screened with perimeter landscaping providing a 12 month screen of sufficient height and density to conceal such fixtures. 5. Interior illumination is not permitted for monument signs. 6. Remove the non complyinlllillht fixture located on the south elevation of the north buildinll (151 North Stierman Way). The lillht fixture shall be removed prior to the City acceptin~ a sign permit for either of these sites. 7. Provide a revised elevation plan of the monument sign showing the words "Suite A" and "Suite B" removed from the monument si&n. The revised elevation plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior the City accepting a siJlll permit for either of these sites. 8. Additional tenants may be permitted on the face of the monument sign. This may require that the text for the tenants of Eagle Professional Park. as shown on the elevation plan for the monument siJlll date stamped by the City on November 7. 2002. be reduced in size. The overall hei~ht and width of the monument sign. as permitted herein. shall not be permitted to chanlle. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. A building permit/zoning permit shall be required prior to construction of any sign which is not attached to a building with an active building permit. 2. Approval shall expire without notice to the applicant on the date of expiration of this Design Review, as stipulated in Eagle City Code (one year from the Design Review Board approval date). 3. The Americans with Disabilities Act, Uniform Building Code, Eagle City Code, and all applicable County, State and Federal Codes and Regulations shall be complied with. All design and construction shall be in accordance with all applicable City of Eagle Codes unless specifically approved by the Commission and/or Council. 4. New plans which incorporate any required changes shall be submitted for staff approval. Staff may elect to take those plans to the Design Review Board and/or the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and approval. 5. Any changes to the plans and specifications upon which this approval is based, other than those required by the above conditions, will require submittal of an application for modification and approval of that application prior to commencing any change. 6. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the City of Eagle of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless a waiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. 7. Any modification of the approved design review plans must be approved prior to construction/installation of such changes. Failure to do so may result in the requirement to modify the project to comply with the approved design review and/or result in the inability to issue a certificate of completion for this project. Page 6 of 7 K:IPlanning DeptlEagle Applications\Dr\2002\DR- 75-02 mstr sign plan drf.doc CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The application for this item was received by the City of Eagle on November 7,2002. 2. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners abutting the subject property in accordance with Eagle City Code on November 22, 2002. 3. The Board reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed design review application (DR- 75-02) with regard to the Eagle City Code Title 8, Chapter 2, Article A. DR Design Review Overlay District, and based upon the information provided with the conditions required herein, concludes that the proposed design review application is in accordance with the Eagle City Code and the Eagle Comprehensive Plan. DATED this 9th day of January 2003. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, Idaho ~~""""""" ........~ OF BAG "'#~ ~' ~~ ......... ~Å ,~ , ,"'.. .. v' ,., I c; .. ~yOR4».. \. :"0 1"':. : :v ~*: 5 ~ : _.- : : .~ . -. . . . 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