Findings - DR - 2002 - DR-12-02 - Monument Sign And Two Wall Signs For Custom Mortagage 460 S Fitness Place BEFORE THE EAGLE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR A DESIGN REVIEW FOR A MONUMENT SIGN AND TWO BUILDING WALL SIGNS FOR CUSTOM MORTGAGE FOR SARAH HAWKES ) ) ) ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER DR-l 7-02 The above-entitled design review application came before the Eagle Design Review Board for their action on April 25, 2002. The Eagle Design Review Board having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; FINDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: Sarah Hawkes, represented by George Transtrum with Heartland Construction, is requesting design review approval of a monument sign and two wall signs for Custom Mortgage. The site is located on the south side of South Fitness Place and the north side of State Highway 44 within the Rocky Mountain Business Park at 460 South Fitness Place. B. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The City of Eagle received the application for this item on February 22,2002. C. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners abutting the subject property in accordance with Eagle City Code on March 25, 2002. D. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: On May 22, 2001, the Eagle City Council approved a design review application for the Custom Mortgage Building (DR-27-0l). On March 14, 2002, the Eagle Design Review Board denied a design review application to modify the exterior elevations of the building (DR-27-01 MOD). E. COMPANION APPLICATIONS: None F. ZONING DESIGNATION: MU (Mixed Use) Page 1 of 6 K:\Planning DeptlEagle Application,\Dr\200Z\DR-17-0Z ,ign drf.doc G. SIGNAGE: Sign Data Proposed Required Wall Sign Dimensions l' 7" high x 14' wide N/A Area of Sign age 22. 16-square feet 1 12-square feet (maximum) (based on 10% of the building frontage and an 8' ceiling height) Illumination Four 60- watt soffit lights Interior-illumination prohibited Two Building Wall Signs (North and South Elevations) Sign Data Proposed Required Sign Dimensions 8' high x 8' wide 8' high (maximum)( measured from the centerline of the adjacent roadway) Area of Sign age 21-square feet (approx.) 50-square feet (maximum) Illumination Two ground mounted light Interior-illumination prohibited fixtures (wattage has not been specified on the cut sheet) Sign Landscaping 140-square feet (approx.) 63-square feet (minimum) Monument Sign H. AGENCY RESPONSES: None I. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: None received to date STAFF ANALYSIS PROVIDED WITIDN THE STAFF REPORT: A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROVISIONS, WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: (None) B. ZONING CODE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: . The general theme of the Design Review Overlay District is to encourage the use of American Northwest and 1870 through 1930 architectural styles and the use of those materials, graphics and architectural designs set forth in the DR chapter. . Signage for any project shall provide for business identification and minimize clutter and confusion on and off the site. Signs are to provide effective and necessary business identification systems adapted to the building design. . Section 8-2A-8(K)(1) No signs shall be erected or maintained in any district as established by the Zoning Ordinance except those signs specifically enumerated in this Chapter. The number and area of signs as outlined in this Chapter are intended to be maximum standards which do not Page 2 of 6 K:\Planning DeptlEagle Applications\Dr\200Z\DR-17-0Z ,ign drf.doc necessarily ensure architectural compatibility. Therefore, in addition to the enumerated standards, consideration shall be given to a sign's relationship to the overall appearance of the subject property as well as the surrounding community. Compatible design, simplicity and sign effectiveness are to be used in establishing guidelines for sign approval. . Section 8-2A-8(C)(5) Sign materials and overall appearance shall compliment with the building architecture and colors as determined by the Design Review Board. . Section 8-2A-8(C)(3) Monument signs, including the base of the sign, shall not exceed eight feet (8') in height (or 15 feet depending upon the location as defined in this Chapter) from the center line of the adjacent roadway or top of curb, if one exists. . Section 8-2A-8(C)(8) Each business within a single building shall be allowed one wall sign for every street it fronts and the entire building shall be permitted one monument sign for every street it fronts. The sides of the building on which the signs are to be placed shall be shown by the owner, but shall be as approved by the Design Review Board. . Section 8-2A-8(L)(7) Temporary Sign In Lieu Of Permanent Wall Sign: A business identification banner, or similar sign, may be permitted on a temporary basis, not to exceed one hundred twenty (120) days, during approval and construction of any wall sign for a new business. Said sign shall not be larger than the wall sign that would be permitted per this Title, shall only be located on the face of the building where the wall sign would be permitted per this Title, and shall be removed when the permanent sign is installed, not to exceed one hundred twenty (120) days. Section 8-2A-8(L)(8) Temporary Sign In Lieu Of Permanent Monument Sign: A business identification A-frame, sandwich board or similar sign, may be permitted on a temporary basis, not to exceed one hundred twenty (120) days, during approval and construction of any monument sign for a new business. Said sign shall not be larger than the monument sign that would be permitted per this Title and shall be removed when the permanent sign is installed, not to exceed one hundred twenty (120) days. The sign shall be reviewed and approved by the Zoning Administrator, or staff member designated by the Zoning Administrator, and one Design Review Board member within five (5) working days of the proposal being submitted to the City. C. DISCUSSION: . . Per Eagle City Code, the monument sign may not exceed eight feet (8') in height from the center line of the adjacent roadway or top of curb. The applicant should be required to provide revised elevation plans of the monument sign showing the sign drawn to scale in relation to the center line of the adjacent roadway. The revised elevation plans should be reviewed and approved by staff and one member of the Design Review Board prior to issuance of a sign permit. The applicant has submitted a cut sheet of the proposed light fixture to be used to illuminate the monument sign. The cut sheet does not address the type of light to be used, the wattage of the light or the dimensions of the fixtures. The applicant should be required to provide additional . Page 3 of 6 K:\Planning DeptlEagle Application,\Dr\200Z\DR-17-0Z ,ign drf.doc . information with regard to the type, wattage and dimensions of the light fixture to be used to illuminate the monument sign. The additional information should be reviewed and approved by staff prior to issuance of a sign permit. Staff is unsure if the proposed light fixture is similar to or the same as the light fixtures used at the entry signs to the Rocky Mountain Business Park. It is staff s opinion that the light fixtures used at the entry signs to this business park are too large and out of scale for the size of the monument signs. If the proposed light fixtures used to illuminate this sign are the same fixtures used at the entry signs to the Rocky Mountain Business Park, the applicant should be required to provide a different ground mounted light fixture similar to Exhibit A (see attached). The applicant is proposing a wall sign on the north and south elevations of the building. The applicant fronts State Highway 44 and South Fitness Place. Per Eagle City Code, each business within a single building is allowed one wall sign for every street it fronts. It is staffs opinion that the proposed locations of the wall signs meet Eagle City Code. The applicant has a banner sign located on the north elevation of the building. Per Eagle City Code, a temporary sign in lieu of a permanent wall sign is permitted on a temporary bases and may not exceed one hundred twenty (120) days, during the approval and construction of any wall sign for a new business. The applicant should be required to remove the banner sign located on the north elevation of the building prior to issuance of a sign permit. . . The applicant placed a 4' x 4' (approximately) sign on State Highway 44 prior to construction of this building. Per Eagle City Code, a temporary sign in lieu of a permanent monument sign is permitted on a temporary basis, not to exceed one hundred twenty (120) days, durin~ the a1>proval and construction of any monument sign for a new business. The permitted one hundred twenty (120) days allowed for this temporary monument sign has expired. The applicant should be required to remove the temporary monument sign located on State Highway 44 immediately. No sign permits should be issued until this sign is removed. Staff defers comment regarding design and color of all proposed signs to the Design Review Board. . STAFF RECOMMENDATION PROVIDED WITIDN THE REPORT: Based upon the information provided to staff to date, staff recommends approval with the site specific conditions of approval and the standard conditions of approval provided within the staff report. PUBLIC HEARING OF THE BOARD: A. A public hearing on the application was held before the Design Review Board on April 25, 2002, at which time testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Board made their decision at that time. B. Oral testimony in opposition to this proposal was presented to the Design Review Board by no one. C. Oral testimony in favor of this proposal was presented to the Design Review Board by no one (not including the applicant). BOARD DECISION: The Board voted 5 to 0 (Howard absent) to approve DR-17-02 for a design review application for a monument sign and two wall signs with the following staff recommended site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval with text shown with strike thru to be deleted by the Board and text shown with underline to be added by the Board. Page 4 of 6 K:\Planning DeptlEagle Application,\Dr\200Z\DR-17-0Z ,ign drf.doc SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Provide revised elevation plans of the monument sign showing the sign drawn to scale in relation to the center line of the adjacent roadway. The revised elevation plans shall be reviewed and approved by staff and one member of the Design Review Board prior to issuance of a sign permit. 2. Provide additional information with regard to the type, wattage and dimensions of the light to be used to illuminate the monument sign. The additional information shall be reviewed and approved by staff and one member of the Design Review Board prior to issuance of a sign permit. J.-. If the prepeseà light fixhH"es !He the same as the fixtures \:lsed at the aRk)' sigHs te the Reeky Motmtain B1:1siness Park, the applicant shall be req1:1H-ed to provide a differeat greooà me1:lflteà light fixture simil!Hto Exhibit .A~ (see attached). 4. Remove the banner sign located on the north elevation of the building immediately \.Won completion of the buildin~ wall si~s. prier to issuanee of a sign permit. 5. Remove the temporary monument sign located on State Highway 44 immediately \.Won the completion of the monument si jpl. No sigH permits sho1:1ld be iss\ied until this sigH is remeveà. 6. The light fixtures shall be screened or located so they do not shine onto the roadway or onto any nearby property. The light fixtures shall be concealed or screened with perimeter landscaping providing a l2-month screen of sufficient height and density to conceal such fixtures. 7. Interior illumination is not permitted for monument signs. 8. A sign permit is required prior to a sign being constructed on this site. 9. The applicant has indicated that recessed can-li~ht fixtures shall be installed within the slopin~ soffits of the ~able ends. Per Ea~le City Code, the li~ht source shall be shielded so that the lam,p and lens are not visible from the public ri~ht-of-way. 10. The CQPy within the monument si~ shall be limited to name and lo~o only. The phone number and website text are not approved. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. A building permit/zoning permit shall be required prior to construction of any sign which is not attached to a building with an active building permit. 2. Approval shall expire without notice to the applicant on the date of expiration of this Design Review, as stipulated in Eagle City Code (one year from the Design Review Board approval date). 3. The Americans with Disabilities Act, Uniform Building Code, Eagle City Code, and all applicable County, State and Federal Codes and Regulations shall be complied with. All design and construction shall be in accordance with all applicable City of Eagle Codes unless specifically approved by the Commission and/or Council. 4. New plans which incorporate any required changes shall be submitted for staff approval. Staff may elect to take those plans to the Design Review Board and/or the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and approval. 5. Any changes to the plans and specifications upon which this approval is based, other than those required by the above conditions, will require submittal of an application for modification and approval of that application prior to commencing any change. 6. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this Page 5 of 6 K; IPlanning DeptlEagle Applications\Dr\200Z\DR-17 -oz ,ign drf.doc application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the City of Eagle of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless a waiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. 7. Any modification of the approved desi jpl review plans must be approved prior to construction/installation of such chan~es. Failure to do so may result in the requirement to modify the prQject to comply with the approve desi~ review and/or result in the inability to issue a certificate of completion for your prQject. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The application for this item was received by the City of Eagle on February 22, 2002. 2. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners abutting the subject property in accordance with Eagle City Code on March 25, 2002. 3. The Board reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed design review application (DR-17-02) with regard to the Eagle City Code Title 8, Chapter 2, Article A. DR Design Review Overlay District, and based upon the information provided with the conditions required herein, concludes that the proposed design review application is in accordance with the Eagle City Code and the Eagle Comprehensive Plan. 4. The Design Review Board emphasizes that per Eagle City Code 8-2A-8(L)(7) and (8) the applicant is required to remove the temporary wall sign and monument sign when the permanent signs are installed. DATED this 9th day of May 2002. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY 0 G a~'I James G. Murray, Chairma: ~ I" """"" ." 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