Minutes - 2019 - City Council - 04/29/2019 - Town HallEAGLE CITY COUNCIL
Town Hall Meeting Minutes
April 29, 2019
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ridgeway calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
quorum is present.
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Ridgeway leads the Pledge of Allegiance.
The City of Eagle is pleased to invite all Eagle residents to attend the town hall meeting.
The Mayor and City Council welcome your input and look forward to answering any
questions that you may have.
Have a suggestion? We'd love to hear from you!
Like what's happening? Great! Let us know!
Have a concem. . .we want to hear those as well!
We wish this to be an open discussion inspired by the interests of all of the
people of our wonderful community. Stop by to visit with your elected
Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, each speaker should limit their presentation to
three (3) minutes. If time permits, and after all attendees who wish to address the City
Council have done so, the City Council may invite rebuttals or engage in additional
discussions with the attendees.
Most items are eligible for discussion, however, due to the public hearing regulations
associated with land use applications, discussion/testimony of any pending application
before the City must be reserved for the date of the officially scheduled public hearing
noticed for City Council or the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Each speaker is to be treated with the utmost respect, courtesy and afforded the right to
speak without interruption. The intent of our town hall meeting is to create a friendly
community spirited forum where by the Eagle community may express their views openly
and freely.
May we suggest this is a gathering of neighbors openly speaking with neighbors, and we
hope everyone will feel welcome to participate.
Mayor welcomes everyone and provides an overview of how a town hall meeting is
conducted and how the Mayor and City Council have taken an oath to follow state and
local laws and ordinances. Provides a list of topics that the Mayor and Council cannot
talk about tonight.
Chief Calley provides an overview of his time as Police Chief for the City. If I would I
would get rid of "Next Door". Provides his insight into "Next Door" and the damage it
causes neighbors. I may ask that conversations cease tonight.
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City Attorney Vallegas provides the ground rules for a Town Hall Meeting. General
Mayor receives a question about the Eagle Water lawsuit and refers everyone to the
information on the City's website.
Mayor introduces Baird -Spencer, the City's Long -Range Planner.
Planner Baird -Spencer displays a Comp Plan power point and provides an overview of
the Plan.
Kevin Sassio, I'm curious of how many grew up in Eagle, how many have been here 30
years and how many of you are city residents. There have been so many changes in the
area. I have to commend what you have done with the City Plan. Discusses a person's 1st
Amendment Right.
City Attorney Vallegas discusses a person's 1st Amendment Right.
Kevin Sassio, the Mayor went on TV V and discussed his 1st amendment right and here you
gather in a City Town Hall and you cannot exercise your lst amendment right.
Mayor reviews the ground rules.
John Scott discusses the 300' notification. How many units are available in Eagle?
Discusses the number of units per acre in the Comp Plan. Mayor the State laws requires
300'. We will be posting on the City's website. Further discussion. Discussion on the
area north of Beacon Light.
Marina Dery, I really did not appreciate the presentation. What difference will it make if
we express our opinions? What will happen after we state our opinions? My concern is
that we are building in Eagle a concrete jungle. I don't hear anything about trees. Mayor
discusses the current Arbor Day event held in the City and the only ones that showed up
were the Boy Scouts. General discussion.
Bastian: I moved here in 1978. Discusses the changes that he has seen since all of you
have moved in. We are trying to keep a quaint feeling to the City. Discusses the City
planting trees, open spaces, pathways and the Downtown Area.
Michael Coley, I am a business owner in Eagle. I want to give you an idea of what the
mood is in Eagle. The mood I see in Eagle is not the mood that is in the room. There are
"quiet people" that don't express their opinions but are concerned about the apartment
complexes and the growth. They don't think you are doing a good job. Discusses the
Comp Plan, the increase in crime and how the City has gotten dirtier. We need to revisit
because we need a new plan. We don't want high density housing. General discussion.
Chief Calley, discusses the crime rate in the City. The crime index is the lowest in 15
years. Crime is down so let's be careful when we throw out crime in the City and that the
City is dirty. General discussion.
Pittman just so know most of the development that you are seeing was not approved by
this Council.
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Megan Bennet, I live in Mace River Ranch, I acknowledge that you have the right to
approve development. Discusses the traffic on Eagle Road, building apartment
complexes and the location of schools. I feel we are looking to the future while not
considering the people that live here. General discussion.
Mayor discusses the timeline when apartment complexes were built and the
administration that was in place at the time of their approval. Discusses a person's right
to sell and/or develop their property, that schools are not approved by the City and that
ACHD has control over the streets in the City. General discussion.
Larisa Adrian discusses the Mayor's interview on '1' V. I don't know why the new
Council continues to approve new apartment complexes. Discusses the need of jobs in
Eagle and what the salaries would be. What is the percentage of commercial space on the
street level of four/five story buildings? General discussion.
Ken Webster, I moved into Great Sky in 1999. Discusses the population in the area. This
had been in the top 10 destination for years. There is no practical way that you can stop
growth and development. People need to come to the meetings and testify on the
developments. General discussion.
Russ Buchart, I have lived here 35 years. Discusses the traffic. I have seen all this
growth. Eagle has the most restrictive covenants in the Treasure Valley. I was in your
place years ago trying to prevent the houses you are living in. Work with Council on a
new Comp Plan. We spent hundreds of hours working on the Comp Plan and you come
in and say, "throw it out". This process was open to everyone to participate, why
weren't' you involved? Discusses how there will continue to be growth.
Nancy Merrill, I have lived here since 1962. I love this City. I have enjoyed serving the
City all of these years. As we started planning the City what we were we going to do to
make the City different from our Sister Cities. We decided we want to work and play
here. We decided to make the City unique and charming, we wanted to make sure we a
Tree City, we want to be a walk about City, we limited the height restriction, we wanted
to be rural by design with large lots and open spaces. Discusses the apartments that are
built and that are being planned. We have decreased our setbacks. Discusses the mixed-
use zoning in the rural area and the foothills, we need to revisit this. We need an
apartment zone and have them in a mixed-use zone. I don't see any creative design in our
apartments and we need to look at that height limit again. Discusses better information
on zoning amendments listed on the agendas.
Paul Villaret, I have to disagree with some of the comments I heard tonight. People here
tonight are not against growth they are against irresponsible growth. I would disagree
that Next Door is bad for information. Discusses the City's processes. We don't want to
go to the City's website for information. Discusses the Comp Plan. The Council needs to
do what the Comp Plan says and listen to their citizens comments, we don't believe that
is being done.
Frank Wright, I am amazed at that is being transpired. I don't think there is a person here
is that we are going to stop growth. Discusses the impact on the schools and the traffic.
We care for this City and we would like the Mayor and Council to listen.
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Donna Burns, I moved here in 2015 from Texas. I have noticed the traffic since I have
moved here. We need to slow growth down. We are suffering some big city
communications problems. I want to save what we have now.
Mayor discusses the approval of the apartments and where they are located, discusses
growth and the Comp Plan.
Jeff Kunz, I was elected to City Council and served from 2013 thru 2017. I can tell you
that Councilman Bastian and others, the Sheriff and a lot of people spent a lot of thought
and consideration into that Comp Plan. There was a lot of thought that went into the
Planning Area. Discusses the Plaza Planning Area and the City Code. Discusses
exceptions that are submitted with applications. City of Eagle now has an Economic
Development Specialist and I have asked for information in regard to the development
and location of apartment buildings. General discussion.
(inaudible) Kolby I don't think the people here are concerned about development outside
our downtown area. We are concerned about our little downtown area. We are
concerned about the apartments in the Plaza Area. General discussion.
Judy Dahl discusses the Comp Plan, the downtown area and the rural transition area.
Discusses what a rural small town is. We want Eagle to stay small and rural. The rural
area keeps shrinking. General discussion.
Jack Reardon, my question and concern is water. With this development and expansion
do we have enough water? Mayor responds, yes, we do. Discusses how much water is
available in the three water providers in Eagle. Discusses what part of old town is in the
flood zone. Planner Baird -Spencer discusses the flood zone. General discussion.
Kent (inaudible), I really enjoy and appreciate what you have accomplished so far. Next
time you have a Town Hall meeting no presentations just let us speak. Discusses the
development of apartments in Eagle. Communication with us. General discussion.
Mayor discusses City communication, the Comp Plan, the Mayor's Blog, frequently
asked questions for City Departments and posting of applications.
General discussion on housing for teachers and the building of schools.
Teresa, we are here because we love the City. It feels like it is changing and not for the
better. Discusses the height restrictions, the apartments, the character and charm of the
City, traffic issues, schools and development variances. I encourage you to protect our
City. General discussion.
Gail (inaudible), how are you going to recoup the $3.1M dollar the Molinari project is
asking for. Mayor we cannot talk about the Molinari project.
Jane Rohling, I moved to Eagle in 2000, the City has tripled in size since I have moved
here. I have lived in a lot of places. I don't like to see Eagle get bigger, but the Valley is
getting bigger. People have to take responsibility for getting information. I have been
more involved in oil and gas issues and the Eagle Water issue. It is my responsibility to
learn more about planning and zoning. I don't like to hear that we have never been
notified. You can't post everywhere. The City has done a great job on their website. As
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a citizen it is our duty to go to the City website. The City can't possibly always mail a
post card to everyone in the City. We have to get all of the facts before attacking people.
Discusses the Oil and Gas Ordinance and Eagle Water.
Mayor displays City Code 8-3-2: Supplemental General Provisions, #C. Parking and
Storing of Vehicles and discusses the City's efforts to enforce City Code and the hiring of
another Code Enforcement Officer. Also discusses the City Code on keeping your
property presentable and home business. We will gradually start dealing with these issues
and working on changes to City Code.
Nancy Merrill, what I really love is the City's website. People who contact me I direct
them to the City's website. You can open and follow an agenda, you can go to City Hall
and listen to what Council is doing and did you know that you can stream those meetings
into your home. There is no reason not to hear and understand what is exactly being
presented, what each Councilmember is saying, what their deliberation is and what their
decision is. Thank you, Mayor and Council, for the wonderful opportunity of open
Carolyn (inaudible) I want to ask that you make an honest effort to answer our questions
tonight and we want to keep Eagle a small community and we do appreciate transparency.
Thank you for hearing us tonight. General discussion
Mayor, discussion on Next Door and the current postings. If you want City information,
go to the City Website and see the information that is posted. You can sign up to get City
notifications on every City meeting.
Mayor: The Eagle Saturday Market starts this Saturday and the first week of June the
Eagle Concert Series will begin. Eagle Fun Days is the Saturday after the 4th of July. Our
Grand Marshalls will be former Mayor's Merrill, Guerber and Yzaguirre.
General Council discussion.
Mayor, I would entertain a motion to adjourn. So moved by Bastian.
Gold. Mayor, we are adjourned.
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
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Seconded by
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Downtown Eagle Plan
APRIL 29, 2019
Adapted from the Com M unity ()pen House presentations held on
July 7 & 8, 2010
1 VC
14' Pia
VV 1,72
The Downtown has been specifically planned for in:
1997-1999 with the 2000 Plan
2011- Downtown Subarea established
Reviewed again from 2015-2017- Eagle is HOME Plan
From 1997 to 2007 the City's population grew by 217%
From 2007 to 2019 the City's population grew by 41%
Downtown Plan Population Estimate for 2020: 36,860 (2019: 31,270)
• Citizens and businesses have expressed concerns about the impact of
commercial development at the exterior of the community on the
• Unclear vision for downtown- retro fit existing structures, allow for
commerce and employment, architectural styles, pedestrian facilities
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Public Participation: 2007-2011
ClialnheiJCity Partnership
Community Visioning Spring 2008
Community Preference Survey Summer 2008
City/LT of 1 URDC, Charette Winter 2008/2009
Transportation System Modeling CACI ID Sz COMPASS) Fall
Infrastructure Surveys Winter 2009/Spring 2010
Down Lown Work Group Winter/Spring 2010
Plan adopted: February 2011
Participation by over 600 people
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State Street should be pedestrian friendly.
ts' floor of buildings should focus on pedestrians
Highest Intensity of uses should be focused along the
north side of the SH 44 Bypass.
Plaza Planning Area
Connectivity to downtown was important. (pedestrians,
bikes, & vehicles)
Ped/Bike Overpass of SH -44, Eagle Road Ped Bike Bridge
Height is less of an issue than context.
Taller buildings closer to the bypass
Increased density is ok in the downtown area.
Overall downtown density is 8-10 units per acre with areas of
higher (13 or more) and areas with lower (4-5)
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Downtown should be a walkable "pedestrian
friendly area" & vehicular traffic should not be
the primary focus;
Downtown should be the economic center of
the community;
Increasing density and intensity of uses in the
downtown is appropriate to achieve 1 & 2
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• The Downtown Eagle Area will function as a regional center for
destination retail, cultural, education, government, office, and
residential uses. It will have a vital retail core that transitions in use
and character to healthy and inviting residential areas and adjoining
employment areas. In addition to serving as a regional center, the
Downtown Eagle Area will provide neighborhood -serving uses that
help meet the daily needs of its residents and employees.
• Development in the Downtown Eagle Area will be designed to:
Establish a distinctive, well maintained and ‘v -ell -branded downtown;
Create a well -organized multi -use community t: that promotes the "live, work, play,
and recreate" lifestyle;
Promote and support a strong and vibrant business community;
Create an interconnected community that allows access to and across the
regional highway system;
Promote and develops a unique downtown that supports pedestrian, bicycle, and
transit connectivity.
Encourage the development of residential uses that support business and help
keep the downtown active after 6:ooPM
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(ftt ofEagle
Ohl Planning Area
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Old Towne Eagle should maintain the quaint feel of a
traditional town center; as the active community
center and community gathering place for the City.
Defined by:
Pedestrian -scale (attached sidewalks, street fronts and open
space amenities),
Ensuring context sensitive design complementing the rnost
significant historic structures,
A traditional mix of retail, residential, office and public uses is
to be maintained,
State Street should be the focus for the highest intensity of
uses in the area,
Land Use Intensity
General Guide to Old Towne to Land Use Mixture
A MO Dem4
R e4idenlial
Low Density
Region Retail
N A d
G elle( al
Comcnercid &
Rebel & Services
#.1:40 Deli
E nripkwment
Develennwoli I
Lot* Density
tpe..tfic app, tro 11,2, 'Mt, C., (1,,, tlonhhodintlw tho pl3n
Th,astiat of a I.ovl ,c, V, a tin. pc.t op,rturot, f,.; that ,and 44,1
Figure 6.21 Eagle is HOME Plan
Figure 6.32 Eagle is HOME Plan
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Live/Work Mixed Use
Civic Market Heritage Park
3 at, biadding t.wdant
coma.. oat de taia arali !trios wttai
abn . .11 csaMoinanty ha,
nca entrias back
Mixer' Use:
Budding height and use transitions
Raised green areas with
parking below
3 %tr.), vnth rwaedential natan
and daace (medlar, kr,. atiora TI.ato funicant, :
will hava a ,Iiiwtmnarrit aodt with taiga sent,
don, and ws#11 incl.. budding ten...ions waft
and pad+. fl.)14, arnanetia.
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..1 win.. Rertad and Oa,. evn.
*wino a tnagan, law tawilang apac
aexinsity each..
aan.K.tienead at. davk,
Rs Houses:
atsc., aingaa family, hod.* vat,* ram
.ty Swot.) ad* aatbaca Sinktingla
P.,. vaned havutita with nafatiw kit
widths ,V5.22 hart) awel ‘.>asain,*1.1.
eq.+ en 2 .2,3. Uf. MO arid atnar
Mutt, arniy:
2,3 Awe, tnaikliwgs with ends,. liven. anuta
2 2,,it bad., Claagri fastora
ato, lapansuati aintna ...not
caw, sada and vaiep ng aft adancladal da-
Figure 6.27 Eagle is HOME Plan
.�.....s..: h8
Mixed Use
3 µ 4
3 story building with resident owned manner -
Wtial on the first floor with Using above INS cus-
tomarily have service entries to the baric.
3.3 story buildings with residential above retail
and office tows on.lower floors. these buildings
with have a prominent first floor with large win-
dows and will include de budding undulations to
orated varied front setbacks that create patios,
plazas, and pedestrian amenities
Row Hooses
2.3 story single family homes with sero or very
ltttaftasd side setbacks. Buildings hose sartal
heights with n;-ast foot widths with parking at
the near in a garage or on the first floor.
chary boildingwith multiple thing units
within a sine. bdiditsfi Design features may
hulnde separate entries, interior court. arils.
and war** architectural (*.ails throughout
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Exhibit 6.21 Eagle is HOME Plan
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7S1 Szreei
Cottage Retail is the retrofitting of free
standing single family residential uses in the
downtown into small office and/or retail uses
without significantly impacting the residential
character of the area. Cottage Retail is promoted
in the Downtown Eagle subarea for the areas
north of Idaho Street and west of Eagle Road
from Plaza Drive to o the S soils Banks Canal.
Row Houses 2-3 story single family homes
with zero or very limited side setbacks. Buildings
having varied lot sizes and narrow lots widths
and parking at the rear or in a garage.
Accessory Dwelling Unit: An attached or
detached independent dwelling unit on the same
lot with, and of a nature subordinate to the
principle dwelling
"1 VOA NW . ; l's %; • ',// ,11, 41,41/ ',//
This area should be treated as a unique urban design
area, serving as an entry and place marker letting
visitors know "You Have Arrived" in Downtown
This area, though complementary to the architecture
and designs found in Old Towne, should focus on:
Corner entry buildings,
Third story plazas and gardens,
Creating a unique skyline and streetscape.
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Land Use Intensity
Four Corners Land Use Mixture
H Density
Residentialle 4, Urvtxpet
Density Residential
Mediurn Density
R. kie rat
L(Yw Density
Res kienttaA
P tail Sorvi4,es
Sup riftao aiqu
High Ds 4y
i;:.trtpisyl reit
LOW Oonsly
The highlighted uses above represent the combined uses that are appropriate in the Old Town hrea. Specific
appiicability will be dependent on the mixture of uses identified in the subarea text of this plan. The part>at inclusion
of a #and ute indicates a''meted potential Or opportunity for out 'arid use in tha suh area.
Figure 6.33 Eagle is HOME Plan
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3 story building with resident owned returner -
to ner-
Mal w n the first floor with ihitrg abov e. Ltgti cus-
tomarily have service entries in the back
Mixed Use:
3-3 store buildings with above retail
and office uses on lower floors. These buildings
with have a prominent first Hoar with large win-
dows and will include building unduiattons to
created carted front setbacks that create patios.
plazas, and pedestrian amen.,
Muh3-Fa.tt fly:
3.3 story building with maitiple *Mug units
within* shrgle bafldins. Design features may
include separate entries, interior cattiyards,
mad wttyhtgarchitectural details throughout.
Exhibit 6.34 Eagle is HOME Plan r
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• [ FITT
: •
• The vision for the Plaza Area is to create a "Transit
Ready Development" (TRD). A TRD is similar to a
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) except a TRD
recognizes the need to establish transit supporting
land use patterns before transit can be provided.
• The Plaza Area will provide supporting residential,
retail, and employment uses that are critical to the
vitality and evolving functions of Downtown.
Land Use Intc
General Guide to Plaza Land Use Mixture
I Den iiy Residential
Medium Density
Low Density
\ ,or"pmt r
Ne41borh d
ketal & Services
L oc at
High Den fib/
Qeelapinenl! 1
E•n a t € I
Low Density
FhKt,cwla4i:Ku;i.ia�:ata�.u:�ta?:?rtttaK<on:k.es t<3cjs,. that
is,: the 1a:.4Al,A
4, Nri.ent akp: rrt!'ur 1114 .1, pit, 4r?.a t±.t of thii, l•t.ar:
111,40541 .6411,... 411,.. of .a 14..1,1, 11,11, Ates 414,4? ! ¢,rt�r;tea3%..,E;l.,;at.�r,6tr fvrttrat ia:a.I sr,tha as e
Figure 6.30 Eagle is HOME Plan
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Figure 6.29 Eagle is HOME Plan
*604f///077/n ,,/6,
/If MO/
Bungalow Court :
2 sits, fret standiang residential units with lint-
ited side mid rear setbacks.11units front onto
a rommon grantaigurden arm Wth
Wilke .shared parking lot or on -street parking
tan 1.111.44.
Row House:
2.3 oary single familv homes with zero oir very
limn. side setbacks. buildings bats mated
heights w. 1,v-23 foot widths wilth paridissat
ilw rear Olt a garage or on the first noer.
Iklulti-Fa luny
2-3 story bending With multiple Wing units
within* slink building. Design features may
imitate separate entries, interior cosertyarda
mid sarybsg arcbtroetural details throughout
Live /AV ork:
3 sin, budding with resident own. commer-
cial on tbs.. first 'Boor with thing above. %MB cos-
t..., have *emit, entries ill the back
Mixed Use:
3.5t%, buildings with residentialabose retail
and office macs on lower floors. These building,
with have a prominent first floor with La, win -
doves and %sill include banitling rosdulationis to
crested varied front setbacks that create patios,
plazas, and ptIkSiliall amenities,
• Areas of Transition
ri7 /7, 7
Exhibit 6.31 Eagle is HOME Plan 11 'FP
()kyr ,(io7u
Exhibit 6.21 Eagle is HOME Plan
ntemu Ptaunto; ra,
( ,
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) Vivr () sviV .I\Fti
Land Use Intensity
Guide to Downtown General(unspecified area) Land Use Mixture
High Density.
Density Residential
M &Slum Density
Low Density
Regional Retail
Hh Density
Commercial &
Mi xed
D eveopmenV
—'1 Nei0bortioxl Empk,,yrawit
Ret & Services
Low Density
ttA, AA Vi OA, ,31,ton, tli At At, A, NO r Atn, ,tut, ',ILO.
,of y iTAAJ, At, A hit11,1 ,,,,t1tA,A, !rat ttlAi ,Ary,tyy, Ayy
Figure 6.18 Eagle is HOME Plan
Existing Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map:
(,) („;"'
2017 Eagle is HOME Plan
‘e Rd
D tit /i
2030 Downtown Plan Forecast
:t11 ii
2011 Central Business District
• Existing Central Business District CBD
116 Acres
.115 Housing Units
(.99 units per acre)
• 57 Owner Occupied Units (49.5%)
• Estimated Population: 287
•1.3% of the City population
• 551 Estimated jobs*
• io% of total jobs in Eagle*
Expanded Downtown (post 2030 build
\ t"I
1,753 Housing Units
(6 units per acre)
900 Owner Occupied Units (5i%)
Estimated Population: 4,300
• 8.1% of the City Est. Population
• 7,500 Estimated jobs*
• 61% of total jobs in Eagle*
*COMPASS estimates
11 s
Eagle Road south bound
(SH -44 south bound toward Meridian)
Eagle Road
(north of Idaho Street)
SH -44 West Bound to Downtown Boise
(Edgewood to Glenwood)
SH -44 East Bound to Downtown Eagle
(Star Road to Ballantyne)
Note: Numbers are in 1,000 trips per day
*15% is considered a significant change
Trips (% change)
21.4 19.7 21.7
(-7.9%) (1.7%*)
8.3 8.3 6.2
(0%) (-25.3%)
29.3 30.9 no #
24.8 27.5 29.5
(10.8%) (18.9%)
Sending less trip south to Meridian
:apturing those trip in Eagle
No negative change N. on Eagle Road/
Creating a trip capture within the plan
Though increasing trips 6-24%
only increasing trips to Boise 5.4%
4ttracting more trips from Star
- 1.1111..1..
Map 8.8D Eagle is HOME Plan
Construction Planned
in 2021
i4,004 WATER
Wit,E tOvRTS
SUB -AREA 4 iffitik
ZI 17157 o o / No a wo • g NNW' /
IS i
2017 Plan Future Land Use Desingations
Figure 6.5 Eagle is HOME Plan
Areas often referred to as allowing "High Density"
(Mixed Use, Infill/High Density Residential , & Downtown)
equal only 2% of the City'splanning
boundary assuming that all these areas are developed
as ONLY high density residential, this is unlikely.
/pA /
4- I,
•II. I. II IIII.II.II•111.I.. „
• Largest land use categories in the plan:
Foothills Residential
Neighborhood Residential (2-4 units/acre)
Agriculture/Rural unit per 5+ acres)
• Downtown = .45 sq. miles or .0000007% of the City's
planning boundary
• Build out of the City Plan ~91,000 people (75,000 w/o
foothills area)
Stars newly adopted plan build out over 200,000 people
Map 6.27 Eagle is HOME Plan
t ,
11 CI
Expanding "Regional Open Space
Overlay' to the Foothills — 40% open
spare target- See planning area 6.14
NOV "Agricuiturat/Rural" Land Use
See specific Rural Planning Area 6.19
D cre:ascd the size S shape of
"Village Center"
See planning area 6.6
Making "Transitional
Residential" an overlay with
a underlying land use density.
AprAdding too -yr Fkndplain to
"Regional Open Space
Downtown Eagles
See planning area 6.17