Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 11/26/2024 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 26, 2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Gindlesperger, May, Russell, Kvamme. Absent: None A quorum was present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pike lead the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: Mayor Pike asked for a motion to delete item 7B, Ordinance 944-State Street Speed Limit Change, from the agenda to bring it back at a later date. Councilmember May moved to delete item 7B from the agenda. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Gindlesperger. Roll call vote: Gindlesperger,aye; May, aye; Russell,aye; Kvamme, aye. All ayes, motion carried. 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council -Councilmember Gindlesperger reported on the Fire Commission Meeting. A resolution was passed and the County has approved the impact fees and an intergovernmental agreement has been approved for the collection of them; an annexation resolution was passed to clear up the Terra View subdivision lots which were caught between the Eagle Fire District and the Star Fire District for clarity on who serves those homes; a resolution for a few new brush trucks was approved; and a lease agreement was approved for the Ada County Sheriff's Office for office space in the old Money Metals location. -Councilmember May attended the Compass Executive meeting, gearing up for final interviews for an executive director; the new signal light is up downtown with the new signalized crosswalk; attended the grand opening for the wastewater plant in Valnova, which was turned over to the Eagle Sewer District; toured the new Coroner's office with City staff; the Eagle Kiwanis held their 19th annual turkey drive; and the Veterans' breakfast held at the Community Hall was a great success. -Councilmember Russell reported on the Conservation Advisory Committee meeting, Nichoel Baird Spencer reported on the Capital Plan and how they can submit projects in the future when funding becomes available; also discussed was reviewing the Charlie Wood Park concept parcel report and reviewing other City-owned properties for use for wildlife habitat, they are only considering properties that flood; and other possibilities for the CEP funds; also discussed using grants thru the IOEM to conduct feasibility studies for those habitats and also for additional reader boards for the wildlife crossing on Hwy 55. -Councilmember Kvamme attended the dedication of the wastewater plant at Valnova, noting this plant will be a zero effluent facility — all water processed will be used for irrigation; the Mace parking lot is now complete, offered compliments to the City staff for their assistance and professionalism in completing the project. -Mayor Pike also attended the wastewater plant dedication; interviews for library board members are progressing; the Veterans' breakfast was well attended and it was good to share appreciation with them; the City will celebrate with the Eagle HS football team, they are an impressive group of athletes and finished the season as #2 in the state; continued concerns have been expressed about the rat issue and we have asked that everyone take care of their property,there are no available public resources. B. Department Supervisor 1. City Treasurer, Financial Reports for the month of October 2024. (KR) 2. State and Eagle Intersection Improvements. Staff will provide the Council a report on the Phase 2 Bid process and potential costs to the City. (NBS) -Nichoel Baird Spencer, Director Long Range Planning and Projects, reviewed the bid results from ACHD for Phase 2 of the downtown mobility project and the Aikens Street extension. The winning bid for both projects was from Sunny Ridge. There will be additional information coming forward on future agendas. C. Eagle Police Department -Chief Travis Ruby introduced Deputy Brad McCullock who was welcomed by the Mayor and Council. Chief Ruby discussed some department activities,then presented his monthly report. -Brian Allen, Recreation Director, reported to the Mayor and Council about the Thanksgiving event at the Senior Center. There were approximately 60 people in attendance. Sean, from the Senior Center, and Laura, from the Clerk's office, performed several musical numbers and a real Thanksgiving meal was provided. The event was a great success. Brian went on to outline the Country Christmas events coming up. D. City Attorney—no report. 6. CONSENT AGENDA: ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS. Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of November 6, 2024. (TEO) C. Minutes of November 12, 2024. (TEO) D. Resolution 24-18-Amendment to City Hall Meeting Room Use Policy: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle,Ada County, Idaho, Amending Resolution 24-12 City Hall Meeting Room Usage Policy And Providing An Effective Date. (TEO) E. Resolution 24-19 - Amendment to the Eagle Community Hall Facility Use Policy: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho,Amending the Eagle Community Hall Facility Use Policy; And Providing An Effective Date. (TEO) F. Resolution 24-20-Amendment to the Eagle Senior Center Use Policy: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho,Amending The Eagle Senior Center Facility Use Policy;And Providing An Effective Date. (TEO) G. Resolution 24-21-Meeting Room Use Fee Schedule: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle,Ada County, Idaho,Amending The Fee Schedule For Meeting Room Reservations Accordance With Eagle City Code Section 1-7-5;To Update And Reduce Fees Charged For Services;And Providing An Effective Date. (TEO) H. Change Order 1302134 - AVI Systems: A change order in the amount of $11,149.99 for the additional goose neck desktop microphones and bases, a transceiver and charging station for the audio video system upgrade for Council Chambers. (DKG) I.Change Order 1305086-AVI Systems:A change order in the amount of$811.42,for additional Engineering Services and Project Management due to unanticipated integration challenges with live stream platform,and purchase of an additional SDI Cable. (DNG) J. Change Order State and Eagle Intersection Improvements: Change Order No. 7 with Ada County Highway District (ACHD) in the amount of$1,751.00 for additional pavers to match City standard, includes increasing the not to exceed amount for Phase 1 Cost Share with ACHD by the same amount. (NBS) K. DR-2024-46 - Eagle Point Commercial Common Area Landscaping: Landmark Pacific Investors, LLC, represented by Andrew Newell with BAWCE, is requesting design review approval for the common area landscaping within Eagle Point Commercial. The 2.84-acre site is located on the northeast corner of West State Street and State Highway 44(Parcel Nos. S0507427890, S0507427880, and S0507427860). (ERF) L. Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law for the approval of CUP-2024-04-Conditional Use Permit for Personal Wireless Facility-Verizon Wireless:Verizon Wireless, represented by Sarah Miller with Lynx Consulting, is requesting conditional use permit approval for a personal wireless facility (height over 50-feet) to be attached to an existing building. The 3.85- acre site is located within the Eagle River development on the north side of East Eagle River Street and East Riverside Drive on Lot 20 and a portion of Lot 19, Block 3, Mixed Use Subdivision No. 5 at 230 East Riverside Drive. (HSD) M. Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law for the approval of FPUD-2024-09 & FP-2024-14 - Final Planned Unit Development and Final Plat for Torrente Secco Subdivision No. 1: North Eagle 413, LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP,is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for Torrente Secco Subdivision No. 1, a 53-lot (42-buildable, 11-common) residential subdivision. The 37.64-acre site is located at the southeast corner of North Palmer Lane and West Beacon Light Road between West Beacon Light Road and West Floating Feather Road at 6868 West Floating Feather Road. (KRD) N. FPUD-09-23 & FP-16-23 - Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Willowbrush Subdivision: TH Lost River, LLC represented by Antonio Conti with Ackerman-Estvold, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Willowbrush Subdivision, a 13-lot (8-buildable, 5common), residential subdivision. The 5.97-acre site is located at the southwest corner of North Park Lane and West Beacon Light Road at 2795 North Park Lane. (HSD) O. FP-2024-05 - Final Plat for Terra View East Commercial Subdivision No. 1: Terra View, LLC, represented by Becky Yzaguirre with Ardurra, is requesting final plat approval for Terra View East Commercial Subdivision No. 1, a 13-lot (13- commerical) commercial subdivision. The 7.00-acre site is located on the north side of West Beacon Light Road, approximately 1,000-feet east of State Highway 16 at 8040 West Beacon Light Road. (HSD) P. ACTION ITEM: Pueblo Lindo Exterior Art Mural: Pueblo Lindo, represented by Albert Truax with HSA Architects, is requesting City approval of a mural recently painted on the south elevation of the restaurant building. The 1.68-acre site is located on the northwest corner of East State Street and South Edgewood Lane at 1396 East State Street(formerly Holy Cow and Busters). (WEV) Councilmember Kvamme requested Item P, Pueblo Lindo Exterior Art Mural, be removed from the agenda for discussion. Councilmember Russell moved to approve the consent agenda items A through O. The motion was seconded by Councilmember May. Roll call vote: Gindlesperger,aye;May,aye;Russell,aye;Kvamme,aye. All ayes,motion carried. P. ACTION ITEM: Pueblo Lindo Exterior Art Mural: Pueblo Lindo, represented by Albert Truax with HSA Architects, is requesting City approval of a mural recently painted on the south elevation of the restaurant building. The 1.68-acre site is located on the northwest corner of East State Street and South Edgewood Lane at 1396 East State Street (formerly Holy Cow and Busters). (WEV) -Bill Vaughan, Planning and Zoning Director, stated the business didn't engage with the City prior to painting the mural, not knowing they needed to. They now understand the need to go through the Design Review process and have submitted the application for the mural. Councilmember Gindlesperger said the Arts Committee had no problem with the mural and recommended approval but did prefer approvals were made in advance. In addition, the color of the building was not approved through Design Review and they have since submitted that application as well. Councilmember Kvamme moved to approve consent agenda Item 6P. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Gindlesperger. Roll call vote: Kvamme,aye; Russell,aye; May,aye;Gindlesperger, aye. All ayes, motion carried. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A.ACTION ITEM: DR-2024-53 Floor and Decor Signage: Floor and Decor Outlets of America, Inc., represented by Summer Zimmers, is requesting design review approval for two halo illuminated building wall signs and two monument sign tenant panels. The 5.38-acre site is located within Eagle Island Marketplace,420-feet north of West Chinden Boulevard and 625- feet east of North Linder Road at 1300 West Chinden Boulevard. (ERF) This item was continued from the November 12, 2024, City Council meeting. -Emily Falco, Planning Staff, presented to council. The actual color of the signage was presented both on the viewing screen as well as a physical example for review. If the presented red color sample is approved, site specific condition #9 would need to be modified. Jason Dunsmuir with The Land Group,462 E Shore Drive, Eagle, Idaho, stood for questions. Councilmember Russell moved to approve agenda Item 7A with the site-specific condition#9 as recommended by staff. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Gindlesperger. Roll call vote: Gindlesperger,aye; May,aye; Russell,aye; Kvamme,aye. All ayes, motion carried. B.ACTION ITEM: Ordinance 944-State Street Speed Limit Change:An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle,Ada County Idaho Amending Title 5, "Police Regulations", Chapter 10, "Speed Limits", Section 1, "General Speed Limits"; Providing For Severability; Providing For Codification; And Providing An Effective Date. (BKP) This item was continued from the November 12, 2025, meeting. This item was deleted from the agenda. C. ACTION ITEM: Library Concrete Repair/Replacement: Staff is seeking additional direction on Scope of Work for concrete repairs/replacement at the Eagle Public Library facility. Option 1 repair/replace existing concrete. Option 2: Repair and replace existing concrete plus the installation of additional electrical and lighting components. Discussion will include funding options, as well as review of bidding requirements for the project. -Eric Ziegenfuss, Public Works Director, presented to the Council and requested direction on the scope of work for the library concrete repair and/or replacement. A slide show was presented showing several of the tripping hazards. The concrete has been graded down as much as possible. Additional items that might be considered in the project would be electrical work, irrigation repair, landscaping and relocation of bollards and light poles. Four informal bids were obtained which included both concrete replacement and the other mentioned items but was not reflective of a detailed scope of work. -Brian Allen, Recreation Director, stated it would be beneficial to have additional power options for some of the events located at City Hall. -Steve Bumgarner, Library Director, stated they do several programs in front of the building on the concrete area and more power is always needed. In addition, a better water supply would be helpful for some of the programs. -Director Ziegenfuss said they will continue to work to address all safety concerns. -Council discussion clarified tree removal on the west side would likely need to be done by staff working with the Planning staff. Review of the bids to determine only the concrete work was difficult and more information for the bidders would be needed. It was clarified that the Library Expansion Study is currently scheduled to take place in 2026-2027 and will need to be considered in the scoping of this project. Additional considerations would be the work going into Heritage Park and the relocation of the historical events back to that area of town. -Director Allen shared his department's concerns with relocating to Heritage Park due to the continued growth of the programs. The programs would have to be cut down somehow. However,the staff will make any location work. -Council discussed the primary concerns are the safety hazards as well as the future Library expansion which will affect the area under discussion. The$300,000 which was allocated for this maintenance project was taken from other projects to address the safety. Perhaps do more lawn area and a limited amount of reconstruction and possibly advance the Library Master Plan with the savings. Complete minimal repair now, do this efficiently and work towards the library expansion. Library programs should have primary use of the community hall. Further comments reiterated addressing the safety concerns first. Rip out the concrete, put in grass and run extra power out for the Library needs and give them priority use of the community hall. Complete the study and see how the rest of the landscaping and other items come into play with that. Concern was expressed in moving activities from Heritage Park with the improvements being planned there. It was again stated that the intent is to relocate all historical events to the Heritage Park location making the necessary adjustments to the events as needed. It was further stated that it is critical that all events be returned to Heritage Park and the Council has already voted on that. Council consensus was that the safety hazards by the Library be addressed providing the Library with some additional power options in the grass on the south side. Following that, plan the rest of it with the Library expansion. It was suggested that another meeting topic could be regarding holding events in other areas of town. -Director Ziegenfuss asked for direction on implementing the repairs. Options included patchwork repairs, complete removal and replacement of the concrete, tree removal, and so on. -Council again agreed that the safety improvements are a priority. Councilmember Russell moved that the scope of work to be as cost effective and responsible as possible to include pathways along Stierman,continuing to the front of the library, adding additional lawn with a bid option for the street tree removal and streetscape that needs to be done along Stierman. Clarification was provided that minimal landscaping will be provided with the expectation that the Library expansion will be done sooner rather than later. Further clarification regarding the bollard replacement was"no"to replacement but"yes"to outlets in the lawn. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Gindlesperger. Councilmember Kvamme requested it be stated to stay within the $300,000 budget. Councilmember Russell amended her motion to state a not to exceed amount of $300,000. Councilmember Gindlesperger concurred. Roll call vote: Russell,aye; May,aye; Kvamme, aye; Gindlesperger,aye. All ayes, motion carried. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A.ACTION ITEM:Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP)Grant Through Office of Highway Safety:Staff is seeking Council direction on applying for the STEP grant through the Office of Highway Safety. The grant provides reimbursement for up to 2080 officer hours for traffic enforcement with a 25% match from the City of Eagle. (BKP) -Chief Ruby explained it is time to apply for the 2" year of the grant. Council was in support of making application for year#2. Councilmember Russell moved to approve this item. The motion was seconded by Councilmember May. Roll call vote: May, aye; Gindlesperger, aye; Kvamme, aye; Russell,aye. All ayes, motion carried. 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206 (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement; A.ACTION ITEM:Action Regarding Pending Threatened Litigation. Councilmember May moved to go into executive session pursuant to IC 74-206 (f),To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Gindlesperger. Roll call vote: Gindlesperger, aye; May, aye; Russell, aye; Kvamme,aye. All ayes, motion carried. Council entered Executive Session at 7:18 PM. Discussion of pending/threatened litigation. Council exited executive session at 8:00 PM. 10. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember May moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Kvamme. All aye, the motion carried. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting was adjourned at 8:01 PM. • '••••`1 OF El,,%,. Respectfully submitted: .•'•G��.••••••'••'.( •,• gyoki Cr E' KELLIE REKOW, CMC yt13°SEAL;:t CITY TREASURER •,• tlAj,••..AoRmt,zip APPROVED: ••,• '4• . r ' • .an. BRAD PIKE, MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. 'Y4411o11;fijT iy a� { s *yr ak* ..or: e as A `, a 7;0it w . +t1 �(�E • , M*gyp.. *f•a&ri pyn rp«oyii+y, Eagle City Hall 660 E. Civic Ln./P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, ID 83616 (208) 939-6813 (ext.201) fax (208) 939-6827 To: Mayor Pike & City Council From: Tracy E. Osborn, CMC—City Clerk CC: Date: November 19, 2024 Re: Facility & Meeting Room Use policies Item history: 07/09/24 Policies adopted 08/21/24 Council direction on reservation fees for notice of public hearing 09/24/24 Public hearing on reservation fees 09/24/24 Reservation fees adopted —Direction received to amend policies 10/08/24 Policies amended 10/22/24 Public comment on policies —*Council direction to amend policies 11/26/24 Amended policies presented for Council consideration Per Council direction at the October 22, 2024 meeting,policies for City Hall meeting rooms, Eagle Senior Center and the Eagle Community Hall have been updated to reflect the following: • Fees waived for identified entities/groups. • 50%reduction in reservation fees for non-profit organizations. • Granting the Mayor the authority to grant non-profit organizations a fee waiver, with an appeal to the City Council should they be denied. • Removal of$200 cleaning/damage deposit requirement. The amended policy resolutions are before Council for consideration, as well as the amended fee schedule to reflect the reduction in fees for non-profit entities. I will not be in attendance, however if you have any questions before hand—please feel free to reach out. Below is a list of Grandfathered Users that have contacted the City to secure"early bird" reservations for 2025. Upon Council adoption of the policies, reservations for 2025 will be open to the public on January 1st. We anticipate having the online reservation process updated and in place in order to facilitate the process. Grandfathered Users(early reservations for 2025) *Fees Waived by Mayor FEES WAIVED ORGANIZATION FACLITY Y/N USE SCHEDULE Ada County Uightfoot Militia Senor Center Y once a month 1st Tuesday of the month 6:00 p.m.-9:00 pm American Legion Orville Jackson Post 127 Senior Center Y once a month 3rd Tuesday of Each Month 5:30-9:00 p.m. _ Blessed Hope Chapel Church Senior Center N weekly Every Sunday-All day Eagle Theater* City Hall Meeting Room-Valor Y* once a month 3rd Monday of the Month 6:00-8:00 p.m. Family Seasons Mommy&Me Community Hall N quarterly Good Grief Support* Senior Center Y twice amonth 2nd&4th Thursday @ 7:00 p.m. Kiwanis Community Hall Y twice a month 2nd Wednesday of each month,11:30-1:30 pm Lexington Hills HOA City Hall Meeting Room N once a month 2nd Monday of the month excluding holidays 5:00-8:00 p.m. Rotary Club Community Hall Y weekly Every Thursday 11:30-1:30pm SWIMBA City Hall Meeting Room -Freedom Y once a month Monthly 3rd Tuesday 7:00-9:00 pm Women in Fellowship Senior Center Y weekly Every Monday5:000-8:30p.m. *usually out by 7:00,except 2nd Monday,every other month they have a potluck and are then out by 8:30 p.m. ACHD Bids -Opened November 20th Ai kens-Schedule 4 Idaho State Works $ 692,806.45 LaRiviere $ 679,342.00 Idaho Materials $ 665,132.40 Sunny Ridge $ 586,311.00 State&Eagle Ph 2-Schedule 3 Idaho State Works $ 1,109,038.85 LaRiviere $ 1,167,324.00 Idaho Materials $ 1,126,531.88 Sunny Ridge $ 1,065,210.00 Phase 2 State & Eagle Phase Budget Estimate Aikens Street City Contribution $ 680,000.00 EURA Contribution $ 223,000.00 Total Set-Aside $ 903,000.00 ACHD Lowest Bid $ (586,311.00) State & Eagle City Contribution $ 1,013,000.00 EURA Contribution $ 1,008,000.00 Total Set-Aside $ 2,021,000.00 Phase 1 Costs* $ (821,960.73) Balance at end of P1 $ 1,199,039.27 Phase 2 Lowest Bid $ (1,065,210.00) *ACHD Phase 1 with Change orders and City purchase of lights Kellie Rekow From: Tracy Osborn Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2024 10:39 AM To: Eric Ziegenfuss; Steve Bumgarner; Brian Allen; Nichoel Baird Spencer; Kellie Rekow Cc: Brad Pike Subject: Nov. 26th Council Meeting - Agenda item Importance: High ACTION ITEM: Library Concrete Repair/Replacement: Staff is seeking additional direction on Scope of Work for concrete repairs/replacement at the Eagle Public Library facility. Option 1 repair/replace existing concrete. Option 2: Repair and replace existing concrete plus the installation of additional electrical and lighting components. Discussion will include funding options, as well as review of bidding requirements for the project. The item listed above has been placed on the Nov.26th meeting for discussion. As it impacts Library, Recreation and Public Works, Depts in various ways-the Mayor has asked that you all attend to address any questions Council may have, as well as convey your Department's needs and possible wish list. The Library Concrete Maintenance is in the Cap Maintenance Plan (LIB CM-3), so Nichoel is looped in as well. Our mighty Treasurer Kellie will be in attendance for any budgetary questions. If you have any questions—please reach out to the Mayor. /001P"1110Tracy Osborn, CMC 4�.��1 City Clerk/Deputy Treasurer ,�,/1 ,c� rlQ City of Eagle ! 660 E. Civic Ln., Eagle, ID 83616 " tl ! d: 208-489-8781 208-939-6827 tosbornCc�cityofeagle.org www.cityofeagle.org Discover Ea le on social media: , EAGLE !� 0 1 i . MEMO City of Eagle INTER OFFICE To: City Council From: Holly Csencsits, Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer Subject: Office of Highway Safety STEP Grant Opportunity for FY26 Date: November 18, 2024 Staff is seeking Council direction regarding the application for the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Office of Highway Safety Grant for FY26. STEP grants reimburse for regular- duty law enforcement time dedicated to traffic enforcement. The City can apply for up to 2080 hours of regular time for enforcement,public engagement, education, and training. In addition,the City may apply for up to 200 hours of overtime. One officer or a combination of officers may work the regular dedicated hours and overtime. Reimbursable time includes up to 30%benefit for regular hours and 24%for overtime hours. The grant requires a 25%match on the total reimbursed amount. Examples of match include mileage incurred during enforcement activities, employee benefits, or dedicated enforcement hours not reimbursed by the grant. The purchase of allowable equipment that supports the STEP grant may be considered. The City applied for the STEP grant in FY25 for$147,726 in personnel costs and a 25%match of$36,931.50. The City was awarded the grant in the amount of$100,000 and a City match of $25,000. It was determined through the FY25 budget process to fund two (2) sergeants and one (1) STEP officer. Should the City not receive funding in FY26,the City would absorb the costs within the law enforcement contract to fund the STEP officer. The grant funds are a supplement to the contract and does not obligate the city to an additional officer. Agencies may apply for the grant for up to three (3) consecutive years. The application will become available in early December and due by January 31. Upon notification of the grant award(if awarded), staff will seek Council approval and authorization for the Mayor to execute the Certification and Assurances for the Office of Highway Safety (OHS) STEP Grant. Page 1 of 1 m � O K O. m N.) 0. ......• N o CO Z ," N N Q. 'n -. F 0 ° t``a C� w 7 , , , s csy nO S 3 o. d COON 3 N 23 o �'A CD pZ I w 3 O to a..4 ttiito . . O i Cl)N -n © �.a�""-•Lr x 43 k , * CIaW x ? g i 0 CD t``D 0 O ® j o O - ° (n co + O .. m e - 4� CD �� K tit .; Q. f �r d n * n0 oi w ,� a)r+ a , .0 srmow. �N 6 I ��_� 0, O CaCM Yd +{ e♦w ! }'.�'}�{^w—i..7_Zia . N� ,,. CD r -� 7 — �; 00 V N 0) IMI 0 lin a) �D m N R CIO (II = IIIIII as nO ilaiii (11/ 411111i1/ milt , all\ W < W < w.<C S. w� to rn wcn Cn to co _, o o-a co 0 T � � V w• � N c0 co - �' �"' �; fD rn � n• Q. g nm C� CD . m d O• O N O m QZ V � �0 m Qo o) o '=- m m m o Q n. N r C cep m) y n lii (Q o coo m m m ! CD O c: v i� m IUN OD 0.1 VI = A cu o m m0 � O G1-� < < O 0 0 — w amo vCi l�D �c uWi � � n _� D D � v_ v T v_ � v 'R v, O m 3 m O = m O m 0 N 8 U'i ti l 7 j N � 3 73 00 00� Q 0 d c„4. V ` ^r1 3 N N '. .3 fA O. '+ 3 0- ,c 3 WW Z 3 A Am > < e cn O c 0,,_, ` „_,: a z a Z y N_ 12/2/2024 LIBRARY EXTERIOR PROJECT BID PRESENTATION Eric Ziegenfuss Director of Public Works City of Eagle 11/26/2024 1 AGENDA • Background • Scope • Photos • Budget • Bids • Next Steps 2 1 12/2/2024 -r �A 4 ... . .� „ :111.171:::,3004p14 ---- ale- aw-14-; .01114ims BACKGROUND ,,,,.._,,___ _. ..:„_,,,,....,, ,, - ..` _ _ :, „. ,;,..,., .,..., : .„. .,. . ., ..- ... .. : „ .... ,,, Atiolhia tit # tf( E aie -ublic Library t ) ORIGINAL ��► SCOPE5.1 —OF-WORK 07/30/2024 t .f ' iii The initial scope was for 1. concrete replacement _ along the west side and �,,,, . front of the Library. Included tree removal, .. '11- 't.. - °. - ` `� concrete replacement, and IMMO basic site improvements. ,* F1 4 2 12/2/2024 UPDATED SCOPE-OF-WORK 11/06/2024 After an internal logistics meeting of the directors, an expanded scope was requested to include the additional options of electrical upgrades, bollard replacements, and a concrete bump out stage for events. Through the course of conducting walk throughs with bidders, the full picture of what would be involved started to unfold, to include demolition, groundwork, irrigation, electrical, 13,600+ sq. ft. concrete installation, removing and relocating features such as light poles, monuments, benches, bollards, etc. 5 y ti u ;710-14fir'''''' ,.l .+R eP"r4, m�,� y r n ram .- `"L '3 � jx' ' � E ems/ 6 3 12/2/2024 fIL. k � g toitt gy 1 x �:. { 4- It v *� t ,/ L r y g:_ 7 7 1 R • #t�f 4 r � � / . fir' il% .. 'VV. , '171.44 RW 1. ( 4x t i r 7F' P ____7.,"...;?'-'>" a`i b JP% " �Z m fir.. l� 8 4 12/2/2024 . - --rr....-77-- -, 14 ---,- , .,, , , � . a� �,, a „ if d f-;;:;-,' ' -„, ., :',.'"' -,' N ••• ‘ .„,. s 9 I 3 �i.; 4' } 4- r. f?' r x r m 'vim.`2e{ 1+3Y` ' 4 1 <t 3�i F i - x '- ` ' • _ 7.---L....._''I7: ...• 10 5 12/2/2024 t . :"w ' eau '' ' s 13 } i s i. ( :..,,li,. ( IiTT "fir. s ; * E.• - ; bh+c Library �} j € Eat*• bncc Library , ) s E .�d(,; I' . :14: . . .4.,,, :.:,.,,, , , f _ , �- '1 .a '4.-'.=�' _ - -�► a r-._. -i 'Eagle 'Eagle • •Eagle History and History and .History and t 'Si Concrete Foliage Removal Bollards 11 BUDGET AND COST CONSIDERATIONS The expanded scope has caused the estimated cost to surpass the threshold for projects requiring a review through the Capital Plan. Wright Brothers $343,802 PaveConnect $353,095 Eagle Concrete $419,013 ESI $775,616 -sec bids for specific details and 300k is what was allocated thru the capital plan 12 6 12/2/2024 BID NOTES Eagle Concrete Wright Bros ESI PaveConnect • Local company. • Did the original • Most expensive. • Does not include any • Most upfront and install back in 1998. • Least detailed bid. electrical or irrigation comprehensive bid. • Left the bid open to work.Only concrete. • Provided additional change-orders. They requested we packages on seek another electrical to give us contractor for that. options. 13 TAKEAWAYS MOTION Seeking direction from Council on... Seeking a motion on .... • Direction on Events How council would like to proceed on this project. • Additions to scope or no additions • Concrete vs Grass • Pathway/Street Scape 14 7 12/2/2024 THANK YOU Eric Ziegenfuss Director of Public Works City of Eagle 15 8