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Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 11/12/2024 - Regular
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 12, 2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER,MAY,RUSSELL, KVAMME. Absent: A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pike leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 5. RECOGNITION: A. Recognition of the Eagle Thundering Mustang Band for winning the following at the 2024 Mel Shelton D-III Marching Band Competition in the Small Open Class: 1st Place Overall 1st Place Auxiliary Best Percussion 1st Place Overall Sweepstakes Mayor Pike presents a certificate to representatives from the Eagle Marching Band.A brief clip is shown celebrating their award-winning show and successful season. Chief Ruby recognizes members of the Eagle Drama Club for their assistance with the crisis intervention team training. 6. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council: Gindlesperger mentions the Art that's Small Exhibit and reception. The Arts Committee is once again holding the Hearts for Seniors activity for Valentine's Day,the Arbor Day Celebration,and have recently recommended a call to artist for the logo for the Eagle Regional Sports Park donation campaign. Mayor Pike states that CHET training was conducted for City Staff. He also attended the ribbon cutting for the new hotel. The Recreation Department held the Night of 1000 Pumpkins event which was a great success.The Mayor was involved in several other activities, including conducting a tour for Boy Scouts,and officiating a wedding ceremony. B. Department Supervisor: Tracy Osborn, City Clerk states that the amendments to the meeting room policy will be brought forward at the next meeting.The first collection letters for the CEP program will be sent out shortly. Also, at the direction of the Mayor, staff is working to coordinate a 101 meeting for both sitting and newly appointed members to Boards and Committees which will be held in January. The City Attorney will review the Idaho Open Meeting laws, public records, ex parte contact and other similar topics. Nichoel Baird Spencer, Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects states that final sign off of Mace Parking lot was conducted today. The finishing touches on the archery range are being completed. Eric Ziegenfuss, Public Works Director discusses the installation of Christmas lights in the downtown core. This generally takes place the week of Thanksgiving. The bidding process for phases 1-4 of the Fiber Project is currently underway. 1. City Treasurer,Financial Reports for the month of September 2024 and for the Quarter Ending September 30,2024.(KR) Page 1 C:\Users\hcsencsits\Desktop\CC-11-12-24min.docx C. Eagle Police Department:Chief Ruby comments on the Night of 1000 Pumpkins and believes it was a huge success.Reviews local arrests of interest.He spoke recently to the Eagle Rotary Club regarding fraud. With the holiday season he urges caution when it comes to finances and high- pressure calls. They have been quite busy with traffic complaints, including the recent main water break this weekend. D. City Attorney: No report. 7. CONSENT AGENDA: ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS. Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council.Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of October 2,2024.(TEO) C. Minutes of October 22,2024.(TEO) D. Minutes of October 29,2024.(TEO) E. Authorization of Frontier Precision Quote 98964: Staff is requesting Council authorization for the purchase of video imaging equipment to be used primarily for mapping purposes in an amount not to exceed$20,258.40. Staff is requesting to utilize ARPA funds for the expense.(DNG) F. Temporary Noise Ordinance Waiver Request: North 45 I Property/Rembrandt's is requesting a Temporary Noise Waiver for their Harvest Party event being held on November 16, 2024 between the hours of 12:00 pm and 11:00 pm. (TEO) G. Idaho Power Public Utility Easement: City of Eagle is granting Idaho Power a Public Utility Easement for the undergrounding of power to the Eagle Shooting Sports Park located at 7650 N. Willow Creek Road. (ELZ/NBS) H. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the approval of CU-07-23—Conditional Use Permit for Retail Sales (General and Limited) and Denial of a Conditional Use Permit for a Restaurant (with drive-through) — Landmark Pacific Investors, LLC: Landmark Pacific Investors,LLC,represented by Andrew Newell with BAWCE,is requesting conditional use permit approval for Retail Sales (General and Limited) and a Restaurant (with drive-through) within a MU-DA(Mixed Use with a development agreement)zoning district. The 2.84-acre site is located at the northeast corner of State Highway 44 and West State Street. (HSD) I. FPUD-2024-09&FP-2024-14—Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Torrente Secco Subdivision No. 1 —North Eagle 413,LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions,LLP:North Eagle 413,LLC,represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, LLP, is requesting final development plan and final plat approval for Torrente Secco Subdivision No. 1,a 53-lot(42-buildable, 11-common)residential subdivision.The 37.64-acre site is located at the southeast corner of North Palmer Lane and West Beacon Light Road between West Beacon Light Road and West Floating Feather Road at 6868 West Floating Feather Road. (DLM) J. DR-2024-41 — Common Area Landscaping within River Birch Subdivision (fka Flats Sixteen Subdivision)—Walsh Group: Walsh Group,represented by Connor Lindstrom with KM Engineering, LLP, is requesting design review approval for the common area landscaping within River Birch Subdivision(fka Flats Sixteen Subdivision). The 26.18-acre site is located on the west side of State Highway 16 approximately 1,290-feet north of the intersection of West Beacon Light Road and State Highway 16 at 3701 and 3703 North Highway 16. (ERF) K. DR-2024-42 — One Subdivision Entry Monument Sign for River Birch Subdivision — Walsh Group: Walsh Group, represented by Connor Lindstrom with KM Engineering, LLP, is requesting design review approval for one subdivision entry monument sign for River Birch Subdivision. The 26.18-acre site is located on the west side of State Highway 16 approximately Page 2 C:\Users\hcse ncsits\Desktop\CC-11-12-24 m in.docx 1,290-feet north of the intersection of West Beacon Light Road and State Highway 16 at 3701 and 3703 North Highway 16.(ERF) L. DR-2024-43 — Seven Townhome Buildings 135-unitsl within River Birch Subdivision — Walsh Group: Walsh Group, represented by Connor Lindstrom with KM Engineering, LLP, is requesting design review approval for seven townhome buildings (35-units) within River Birch Subdivision (one— 7,108-SF, four— 11,777-SF, two— 14,279-SF). The 26.18-acre site is located on the west side of State Highway 16 approximately 1,290-feet north of the intersection of West Beacon Light Road and State Highway 16 at 3701 and 3703 North Highway 16. (ERF) M. DR-2024-52—Floor and Decor Retail Building within Eagle Island Marketplace—Floor and Decor Outlets of America Inc.: Floor and Decor Outlets of America, Inc., represented by Summer Zimmers, is requesting design review approval for a 60,050-square foot retail building. The 5.38-acre site is located within Eagle Island Marketplace, 420-feet north of West Chinden Boulevard and 625-feet east of North Linder Road at 1300 West Chinden Boulevard. (ERF) N. DR-2024-53—Two Building Wall Signs and Two Monument Sign Tenant Panels for Floor and Decor— Floor and Decor Outlets of America Inc.: Floor and Decor Outlets of America, Inc., represented by Summer Zimmers, is requesting design review approval for two halo illuminated building wall signs and two monument sign tenant panels.The 5.38-acre site is located within Eagle Island Marketplace, 420-feet north of West Chinden Boulevard and 625-feet east of North Linder Road at 1300 West Chinden Boulevard. (ERF) O. State and Eagle Intersection Improvements:Change Order No.6 with Ada County Highway District (ACHD) in the amount of $2,542.40 for changes in the backflow preventer for the McDonalds Pathway, includes increasing the not to exceed amount for Phase 1 Cost Share with ACHD by the same amount.(NBS) P. *Appointment to the Eagle Public Library Board: In accordance with Resolution 23-17, Mayor Pike is requesting Council Confirmation of the appointment of Mitchell Moore to the Eagle Public Library Board. Mr. Moore will be fulfilling a vacated term that will expire in September 2028. (BKP) Q. *Memorandum of Understanding Between Ada County, The Ada County Sheriff s Office.,The Cities of Boise,Eagle,Garden City,Kuna,Meridian, Star,Eagle Fire Protection District, and Valley Regional Transit: A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) authorizing Ada County,to include the incorporated cities of Boise, Eagle, Garden City, Kuna,Meridian, and Star, and unincorporated Ada County, the Ada County Sheriffs Office, and the Eagle Fire Protection District means to access Valley Regional Transit resources in the event of an emergency situation.(ELZ) R. *Call for Artists - Eagle City Athletic Park Logo Design: The Eagle Arts Advisory Committee is seeking Council approval to proceed with a call for artists for a logo design for the Eagle City Athletic Park Donation Campaign and to authorize funding for prize money not to exceed$500.00. (BLA) May requests items M, N be removed from the Consent Agenda. Kvamme requests Q. Barid Spencer requests G. Gindlesperger moves to approve consent agenda items A-R,excluding G,M,N,Q. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. A:: AYE...MOTION CARRIES. G. Idaho Power Public Utility Easement: City of Eagle is granting Idaho Power a Public Utility Easement for the undergrounding of power to the Eagle Shooting Sports Park located at 7650 N. Willow Creek Road. (ELZ/NBS) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Baird Spencer discusses the utility easement and requests approval with the new language. Page 3 C:\Users\hcsencsfts\Desktop\CC-11-12-24min.docx Russell moves to approve consent agenda 7G with the changes as noted. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. M. DR-2024-52—Floor and Decor Retail Building within Eagle Island Marketplace—Floor and Decor Outlets of America Inc.: Floor and Decor Outlets of America, Inc., represented by Summer Zimmers, is requesting design review approval for a 60,050-square foot retail building. The 5.38-acre site is located within Eagle Island Marketplace, 420-feet north of West Chinden Boulevard and 625-feet east of North Linder Road at 1300 West Chinden Boulevard. (ERF) Mayor Pike introduces the item. May states that there is some concern with the color. Zoning Administrator Vaughan states that the applicant is in attendance and has a presentation. Vanessa Maselle, Senior Director of Land Development and Design for Floor and Decor, 2478 Satilla Lane, Marietta, GA. Ms. Maselle states that they are in agreement with all conditions, excluding the follow condition: #14 in which they are requesting a reduction in the number of pilasters to three vs the five requested by the Design Review Board. #19 the requirement regarding the landscaping of the buffering of the trash enclosure. They have shifted and modified the trash enclosure and feel that it meets with the intent of the code with this change vs what was requested by the Design Review Board. #17,the condition by the Design Review Board involved the shade of red. They believe that the color rendered may not of have as accurately reflected the color they want for the branding of the store. City Planner,Emily Falco,briefly reviews the Design Review Board conditions in question.Zoning Administrator Vaughan provides additional clarification regarding the conditions under discussion. General discussion regarding the number of pilasters and trash enclosure specifications. City Attorney Villegas discusses color and logo infringement. Russell moves to approve consent agenda item 7M with the following site-specific condition changes: Site specific #14 change from five pilasters to three. Site specific condition #19: Accept the submitted revision as presented for the trash enclosure. Seconded by May. Discussion.Russell amends site specific condition#19 to include a substitute alternative tree in the trash enclosure area. Second concurs. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. N. DR-2024-53—Two Building Wall Signs and Two Monument Sign Tenant Panels for Floor and Decor— Floor and Decor Outlets of America Inc.: Floor and Decor Outlets of America, Inc., represented by Summer Zimmers, is requesting design review approval for two halo illuminated building wall signs and two monument sign tenant panels.The 5.38-acre site is located within Eagle Island Marketplace, 420-feet north of West Chinden Boulevard and 625-feet east of North Linder Road at 1300 West Chinden Boulevard.(ERF) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Discussion amongst Council,staff and regarding the proposed color of red to be used in the sign. Russell moves to remand consent agenda item 7N back to staff and bring back to the next City Council meeting color samples to include PMS185C as well as additional more earthtone reds.Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE;MAY AYE;RUSSELL AYE;KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 4 C:\Users\hcsencsits\Desktop\CC-11-12-24min.docx Q. *Memorandum of Understanding Between Ada County, The Ada County Sheriffs Office,The Cities of Boise,Eagle,Garden City,Kuna,Meridian,Star,Eagle Fire Protection District, and Valley Regional Transit: A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) authorizing Ada County,to include the incorporated cities of Boise,Eagle, Garden City,Kuna, Meridian, and Star, and unincorporated Ada County, the Ada County Sheriffs Office, and the Eagle Fire Protection District means to access Valley Regional Transit resources in the event of an emergency situation.(ELZ) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Kvamme states this is a very important and worthwhile MOU. He points out that there appears to be a type-o in the document. Russell moves to approve consent agenda item 7Q. Seconded by Kvamme. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM DR-2024-36 — Creekside Bible Church Building — Creekside Bible Church: Creekside Bible Church, represented by Walter Lindgren with Lindgren Labrie Architecture, is requesting design review approval for a 10,740-square foot church building. The 3.26-acre site is located on the north side of East State Street approximately 386-feet east of North 2nd Street at 350 East State Street. (ERF) *This item was continued from the October 22, 2024, City Council meeting. Mayor Pike introduces the item. Josh Everts, 303 E. State Avenue, Meridian, Idaho with Pacific Company. Mr. Everts states that Pacific Company is partnering with Creekside Bible Church. They are adjacent to the Church site and currently help one another with parking needs during the week and over the weekends.Pacific Company has an ownership group of faith, and as such really wants to build a church. For the application before Council tonight, Pacific Company will build the church and in exchange the Church will convey a two-acre lot adjacent to the church property to Pacific Company,thus giving them access to develop prime real estate in downtown Eagle area. Walt Lindgren, with Lindgren Labrie, 247 N. Eagle Road, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Lindgren makes himself available to answer questions. May has concerns with abandoning the downtown grid that has been in works for decades in order to facilitate seeing this application come to fruition. Discusses the impact to older established subdivisions by creating a cut through situation. Russell also believes that Idaho Street needs to punch through Stierman and is important. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects Baird Spencer discusses the master street map and the designation in the Comprehensive Plan. Gindlesperger comments on parking needs current and future. Discussion. Stan Patterson one of the Pastors at Creekside Bible Church.Parking and the safety of the families is of concern for the church and the church members.He believes this application would meet the need. Discussion. Russell reiterates that Idaho Street needs to punch through to Stierman. She concurs with Council Member May that the use of Amanita is not a viable option. Kvamme states it is a beautify proposal, but that he too agrees that Idaho Street needs to be put in. The safety concerns could be addressed with the addition of appropriate design features. Mr. Everts discusses Pacific Companies long term planning desire to construct a large-scale parking garage, to accommodate approximately 300 vehicles in the downtown to meet the needs of businesses.Mr.Everts states that Page 5 C:\Users\hcsencsits\Desktop\CC-11-12.24 min.docx the Urban Renewal Agency, ACHD, and the City do not appear to have the same priorities. The URA and ACHD did not have a problem with the abandonment of Idaho Street. He suggests the Council revisit the parking study that the URA conducted, and that perhaps the current parking assessment is shallow. Mr. Everts feels that there is a lack of cohesion in the city and he desires clarification. Kvamme inquires if Mr. Everts feels that the City Council should do the what the Urban Renewal Agency suggests. Everts replies no, he just wants things to be coordinated. May quotes from the URA website where it speaks to establishment of"1st Street as a festival street, Idaho Street extension to Stierman"to refute statements made regarding a lack of cohesion.Mayor Pike would like clarification as to if Idaho Street goes through, how will it benefit the church and their property and will the church still be able to be constructed on the north portion of the property? Discussion regarding potential design options and alternatives. Council concurs that they would like to see this come back identifying the uses of the entire property,north and the south portions, at one time with Idaho Street pushing through to Stierman in the plan. Gindlesperger moves to deny unfinished business item 8A. ACTION ITEM: DR-2024-36— Creekside Bible Church Building — Creekside Bible Church. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. CUP-2024-04—Conditional Use Permit for Personal Wireless Facility—Verizon Wireless: Verizon Wireless,represented by Sarah Miller with Lynx Consulting,is requesting conditional use permit approval for a personal wireless facility (height over 50-feet)to be attached to an existing building.The 3.85-acre site is located within the Eagle River development on the north side of East Eagle River Street and East Riverside Drive on Lot 20 and a portion of Lot 19,Block 3,Mixed Use Subdivision No. 5 at 230 East Riverside Drive. (HSD) Mayor Pike introduces the item and opens the public hearing. Shelly Neese, 5267 Simons Drive, Reno, Nevada. They are wishing to expand coverage for Verizon, the six roof top devices would all be screened by the roof parapet and will not be visible from the ground. The installation would improve coverage in north, south, east and west of this location. Kvamme inquires what energy levels will be imitating from the set up and has a hazardous analysis been conducted. Ms. Reese confirms that they are required to comply with the Federal Telecom Act of 1996 and the FCC regulations,they operate 10,000 times below the maximum EFE levels. She can provide the specific reports and analysis to the City. Discussion. City Planner,Hailey Durham reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration. Mayor opens public testimony. No one choses to speak. Mayor closes public testimony. Shelly Neese states that she is very pleased to bring this project forward, it has been a very clean project. Mayor closes the public hearing. Russell moves to approve with the included site-specific conditions as noted by staff.Seconded by Gindlesperger.GINDLESPERGER AYE;MAY AYE;RUSSELL AYE;KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 6 C:\Users\hcse ncsits\Des ktop\CC-11-12-24min.docx 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Ordinance 886 - Annexation and Rezone Ordinance - Soaring Feather Ranch Subdivision: An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County,Idaho, and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle,to the City of Eagle,Idaho;changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT (Rural Urban Transition) to R-E (Residential Estates) and R-2-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; and providing an effective date. (WEV) Russell moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#886 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE;RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Russell moves that Ordinance#886 be adopted. An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County,Idaho,and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle,to the City of Eagle,Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT(Rural Urban Transition)to R-E(Residential Estates)and R-2-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement- PUD); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; and providing an effective date. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM: Ordinance 935-Annexation and Rezone Ordinance-Terra View South Subdivision: An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County,Idaho,and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle,to the City of Eagle, Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT(Rural Urban Transition).MU-DA(Mixed Use with a development agreement),and R-2-DA(Residential with a development agreement)to MU-DA(Mixed Use with a development agreement). R-2-DA (Residential with a development agreement), and R-6-DA (Residential with a development agreement), and; amending the zoning map of the City to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date. (WEV) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Gindlesperger moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance#935 be considered after being read once by title only.Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Gindlesperger moves that Ordinance#935 be adopted. An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County, Idaho, and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle, to the City of Eagle, Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT (Rural Urban Transition). MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement), and R-2-DA (Residential with a development agreement) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement). R-2-DA (Residential with a development agreement), and R-6-DA (Residential with a development agreement),and; amending the zoning map of the City to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; providing a severability clause; and Page 7 C:\Users\hcse ncsits\Desktop\CC-11-12-24m i n.docx providing an effective date. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. ACTION ITEM: Award of Construction Contract for Roofing Services for the Orville Jackson House: The lowest bid received was submitted by Mark Guho Corporation. Staff is requesting Council award the bid and authorize the City to enter into a construction services contract between the City of Eagle and Mark Guho Corporation for roofing services for the city owned structure located at 127 S. Eagle Road in an amount not to exceed $45,100.00. (ACD & ELZ) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Public Works Director Ziegenfuss briefly reviews the contract. Russell moves to approve new business item 10C Award of Construction Contract for Roofing Services for the Orville Jackson House in an amount not to exceed $45,100.00. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. D. ACTION ITEM: Award of Construction Service Contract for Clerk/Treasurer's Department Remodel Project: The lowest bid received was submitted by ESI Express. Staff is requesting Council award the bid and authorization the City to enter into a construction services contract between the City of Eagle and ESI Express for the interior remodel of the Clerk/Treasurer Department in an amount not to exceed$137,800.00. (ELZ& TEO) Mayor Pike introduces the item. City Clerk, Tracy Osborn and Public Works Director Eric Ziegenfuss review the bidding process and present the low bid to Council for action. Gindlesperger moves to approve 10D ACTION ITEM: Award of Construction Service Contract for Clerk/Treasurer's Department Remodel Project to ESI Express in an amount not to exceed$137,800.Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE;MAY AYE;RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. E. ACTION ITEM Authorization of Freeform Quote No. 20759-54161: Staff is requesting Council authorization for the purchase of office panels and furniture for City Hall (excluding the Clerk/Treasurer area) for an amount not to exceed $203,520.63. Funding is available via Capital Plan project number PW-CP-13. The quote was received as part of a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with OMNIA as allowed in Idaho State Code and the City of Eagle Purchasing Policy. (ELZ& TEO) Mayor Pike introduces the item. City Clerk,Tracy Osborn and Public Works Director Eric Ziegenfuss briefly review the quote,and make themselves available for questions. Russell moves to approve agenda item 10E ACTION ITEM:Authorization of Freeform Quote No. 20759-54161 in an amount not to exceed $203520.63. Seconded by Kvamme. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. Page 8 C:\Users\hcsencsits\Desktop\CC-11-12-24min.docx F. ACTION ITEMS Ordinance 944- State Street Speed Limit Change: An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County Idaho Amending Title 5, "Police Regulations", Chapter 10, "Speed Limits", Section 1, "General Speed Limits"; Providing For Severability; Providing For Codification;And Providing An Effective Date.(BKP) Mayor Pike requests this item be tabled. May asks if public comment could be taken on this when it comes back to Council. Mayor Pike agrees and states that was his desire as well. Gindlesperger moves to table 1OF to the next meeting. Seconded by May. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION:74-206(1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two- thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: (a) To consider hiring a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need. This paragraph does not apply to filling a vacancy in an elective office or deliberations about staffing needs in general; (b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against,a public officer,employee,staff member or individual agent,or public school student; (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement Gindlesperger moves pursuant to I.C.74-206(1)that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of(f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation,or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. Seconded by May.GINDLESPERGER AYE; RUSSELL AYE; MAY AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session. Discussion of pending/threatened litigation. Council exits executive session. A.ACTION ITEM: Action Regarding Personnel Matters.No motion. B.ACTION ITEM: Action Regarding Pending/Threatened Litigation.No motion 12. ADJOURNMENT: May moves to adjourn. Seconded by Russell ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Page 9 C:\Users\hcse ncsits\Desktop\CC-11-12-24mi n.docx ``, e`u„u(e6eeeee Resp tfully submitted: EAG e ° r C.) 1cORAT� ° s' 1RACY E. RN, CMC �/ ° CITY CLERK e r, , 0 �,+ APPROVED: °°;o:';ddA•"°,1 �.: 0 ^ ) J BRAD PIKE, MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. • Page 10 C:\Users\hcse ncsits\Desktop\CC-11-12-24min.docx 11/19/2024 _ iCOIL44 r .„ gifigir Floor & Decor Eagle, ID City Council Meeting 11/12/2024 l ^z , L1 -„ IET! az 1 Operations FLOOR DECOR TILE•WOOD•STONE q„ law 10 Founded in Atlanta,GA in 2000 mac. .1 11 .,n, r_ t� Leadingspecialtyd retailer in hard surface flooring—tile,wood �1 ',icy y= �►,, stone,tools,and accessories �j/ 1't v r �' 410 t� , Source directly from manufacturers or quarries worldwide �` A zz� \ T !'�P As of 2023,there arE stores in most metro markets in the ' !�„ United States ��♦� r Each Floor&Decor location typically stocks up to 1 MM SF of ♦ X- �` flooring products •� f'�' Average ticket price is$500/customer Free Design Services �� 4 #� Professionals make up 60%of the customer base # R! '� Chief Executive Merchant(CEM or Store Manager)is promot o %► ; within the company,entire store team is hired locally � CO < z4 2 1 1 1/19/2024 Pilasters FLOOR: DECOR TILE•WOOD•STONE Condition of Approval#14:Add five pilasters to the east(rear)elevation. Response:Refer to the proposed elevations below-A3 with(3)additional pilasters along the rear wall and proposed elevation A2 with(5)additional pilasters.It is our opinion that the elevation with less concentrated pilasters A3 is more successful. \3/RE4R ELEVATION-3 ADDInONAL PILASTERS ..... 1 I 1 1 :' n+sNwml. *EI . u.x x«.r wow n}.Y w F Ev. Srs2? C27)REAR ELEVATION 5 AOUNIONAL PILASTERS__ •7' . mo.. ,K y� xuw..F ':u. ttx.v w p 1jN. 1 I f d.- r�W ( REAR ELEVATION•ORIGNAL ELEVATION___... 3 Recycle Enclosure DECOR,•r TILE•WOOD•STONE Condition of Approval#19:Provide revised landscape plan showing terminal island at east end of parking spaces and 5' buffer around three sides of recycling enclosure at north side of building. Response:The recycle enclosure has been shifted and rotated to achieve the required 5-ft buffer.This provides a buffer slightly less than the 5-ft of landscaping on all sides of the recycle enclosure,but more than shown on the original plan.The south end of the enclosure is additionally screened by the truck dock wall. ORIGINAL DESIGN REVISED DESIGN I Nt„r, I . MI' C.o'77- ` tU�aI KIP01t4 n tAAPa ;iII •1 RFMLt EMLxn.i i ��OO���iiO 40161 �SNrtEDEM aCa'D~ I I� / I NEE ADM 10 EA.,.TE I ,I �n54444 Di•0 A+44 r_3 I I I I I#=J, 4 2 11/19/2024 Signage/Color Band DECOR.47 DECOR. � TILE•WOOD•STONE Condition of Approval R17 and Signage Color Revision:Change paint color of band and signage to match red color used on Fred Meyer sign. Response:Floor&Decor Is protected under The Lanhan Act,which covers that no state or political subdivision may require alteration of a registered trademark. Ubon further review of both the Floor&Decor color and that of Fred Myer(below)it is determined that they are both very similar and require no alteration. -- ., } it at' a ,t - y s ill ,e ly Mica UM ; e .- . 5 Signage/Color Band FLOOR DECOR TILE•WOOD•STONE Condition of Approval#17 and Signage Color Revision:Change paint color of band and signage to match red color used on Fred Meyer sign. Response:Floor&Decor is protected under The Lanhan Act,which covers that no state or political subdivision may require alteration of a registered trademark. Ubon further review of both the Floor&Decor color and that of Fred Myer(below)it is determined that they are both very similar and require no alteration. l RED Rd p target • • cap xr-.. i '' ~• ' VeldialaVf 1101 FLOOR(�� PMS 185C 1 Pantone'PMS1795C DECOR e ` TILE•WOOD•ST e CMYK 0 1 100 ) 100 � 0� t •. ,. .. RGB 237 I 28 I 36 HEX #ED1C24 Pantone 485 C Color I Hex co... 6 3 11/19/2024 eme4stitfe ,-,; BIBLE CHURCH r d �a 1� w. (111U w3 e Frei t jj" � ,r � ; .ri� ►t i ( I a S t '` '. a A New Building for RA CREEKSIDE BIBLECHURCH Eagle, Idaho —.„..,,, 1 }" i ' ' 7 �� ��, )tot - ', ;� ,'3 .� �o 4 a-" , .' - .'b 3 # ', l: t { YT AAA {{ a r' a mar ems`+, k `, , .. •, 444- � 7 ." PROJECT SITE 350 E.State Street Eagle.Idaho 83616 /� Y� AERIAL MAP o 50' too' 2 1 1 1/19/2024 Bless CBC ; /• 1a�y� i ® Clean up the termination of f East Idaho Street and provide . ... . pathing fror � ,, � �1 North Stierman �` DEVELOPABLE LAND ' `'` Way to Dow 4, Create 2 acre"'4, , developable land: ; . U on E State Street , „n=s,3+.sr sue._ea,... .... ,;.. ".,• :• -_ 3 �R Under different names and at different locations, by God's grace, Creekside Bible Church has been in operation as a church since 1889(over 130 years). 4 2 11/19/2024 CREEKSIDE BIBLE CHURCH:SITE PHOTOS � yr 4;k ��f� �� � ..'S. YIf`.t K; O E �JANO ST.LOOKING NORTHEAST r.E`N FROM ENO OF E.IOAHO ST.I COKING NORTH ... _ �� sy„ ` '••e*`, ^may • a X 5 { +S VIEW PROM SITE LOOKING EAST TO N.STIERMAN WAY VIEW FROM N.STIERMAN WAY LOOKING WEST 5 CREEKSIDE BIBLE CHURCH:SITE PHOTOS VIEW ROM E.IDAHO ST.TO ADJACENT PATIO HOME VIEW FROM SITE LOOKING NORTHEAST IL VIEW f ROM EAST END OF E IDAHO ST,LOOKING EAST VIEW FROM EAST END OF E.IDAHO ST.LOOKING SOUTH 6 3 11/19/2024 CREEKSIDE BIBLE CHURCH:SITE PHOTOS r -4 6'= • • VIEW FROM E.IDAHO ST.LOOKING EAST VIEW FROM E.IDAHO ST.LOOKING WEST 7 ,orooe UMIC SI MS KM ... TsS MOM eprutS We r STATE ST EMMe.Ni. ., irua I•z I C7J :_ ©1111 min • 4 11/19/2024 .L. _- _r LOT I. \ IA DJUSTED)-, ..._...LOT 1 . 101 J • CJPPE4I UNDEVELOPED • LOT2 (ADJUSTED) 4: _ ...........,..j ., * — ----- PROPOSERS CURRENT —_�--_- 9 r �_ ., o- �w IT I t ➢ V ' � 7 $ F A I 4'` rf ; 1 n PARKING REQUIREMENTS ^yH� iii OVERALL SITE 6 f7 : MUSING RAN 4. ..% Ia;.. V y t t=--6talege V..1 OVERALL SITE&PHASING PLAN °�1 PACIFIC Al COMIPMCES 10 5 11/19/2024 NPrIP ,e... . R-4 ,�1 s [II CBo ' i NIA � j r.,r e.,« 1Stl S .. CREEKSIDE • ..`'.nw..:.\-%' m -odc BIBLE CHURCH w \X E. ' C ,. i \ R-4 x .,�M ,b-Ad -�aa'aoaoa I t� r 4 E : aka oa _ .r..M_. ' .0 ..rr .. ram, r ........ //7 . ; ,,,7,.,.r,r,,.r 4� �� .,.a, .�,...,.,.�,... q..e. SITE PLAN ✓.. �Nr,ore"�".n' PNf.avn .,w....r w ,, gr t Me Y 1 SITE PUN 1 PACIFIC A2 COMPANIES u,nss.._____.___ 11 {.[A APA ••P I� „r rmv..r a w 1 m C yam. -vvwrP u.r.wrm w r PAPA .�� _. owgryS yr - IMAOIKu.w Ut0.rtY PLAN r r..q.w,.r rutw, / • MN.u..x. Poor. • 1 _ e.sac THE •Y UTILITY PEAK 1 PACIFIC A3 = v 1 COMPANIES 12 6 11/19/2024 LANDSCAPE NOTES IRRIGATION NOTES: .. - Es,i ..=. vim'_... .., •s;i o ali 1A Afli }i '''47f ".41.34 ' , ; r,--1 O G }. �_.1 L_ ,_ am ` od"o8 �✓' 0 0 , ._ 1 zz J U ,g)"1,...& 0 .„,... Z g -. :--«>' Via • �ic.¢,r PAANTSCNEO F W D D _ I "\G 14 °. ,`r LAIASCAPELEGENO jy ▪ - :. BIM` ��_� — fi r o L .� : WO • _ a ter."r Oi ii �� (/ r CALLOUT LEGEND _ L' ! A :. _ _ U / � _ '_. 8 uHDSCME PLAN DISCLAIMER: �i! ._. • L b 13 iii i�15HRUB PLANT /NG___ )BOULDER ANSTµLATION ®TVPIUALBENCH -- hill rIn �u1E °DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING = :..a_:. I I I . ' NNE... —� ,--»---- CO6'FENCE DETAIL A-I y ` N rr w w f F.1md o / v ,� e �;JMANTING 6GAOUNOC R.., ..._ Z 11j , 'x. a�j i a I T R BED GUT EDGE rl6'PRIVACY FENCE DETAIL 2 GQNAFFROUB TREE PLANTANG O ..... �J .. L2.0 14 7 11/19/2024 • . .. .., ;II , . 1..0..1•11..lf =ME ,, %r.`44:,, ,..1,He. P axle ad(. r ,....,-icki-: --...,0:.,,,, _ ' 4art ; . [01) - „ -:-1----- n . 5 „ ; , . \..) .. . . ..-..'Ca 012[1.31.1(.1 ,ca JFtoon _..... . .. ... . . ; . .-'''',:': .. : ,•'144 1 FT52.PR'."LA" PACIFIC A4 15 ' 0.6•1011.••.M. . • C., =ME code-oak • - , . . 1 . . ..........., • ..-.-....... ROOF , .. - . . •. . . . ... fig:1..7 1 ROOF PLAN \ZZ‘4\PACIFIC A5 _ 16 8 11/19/2024 OMR.MOM �. fv E%I[NOR fYfN.36[pAF u•OOEEN.vUnt I ! — -iJ.T'ur_•?.-... a O_L -aR IT .1 Au w '? j l' .'°:� a 1 WEST ELEVATION • T:LT - ' i r EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS a Mp EA 2 SWOT ELEVATION ---�"' PACIFIC A6 COWMAN. Amu.. 17 OEIEML NORM • •.. ...... o _ _ [:[f « f%lfPoON(M•9N SOtOLtL LN...N.... ..:`.m.R ."' ma . oak wQ._. 1 EAST ELEVATION • a Yg Y rj MEV En ERTER R ELEVATIONS 'i.".1 . ...,....- w...Ile ea . , I . Nn. 2hVNTHELEVATION ,----- ,, $ THE A7 COMPANIES :maw..-.._.... 18 9 11/19/2024 CI- • VIEW LOOKING NORTHEAST FROM CUL-DE-SAC 19 au ... ....„ ,, tr arigrer,... rat 3' VIEW LOOKING NORTH FROM CUL-DE-SAC 20 10 1 1/19/2024 ` i i se t : t ? ' II 11 t? L' Eil!tfe 11 I . try VIEW LOOKING WEST FROM PATHWAY 21 112 � - .. IT 7 r 22 11 11/19/2024 SSC#1 Response: Provide a revised site and landscape plan showing East Idaho The Comprehensive Plan has identified E.Idaho Street as a Street extended from the west property line east to North candidate for a future road extension to the east.From its Stierman Way as a collector road. The revised site and current dead-end at the west edge of this property,the Plan illustrates Idaho Street to be extended east through this landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff and property connecting to N.Stierman Way.The Plan goes on to one member of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance prioritize this proposed project as'Medium',arguably because of a zoning certificate. it would essentially be redundant to the connection E.Amanita Street provides between N.2nd Street and N.Stierman Way, only a few hundred feet to the north. It is our contention that an additional east-west connection here will not provide noticeable value as there are two viable east-west connecting streets in close proximity. 23 NORTH•SOUTH CONNECTION T7 EAST-WEST CONNECTION PROJECT SITE 9 9 9 9 9 9 EAST-WEST 9 CONNECTION 9 9 24 12 1 1/19/2024 [LA ow. uLR4 a . R4 CBD 11,11 .,-„ ram « c''"="— uki t ] CREEKSIDE ` ����y���. BIBLE CNt1R�CyH 1 4�..W.I enuiu<.w ur n R 4 L s k 1 x ts.� : 00'00000 1 g ,_ �] ' 1000 00 �.., ! N Yam/ \v\ • AY / / e 00,, , .w / MAN REV 44440. r.v.�•ieK '.,<� 4i,,M SITE%AN mu a' n Y SITE PLAN �\PACIFIC A2 ♦, 25 )tt f 4 [+ :� y/Y A � •!*,• . - ` - $'fit+] 4 Eli i y . r ;W t i` l + .1t. t w't,'; b i r a -1 t P'j.� x ? ///'' r ` FIe],:. •,4t i 'f ii r . " 1 .. 1cy'V (. �'.1 Q' VIEW FROM E.IDAHO ST.LOOKING WEST VIEW FROM N.STIERMAN WAY LOOKING WEST 26 13 11/19/2024 SSC#1 Response: Provide a revised site and landscape plan showing East Idaho The width of Idaho Street along the existing senior center Street extended from the west property line east to North pinches down approximately 7'+/_from a typical local road Stierman Way as a collector road. The revised site and section,which is not conducive for a high-trafficked connecting street.In addition,the width of what would be the R.O.W. landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff and easement narrows down as thin as 30'as it extends east one member of the Design Review Board prior to the issuance through the existing fence lines of the flanking commercial and of a zoning certificate. residential developments. Representatives from the Creekside Bible Church have expressed their concern with the possibility of a road extension through this property and have noted that it would render any redevelopment as undesirable. ACHD's Comments: "The extension of Idaho Street to Stierman Way was added to the MSM(Master Street Map)in 2020 at the request of the City of Eagle.ACHD was reluctant to add this section of Idaho Street to the MSM due to the existing residential housing and office buildings located on Stierman Way which would need to redevelop to allow for the extension of the roadway. ...if the extension is no longer desired... "the city should request to remove Idaho Street from Old Park Place to Stierman Way from the MSM." 27 SSC#2 Response: Provide a cross-access agreement or public pathway Will Comply easement agreement(if the City Council approves the site and landscape plan as proposed)between the property owners of 350 East State Street and Heritage Square Condo Association(410-450 East State Street). The cross-access agreement or public pathway easement agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the Zoning Administrator and City Attorney prior to recordation at the Ada County Recorder's office. SSC#3PARKING REQUIREMENTS PERBAS BUILDING AREA/ STALLS STALLS PROVIDED STALLS PROPOSED Provide a joint/collective parking agreement between the TYPE OF USE Of MATS REQUIRED OFF STREET SAD ADJACENT SITE CHURCH 10,I40 SF./200 SEATS 20(1/EA.IO SEATS)' 6•• 14 property owners of 350 East State Street and Heritage Condo 'PER EAGLF CITY CODE 8.4.S,USES WITHIN THE DOA AND TDA DISTRICTS.STALL Association(410-450 East State Street)to the City for review REQUIREMENT SHALL BE REDUCED BY SOIL FOR ALL NONRESIDENTIAL USES "(20)TOTAL STALLS(INCLUDES TWO ACCESSIBLE STALLS) and approval by the Zoning Administrator and City Attorney PER EAGLE UNIFORM CODE 84.46,ONE II)BICYCLE STALL REQUIRED PER prior to recordation at the Ada County Recorder's office. The 30 VEHICLE STALLS.THEREFORE.ONE Ill MCYCLE STALL PROVIDED applicant shall provide a copy of the recorded joint/collective TEMPORARY JOINT/COLLECTIVE PARKING: (E)ADJACENT PARKING LOT SERVING TPC'B COMMERCIAL OFFICE USE Arkin agreementprior to the issuance of a zoning DARING.TALSREDDEEI A: Al SIA STALLS parking 9 PARKING 6TFFISREQE. IS/IS.F(i STALL/SW Sf) Certificate. (E)PARKING STALLS PROVIDED- 60 STALES(INCLUDES 3 ACCESSIBLE STALLS) PROPOSED•OF STALLS TO SNARE 13 MIN.STANDARD STALLS AVAILABLE...OR 28 14 11/19/2024 PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY Tuesda,November 12th 202- 1 PRESENTATION ROADMAP Overview of the Site and the Project Site Plan & Elevations Design Summary Photo Simulations Location Justification Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 2 1 11/19/2024 230 East Riverside Drive, Eagle,ID 82616 (PET IQ Building) Entire property= 3.68 acres FACTS AT A GLANC. -' Proposing a rooftop/facade mounted Wireless Communications Facility Wireless carrier: Verizon All equipment and antennas contained on roof and building facade 3 Ti ----**-17.1-7_,„ —'",0-1:".'..„:„„. • � P, i « r cJ io" '+i 7A, .� - ,� , ..� , `,_.., SUBJECT -� . -4 -r PROPERTY :14.1 0 t � ' & SITE dt r * C:.'J Jo 1 --• • .4,4, 4 . _ .,... 4 2 11/19/2024 SITE PLAN - OVERVIEW so1M ens. -.a ., \� . wNN.. wmw '..,� I . r f',-J 5 EAST ELEVATION PNOPOSED AR100N MNIEIESS RAIN. PROPOSED KRIZON EMNEEESS COW.FLUSH MOUNTED 10 NTERIOH ANTENNAS FWSN MOUNTED AND NW,rtv FhNrrwsE� *ALL(NOT NSSIE FROM NIS LOOADON) (,xRDYTcioR 9 TEN OTAL) FACADE v c• \ EOINI NNONOSED t0'.17 VENIZDN t 0 OHA:A;Lviim NSW/ M MIS Y(N01 •`� NS1BlE FROM MIS l0UNON) ytv g \ t4 NEW nF...,FEI V \ «,.... s0R i - - �,tibtON mt..tp tEN,KWSE.,E,4t4lt.\ 1. ii pia Y4w/ONANt[t0i,Ct SS a• _ �lil'( R o. LMK1N, 0/ l t 1 ! - 1 1 —_ : 11111 11111 11111 11111 . LE I W // -- III UIII r 6 3 11/19/2024 WEST ELEVATION PROPOSED MCRIICN RIMLESS RRUA, PROPOSED YERIZON MRELESS COOP,FLUSH MOUNTED TO INTERNIR ANTCNRAS RUSH 40LNTED MO MALL(NOT NSIBLC FROM DRS LOCADON) PANTED TO MATCH EXISTING FACADE (J REA SECTOR,9 TOTAL) V ury-w vt','.06 S0 PROPOSED 10'911'vCRIZON LEASE ARCA/EOUIPNENT PLATFORM W/FOOIPADS U NC600,,LVlt 06 / vfIN1ON AME 'f{3 HTHpSEU.a'fLat AT0 j j /VLl6' \�U kFd I Il■uu■ 11111 11111 ...... __ _ N9 I 1i lV.-o' � € - , ._ 11111 EVFL PT 7 SOUTH ELEVATION PROPOSED VEENZON WRELESS RRUF,— COW.FLUSH YWNTEO TO*MINOR WALL(NOT WSIRIE FROM THIS LOCADCN) PROPOSED AERTZON 1MRO.ESS ANTENNAS FLUSH MOUNTED AND PROPOSED t0'z12'MERIZON PANTED TO MATCH ErSTNG FACADE LEASE AREA/EOtNFYFNT (J PEP SECTOR,9 TOTAL) PLATFORM W/FOOTPAOS iS w 0171rcerfxrrnts / - a vm wTPn:o \ `IP' r+eam 1. �.... ____ _�;_L \ii..,,. uuiii ■•u•.11 amain ■iiiuu I i • 11111 '11111 i1111 mi r .. ' [ al I 611 ��fir': fie rF c 8 4 11/19/2024 NORTH ELEVATION PROPOSED VEPoZOW AIRELESS ANTENNAS RAT MOUNTED AND PAINTED To OR.CN FASTING FACADE (3 PER SECTOR.A TOTAL) rrPROPOSED 10'.f2'DERIDED PROPOSED VERIZCN TAMELESS RRAl / LEASE AREA/EOUIPYENI COW.RUSH MOUNTED i0 INTERIOR / PLAITdW IV/FOOTPADS WALL(NOT 05401.E FRAY MIS LOCATION) u 0,117 — .p Qr --.__.. �, ,..► q i*-'Ili �arnni�) :- _ PET 10 I I illy - f I iiihi "liii - 4 i11 ,NM lmmmmm 111111 ,11111111,-,ull E E;�.I4 n ;CI moo° 9 DESIGN SUMMARY Building brick level extends to 52'—8"with penthouse reaching 59' We will NOT be extending/surpassing the height of the building Antennas mounted to exterior facade,painted to match existing color and texture of building,with tips reaching 50' Verizon lease area: 10'x 12',entirely contained on rooftop Equipment cabinets contained on roof- not visible from the ground 1 4 10, 10 5 11/19/2024 PHOTO SIMULATIONS TO FOLLOW 11 = venzonl 1 V LY N X ."""+"°, _ Prepared b' _..a gp� ` > "' _ ;L EAST SHORE '{1 4 - .S,O ' I I 4 � Ai.'r' 230E RIVERSIDE ST EAGLE.ID 33616 Look a South from Hw.v Jd s [N] PROPOSED(3)`DER TON ONTENNAS t.trt3 MOUNTED s: nrt tro MATCH)i .i',, '`: ,.. N lsar:cF M !!M! I 12 6 11/19/2024 y Prepared for IF CC verizon� -9 -._ �t LYNX Prepared by -- } *II It il!i : , .• ---- � • � ..{ EAST SHORE } + t 230 E.RIVERSIDE ST. M M C; ..� .5 y+a, EAGLE,IU 83616 ,_ t ' Lou.mS W W from E-Raverode Da rill ' r . "•• PROPOSED PI VERIZON ANTENNAS t^C § -* _. ;IE• R M UST NOUED °reM1,YAlf' (t4,.'- 3 (PAINT TO fNTpi) 1 }fit s. _ i _p_-g.' ,l "V ,,. FF. � ;` ffiEios , i;,' ;AI —t.•' ., ''.: '':',,,.,.t : t . "M 13 w •-• Prepared for "" -,_._ . ,�, o� ,,. .. ..m,.. ro . , u... verizon� -9 !LYNX ar. ,' Prepared by: s ve t._ u,�.. EAST SHORE -„ —-. 330 E RIVERSIDE ST rr, EAGLE,ID 87616 t t Loobn6 East tram S Eseie RC ' TMy: ." to _ _.. .. IC— - ." Prror., :OS)VERL'ON ANTENNA'. RUSH IAGEGEO IPEPD TO WTCHI � .u, . • _.!,� • . L ., 14 7 11/19/2024 i ; F ; w3. r LOCATION ' IL .oN` ° ova IL A. . JUSTIFICATION % :'{'» ` - s 1 4 F + } ogie....l4,ir 1 . LL 0.r.`•f�}< IttTSLGTetY ���l/l h * . r 4 Why at this location? _ --•, ""�"� + _�. j' 3,6 02001-,.1•f:3 2;ca1 -�" " - Verizon RF search area right at .. '• this location: ` fs ; 1 q '. =ire"*"*.., ` - 43.6902001 -116.352100I r _ 1 `�'*"""* v r,teaT- ,d � .•. Provides Verizon coverage alon •g-_:, --"-I '' ,t ; G'- f • ' ,- N Eagle Rd and SR-44.Will also ' t,;-r�� *III--_ . cover commercial shopping and �= j ;" 4 `° �t . residential areas nearby ;a :' .a k . !t i,.. IW, ''). .A Sade 16.att711F - 1f y . 15 LOCATION CJUSTIFICATION C O N T'D 40` _ Y , "<' u k ,+F t • Tallest building in the vicinity— tfr . -�a. „, the ONLY location in search II ;:,�.," °' �`,: _ � ' ' area that allows for RF , `_{' _ -It.. coverage WITHOUT the need 'r Y for a new tower or extension ,% ,,,z_z,, - — i :_� � � to an existing building • This building can accommodate ' ., Asa,., It multiple wireless carriers/ ;" _ 1- . I- , k-- ', i• z facilities—reduces overall numbers of sites/towers needed 16 8 11/19/2024 WORKS WELL FROM A ZONING PERSPECTIVE: Co-location rather than new tower , , " r +,,. We are not violating zone max height - ,, `' �� We are able to blend the facility in .,, - 1:44 < �s . =- •-' 46 with the building +r r'' _ at t , Commercial zoning K. Tr. _ vs` roar . , � ..> Eagle River Development Association : : ;!k _ � * as n. did not take issue with the project The proposed site is the least intrusive means of filling the coverage needs here 17 FEDERAL TELECOM ACT OF 1996 No State or local government or instrumentality thereof may regulate the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission's regulations concerning such emissions. 47 U.S. Code § 332 (c) (7) (B) (iv), emphasis added. 18 9 11/19/2024 FEDERAL TELECOM ACT OF 1996 The regulation of the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities by any State or local government or instrumentality thereof- shall not prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless services. 47 U.S.Code § 332 (c) (7) (B) (i) (II) 19 THANK YOU! We stand for questions. 20 10