Findings - PZ - 2024 - SAP-2024-01 - Avimor - Sub Area Plan (SAP) No. 1 for Avimor BEFORE THE EAGLE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION ) FOR A SUB AREA PLAN (SAP)NO. 1 ) FOR AVIMOR FOR ) FOR AVIMOR DEVELOPMENT ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER SAP-2024-01 The above-entitled Sub-Area Plan (SAPP) application came before the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation on November 4, 2024, at which time public testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission, having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: Avimor Development is requesting approval of Sub-Area Plan (SAP) No. 1 for the Avimor Planned Development. SAP No. 1 consists of 2,016-acres of land spanning fourteen(13) separate development areas that will include 2,461 residential units, 1,057-acres of open space, and 660,000 square feet of commercial uses, pursuant to the uses outlined within Eagle City Code Title 11 B and in accordance with the development agreement associated with the Avimor Development. The 2,016-acre site is generally located on both the east and west sides of State Highway 55 at West McLeod Road, but also includes a portion of the Avimor property south of Aerie Lane approximately 2,640-feet east of Willow Creek Road. B. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: This application was submitted on June 20, 2024. A resubmittal of application materials was made on September 3,2024.A final revised SAP No.1 exhibit occurred on September 16,2024. C. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Notice of Public Hearing on the application for the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on October 13, 2024. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three-hundred feet (300') of the boundary of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on October 11, 2024. The site was posted a minimum of days prior to the scheduled public hearing on October 22, 2024,in accordance with Eagle City Code Title 11B-7-11. Requests for agencies' reviews within Ada County were transmitted on June 28, 2024, within Boise County on July 11, 2024, and those within Gem County on July 16, 2024, in accordance with the requirements of the Eagle City Code. D. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: On November 20, 2007, the Eagle City Council approved CPA-06-07, for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment application to adopt the Eagle Foothills Sub-Area Plan and associated text and maps, including the entirety of the Avimor lands in all three counties. On November 27, 2007, the Eagle City Council approved Resolution No. 07-36 amending the 2007 Comprehensive Plan and adopting and including the North Foothills Planning Area in the Future Land Use Map. Page 1 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx On April 25, 2023, the Eagle City Council approved A-06-22/RZ-06-22 & ZOA-01-22 authorizing the annexation and rezone from RP (Rural Preservation — Ada County designation), RR (Rural Residential — Ada County designation), Multiple Use Zone (Boise County designation), and Al (Prime Agriculture — Gem County designation), to APD-DA (Avimor Planned Development with a Development Agreement) and a zoning ordinance amendment to establish development standards and processes for the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District. The 17,522-acre site is anticipated to include up to 8,761 dwelling units and approximately 860,000 square feet of commercial and retail uses. On April 25, 2023, the Eagle City Council approved A-14-22/RZ-19-22 authorizing the annexation, and rezone from PC (Planned Community — Ada County designation) to APD (Avimor Planned Development) for portions of Avimor Subdivision No. 1, Avimor Subdivision Nos. 4-11,and Avimor Townhomes North Subdivision. On April 25, 2023, the Eagle City Council approved Ordinance 895 for the creation of Title 11B —City of Eagle: an ordinance adding a new Title 11B "Avimor Zoning Ordinance". E. COMPANION APPLICATIONS: None. Page 2 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzf.docx F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AND ZONING MAP DESIGNATIONS: Comprehensive Zoning Designation: Land Use: Plan Designation: APD-DA(Avimor Existing Foothills Residential Planned Development with Vacant Land/Natural Open Space a development agreement) 2,461 Residential Dwelling Units (Including 276 Multi-Family Units) APD-DA(Avimor 1,057-acres of Open Space Foothills Residential Planned Development 660,000 SF Commercial Use Proposed (No Change) with a development (2) Potential School Locations agreement) (1) Potential Fire/EMS Station Location (1) Potential Library Location APD-DA(Avimor Foothills Residential Planned Development Vacant Land/Natural Open Space North of site with a development Future Avimor development agreement) APD-DA(Avimor Foothills Residential Planned Development Vacant Land/Natural Open Space South of site with a development Future Avimor development agreement) APD-DA(Avimor Planned Development Vacant Land/Natural Open Space East of site Foothills Residential with a development Future Avimor development agreement) APD-DA(Avimor Foothills Residential Planned Development Vacant Land/Natural Open Space West of site with a development Future Avimor development agreement) G. DESIGN REVIEW: Subject to ECC 11B-3 -Avimor Design Review Page 3 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzf.docx H. GENERAL SAP No. 1 DATA/DESIGN: 1. SAP No. 1 Overall—Acreage*: Total Acreage of Avimor: 17,522.00 acres Previously Approved SAP Acreage in Avimor: 0.00 acres Current Total Remaining Acreage in Avimor: 17,522.00 acres Proposed Total Acreage in SAP No. 1: 2,016.00 acres • Proposed Development Acreage in SAP No. 1: 959.00 acres • Proposed Open Space in SAP No. 1: 1,057.00 acres Total Non-Residential Use area in Avimor: 860,000 square feet • Proposed Non-Residential Use area in SAP No. 1: 660,000 square feet 2. SAP No. 1 Overall Residential Units and Density: Maximum Allowable Units in Avimor: 8,761 units max.,total Previously Approved SAP Units in Avimor: 0 units Current Remaining Units in Avimor: 8,761 units max. Number of Proposed Units in SAP No. 1: 2,461 units Maximum Allowable Density for Avimor: 0.50 du/ac,max. Current Total Development Density in Avimor: 0.00 du/ac Proposed SAP No. 1 Density(2,461 units/2,016-ac): 1.22 du/ac SAP No. 1 Density/Overall Project(2,461 units/17,522-ac): 0.14 du/ac • The maximum number of dwelling units shall not exceed 8,761 dwelling units for the entire Project(not including Avimor Village 1 Phases 4-11)unless Additional Property is annexed into the City and made subject to the approved development agreement. • SAP No. 1 includes four (4) previously approved County approved preliminary plats ( included within the development agreement as Exhibits C-1 through C-3 and labelled within this SAP application as Boise County No.1, Howell Vineyards, Boise County No. 2 West, and Boise County No. 2 East) that there have been 603 total acres (inclusive of 402 acres of open space)and 707 dwelling units approved *As proposed within the SAP No. 1 exhibit, dated September 3, 2024 and not including the 839 residential units and 657-acres within Phases 4-11 of Avimor's Village 1. 3. SAP No. 1 Open Space Overall*: Previously Approved Open Space in Avimor: 0.00 acres Previously Approved Open Space%in Avimor: 00.0% Open Space Required in Avimor: 8,761 acres Open Space%Required in Avimor: 50%min. Open Space Proposed in SAP No. 1: 1,057.00 acres Open Space%Proposed in SAP No. 1: 52.4%(of 2,016.00 ac.) CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN: Page 4 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx 1 The applicant's justification of the SAP's compliance with the requirements of the conceptual plan, including the anticipated size, estimated number of residential units, planned commercial areas, general sequencing of development within the sub-area, the anticipated location for public facilities, the anticipated location of regional pathways and arterial streets and collector streets is addressed in the applicant's narrative received by the City on July 10, 2024, and the applicants Sub-Area Plan No. 1 Exhibit,dated September 3,2024. J. SLOPE ANALYSIS: The applicant's justification of the SAP's compliance with the requirements of the slope analysis is addressed in the applicant's Sub-Area Plan No. 1 Slope Analysis Exhibit,dated June 2024. K. SIGNIFICANT NATURAL FEATURES: The applicant's justification of the SAP's compliance with the requirements of the significant natural features analysis plan is addressed in the applicant's narrative received by the City on July 10, 2024, and the applicant's Sub-Area Plan No. 1 Slope Analysis Exhibit, dated June 2024. L. HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN COMPLIANCE: The applicant's justification of the SAP's compliance with the habitat management plan is addressed in the letter from the Avimor Conservation Director, received by the applicant from Duran Environmental Consulting,dated September 3, 2024. M. AGENCY RESPONSES: The following agencies have responded, and their correspondence is attached: • Central District Health • Idaho Department of Environmental Quality • Marathon Petroleum Pipeline • United States Army Corps of Engineers N. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: None received to date. O. REQUIRED FINDINGS FOR A SUB-AREA PLAN: 11B-7-9-B(2)(e)-ACTION BY PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION/FINDINGS: In reviewing the proposed Sub-Area Plan,the Commission shall consider the following: (1) General compliance with the Master Land Use Map; (2) General compliance with the Development Plans to preserve significant natural features and slopes over twenty-five percent, to the greatest extent possible, recognizing that development of slopes over twenty-five percent is permitted where significant natural features are preserved and visual disruption is minimized. (3) General compliance with the Comprehensive Plan's transect model of development encouraging more intense development clustered along roadways and flatter areas, recognizing that the Comprehensive Plan is a guideline and the neighborhood and community centers on the Master Land Use Map are smaller in scale. (4) Compliance with the Avimor Development Agreement. Page 5 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx STAFF ANALYSIS: A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: See the Eagle Foothills Subarea Plan and the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law for RZ-19- 06,including MOD 1 and MOD 2. These documents are incorporated herein by reference. B. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT CONDITIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: 1. DEFINITIONS: 1.17 "Development Plans" collectively means the Grading Guidelines and Hillside Development Standards, the Habitat Management Plan, the Master Wastewater Study, the Avimor Master Drainage Report, the Municipal Water and Pressurized Irrigation System Master Plan—Avimor Development, the Design Guidelines, the Master Land Use Map, and the Open Space Plan, each of which is kept on file with City, as may be amended from Time to time pursuant to this Agreement. 1.23 "Foothill Regional Pathway" is a public pathway that will serve the community connecting neighbors and regional destinations. 1.27 "Land Use District": Areas within the Avimor Planned Development Zoning District, designated on the Master Land Use Plan, including: (1) Village Center; (2) Mixed Use/Commercial; (3) Village Residential; (4) Foothills Residential; (5) Village One and Open Space. 1.31 "Master Land Use Plan" is the overall conceptual development plan for the Project as a whole, as approved by the City, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit F, which may be amended from time to time pursuant to this Agreement. 1.33 "Non-Residential Use"may include commercial, retail and office related uses. Non- Residential Use does not include public and/or civic uses. 1.34 "Open Space" for use by residents of Avimor or the general public for recreation, agriculture, habitat, vegetation, scenic or similar uses, whether platted or unplatted. Open Space may be developed or natural and may include: (i) public and private parks, sports fields, and trails; (ii) golf courses; (iii) equestrian centers; (iv) vineyards and other agricultural lands; (v) landscape easements or common areas inside or outside of public rights of way; (vi) floodplains and floodways; (vii) the lesser of 50 percent of school sites or the area of playfields, (viii) scenic corridors; (ix)undeveloped hillsides; (x) wetlands, wildlife habitat, drainage areas, and unique or sensitive plant areas; and (xi) conservation easements or permanent open space on private lands or lots subject to deed restriction requiring either public or Open Space, Community access. Open Space may be publicly or privately owned and may be accessible or inaccessible to the public. 1.35 "Open Space, Community" is Open Space, including developed and natural open space, for the use of Avimor residents only. 1.36 "Open Space, Regional" is Open Space, including developed and natural open space,that consists of parks and green spaces for use by the public. 1.42 "Project Density" is the total maximum gross residential density for the Project (residential units per gross acre), which is 0.5 dwelling units per gross acre, which was set based on the goal density for the Property, which is designated as under Page 6 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx Eagle is Home with a Foothills Residential land use designation and the portions of the Property with a Community Center land use designation. 1.46 Sub-Use District: A specific use district designated within each Land Use District where certain land uses are allowed, conditionally allowed, or prohibited and specific development standards are provided. The Sub-Use Districts are: (1) Rural Residential; (2) Estate Residential; (3) Single-Family Detached 1 (SF1); (4) Single- Family Detached 2 (SF2); (5) Single-Family Detached 3 (SF3); (6) Single-Family Zero Lot Line (SFZL); (7) Single-Family Special Lot (SFSL); (8) Single-Family Attached (SFA); (9) Low Density Multi-Family (MF1); (10) Medium Density Multi-Family (MF2); (11) High Density Multi-Family(MF3) (12) Village Commercial (VCOM); (13) Mixed Use (MU); (14) Highway Mixed Use (HMU); (15) Neighborhood Commercial (NC); (16) Community Commercial (CC); (17) Reserve (RE); (18) Cottage (CO); (19) Phase 1 Mixed Use (P1MU); (20) Community Services (CS); (21) Community Open Space (COS); and (22) Regional Open Space(ROS). 2. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY: 2.3 Project Density. The overall maximum density for the Project is the Project Density; based on the current acreage of the Property, a maximum of 8,761 residential units may be developed. 2.5 Allocation of Residential Density. Master Developer shall have the right to allocate residential density to any portion of the Property, including any Additional Property, provided such allocation: (i) does not exceed the overall Project Density for the Project as a whole; (ii) is in conformity with the Master Land Use Plan; (iii) does not allow a use otherwise prohibited; and (iv) does not cause a material change to this Agreement without prior amendment to this Agreement and compliance with the applicable notice and hearing requirements. 2.6 Non-Residential Use. Master Developer shall have the right to designate and develop Non-Residential Uses on the Property in accordance with Title 11B and the Master Land Use Plan. Total Non-Residential Use shall not exceed 860,000 square feet. 3.1 Traffic&Circulation. 3.1.1 Roadway System. Master Developer, in consultation with the applicable Transportation Entity, will design, engineer, construct, acquire, install, and permit the roads and roadway improvements required by the Project, in phases, in general conformance with the applicable preliminary plat design and approval conditions. 3.1.2 Public Roads and Rights of Way. Public roadways within the Project will be approved and governed by the applicable Transportation Entity. All public roads and/or rights-of-way within the Property will be dedicated by Master Developer to the applicable Transportation Entity. ACHD standards for roadway design and construction will be used throughout the Project. Waivers or modifications to the ACHD standards for roadway design and construction may be granted when: (i) approved by the applicable Transportation Entity; and(ii)either(a)City determines, in its sole discretion, a waiver or modification is warranted; or(b)Master Developer establishes the waiver or modification is warranted because an area proposed for development is unusual in size, shape, location, topography, and/or physical condition such that strict enforcement of ACHD standards for roadway design would result in, excessive grading, extraordinary economic and design hardships, Page 7 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx and practical difficulties. Unless otherwise agreed to, City shall not have an obligation to own or maintain roadways within the Project. 3.1.3 Private Streets and Rights of Way. Any private streets within the Project will be constructed by Master Developer in accordance with Title 11B. Such private streets will be maintained by Master Developer or an Owners' Association. Private streets may be conveyed to one or more Owners' Associations at Master Developer's election. Master Developer shall grant access licenses over private streets to service providers (e.g. police, fire, EMS, waste collection) and utility easements for installation, maintenance and repair of public utilities (e.g. water and sewer). Subject to this Section 3.1.3, Master Developer may limit access to private streets through access control structures. To the extent allowed by law, Master Developer will have the right to name private streets. 3.1.4 Obligation of Maintenance of Roads by Private Landowners. In the event the applicable Transportation Entity is compensated for operation and maintenance of roads by a private entity (i.e. the Owners' Association or individual landowners) the Master Developer is required to provide notice of the same on all plats and within the Charter. 3.2 Water. 3.2.1 Water Service. Water service to the Project will generally comply with Eagle City Code Title 6, Chapter 5 subject to the terms of this Agreement, Title 11B, and the Water Service Agreement. Within the Veolia Service Area, Veolia will provide water service to the Project unless Master Developer and City (or an alternate service provider) enter into a subsequent agreement for water services in all or some portion of the Veolia Service Area. Within the Veolia Service Area, no service provider will be required to convey or dedicate any portion of its water rights or Water System to City. For areas of the Property outside of the Veolia Service Area, City shall provide water service to the Project pursuant to the Water Service Agreement. 3.3 Wastewater Treatment and Disposal. 3.3.1 Wastewater Facilities. AWRC has constructed and will continue to construct Wastewater System improvements to serve the Project. Master Developer shall cause AWRC's construction, operation and maintenance of the Project's Wastewater System to be in compliance with Title 11B and the requirements of IDEQ and the Central District Health Department or the Southwest District Health Department to the extent such entities have jurisdiction. AWRC, or its assigns, will own and maintain all Wastewater System improvements constructed as part of the Project. 3.3.2 Master Wastewater Study. Major Wastewater System improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of IDEQ and in general conformity with the Master Wastewater Study 3.5 Development of Open Space,Parks,and Pathways. 3.5.1 Open Space. Pursuant to Title 11B, with each preliminary plat application in the Project, a minimum 20% Open Space will be designated within the area being platted; this may be Community Open Space or Regional Open Space. Overall, the Project will include a minimum of 50% Open Space, which may include areas not platted. The provision of Open Space within the Project shall be in general Page 8 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzf.docx conformance with the Master Open Space Plan. Any time Master Developer presents a preliminary plat application to City with a Regional Open Space component exceeding five (5) contiguous acres, City shall have the right,but not the obligation, to require conveyance of such Regional Open Space land and improvements to City for City ownership for the public benefit. 3.5.2 Conservation Land. Pursuant to Title 11B, for every two (2) acres of developed and improved land within a platted area (excluding platted Open Space), Master Developer will reserve, or cause to be reserved, one(1)acre of unfragmented habitat land in permanent conservation through deed restrictions, conservation easements, conveyances or any other mutually acceptable means. Conservation land may be part of the Property, and owned or controlled by Master Developer or a third party. With each preliminary plat application, Master Developer shall provide City with a statement of the number of acres of unfragmented habitat reserved to date and the additional number of acres that will be reserved by the pending preliminary plat. Based on Master Developer's pre-existing reservation of 240 acres of unfragmented habitat land into permanent conservation easement, as shown on the Open Space Plan, and which easement is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit H, the Project has a credit of 240 acres of conservation lands that may be used to offset future development within the Project prior to reserving any additional conservation lands. 3.5.3 Pathways. Pursuant to Title 11B, with each preliminary plat application in the Project, Master Developer shall provide pathways to support recreation and connectivity within the area being platted. The provision of pathways within the Project shall be generally in conformance with the Master Open Space Plan. 3.5.4 Parks, Pathways, and Facilities Map. A detailed Parks, Pathways and Facilities Map shall be submitted as part of each preliminary plat application, for the area being platted, that conforms to the requirements of Title 11B and addresses location of parks, pathways, and trails, roadway crossings, habitat, and ownership structure or intent to dedicate such park or pathway facilities if known at the time of submittal. Each Parks, Pathways and Facilities Map submitted with a preliminary plat application shall be generally in conformance with the Open Space Plan. 3.9 Land Donations. 3.9.1 Eagle Fire Protection District. Master Developer will work with the Eagle Fire Protection District to select a mutually agreeable fire station site to be donated to the Eagle Fire Protection District upon request by the Eagle Fire Protection District. Master Developer is only obligated to donate land,no improvements are required. 3.9.2 Public Schools. Master Developer will work with each of the three public school districts serving the Project to select a mutually agreeable school site(approximately 7-10 acres) to be donated to each such public school district upon request by the district. Master Developer is only obligated to donate land, no improvements are required. Page 9 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx EXHIBIT F—MASTER LAND USE PLAN: EXHIBIT F MASTER LAND USE PLAN !G I AV1MOR • :r 1 Master Land Use Plan-. I �` ri Legend r _i -....- <Mew M InC tmanon BOYy / / Comp lMt. ^" `— --J\-- J , _ Poaa-Highway% .PO.•FR *CalMclom , 1 --- 1 .: 1---1 gW.of ldaM unaa — --. 11 ' {� I 2 Potential School I , I IJ 1 ` .p Pet 1 EMS ' ---- t ... i �1 Fmmnat F:re 1 I--f — 1I I , Land Use Districts 1-- 1 1 ; .- i .. J V:Mg.Cnmw-VC 1 1 M....u..co....c.f.MBC y_ L_,1 m Li 1 1 p [ 1 Faatt.n.P.,: a.FR • `1 I 1 r 1 P-4P..os `_—� t-------tea _— _ VA,.a. a ,_ .t� I__I 1 , I_ 1 j g Haag Bg.>\. oo '' -1!. I ti c I. s. Page 10 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx EXHIBIT G—OPEN SPACE PLAN I,\mo (. 4tri.'•r•(I PI.\K : I I' AVIMOR i'„, opts Space►lap ..ri 1 I `` I.. - .�... _1 ,.w.. .....�....... r . .., 14* r 4 _.I '�� .� ;;1 ........,... _— _ ,—........n.—, ',Tt:a� @t 3 YP fi—,- t EXHIBIT L: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 12. Upon the Library's written request,Avimor will do one of the following: a. Avimor will donate a site to the Library for the Library to construct a public library facility within Avimor at a location mutually agreed to by Avimor and the Library. Avimor will donate this site to the Library when the Library is prepared and has funds to construct a library facility on the site; or b. Avimor will construct a library facility within Avimor at a location mutually agreed upon by Avimor and the Library and lease the facility to Library at market rent. Page 11 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzf.docx 1. PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS CODE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL: 11B-7-9: ZONING; SUB-AREA PLAN AND SUBDIVISION LAND USE MAP: B. Sub-Area Plan: To facilitate regional planning and ensure compliance with the Master Land Use Map, at least every five (5) years, Master Developer shall submit a Sub-Area Plan for approval. The Sub-Area Plan will guide future development and adoption of specific Subdivision Land Use Maps as development occurs within the applicable Sub-Area Plan. When submitted for approval, Sub-Area Plans should generally address the area planned to be developed in the then- current Five-Year Plan. Master Developer may submit a Sub-Area Plan or plans for approval as frequently as desired and subsequent Sub Area Plans may include lands included in prior- approved Sub-Area Plans. Except for the approved Village One Land Use Map and Boise County Phase 1 Subdivision Land Use Map, no area may be designated with a Sub-Use District through the approval of a Subdivision Land Use Map unless that area is included in an approved Sub- Area Plan. 1. Required Information and Materials: In support of a Sub-Area Plan approval, Master Developer shall submit the following: a. A conceptual plan, or plans, of the land within the applicable sub-area identifying: (1) The anticipated location, size, estimated number of residential units, and whether commercial areas are planned within the individual Sub-Use District(s) within the sub-area; (2) General development sequencing within the sub-area, recognizing that different areas within a sub-area may be developed contemporaneously; (3) Anticipated location for regional or community public facilities, such as schools, emergency service facilities, and public parks; and (4) Anticipated location of regional pathways and arterial street and collector streets. b. A slope analysis of the sub-area identifying slopes over twenty-five percent; recognizing that development of slopes over twenty-five percent is permitted where significant natural features are preserved and visual disruption is minimized; c. A map identifying significant natural features within the sub-area such as visually sensitive ridgelines and unique topographical or geologic formations;and d. Approval letter from the Avimor Conservation Director stating the proposed Sub- Area Plan is in compliance with the habitat management plan and any conditions of development required pursuant to the habitat management plan. 2. Procedure For Approval of Sub-Area Plan: a. Administrative Review: Upon receipt of a request for a new or amended Sub- Area Plan and receipt of the required information and materials, the Administrator shall schedule a public hearing before the Commission, which hearing shall be held within sixty(60)days of the date of certification of a complete application. b. Recommendation By Administrator: The Administrator shall prepare a recommendation on the Sub-Area Plan to the Commission. c. Review By the Parks, Pathways, and Recreation Commission: The Administrator may refer the Sub-Area Plan to the City's Parks, Pathways, and Recreation Commission for review and recommendation. Page 12 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzf.docx d. Public Notice: The Administrator shall provide notice in accordance with the requirements of Section 11B-7-11 of this Title. e. Action By Commission/Findings: In reviewing the proposed Sub-Area Plan, the Commission shall consider the following: (1) General compliance with the Master Land Use Map; (2) General compliance with the Development Plans to preserve significant natural features and slopes over twenty-five percent, to the greatest extent possible, recognizing that development of slopes over twenty-five percent is permitted where significant natural features are preserved and visual disruption is minimized. (3) General compliance with the Comprehensive Plan's transect model of development encouraging more intense development clustered along roadways and flatter areas, recognizing that the Comprehensive Plan is a guideline and the neighborhood and community centers on the Master Land Use Map are smaller in scale. (4) Compliance with the Avimor Development Agreement. The Commission may recommend approval, conditional approval, disapproval, or tabling for a period not to exceed thirty-five (35) days. Such action shall occur within thirty-five (35)days of the date of the regular meeting at which the Sub-Area Plan is first considered by the Commission. f. Action By Council: Within sixty (60) days after receipt of the Commission's recommendation and following the notice requirements as set forth in Section 11B-7- 11 of this Title, the Council shall hold a hearing and make findings as required in Section 11B-7-9(B)(1)(v). The Council shall approve, approve conditionally, or disapprove the Sub-Area Plan within thirty (30) days of the public hearing conducted to consider the Commission's recommendation. Approved Sub-Area Plans shall be kept on file with the City to govern future development and allowed uses within the platted area. 3. Modifications to Approved Sub-Area Plan. Upon request by Master Developer, an approved Sub-Area Plan may be modified by the Council as part of a preliminary plat application so long as the modified Sub-Area Plan meets all of the approval criteria set forth in 11B-7-9(B)(1)(v)(1)-(4). DISCUSSION: • Upon the annexation of the Avimor development into the City of Eagle, the City and the developer executed a development agreement that adopted a Master Land Use Plan (Exhibit F) and a Master Open Space Plan (Exhibit G) for the Avimor development that identifies the future Land Use Districts for the development. Eagle City Code section 11B-2-4, Table 2.2 further identifies Sub-Use Districts that,when initially assigned to areas within the development through the approval of a Sub-Area Plan application and subsequently required preliminary and final plats, establish land uses and dimensional standards for those areas. The Sub-Area Plan approval process is in place to ensure compliance with the development agreement, the approved Master Land Use Plan and Master Open Space Exhibit as the developer seeks to further develop the property through a subsequent platting process and to establish Sub-Use districts for future platted areas, in conformance with Title 11B. • The submitted Sub-Area Plan No. 1 Exhibit, dated September 3, 2024, identifies future public facilities. These facilities amenities include a two (2) potential school sites (one (1) in Ada County and one (1) in Boise County), one (1) potential Fire/EMS station, and one (1) potential Page 13 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx Library. The recorded development agreement contains language regarding land dedication and/or facility development for each of the facility types. o Pursuant to article 3.9 "Land Donations" within the recorded development agreement, the applicant should be required to continue to work with the school districts with jurisdiction over each potential school site location as development of SAP No. 1 progresses to select mutually agreeable school site locations to be donated to each public school district upon request by the district. As the preliminary plat for each phase of development that includes the proposed school site is submitted to the City, the applicant should be required to submit correspondence made to the school district notifying them of the availability of the land. o Pursuant to article 3.9 "Land Donations" within the recorded development agreement, the applicant should be required to continue to work with the Eagle Fire Department as development of SAP No. 1 progresses to select a mutually agreeable fire station location site to be donated to the Eagle Fire Department. As the preliminary plat for the phase of development that includes the proposed fire station location is submitted to the City, the applicant should be required to submit correspondence made to the fire department notifying them of the availability of the land. o Pursuant to Exhibit L, Item #12, the applicant should be required to work with the City of Eagle Library as development of SAP No. 1 progresses in order to either donate a site to the Library for the Library to construct a public library facility within Avimor at a mutually agreed upon location or to construct a library facility within Avimor at a mutually agreed upon location to be leased to the library. As the preliminary plat for the phase of development that includes the proposed library branch location is submitted to the City, the applicant should be required to submit correspondence made to the City/Library notifying them of the availability of the land. • The submitted Sub-Area Plan No. 1 Exhibit, dated September 3, 2024, identifies a parcel of land east of State Highway 55, west of Boise County No. 2 East, that is identified as a "Future Development Area". Currently there are no proposed uses or land use districts shown within that parcel other than "Open Space — OS". The applicant should not be required to develop any portion of that property as anything other than open space unless it is submitted within a subsequent SAP application for review and approval by the Eagle City Council. • If approved by Council,the Avimor development should be considered to have consumed: o 2,106-acres of the total 17,522-acres within the Avimor property (12.0%). 15,416-acres within the property remain for future use within the development. o 2,461 dwelling units of the maximum 8,761 dwelling units allowed within the property (28.1%). 6,300 dwelling units are still eligible for future use within the development. o 1,057-acres provided of the minimum 8,761 acres of open space required for the property (12.1%). A minimum of 7,704 acres of open space are still required for the development. o 660,000 square feet of the maximum 860,000 square feet non-residential use for the property (76.7%). 200,000 square feet remain for future use. • The submitted Sub-Area Plan No. 1 Exhibit, dated September 3, 2024, includes portions of the Avimor development that were already granted preliminary plat approvals from Boise County that were given by the County prior to Avimor's annexation into the City of Eagle and were brought into the City,with their given entitlements, at the time of annexation and are contained as exhibits within the recorded development agreement. These portions of the development (Boise Page 14 of 23 Avimor SAP No I pz£docx County No.1, Howell Station, Howell Vineyards, Boise County No. 2 East, and Boise County No. 2 West.) currently hold County entitlements and are in various stages of development/approval. Development of those parcels should not be permitted to be altered from the approved preliminary and or final plats beyond what would be deemed to be within general conformance without the applicant pursuing the necessary approvals or modifications necessary revise the prior approvals. PUBLIC HEARING OF THE COMMISSION: A. A public hearing on the application was held before the Planning and Zoning Commission on November 4, 2024, at which time testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed. The Commission made their recommendation at that time. B. Oral testimony in favor of the application was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission by no one(not including the applicant/representative). C. Oral testimony in opposition to the application was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission by no one. COMMISSION DELIBERATION: Upon closing the public hearing,the Commission made a motion based upon the information provided by staff and the testimony provided. A summary of the deliberation can be found at the following link (Granicus time: 02:55:05): https://eagle-id.granicus.com/player/clip/1979 COMMISSION DECISION: The Commission voted 5 to 0 to recommend approval of PU-2024-01 for a Sub-Area Plan (SAP) for Avimor with the following staff recommended site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval with strike through text to be deleted by the Commission. SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The applicant shall be required to submit preliminary and final plat applications for each of the development parcels within SAP No. 1 master plan, as approved or conditioned for approval, shall be used to evaluate and establish conditions of approval for any and all preliminary plat submittals within the boundary of SAP No. 1. 2. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of either the Ada County Highway District, the recorded Boise County Road Maintenance Agreement, (dated December 5, 2022),the recorded Gem County Road Maintenance Agreement(Instrument No. 347333, dated October 10, 2023), and/or the Idaho Transportation Department, including but not limited to approval of the drainage system, curbs, gutters, streets and sidewalks,where applicable. 3. The applicant shall submit payment to the City for all outstanding fees (planning, engineering, and legal)incurred for reviewing this SAP application,prior to approval of a preliminary plat for the area contained within SAP No. 1. 4. No grading shall occur on the site until the applicant has received approval from the City in accordance with the Avimor Grading Guidelines and Hillside Development Standards, dated November 21,2022. 5. The applicant shall design the joint trench with fiber optic conduit at the time of preliminary plat submittal as is needed to ensure that all development within Avimor can be serviced with fiberoptic internet service as the service becomes available to the area. Page 15 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx 6. Unless otherwise conditioned by the City Council, the applicant shall comply with the requirements within the PPRC's memo, dated September 13, 2024. All subsequently submitted applications pertaining to pathways and trails within the boundaries of SAP No. 1 shall be reviewed by City Staff for compliance with the approvals recommended by the PPRC and given by the City Council and ultimately evaluated by the City Council. 7. The applicant shall submit a Design Review application prior to the submittal of an associated final plat application consistent with ECC Section 11 B-3 for all signage, landscape, and common areas within the final plat boundary as part of the SAP No. 1 submittal and in accordance with ECC Section 11 B-7-5. 8. No development or permits shall be issued outside of the established boundary of SAP No. 1 (or within any previously approved SAP) unless it is for an essential public facility (i.e. sewer, water, electrical, roads, or BLM access easements). These services shall remain subject to City approvals (i.e. grading, design review, and/or building permits),as applicable. 9. The applicant shall not develop any residential portion of SAP No. 1 in such a way that more than thirty (30) residential dwelling units would be serviced by a singular means of vehicular access, unless otherwise approved by the Eagle Fire Department The applicant shall develop a portion of the proposed street network within SAP No. 1 to sufficiently provide a minimum of two (2) access points in and out of SAP No. 1 as approved by the Eagle Fire Department. 10. Relative to Sub-Area Plan data, if SAP No. 1 is approved by City Council, the Avimor development shall have consumed: • 2,106-acres of the total 17,522-acres within the Avimor property (12.0%). 15,416-acres within the property remain for future use within the development. • 2,461 dwelling units of the maximum 8,761 dwelling units allowed within the property(28.1%). 6,300 dwelling units are still eligible for future use within the development. • 660,000 square feet of the maximum 860,000 square feet non-residential use for the property (76.7%). 200,000 square feet of non-residential area remains for future use. 11. Relative to Sub-Area Plan data, if SAP No. 1 is approved by Council, the Avimor development shall have provided: a. 1,057-acres of the minimum required 8,761 acres of open space for the property (12.1%). A minimum of 7,704 acres of open space are still required to be designated for the development within the remaining 15,416-acres left for future development. 12. The applicant shall continue to work with the school districts with jurisdiction over each potential school site location as development of SAP No. 1 progresses to select mutually agreeable school site locations to be donated to each public school district upon request by the district. At the time of the submittal of the preliminary plat applications to the City for each phase of development that includes the proposed school sites, the applicant shall submit the correspondence issued to the school district notifying them of the availability of the land. 13. The applicant shall continue to work with the Eagle Fire Department as development of SAP No. 1 progresses to select a mutually agreeable fire station location site to be donated to the Eagle Fire Department At the time of the submittal of the preliminary plat application to the City associated with the phase of development that includes the proposed fire station location, the applicant shall submit correspondence made to the fire department notifying them of the availability of the land. Page 16 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx 14. The applicant shall work with the City of Eagle Library to pursue fulfillment of the requirements of Exhibit L, Item #12 of the recorded development agreement. As development within the Boise County No. 1 phase progresses, the applicant shall work with the library to determine if the proposed library site is acceptable and the City and Avimor shall determine the process of establishing a plan to formalize the requirements of the development agreement. 15. The Boise County No.1, (including Howell Station), Howell Vineyards, Boise County No. 2 East, and Boise County No. 2 West development parcels within the SAP No.1 exhibit, dated September 3, 2024, shall remain in general conformance with the previously granted approvals unless the applicant gains the necessary approvals required to modify an already entitled plat. Page 17 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx 16. All land uses and lots shall comply with the following and shall be subject to ECC 11B-2 at the time of preliminary plat approval: ECC 11B-2: Description: Max. Land Use Density: District: Open Space District: Open Space Sub-Use Districts consist of Community Open Space (COS) and Regional Open Space (ROS) districts. Community Open Space and Regional Open Space are allowed within any Land Use District. 1. Community Open Space: Community Open Space is land set aside for recreation, agriculture, habitat, vegetation, scenic, or similar uses and is intended to primarily serve Avimor residents. Community Open Space may include public, semi-public, and private recreational facilities, amphitheaters, Golf Courses, Pathways and Trails, landscape zones in and adjacent to major roadways including areas outside of a dedicated Right-of-Way, greenbelts, cultural, community, educational, and quasi-public facilities, Equestrian Centers, and trailheads, as well as parks, No OS playfields and Natural Open Spaces. Agricultural uses, such Residential as Vineyards, wineries and plant nurseries, are considered Density Community Open Space. Facilities and tracts of land owned by the Owners' Association are also considered Community Open Space. 2. Regional Open Space: Regional Open Space is intended to serve both Avimor residents and the general public and may be adjacent to, or provide connection to, large scale regional open space. Regional Open Space may include many of the amenities provided in Community Open Space as well as active regional parks, and trail corridors. Regional Open Space may be owned and maintained by the City, the Owners' Association, private parties, a land trust, or other conservation group or entity. 1,057-acres of Open Space is proposed within SAP No. 1 Highway Mixed Use: 16 units per HMU Minimum open space is 10%of the site. gross acre Mixed Use: MU 16 units per Minimum open space is 10%of the site. gross acre This table continues onto the next page Page 18 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx ECC Land Use Description: Density: District: Village Commercial: 18 units per VCOM Minimum open space is 10%of the site. gross acre Low Density Multi-Family: MF1 Minimum open space is 10%of the site. 12 units per gross acre 276 MF1 units are proposed within SAP No. 1 Single-Family Detached 1: 6 units per SF1 Single-family detached units.Minimum lot area of 6,500 gross acre square feet. Single-Family Detached 2: 9 units per SF2 Single-family detached units. Minimum lot area of 4,000 gross acre square feet. Single-Family Detached 3: 10 units per SF3 Single-family detached units. Minimum lot area of 3,000 gross acre square feet. Estates Residential: 5 units per ER Single-family detached units.Minimum lot area of 8,500 gross acre square feet. Rural Residential: 1 unit per 2 RR Single-family detached units. Minimum lot area of 1.0-acre. gross acres NOTE: In the event a Standard Condition of Approval conflicts with a Site Specific Condition of Approval contained herein the Site Specific Condition of Approval shall control. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the road district with jurisdiction within each county, including Ada County Highway District and/or the Idaho Transportation Department, for items including, but not limited to, approval of the drainage system, curbs, gutters, streets and sidewalks,where applicable. 2. Correct street names, as approved by the appropriate street name committee, shall be placed on the plat prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 3. Complete water and sewer system construction plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and/or the applicable reviewing agency, as required. Required improvements shall include, but not be limited to, extending all utilities to the platted property. The developer may submit a letter in lieu of plans explaining why plans may not be necessary. Page 19 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx 4. Idaho Department of Health&Welfare approval of the sewer and water facilities is required prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat(I.C. Title 50, Chapter 13 and I.C. 39-118). 5. Written approval of all well water for any shared or commercial well shall be obtained from the Idaho Department of Water Resources prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 6. Wet line sewers will be required and the applicant will be required to furnish the City Engineer with a letter from the sewer entity serving the property, accepting the project for service, prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 7. Per Idaho Code, Section 31-3805, concerning irrigation rights, transfer and disclosure, the water rights appurtenant to the lands in said subdivision which are within the irrigation entity will be transferred from said lands by the owner thereof; or the subdivider shall provide for underground tile or other like satisfactory underground conduit to permit the delivery of water to those landowners within the subdivision who are also within the irrigation entity. See Eagle City Code Section 11B-11D-9, which provides overriding and additional specific criteria for pressurized irrigation facilities. Plans showing the delivery system must be approved by a registered professional engineer and shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 8. The applicant shall submit a letter from the appropriate drainage entity approving the drainage system and/or accepting said drainage; or submit a letter from a registered professional engineer certifying that all drainage shall be retained on-site prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. A copy of the construction drawing(s) shall be submitted with the letter. 9. Drainage system plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. The plans shall show how swales, or drain piping, will be developed in the drainage easements. The approved drainage system shall be constructed, or a performance bond shall be submitted to the City Clerk, prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. The CC&Rs shall contain clauses to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and City Attorney, prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat, requiring that lots be so graded that all runoff runs either over the curb, or to the drainage easement, and that no runoff shall cross any lot line onto another lot except within a drainage easement. 11. No ditch, pipe or other structure, or canal, or drain, for irrigation water or irrigation waste water owned by an organized irrigation district, canal company, ditch association, drainage district, drainage entity, or other irrigation entity, shall be obstructed, routed, covered or changed in any way unless such obstruction, rerouting, covering or changing has first been approved in writing by the entity. A Registered Engineer shall certify that any ditch rerouting, piping, covering or otherwise changing the existing irrigation or waste ditch (1)has been made in such a manner that the flow of water will not be impeded or increased beyond carrying capacity of the downstream ditch; (2)will not otherwise injure any person or persons using or interested in such ditch or their property; and (3) satisfied the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction. A copy of such written approval and certification shall be filed with the construction drawing and submitted to the City Engineer prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 12. Encroachments including,but not limited to, landscaping, fencing, lighting, and/or pathways shall not be located within any easement or right-of-way for any ditch,pipe or other structure, or canal, or drain,used for irrigation water or irrigation waste water without the express written approval of the organized irrigation district,canal company, ditch association,drainage district,drainage entity or other irrigation entity associated with such ditch,pipe or other structure, drainage or canal. The applicant shall submit a copy of the written approval from the irrigation entity, drainage district,or drainage entity prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. Page 20 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx 10. Street light plans shall be submitted and approved as to the location, height and wattage to City Staff at the time of Design Review application submittal. All construction shall comply with the City's specifications and standards. The applicant shall delineate on the face of the final plat an easement, acceptable to the City Engineer, for the purpose of installing and maintaining street light fixtures, conduit and wiring lying outside any dedicated public right-of-way, prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. Whether located inside or outside of the public right-of-way the perpetual maintenance of the street lights shall be the responsibility of the applicant, subdivider, business owner, homeowner, or homeowner's/business owner's association,whichever the case may be. The applicant shall pay applicable street light inspection fees on the proposed subdivision prior to signing of the final plat by the Eagle City Engineer. 14. The applicant shall submit cut sheets showing street lighting details for review and approval by the Zoning Administrator prior to the submittal of the final plat. The plans shall show how the streetlights will facilitate the"Dark Sky"concept of lighting. 15. The applicant shall provide utility easements as required by the public utility providing service, including fiberoptic intemet conduit, and as may be required by the Eagle City Code,prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 16. An approval letter from the Fire District who has jurisdiction over the platted area shall be submitted to the City prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. The letter shall include the following comments and minimum requirements, and any other items of concern as may be determined by the applicable fire department officials: a. The applicant has made arrangements to comply with all requirements of the Fire District who has jurisdiction over the platted area. b. The proposed fire hydrant locations shall be reviewed and be approved in writing by the Fire District who has jurisdiction over the platted area prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. c. Minimum flow per hydrant shall be 1,000 gallons per minute for one and two family dwellings, 1,500 gallons per minute for dwellings having a fire area in excess of 3,600 square feet, and 1,500 gallons per minute (i.e.; Commercial, Industrial, Schools, etc.),unless otherwise waived by the Fire District. Flow rates shall be inspected in accordance with all agencies having jurisdiction, and shall be verified in writing by the Fire District who has jurisdiction over the platted area prior to issuance of any building permits. d. The proposed fire protection system shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire District who has jurisdiction over the platted area prior to issuance of a building permit. 17. Community Covenants, or other similar deed restrictions, shall be submitted to and accepted by the Eagle City Attorney prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 18. Should the homeowner's association be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the storm drainage facilities, the covenants and restrictions, homeowner's association by-laws or other similar deed restrictions acceptable to the Eagle City Attorney shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle City Attorney prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 19. The applicant shall submit an application for Design Review, and shall obtain approval for all required landscaping, common area and subdivision signage prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. Page 21 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx 20. Any recreation area, greenbelt area or pathway area along the Boise River, Dry Creek or any other area designated by the City Council or Eagle City Parks and Pathways Development Commission for a path or walkway shall be approved in writing by the Eagle City Parks and Pathway Development Commission prior to approval of the final plat by the City Council. 21. Conservation,recreation and river access easements (if applicable) shall be approved by staff and the City Engineer and shall be shown on the final plat prior to approval of the final plat by the City Council. 22. The applicant shall place a note on the face of the plat which states: "Minimum building setback lines shall be in accordance with the applicable zoning and subdivision regulations at the time of issuance of the building permit or as specifically approved and/or required". 23. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of the Eagle City Code, pertaining to floodplain and river protection regulations(if applicable)prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 24. The applicant shall obtain written approval of the development relative to the effects on the floodplain (if applicable) from the Corps of Engineers prior to approval of the final plat by the City Engineer. 26. The applicant shall obtain approval of the development relative to its effects on wetlands or other natural waterways(if applicable)from the Corps of Engineers and the Idaho Department of Water Resources and/or any other agency having jurisdiction prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. 27. Basements in homes in the floodplain are prohibited. 28. The Americans with Disabilities Act, Uniform Building Code, Eagle City Code, Eagle Comprehensive Plan, and all applicable County, State and Federal Codes and Regulations shall be complied with. All design and construction shall be in accordance with all applicable City of Eagle Codes unless specifically approved by the Commission and/or Council. 29. Any changes to the plans and specifications upon which this approval is based, other than those required by the above conditions, will require submittal of an application for modification and approval of that application prior to commencing any change. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest submits application to the City of Eagle for a change to the planned use of the subject property. 30. No public board, agency, commission, official or other authority shall proceed with the construction of or authorize the construction of any of the public improvements required by the Eagle City Code Title 11B "Land Subdivisions" until the final plat has received the approval of the City Council(ECC 11B-11B-4(C). 32. Prior to submitting the final plat for recording, the following must provide endorsements or certifications: Owners or dedicators, Registered Land Surveyor, County Engineer, Central District Health Department, Ada County Treasurer, Ada County Highway District Commissioners, City Engineer,and City Clerk. 34. The applicant shall take care to locate and protect from damage existing utilities, pipelines and similar structures. Documentation indicating that "Digline" has performed an inspection of the site shall be submitted prior to the issuance of any building permits for the site. 36. The applicant shall install at the entrance to the subdivision a 4' x 4' plywood or other hard surface sign(mounted on two 4"x 4"posts with the bottom of the sign being a minimum of 3-feet above the ground) noticing the contractors to clean up daily, no loud music, and no dogs off leash. Page 22 of 23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx 37. Owner shall provide a "Heavy Truck Traffic Plan" to be followed by any vehicle or equipment over 8000 GVWR. The plan shall show all designated routes and hours of operation. The heavy truck traffic routes shall maximize use of highways and major arterials while minimizing use of smaller residential streets. The plan will also cite that compression braking is prohibited everywhere in Ada County. Owner is responsible for communicating the approved plan to all sub-contractors and for monitoring compliance. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The Commission reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed Sub-Area Plan (SAP) No. 1 (SAP-2024-01) and based upon the information provided concludes that the proposed SAP application is in accordance with the City of Eagle Title 11B (Planned Developments)because: 1. The proposed Sub-Area Plan (SAP) remains in general compliance with the approved Master Land Use Map as the proposed sub-districts within the SAP correspond with the land use districts established in the Master Land Use Map; 2. The proposed Sub-Area Plan (SAP) is in general compliance with the Development Plans to preserve significant natural features and slopes over twenty-five percent, to the greatest extent possible, recognizing that development of slopes over twenty-five percent is permitted where significant natural features are preserved and visual disruption is minimized. 3. The proposed Sub-Area Plan (SAP) is in general compliance with the Comprehensive Plan's transect model of development that encourages more intense development clustered along roadways and flatter areas because the proposed Sub-Area Plan demonstrates increased densities (Highway Mixed Use and Village Commercial) and clustering adjacent to State Highway 55 with less intensive residential uses being proposed as development is proposed away from the highway. 4. The proposed Sub-Area Plan (SAP) is in general compliance with the Avimor Development Agreement as no proposals to deviate from the language or exhibits within the development agreement are proposed within this application. DATED this 18th day of November 2024. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, Idaho C7„.e..• 1_,e)7.7( Trent Wright, Chairman ,,,,,,,,,uhl,,,,,, 1- EACL ,, ZEST: ` �.0101 •. O ,o • a' •U • i racy E. o ,Eagle City Clerk ; SV,P 'k:O •••.nztmroR�';. sTA WOt3 01'23 Avimor SAP No 1 pzfdocx