Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 09/30/2024 - Town Hall EAGLE CITY COUNCIL TOWN HALL MEETING MINUTES September 30,2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: GINDLESPERGER,KVAMME,MAY,RUSSELL. Absent: Gindlesperger.A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pike leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. TOWN HALL MEETING: The City of Eagle is pleased to invite all Eagle residents to attend the Town Hall meeting. The identified topics for discussion are: A. Rules of Civility and Decorum Pamphlet Mayor Pike reviews the Civility and Decorum. B. Downtown Construction Update Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak,each speaker should limit their comments to three(3) minutes. If time permits the Mayor,or City Council,may invite rebuttals or engage in additional discussions with the attendees. Respectful dialogues are the catalyst to great achievements,therefore as we come together to discuss the community we love,those in attendance are encouraged to conduct themselves in a civil manner. Please Note: Due to Idaho Statutes public hearing regulations associated with land use applications,discussion/testimony of any pending application before the City must be reserved for the date of the officially scheduled public hearing noticed for City Council or the Planning and Zoning Commission. Cody Holman, Construction Project Manager with ACHD provides an update on the downtown project. Erin Johansen,Community Relations Manager with ACHD thanks the Council for their support and provides information on the project and business efforts that have occurred. Janet Buschart,235 West Floating Feather Road,Eagle,Idaho. Questions why it has taken so long for the power poles on Eagle Road to be removed. Holman states that the delay is due to the materials being unavailable. The poles should be replaced the week of October 21 sc Johansen provides a statement from an ACHD traffic engineer regarding Beacon Light and J- Brakes. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\M INUTES\CC-09-30-24min.docx C. Update on the Regional Sports Park,Heritage Park and Shooting Sports Park. Nichoel Baird Spencer,Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects,provides an update on the Regional Sports Park,Heritage Park and the Shooting Sports Park. Dwayne McCartney,689 West Common Court,Eagle,Idaho.How far North is the Sports Complex from Beacon Light? Baird-Spencer states that it is about 1.5 miles. Lori Reddick, 536 Mango Drive,Eagle Idaho. Will there be pickleball courts? Baird-Spencer states that there will be four courts in a future phase. Meredith Hawkins, 1059 North Beachwood Court,Eagle,Idaho. How much have we spent on the Sports Complex to date? Dwayne McCartney,what has been the total amount of donations for the project? Baird-Spencer provides the project details that were given but not an amount. Mayor Pike states that the City will be conducting a donation campaign for the sports complex. Rick Mather, 1552 North Lopez,Eagle,Idaho. Suggests having an indoor facility of pickleballs. Judy Dahl, 735 Echohawk Way,Eagle,Idaho. Dahl states there is a lack of noise wall along HWY 55 adjacent to her subdivision. Valerie Ruxton,4552 West Prior Drive,Eagle,Idaho. Speaks about the Public Comment and has concerns about the public input is not being taken into consideration. The Council should not shut down Public Comment. Ed Thomas, 300 South Cobblestone Way,Eagle, Idaho.He is disappointed about the public comment being removed.Urges Council to bring it back. Lori Reddick, 536 Mango Drive,Eagle,Idaho. Speaks on behalf of the Rules of Civility. Does the Civility Code apply to the representatives outside of meetings? Marsha Thomas, 300 South Cobblestone Way,Eagle,Idaho. She thanks the Council and Mayor for their service. She thanks the City on taking care of the Rib Shack truck. She is in favor of the Resolution of the Non-sanctuary City. Megan Housien,242 North Flower Place,Eagle,Idaho. Housien is the owner of Sweet Tea Living,Idaho Soap and Scoops. She requests having the City sponsored events be held back at Heritage Park and requests the Council reconsider that. She also has concerns about accessible parking to the downtown patrons. Bob Vanarnem, 3049 South White Post Way,Eagle,Idaho.Vanarnem hopes the Public Comment come back. Reiterates that Hardin made a statement on page 10 stating that residents may set out up 10 bags/bundles at no additional cost.Also made the claim that pricing proposes will be a cost saving over the initial 7-year contract. Can the City do an audit? Nancy Malono, 704 North Nicholas Lane,Eagle,Idaho. She requests Council to bring back Public Comment. Page 2 K:\CO U N CI l\MINUTES\CC-09-30-24 m i n.d ocx Mark McAllister, 755 North Palmetto Drive,Eagle,Idaho. Requests bringing back the Downtown Advisory Committee. Its an opportunity for community members to discuss ideas. Jenni Downing,426 East Rockingham Drive,Eagle,Idaho. She is the owner of Chambre Boutique and has also been affected by the construction. She supports bringing back the Economic Development Specialist. She would like the events to move back down to Heritage Park as well. Brian Almon, 864 North Player Avenue,Eagle,Idaho.It can be difficult to bridge the gap of a growing City yet keeping it a small-town feel. He discusses that the Library needs to be expanded and continue the conversation to make it a reality. Mayor Pike provides clarification regarding the public comment. Council Russell also enjoys having the City events at Heritage Park and agrees with bringing it back as soon as possible. Council May likes the idea of bringing back the Downtown Advisory Committee it does reap some good benefits. Kvamme thanks the members in the room for attending and providing input. Lori Reddick had concerns with the forum tonight there was no dialogue with the Council. 5. ADJOURNMENT May moves to adjourn. Seconded by Kvamme.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Councilpz eat im was adjourned. •�.•`''S•( OF A. 4,,. Re,i ectfully submitted: �•` �C•••1 PoR9V�,\+O� I " • gm.", t HO 11 N. CSENCSITS, idC1V *tf,,SEA •' DE' TY CITY CLERK L'Ncti ' • APPROVED: •••••• OFIDP •`• PIKE, MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\M INUTES\CC-09-30-24min.docx