Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 08/13/2024 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES August 13, 2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER,MAY,RUSSELL,KVAMME.A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pike leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: NONE 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council: May attended the ITD workshop on State HWY 16,reviews the ACHD road closers and expresses that the downtown businesses are still open.Public comment is open for the ACHD five-year work plan and the public hearing for budget is on August 28 at 6:00 p.m. This past Saturday Kvamme and May attended the ribbon cutting for Novus Academy in Avimor. Russell attended the Conservation Advisory Committee meeting;they continue to discuss proposed projects with funds accumulating.The Committee will continue to work with ITD for animal crossing signs and request a few apps to be added to the website which are obnoxious weed identification and a fish and game app, they will continue to look at Charlie Wood Park for a project and wetland banking projects. Kvamme attended the Eagle Sewer District monthly meeting and the FY25 budget was approved. 2025 projects are obtaining a water reuse permit and have budgeted for 450 new hook ups for 2025. Kvamme states that the president of Novus gave a wonderful speech and was impressed by his comments. The URA interview committee is interviewing for candidates and a nomination will come the week after. Kvamme makes a statement regarding the modification application of East Marketplace that was voted on at the last Council meeting.He wants to take up the offer and engage with the developer regarding the architecture. He is hopeful that staff and the developer can work together. Mayor states that there will be a podcast for every Eagle taxing district. He toured the Eagle Sewer complex. The Saturday Market is still in place and runs from 10 am to 2 pm and encourages folks to shop downtown. Phase one of City Hall remodel which entails new furniture and the Clerk's remodel will be coming forward. The Boise Baroque's concert series started last weekend and will continue through September. B. Department Supervisor: NONE C. Eagle Police Department: Chief Ruby with Eagle Police discusses school safety and introduces the newest School Resource Officer in Eagle, Detective Liam Thai. PD recently assisted in a probation check and recovered stolen illegal fireworks. Several trailers that were stolen were recovered in Gem County. The Western Idaho Fair will start on the 16th and there will be increased traffic during that time.National Night Out was on August 6th and EPD attended 10 neighborhood parties. They try to put information out in real time on social media so members of the public should follow the platforms. D. City Attorney: NONE 5. CONSENT AGENDA: ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS. Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council.Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-24agmin.docx Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of July 9,2024.(TEO) C. Minutes of July 10,2024.(TEO) D. Minutes of July 25,2024.(TEO) E. Minutes of July 30,2024.(TEO) F. Appointment to the Eagle Design Review Board: In accordance with Resolution 23-17, Mayor Pike is requesting Council Confirmation of the appointment of Toby Norton to the Design Review Board.Mr.Norton will be fulfilling a vacated term that will expire in April 2025. (BKP) G. Commercial Pest Control Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Orkin: Commercial Pest Control Services Agreement between the City of Eagle and Orkin to provide pest control services on City of Eagle properties. (ELZ) H. Memorial Bench for DeBest Plumbing.Request for Council approval for a memorial bench to be located north of the playground at Guerber Park. (ELZ) I. FPUD-2024-02/FP-2024-04—Final Planned Unit Development and Final Plat for Route 44 Crossing Subdivision—Ken Firmage,represented by Nicolette Womack with Kimley-Horn: Ken Firmage,represented by Nicolette Womack with Kimley-Horn, is requesting final planned unit development and final plat approvals for Route 44 Crossing Subdivision,a 71-lot(41-single family [inclusive of 9-live/work lots], 10- commercial [inclusive of 2 storage unit lots],20-common)residential/commercial planned unit development. The 15.68-acre site is located at the northeast corner of State Highway 44 and North Linder Road at 410 North Linder Road and 4400 West State Street.(HSD) J. Development Agreement for RZ-13-18 MOD/RZ-10-23—Rezone Modification for Terra View South Subdivision—Becky Yzaguirre: Council authorization for Mayor to execute the development agreement associated with Terra View South Subdivision. The approximately 170.4-acre site is located on the northeast corner of West Floating Feather Road and State Highway 16 between West Floating Feather Road and West Beacon Light Road. (WEV) K. Development Agreement for RZ-12-18 MOD—Rezone Modification for Bruneel Subdivision—Steve Bruneel: Council authorization for Mayor to execute the development agreement associated with Bruneel Subdivision. The 39-acre site is located on the northeast corner of West Homer Road and North Gooder John Lane at 4952 North Gooder John Lane. (Lots 1,2, 3,4, 5,and 6,Block 1, and Lot 1,Block 2,Bruneel Subdivision). (WEV) L. Development Agreement for RZ-01-23—Rezone for Capella Estates Subdivision— Laren Bailey: Council authorization for Mayor to execute the development agreement associated with Capella Estates Subdivision. The 54.24-acre site is located on the north side of West State Street across from the intersection of North Riverview Street and West State Street. (DLM) M. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of CU-11-21 MOD/PPUD- 08-21 MOD —Conditional Use Modification and Preliminary Planned Unit Development Modification for Soaring Feather Subdivision—Little Feather Eagle,LLC: Little Feather Eagle,LLC, is requesting a conditional use modification and preliminary planned unit development modification to permit a reduced rear yard setback within Soaring Eagle Subdivision. The request is to reduce the rear yard setback from 30-feet to 20-feet. The 17-acre site is located approximately 2,000 feet south of Beacon Light Road between Linder Road and Park Lane at 4807 West Little Feather Lane. (WEV) Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-24agmin.docx N. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A-06-23/RZ-12-23/CU- 12-23/PPUD-04-23/PP-08-23—Annexation,Rezone,Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Planned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat for Wildernest River Subdivision—Toby and Linda Williamson: Toby and Linda Williamson,represented by Stephanie Hopkins with KM Engineering,LLP,are requesting an annexation,rezone from RP(Rural Preservation—Ada County designation)to R-2-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement—PUD)conditional use permit, preliminary planned unit development, and preliminary plat approvals for Wildernest River Subdivision, a 119-lot (108-buildable, 11-common)planned unit development. The 88-acre site is located at the terminus of South Isla Del Rio Way, South Lago Way, and South Riparian Way at 850 and 856 East Williamson Lane. (DLM) This item was continued from the July 23, 2024, City Council meeting. O. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of CUP-2024-03— Conditional Use Permit for Freedom Academy—Ashley Meyer,Freedom Academy, LLC: Ashley Meyer with Freedom Academy is requesting conditional use permit approval to operate a private school and playground. The 1.61-acre site is located on the south side of East Winding Creek Drive approximately 68-feet west of Academy Avenue at 1173 and 1275 East Winding Creek Drive. (HSD) P. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Development Agreement for the Approval of RZ-11-15 MOD—Development Agreement Rezone Modification for East End Marketplace—TPC Commercial,LLC: TPC Commercial,LLC,represented by Zach Turner with Rennison Design, is requesting a development agreement rezone modification(development agreement in lieu of a conditional use permit)to modify the conditions of development and concept plan contained within the executed development agreement. The 15.55-acre site is generally located on the east side of South Edgewood Lane between East State Street and State Highway 44.(WEV) Q. Eagle Shooting Sports Park Willow Creek Road Right-of-Way Survey: Scope of Work with HECO Engineers for the completion of the right-of-way survey to prepare documents for the dedication of right-of-way along North Willow Creek Road in an amount not to exceed$17,385.00. (NBS) R. Public Access Easement Agreement with GWC: Approval of a Public Access Easement Agreement between the City of Eagle and GWC to grant non-motorized public access to the BLM property through the Eagle Regional Park. (NBS) S. Easement Agreement associated with Planning Unit Master Plan No. 1 of the Valnova Development-GWC Capital,LLC: Staff is requesting approval of an easement agreement between GWC Capital,LLC, Spring Valley Community Infrastructure District No. 1, and the City of Eagle associated with the Planning Unit Master Plan No. 1 of the Valnova(formerly known as the Spring Valley)Development. The easement agreement is for the installation,maintenance,repair,replacement,use, and operation of an underground water line or water lines associated with the City of Eagle Municipal Water System. (DLM) Planning and Zoning Administrator Bill Vaughan requests item 5J be pulled. Russell moves to approve Consent Agenda Items A-S excluding J. Seconded by Gindlesperger.Gindlesperger AYE; KVAMME AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Vaughan requests item 5J be continued to the August 27 City Council meeting. Gindlesperger moves to continue item 5J to the August 27, 2024, City Council meeting. Seconded by May.Gindlesperger AYE;KVAMME AYE;MAY AYE;RUSSELL AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-24agmin.docx Mayor calls a break at 5:54 p.m. since Public Hearings cannot begin before 6:00 p.m. The meeting reconvenes at 6:00 p.m. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NONE 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS:ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS. Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. Public hearing testimony time limits: Individuals testifying are allotted three (3) minutes for non-repetitive testimony Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. Fiscal Year 2024 -2025 Budget Hearin!: An Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2025 commencing on October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025, appropriating sums of money to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of the City of Eagle for said Fiscal Year.(KR) A.1 ACTION ITEM: Ordinance No.941-Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2024-2025: An Ordinance entitled the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the City of Eagle, Idaho, for the Fiscal Year 2025 commencing October 1, 2024, and ending September 30,2025. (KR) City Treasurer, Kellie Rekow, provides an overview of the proposed Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget. Mayor Pike opens the public hearing. Brian Almon, 864 North Player Avenue,Eagle, Idaho. Almon states that it is refreshing to see the Mayor and Council not wanting to raise taxes. He is on the Library Board and the Library is busy and plants the seed that the building will need an expansion. He urges the Council to look ahead on an expansion to keep up with the growth. Jill Trimble, 5750 West Dalcross Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Trimble appreciates that Council is not raising taxes and appreciates their hard work. Tom Logic,2852 South Lake Vista Lane,Eagle,Idaho. They live adjacent to Pamela Baker Park. He wants to ensure work gets done and be a priority. He is concerned that it was taken out of the budget. Dwight McCartey,689 West Cowman Court,Eagle,Idaho. Would like to know if additional police officers will be budgeted for. Council has provided funding for two Sergeants and a STEP member. Kelly, a Caldwell resident is concerned that the Council will get rid of the Rider On Demand. Council Russell explains that the Rider on Demand program was for Eagle Residents and adds that the service will not be funded for next budget year. Mayor Pike closes the public testimony. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-24agmin.docx City Treasurer provides explanations to the public testimony that was given tonight. Long Range Planner,Nichole Barid Spencer states that the pump has been purchased for Pamela Baker Park and it is budgeted to be installed next year. City Treasurer explains the taxable value in Eagle. Discussion regarding tax levy rates. Council Russell states by not taking the 3% we are risking funding things using one-time fees because we do not have a significant property tax income to our City.Yet the City is increasing the police budget by $700,000 instead we are reallocating funds from a Capital Maintenance Project. How do you continue to do that year after year when you are not having enough funding to cover the basics. If we do take the 3% it would not resolve in a property tax increase this year. Treasurer Rekow,states that per Google,the median home price in Eagle is$828,000.For the City tax bill only, it would be $392.23 if the City took a 1%increase. General Discussion. Council May states that when you do the budget,we have a lot of wish list items in there and a lot of needs.Next year the City should start with a flat budget of what we absolutely need.The Council was very generous this year. This is not a position that they should be in. The Council needs to have the revenue assumptions in the begging and start with brass tax. What do we need and then we build. We need to manage expectations within our own resource. This is not free money. Rekow states that the firm number for property taxes are received last minute and they comply with state code dates. Council May states that next year, there needs to be more discussion time and more information between Council members before the deadline. Council Russell recommends taking the small amount of a little less 1%. Russell moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#941 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. MOTION CARRIES. Russell moves that Ordinance #941 be adopted. An Ordinance entitled the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the City of Eagle,Idaho,for the Fiscal Year 2025 commencing October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025, appropriating the sum of money in the aggregate amount of$62,200,638 to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of the City of Eagle for said fiscal year;specifying the objects and purposes for which said appropriation is made;authorizing a Levy of sufficient tax upon the taxable property in the City;providing for repeal of conflicting Ordinances; providing for the filing of a copy of this Ordinance with the County Commissioners and the Office of the Idaho Secretary of State; providing for publication and providing an effective date. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion. Gindlesperger states that law enforcement is always top priority. However, from a business perspective we are taking on a budget that may put us in a deficit. This is an ongoing expense that Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-24agmin.docx needs to be continued to be funded for. We have nothing to base our data on for the actual level of service. The City needs to stay in our means and be fiscally responsible. Kvamme wants clarification that nothing is being eliminated from the proposed budget that was discussed at the last meeting.He is not adverse on taking back on the capital projects budgets and operation budget. He is for the 2 sergeants and STEP. He has concerns that if we don't get the officers now there won't be any available when we need them next year. May agrees with Council Kvamme. Discussion regarding reallocating funds within the budget, capital plan and the police contract. GINDLESPERGER NAY; KVAMME NAY; MAY NAY; RUSSELL NAY. MOTION FAILS. Mayor asks the City Attorney if a motion can proceed with the same ordinance number but with a different amount. City Attorney states that number for the public hearing that was published was$62,165,746. So, if any of the numbers are below that then that is acceptable.The numbers that were discussed tonight are not over the published amount. Kvamme makes a motion to approve Ordinance#941 with a zero taxing that includes option 1 of the law enforcement contract in the amount of$61,907,622 with the condition of a zero-tax increase and other conditions. Seconded by May. City Attorney suggests the motion be restated to include the full description on Ordinance#941. Kvamme moves to approve Public Hearing 8B action item Ordinance No. 941 - Appropriation Ordinance. An Ordinance entitled the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the City of Eagle,Idaho, for the Fiscal Year 2025 commencing October 1,2024, and ending September 30, 2025, in an amount of $61,907,622 to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of the City of Eagle for said fiscal year; specifying the objects and purposes for which said appropriation is made; authorizing a Levy of sufficient tax upon the taxable property in the City; providing for repeal of conflicting Ordinances; providing for the filing of a copy of this Ordinance with the County Commissioners and the Office of the Idaho Secretary of State; providing for publication and providing an effective date. Seconded by May.GINDLESPERGER NAY;KVAMME AYE;MAY AYE;RUSSELL NAY;PIKE AYE. Mayor breaks the tie vote.MOTION CARRIES. Mayor calls a 5-minute break at 7:27 PM B. Public Hearing,Resolution 24-10,to Reserve a Forgone Amount for Fiscal Year 2025.(KR) B.1 ACTION ITEM: Resolution 24-10: A Resolution to reserve a forgone amount for fiscal year 2025 for potential use in subsequent years as described in Idaho Code 63-802. (KR) City Treasurer states that since the City is not taking the full amount of property taxes,they can take the difference of$148,640 and reserve. Mayor Pike opens the Public Hearing. No one chooses to speak. Mayor Pike closes the public hearing. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-24agmin.docx Russell makes a motion to approve Public Hearing,Resolution 24-10,to Reserve a Forgone Amount for Fiscal Year 2025,in the amount of$148,640. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; KVAMME AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. ZOA-2024-01 -Zoning Ordinance Amendment-Title 11A Spring Valley Development Code-City of Eagle and GWC Development,LLC: An ordinance to the City of Eagle,Ada County Idaho, amending Title 11A, Chapter 1, Section 5, "Definitions"; Chapter 2, Section 3,"Land Use Standards", Chapter 2, Section 4, Table 2.5, "Open Space District Development Standards"; Chapter 3 Section 6, Subsection B,Item 6, "Fences","Chapter 4, Section 4,Item E,"Supplemental General Provisions"; Chapter 4, Section 4,"Specific Land Use Standards"; Chapter 7, Section 1, Subsection 1,"Purpose,Goals,And Objectives"; Chapter 8, Section 13, "Notice Requirements"; Chapter 13,Article A, Section 6,"Rules And Definitions"; Chapter 13,Article B, Section 4,Item E, "Approval Time"; Chapter 13,Article C, Section 2, Subsection 1,Item C, "Stub Streets"; Chapter 13,Article D, Section 2, Subsection 2,"Guarantee Of Improvements";Providing A Severability Clause;And Providing An Effective Date. (DLM) Planner III,Daniel Miller provides an overview of ZOA-2024-01 -Zoning Ordinance Amendment -Title 11A Spring Valley Development Code-City of Eagle and GWC Development,LLC. Nick Weaver,Eagle,Idaho, is the applicant and agrees with everything staff has stated. Mayor Pike opens the Public Hearing. Eric Schirmer, 4430 North Darble South Lane, Eagle, Idaho. Since 2004 they have been bothered by the development. A wastewater treatment plant within close proximity of a resident is unnecessary. Actions of others are affecting people's quality of life in that area of the project. Mayor Pike closes the public testimony. Gindlesperger moves pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that the Ordinance be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Gindlesperger. City Attorney states that this is a ZOA application. The Ordinance will be brought before Council at the next meeting for approval. Gindlesperger moves to approve item 8C ZOA-2024-01 -Zoning Ordinance Amendment- Title 11A Spring Valley Development Code - City of Eagle and GWC Development, LLC. Seconded by May.GINDLESPERGER AYE;MAY AYE;RUSSELL AYE;KVAMME AYE. MOTION CARRIES. 9. NEW BUSINESS: NONE 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION:74-206(1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two- thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: Gindlesperger moves pursuant to I.C. 74-206(1)that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-24agmin.docx Session for the purpose of(c)Purchase of property and (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; RUSSELL AYE; MAY AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session. Discussion of pending/threatened litigation. Council exits executive session. A. ACTION ITEM: Action regarding the acquisition of property. Russell moves to direct staff to begin the process to acquire property based on the submitted appraisal. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; KVAMME AYE; RUSSELL AYE; MAY AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM: Action Regarding Pending/Threatened Litigation. No motion made on pending/threatened litigation. 11. ADJOURNMENT: Russell moves to adjourn. Seconded by May.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. pectful submitted: ? C1TY OA / C ••.• C./ C,0RPo,E,..%in Y/HOLL . CSENCSITS, idC5I i s, %.` 9m :n' DEPUTY CITY CLERK i tat.9p APPROVED: ,,'' tc,., op,;;,,•,, ''., A IDAVIV B D PIKE, MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-13-24agmin.dock • �� of _IP, EAGLE CITY COUNCIL _„ iiiiir • !� Augst 13, 2024 '' PUBLIC HEARING: #8C * SUBJECT: ZOA-2024-01 —Zoning Ordinance Amendment—Title 11A Spring .4 \O Valley Development Code—City of Eagle and GWC Development, LLC '4i- 19, NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY NEUTRON NEUTRAL 1- r C c S r ble _s i NO` Jp l ---(6/ (z, MI NO 1:11 NO 11:1 NO 1:11 NO I:I NO 1:11 NO 111 NO 111 NO 1:1 NO 1/1 NO YES NO 1:1 NO 1:1 NO �o� TXrr. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL ��VV �'���,� Augst 13, 2024 a Grj + C PUBLIC HEARING: #8C ik * SUBJECT: ZOA-2024-01 —Zoning Ordinance Amendment—Title 11A Spring IL � �� Valley Development Code—City of Eagle and GWC Development, LLC 'L E, tom,. NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY NEUTRAL NEUTRAL MI NO MI NO 1:1 NO 1/3 NO Eil NO 1:1 NO MI NO El NO el NO 111 NO MI NO IIII NO 1:1 NO 1/11 NO . �, , : o Tt: EAGLE CITY COUNCIL rr �',� Augst 13, 2024 O H � * 111P * SUBJECT: Public HearingPUBLIC, ResolutionHEARING:24-10, to#8B Reserve a Forgone Amount m for Fiscal Year 2025 LE, 19 ` NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/CON NEUTRAL 11:1 NO MI NO MI NO 1:1 NO 11:11 NO 1:1 NO 11:1 NO 1/11 NO 1:1 NO YES NO 1:1 NO MI NO MI NO gil NO M OF Tir. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL 40/ r 44'( lipAugst 13, 2024 il i le "-- JZ `' PUBLIC HEARING: #8B * * SUBJECT: Public Hearing, Resolution 24-10, to Reserve a Forgone Amount '1,E, ISY'. for Fiscal Year 2025 NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/CON NEUTRAL 1:1 E pm NO HNO 111 NO 1:1 NO 101 NO 111 II 111 NO IIII El ri-d li II NO 1:1 NO 1:11 NO 1 HH E , , ofTkr, EAGLE CITY COUNCIL lly , _. . ,;z.,, .?-, Augst 13, 2024 i 0 Lim PUBLIC HEARING: #8A * * SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Hearing C1E 1p'' NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRo/coN NEUTRAL � / NO , 1 --1-, 0/) iii g6,9 N Phi yel 41/ SrloN NO I �) 1 0 ...°T-V S" \ SIA V 0 ' El NO 1 /\ I \Nic n NO tW Y St N/Iwf.iii N NO m Ft II NO I:I NO 1/1 NO MI NO 111 NO El NO III El I:1 ill NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/CON NEUTRAL et of Tarr. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL v-,,,,-All \'; r, ,y Augst 13, 2024 Zkm� C PUBLIC HEARING: #8A * * SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Hearing O LE, ItP ® NO 1:1 NO 1:1 NO 111 NO IM NO YES II M NO 1:1 NO ® NO ® NO 111 NO 111 NO al NO 1111 NO 41 Pr Tracy Osborn From: Tracy Osborn on behalf of Clerks Sent: Monday, August 12, 2024 3:53 PM To: Paul Werner; Clerks Subject: RE: Eagle FY 2021-2022 Budget Written Comments Thank you for your email correspondence. Pursuant to Idaho law, the City Council and Mayor are prohibited from responding to communications on public hearing items. Eagle City Code requires that written testimony be received five (5)working days prior to the public hearing in order to be included in the record for the hearing. Your e-mail was not received in time to include in the Council packet, which may result in your e-mail not being included in the record. You are encouraged to attend the Council meeting to ensure your testimony is considered for this matter. Please visit the City of Eagle's website at www.cityofeagle.osg for meeting date information or call Eagle City Hall at 208-939-0227. Tracy Osborn, CMC I ! ■i 111 City Clerk/Deputy Treasurer 1 , •�fl Cityof Eagle ���- g e 660 E. Civic Ln., Eagle, ID 83616 d: 208-489-8781 208-939-6827 tosbornna,cityofeagle.orq www.cityofeaqle.org THE CITY OF Discover Ea le on social media: EAGLE inx o From: Paul Werner<pfmwerner.bus@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2024 1:59 PM To: Clerks<Clerks@cityofeagle.org> Subject: Eagle FY 2021-2022 Budget Written Comments Comments regarding Eagle City Budget. - Please increasing the funding for expanding and maintaining the Eagle city trails along the greenbelt. Eagle and Boise have the luxury of having the Boise River in their back yard,whereas Meridian and other areas do not have this luxury! Please capitalize on this great asset that people love to utilize! It is a "crown jewel"with so much more potential for Eagle city! - Please work with and help fund the Eagle Island State Park trail connection from Eagle to Eagle Island State Park. Building the trail would be much much better along the river rather than along the freeway like highway 44 that is .... hot, noisy, and does not provide the beauty and nature deficit relief like along the river! - Please provide some funding for at least some shade trees on the development of Baker Park on E Colechester Dr. Get some trees planted for needed shade relief for this potentially fully developed great park near the Boise river and ponds. 1 Parks, trails, and open space are key elements that people love ...and they will provide the impetus for people to move and live in Eagle! Thanks, Paul Werner 776 E Ashbourn Ln Eagle, ID 83616 2 Tracy Osborn From: Tracy Osborn Sent: Monday, August 12, 2024 8:59 AM To: Candice Hopkins; Elected Officials Subject: RE: Library Budget: please support I apologize, I grabbed the wrong text. Eagle City Code 1-8-3 (c)(1) establishes the timeline for written testimony. It applies not only to land use items, but to any public hearing item. Thank you— Tracy Osborn, CMC li%P1il City Clerk/Deputy Treasurer t hm rop City of Eagle 660 E. Civic Ln., Eagle, ID 83616 208-489-8781 208-939-6827 tosborn(a cityofeagle.orq www.cityofeagle.orq EAGLE Discover Ea le on social media: r x omi From:Tracy Osborn Sent: Monday, August 12, 2024 8:33 AM To: Candice Hopkins<candice.adkins@gmail.com>; Elected Officials<electedofficials@cityofeagle.org> Subject: RE: Library Budget: please support Thank you for your email correspondence. Pursuant to Idaho law, the City Council and Mayor are prohibited from responding to communications regarding an upcoming public hearing. Eagle City Code requires that written testimony be received five (5)working days prior to the public hearing in order to be included in the record for the hearing. Your e-mail was not received in time to include in the Council packet, which may result in your e-mail not being included in the record. You are encouraged to attend the Council meeting to ensure your testimony is considered for this matter. Please visit the City of Eagle's website at www.cityoteagle.org for meeting date information or call Eagle City Hall at 208-939-0227. - - Tracy Osborn, CMC IMIIIII1411111.51 City Clerk/Deputy Treasurer City of Eagle 660 E. Civic Ln., Eagle, ID 83616 ` � ~ ,�� 208-489-8781 208-939-6827 tosborn@cityofeagle.org www.cityofeagle.orq '- Discover Ea le on social media: 1 From: Candice Hopkins<candice.adkins@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2024 6:02 AM To: Elected Officials<electeclofficials@cityofeagle.org> Subject: Library Budget: please support Dear Mayor and Council Members, I am writing to express my support of the Eagle Public Library Proposed Budget. Our library is widely used by our community and receives positive feedback on a monthly basis.This building and its staff provide a safe and welcoming space to people of all ages in all weather conditions. The resources of our library in particular are coveted throughout the valley and people travel to use our Library of Things and Family Space. Please support the proposed budget for the Library-this is an amazing asset that does so much with the funding provided. Thank you, Candice Hopkins 2 Tracy Osborn From: Lisa Schweiter <lisaschweiter@hotmail.com> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2024 4:21 PM To: Elected Officials Subject: Don't eliminate on demand bus yet I request u wait another yr- none of their system r wrong STILL so those of us with disabilities without inside connections have been left out STIILL- This is cut& paste Correction: Booking for Eagle OnDemand is from 7 am to 7 pm. XeCly Frazier Customer Service Manager Valley Regional Transit valleyregionaltransit.org (P) 208.345.7433 (F) 208.258.2761 From: Info Sent: Monday,August 12, 2024 11:27 AM To: Lisa Schweiter<Iisaschweiter@hotmail.com>; City Go <citygoboise@ridevrt.org>; Info<info@ridevrt.org> Cc: Leslie Pedrosa <Ipedrosa@ridevrt.org>;Jeannette Ezell <iezell@ridevrt.org> Subject: RE: Bus System-help setting up On Demand in Eagle Hello Lisa, I am sorry to hear you are having difficulties with our system. Let me see if I can clear up some confusion. First, let's start with ADARide. I would highly recommend that you apply to our Access and Beyond Access programs. To apply, go to ADARide.com or call 877-343-7433. Disregard the zip code message and continue the application. You are not in the Access service area but in the Beyond Access service area. If you are eligible for Access, you are automatically eligible for Beyond Access. If you are not eligible for Access, you must be 60 or older to qualify for Beyond Access. As you rode with the Eagle Senior Center, you are already in our Beyond Access program.You may utilize this service now, but please still apply to ADARide so that you may continue to use Beyond Access. Information about Beyond Access (Paratransit): • You can book same day up to 14 days ahead. • Rides are based on availability. • Service times are Monday - Friday, 7 am to 5:30 pm. • Booking times over the phone are Monday - Friday, 8 am to 5 pm. • Booking may be done from the app at any time. (see below for booking instructions) • The fare is free for you. i The OnDemand bus is the general public bus that is booked at the time of needing a bus. Unfortunately, you won't be able to book for a future date or time. At this time, the OnDemand is in service, but the Eagle City Council is considering not continuing the funding of the OnDemand service for the next fiscal year. If the council approves the current budget, the OnDemand service will be discontinued on October 1st. Information about the OnDemand (Microtransit): • The OnDemand bus is for when you need a ride now. There is no booking ahead of time. • Rides are based on availability. • Service times are Monday - Friday, 7 am to 7 pm. • Booking times over the phone are Monday - Friday, 8 am to 5 pm. • Booking may be done from the app at any time. (see below for booking instructions) • The fare reduced fare for OnDemand is $0.75 for a one-way trip or$1.25 for an all-day pass. We also have a travel trainer who will meet with you and help you learn about our system and programs. If this is of interest, you can email navigation@ridevrt.orgto set up a time. Booking for Beyond with the app: t I it < Schedule Ly O w.r,Aug 14,ixooPM Opens* cakostssi to choose whet x. o 179 Wi.:R.-wet Las tide sod ti:you *ant to Trrrrirq i one re,.a..,. . travel s j To book for Access. 2 I hope this helps clear up some confusion. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you, XeCCy grazier Customer Service Manager Valley Regional Transit valleyregionaltransit.org (P) 208.345.7433 (F) 208.258.2761 From: Lisa Schweiter<lisaschweiter@hotmail.com> Sent:Saturday, August 10, 2024 1:15 AM To: City Go<citygoboise@ridevrt.org>; Info<info@ridevrt.org>; Info<info@ridevrt.org> Cc:COMPASS (transport)<htownsend@compassidaho.org> Subject: Fwd: Bus System-help setting up On Demand in Eagle CAUTION:This email originated from outside of Valley Regional Transit. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verifii See my email below... &years later...l'm still trying to figure out how the heck to use the bus system to & from my downtown Eagle hm ...to confirm why I have not used the On Demand yet... your VRT Online is clear as mud on steps ... it's do this do that ...but when I go to the Ada ride website... to register for Access (so that I can then be official for Beyond Acces, per my multi disabilities, I'm now 51...) it it says not avail in my zip code... ..& I've set up the various bus apps multi times...incl for the "On Demand" but the on demand app hadn't worked yet for me... always says "try back later"...I don't know if that's because I'm always trying to set stuff up in evening/weekend for weekdays but it seems at some point it should work... ...And yes over the years I've called &emailed but I never get a clear answer... I was told last yr that "all I need to do is use the app as I'm already in the system"...as I used the Eagle Senior Van for transport from 2019-2022... but since I've never gotten the app to work I don't know if that's true or not... Help I have brain disease &other issues that make phone calls hard so I rely on Ada accommodation ofwritten communication vs calling in... This email is triggered because I just see (from VRT announcement on Nextdoor app Fri 8/09 that on 8/13city of Eagle will be removing(again?)the new On Demand from Eagle?! Likely I'm not the only one having trouble getting in the first ride... let alone repeat rides...help help help As we all know the MTM medicaid provuded transport is a joke(between their errors, ppwrk redundancy, lack of timely rides, having to schedule 3 business days in advance, limited places to transport to etc) 3 And I have Uber health transport option thru my Medicare adv insur but their Kaizen website has issues often too ***So I really really need to get a transport option that works &that I can schedule in less than 24 hours*** I have a caregiver but staffing shortages so it's difficult getting a ride with them if they don't show up... hopefully that will change with the new gal I get in a couple weeks... Thank u for your time. Lisa A Schweiter **Text or Email Preferred** 208-781-2164 Lisaschweiter@hotmail.com 179_Wildflower_LN Eagle, ID 83616 Sent from my iPhone girt telgete Begin forwarded message: From: Lisa Schweiter<lisaschweiter@hotmail.com> Date: March 30, 2021 at 2:38:40 PM MDT To:ttisdale@compassidaho.org Subject: Bus System I'm 48 &disabled. Please consider ramping up bus access to &from downtown Eagle. There is a disproportionately large group of people (young&older disabled &teens)that would REGULARLY access a bus system if available to them. Also please consider ADA compliant improvements to sidewalks to/from all bus access points- such that it's more realistic for scooters & bikes to get to/from the bus pickup/drop off& bkhm. I'm dual insured (Medicare & Medicaid) my own car(but can't drive it myself) &qualify for caregiver(but hardly hsve 1 due to severe shortage &they don't want to drive anywhere) I have additional insur policy&still have very very limited true transport options- as almost no errand (including Dr appts) can a person gain a 3+ minimum BUSINESS day notice to use any transport system- many many many more people could be working&/or volunteering if they had access to same day transport. Thank u for your time. (Disabled financial planner-excuse typos per brain disease.) Lisa, Lisa A Schweiter **Text or Email Preferred** 208 781_-2164 Lisaschweiter@hotma l.corn 4 179 Wildflower LN Eagle, ID 83616 Sent from my iPhone Lisa A Schweiter **Text or Email Preferred** 208-781-2164 Lisaschweiterehotmail.com 179 Wildflower LN Eagle, ID 83616 Sent from my iPhone gir611d d 5