Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 07/23/2024 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 23,2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER,MAY,RUSSELL,KVAMME, .A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pike leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: NONE 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council Gindlesperger reports on the Eagle Fire District and Eagle Library Board meetings. The Fire District voted to surplus some real property, as well as seek a lease agreement for additional administration offices. At the Library Board meeting, circulation continues to increase, improvements to the facing of items has resulted in the increase circulation. The Board has adopted a policy addressing newly passed legislation HB 710.May reports on the ITD meeting regarding Highway 16, there will be public outreach on those plans in the upcoming months. Zoning Administrator Bill Vaughan expresses his gratitude for the years of service that Mike Williams has given to the City of Eagle. Mayor Pike presents Deputy Planning and Zoning Administrator, Mike Williams with a token of appreciation. Williams is retiring after almost 20 years of service at the City of Eagle. Council expresses their appreciation to Williams for his contributions throughout his career in Eagle. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird Spencer notes that ITD would be willing to attend the August 13th Council meeting, perhaps with an early start time to review the Highway 16 plans. Consensus is to start the meeting early for a presentation and discussion. B. Department Supervisor 1. City Treasurer, Financial Reports for the month of June 2024 and for the Quarter Ending June 30,2024. (KR) C. Eagle Police Department Chief Travis Ruby introduces Detective Pacheco and provides a brief work history of him. Chief reviews the monthly report and provides an overview of recent notable positive impacts by Eagle law enforcement. D. City Attorney No report 6. CONSENT AGENDA:ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS. Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion.There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of June 25,2024.(TEO) C. Minutes of June 26,2024.(TEO) D. Minutes of July 3,2024.(TEO) E. Reappointment to the Eagle Design Review Board: In accordance with Resolution 23-17, Mayor Pike is requesting Council Confirmation of the reappointment of Robert Grubb to the Design Review Board.Mr.Grubb will be serving a three(3)year term that will expire in July 2027.(BKP) Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-23-24min.dock F. Development Agreement for RZ-01-23 — Capella Estates Subdivision — Laren Bailey: Council authorization for Mayor to execute the development agreement associated with Capella Estates Subdivision. The 54.24-acre site is located on the north side of West State Street across from the intersection of North Riverview Street and West State Street. (MJW) G. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A-06-23/RZ-12-23/CU-12- 23/PPUD-04-23/PP-08-23 — Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Wildernest River Subdivision—Toby and Linda Williamson: Toby and Linda Williamson, represented by Stephanie Hopkins with KM Engineering,LLP,are requesting an annexation,rezone from RP(Rural Preservation—Ada County designation) to R-2-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD) conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Wildernest River Subdivision, a 119-lot(108-buildable, 11-common)planned unit development. The 88-acre site is located at the terminus of South Isla Del Rio Way, South Lago Way, and South Riparian Way at 850 and 856 East Williamson Lane. (MJW) H. Acceptance of Easement Agreement Between Steve E. Roth and the City of Eagle: An easement granted by Steve Roth over and across subject property for access to maintain and repair a historic plaque from time to time. The subject property is generally located in Aikens Condominium,Lot 4 and a portion of Lot 5 of Schmelzer Addition. (ACD) I. DR-2024-31-Common Area Landscaping within Northern Lights Subdivision-Kathleen and Scott Hendricks: Kathleen and Scott Hendricks,represented by Stephanie Hopkins with KM Engineering, LLP, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Northern Lights Subdivision. The 4.53-acre site is located on the southeast corner of North Rocket Bar Road and East Beacon Light Road at 2636 North Rocket Bar Road. (BAW) J. DR-2024-26 - Common Area Landscaping within Oakwood Meadows Subdivision - Buffalo Hump,LLC: Buffalo Hump,LLC,represented by Sanel Tucakovic, is requesting design review approval for the common area landscaping within Oakwood Meadows Subdivision. The 2.8-acre site is located on the north side of West Oakhampton Drive approximately 200-feet east of the intersection of West Oakhampton Drive and South Mallard Wing Way at 1920 West Oakhampton Drive. (ERF) K. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Denial of CUP-2024-02 — Conditional Use Permit for Highland Homes Events—Highland Executive Offices, LLC: Kathy Wilkins with Highland Executive Offices, LLC is requesting conditional use permit approval for a "Live Entertainment Events" facility for weddings, receptions, and similar events. The approximately .97-acre site is located on Lot 24, Block 4, Mixed Use Subdivision No. 5 within Eagle River Development at 1015 South Bridgeway Place. (HSD) L. Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Olde Park Place Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Cost Sharing With The City Of Eagle: A MOU for construction and corresponding right of way acquisition costs for the extension of Old Park Place wherein the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency will reimburse the City of Eagle an amount not to exceed$950,000.00. (NBS) M. *Eagle Shooting Sports Park Professional Services Addendum No.2: Approval of the second addendum to the professional services agreement with TRS Range Services, LLC for the additional excavation, compaction and subbase for the access road to address unforeseen geotechnical issues found during construction in an amount not to exceed$15,102.00. (NBS) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Kvamme requests item 6G and Vaughan requests item 6F be removed from the Consent Agenda. Russell moves to approve consent agenda items A-M,excluding F and G. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07.23-24min.docx F. Development Agreement for RZ-01-23 — Capella Estates Subdivision — Laren Bailey: Council authorization for Mayor to execute the development agreement associated with Capella Estates Subdivision. The 54.24-acre site is located on the north side of West State Street across from the intersection of North Riverview Street and West State Street. (MJW) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Vaughan states that the site is not in compliance and until such time that it is, staff is requesting this item be remanded. Gindlesperger moves to remand the item 6F Development Agreement for RZ-01-23—Capella Estates Subdivision - Laren Bailey. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. G. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A-06-23/RZ-12-23/CU-12- 23/PPUD-04-23/PP-08-23 — Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Wildernest River Subdivision—Toby and Linda Williamson: Toby and Linda Williamson, represented by Stephanie Hopkins with KM Engineering,LLP,are requesting an annexation,rezone from RP(Rural Preservation—Ada County designation) to R-2-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD) conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Wildernest River Subdivision, a 119-lot(108-buildable, 11-common)planned unit development. The 88-acre site is located at the terminus of South Isla Del Rio Way, South Lago Way, and South Riparian Way at 850 and 856 East Williamson Lane.(MJW) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Kvamme states that after reviewing items submitted during the public hearing, he would like to work with staff to incorporate some of the concerns expressed into the findings before Council action on them. Kvamme moves to place 6G on the Consent Agenda on the next City Council after I have had time to worked with staff on adding additional comments. Seconded by May GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NONE 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS. Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m.Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter.Public hearing testimony time limits: Individuals testifying are allotted three (3)minutes for non-repetitive testimony Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. RZ-11-15 MOD — Development Agreement Modification for East End Marketplace — TPC Commercial, LLC: TPC Commercial, LLC, represented by Zach Turner with Rennison Design, is requesting a development agreement modification(development agreement in lieu of a conditional use permit)to modify the conditions of development and concept plan contained within the executed development agreement. The 15.55-acre site is generally located on the east side of South Edgewood Lane between East State Street and State Highway 44. (MJW) Mayor Pike introduces the item and opens the public hearing. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-23-24min.docx Russell discloses ex parte contact, specifically a meeting that was held with Caleb Roop in which he wished to meet with herself and Council Member Gindlesperger to discuss other sites he is developing in Eagle.At that meeting Caleb Roop began to discuss Gindlesperger's vote on the East End Marketplace rezone application.Russell states that she interrupted Mr.Roop and informed him not the time or place for the discussion as it is an active application. Also in attendance was City Staff member Nichoel Baird Spencer, Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Board Member Mark Butler and Ashley Squyres. This interaction will not impact her ability to listen to the information tonight and render a decision. Gindlesperger echoes Russell's recollection of the meeting with Mr.Roop,and states that she does not have any concerns with her ability to retain the information that is presented and make a decision accordingly. Mayor Pike introduces the item. Mike Williams, Deputy Planning and Zoning Administrator, reminds Council of the three topics that the applicant is bringing back per Council's request. 1)A revised traffic impact assessment for entire site. 2) Buffering adjacent to Highway 44, and the building elevations for Chick-fil-A restaurant. Deb Nelson, 601 W. Bannock Street, Boise, Idaho, representing TPC Commercial reviews the application and reviews conditions they are seeking to modify.The applicant continues to object to how Council acted on the item, however the applicant has made efforts to address the items that Council expressed their concern over. These items include the removal of a drive-through, increasing landscaping on the site and sought an updated traffic analysis. Ms.Nelson reviews the traffic study. Sabrina Right, 220 Denver Street, San Diego, CA, a Development Lead with Chick-Fil-A. Ms. Right states that they are confident in the revised traffic study,as it took into account for three local sites. Discusses the facility design and the amenities associated with the Eagle site. Jared Shrum, 2301 W. Oakhampton, Eagle, Idaho, is the local owner and operator of the Nampa Chick-Fil-A location. Discusses his experience with Chick-Fil-A and the involvement in local communities. General discussion. Mike Williams,Deputy Planning and Zoning Administrator,reviews the staff report and items for special consideration. Mayor Pike opens public testimony. No one choses to speak. Mayor Pike closes public testimony. Deb Nelson reviews the architectural elements were changed at the request of Design Review increased glazing on the western façade,add the trellises,darken the colors to be warmer,to change a wrought iron fence to solid fencing. Chick-fil-A chose to increase glazing on all facades rather than just the requested western. Discussion. Mayor Pikes closes the public hearing. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07.23-24min.docx Russell states her concern remains the intensity of the traffic even with the changes presented. Gindlesperger concurs with Russell's comments. In addition, she does not believe the proposed design changes were sufficient. In light of no delineation of McGrath Road that could be used to exit and with the number of drive-thrus and intensity of traffic she cannot support the application. May states that the intensity of traffic and the choke point remain her concern and still does not feel has been adequately addressed. Kvamme appreciates the improvements and believes the design concerns can addressed during the design review process. People are ultimately responsible for their own safety and would need to use caution when using McGrath. Traffic will be a challenge, but any development at this location would impact it. With the changes presented he is in favor of the application. Pike believes the applicant has addressed the matters requested by Council,a 30% reduction in traffic due to the design change, improvements in landscape buffering as well as the ingress change. He believes the development would positively impact Eagle's economy and urges Council to approve it with the proposed changes.Discussion. John Rennison, 2025 E. Riverside, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Rennison believes they have made a good faith effort to address the concerns expressed. If Council Members want a change in architecture, they would be willing to make that change in the development agreement. There are other tenants could be brought in,but he has been waiting for a premier tenant like Chick-Fil-A. If he has to,he will develop under the existing development agreement, but he is willing to make the changes needed for this to succeed.Discussion. May states that she continues to have concerns with traffic safety. Russell moves to deny item 8A. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion. GINDLESPERGER AYE;MAY AYE;RUSSELL AYE;KVAMME NAY;GINDLESPERGER NAY.MAYOR NAY. THREE AYE and TWO NAY. MOTION FAILS. City Attorney,Villegas provides direction for next steps. Deputy Planning and Zoning Administrator,Williams offers condition language based on Council discussion tonight.Development Agreement section would read:3.10.The Restaurants(with drive through) shall be limited to Pads 1, 2, 3a, and 5a. Additionally, the development may include a bank with drive-through,which is an allowed use in the C-2 zone.Owner shall provide a minimum forty-eight-inch (48") buffer (berm, decorative block wall, cultured stone, decorative rock, or similarly designed concrete wall) between the restaurant drive through lanes and the adjacent roadway to reduce the impact of the vehicles utilizing the drive through lanes (i.e. vehicle headlights and vehicle cueing). Adding new conditions: 3.22. In addition to the landscaping required pursuant to Condition of Development 3.17 (above), the landscaping plan shall show enhanced landscaping located between the parking areas and State Highway 44, as shown on Exhibit "E" of the East End Marketplace — Development Agreement Modification July 23 Reconsideration Hearing Submittals document, date stamped by the City on July 16, 2024. The landscaping plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board and City Council prior to issuance of a Zoning Certificate for construction of any commercial buildings located within the parcels adjacent to State Highway 44. 3.23 Owner shall work with ACHD to improve/stripe East McGrath Road from the Property to South Parkinson Street prior to the issuance of a Zoning Certificate for the first building within the Property. Discussion. Kvamme moves to approve item 8A RZ-11-15 MOD—Development Agreement Modification for East End Marketplace—TPC Commercial,LLC.Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion. Kvamme modifies his motion to include 3.22 and to add site specific condition 3.23 applicant Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-23-24min.docx to work with ACHD to stripe/improve McGrath Road from development site to Highway44 prior to issuance of zoning certificate for the first building. In addition, incorporating the conditions of development that were identified at the City Council hearing held on of April 9, 2024.3.10 shall be amended that only the pads 1,3a and 5a shall be allowed with restaurant drive thrus.As the condition was stated by staff.Second concurs. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY NAY; RUSSELLL NAY; KVAMME AYE. MAYOR AYE. THREE AYE and TWO AYE. MOTION CARRIES. Mayor calls a 10-minute recess. B. CU-11-21 MOD/PPUD-08-21 MOD — Planned Unit Development Modification — Little Feather Eagle, LLC: Little Feather Eagle, LLC, represented by Katie Miller with Bailey Engineering, is requesting planned unit development modification approval to reduce the rear yard setback from 30-feet to 20-feet within Soaring Feather Subdivision. The 17-acre site is located approximately 2,000 feet south of Beacon Light Road between Linder Road and Park Lane at 4807 West Little Feather Lane. This item was continued from the July 9,2024,meeting. (MJW) Mayor Pike introduces the item and opens the public hearing. Katie Miller, 1119 E. State Street, Eagle, Idaho, representing Bailey Engineering, reviews the application. Mike Williams,Deputy Planning and Zoning Administrator, reviews the staff report and items for special consideration. Mayor Pike opens public testimony. Pattie Norberg, 2436 N. Sun Valley Place, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Norberg lives in Calloway Ranch. The proposed change will allow for larger homes to be built and increase the overall property value. In order to get Calloway Ranch transitioned to access to Eagle Sewer District system,the approval of Little Feather is critical to their success. Katie Miller states that the reason for the request is to provide a larger product as is what the market demand is currently. The change does not impact the open space nor neighbors. Discussion. Mayor closes the public hearing. May moves to approve CU-11-21 MOD/PPUD-08-21 MOD — Planned Unit Development Modification—Soaring Feather Eagle,LLC as presented. Seconded by Russell. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. VAC-2024-01—Vacation to the Final Plat of Lexington Hills Subdivision No.2—William and Marie Zacharda: William and Marie Zacharda are requesting a partial vacation of the public and private utilities, drainage, and irrigation facilities easement located within Lot 1, Block 10, Lexington Hills Subdivision No. 2. The .42-acre site is located at the northwest corner of East Daylesford Court and North Parkforest Way at 1746 East Daylesford Court.(MJW) Mayor Pike introduces the item and opens the public hearing. Mike Williams,Deputy Planning and Zoning Administrator,reviews the staff report and items for special consideration. Mayor Pike opens public testimony. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-23-24min.docx No one choses to speak. Mayor Pike closes the public hearing. Gindlesperger moves to approve VAC-2024-01—Vacation to the Final Plat of Lexington Hills Subdivision No. 2 to reduce the set back to 5' with staff conditions of approval as well. Seconded by May.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. D. CUP-2024-03—Conditional Use Permit for Freedom Academy—Ashley Meyer,Freedom Academy, LLC: Ashley Meyer with Freedom Academy is requesting conditional use permit approval to operate a private school and playground.The 1.61-acre site is located on the south side of East Winding Creek Drive approximately 68-feet west of Academy Avenue at 1173 and 1275 East Winding Creek Drive. (HSD) Mayor Pike introduces the item and opens the public hearing. Ashley Meyer, 7773 W.Cardinal Drive,Meridian,Idaho,representing Freedom Academy reviews the application as well as the Core Values of Freedom Academy. Hailey Durham,Planner I,reviews the staff report and items for special consideration. Mayor Pike opens public testimony. Ken Hosack, 3676 N. Harbor Lane, Boise, Idaho. Mr Hosack owns the building and is here to express his support for the application. Mayor Pike closes the public testimony. Ashley Meyers makes herself available for questions.Discussion regarding capacity and the grade levels. Mayor Pike closes the public hearing. Russell moves to approve agenda item 8D CUP-2024-03 — Conditional Use Permit for Freedom Academy — Ashley Meyer, Freedom Academy, LLC. Seconded by Kvamme. Discussion. Russell amends to add the site-specific conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning. Second concurs. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM Ordinance 934 - Rezone Ordinance - Northern Lights Subdivision: An ordinance changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to R-E-DA (Residential-Estates with a development agreement) amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date.The approximately 4.52-acre site is located at the southeast corner of East Beacon Light Road and North Rocket Bar Road at 2636 North Rocket Bar Road. (MJW) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Gindlesperger moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-23-24min.docx with,and that Ordinance#934 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Gindlesperger moves that Ordinance#934 be adopted.An ordinance changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from A-R(Agricultural-Residential)to R-E-DA(Residential-Estates with a development agreement)amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE;RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM Ordinance 936 - Annexation and Rezone Ordinance - Headquarters Subdivision: An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County,Idaho,and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle,to the City of Eagle, Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT(Rural- Urban Transition - Ada County designation) to R-3-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date. The 10-acre site is located on the south side of West Floating Feather Road at the southwest corner of West Floating Feather Road and North Lanewood Road at 5655 West Floating Feather Road. (MJW) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Gindlesperger moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#936 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Russell.GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Gindlesperger moves that Ordinance#936 be adopted. An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County,Idaho,and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle,to the City of Eagle,Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition- Ada County designation)to R-3-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE;RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. ACTION ITEM: Ordinance 937 - Annexation and Rezone Ordinance - Everton Subdivision: An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County,Idaho,and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle,to the City of Eagle, Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT(Rural- Urban Transition - Ada County designation) to R-1-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), R-4-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD), R-6-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement—PUD),and C-2-DA-P(General Business District with a development agreement—PUD); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change;directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law;providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date. The 76.85-acre site is located at the northeast corner of State Highway 44 and North Palmer Lane. (MJW) Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-23-24min.docx Mayor Pike introduces the item. Gindlesepger moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#937 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by May.GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Gindlesperger moves that Ordinance#937 be adopted. An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County,Idaho,and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle,to the City of Eagle,Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition- Ada County designation)to R-1-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement—PUD), R-4-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement—PUD),R-6-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement—PUD),and C-2-DA-P(General Business District with a development agreement—PUD); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date.Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. D. ACTION ITEM:ACHD 2025-2029 Integrated Five Year Work Program: Review and direct staff to prepare comments on the ACHD Draft 2025-2029 Integrated Five Year Work Program.(NBS) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Nichoel Baird Spencer, Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects reviews the ACHD 2025- 2029 Integrated Five-Year Work Program and seeks Council direction on comments to forward to Ada County Highway District. Discussion. Council concurs with the priority list provided. 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206 (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session.There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3)vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: May move pursuant to I.C.74-206(1)that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of© purchase of property(f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation,or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session. Discussion of pending/threatened litigation and acquisition of property. Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-23-24min.docx Council exits executive session. A. ACTION ITEM: Action regarding the acquisition of property.No motion B. ACTION ITEM: Action Regarding Pending/Threatened Litigation.No motion 11. ADJOURNMENT: May moves to adjourn. Seconded by Kvamme. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meelinGg s�& jned. es Respe fully submitted: i I GORPp*.•sG.'; i •• 17119 ti TRACY E. OS: : '.• MC `� �S�'9 L CITY CLERK r ••TA•.°R�rEo�q••'� �:�s APPROVED: '',. OF QUA°..0 B PIKE, MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 10 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-23-24min.docx , 4a � ta. Y � ' • M' z: ' YiI a�NAt Risk• + t� ,3tt .,ft oftl 1140' . 4 yof itfr, EAGLE CITY COUNCIL ,� r '�'� July 23, 2024 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 8A * SUBJECT: RZ-11-15 MOD — Development Agreement Modification --q \tp* for East End Marketplace— TPC Commercial, LLC: NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/CON NEUTRAL rk J LL M iT e stce. r- Et al Ft; -Pro (,AA-P-i 4-ctog 4 e'/ Lf L-vtdovA Gi MI o p ia° 61 A Y�G� t4C " F,o r 7E1E1 PO OAC-1414(2-‘1 -rc)(4E4- LQQ),4 td Pic y_,1\- ---5 1 El Fizo Nco./..t_.), ct.v.e,,t, SL / `IV 1/1 2501 (Ai. bQ4 Yfr D YES II pP 0 /. rL A4c ---re.:2- 75c 4 (Tflz-Pu clip -- iiii E -Pc20 &frJ .err► / 5 g- 2 W &r'aver h r. br II E P10 ios 0q-cA-in_i__ss 111 E Pa c, ?v►J - L✓A,J£ ( A 6 eSkk-rli'c+foruirrve 111 NO A -(t. o (-3C f )_ .'J.,'r5 C12 'kir `1 rya. Anp(eey EI.3 `g.3L S vv4 +may ir✓` `l m E cY'D /2/3 6 ppA // 1/-4 i5H2.s '�`i s/ 2-2:2 a D�; ST. El El P,mod COI- -r N.A. WV.)&1-( S(%%, Or CU.() C Pc 9 z((0 O of ilfr, EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Alr''' ,4�w � July 23, 2024 O PUBLIC HEARING: Item 8A * lir, * SUBJECT: RZ-11-15 MOD — Development Agreement Modification IL c , for East End Marketplace — TPC Commercial, LLC: F, 10 NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/CON NEUTRAL e r r 1 g8 N. IIA-0l�� �n� ���a r�G1.K� P f VVit , kv,,,„x Hui W 1-11iv nl Polio- cr:, crAlk il E hkhc, JA.,....) M.,,, Zaqc. c . s7) q., F-3„,,,_ NI 0 Fr, 9.0i. g/Akc /so E Crowut A Ade.. £ k 1:1 N. A44(td 'N,tekh ‘1), 4. alosfi li 0 vcx)4 �r ys,,, ,- , t. r\ ..,4.,C." v-N, S21) f>*•X -al b 6-1 \ MI N 9q, +� I It 7/S wV Fri 1:1M PKO Susie UO-t 3 S Z 9f c t(w'r y.a s-1 III LI /ID N\ 2...,v,,-1.- N.,is_Eesio-Le_is)-d, N/A— 1:11 ly 1,2 y / S7`771�. /C.kI He. htj LA, Q 111 1 Flo 0‘,3(A. I riS 4/,J4t ri pliay s tvar bcC1`d( S�,4 , 6(9,'5Q-rId �)7/y 111 , P'eo L612 0 S,,ltiz(C(`t,<< ( MI 0 VO / 377 C'` "'�.A cv1,4 - C-"T ,:___ .00/--,404 -- ' t-..q coc, c.,- W g36 16, II ed .13fLO Oytlm1i4 L 12(E I >7 C E/ZOZ81�� / 1:1 ?e__.6 �� r� c.� I �3C� � L of TI-i,. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL `�' 4‘,,,,„ July 23, 2024 '�i( O PUBLIC HEARING: Item 8A * * SUBJECT: RZ-11-15 MOD — Development Agreement Modification 9 ,. �,� for East End Marketplace — TPC Commercial, LLC: c� t e, ) PRO/CNAME ADDRESS TESTIFY NEUTRAL NEUTRAL Ktel'e GAA/1"W\ 1101 kk TWVI4.1-e S- VoC1 c-e k D D-)101 el /2 Po c.J1P 2. 1 `� k.Ar.i i A Ave. ® � r � Marm-N't �% ise. ID Z 3- dr o 0 �, q 2-s7 IA) &"i( hr o ch On 4 Cre5f0 s ,-n) r366 17,,, 13 311 Go. DA/ -'4 C CR--°7-A06??/-• te5E,sg, la 8571,3 II irzV Pa�� ` j _ /,©i ,G' • k.51%-ram" NSj 1:1 1 :1/5/1/ /11/9WO '°) E f/aLJ1 - ec&- ill Fr/651/mi 1 o 0 Z w C_cr.c.,t� (Lv =.1 v L U 0 vv( j,\,j/C boi , \ �� . 2 el feA .tlii\ l �\../1 u 1 5' OAS � -7 4. 1. ( El1 �1 Y(�`� NO Co n :.J /- --u..rO Rrné 1920 w Jio,- L& , Cat- 111 E �r U \Orj Wit- o .t ftUs -rIALiP I71- TOI. 111 E •7,, .� ,„ MLA '_,t4 L ii, 53 Li A)0 r - i ' k_ ® a FQ,0 keicito-A -A50N 1 LCULA c:: .. C)c),,a0i,uL OP.ex,51_ 111 Ell vi- O klivte 1c., s -Q,( 14k-A c:)00vQ5- Nit ' 'k MI F 'Pm •1 U-' 1,‘ . Ike) ' l E hv.r)cl\ )T p of Tier, EAGLE CITY COUNCIL A` r� Y Jul 23, 2024 '' O PUBLIC HEARING: Item 8A * * SUBJECT: RZ-11-15 MOD - Development Agreement Modification �G�E IV O � ss' for East End Marketplace- TPC Commercial, LLC: NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/CON NEUTRAL n �i kC 2,ic_r Ewa, ,k) �-5 &(-L cg3 cP ® hi. 0 /22c A) a/c E- F-c,er C.,c'y 13R_ A t7^ /, �GL4 f c: /c' �F6 ei NO Vfc-' /Li.- te // r f r Cc-1,4, (-_c /9,,-f-i- cm F p/2 l",.;; ,uo� :/lo �/� ( moo c z 7jf5 J. $ i toL) '( ti 5Horr go Y se 10 3 37 I11 ® � P2a IJIcD f C-r 7 ki---KA-1 .--- / asb V -0a hk fLei/7r 1:11 El PN) /-hi( „ /� rZ�y-t t ( 111 N -Fru itt/fic-v-,0 j)(7, i,( 1 3 -2--- -(1U1/ AUif \04,, bAaM3r) 8t/ OP 111 N TY() O 01 LfqCA 04( e‘12- ® I. Yvt,ydonfo.,t A3C 5 !I-tbtatn ANe "t3D1se .1-b ® [ Fro gc'7©(2 454v1 Vc,41-i 61- --z 5-7 5- N. -F,,,,le g$, (.1"`"-Ile- i'7"‘ II piri 5530c, f1AficrsL1I 13 I rw1,i 3 ID III lEi RO (1)0A-A1) ,i --,f.Ami-k 3\`k, c). Gliv(tAic, vf- A-LbC., t III a \--Ro ® NO 1:1 NO of TNr. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL July 23, 2024 r ` °" O PUBLIC HEARING: Item 8B * SUBJECT: CU-11-21 MOD/PPUD-08-21 MOD — Planned Unit ` s 0 Development Modification — Little Feather Eagle, LLC: A PRO/C NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY NEUTRAL NEUTRAL EMc( o t7 g'30i f2 �� ci NO Gam{ 14t " 4� 14 v r� 11:1 NO TM NO MI NO II NO 1:1 NO 11:11 NO 1:11 NO 1:1 NO 1:1 NO 1:1 NO 121 NO 1:1 NO 1:111 NO 401yroF TFrr, EAGLE CITY COUNCIL ,c.f w , July 23, 2024 x' 11140 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 8D * * SUBJECT: CUP-2024-03 — Conditional Use Permit for Freedom �y ,s,- Academy — Ashley Meyer, Freedom Academy, LLC: 'L E i'O NAME ADDRES S TESTIFY NEUTR L (N)EUTRAL -4/1 1,) t glise__ G(� s31o3 L. 1:1 NO III NO 11:1 NO 111 NO MI NO 11:1 NO 1111 NO 1:1 NO I:I NO 11:1 NO al NO I:I NO III NO 8/12/2024 East End Marketplace - ..., - • „:„.. _ ....II "ION, . .,......, , - .., . . . , . -4-14,- 0 lattis ttitt . -.. ...L..._ .,...A.,,,,,,,, ,.... 7,4 . _ 4'';lt,;,at .v..-..-o.-At Development Agreement Modification Eagle City Council Reconsideration Hearing July 23, 2024 1 - V ... . — - - -----z._---ktrAr ------,:---7=,-.11:— .. __0^LNN.'• ill i ft-----, --;;::":"----,--•,-,...---- e.1:::..°:°T. .,4'..".* \\ 11..L. i rt,, , .. 4, t\ , \ = '' ----7,1-7- '1 , Ii . , , \r..1000,• _ . 0 1 1 / \k 14; i , -poi1;0, 4 - .......1 STATE HIGHWAY 44/EAGLE BYPASS Muffin, <•,', .PACIFIC 2 1 8/12/2024 Updated Site Plan / --.BT 1— F 8T l. - ," �, I/ r ,‘'.,',i.r„,,,,,.'-.,4ai o., �I0 'e j m, i coy , y '' ,a 4l iimm. I"l _5Y ` 7 -, Md O �� _ _ Il II, , RA r�RO `to�'al '4.........--- na-Mia- 1 Replaced Drive Thru with Retail — i 9n STATE HIGHWAY 44/EAGLE BYPASS - rr{T ALE ill FEET 0 RENNON �� 6 C7 IS PCIFIC COMPANIES 3 Table 2.Eagle East End Marketplace Estimated Trip Generation&Comparison to TI5 Trip Generation K I TT E LS C�N 1n Si>. sally WeeRdayAMPeakNOu WeekdayPMPeakNt., d T. Our oral In Revised land-Uses Trip Generation eetldenWl INN A S S O C �T El S SeMorANNHousing-MWU-family ss2 ae 16. 10 3 l Iz s '``.�/,��./ un.nw No, 1591 Ill • 111 (7) (44) (1) Residential neural 6 Net New Tres 1. 9 3 6 s 3 2 AN 1 Wes Stop Retail Plus leads 1,lb.M,46,sb,6a MI ell 31.333 1131 41 22 19 RN,Retool Internal reps (rill (21 IM Mt (6111 (all 1231 _ 6/9 N 69 26 al Pass Say in,510,6 Mn 39 EMPM) - - RetailNewTnas 679 39 34 15 69 26 43 wnt LPN ol tart to Restaurant Dm with Threyb p a,Sa ads 3l 934�M4,628 2,193 309 107 103 255 e1 74 fast Food w/Oshh o Trmrph Nten*Inds Nan WII31 (a/ NMIll ((3) MD feed MD..Through External Tops ;OM IN 102 96 135 to II rood witmve through Pperer 774313013 M,S573PM1 NON) (06) (311 feel l731 loll 11. East Pond New Tres 1,003 99 51 40 60 33 814sk-648(Pad tl NA e.850 3,900 103 52 SO 305 159 146 CA1N,P1).Intern uIMP. (NO) (3) (t) (3) (40) (23I 1251 Ch,ok.RI.AEnemelrtgs 3,340 97 SO 47 263 1M 121 ChM.fd-A Poway het(50R AM 85311 ens) (2.>S01 NW (231 /2,1 (N6) (79) (67) C3,rk lA A slew Try, 1,770 48 25 23 119 63 5A Restaurant Sub Total 6.172 311 139 132 460 340 220 Rettaorpnr Mtn.May (62T) (la) 0) 01 No 02) (181 Daily trips: 30% reduction Restaurant Extern] 5,5e5 l� 92 lal 221 222 101 Restaurant xter]Tape l2,T73) (Ibl p61 MI /R11 /Iml (101) Restaurant New Tops 1771 NI 76 71 129 92 31 aflNe Ilse, General OMce Buildup 710 29,624 403 59 52 7 60 10 50 Office Internal Nay (dal (Is) (61 (11/ (a) Office External 11 Met New Trips 315 44 43 43 1 49 6 43 a3 AM peak hour: 26% reduction Onelopinnt latol ,„ 15 661 ,,, �, Total We/nal Mps (1,217) NO) (r01 WO NW (1. On MEMO/1Rws1oRN[wATmRz) 6,6e1 165 513 233 _ 270 Taal Pospay Trot 72.7731 1 gel (NJ (NI 12211 NM NON 31.4117017 NV NM TRIvS 1470 133 166 93 302 133 169 PM peak hour: 13% reduction Ruinously Approved TlShlp Generation 3751073113135 9,524 601 lot 294 594 303 iu 0RE110I(777IYEWA-')TRIPS 9,536 601 lei m 694 303 29I Nod Pass a,troy (4.036/ 1279) LPN) (1341 (243) 1124) 021/ TRIPS 323 162 349 179 170 comparison or Revised una-U9el30PRVIWBM roves T6 Trip Generation roTAI TRIP DIFFERENCE p,636) (17) (6S) . (110) 71 I 21 54 6x1ERN41)00131W31I TRW 0133E ENCE (2,4B3) (21$) les) (130) (71) (so) („) MIT NEW TII311030RENCE pA301 fall (14) (NI OM (46] (1) NET any TRW PERMIT/4F MCRIASE/OFCRFASE .304 2644 Ian 414 .1314 .2694 -1% 4 2 8/12/2024 Approved Site Plan Updated Site Plan 0 5 Drive Thrus 0 3 Drive Thrus Removed loading docks _____ \ \ ‘......)- ii . igt --''' ; 4 T IIIti ,` rY- _ i e Removed corner parking New Office Use 5 Updated Landscape Screening s r..I A O w. ry ....... _ -___._..,.....___..-o —_—__-__ .—._. -----._-- 0 Approved 2016 4P Added 2024 6 3 8/12/2024 Landscape yiOW — ,, , �d'a is M`......T. ::jo I.0,0 of Ito e.ti5N. 4. �M.•• Corner R ' nf, x I i , l. r kl gmay°t; o . . 1 . F +, i c 114 r i t i r i e ,11 i 7 N ! e0 1 :4 air ,1/4; • Lnist; 111;;fa. 4,411. • ��zao° p :ve, apt r" eiriiii iiiiiuillig- O *+Mari6ol O _ _ 77 3 ..fit f ... or ,'.."—"_ kgilljI i ... , , ,.. _ iii ' - , — i' --IMF,,,Y� - NN�N i-'tp ...rf t r-- 8 4 8/12/2024 \ �� _ -ETA rE 8 . R , 4 li I'' ' t. Ob d p ♦ rK ._ ,,fit ;.,p.\ I . T� 11111411111111e111111, . _ # °OR i 4rH t A. If yr1;•• , '—i lit: c s •PATHWAYS PATIOS/ PEDESTRIAN NODES 9 �► � r- , +1Ct. - I ' '��'+. y .fir , „ -N - a '�Y7. 4 K'- Tot ".?-4 J" : s > may �.<. << d ' 6'Yxq .4 y ' ` ems .v ",, .r .4,y M c '' ' -7e r� 'f � `fe' „A4.• � ��� ~ `'s r ti - .✓ 5<#', „,e. t .gar, a" h • y Y rla j:" ' `' 1 K - s.- < N 1 . v, / ' W, kl,, AO 3 11 1 :— Y h 10 5 8/12/2024 f +�yv } 0.4 at+ 3.4. � .�� L� �r„r .:+.�1�+ d4=-7 ;;.47-0'..!•, ---,, ,.....,..... . •-..-V ., f 44(1., ,, **1../A,...:: ''‘',,V:''''../Y2:4•:-..4-?"..iti.. ', - f l' t T .W ♦ t y 274 o • y4 NAy •aa i ,• ,' lW7i 1 ,vvt " - 2 . r 'p j& f...' y. iA. ,us tw. „ \ki..__ ,, ,......... ,, ,,., , _A,,,, . ---- 11 . , , 0 1 I,--- . , _ . , .... _, ,. . , .N$ ,_ .. . .....::: ■ 1 � _ • 4 Rt �._.__.__. 4`r. K`. -p "'7� "r�+� r �- : F �r f i\his ,.,,.., .+�. ,�. 2 .8.:. .. St 'oFe - �iip • .. �, { k' i t . :: .. './',1+C - w apt 12 6 8/12/2024 - -, If I 111111111 II is . . < ili. MIN 13 Benefits to Eagle • Commercial tax base with an estimated $30M in assessed value • New dining and shopping opportunities • New employment • Tax increment supports public improvements in urban renewal district • 30% reduction in traffic over the approved plan • Attractive mixed use marketplace will replace a vacant lot at City gateway • Quality tenants like Chick-Fil-A support other businesses 14 7 8/12/2024 East End Marketplace *. 7tt `: t the t A * J � V o- ,, � $" .1 - F . .Hr Thank you 15 ' pi LEGEND: ' _ - mr � � —.� � � � OINGRESS TO SITE 1 nti'.$ . a R #, ' ';t'' . e• '� :4; ..i yR t T , .4 ram ,,c V OINGRESS AND EGRESS ^, ' ROADS TO/FROM SITE . _ - y .d ,4i a� - _r..._ Q mo '.,, .4-..i.,, .„ot 4 ••:-. t= �1v -- ' . s:"•. ... ,`,•„ r•%'; .i "` ram x ',� ,., ,.... .:,.., v- ' y,'s�..-t-. ..�.'v..., ° �,44 _� mil{' IS,r, % l ¢ 4 0Ir � � ,,' * fi ' ' ..*.7,-, ' ' .1 ' 4, 16 8 8/12/2024 \ ,` sT tam..00 �,Mrnam rr iti ►° .- 4 ,\\\ -.� ice-'' .E E. `. ra „i tl mK M ww awns A ' - " - �. E, �O .J irl. t ' ���4,14.— . Ii ENE c\%f r ! _. •. "�Lot ; — 'may — T :. _ a� 1 uli. _ ig"PI � ,N\ fir—' / .\, re R , jg0-N r, I-f4 Olff#ffl� ,. 1 PROJECT CO... .... ' ' -- f' , __. w» lmin Irmo i. y ZI F. F STATE HIGHWAY 44 1 EAGLE BYPASS- - - - - - 17 Table 3.Traffic Count Comparison 2015 T!S Counts 2020 TIS Background 2023 ACHD Counts 2024 Counts Street (3/26/2015) Traffic Used for Analysis (7/26/23) (7/10/24) Weekday PM Peak Hour NB 489 NB 574 NB 373 NB 529 SB 595 SB 702 SB 488 SB 519 Edgewood Dr Total 1,084 Total 1,276 Total 861 Total 1,048 (S.of State St) Note:Eagle Rd was partially restricted which could have increased traffic on Edgewood Dr State St EB 68 EB 74 EB 68 (E.of Edgewood Dr) WB 74 WB 81 Not Applicable WB 100 Total 142 Total 155 Total 168 18 9 8/12/2024 EXHIBIT B-2 East End Marketplace I Conceptual Site Plan A,E,IOAHO m m... _.ACIIIIMIlik \ -,., Mq a,t Asa R. x s \ \ Nell4g. ,IA 3TgT 86 . � � ��' `, 'am� � � O fr � poi � / " . ^^c ego i0 , 3. � I , •?rA ih ! ® �1 14.110100 I\ I —' .... - .... w s,'r=son nn. ruE—^u 1, 1...-111*.i Lw�nn.` Pm., tYl. i (;fir I ... �_.. ;L).N . ilianHIu)f111(IIO ___ a _''''._ Itl !jilt STATE HIGHWAY 44/EAGLE BYPASS- ' o,I IOIH. t••f, :ET ` 19 Asa„ . , :, 4, g, _ , I ., ilailir Mill ___ • 14 r .06, 20 10 8/12/2024 /1 i '. ,.... / Nic 1.1 ' 1 • • • .1 ' 11Irl . ..1- 11•-.1'.-.''.' .... y.111 11' 444- 4 ...y- ,, . • . - y.' '. .1 2•22. ..0.. '''''.11 1' , .. 2. y .Y..•• Y . ... , solo am, 222 11. 1 •21 Z'..:: .'1 ;2..'2.411 y 2 •WI!IL. F‘,1121,22. f 41%, . . ...,.- / .: ,-;.,..-i-:; ..:.-.,.-:. ,..-- ' '-',,;...' ,•'.,'4 '-- 2 1 1 1 Kellie Rekow From: Joshua Shockey <Joshua.Shockey@liquor.idaho.gov> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2024 10:07 AM To: Kellie Rekow Subject: FY24 True-Up Distribution .� �. iI)AIIO S I'AT 4, LIQUOR DIVISION Brad Little Z'xecutwe Office of the Governor Tway Ferece i4VER&CR MTERN r RECTOR August 12, 2024 RE: FY24 True-Up Distribution On behalf of the Idaho State Liquor Division (ISLD), I am pleased to notify you that the final of five Fiscal Year 2024 Liquor Fund distributions will be dispersed on August 16, 2024. The Liquor Fund distribution earmarked for the district court fund will be dispersed to the counties also on August 16tn REMINDER: The share of liquor funds earmarked for Idaho's cities and counties and the Magistrate Courts are distributed per Idaho code. For FY24 the amount apportioned to counties is 36.0%, while the amount apportioned to Idaho's cities is 49.0%. The amount allocated for the Magistrate Courts is 15%. The distribution that's being remitted next week is an amount that is based on your jurisdiction's FY23 liquor sales. This distribution is paid quarterly in October,January,April, and June. ISLD's actual profits are calculated after fiscal year- end, and a true-up distribution is issued each August. The true-up distribution to Idaho's cities and counties totals $8,516,600. This is a reduction from the quarterly payments because ISLD net income for FY24 was more than $5MM less than initial projections. Liquor sales slowed greatly in the back half of FY24, as consumers scaled back their purchases of all alcoholic drinks. EAGLE's share of the true-up distribution amount is$96,731.00. Your jurisdiction's share of the final distribution for FY24 is calculated after the fiscal year-end and is based on the ISLD's actual profits. As mentioned above, ISLD sales and profits were well below the expectations communicated to you one year ago. As for the fiscal year that's just begun (FY25), I would advise you to be extremely conservative with your expectations. Through the first five weeks of the fiscal year, our sales are again trending in negative territory. As of today, we're projecting/hoping overall distributions for FY25 to be about even with FY24. But as with last fiscal year, this projection may be a bit optimistic. You should definitely expect FY25's quarterly payments to be well below FY24's. The overall quarterly distribution (excluding Magistrate)to the cities/counties will be $9,542,000 compared to $10,115,000 last year. Bear in mind that your pro rata share of the amount is based on your jurisdiction's FY24 Sales. We will keep you updated as the year progresses and let you know if we anticipate any significant changes to our projections. 1 Should you have questions regarding the ISLD and/or the distributions, our annual report may be accessed at www.liquor.idaho.gov and offers detailed information on how distributions are calculated. Best Regards, 70flei Tony Faraca Chief Deputy Director Chief Financial Officer Idaho State Liquor Division Ph. 208.947.9414 I Fax 208.947.9401 www.Iiquor.idaho.gov 2 8/12/2024 Air, , ly DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT MODIFICATION '1/41k- likt ,_ __ RZ-11-15 MOD • Eagle City Council Public Hearing July 23, 2024 City Staff: Michael Williams,CFM,Deputy Planning&Zoning Administrator Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: 1 On April 3, 2024, the City Council directed the applicant to provide a revised traffic impact assessment associated with the overall site, proposed buffering located adjacent to State Highway 44, and building elevations of the proposed Chick-fil-A restaurant. The Council remanded the application to staff to provide the applicant time to submit the requested information. 2 1 8/12/2024 Project Summary • TPC Commercial, LLC, represented by Zach Turner with Rennison Design, is requesting a development agreement modification (development agreement in lieu of a conditional use permit) to modify the conditions of development and concept plan contained within the executed development agreement. • The 15.55-acre site is generally located on the east side of South Edgewood Lane between East State Street and State Highway 44. 3 Vicinity Map �, f 411441M111/ :>`4116"193936'W, 4 2 8/12/2024 � � ' �ri 1 - , I* .Aeral ► r ,� ,� Map a rc , v . ` { _� .�Trl � t Hemp:, - - -• ' -- , - A..,"0„,,,)„, , 1,10,....6. 4. : , ,. _ ....„„ , 111110. , . I, ..,,- ;.1.7_11"... • . vtii, ,..1. �,.,� a—�4 _: 4. �* f• r '� '�$' it eft y ii R VN .... 4t o f :. m�ev�-... t i r 5 Topics for Discussion • Traffic Exiting the Site • Style of Architecture of the proposed Chick-fil-A • Locations of restaurant (with drive-through) uses • Buffer area located adjacent to State Highway 44 6 3 8/12/2024 Concept Plan contained within the executed development agreement,Ada Proposed Revised Concept Plan County instrument#2016-035523 _ T END MARKETPLACE -- =rF ti--^— r— _-"CAST mwc� .a...urr ruv I� ' i' ::°:.'''. V 1 , 1...4 '', , f i- :r...--3.., '',,....:.— _ !E" t c t y� ,n I E ,.i.�� a 1 1 i .. 7 , Concept Plan contained within the executed development agreement, Ada County instrument #2016-035523 , ...., 46 t ,,,,,- EAST END MARKETPLACE -'` CONCL'PTVAL 6I7L PLAN 7. . Ni t; K. • � 1 .1 1 Hie. ,..G.f4` u , ' j 1ca % ak r de r 3g`s I —.°i / $ --I _ . . rJz-t. ' b. , -_J I' I . - f I '--".... _.." _ c-,. • 4 8/12/2024 Proposed Concept Plan . . F: East End Marketplace [EXHIBIT B4� I Conceptual Site Plan �a —44111IMMir-: '"et•- •.--, Tre--grz--17-'77"' -.' fi j � 1 .� A 1 'modal, u Ilia. "LUL i �a �1mL11 44.0 n 1 _ a 1.-.-..- ""- eT rE HIGHWAYAl I CAGEE 8,A55 - - -- ey'^c 4 i*.c eA 9 Styles of Architecture • The executed development agreement 3.7 The multi-family building shall be contains exhibits identifying the style of constructed utilizing a "Craftsman" style of architecture.The development architecture similar, but not limited to, the agreement does not specifically identify a architecture shown on Exhibit D.The style of architecture associated with the commercial/retail buildings shall be development. constructed utilizing "Italianate,Craftsman, and/or Mediterranean," style architecture • The applicant is proposing style of and as shown on Exhibit E.The multi-family architecture be limited to Italianate, Craftsman, and/or Mediterranean style of building and commercial buildings shall be architecture as shown itn Exhibit"sty designed in conformance with the Eagle Architecture and Site Design Book utilizing • To ensure the proposed architecture is in four-sided architecture. Eagle Design conformance with Eagle City Code, if the Review Board and City Council approval of development agreement modification is the detailed architectural plans for the approved, Condition of Development development is required prior to the #3.7 should be amended to read as issuance of building permits for the multi follows: family building and commercial/retail buildings. 10 5 8/12/2024 Proposed office use • An office use was not previously identified within Condition of Development #3.8 as one of the allowed uses. An office use is a permitted use within the C-2 (General Business District) zoning designation. If the development agreement modification is approved, Condition of Development #3.8 should be amended to read as follows: 3.8 The commercial area of the Property as depicted on the Concept Plan is to be developed with a combination of retail, restaurant, office, and bank uses allowed within Eagle City Code Section 8-2-3 "Official Schedule of District Regulations" under the C-2 zoning designation. The commercial area shall be limited to a maximum of 80,000-square feet of enclosed area (i.e., enclosed with walls and roof). No commercial building footprint shall exceed 30,000-square feet of enclosed area (i.e., enclosed with walls and roof). 11 Allocation of proposed uses • The applicant is proposing 17-tenant spaces which is a reduction from the 21-tenant spaces originally approved. The applicant is proposing to reduce the number of restaurant (with drive-through) uses within the development from four (4) to three (3). Also, the screening of the drive-through lanes should be addressed. If the development agreement modification is approved, Condition of Development #3.10 should be amended to state as follows: 12 6 8/12/2024 by 3.10 The Restaurants (with drive through) shall be limited to Pads 1, 3a, and 5a. Additionally, the development may include a bank with drive through, which is an allowed use in the C-2 zone. Owner shall provide a minimum forty-eight-inch (48") buffer (berm, decorative block wall, cultured stone, decorative rock, or similarly designed concrete wall) between the restaurant drive through lanes and the adjacent roadway to reduce the impact of the vehicles utilizing the drive through lanes (i.e. vehicle headlights and vehicle cueing). 13 Buffer area located adjacent to State Highway ! • The owner was previously required to install a three foot (3') highs landscaped berm (measured from the centerline of State Highway 44), or alternative method of compliance within a common lot. The, applicant is not proposing to subdivide the area located adjacent to` State Highway 44 in its entirety. The applicant is not proposing a berm. Since it is commercial development the property owners or business association will be responsible for the maintenance of the landscaped area. If the development agreement modification is approved, Condition of Develo•ment #3 17 should be amended to read as follows` 14 7 8/12/2024 3.17 Owner shall install landscaping within a landscape buffer as shown on Exhibit E of the Eagle Marketplace — Development Agreement Modification July 23 Reconsideration Hearing Submittals, date stamped by the City on July 16, 2024. The landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board and City Council prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. 15 Loading facilities • The Concept Plan contained within the executed development agreement identifies an anchor tenant located at the southwest corner of the development. The anchor tenant was proposed with a loading dock located adjacent to the north elevation of the building. As proposed, the development will not contain uses requiring a loading dock. If the development agreement modification is approved, Condition of Development #3.19 should be amended to . read as follows lb 8 8/12/2024 3.19 Loading facilities or docks shall not be located on the south side of structures, where visible from State Highway 44; however, deliveries may be received on the south side of the building. 17 Planning Commission Recommendation On January 22, 2024, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted (4 to 0, Wright absent) to recommend approval of this application with the conditions of development provided on page 14 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 18 9 8/12/2024 End of Presentation 4 19 Projected Traffic - , Eagle East End Market Place—DA Mod ` �• Original TIS—ITE 9th Edition of the Trip Generation Manual ADT PM Peak Specialty Retail 52,300 SF 2,318 141 Fast Food WI Drive Thru 11,400 SF 5,656 373 Total 7,974 514 Revised Site Plan Trip Generation Estimate—ITE 11th Edition of the Trip Generation Manual ?;: ADT PM Peak ShoppingCenter 46,600 SF 1,725 158 s Fast Food W/Drive Thru 11,120 SF 5,198 367 Coffee Shop W/Drive Thru 1,925 SF 1,027 75 Total 7,950 600 Difference -24 86 20 10 8/12/2024 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AND ZONING MAP DESIGNATIONS: COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Commercial and Mixed Use C-2-DA(Commercial-General Vacant property and Business with a Development senior apartment Agreement) complex MU-DA(Mixed Use with a Development Agreement) Proposed No Change Modification to the development Office,retail, agreement associated with the restaurants with drive current zoning designations through,and bank North of site Commercial and Mixed Use MU-DA(Mixed Use with a Single-family dwellings development agreement[in lieu of (Gated Garden a PUD)) Subdivision) South of site Mixed Use MU-DA(Mixed Use) Commercial subdivision (Tennis Club Plaza Subdivision) East of site Mixed Use BP(Business Park) Mobile home park and medical office West of site Downtown MU(Mixed Use)and MU-DA Office,Commercial, (Mixed Use with a development Retail Center agreement) 21 11 8/12/2024 SOARING FEATHER RA „ . .. 1 , . . • 'lit.;&-- *i I • „. OVERVIEW . vii...•.-Ii' .,,, ,. . .,, *• , • 17-Acres . - j olt 28 Single Famik I.ots , Mir % •;it,- .„„.„ . .,.-, - ,I Commercial I,ot 1 27!/0 Open Space __ „,* , .....,. ' 1111 t---- ft.„.1-.-froulia . -- me ' P. _ Landscape buffers NB ..... . 1 , •..0 . . • '... --, • • 4 , t N. Mil ' SINGLE IL STORY " !#,. ............ .. th„ t • • N t....ir- %4' t ilkit• N 2 1 8/12/2024 • P U D -__ MODIFICATION REQUEST N M , C _ _ _ _ _ _ �IVING SETBACK ! GARAGE SETBACK 11 II Modify Condition#19 to allow for a reduced rear setback- from 30'to a 0'setback. ! 1 4 l +o' _ REAR SETBACK --Ii J L 0 (N 3 SURROUNDINGS ' ;. = /iiv. Agile 4 2 8/12/2024 #- 1,. i' i \ eU 0o i;' • o I f ��� 1 �— I,. _ __ �_ t _, __ I s __ _ �,- o n� O O 0 0 40 ry e�oac: xax a s p r., ,. is+. ., 4, ////..�,.-` ., .r '$' a+�pd 5 _. , ; i VIP 0 I i I I V, - ' UgP '..K6NY''o ._ I '� SINGLE ,. 2..\\i SINGLE A. r,If �,c- - STORY STORY -,J ;� ;yam I 2(1'Landscape Bof kk BLOCK 2 BLOCK 9 I 0; j } ?� , . i ----1— — — r evatl ..., , . 40, a , ,,. ' 1 — ama �J-Ent . - L M.:,e. r .- Y . I .i f , , ....:,.... • , , ..,C4 r •i 4 3 8/12/2024 49. .N. C-40.gr.,.:4-.-' X... P.' Ak y -00'.''' ...4 - - - i` - - r .. ` z a � r 4 - .• - - / , 7 . -.Pk--..:14: , ,. 411, ' - /e.-....,-"'' Air r.1S4 ' --*.h... ' -... ... . .. _ .: ! .. .11 yr' A,,.t9e A t '.....„. TO' ....... .:.- . , -Att.. ..— ...,- ''''' ' • d` .,F A c l 8 4 8/12/2024 t '1y'4 . N 111 ', . > '•w . 7, i as ri)ji., • ax R '''.4\1!*.!:,.. tip. , � '...�-t, .ar' . « yam _a Sc, :, , • m 1f, T.. ia'. 41!l i"€ \ aik``.C..°` tif`: 4,s' .a 7 11 9 �� ... 10 5 8/12/2024 ... . ,.., ..,- ..-.. . ,, 1...... . : 1 I ,,N, ',•,. , . , . . ., ‘.. . . . . . s, , , . s, .,.. , ...,, , . ... ... . „. 4 •., - • . ,, zit, ,I, ..-• • •--,, I MIMI . = :- • " li ' ' ...,, , ''''-' • '41 ,' , • : , ..-,- ---- ‘• 0, , • - N 4.• i tC1 - ,.,..,..............:,“ j .. ......... ‘,... ..„ .. . . . . . .................... ... . __0 o 6, .,....,,,,..,_,....,........„...... 'V* .' ' •N ''''#"-. ' ,AP .-'.',•''''• ...- ', , • ..." ---.. .. _....,...........„ ,-..- .,., „ ...... ...- 1• , '•• .;:-.>2 ''''', .. . ,.., ;''7- '' -"•:.. ,". ..-,..,,,,: .--- . "--...„.: C 0:k . . -%• •‘NN".- IP - . alieetim misiimis •• . 4,, '' : 4 . ,.-' .....1 , 11111.41.1111 MAW ., 0- '.. 44 .......-...... ,-...............-.. - ..... . . .. II•a ,i NIP = :...,'-tf,f..,, •'•, 4 .1i.. ,- .,,, -::-..iov,=.•. ''''''.' ':-.' 'b..-Viii4k.......;.7'- '''''4'''..' •'..-:.r:-.`-''''‘''",,:...,''',''' 4'•,...i.-',.• ---C.--;'4'5"' - '''*'••.-''' . -' '' ' . jr,4- ''--.--'''" -4444''!-‘,,i.4.-f.".. '':'-'.-" ‘.:'1'4'''..-'"AlArt!".1:''''''''''.'''','-'''''-'"'...,*‘, -.•"`• ' ''''''.-.''''''''''''''''''.'..O.C.';',1744*Netik,i'1*.''''''''''."Pt!'...4‘.41°.2'i.i;f‘,..".::::`:*,.i"fl',-2,;"'''''47:::--,.,k..':"'•4'.‘'''''''''s:''''' ' - , • - 12 6 8/l7/ZO24 NEIGHBOR FEEDBACK , Reduced setbacks and privacy Rear easement and construction Lot sizes and open I� ' 14 7 8/12/2024 a: SOARING FEATHER SUBDIVISION lirCU-11-21 MOD/PPUD-08-21 MOD Eagle City Council Public Hearing July 23, 2024 ' ity `a i chae' i11iams, Deputy Planning&Zonings: i. Administrator ii Phone: 939 0227 '` E Mail: 1 Applicant Information{ Applicant: Little Feather Eagle, LLC .ate . Address:Address: 2512 West Navigator Dr., Suite 300 p Meridian, ID 8364E :, Na x, , Represented by: Katie Miller li Phone: 208-490-6989 E-nrl. 2 1 8/12/2024 Project Summary Little Feather Eagle, LLC, represented by Katie Miller with Bailey Engineering, is requesting: • Little Feather Eagle, LLC, represented by Katie Miller with Bailey Engineering, is requesting planned unit development modification approval to reduce the rear yard setback from 30-feet to 20-feet within Soaring Feather Subdivision. The 17-acre site is located approximately 2,000 feet south of Beacon Light Road between Linder Road and Park Lane at 4807 West Little Feather Lane. • The 17-acre site is located approximately 2,000 feet south of Beacon Light Road between Linder Road and Park Lane at 4807 West Little Feather Lane. 3 Vicinity Map n s aC • = ■i r - #iolifAi*,. ' j r 471 ii191 ;. E ^ N '. �1 ` j#R$ilill, 1 kg o ' f i 0 - i .gym.' A t;`r •• ' 4 2 8/12/2024 Soaring Feather Ranch Subdivision Concept Plan r gr , I f, • , " le tpli,lmiiimi , , x .: I mir +. o _L. , 111111iiti( iiiiiiii0 = - f- :::'- ' 1111 f, . mi- -iimit,--, 1111 ___- 4 l'I !1,11.1 .Soarin Fet.tlic i' SuFiclivisicon ". . Ie a u 5 Soaring Feather Ranch Subdivision Final Plat I; I ~ avti -2r ��._._ e • F it { 'jsl'd; , f :f 1 Jf}'( I f , s f i' *' -- ' . . ., 1 0 ' a .. a ,.�..�r...�, ' yea 6 3 8/12/2024 Site Data Total Acreage of Site— 17-acres Total Number of Lots — 32 Residential—29 Commercial—0 Industrial—0 Common—3 Total Number of Units — 29 Single-family—29 Duplex-0 Multi-family—0 Total Acreage of Any Out-Parcels—0 7 Approved Setbacks Front (living) 30-feet Front (garage) 36-feet (front-load garage) Rear 30-feet Interior Side 10-feet (first story) 5-feet (each additional story) Lot 15 Interior Side 7-feet Street Side 20-feet Maximum Lot Coverage 40% The structures on Lots 1, 2, and 16 shall be limited to a single story. 8 • 4 8/12/2024 Requested Setbacks Front (living) Front (garage) 36-feet (front-load garage) Rear 20-feet Interior Side 10-feet (first story) 5-feet(each additional story) Lot 15 Interior Side 7-feet Street Side 20-feet Maximum Lot Coverage 40% (The structures on Lots 1, 2, and 16 shall be limited to a single story.) 9 Setback Exhibit ft 4L, TE El 1 Er E E F 10 5 8/12/2024 Bella Terra Subdivision Setbacks All lots smaller than 17,000 square feet in size shall have the lollowing setbacks and lot coverage requirements: Setbacks: Front 20' Rear 25' Interior Side 7.5'(additional 5'two-story) Street Side 20' Maximum Coverage 40% All lots 17.000 square feet and greater shall meet the setbacks and lot coverage of the R-2 Zone as tbllows: Setbacks: Front 30' Rear 30' Interior Side 10'(additional 5'two story) Street Side 20' • Maximum Coverage 40% 11 Staff Recommendation Staff recommends with the site specific conditions of approval on page 10 of the Staff Report and the standard conditions of approval on page 15 of the Staff Report. 12 6 8/12/2024 End of Presentation 13 7 8/12/2024 pF TNr> ° FREEDOM ACADEMY, LLC . , ILi- d CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT— PRIVATE SCHOOL AND PLAYGROUND ZE 11'; Eagle City Council Public Hearing July 23, 2024 CU P-2024-03 1 Project Summary: The applicant, Ashley Meyer with Freedom Academy, LLC is requesting: • Conditional Use Permit approval to operate a private school and playground. • The site is located on the south side of East Winding Creek Drive at 1173 and 1275 East Winding Creek Drive. 2 2 1 8/12/2024 Vicinity Map: Y�, _.. . , 4 s t ° .. � w.t' a ,. m o-„ y- GEAGLE CITY 3 #it.after to4 C a a� 4,J4r ; "+r . ,,L ` , ." ` t �i eft a c.,:',.''',,,,k,:-..'' ' ', _, -ro, /..- „:„.,..,,4,,..-‘,. , ,"1..'.' '1.42,,,,,'"4:1'',,,,;--.'„. „-,,,‘.7. :17„-. 4-3.11--,...::', • '1'4--. :*-, ...,,1 ,.., ......--,- ;''' 2441.' ":-*''' •"'-. 410P T • { 3 3 Freedom Academy 4 '' 4: 4 . ' -�"' I �� i Freetlon,Argdcrny ',; ,, V ,, 4-.;- •r! 0 4 1 4''4 ' ir''''''' ' : -.'i t 4:0):.,P.'.''''. . i.i.,;-,7.4,?. '. ., :' ' '''.71 , 464,;(-i.„ PREVIOUS LOCATIONM .4it 0;{0-4., ..... 'cnuiret,=f`&iyle r'ar,nt,ti t,' '` - ,., r, ,, . - Arbore Park `.... ,i- d'"- ,.I;r.4_.. a E;,,- .g/ ,,,,, ,,..t .:....,....,7 Qa Q 4 2 8/12/2024 Site Map: l, -v, , �. 1 , ta „,t„��'`„,„.? ,° ,Ili a,— - 1 p. i 1 At r - ..,R The site contains two (2) parcels .z- .. �4-= � ` ,w Total of 1.61-acres , �' �13ND� .---. School Building , "' Existing 10,085-square foot m `" multi-tenant office building 1 < < Playground Lot .,, 0.69-acre vacant lot �, ,�, tE, r*, ,., 5 Zoning Designation Winding Creek East Subdivision Zone C-2: General Business District Land Uses _ Destncts A A•R R•E k LA C•A G.1 C-1 C-3 CBD M•7 bP 161.1 M.3 PS MU Govemmert b etsng offices P P - P - P P P P P P (btat C C P r, P P P C Aluseum C C P - P P P C Past.z:^;'e eatrSn taalmes C C C C C P P C ParKing or parking garage. P PPP P P P P government Portable classroom _ CCCC C C C .. P C PubtrC service lacrtitreb C C • C C C C C C _ CCCC C C — SCnoo1.pubic or private C . - C _ _ = . 6 6 3 8/12/2024 Comprehensive Plan Designation Downtown Suitable primarily for development that accommodates Sa k l y�i ,�errrr; r iii and encourages further expansion and renewal in the t i :Id y �' ='1 -, g p ! !'��s animal al mu' '-' ra downtown core. A variety of business, public, quasi -tii�iitiaftt ���i� �S I atl NIA u� •• w aUr public, cultural, residential, and other related uses are r+frn,t�ln a _-�> .I • .A E/SIG rir f .: � +n encouraged. The greatest possible concentration of �y�-r.rE ��`11 + •,� �.. retail sales and business is to occur in this land use ..��k7 % !�.., "t ti designation. Pedestrian friendly uses and ,, FE� .l ,���E., developments are encouraged. Residential only --- �r Lyl __._. M f*! i/''r��; development should be discouraged. Land within this - . — j:�a.,�,. � s.-. district is the only place to utilize the CBD zoning v '' � . r i�"";o. designation. Other zones within Downtown Eagle may P._. .. - - - - �� J 1 include Mixed Use, Residential, Commercial, and :s'v $-14, ' ,. `',. 1 Professional Office. 7 Items for Discussion: • Hours of Operation • Proposed Traffic Pattern & Monitoring Policy • On Site Parking • School Sanctioned Events • Change of Use Application & Primary Zoning Certificate • Playground Design & Secondary Zoning Certificate 8 8 4 8/12/2024 Items for Discussion: • Hours of Operation • Proposed Traffic Pattern & Monitoring Policy • On Site Parking • School Sanctioned Events • Change of Use Application & Primary Zoning Certificate • Playground Design & Secondary Zoning Certificate 9 9 Hours of Operation : Monday— Thursday 8:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. Friday, Saturday, & Sunday CLOSED Site Specific Condition of Approval #9: The hours of operation for the school shall be limited to Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. — -30 5:00 p.m. After school activities (i.e., extracurricular activities) shall be permitted until 9:00 p.m. Maintenance and administrative tasks may be permitted outside of the specified hours, provided that these activities do not involve students and do not create noise in violation of the Eagle City Code noise ordinance (Section 4-9-1), traffic, or disruption to the surrounding community. 'a Zo 5 8/12/2024 Items for Discussion: • Hours of Operation • Proposed Traffic Pattern & Monitoring Policy • On Site Parking • School Sanctioned Events • Change of Use Application & Primary Zoning Certificate • Playground Design & Secondary Zoning Certificate 11 11 Items for Discussion: • Hours of Operation • Proposed Traffic Pattern & Monitoring Policy • On Site Parking • School Sanctioned Events • Change of Use Application & Primary Zoning Certificate • Playground Design & Secondary Zoning Certificate 12 12 6 8/12/2024 Proposed Traffic Pattern: i "-•- k �, 1` '/; F . a f ` .r ' � sue_ �� , , is . , 4.... - .:top.,...:. - --,,,,,,,,, ,_,,,„. ,,,r ...„ . c , _ 1 S it .. ,,, ,.. q- ...,.ii i . . - W,N4,NG CAEE/�„lye �.._� _ .,„„,,,„„,, i MOO :#" :Safi 4' r` 13 Traffic Monitoring Policy: Site Specific Condition of Approval #8: The applicant shall be required to implement a monitoring policy to ensure compliance with the proposed schedule and traffic pattern for student pick-up and drop-off. This may include, but is not limited to, the use of staff to direct traffic, supervise pick-up and drop-off, and facilitate other traffic control measures. All vehicles shall be required to follow the designated traffic flow, as indicated in the traffic pattern exhibit for student pick-up and drop- off. 14 14 7 8/12/2024 Items for Discussion: • Hours of Operation • Proposed Traffic Pattern & Monitoring Policy • On Site Parking • School Sanctioned Events • Change of Use Application & Primary Zoning Certificate • Playground Design & Secondary Zoning Certificate 15 15 Items for Discussion: • Hours of Operation • Proposed Traffic Pattern & Monitoring Policy • On Site Parking • School Sanctioned Events • Change of Use Application & Primary Zoning Certificate • Playground Design & Secondary Zoning Certificate 16 16 8 8/12/2024 On Site Parking: Required Total[based on"Elementary and Middle School"and"High School"uses: Elementary and Middle School 2 spaces per classroom,plus 1 space 6 proposed classrooms 12-parking spaces per 5 auditorium seats High School As required per conditional use 10 high school students 4.1-parking spaces permit(.41 per high school student— based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers[ITE) Parking Generation Manual) Total Parking Required 17-parking spaces Total Proposed Spaces(existing parking) 49-parking spaces Eagle City Code Section 8-4-5 requires 2 spaces for each classroom and 1 space for every 5 seats in the auditoriums or assembly halls for elementary and middle school uses. Eagle City Code Section 8-4-5 requires parking provisions for high school uses to be specified according to the conditions outlined in the conditional use permit.According to the Institute of Transportation Engineers(ITE)Parking Generation Manual,0.41-parking spaces per student are recommended for a high school. 17 17 Items for Discussion: • Hours of Operation • Proposed Traffic Pattern & Monitoring Policy • On Site Parking • School Sanctioned Events • Change of Use Application & Primary Zoning Certificate • Playground Design & Secondary Zoning Certificate 18 18 9 8/12/2024 Items for Discussion: • Hours of Operation • Proposed Traffic Pattern & Monitoring Policy • On Site Parking • School Sanctioned Events • Change of Use Application & Primary Zoning Certificate • Playground Design & Secondary Zoning Certificate 19 19 School Sanctioned Events: Site Specific Conditions of Approval #10 & 11: The school shall be limited to a maximum of twe five school sanctioned events (i.e., a Christmas showcase and small business fair) per calendar year. Each event shall be permitted between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. and shall be limited to a single day. Adequate noise mitigation for all events shall be implemented to minimize disruption to surrounding properties. This includes, but is not limited to, limiting the use of amplified sound and monitoring noise levels to ensure compliance with the City's noise ordinance (ECC 4-9-1). 20 20 10 8/12/2024 Items for Discussion: • Hours of Operation • Proposed Traffic Pattern & Monitoring Policy • On Site Parking • School Sanctioned Events • Change of Use Application & Primary Zoning Certificate • Playground Design & Secondary Zoning Certificate 21 21 Items for Discussion: • Hours of Operation • Proposed Traffic Pattern & Monitoring Policy • On Site Parking • School Sanctioned Events • Change of Use Application & Primary Zoning Certificate • Playground Design & Secondary Zoning Certificate 22 22 11 8/12/2024 Items for Discussion: • Hours of Operation • Proposed Traffic Pattern & Monitoring Policy • On Site Parking • School Sanctioned Events • Change of Use Application & Primary Zoning Certificate • Playground Design & Secondary Zoning Certificate 23 23 Change of Use Application & § ry* Primary Zoning Certificate: ft- * Site Specific Condition of Approval #5: The applicant shall be required to submit a • _ design review modification application for a the change of use of the existingpp building � � - from an office to a private school. The design r t, review modification application shall be '"•` s ...�. 4.10 reviewed and approved by staff prior to the ktp, A ., � issuance of a primary zoning certificate for Qs the operation of the school. °1" € a 24 12 8/12/2024 Playground Design & Secondary Zoning Certificate: Site Specific Condition of Approval #6: Any changes to the building or site (i.e., additions, 4 signage, exterior paint colors, additional fencing, tb, S etc.) require the submittal of a design review application that includes elevations and/or site plans detailing the proposed changes. The design review application shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a secondary zoning certificate for the playground lot. 25 25 ok Playground Concept Plans 26 26 13 8/12/2024 Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation On June 17, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 to 0 to recommend approval of this application with the Site Specific Conditions of Approval found on page 8 and the Standard Conditions of Approval on page 9 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 27 27 End of Presentation 28 28 14 8/12/2024 Site Specific Conditions of Approval (modified): 1.A private school with a maximum of one hundred and twenty(120)students is the only approved use with this conditional use permit(ECC-8-2-3). 2.The applicant shall submit payment to the City for all engineering and legal fees incurred for reviewing this project prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate or upon receipt of an invoice by the City,whichever occurs first. 3.The applicant shall obtain a primary zoning certificate prior to operating the private school(ECC-8-7-2[A]). 4.The applicant shall obtain a secondary zoning certificate prior to operating or utilizing the playground(ECC-8-7-2[A]). 5.The applicant shall be required to submit a design review modification application for the change of use of the building from an office to a private school.The design review modification application shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a primary zoning certificate for the operation of the school(ECC-8-7-2[A]). 6.Any changes to the building or site(i.e.,additions,signage,exterior paint colors,additional fencing,etc.)require the submittal of a design review application that includes elevations and/or site plans detailing the proposed changes.The design review application shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a secondary zoning certificate for the playground lot(ECC-8-2A-17). 7.Outdoor activities(i.e.,recess)shall be limited to a maximum of 90 minutes a day and shall occur between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 5:00 p.m. 29 29 Site Specific Conditions of Approval (modified): 8.The applicant shall be required to implement a monitoring policy to ensure compliance with the proposed schedule and traffic pattern for student pick-up and drop-off.This may include, but is not limited to,the use of staff to direct traffic,supervise pick-up and drop-off,and facilitate other traffic control measures. All vehicles shall be required to follow the designated traffic flow, as indicated in the traffic pattern exhibit (Exhibit A, attached hereto),for student pick-up and drop-off. 9.The hours of operation for the school shall be limited to Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m.—3+30 5:00 p.m. After school activities(i.e.,extracurricular activities)shall be permitted until 9:00 p.m. Maintenance and administrative tasks may be permitted outside of the specified hours,provided that these activities do not involve students and do not create noise in violation of the Eagle City Code noise ordinance(Section 4-9-1),traffic,or disruption to the surrounding community. 10.The school shall be limited to a maximum of twe five school sanctioned events(i.e.,a Christmas showcase and small business fair)per calendar year.Each event shall be permitted between the hours of 10:00 a.m.and 9:00 p.m.and shall be limited to a single day. 11.Adequate noise mitigation for all events shall be implemented to minimize disruption to surrounding properties.This includes, but is not limited to, limiting the use of amplified sound and monitoring noise levels to ensure compliance with the City's noise ordinance(ECC4-9-1). 30 30 15 8/12/2024 Site Specific Conditions of Approval: PARKING FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS The applicant shall provide 10 designated parking spaces for high school students,located adjacent to the sidewalk surrounding the school building.All associated signage and parking regulations shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. ACCESS FROM PARKING LOT TO THE SCHOOL BUILDING The applicant shall provide a designated walkway around the playground lot for access from the parking lot to the school building.The walkway shall be a minimum of 6-feet wide,measured from the front of the curb.The material used for the walkway shall comply with ADA standards to ensure accessibility for all individuals.The applicant shall submit detailed plans showing the walkway design,materials,and location to be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. 31 31 Site Specific Conditions of Approval: 1.A private school with a maximum of one hundred and twenty(120)students is the only approved use with this conditional use permit(ECC-8-2-3). 2.The applicant shall submit payment to the City for all engineering and legal fees incurred for reviewing this project prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate or upon receipt of an invoice by the City,whichever occurs first. 3.The applicant shall obtain a primary zoning certificate prior to operating the private school(ECC-8-7-2[A]). 4.The applicant shall obtain a secondary zoning certificate prior to operating or utilizing the playground(ECC-8-7-2[A]). 5.The applicant shall be required to submit a design review modification application for the change of use of the building from an office to a private school.The design review modification application shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a primary zoning certificate for the operation of the school(ECC-8-7-2[A]). 6.Any changes to the building or site(i.e.,additions,signage,exterior paint colors,additional fencing,etc.)require the submittal of a design review application that includes elevations and/or site plans detailing the proposed changes.The design review application shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the issuance of a secondary zoning certificate for the playground lot(ECC-8-2A-17). 7.Outdoor activities(i.e.,recess)shall be limited to a maximum of 90 minutes a day and shall occur between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. 32 32 16 8/12/2024 Site Specific Conditions of Approval: 8.The applicant shall be required to implement a monitoring policy to ensure compliance with the proposed schedule and traffic pattern for student pick-up and drop-off.This may include, but is not limited to,the use of staff to direct traffic,supervise pick-up and drop-off,and facilitate other traffic control measures. All vehicles shall be required to follow the designated traffic flow, as indicated in the traffic pattern exhibit (Exhibit A, attached hereto),for student pick-up and drop-off. 9.The hours of operation for the school shall be limited to Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. —3:30 p.m. Maintenance and administrative tasks may be permitted outside of the specified hours,provided that these activities do not involve students and do not create noise in violation of the Eagle City Code noise ordinance (Section 4-9-1), traffic, or disruption to the surrounding community. 10.The school shall be limited to a maximum of two school sanctioned events(i.e.,a Christmas showcase and small business fair) per calendar year.Each event shall be permitted between the hours of 10:00 a.m.and 9:00 p.m.and shall be limited to a single day. 11.Adequate noise mitigation for all events shall be implemented to minimize disruption to surrounding properties.This includes, but is not limited to, limiting the use of amplified sound and monitoring noise levels to ensure compliance with the City's noise ordinance(ECC4-9-1). 33 33 17 http. //www.:canva.c_Qm/slesign/DAGIbQXXMu9/LUS._NV6TEZUfT_QbXmec5A/ed t. CO DITIONAL USE PERMIT /4111/* ; / , I / 'i Ii FREEDOM _ _ ACADEMY ---.---- Tonight we willcover: • Who We Are & Our Mission ,K:::v • How We'II Benefit the Complex & Surrounding Community • Operating Hours & Planned Events • Overall Traffic Impact & Flow of Traffic • Parking Management & Enforcement - Agreement • What do the CC&Rs for the Oilk Complex Say? FREEDOM \( \UC\i\ WHO WE ARE 1 • Parents of young children • Lawyers & Entreprenuers . 1‘,,,,,:i\•;, ' ` • Former Professional Organizer & Efficiency Consultant -? • Local Business Owners - Law Firm & ;1-1, : '. School % -, • Dedicated to Our Community • Value Relationships & Relational `- \ Economy • High Priority Placed on Reputation Trust in the Lord with au your heart. • y ., x FREEDOMT # , Our mission is to support �� , � . * " �� • 0,- each child and parent .; VS,� fT �- 4�1� Q who enters our doors to ;�, �� ''' �,, embrace a Hero's Journey a `. • '. 4015 and their identity ins ` Christ, so they can find �`� e " their God-given calling E and become the world 9s' -. ? � —II) changers God created I ,is, them to be. �`` , - d i. T•i ; . 4 0 Our Core Learning Values: • Whole-Child Focus • Biblical & Spirit Centered 'T • Critical Thinking Focused ' =V • Applied Academics • Community Service Driven • Ownership, Accountability & Leadership • Individual Giftedness • Interpersonal Communication04% • Learning Mastery • Growth M i ndset FREEDOM ACADEMY How Freedom Academy WILL Benefit the Community? • We will promote the surrounding businesses to our _ ` families _ *, • We will clean up and bring fresh energy to an otherwise li "dead zone"in the complex that has sat vacant for years �,$ , ,.� since Covid began in 2019 — �_• i - • ; • The complex is occupied by businesses whose target 4 market is families and higher incomes: I Family Chiropractor ��..,,..,. jj► Virtual Reality Game Shop 3 Restaurants-all family friendly nc 4. ,,1 1.,,1 ali, 1 k. Wealth Management Advisor . ' r Bank - Barbershop ` scyr �- Fitness CenteILIIIII'..., And morel • Higher visibility due to our school days, means more i v:=7 exposure for local businesses to their target market '' EXPANDING, WE CAN SERVE MORE ..N i�"}?2* by ✓. `rz' ?> bwr 11 ... .dq ro yap yia.•,#?a, wx- • t /J . t Tl • -- ,/ .,... -1m „Apo-. ,,„A 11011 • a jj V 10,000+ Square Feet ,F Outdoor Playspace • '�.�� � _ g� OPERATING HOURS & EVENTS • School Hours are Monday through Thursday, gam - 3pm Drop-Off is broken into two groups, 8:30-8:45am & 8:45-9am Pick-Up is broken into two groups, 3-3:15pm & 3:15-3:30pm • We will have 10 staff cars that will remain in the parking lot during school hours • We only have two planned events for the school year A student-produced Christmas performance A kids business fair • We do not operate on Fridays, other than occasional staff meetings and we do not have weekend hours • Summer camps are small in size and only take place during our normal school operating hours OVERALL TRAFFIC IMPACT & FLOW • Our School is only growing by a nominal number of cars since last year "'" 4ik • ITD has waived any traffic study needs as our traffic impact is too low - too few cars •-* • Parents are well versed and well-trained to . b' follow traffic patterns as we've been on a dead end street for 2 years with no turnaround ," • • Traffic will follow the pattern in the CUP o,• „k Est • e° Application and as shown here St .4 k 4 • Drop off and pick up times are broken up to �• _ mitigate traffic flow n,a • Our school will honor the parking arrangement 6!g ` 'rf a 3 "` ,• currently being drafted by the Building Owners' 1 .4` , .. sst* « }{P '-: Association to ensure we do not interfere with - x^" ` any neighboring businesses, nor the community '.! ;. • As a school we generate significantly less traffic • * , � "" � '� .i. and parking congestion than a typical business s occupying a building this large and the lot ..;•a•'4 Jo— space as well we do not have countless cars coming and going all day ENFORCEMENT OF TRAFFIC & PARKING ;5,7" - ,;, • Parents will sign the traffic flow pattern and f ' ' _; - $_ , parking expectations before school starts A. 40!•m �`, A. " • All new parents will sign upon enrollment of ' . �_ � " .i� TM •• � their children - t •_ • We will have several orange-vested parking , ( = 4 040, attendants directing traffic as well as A-frame _ y, signage out for the first month of school to � ' enforce the traffic flow and parking ' ` k t 1' expectations, as well as create a rythm , • Staff will park in the parking spots dedicated to . '.- \ .,',r's� J , A ! ��� ' r our building once the CC&Ps are amended s �_s �s brn'4. `*'`A8a3 �" s giving "building parking" assignments Z` • We do not have "all day" traffic, rather small ='t windows where cars come and go s/ , v. h' .' 12e1 `T • We ask that if there is ever a "parking or traffic -' a9 ' � *" issue," that we are immediately made aware of <.• < . ♦ F it so that we can remedy the situation swiftly. i Mass�y�„ay r'N'•;',ts� P - 9. '� w . DETAILS IN THE CC&RS FOR THE BUILDING ASSOCIATION & PRESIDENT'S NOTE • All parking spaces are defined as Common Area in the commercial 0 subdivision,and are shared non-exclusively by all 9 owners and their tenants • During the complex's owners association annual meeting on 2/22/24,the owners unanimously agreed to modify the CC&Rs to allow building owners to dedicate the parking spots in front of their building for the exclusive use of their tenants. • Our building owner is the president of the Owner's Association,and they expect to have a draft of the modified CC&Rs out by the end of the summer. We will draft a parking plan and traffic pattern plan for our building owner to distribute to all of the owners and their tenants,to create a positive neighbor relationship with surrounding businesses and residents. • During our building owner's individual calls with each building owner(or their management firm),all unanimously support having Freedom Academ in the commercial subdivision. `, 01k41400e `Nia 400'' -'41to FREEDOM — ACADEMY 041/ WE LOOK FORWARD TO CONTINUING TO SERVE THE CITY OF EAGLE .