Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 07/09/2024 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES July 9,2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER,MAY,RUSSELL,KVAMME.A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pike leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council: Kvamme reports on the Eagle Sewer District meeting. A wetland restoration plan south of the treatment plant is being implemented. The District approved their fiscal year 2024/2025 budget. Kvamme reports on the tour of the Jackson House property that he and Council Member May attended. There are several safety and structural issues that need to be addressed. Kvamme would like a committee formed to accelerate the restoration of the property and strategically approach the restoration and funding of the project. Mayor Pike mentions that until the safety matters have been addressed the property is not open for public access. Pike reports on the upcoming Eagle Fun Days activities including concerts, the fun run, family friendly night, vendors, the corn hole tournament, fireworks as well as the Wet and Wild parade. Mayor Pike reminds people that there are separate sections — the dry and the wet portions and that water balloons are not allowed. B. Department Supervisor:No report C. Eagle Police Department: Police Chief Travis Ruby introduces Detective Charee Tucker. Detective Tucker has worked for Ada County Sheriff's Office since 1999 and will be retiring next week after outstanding service to the citizens in Ada County and the City of Eagle. The council expresses their gratitude for Detective Tucker's service.Chief Ruby reminds people to hydrate and use sunscreen during the Fun Days events. He commends Eagle's Library Director and Library Staff for their attentive action and testimony regarding a recent case. Thanks to their actions and testimony,Eagle is a safer place. D. City Attorney:No report. 6. PRESENTATION: A. Ada County Presentation: A presentation by Ada County requesting the City of Eagle to collect impact fees for services provided by Ada County(Jail,Paramedics,&Corner)as identified in the adopted Ada County Impact Fee Studies. Mayor Pike introduces the item. Nichoel Baird Spencer, Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects introduces representatives from Ada County and the consultant that conducted their capital projects plan. Leon Letson, Community Planning Manager is requesting the collection of fees for Ada County jail,paramedics and Ada County Coroner. Mr.Letson reviews the history of the impact fee process, and how the methodology for impact fee calculations were arrived at.The request is being proposed to Star,Garden City,Kuna,Meridian and Boise,Ada County representatives will work closely with City Staff and legal counsel to address any ordinances or agreements that need to be in place in order for the City to collect fees on behalf of the County. The council concurs that staff should move ahead with the process. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-24min.docx 7. CONSENT AGENDA:ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS. Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion.There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of June 19,2024.(TEO) C. Mace Parking Lot Bid Award: Bid award for the construction of the Mace Parking Lot to Western Refinery Services, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $304,732.00. The project includes construction of a paved parking lot, connection to the existing City pathway,modifying the access to Highway 55, and associated improvements. The site is located on the west side of South Eagle Road(Highway 55)near the south bank of the north channel of the Boise River. (HECO) D. Eagle Road Waterline-Veolia Connection Bid Award: Award of bid to Gulley Excavation & Utilities in an amount not to exceed $106,771.00 for the connection of the City's existing 12" water main to VEOLIA's existing 12" water main on Eagle Road, connection to an existing Pressure Reduction Valve Station at the intersection of Eagle Road and Rush Drive, and disconnection and abandonment of the VEOLIA water main in the intersection of Eagle Road and Floating Feather Road.Also included are all fittings,valves,appurtenances,and surface restoration as specified in the plans and contract documents.(HECO) E. Resolution 24-07-Affirming Eagle as a Non-Sanctuary City: A Resolution Declaring The City Of Eagle,Ada County,Idaho,As A Non-Sanctuary City And Setting Fiscal Policy Regarding Use Of Taxpayer Resources Regarding Illegal Immigration. (HR) F. Development Agreement for RZ-02-23 — Everton Subdivision — TH Lost River, LLC: Council authorization for Mayor to execute the development agreement associated with Everton Subdivision. The 76.85-acre site is located at the northeast corner of State Highway 44 and North Palmer Lane.(MJW) G. Development Agreement for RZ-05-18 — Headquarters Subdivision — Madera Development, Inc.: Council authorization for Mayor to execute the development agreement associated with Headquarters Subdivision. The 10-acre site is located on the south side of West Floating Feather Road at the southwest corner of West Floating Feather Road and North Lanewood Road at 5655 West Floating Feather Road. (MJW) H. DR-2023-22-MOD1 -Modification to the Common Area Landscaping within Rocking A Ranch Subdivision-Alscott Real Estate,LLC:Alscott Real Estate,LLC,represented by Rodney Evans with Rodney Evans + Partners, LLC, is requesting design review approval to modify the common area landscaping within Rocking A Ranch Subdivision. The 171.0-acre site is located on the east side of North Eagle Road, approximately 1,300-feet north of East Beacon Light Road at 3980 & 3250 North Eagle Road, 372 East Beacon Light Road and Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 1, Equestrian Estates Subdivision No. 1. (ERF) I. DR-2024-20 - Public Service Facility for an Idaho Power Substation - GWC Capital: GWC Capital represented by Eric Langvardt with Langvardt Design Group, is requesting design review approval of a public service facility for an Idaho Power substation.The 7-acre(approximate) site is located near the future northwest corner of Aerie Way and Willow Creek Road(Ada County Assessor parcel number S0218212700) which is outside of the PUMP No. 1 boundary but is considered an essential public facility. (BAW) J. Pathway Agreement Between Drainage District No.2 and the City of Eagle for a Pathway within Carp Ranch Subdivision: Drainage District No. 2 is requesting approval of a pathway agreement associated with the Master Pathway Agreement for a public pathway located within Carp Ranch Subdivision. The 34.57-acre site is located on the south side of West Floating Feather Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-24min.docx Road approximately 500-feet west of the intersection of North Cove Colony Way and West Floating Feather Road. (MJW) K. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Denial of CUP-2024-02 — Conditional Use Permit for Highland Homes Events —Highland Executive Offices, LLC: Kathy Wilkins with Highland Executive Offices, LLC is requesting conditional use permit approval for a "Live Entertainment Events" facility for weddings, receptions, and similar events. The approximately .97-acre site is located on Lot 24, Block 4, Mixed Use Subdivision No. 5 within Eagle River Development at 1015 South Bridgeway Place. (HSD) L. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of A-06-23/RZ-10-23/RZ-13- 18 MOD/PP-07-23 — Annexation, Rezone, Development Agreement Modification, and Preliminary Plat for Terra View South Subdivision — Becky Yzaguirre: Becky Yzaguirre is requesting annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County designation) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]), R-6-DA (Residential with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]), and R-2-DA (Residential with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]) for approximately 80.87-acres, a rezone from R-2-DA (Residential with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]) for approximately 3.33-acres, a development agreement modification, and preliminary plat approvals for Terra View South Subdivision, a 361 -lot (230- single family residential, 71-single family attached, 25-commercial, 35- common) mixed use subdivision. The approximately 170.4-acre site is located at the northeast corner of West Floating Feather Road and State Highway 16 between West Floating Feather Road and West Beacon Light Road. (MJW) M. FP-2022-16-EXT1 — Millstone Farms Subdivision No. 1 — Seddie Eagle, LLC: Seddie Eagle, LLC, represented by Tamara Thompson with The Land Group,Inc., is requesting a one(1) year extension of time for the final plat for Millstone Farms Subdivision No. 1, a 103-lot (90- buildable, 13-common), residential subdivision. The 41.78-acre site is located at the northwest corner of North Palmer Lane and West Floating Feather Road. (HSD) N. FP-2024-01 —Final Plat for Avimor Phase 11 Subdivision—Avimor Development,LLC: Avimor Development LLC, represented by Brad Pfannmuller, is requesting final plat approval for the Avimor Boise County No. 1 Subdivision, a 164-lot(158-buildable and 6-common)residential subdivision. The 245.48-acre site is located in Boise County on the east side of State Highway 55 at North McLeod Way, approximately 1.58-miles north of the intersection of State Highway 55 and West Avimor Drive. (DLM) O. National Opioid Settlement Participation: The State of Idaho has reached a new agreement with Kroger to participate in the nationwide opioid settlement. Staff is requesting authorization for the Mayor to sign a Subdivision Participation Form for a new National Opioids Settlement. (KR) P. Amended Permanent Pathway Easement Agreement Between the City of Eagle and AG EHC II (LEN) Multi State 2, LLC, for a Public Pathway within Skyview Subdivision: AG EHC II (LEN) Multi State 2, LLC, is requesting approval of an amended permanent pathway easement agreement for the public pathway easement agreement for the public pathway located within Skyview Subdivision. The 15.36-acre site is located at the northwest corner of State Highway 44 and North Park Lane at 101 North Park Lane. (MJW) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Kvamme requests item H be removed. Kathy Wilkins requests item K be continued to the next regular meeting on January 23t1 as the applicant is considering requesting a reconsideration but needs more time to look into the matter. Gindlesperger moves to approve consent agenda items 7 A-P, excluding items H and K. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-24min.docx H. DR-2023-22-MOD1 -Modification to the Common Area Landscaping within Rocking A Ranch Subdivision-Alscott Real Estate,LLC:Alscott Real Estate,LLC,represented by Rodney Evans with Rodney Evans + Partners, LLC, is requesting design review approval to modify the common area landscaping within Rocking A Ranch Subdivision. The 171.0-acre site is located on the east side of North Eagle Road, approximately 1,300-feet north of East Beacon Light Road at 3980 & 3250 North Eagle Road, 372 East Beacon Light Road and Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 1, Equestrian Estates Subdivision No. 1. (ERF) Kvamme questions the use of black asphalt shingles for the well house and seeks clarification if the well house is part of the modification request. Rodney Evans, 1450 W. Bannock Street, Boise, Idaho. Mr. Evans reviews the proposed building design and materials and the reason for the material selection. The intent was to keep the design and look consistent with the barn.As the cost to construction lies on the developer,they would ask that the Council take that into consideration. Kvamme is very excited with the overall design of the project but feels the there are other design options that would be more aesthetically pleasing. Discussion. Kvamme moves DR-2023-22-MOD1-Modification to the Common Area Landscaping within Rocking A Ranch Subdivision - Alscott Real Estate, LLC to accept as presented. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. K. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Denial of CUP-2024-02 — Conditional Use Permit for Highland Homes Events —Highland Executive Offices, LLC: Kathy Wilkins with Highland Executive Offices, LLC is requesting conditional use permit approval for a "Live Entertainment Events" facility for weddings, receptions, and similar events. The approximately .97-acre site is located on Lot 24, Block 4, Mixed Use Subdivision No. 5 within Eagle River Development at 1015 South Bridgeway Place. (HSD) Mayor Pike introduces the item. City Planner Hailey Durham states that the applicant has requested this item be continued to the next regular meeting. Gindlesperger moves to table consent agenda item 7K Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Denial of CUP-2024-02—Conditional Use Permit for Highland Homes Events— Highland Executive Offices, LLC to the July 23 meeting. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM Eagle Sports Complex Park/Eagle Rodeo Review: Staff will provide the Council an update on the 2024 Eagle Rodeo and is requesting the Council direction on the next phase of the Eagle Sports Complex Park. (NBS) Nichoel Baird Spencer,Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects reviews the rodeo event for 2023 and 2024 and the lease agreements for the same. Staff discusses the timeline for park construction phasing and the notice requirement stated in the lease agreement for notification of lease termination. Russell believes that it is appropriate to provide the rodeo notice of termination now so that they have ample time to identify a new location for the 2025 rodeo. May concurs. Kvamme feels as though an initial discussion with the Rodeo representatives is warranted in hopes of making them aware of the foreseen park construction that will quite possibly impact next year's event. Discussion. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-24min.dock Russell moves to have staff issue a notice of termination to the Eagle Rodeo. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS. Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. Public hearing testimony time limits: Individuals testifying are allotted three (3) minutes for non-repetitive testimony Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A Public Hearing to Consider a New Capitalization Fee for the City of Eagle Water Department.(HECO and KR) Mayor Pike introduces the item and opens the public hearing. Kellie Rekow,City Treasurer states that the meeting with concerned parties was held and notes the changes made to the previously presented resolution language. Mayor Pike opens public testimony. Dave Yorgason, 13965 W.Chinden Boise,Idaho. Mr. Yorgason appreciates the meeting with staff and the changes made to the resolution language. Mayor Pike closes the public testimony. A.1. Resolution No. 24-03, New Capitalization Fee to Replace Storage and Trunk Line Fees and Water Construction Equivalency Fees in Accordance with a City of Eagle Water System Capitalization Fee Study: A resolution replacing the Storage and Trunk Line (STL) Fees and Water Construction Equivalency(WCE)Fees with a new Capitalization Fee for the City of Eagle Water Department in accordance with Eagle City Code Section 1-7-4 and providing an effective date. (KR) *This item was continued from the June 25,2024,City Council meeting. Russell moves to approve item 9A.1 Resolution No.24-03,New Capitalization Fee to Replace Storage and Trunk Line Fees and Water Construction Equivalency Fees in Accordance with a City of Eagle Water System Capitalization Fee Study. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. CU-11-21 MOD/PPUD-08-21 MOD — Planned Unit Development Modification — Little Feather Eagle, LLC: Little Feather Eagle, LLC, represented by Katie Miller with Bailey Engineering, is requesting planned unit development modification approval to reduce the rear yard setback from 30-feet to 20-feet within Soaring Feather Subdivision. The 17-acre site is located approximately 2,000 feet south of Beacon Light Road between Linder Road and Park Lane at 4807 West Little Feather Lane. (MJW) Mayor introduces the item and opens the public hearing. Mike Williams, Deputy Planning and Zoning Director states that late this afternoon an email was received from the applicant requesting the item be continued to the next regular meeting. Gindlesperger moves to continue CU-11-21 MOD/PPUD-08-21 MOD — Planned Unit Development Modification—Little Feather Eagle,LLC to the July 23''d meeting.Seconded by Kvamme. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. A-06-23/RZ-12-23/CU-12-23/PPUD-04-23/PP-08-23 — Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Wildernest River Subdivision — Toby and Linda Williamson: Toby and Linda Williamson, represented by Stephanie Hopkins 5725 N. Discovery Way Meridian, Idahowith KM Engineering, LLP, are Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-24min.docx requesting an annexation, rezone from RP(Rural Preservation—Ada County designation)to R-2- DA-P (Residential with a development agreement — PUD) conditional use permit, preliminary development plan,and preliminary plat approvals for Wildernest River Subdivision,a 119-lot(108- buildable, 11-common) planned unit development. The 88-acre site is located at the terminus of South Isla Del Rio Way,South Lago Way,and South Riparian Way at 850 and 856 East Williamson Lane. (MJW) Mayor introduces the item and opens the public hearing. May discloses ex-parte in that a resident contacted her about the application. May informed the individual that she could not discuss an active land use application and encouraged her to provide testimony at the public hearing. Stephanie Hopkins with KM Engineering, 5725 N. Discovery Way, Boise, Idaho, representing Toby and Linda Williamson reviews the application. Ms. Hopkins notes that the property owners have lived in Eagle since 1965 before Eagle was even incorporated and had a population of 400. They purchased 400 acres to start their ranch,the couple were married at a church that now houses Rembrandts. All of this to say that the Williamssons are longtime residents of Eagle and desire to bring forward an application that is an asset to the Eagle community.Ms.Hopkins reviews the site- specific conditions of approval and the requested amendments to the same. Mike Williams,Deputy Planning and Zoning Director reviews the staff report and items for special consideration. Discussion. Mayor opens public testimony. Tom Murray, 1735 S. Raparian Way, Eagle,Idaho. Mr. Murray states that he lives in Williamson Ranch and that a letter was delivered to the City expressing the concerns of the residents of Williamson River Ranch. City Attorney, Mitch Coats states that as the written testimony was received after the deadline for submittal,Mr. Murray may read the letter into the record. Deputy Planning and Zoning Director Williams reviews Eagle City Code pertaining to written public testimony 1-8-3(c). The pleasure of the Council is that the late written testimony be accepted. Mr. Murray reads the letter into the record on behalf of the Williamson Ranch Subdivision. Copy attached. A member of the audience,name unintelligible,cedes her 3 minutes so that Mr. Murray may finish reading the letter into the record. Their concern is that there is not sufficient egress to their subdivision to adequately address safety and emergency matters.In summary,a second egress should be added before Council considers approving the subdivision. Jenny Vandermeulin, 1829 S.Lago Way,Eagle,Idaho. Ms.Vandermeulin states that some people who signed the written testimony added additional comments to the petition. Ms.Vandermeulin is concerned with the one way in and one way out of Williamson Ranch. The homeowner's association fees are already quite exorbitant and would not be in favor of additional fees to maintain a road. Eagle Road is a mess to assess, sometimes sitting through light cycles to get onto Eagle Road. She encourages Council to deny the application. Dan Vandermeulin, 1829 S. Lava Way, Eagle, Idaho. After unanimous public testimony at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission still approved the application. It appeared that the Commission had already made up their minds regardless of the testimony. Mr. Vandermeulin encourages the Council to research disasters that were avoided because more than one ingress and egress was designed into the subdivision. Yaiz Barniv, 1879 S. Riparian Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Barniv contacted ACHD and received a contract they had been entered into with Island Woods to maintain the road. The contract could be cancelled if the roads are not maintained appropriately by Island Woods.The pavers have sunk and Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-24min.docx are very jarring, ACHD should repair it and correct the roadway. The impact on Island Woods residents due to construction traffic would be extremely negative.To approve the new development without an additional egress would be extremely disastrous. Beth Landis, 1540 E.Rivers End Court,Eagle,Idaho.Ms.Landis has lived in Island Woods for 19 years. She believes that ranchers and landowners should be allowed to develop their land. She also recognizes that ACHD takes a long time to adopt and implement long range plans. She believes that the landowners should not be delayed Jack Swaim, 1540 E. Rivers End Court, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Swain has been neighbors with Toby and Linda Williamson for almost 20 years. The Williamsons have been conscientious neighbors over the years.Mr. Swain always knew that there was potential for the Williamsons to develop and support their right to develop their property subject to the appropriate reviews. Toby and Linda Williamson, 856 Williamson Lane, Eagle, Idaho, when they first came to Eagle, the City was not even incorporated. She discusses the rural nature of the Eagle in the early years. They have witnessed the small beloved community change and grow without their blessing. Change can be uncomfortable, but it is still the town they love. She appreciates the challenges Council faces and the hard decisions. Testimony focusing on fear mongering ignores all the good improvements associated with the proposal.The improvements and access to great recreation areas should be considered. She believes that their design team has provided a great product and appreciates the Councils consideration. Rene Robinette, 1700 River Chase Way, Eagle, lives in Island Woods. She is not opposed to development,but it should be done right. She is concerned that raptor habitat will be disrupted and after consulting Fish and Game they indicated that no study was done to protect the federally protect raptors and their habitat. Geese have been killed on the interior roadways of Island Woods by as it is. She is opposed to the annexation as proposed. The council is opening themselves up to a class action lawsuit if this gets approved without the addition of egress. Brent Brockson, 1142 E.Riversong Drive,Eagle,Idaho representing Rivers End.Written testimony was submitted signed by the entire HOA Board of Rivers End. There are a number of concerns expressed regarding the easement. Will there be adequate access for fire apparatus? Discusses the extreme traffic count which will exceed the ACHD planning threshold if allowed to develop. An unidentified individual cedes his time to Mr.Brockson.The 114 residents of Rivers End would like to go on record of opposing this application,they are very concerned with public safety and access for law enforcement and EMS. Should a fire or flood occur it will become a matter of life and death. Lorraine Henry 1663 W. River Grove, Eagle, Idaho. The Island Woods Board of Directors circulated a petition,351 residents signed the petition. They believe the Mayor and Council are the gatekeepers for the community. The main concern is the safety of residents in light of the increase of traffic. Island Wood Drive has already been impacted by high traffic flows, as well as several near misses. There has already been slaughtering of 17 geese and ducks on the roadway. The situation is already dangerous, please do expand the problem. An ACHD road trust should be required of this application to address the concerns on Island Woods Drive to mitigate the traffic. Steve Glasgow, 642 E. River Chase Way, Eagle,Idaho. Mr. Glasgow has lived here for 20 years. The secondary assess should have been put in and required long ago.It is a matter of public health and safety as emergency services do not have that secondary access. The top priority of the Council should be to solve the access to the east. Dave Shepherd is in favor of this moving forward but not without the addition of the additional access. Both Lakemor Subdivision and the access off of Colchester are examples of developments that have provided additional access,relieving the pressure of access. It would be his hope that the same thing could be done for this proposed development. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-24min.dock Kimberlly Tarum, 1744 W.Isla Del Rio Way,Eagle,Idaho. Ms.Tarum is speaking as a parent,as it is now the school buses already run late. Kids line up on Island Woods Drive and there is great concern for their safety. If the development is approved the construction traffic would exacerbate the danger. Diana Sloan, 195 E. Trailside Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Sloan is concerned with the management of growth. She questions why the developer isn't being required to add a second entrance. The developer will be financially gaining,while the City has to deal with the impact. The Council and Planning and Zoning Department has a responsibility to control growth and ensure safety. Chuck Lano, 1763 S.Lago,Eagle,Idaho. Mr.Lano,with Williamson River Ranch HOA,provides written testimony which are the signed petitions. They are not opposed to the development but would ask that the brakes be tapped until a hard and fast easement is secured until a secondary ingress and egress is acquired. Joanne Sarrach, 1242 S. Lano Way, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Sarrach has concerns about where the children of the new subdivision will attend school. The school bus already takes over an hour to transport kids. The Council should take these things into consideration when making these decisions. Gene Williams, 946 E. Rivers End Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Williams lives adjacent to Island Woods Drive. The traffic study does not adequately address traffic during the school year and recommends that it should be redone. The amount of time it currently takes to assess Eagle Road during peak times, and the response time for that as well should be considered before adding additional homes as is requested in the subdivision.Questions if current fire emergency service are being addressed. Is the bridge safe and who will maintain it are all safety concerns that he would like addressed. Mayor Pike closes the public testimony. Stephanie Hopkins, 5725 N. Discovery Way, Boise, Idaho. The options for procuring additional assess are limited due to other private property owners. Currently there is no formal easement for emergency access,for the existing subdivisions. If tonight's approval is obtained,a recorded access would be part of the conditions of approval. As a safeguard, signatures on a final plat would only be obtained once a recorded easement in place for the secondary emergency access per conversations with Eagle Fire District. The traffic impact analysis was conducted in August. They have worked closely with the Eagle Fire Department to identify conditions that they would be willing to approve. Russell seeks clarification on the Island Road Drive is designated as a collector roadway. Hopkins states that the traffic impact analysis had incorrectly identified Island Woods Road as residential, however ACHD has designated it as a collector roadway. Gindlesperger asks who will be maintaining the bridge and asphalt as that was a question that arose. Hopkins states that the developer will be required to maintain the bridge. May seeks more details on the funding of the maintenance of the road and bridge. Hopkins states that those details have not been solidified at this time. Kvamme has questions about the placement of buildings on the head of Eagle Island contrary to what is identified in Eagle Island. Discussion. Mayor closes the public hearing. General discussion. May comments that her main concern is egress as was evident in the testimony tonight. The option proposed for emergency access is interesting, but perhaps not sufficient. Safety is of utmost concern. Mayor Pike asks if not annexed to the City of Eagle, what would potentially be allowed by Ada County.Deputy Planning and Zoning Administrator Williams notes that some of the parcels of the proposed project are recognized in Boise's Comprehensive Plan and some parcels are recognized in the City of Eagle's Comprehensive Plan. Discussion. Russell questions if residents Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-24min.docx would be allowed to use the emergency access easement. Staff states that at this time it is for emergency access only, but that it may be expanded to include evacuation. Discussion regarding the request to waive setbacks. Kvamme states that he is in favor of the landowners right to develop their land. In general,he likes the development, is not in favor of waiving the setback requirements. The repeatedly expressed concern for safety were not created by this proposal perhaps exasperated but it already exists. He would be in favor of giving the developer the opportunity to meet with other HOA's to discuss egress options. Russell does not feel that requiring the HOA's to meet is necessary, but that the requirement of the easement agreement would meet the needs. She too lives in a subdivision that has access challenges so does understand the impact of growth. If Eagle were to deny, Russell is concerned with what Ada County would allow. May states that the day-to-day travel and safety is not addressed with the easement agreement proposed,other measures should be in place before she would be comfortable voting in favor. Gindlesperger is also concerned that if Eagle does not approve other entities will control how the property develops. She concurs with May regarding the egress, but a recorded easement provides some relief in an emergency situation but doesn't solve everything. She would not be in favor of the requested setback waiver. Discussion. Mayor Pike states that emergency services have mitigation plans in place. If approved this may prompt an enhancement to the mitigation plan, but he wants to assure those in attendance that professional emergency personnel do have plans and contingency plans in place. Discussion. Deputy Zoning Administrator Williams provides examples of condition language based on Council discussions tonight. Development agreement condition 3.11 could be re-written to read: Owner shall comply with the requirements of the Eagle Fire Department and City of Eagle Parks, Pathways, and Recreation Commission. The secondary emergency access shall provide for ingress/egress for emergency vehicles and evacuation of citizens in the event of an emergency.The secondary emergency access agreement shall be recorded and referenced on the plat prior to approval of the first phase of the development. Russell moves to approve agenda item 9C with the following changes to the site specifics for the annexation and rezone revised 3.11 as states by Mike Williams adding the emergency assess requirements. Striking #4 denying the setback waiver. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Russell amends to state that the standard conditions of approval the conditions of development as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Conditions with the with the noted changes. Second concurs. Discussion. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY NAY; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.THREE AYE: ONE NAY(May).MOTION CARRIES. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM Resolution 24-08-Community Hall Use Policy: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, Adopting An Eagle Community Hall Facility Use Policy; And Providing An Effective Date. (TEO) Mayor introduces the item. Tracy Osborn,City Clerk reviews the policy and stands for questions.Osborn provides clarification on the permitting requirements should alcohol be allowed. Staff currently works closely with Eagle Police Department for alcohol permitting process and would collaborate on conditions of approval on a case-by-case basis. Russell moves to approve action item 10A Resolution 24-08 — Community Hall Use Policy with the allowance of the service of alcohol. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME NAY. THREE AYE: ONE NAY (Kvamme). MOTION CARRIES. Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-24min.docx B. ACTION ITEM: Resolution 24-09 - Eagle Senior Center Use Policy: A Resolution Of The City Of Eagle,Ada County,Idaho,Adopting A New Eagle Senior Center Facility Use Policy;And Providing An Effective Date. (TEO) Mayor introduces the item. Tracy Osborn,City Clerk reviews the policy and stands for questions. Gindlesperger moves to approve action item 10A Resolution 24-09—Eagle Senior Center Use Policy. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. ACTION ITEM-Ordinance 932-Code of Ethics and Civility:An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle,Ada County Idaho Title 1,"Administration",Adding New Chapter 12,"Code Of Ethics And Civility",Adding A Severability Clause; And Providing An Effective Date. (MM/TEO) Mayor introduces the item. Tracy Osborn,City Clerk reviews the ordinance,notes scriveners'errors that will be corrected prior to execution if approved and stands for questions. Gindlesperger moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance#932 be considered after being read once by title only.Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Gindlesperger moves that Ordinance#932 be adopted. An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle,Ada County Idaho Title 1,"Administration",Adding New Chapter 12,"Code Of Ethics And Civility",Adding A Severability Clause;And Providing An Effective Date. Seconded by Kvamme. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. D. ACTION ITEM: Ordinance 933 - Annexation and Rezone Ordinance - Willowbrush Subdivision: An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County,Idaho,and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle,to the City of Eagle, Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT(Rural- Urban Transition - Ada County designation) to R-2-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement-PUD); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of this ordinance be filed as provided by law; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date.The 4.97-acre site is located at the southwest corner ofNorth Park Lane and West Beacon Light Road at 2795 North Park Lane. (MJW) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Gindlesperger moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#933 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by May.GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Gindlesperger moves that Ordinance#933 be adopted. An ordinance annexing certain real property situated in the unincorporated area of Ada County,Idaho,and contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Eagle,to the City of Eagle,Idaho; changing the zoning classification of said real property described herein from RUT(Rural-Urban Transition- Ada County designation)to R-2-DA-P(Residential with a development agreement-PUD); amending the zoning map of the City of Eagle to reflect said change; directing that copies of Page 10 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-24min.docx this ordinance be filed as provided by law; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date.The 4.97-acre site is located at the southwest corner of North Park Lane and West Beacon Light Road at 2795 North Park Lane. Seconded by Kvamme. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. E. ACTION ITEM Strategic Planning Workshop Update: Staff will provide the Council an update on the Strategic Planning Workshop held on May 22, 2024, and is requesting direction for a follow-up workshop. (NBS) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Nichoel Baird Spencer,Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects,reviews her analysis of the strategic planning workshop and seeks additional direction on the same. Russell suggests an additional meeting and perhaps tackling the top three items on the list. Gindlesperger concurs and would prefer it to be a Council only workshop perhaps in September. May agrees that a Council level discussion and then bring in Department Heads as needed. Kvamme would like to see the Jackson House raise in priority. 11. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter,up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items.Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. Mayor Pike introduces the item. Peter Robins, 136 S.Van Dries Ave,Eagle,Idaho. Mr.Robins has concerns with Old Valley Road which is the entrance to the River Walk Subdivision. Numerous trailers and vehicles are being parked along the road. He is not certain if it is a ACHD matter or a City matter. It would be his preference to post "no parking" signs along the road. He is pleading with Council to address the matter. Some enforcement has been done, but it only results in the vehicles being temporarily moved. Pat Chapman, 1570 N. Prestwich Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Chapman provides comments on the Senior Center Use Policy. He says there has been a huge improvement to the facility. The non- profit he is associated with works well with Brian and leaves the facility better than they find it. It is his hope that a fee schedule would not be adopted or allow for free use. Brent Brocksom, 1142 Riversong,Eagle,Idaho. Mr.Brocksom provides comment on the five-day requirement for written testimony submittal.It is cumbersome with the time horizon for the citizens to comply with and puts the citizens to a disadvantage. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206 (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session.There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: No executive session is required. A. ACTION ITEM: Action Regarding Pending/Threatened Litigation. Page 11 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-24min.docx 13. ADJOURNMENT: May moves to adjourn. Seconded by Kvamme. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. ' , -spectfully submitted: °� �.4 OF.EgC•••., LI`...N ... •i Go�p�Rq • Z C E. OSBORN, CMC ;_ a C CLERK *II,SEAL 04, .�•`.'* : J'J. '0R AI •."O APPROVED: �T~...... �� "•. ............. BRAD PIKE, MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.C ITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 12 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-09-24min.docx . 1 u ly 6,2024 RE:A-06-23/RZ-12-23/CU-122-23/PPUD-04-23/PP-08-23 Wildernest River Subdivision application City of Eagle 660 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Eagle City Council, The residents of Williamson River Ranch have previously expressed their concerns with the proposed Wildernest Subdivision in public testimony and again with this document. Williamson River Ranch consists of 96 residential lots, 92 of which are occupied,three under construction and one open lot. We are pleading for resolution of safe egress from our neighborhood. Previously, at the time Rivers End subdivision((114 homes)was approved, it was built under the acknowledgment that an additional egress/access was pending with the Three Bridges project. Later the Three Bridges project was canceled. Subsequently,Williamson River Ranch was approved under the same objections that there isn't adequate emergency egress/access for their 96 homes. The attached map shows how these 210 homes have a single egress route should there be an emergency. Due to the proximity of the homes to both flood and fire danger, and how these events can materialize quickly,the residents plead for a solution for rapid, safe egress. The entire Williamson River Ranch subdivision, 96 homes, has access to one exit roadway, Island Woods Drive and one residential street that also connects to Island Woods Drive. It is then one mile to Eagle Road. In the event of emergency egress,these 96 residential homes and their residents, and the residents of Wildernest River subdivision will converge into the single egress lane onto Island Woods Drive. Island Woods Drive will also be filled with Rivers End and Islands Woods residents. A mass evacuation of over 280 homes in addition to the Island Woods homes onto a two-lane street would likely fail. In another scenario, if an area of Island Woods or Rivers End had a fire or flood emergency,there is no other way for residents of Williamson River Ranch and the proposed Wildernest River subdivision to get out. It would not be prudent to ignore this possibility and the lives of the residents. The proposed Wildernest subdivision will add 108 more residential lots to the current unacceptable emergency egress. We ask that any further development come with a standard paved neighborhood street that exits the east or south side of the Wildernest River Subdivision.To avoid any confusion,the proposed fire access across Idaho Concrete property is not for residential egress and would not support both incoming emergency vehicles and exiting resident vehicles. The easement is only for emergency fire vehicles. If this easement were to become the planned egress, it would need to meet all requirements of ACHD,and not the one lane ditch road it is today. City Council Members,we beg for your decision to require a second egress/access to/ from the Wildernest subdivision in order to gain approval. We are not against the subdivision, as we recognize the unique living experience this area allows. We don't want to be the sad and unfortunate news story of the line of burnt out or flooded cars and resulting deaths due to a rushed decision to allow development without responsible safety precautions. There is no one other than you that can protect us. There is nothing we can do but ask for you to require the second, adequate egress/access to these neighborhoods. No one wants to review a disaster after it happens and say, if only we assured our residents a safe place to live when we had the opportunity. Please give this your full consideration under your fiduciary responsibilities and accountability as our City leaders and decision makers. Please consider: 1. If Island Woods Drive were blocked by natural disaster,flood or fire,the residents would not be able to reach safety at Eagle Road. 2. If a fire were to break out along the publicly accessed greenbelt along the Boise River and Williamson River Ranch where tall dry grass exists July—September, fire could reach homes quickly and become an inferno. Residents will need to exit and fire equipment enter at the same time with a single entry/exit on Island Woods Drive. The chances of those of us in the back end of the development getting out alive are poor. 3. Prior reviews of growth in this area identified the need for additional safe egress/ access. 4. There is a planned easement on the east side of Wildernest River Subdivision to provide fire access to the area. This is a single lane dirt access road with a privately maintained bridge and locked gates. It is clear in the proposal that this is not planned for residential egress/access. 5. Two wrongs will not make a right. This obligation has been passed up in the development of Rivers End and Williamson River Ranch. It was a concern 210 homes ago and adding 108 more without addressing this safety concern would be irresponsible. 6. Lastly, how many exits are required by fire code for public buildings? We believe it is two. This is to assure egress in the event one of the two are blocked. This situation is exactly the same and must be enforced the same. Please don't approve the Wildernest River subdivision application until there a solution for a second residential egress/access assuring safe exit in the event of an emergency. This egress and access will assure the safety of the residents of Williamson River Ranch,Two Rivers and the proposed new Wildernest River subdivision. To Eagle Road - 1► r , w. ',`' ,,,, 7. Awe Ig^ 4,00ift rg f j�i. .. s i. u. .�Y ` ". '� w1r r^ -,, filik,ei.":- „' .41,..,.,-.., ,.. Mj t mk+ i { ` A) Williamson River Ranch with one egress via Island Woods Drive. (There is one additional egress that enters into Rivers End, but also must egress via Island Woods Drive) a. All residents right of the orange bar must funnel onto Island Woods Drive as there is no other way out. B) Proposed Wildernest River subdivision with one egress,the same one that currently lets Williamson River Ranch residents drive onto Island Woods Drive a. All future residents right of the orange bar must funnel into the one entrance onto Island Woods Drive with the residents of Williamson River Ranch as there is no other way out. Thank you, The attached signed residents of Williamson River Ranch. Of IPr, EAGLE CITY COUNCIL A r J,� July 9, 2024 Fx,,, '' fi:°' 0 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP * * Time is allotted on the agenda at the end of the council meeting. c-i �0 Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. `LE Tfl'` PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAME TOPIC \ kA , u \:} \l/CN 1 S >c, de n Cyr °7 w, l' �, v,� Es oh5l DnG v—e � t-1- e8, w t l A.ur russ Su , l ` lr Conn ) 14-1, n4r,►2 (8 S. Ts (Z, Id 'it, 11 a V e ct; 0--(----k.(i-- i'._9.-_,A,--\ \.2.--i•-,-,,cD,-c --ca)-- .,,,,_ (J____32___C---,,-- ---‹...._ More on Back of TUr, EAGLE CITY COUNCIL 4r,,,, r\ p r�,, July 9, 2024 '' PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP .�,r Time is allotted on the agenda at the end ofthe council meeting. t�,YG �,��tp*P11 Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. LE ISM PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAME ADDRESS TOPIC More on Back Ar0V Fitt, EAGLE CITY COUNCIL July 9, 2024 O PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9A * * SUBJECT: A Public Hearing to Consider a New Capitalization Fee for the City of Eagle Water Department. 9GLE i9 NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/CON NEUTRAL /0rirgi4 1-21," l6� s' gvove NO PETS eoBa) 0 � 3 �. \f, 1:.� ,6S AJC NO LE i /�j l9 S NO E., NO J l,/ DAV _1 I ,` NO El NO I:1 NO 1:1 NO NO 1:1 NO 1:11 NO 121 NO I:1 NO MI NO More on Back of Tyr,. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Aj��� July 9, 2024 � '` © PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9A 0-11 * * SUBJECT: A Public Hearing to Consider a New Capitalization Fee ��� � for the City of Eagle Water Department. E I NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/CON NEUTRAL 111 NO I:1 NO MI NO 111 NO 111 NO 111 NO 1:1 NO 1:11 NO m 1-71 m NO 1:1 NO IMI NO El NO I:I NO More on Back of it,. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL x r July 9, 2024 F„ `' PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9C * SUBJECT: A-06-23/RZ-12-23/CU-12-23/PPUD-04-23/PP-08-23 - hi„ O *'''.--iopp., Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary CLF, ipP Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Wildernest River Subdivision — Toby and Linda Williamson: NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/CON NEUTRAL o -rr r i✓i'a, Yc16 r /'..,i,i,f b`41 1p, n MIIr k 6,63,-vt Lbws 0!M P 1 g7 8 5 -I PA4 r2 i4N w,q 111 (.-a',A, � r -Qr, \et(--c i`7CL) 5 lay, wo iii Il piN,"18(\e_,\1t )4>ii_..iiz_-\ , , A iii 0 Gino DW66(4 1 Y /, 6', Pisf4rict-4 " ® No coe p____f_A2,2_,A5\01-.-Q. 1 V V ç. 0 , ,),c_Ait Q NO !.J la,1 / i ks i b al 0t.*aix1 e 4 Z T , 1ZZ 0 e.(50 Ne Fi NO /14--0 0 4-sow /Y7 6 e. doveL. ✓d 1-0,/.. A MI W C'®,a 460€1111,111 #11 p` NO Li/e Av 0 5-,i- NO f4 , 54/0,,,,,,., K NO git 11,6Z-04-1 1:1 NO *d at �J�,i 1 5�� NO More on Back ?A(i 6 Z. of TNr. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL 411, July 9, 2024 O PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9C * * SUBJECT: A-06-23/RZ-12-23/CU-12-23/PPUD-04-23/PP-08-23 — 0 Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Wildernest River Subdivision — Toby and Linda Williamson: NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/CON NEUTRAL W `vimrr (`t3S S . rR tea,,4.. ) NO Cc 4V 0^1 I t r1 M u rrc. c—T c- 111 '' \ ec rN _qyot E /6 3 s bk4 any rAto ct9v, h 64 mall S�� FA NO (_,a 64,1cea/cAi LGr V �i � NO Cm JttJLr F7or S t ( IAC NO . 641,0 4)nr-, La4 Y1( 1c)) .‘_ct NO C)(ve Ofeme ,t 5 8 6' `c, ►NvLi cbk 111 Q_.:3 CI610? ,4 1C-4l0 Kt l NO �I C CIA r, /M 5 , P‘ S NO Kirn tir I1L LI S• '=siQ De I �� U• VU ® CI con/ gar NO '''. � NO A More on Back P606 of TTUr, EAGLE CITY COUNCIL `' Sr ' f July 9, 2024 x., . ate O PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9C * ,k- SUBJECT: A-06-23/RZ-12-23/CU-12-23/PPUD-04-23/PP-08-23 — q ,,� ,0 Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary LE, I9 Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Wildernest River Subdivision — Toby and Linda Williamson: NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/CON NEUTRAL J yi� ;^+, 3 NO ` /'! l _ / ) Mirr•-• ►'"E NO (fAx NO NO 1:11 NO I:I NO 101 NO I:I NO 1:1 NO I:I NO El NO 111 NO 1:11 NO 1:11 NO More on Back ?lye 3 of Tkr, EAGLE CITY COUNCIL or,, ,�j�x �. July 9, 2024 illimi-.IO PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9C * * SUBJECT: A-06-23/RZ-12-23/CU-12-23/PPUD-04-23/PP-08-23 — ,1GLP�,O Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary 1, 1 Development Plan and Preliminary Plat for Wildernest River Subdivision — Toby and Linda Williamson: NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/CON NEUTRAL 111 NO 11:1 NO I:1 NO I:1 NO 1:11 NO 1:1 NO MI NO 1:1 NO el NO MI NO 1:1 NO 1:1 NO El NO lel NO More on Back ?I0& 9 tiov Tir,. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL t nr� w „� July 9, 2024 �� '' O41 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9B * * SUBJECT: CU-11-21 MOD/PPUD-08-21 MOD — Planned Unit Development Modification — Little Feather Eagle, LLC: f9cl F C��'�O NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/CON NEUTRAL 111 NO ill NO 1:1 NO III NO 1:1 NO 1:1 NO MI NO I:I NO 1:1 NO el NO III NO 11:1 NO 1:1 NO 111 NO More on Back �% ,�,� EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Alr'' ,,-:>. � w July 9, 2024 �x O PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9B * IIIt: SUBJECT: CU-11-21 MOD/PPUD-08-21 MOD — Planned Unit t� �, Development Modification — Little Feather Eagle, LLC: G'LE i\ NAME ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/CON NEUTRAL (Av 2 1r97-�� 2/�`'n / i )i/1 5—Yiti- 4 NO cave( / ) / ` s 3 n oereRo :/� 121 NO y 6- h? 5- NO 4:12. 4 W�Jiic 6vN �/dk . , � 19 c-- ic) ?(Z z4 �� J 2 &'X8 L ( WpE >?. II NO 1:11 NO I:1 NO 1:11 NO 1:1 NO El NO 111 NO 1/1 NO 1:1 NO 1:1 NO 1:1111 NO More on Back Tango Subject: 6pm city 208-939-6813 Start: Tue 7/9/2024 11:30 AM End: Wed 7/10/2024 8:30 AM Recurrence: (none) Wildernest subdivision. As you advised in your letter, I called the ACHD 387 6170. One, Mandy, basically waved me off! telling me to contact the ID Transportation Dept 208 334 8306. //70 g ri V Ciimtr Friends, I find your so-called traffic analysis to be DECEPTIVE and MISLEADING. First, your numbers seem to already exceed the legal limits that you state. Second, they ignore the Elephant in the Room which is the tens of thousands of heavy-equipment trips that will clog our single obstacle-course roadway during at least 5 years of construction. Thus, the traffic situation will become OUTRAGEOUS for at least 5 years, and merely UNBEARABLE later on. Approving this new development without MANDATING a dedicated new road to serve it is criminal,.. eastin my mind. The Island Woods road can be blocked for many reasons: flood, fallen trees, accidents, so that escaping a conflagration or rushing a heart-attack patient to the hospital could conceivably be blocked. EACH ONE OF YOU, INDIVIDUALLY, might be sued one day for making a completely- irresponsible decision to create yet another potential trap for an additional few hundreds of people. Thank you very much for letting me offer my advice to you. In addition, the three existing developments need to repave the Island Woods road in order to repair all the 17 man-made potholes (stone strips that had sunk about 1" and now make for a healthy jarring when driving on them). 88 acre overall 1 acre 4,047 m"2 1 . a — - ks mz�c my �cm =9 . mmmg:� - �� -N-agy� m D xv yz ' oFAmm. ,,? FN,VAnmq a v o o D _i 0CZD �y A'o =mn A z�xv"o oz9,moo '^(n ,„nmm �Tmmoc ' 'O� _ m, !PI - ,2 ,.m oAAoo ■ =mG m mo �oznzT , � . zr„m ■:1! zAo Coo) na" m1 moc~_ c o oo om, O* O^ 6 Ommm n "F8m o a� y -i p. ' : ",�5 Z E OO O zoZ On= =o 35 O drt.'' i ry r A O m - T➢ m T 2,n ly m C�N Q H s A r 2 A 9 m y s O n Q m_ m n'� $~ c) m�m r rr mr m= (,Gl, J vA v mrqo rrp mm m SC�l.,P <y'0o-- 40 oAc• t, o0 -vA "oS u= m 8 Or D - m--Utn xi Z T osA pnm ,II z„ 2A-� " n n• 22 o-, XI t> A%r, gO zoo• = In: v• N cn=C T m y= < r o mx-n.s ^: m p o �0p O� a o s 3 CA 2< C O 8 z��2s 0 Z - - .- o Aye �G o L3•.P z c zoo m� 4.2 rii 8 �P5 0 N Nam > m � D m p (7 v 9, bnE =A1s =>? , mNzr �x=m mx=1 T15<1 W-gern tz,- $o ,I, s n00 X t, n00 $omoAm gi"mm a oo o _ cmi- mvb N p ti p< ,:58 m8r o ` 8~ 8 mo gl <; c('',0 o cc.0 =z$� zc,n z�-m "s, n m> m> 2g , mSm ,,x mm PS , z5 zc� -~ny 888 xsqp o >o AA n'r s m� 0 m� z<5> m>o pyo� o 9,0 00 0W A p7A TTo ''3 D ® m T. V, 8 Z ym8 OOD o op- .Z7 x p y,5 z,v mN< i 5 o '^0 p 6 T. ��I m 1' 6 ➢O A O- O u r' °z$r cc p m Fn '_`Tr -10 i 3 O ■ n p z otKm pZ l',- nz E3x <'8 `pA m o8Ao vrNy,o yc, --' ^' W. o> <n om _:o C q n0 0 0F, Nz O n A o y O O z ti U.', m T - m z ti , y m m n p m 0 m z m . O T O �j X O T ��J z 0 A M m T m O O D ^.�CK = . S� vaiVZ 0 m� O � PIA Tl. - � � � � _� = z �� r D II 53 co ■ C D = x - r —1 m = o = 0 o . . N m 0 m z m e .0-, › --- go m z o = o 9 G) Al -o yP2? o$ . ^ m m Z mom < o�Y,; a " g 0 O o A rn z n c ci �o� �� = 0 O . m xi m = 0 D u) MEI88 0 § �Jm o -I r D O 0 v 73 n o0 rm6 z C w 7J T o 0o ➢ M Z M 5ziP,My 0 O o xi o � aZ < s"A >o -4 O �' 0 s m z n gz=co n A 0 * c-, \4.; -„ 1 1 � ,.>_ _ - F`a.� .;`�� _, -•..pit�. t .. _ a�- - •_X/et/reir \. .,,dam t . 411( L� ., 11i, . • t ? te410 �!b. ;"1a: %r f 1/-1 v\� We Urgently Request That Eagle City Council and Mayor Reject the Proposed Wildernest Subdivision Development Island Woods in Eagle has always prided itself on maintaining a safe and peaceful environment for its residents. Our neighborhood was built with one main thoroughfare serving Island Woods and our neighboring communities: Rivers End, Hidden Island and Williamson River Ranch. Currently, Island Woods Drive generates average daily traffic of 1,683 vehicles per day. This exceeds the ACHD maximum threshold for local streets by 68% (ACHD Section 7207.3.3). The proposed Wildernest subdivision, which provides no separate access street, will increase traffic on Island Woods Drive by 1,083 daily trips, resulting in a total of 2,766 vehicle trips per day. (Please note that this study was done in summer when traffic is lightest!) . The ACHD has determined that a typical neighborhood two-lane street can support a traffic volume of less than 1,000 vehicle trips without a significant adverse effect on quality of life. However, the distressingly high influx of traffic caused by this project will have a detrimental impact on our residents' well being, including their safety, health, noise level, and property values. Overburdened roads increase the likelihood of accidents, injuries and even fatalities. Therefore, In evaluating whether to approve this project, there must be meaningful traffic impact mitigation measures and a substantial investment in infrastructure improvements on Island Woods Drive. We, the signers of this petition request that the City of Eagle make a recommendation for a Road Trust, which would incorporate the following traffic calming measures as a requirement of approval of the Wildernest project: EDUCATION: Radar speed signs have been proven to be highly effective in calming traffic and reducing the likelihood of fatal traffic accidents. Studies consistently show that slowing down the flow of traffic significantly decreases the chances of severe outcomes. A pedestrian struck by a car at 40 mph faces a staggering 90% fatality rate; whereas, at 20 mph the fatality rate drops to 10%. Radar speed signs are an effective solution for promoting speed awareness. STREET MODIFICATIONS: Engineered modifications are shown to be effective and sustainable. Speed cushions, which have been approved by Fire Chief Scott Buck, reduce 32-37 mph speeders down to 22-25 mph. Two-way or four way stop signs, in frequent intervals, will also cause speed reduction and discourage the use of our neighborhood streets as a pass through, should a second publicly accessible entrance be built. Replacement of current paver pedestrian crosswalks with more visible, traditional, painted crosswalks would enhance the safety of our residents and result in significant reduction in traffic noise. ENFORCEMENT: Increased enforcement of our speed limits will improve compliance, but without frequent surveillance the benefit will be temporary. In one study, speed limit enforcement reduced the average speed by 12% and led to more than a five-fold increase in the number of drivers complying with the posted speed limit. We, the signers of the attached petition, support a responsible growth agenda for Eagle, but not at the expense of the health and tranquility of our communities. Our appeal is that you listen to your constituents, consider our quality of life, and reject this development until mitigating calming measures on Island Woods Drive can be incorporated in your approval requirements. This petition has been approved by the Island Woods HOA Board of Directors: Julianna Tetlow, President Lorraine Henry, Vice President Gary Salberg, Secretary/Treasurer r .r 4... , PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES N. NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY - SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINTLCV 0-- CITY AND ZIP e CODE l"( m2)4, BOA SIGN . ...1001110 6L it 4t, ire"tot e7e-e- STREET 4ND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING 2 iEtS1-01511----Stik.8)lei gt-1) 101-Salg) 6-nlgOlt.._\&lag__- .14C-1-1-V____ PRINT/47.. Licedzi, 3-24 ,,,,,,,..„..{ ..CITY AND ZIP CODE 447e.. 14:16-7.‘, HOA STREET AND NUMBER A OF SIGNING‘,./ DATE.31D .41, 1 A I 12 /-/0,a/ 3 PI A at_c__ --7.---W 2/el Ree Zs./ BOA/40 SIGN - STREET AND NUMBER ir DATE OF SIGNING 2-qf--15-,,,,,,f,.....„- d, 6-,77,i, PRINT 1 i / i t<0'41 cl? ),Ittin E" YTC AND ZIP CODE -..-,..7C/ HO SIGN STREET AND NUMBER "1,4- K DATE OF SI G 6/71/47,4 , PRINT * °17,...1 1 / "'-'7.- ) .-... CITY AND ZIP CODE "pi e1 (4q4,56/16.4 HOA j z.'''''') SIGN STREET AND NUMBER TE OF.SI N'llst ......7 11067 S. LA ittehook- 1419 4 / /1/ PRINT- 111 ---------- ciiy----A4DiiiTc7cW-------1,71'k----nM*--- -BOA..- / SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING 7 Nj c>0 It itratiU 0 .1-ICAP 1-t-LiiKeheM5r-114)- -1 MINT%WOO/ 41.574MAIr CITY AND ZIP CODE Ea51 e )3.-1-1 I U HOA I /10 SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF§1GNIN _ik ...._..S__A-Aiset6p_aill,dii --7/ PRINT 14-14-A- M aej, 0641 CITY AD ZIP CODE J.5---e-2.,, ,(.... t g 167 4 HOA,..,...r. SIGN ,....„ 0...............„ -STREET AND NUM134.-- DATE OF SIGNING 4** I 6 yo 2, cA,4t4 A,,„,, \-v-i..t, -217). rte -1--v 9;;;;---7-p /5---i.--- ---1:4; --- CITY AND ZIP 1 OD ---ell.a/".. eF/3614 BOA tk)SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIG' G I— "?'5 t IR‘‘vf akA4R.f i Got -7 7 zy PRiNT "*.). i ;'"`"'-:/ --------- CITY AND ZIP CODE 1.--- A, ,c) t 3 6( ta ,-.-r i e..tt c_. t.......-\ i 1 HOA TN A'TC flG VIC,J. VERIFICATION 15 Y mitsury LA KA_u LA 1 ING-fEirrriliil ' ott,fel Q';0 e.... 7 y 64....7 57 i1 )v, -.•4e01,.e...... z...) eet-- 7 ---<. 7. tint name of the circu ator Residence Address j City V State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name, the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. •-. . , -...., .,-, Sign e of Circulator ... .. ---- • PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES $,. —1--- 0 4. NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY st . " STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF S! ING I. 7 b__ 4__Oe r3/3 S` 1.�4 v�'''t4✓k /�re 7 Geld-- PRINT ___,_.__.____._..__—_-_.___ CITYANDZIPCODE- 4It/ HOA I _ STREET AND NUMBER a DATE OF SIGNING S GN .1'Ll PRINT C 1 0 t.✓` .: ( An CITY AND ZIP CODE ram ! HOA ,l ) SIQIQ° \ ` • i` STREET AND NUMBER 3 t DATE OF SIG `INNG }4. i)-L-1 pp.., CITY AND ZIP CODE JJJ Cf'1M L.r. ).4,. (VA. 1: g" '`l I /Jp SIGN1 ,„, t_t M „� r STREET R h . 1 DATE N�tCT PRINT , CITY AND ZIP CODE. e�ye_ J__ f BOA SIGN' STREET AND NUMBER IV DATE F SIGNIN 4 4. P .et ,�r CITY AND ZIP CODE `/'�/�^[,��,y�. j r„j T HOA 11 �j___ _ _—'- SI STREET AND NUMBER ! y'`F 7f DATE O S /SIGNING PRIM ,� �/ CITY AND ZIP CODE f (JY J BOA 1/7 SIGN '`"'S+ STREET AND NUMBER ( (� .(? DATE F SIGNING — f. - ''c Diu c' _- _- - -Tw .�4)4 y 7 '.-V PRINT (.1 ? , 4� .1-,4.... CITY AND ZIP CODE . re- Cr IIA HOA SIGN �// STREET AND NUMBER O J 6 �� DATE OF SIGNING ✓m lit) �rT,<r�' ij77- g 4)ti/e'�i1, ,d izio PRINT' - wx0TRr _�.. CITY AD ZIP CODE 4-71/40 et6r/ HOA 1.-1` / ems_(+,,} SIGN STREET AND NUMBER v DATE OF SIGNING L `" i /1rz- 9_ RIr /Urfa' ,r0,9 t .X- r7/4 PRINT / /a f CITY AND ZIP CODE .�, r HOA 7 7 �[ dr�� 7 I SIC' STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT It) E w/ 'i S L \ �{l i l S I)/ CITY AND ZIP CODE r /e C . /./ / BOA I VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION/y( `j l�< �j / yr) -- -‘11,5-4 ill J-/e / / I ----cc/7 i, R/ Perrzl. vp OA - J% t �� Print name of the circulator Residence Address City St e P I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed nameie residence addvss of the signer and the date of signing. }/ f Signa 'rculator PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SI NING 1--ai-W-4-/-2,-- 1.1)___ .3.3.C___t--__AveLage,,eppi‘ 7 -6 c72 Y. PRINT e /. f /N Y'J ✓l _Ce-,t.Z i.cPnF hO poivi (J (Jta.t) s4 SIGNQt�S ST ' RrND � DATE OF SI NING 2_____Ll. _00--- --- --(11'W D-4' 11 Irrr I n t CC O/14�'- "Z` myANn Z1P roDE L C'C e- --- /b- N \sIsAlt\ STREET AND N ER DATE SIGNIN.NG 10 tk 5 via. ) PRINT NI1; .. Cr`„Ivo \�•�f'''�i`.�....�� CITY AND ZIP CODE , , 6/ MA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DAT4 OF SiGNING Illt _ _— tkrri ,t)\0317\_103.Aft IICITY AND ZIP CODE HOA SIGN STREET AND NUMB + ' DATE OF SIGNING 3 16/--A4P—4 ° ii/OA'e4'°r--_____----- Wi f$- • M —f_ cr _ a PRINT ✓L / CITY AND ZIP CODE .'et'_l ,�/�40 Si134./'6 HOA J SIGN yk/y�"✓�7 S NUMB s.+llyv-4/ C j O�y� /Cot 60.TE.OF�SI/GNMU - Sit_----.....!!.i f� 1 �'4[p `"1 /7r , dI�`c c�'1 PRINT CITS'AND ZIP CODE K ,6!/ HOA / SIGN STREET AND NUMB ✓ ! 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'.." et - h___ Print name of the circulator Residence Address ity State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name, the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. Si at of Circulato3 _ PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES d NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING _ _ _ /58 0V t WRY 71° 1;14 y PRINT C.,� /� ' ,ML E-i- ____- CITY A����i d to L7`�6i fY HOA/5 p,4 N a # STREET AND ER DATE OF SIGNING SIGN ' � �� '�j ®� jV 14°1 -- /r5gc S 4.40 E4 Get_4,4r ___ H7 0`- 7 vs S� � r H £ i 7 /�f, SIGN 1 r STREET AND NUMBER / DATE O NMG PRINT ,tzd CITY AND ZIP CODE /4.,P HOA ,� / „,e...0 f. ,,/.cam. - �� 7 2-_ r---Y � DATIviti.E O SIG G SIG� S T AND NUMBER atk..._ PRIM' Ai i 1 V CIT D ZIP Ii fi t} / 4) l j/�_ /f` 'T SIGN STR f• i�Y S.1 2 1 Li.Y c' rye I3A TI?�I *7 4f - PRINT \�'`�} --- ;_i i j 1't , - ----------- CITY ^ - ODE_ `;.'i. / t BOA I &_ 'w� • l ^�V'(/-� .�-,'.v / DATE OF SIGNINGI II STREETER + ,p - ---------------- 6_ irYk a l'avl,icOu5kee- PRINT/r v l a .. 1 ...14.0 +v c k CITY AND ZIP.CODE 9 HOA SIG STREET AND NUMBER V DATE OF IG Amp } co�S 5. iZiveirG(00 -0 7r Pit C� 7 I {e ' v—T CITY AND ZIP CODE ( HOA PRINT �Cj'1�� V� 4�4�a, ? SION . STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRtNT tg,,,,v..... CITY AD 7.IP CODE L t g3(_i j HOA 7" h— cocoa S SIGN STREET AND NUMBER -+'tl� `1 DATE OF IGNING j HOA PRINT CITY AND ZIP COI ) tiwa .""" { 1 (�V SI • t STREET AND NUMBER DAT;OF SIGNING -#' iefiN t 9 u (e_4._5t Ci_fp_tir_g„____ _____ _ g‘51 24 PRINT CITY AND"LIP CODE . t J 1 `inHOA I 63 VERIFICATION BY PERSO IRCULATING PETITIOI�� fff """GCC// , ,,,,, , /1 .-. /- i ce,)--N-j, )1(:1 idt--f-ar,pi.) c--- FAc--. F--__ 4,41)---/9, Print name of the circulator ` Residence Address City S to J I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed n e,the residen address of the signer and the date of signing. ture of Circulator 1 r w PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN a STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SI NING ,_a___lle.:14.1.2.......__ ___14_2(_-14466(A--fr.3.3C:t-__A_il_ELOggiv-ieDie, PRINT �) ) /^/�/a��I J S , ZI DE /\ t,13 / .0 ( ov,AS ,f•It !v�✓' + "'` STR<< (,� DATE OF SI NIIvG SIGN STR _ � I N� 124 __(2_a. c _ ___olual__ ___ _______Is •RIN.I. 6 e -7-- CITY AND ZIP CODE `,.-. .e +X/ HOA t n STREET AND ER `.... ?.' c•I DATE OF SIGNING ��� PRINT ,4q' xy 1`. 4 CITY AND TIP CODE J ,G I,. G/3 1 g BOA / t SIGN STREET AND NUMBER ‘F N 4-�-_____ -- : f BOA 1.14 i}��a 8 1411.00h �,(r�I�u - CITY AND ZIP CODE�� t e SIGN ill STREET AND NUMB` f DATE OF SIGNING -46---c- t-IWAr ebevW____Or_____ _Zi-.4__ __V _______---6:. PRINT . . CITY AND ZIP CODE s 4E-ccq./ O 3,,1 6 BOA 7 SIGN • STREET AND NUMB' DATE OF SIGNING° '�- - - ��( 4e'er f PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE y15�f. BOA / J'0 1 SIGN' STREET AND NUMB t3 s DATE OF SIGNING •.✓ _ -- _ 6.7? ° i �' 7 crY __.c t _ �- Z---teary �------ 7PR -- Y UD/.Wig tr'b Y"' `- CITY AND ZIP C / , Y D J C7 BOA /j / SIGN G n� ! `Te L y � STREET AND M 66 DATE O SIGNING PRINT lhZI /17) '{y,ip BOA IGNVine 7^gl,.�,�j ,�/Yo 4'ill�C hal _ S Y AD ZIP CODE SIGN �[ I v STREET AND NUMBER�j"' DATE OF S ;Tioz. PRINT CITY ANDz�re Q 7`rti got-�o/ICI SIG. STREET AND MV ER• ' - 1 DATE OF SI ING I , _ 17 t 7 c tA,'''1 LA1 Lq Zee - ''Qy "? -- PRINT I c44 r 1 •y �5.u t CITY AND ZIP CODE c rr GGV// / ' BOA / 0 VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION V ���TTVJJ f /010-le 4'102 '''2'-' L--- /6.43 5. '''''' velre-- 6;ave_.: te--- 1 t7.---' Print name of the circulator - Residence Address ity v State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name, the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. Atse( ''m• , Si: atu - of Circulate e PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES ;r NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY ?MN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SI NING f____ -_---- _---- -______ ---------------- 3 5 --____o _a �C- - /c�-�_ PRINT/AAA/ t_. d S `tea CIT Z CreE -2-- j� 2/' [ /_ BOA / �4 SIGN[�,/ •'t t Lt STREET-[ ` t<i.�,J jQ 10 DATE OF SIGNING E� 2 dp14-144.6:_ii)0:241--st._. rp ---5,_ -- `'r_ _7JA/.2 Y _-- /. [,,� arT ez�rc_o QL�i Ho -tl PRINT G.'`�l1TY[ilC.t �/�rLR�fi� _ 447ffD .. .4...,C2f.-17._C„Eic.&_,----y--- CC..-� STREET NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING leDA / f PRINT 12404.4 24 'J 4 D ._L y �4vlr _ , ti. CITY ANI4 ODE HOA SIGN 11,G�. ���iii'.'i'7�7��T STREET AM)IONISER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT I I /[14 e I..X L.! ,t C- 5 CITY A /•„i„, -.1.- -L`8 6 W !t; HOA yt—3/in d,...Lood SIGN STREET AND I:Eg7 DATE OF SIGNING k8 4.1f?„.._ S. ..(..)- _01;1_0e.'.______V_ _'.1__________aVat..________ PRIN'✓ +(^y.41.-;I .c. - k' f t CITY ARID ZIP ODE �l BOA ��1 woo ../ SIGN: w.3 «u ► \ 'lam.! ` `t.JC.+' STP-' ER DATE OF SIGNINGC•.J� Z �� , /'\ -_--_' -_' CITY AND ZIP CODE �fp�� /_ J HOA /� PRINT ) 'I/`r O / V 04 .Sc� Q,j."'S., (Z/ /a 3 / cir '4.,0Q) -/ strip rr�, STREET AND NUMBER 0 '` ( DATE OF SIGNING fy.�x � �'T 1 l�- x� _ . _._._- --_.._-.-- �///jam--�_+_'�_.___.�,_�._.�...__ __- ---------.___—__ . ..�__...._..._.._.._ __.__ /---_-- SRINT so— t.-j �E. I I C Y,, Cir AND ZIP CODE (� y-/1 ¢ 4 1.J HOA gi b ev 5 �.'i-dcl STREET T �,NUMBER f y -e,,.P".SV+`� ` W^� DATE OF SIGNING C a? 9r 7/f/4 r `�\ -J CITY A T P CODE BOA S N 7 \ [ ITRI sTRE To DATE OF SG 4/4 PRINT ^/�� // p� YI- �I/'--�'"'" _� tN! _—. //'` 'l J L K I _ CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA V SIGN - STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIG 10- e -7/ ila?frL PRINT (�Jx E _ f CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA 4- VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION lO"'1Ifie-- 0 ii‘4,9 57:Wve 67troveliii t—ce-,12- /D Print name of the circulator Residence Address City State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. -,,,-. Signature of ator r PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SIGN D / ,, 444 AND MAYOR REJECTsntEETANT0 PROPOSED..HEER WIT Ells:ESE.TA SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT.PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING TEM.E,,A.GNS.U.RES 4. NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY 0,010 Ai i i Cc t--)000L-440e9- °I-t-- -71_2_4 24 PRINT i jAcic_ CITY AND ZIP CODE 6741/46,1, exseoi4 HOA is I it et d wo„„k SIGN DATE OF SIGNING ... S IRED;Iz'A.NDrEii% , c 74._. 7 tal-c--- - 7("2.I.:2i4 L'A- 34,274... SIGN MEET AND NUMBER • DATE OF SIGNING 51/7Pje riumr /. rile:z t.tam „ID ts. 2.,.1 20 II6A •Aja tOrdija. , SIGN ' STREET ty NUMIER DATE OF SIGNING cr.._ / , 3 RI ve r- 6roirt ittfay -2/112,___ _________ PR an? 11e. AI. °cane CITY AND z.pnIf si;) is.,304. HOA s 1,1 we buareets. SIGN ' STREET AND NUMBla / DATE OF SITTING I. ---- --- - - - --- ----- -- ---- - -- —_-_____________ __ --- - 1 ')L.1 to Hovi I v2r4 cioa(AI 1,2,.e SIG STREET AND ',, BER DATM SI N N I 5 VVIOOPLAflOrkj2K) __ _ __________________ _ PRINT 1/1 LLARO crIttt-t) ID ,n S61& Hmie---41417 ki:OCV SIGN s _ NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING 7._2., ite, 445' C Thrte ) / 70 -5 ' teSi / f4) Lk - .;--27$:_i_ AL:r3A"...‹..)0, PRINT 5).1447/40e,,,,,, ai,,i,_F.+, CITY AND ZIPpiitte if / (a, HOA i 11.463- SIGN STREET AND NUMB R DATE OF ANN INip,11,44,..I' _I?_..ja..--b"'244 / (12 b '3 4 iq] Ve f‘ (,_ rIltile._ _I-• /-. -,,t-k . PRa re_IA_ i .._ c,...s. Gt.WirPeODE 83.62 i (it, HOLTIL34.4, SIGN , STR' AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING teise-) ...c gi L —oLi-- *04,434f4 rfl° RINT ' CITY AND ZIP CODE --- .'-.- 7---ka- Z-Ze HIM-- -- 1 a 4 pI SIGN i cess:gftsmBEv, ,\,e...,21:fiRD t,c\ t>C ....1\ t'•-". PRINtr ::? CITY AND ZIP CODE l.....• g3 ,, HOA * --- ---Ckn , ..VfitrATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION 1%.,-- . 4,irraisoie- .".'''ily /44'63 5——e t 1 eve Ciro°ta Oy . -ct,, ,- IP # Print name of the circulator - Residence Address City v State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name, the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. ,, , Sigrj ure of ' lator ... . ‘....... • PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PardX6 __ - --- . _. -1_ra_ladCdbr__ _ . ._-.------------ CITY AND ZIP CODE �a or p HOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER `'' DATE O SI NING � ` t �/jfpff'�) j :it Li) yc DATE OF SIGNIN Frialiut SIGN \3------1 -- - - f--'1-4°'1- 14- aitd, /-,,W (51.-Cef-e417144e11- 2e-- .2-.I -- 437-G1- :3)4( STR IKER PRINT EfEI .: / !. Z ITY ca. z/ze,e___Lt O L.-.7-_.--- ' c H `OA.. .7,,7e�* W Y -" u_. STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING �s /L /C3..i7 , / PR7Diq it ts+- �l tJ/C� CI?N Z coS'lrJ it (�,�, C .. � HOA>,J G'✓� sit.4) 00 Y:: S N i a STR AND NUMBER DATE OF IGMNG `PRINT CITY SIGNw, `V 1' CV., �{ STREET2 61ANUMBER 1 J 7(0 f 7 DATE F SIGNING PRINT CITY tIDA•�IIt-�t�C+ODE to 7; to HOA1_IM1 Ap t't'; 4tiAt'''C SIGN -STREETANONUMBER V IS W� DATE OF SIGNING / p ter � --�-1 -�?` ---_------- _ PR ✓ t L,� /� f _ CITY AD ZIP CODE/�r /L,s . '3 1`_ /SI a, iv 'ti4" SIGN /`� I STREET AND NUMBER [ f' fJ ✓ DATE(OF SIGNING a PRINT ) CITY.4NIIP!Q /'lam . / HOA ' hd _ ' ING is DATE OF SIG SIGN ` �"-�/� STREET AND NL ER I,•,,' CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITI i`-3 LOPeetlie-- r A4.3 -1- M liar gNee ve._ Print name of circ tor " Residence Address ity {State I state that I circulated the ove petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. e - Signatu if of Circ'r „t., • PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES • NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING -----L±)- . — ._ I -___ t__..slc___E-14.c- c- 14 --7,- r„,...r...j C I le.4.D2 LOItp a_to/ 4 BOA STREET AND NUMBER SIGN ftve.4., Et,oi DATE OF S GNN . 71/Le e-__Pig,13. 6.4)_AA__ 7 asaf nuNI Amy m D 12X1-1-1— CITY AND . 1.2s SP s (6 HOA SIGN STREET AND N ER DATE OF SIGNING / 7 Y 5*/.ttielk '• "rn. pi _,.....,,,......2„s __, .....--2„--\.„ _________ _______:_______ ___________ ____4-lia.„____ _,_ir.--•t PRINT ,K ,e.....c.4. ft,4(1.-L - * CITY AND ZIP CODE, t, ....170 r-3,...A. L HOA '1....- - SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING J/ /I ILS, . PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE er.46 Le...... BOA IQ..e,Per E.,21 SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING 7 0 r - PRINT )122 CITY AND ZIP CODEs....st 1 cstt. HOA r A oz. SIGN STREET AND NUMBER - C7ATE—C-nrGTIING 1_ 6.1Act.-4--L- ( )hetfi•t6 %... _e_ 7/ 4 2 9 7‘GA RR Sit.'t t 71-I crtaD.AvDE, g a.tei t, ......._ bt.e.15 al el SIGN STREET ATIti NUMB DATE DATE OF SIGNING 0)(1)._ 'IN N qs • PRINT my •zipr,t a 1.' 'WI IM HOA 1...' SIGN • STREE i .;4, , I:u' .. DATE OftSG G if.., ,fildw„-\ -•-• t5-2, e, t A)e)0 4,7 il-a_41 7- 9-.-1/ PIUNT 0 b& (Ct.- CA 1 steA e 11 CITY AD ZIP CODE cr,14,,(,. 4-- •--...cp 9,36 /c HOA ...1- An...„v, tt4 0iis SKIN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SiGNINh - ..../IC -- - -- PRINT ' CITY AND ZIP CODE 4 _Z-4*„...; HOA /.a.,,,,,,64...- i7)1/9e"-:_k r Js yvs ..- ,--4,- .- ,,Ns--;')4 IX SIGN STREET AND NUMBER t,7 DATE OF SIGNING PRINT 4-0,A. rta q...., I 0 il E telvcrr 6.--01. A- 7/2 /2 Y CITY AND ZIP CODE 4-- 4„_re f,7 4 I( HOA VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION ,(K.. -,• / ,, ,f,trie ettrfrt e--- ell V /6‘,5 6.5.7 .0eir 6itive t- ,..--i_ -41i 9 le- 0 P nt name of the circulator - Residence Address I City V State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. - —.. , -,” Si e of ator . , . ." PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES $.: .._ NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN . STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING 'LA PRINT - , . 411 CITY AND ZIP CODE ex k cp Hofti cinisn SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNIN 46. 2 -. ?..e..fr.2 - - t_i-eedikf- .., _31__`.6.: .L147tP..4.1"1-1A.n.Cierd: . z2reAi eietri (< /-s--- -terlt - crry V.R4o feL, jt7 /---fr--- '' 7/--- --- -si-------PRINT HO:Li., SIGN STREET AND Ni ' DATE OF SIGNING 7:441/44-4„rt- III -56 ' Li-2n- -3 .2-4-Pfiloc16. 4/y-.21 _a „__, PRINT CITY AND 7IP CODE t,)4/4,4-j'e HO SIGn STREET AND NUMBER ' DATE OF SIGNING 4-`------- --------- ------ —HT- _ ----- — --- -"-------- ' ' --- ---------- PRINT 1 ' 1 CITY AN ZIP CODE HOA i, Cat SIGN if STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIZJG ik7 491,4..k\7 D 5 - PRINT '5e,- my iweA //). '3 WI:, _TIC-1,44\1-0 Lit)-7Ma STREET AND DER DATE OF SIGNING , ..,........„ 1 .----1&'- th-------- SIGN STREETIA4t4I'‘IUSR4L_:r;eicrtL5.(cie 04> DyA(2.TSI i yG ---- cl,...c. CITY AlrPciODE PRINT tTh/ r) ..,-. ire g-5 6 ((c, HA k "A...r6((VI d SIGN STAFF'AND NI, rR DATE OF SIGNING 1\M- S. IZ:v..er Pt.,--, ,-J c...D 112-)221 PRINTt te-v-A. CITY AD ZIP QE)W4t, k 0 2!)%(.. )tr. .1.31 ,1/4..,, c, , SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING 1 •qc--1 -- 5 t .‘vt.f- f6---L'ocs,j •- -t-Z\Cl • CITY ANVLPCM ‘0 151,'‘Acci HOA 0k...A ,,...a.oet3 PRINT 3 49"jk °I'le-- SIGN STREET AND AMER/ DATE OF SIGNING /0J-6 5: Z-te141114/ 7/2-12g pi,. hitirj7„ iF CITY A COlet„ lUfg--- HOA VE ICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION ii// ' &Ili 4 ell er e -ef rin P4 ia3 5: Wv levir_ civ 6L e i D name of the circul or - Residence Address ity State I state that I circulated the ab e petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. ., , -,..:, ... ....ar / Signatue,. ; ( _.----- --,/ ..., , PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES i.. NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN ..., . STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING If ) 1 3 e10 75 L..Di I toup tOoort taiAd• 1- I- 2-Li - -- PRINT CI TY AND ZIP CODE 2 _ ")I 1 3_ i 4", 6,3tc i(4 HOA 1 1,0 cc....Y SIGN NUMBER,..0 STREET AND / I DATE OF SHINING _.... . PRINT CITY ANT)ZIP CODE , s , kfo. HOA Lut-, SIGN 17, s STREET AND NUMBER 1 ' DATE OF SIG G .---- 3 -1VX, ___ PRINT CITY CITY AND ZIP CODE F.axe2,, i a ssfai Jo HOA Yes; I SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING Pke 4304-tiaa /le i 4$9_ ee11 _ 4 ./. PRINT T,4 ( .6,,..ac.,,,,,,4, CITY AND ZIP CODE 427.449 ft, 73(..i :„ HOA 11/ -›'-‘ / 10 SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING 60 .1) . - 6 0 i- (44e- 44 PRINT ,e 13 6 ,-ci eleSt os. CITY AND ZIP CODE EI- , 144 110 57744 HOA i/, '_.5. / tj SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING 6-- c6.1-46.."-A .10oz. 6 R;veir:/eit, ,Dr., PRINT ' or-6114y c ritc, CITY AND ZIP CODE ork /b f26-46 HOA Ryei,....EAt.i. t. SIGN STREET AND NUMBER Li i DATE OF SI NI G /6,4.1_q S*,.(x.31.(1 vvi G3-6 6-)Ni_ ( 24 7-- PRINT j.0.4.1t4., .JArsit Cr 16'.0\2,1 E42.,_ CITY AND ZIP CODE illIrterkYlei 63 ota 5 SIGN el STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING I -t 1 6 Ot i ci- t 9 b 76x)14r1A— "1 I ( i 1, -, PRI ....---* CITY ADCqrte---k -•;"..io i ------- SIGN .- STREET AND NUN R DATE OF SIGNING ? 9--- rta, 11= -------r-- PtUfAlly. (--17:: 1111202V. PRI ' CW'r AND DP CODE ifit. A 4 Los Ocil S-IG. STREET D NEWER -D TETI SIGNING 10-----N-466441---1.24A4UAASCU ----- 3tt!?0_629_iteliv4.441*. _c_4.,___ 6.7_6011___,2a.gy PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE .,41,"ta 6,3444. HOA i t VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION A a 4 tr Ike_ *4 V' AC,3 57 e)e ii- 6 va ve 0( 4/Fez fk— I /-) Print name of the circulat r - • Residence Address City State "---- I state that I circulated the abov petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. .... ......., / Signa e ofCir lator / , / .. .. / ._,,---- PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES t., NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN - STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING 4a- -- -- /_. _:.11___6::._4Fiker_af-of__ __ ___,7 ---/ - -101 dfi izi • ----/ k/e// .7e...„ CITY AND ZIP CODE ,f6,/e HOA I 14) i'ilteaty. (4.1,Z)001 tieie sto „ STREET AND NUMBER ,, , ,,, I , e\ .._DATEHOA OF SIG. 2PRINT ,,,..,_ E,,,, s--- - CITY AND ZIP C013-E -- te--------- i 4 t‘,5 do 136) SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNI 3 '‘Y'.1A'' '''- '--. - 1-02-47 -- -et Veir:L.0 iti___Dr_l____ ii - z°a-4 PRINT h 6( .' 3-evo-ekx CITY AND ZIP CODE ....4.,A.te._ (1) T3(,/4 DOA raverS... ,,,,,,,i ' SIGN ' -STREET AND NUMBER J DATE OF SIGNING /4.' 96'-C''...S9 te.72- •CZ-e 4' 7 , /. 0)e.ei es ti.ls- CITY.tryienlE sir-34/47 HOA ...7-1,44j6/64 SIGN N................„ STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING / 1°4 c 7 (-: .e EL›.2. 1- ( --Lot]: __________ _______ _ ____ __ ______ PRINT I-A.4— r•-. (len er-- T3 4, )c:, HOA At V(trie Z.A.-4 ti. SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING ,,hailefatrelleet114#4 _______ 11-11_,_51..6Y/64.F1,014) 4.1224 . l''' "14 0 '141 Plum4mPteit - PC:41 /06-EY c'TY.PIZEFE. i D s,3L, H"/5z-mAro 0 oe9-05 ' SIM STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING ----L..)---1.-C---:-.... ---________ 1 .112-±t________ PRIM' Li * - '''-' k A e r-- CITY AND ZIP te m.a. .8.„,, HOA SIGN -STREET AND NUMBER . i I- DATE OF SIGNING BWOCILka- -,U ,1•14.U+44."-4---------------- 10215__Elc.apr____ ________ / ___ ____. (WO PRIM... t 1,00flaa rCL 11Weld'C't t CITY AD ZIP CODE -;(1.4 HOA -co....-. SIGN STREET AN NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING . i - _. j CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA /I/ SIG1412141‘4447" Ye l eat.4 Az c e-i-1. io----n4 A-14-16Gel-ex -,,oll'iy STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING C 4.1-1 A eff. -I Li_2•-.9._50tek- S11-art-P-t cxe- 1_ - I -1-e*-LI PRINT -1--J rip.4, ANeIZ'CODErr.:Dristri 3,. I 144)Ar t a_net Wu-DAS __ VERIFICATIONPETITION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION 1 1 i_k>1 L. Dein P5Ey tot 0 'lava Flow LdAy 1- LE 1 1) Pri t name of the circula or - Residence Address City State atecti V 53-4. LD I state that I circul e above etition; that eaoh`sigfner p.2 al si h ned s pe if n in my esence; and that TX esYluilt if either the signer or I added th rinted name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. , ,'7 r- -- , _ • ,e' .A1, 44ei-effZe.r.d .4M ure of Circulator i . . PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SATET OF SIG INC. '1 - ____ iTI: AND7LAL-pi,42.f.:K________ _ _•;?)4..._. Ig.(4 CM AND ZIP CODE rri, Le_eg:::, .../ 4... .A SIGN rt N 1 A y STREW'A'''"''''''''''' ...'.7•4 DATE OF siiis,N., ve $-t"I itt ticie ch.R5t- i 2-c-t PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE t a,z3(47(4,,, BOA /it) _ - SIGN ( STREE I AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNIVG i t - i--1,14,1 -, R(v..ecitec i 512_ Li PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE tojiaj la HOA SIGN tk vv ' STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIG& PRINT I 1 t ) IV ...... CITYtpAIP s...4) c 3 to_ow BOA Hi Adz.", tsto-r--4 STREET;NITAMTBE-R( DATE OF SIGNING 11141‘. /1/4,04-12 i i?I c- -1 --- Cl"-rZik Difett.lfr 7-_3 - c9id - - - I --- - — i'''" RI 104,44,,t*Sc.e .„....t......"S.ejy, -.. p--- Clenie Cipil _ .....•"-..-.--) STREET AN10. ›,., DATE OF SIGNING A nt tvc..i,‘IA ,--1-vl iel'ertV tzkcc, e o 04. in pf-dd ic.,7 .-, I:- ei214 P 6-14*--k--- ------------------ (-eitem;i:Tp--- 3 3(.1-.0. How----te SIGN i .,1 ST,,...5Ar x.ifaErit a ;I) ,-,-,44 t..)„, DATE OF SIGNING0?y, ... ...2 t. eeic _ 4 PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE ;f.-6.,„ i .. 'D/ i HOA )7 -')'b/ - - 51,1A. Tel-tit ------ STREET AND NUMBER DATE 0 i SIGN 13------- --61--- -c-4--1-V---/-‘4C-_____- 3 13 E AkAt- ettAelz,_t_00, --//9/2.,_,24f- PRINT CITV.Z.f M ,) e 3 A 6/‘ HO SIGN , , STREET AvNALTI;IBER DATE OF SIGNING 43_0.!___RiV( kwy_c_LsX.._. „;_A __i_.t... .1_7422,1_ 9---6e- ---- --76 _V PRINT 111VV iti D t ,,. CITY lial,pllii ,... --- / e<-)SIGN . _ 7 / a/ STREEYZNAU1;B:ER DATE OF SIGNING i ,.17,..,. :coy- e 7.47,46 ___ a 341 e-, TO i 1 S i CilL LD1't VC. R- aLl PRINT Kt clack 64,,...nce r...,\ CITY AND 74,.6. ,,e_ 1 0 6.3b11,0 HOA /41____I VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETI1IO1N1 ,...;-, irmir• a.libte.2.1K? 741‘7te...) Print e of the circulator - Residence ddress City I state that I circtilated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. .. , - ...... Signatur • __ _ . PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL • AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES ,.. NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN f STREE I AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING , Z li k-i----- _.:L.,L_L- _ A' Lli& v-LP _ PRINT i . kNYA‘ 3 kV V ft --- crYDZT7 -L t) r?)6 ( ( "°'"I ,)171,_k It/2.0 6-(.) SIGN 1 DATE OF SIGNI 4, , , plum i eA - CITY AND ZIP COD ; H" E :"....;2 i ' SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE SI'NING AA1,11/(/ 41 (Adf 19/4t, • r' , ___ ___ __ _ __ __ _____P-ick_ firl:_cA PRINT Vytk, pi ti_tot„ CITY AND ZIP CODE/ tilt, )1,f( 10 HOA tirvi( Cte)'ff,,,(0 DATE OF S Cit4( ••• L .• SIGN STREET AND NUNVEV-r 1(.09' 4 —t' t' ftl\\(< ,'Ntrt ---(?3: -1/14, 1,_\AtiL-1/41_4____ 1_ 4 ?<tit IA , \\iA,k CITY:A'ND ZIP CODE 1.1 II; . HOA 1 1 1, 01/4 tA j tieto SIGN- . • , STREET AND NUMBER 1.--"" -/ 2- DATE OA tiNG -.:--.'- - -- :-- - ------ -- --641-thca 4,4 74-/A, PRINT---- , - - CITY AND ZIP CODE/'"----- / OA SIGN , , STREET AND NUMBEV. 47.7 e- DATE OF SIGNING ( AIL AS ?3----. 9 -7 E 0-c,- (“ Ar-Ac ac. 7/ q/gy PRINT eact ruiAke- -----•1 .)ive_s, Cr(NDcZbIr(.'0DE ,I_ 0. ce.c....5,...ric. HOPI--_ 1 c„i•lii - ,...34p, STREET4NNIBER ' DATEIDF NING SIGN )e i . ,, „- .ez-wil, 4 mA/21 ___ 1"/ _ PRINT T"...g CITY AND ZIP CODE . ---;--)5 cL3i./4 HOA /4".3 4, /Weds, i ' 4 Pre, _A../',P—i2--___, SIGN STREET AND NUMBE g R DATE OF SIGNING R- )—E1: /7541_5. /1,903AS i A kg /e1)Y Vr__52 -XI_.. PR, eiMIZJC, . - 1 A) my AD ZIP CODE„ 16 STREET AND NUMBER A DATE OF SIGNING • _...„.....„,,,,, t cc., CITY AND ZIPEDP0,L. :;1,-.12 23 ci c HORSfas .......:(40 SIGN or 7,74 STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING erv--A:4211-1k. ar Ail 7`,6''.4_ 2 fl' PRINT -b 4'SIN- 0 AR CITY AND ZIP CO r____ 6 tt.., OA 2-1,0 VERIFICATION li' 'ERSON CIRCULATING PETITION ovfiztac--11-41 ' /463 5.- Cir-1;(;e-r ( ovc1,2 -.-;2-9--(E, / D Print name of the circulator - Residence Address City t/ State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. _ ... ......_ Signatur of Ci or , • • PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIG '�e- ti• ��� STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT .. C� ( \ w\�l�_� CIl•Y ANU-ZI CODE A��---~ BOA t� SIGN STggEET AND NUMBERRti jer G , DATE OF SIGNING 2_-- '1. ------ C DCL‘24--''. C•••••7 ife. . .4.,3 93 .i,4.6 " ,4/- PRINT .:TI- n 4 0 p/_ CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA 'Tile ,� jc. 0 SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING •/ - l o _C.4:.iCe� cr Wt�-d /J20ZY PRINT K J 6 v/1 CITYA ZIP CODE HOA •j"5I(�,./ (`t),, SIGN ,♦ tttJJJ ST ,T AND NUMBERf (� DATE OF SIGNING 7 cf �_ - LT. i.t 13 Za 2 7 j PRINT C r^ CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA fi. ..( L `. A.� So��ILc � v,L.'�t t w�GC L� SIGN • STREET AND NUMB DATE O TING 5 ..,,- 1 - /6" .f\ /0 gei: 1 ZVI°PI- 4/ illi)161q( PRINT . - C CODE 67,5 / may, HOA ` ) r - f7-7 GN f% STREET ,nj15•t., „ r '` Ce YK DATE OF SIGNING P CITY AND ZIP CODE L%l/iJ.y �4 SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING c72 ''''.-.'--------- 6 1a LI f. ‘.IR.k Vel-doC6 4, P CITY AND ZIP CODE ! UM HOA SIGN 1 STREET AID NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING R t-y��r�� 1. t chit") Q hiti ;,K cAcpci l�c4sy - . ;�`�X€^' Elio( (' 7 / 3//,? fI r P P/R��N o.„ yLich • c 1 c7 '►g A, Ca-re I ..Y ' .. �t I L t HOA R. 1 V 1 S Yam' yid STET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIQNING _ _ I3c& S i-II�I cif , ISIa;,d pi. 7/1/2 PRINT ,il{.KM!° I ( CITY AND ZIP CODE el;'64 7 f) G:., }f, I(., - HOA ff(I cV t7 i f h7 SIGN C•{ STREET AND NUMBER r Y C W[ tr DATE OF SIGNING rr!! ' Kra 10 PRINT \ CITY 7,IP CopE 2jir_ HOA Naivoi �.- VERIFI ' RSON CIRCULATING PETITION i -/4S3 d. eietf‘ 6ya"e Ley - _L?� Print name of the circulator Residence Address t� Ay State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. "'Sign e of C ator PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES t NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING r' S -g�.,T` ,iy p— CITYSMOD G,3/_1/„ HOA SIGN " / �l rJ ' STREET AND ER /LI/ l% * pi_ DATE OF SIGN‘G /// «/ N S f _�[ PRINT �� CITY AND ZIP.CI 7•7 £- /_i .. - HOA SIGN !!!��/NP�jjj'��� STREET AND NUMB ., lJ 1�J DATE OF IGNING 3 1 : -�_ 7-s PRIfig F. CITY At CODE// ' HOA -`r l SIG STREET AT � ER� � DATE OF SIGNING fi4 , 7-6 -'--- --I - PRINT CITY A ZIP —� HOA � e�..1 C.1f/or ram; �, �� / SIGN BEET AND` i••• / DATE OF SIGNING SPRINT 4„. /r-i6 pka CITY AND ZIP CODE �6�'�/J6 k//0 �/pHOA / t/.. /SIGN STREET NUMBER 4,. ;.,fA 1 41,..• / /{ ,_ DATE OF SIG/MNVG )0 ;.• PRINT Z% CITY AND ZIP CODE /� .� Jra'�/ //n HOA / �� SIGN STREET AND NUMBER * C/ 4 L N DATE OF SIGNING_ , WAti (.4l'--- q,, 5ir 6 t.) Oti lel-a- --r -3 0f- GZ e Y•6` 4L) PRINT ��J�j�'' �J - CITY AND ZIP CODE /r- / HOA SIGN �,[v Y STREET AND NUMBER/^ ,�? DATE OF i IGNING SPRINT ! `- �,� Z O L. /+ CITY AD ZIP CODE / ��/e Sg�/6 HOA / /- lT rl R �C DATE OF SIGNING ki SIGN - STREET-7 AND NUMBER t� !�� Q.{t,c��.� IAA 0Jp�l DR.- ____ l ��/ � : l 7 PRI-. -• _-` /� ,+ - _ CITY AND ZIP CODE -~- --` _-'_-_--_ HOA J l,v 6- SIGN ( / 3ST E 'C9n'D 6NUMBER/`' Y 6Q 14 '' 0/ DATE OF SIGNIN7 G 3--/ � PRINT 4 LE W,At D A/ CITY AND ZIP COD, ..--;:tie //3//' pk 1 HOA J �/ / J VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITI { �} (ems / olik cz in e &l ir `-6 .3 5- e• vc7 ve l.i. 4 .4, 7/ j p Print name of the circulator Residence Address i City ✓ State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition✓✓✓✓✓ in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. - J Signatu " • E for PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN STREET AND NUMBER �� E0� ' DATE OF SIGNING WAYPRINT ---- -�___ -- CITY C:74..G: , 36/6 HOA 1'M'v_ SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT ����/� J O CITY AND ZIP CODE 'i �- HOAtz, SIGN tttLLLLL -/��y�pr„ l/ 1 %} rr 5.-Z�yt ST -!4 �"EA/� ! 4,:tc J eej- DATTEE SIGNING ._ „_,,i,_..h.„e____)' ,-. ,-_,77,,E_. PRINT - w' SIGN ! CITY AND ZIP COD HOA j s�_Q /tiCJ STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF 6I V I 4 PRINT �n^l^f3 ( CITY AND ZIP CODE E____ ?4 t c. HOA /` t- // -_-- SIGN //,( 1 W L STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNINNG� PRINT Q, y '' CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA -- SIGNS ! >r � �/f� STREET AND NUMBER - _ DATE OF SIG; 7 i.,2 D.-02f PRINT PA' !` *TV- / `--- CITY AND ZWP CODE W/E /y 3 5t. 14..., HOA ic /D wows si!as ,-- STREET AND ySIGNING 67.- ° - (571 S4 r( v ( � 2-0CITY NDZIPCODE HOA�/Gr"-/ S SIGN r STREET AND NU BER DATE OF IGNIN 8__ PRINT ^ SIGN �4,,7 4,1c-f-1 �� CITY AfS Z C E ��/ HOA r STREET AAN/D /ERR`7 //�G //f DATE OOF SIGNING PRINT. c ) l L..' 5 (_L� 4i-A . /4„ / C !( d vL 1 - (f aL CITY j 1PCODE ;z `/ %,eix /J00 SIGN STREET AND IM R DATE OF SIGNING cia:1)14... PRINT TI / _ ` - _CITY A D`D ZZIP4 O f Y 1` f P VERIFICATION : I PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION 4 ( h H0.4 � �y� ��lPLi1�t� �j�t/ 1014'4/0 e---76-Lie, -,3 _5-, ;---t)---- 44car ecveyvc,- Id L )e_ 1: i Prin name of the circulatorf_____/k. Residence Address g t/State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. � �%2Z91 -f� ...Lr� Si o --.Circ or v �. PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN i qr. STREET AND NUMB / DATE OF SIGNING iq 15 $. i, -�i(cws'i C'f. I fL/21 PRINT S6A1 A tit wOlJ CI!' AE a CODE „1 Gn HOA 'dIe 1-l{t� �-5�� SIGN STRE AND ND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING 2 C CLL - 13B 15‘ y\4-.c e . �fi -ell-�s&,F- PRINT (Ilk it I,\_ . t ` t� CI IP C_AI :pt U Z_Q 1 HOA SIGN l."-VL. L `'`l 1 S� UtER 7� ){ /-� DATE ^O7F'SIGNING t I�(�� �t sa✓ ��v/� W�ULJJ 72/2q PRINT ( ,- WV) �A/li ) CIT r ` OD ' J.5-( ' „ J HOA 1"SIG Nci 1 ..Ick :�5 SIGN mill _ I I/ ' S A NUMB R Y �J DATE OF SIGNING e 4 _ - PRINT i!-` L y J#r 4 �1 CITIt1D ZIP CODE l 1� �''� j b9 HOA f S r7 ( .LC, SIGN 1 STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING s 5"--CfC e flwee ____ — k4 (_c.1 t1/4 ` e'--"' "'1M•``. 1131e/ — -- PRINT <r,°"9 CITY AZIP C AEp c, if, HOp'D' VceS 'ENO -- SIGN STREET ANDCMJMBER DATE OF SIGNING _- 0 T, 1 A.'" _ `itki J Zw t r it,t"i t Le[.z,.k 11 2 T ---- PRINT %. C.r\.k ""c`„...1 --- CITY AND ZIP CODE .1..,. 1z CO Li 4 HOA -5 a �,,,c s SIGN _1j a ! f y- STREETT ANDp1 NUMBER ��Syr y DATE OF S NIN�!� 7 d "ic;'.( f 71 4E C 1:a� /V o2) %A t j 0 `l e ./ PRINT/ LL� ^�- CITY QODE f / HOA(/_ , SIGN - STREET N ER ! Jr.? �,Q DATE/fOFF SIGN �' ? �� ... NI ,t.,_ PRI / --C �` 1�p t CITY AD ZI! D i' ,�D y� // HOA /�f.�� SIG ,tQ „� r STREET AND ER /4:] DATE OFF SIGNING 9- . L L! S �k tj Cl e r----- —L. ,,{}`-_/"''e r _ a 5 r(_---- Vi/aP CITY AND ZIP CODE HO — - � .'►.(t v3�--- SIGN,�41 1 ,t ,i..i��_ r STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING (.�4 V� 14C c -< C,IA. Us. '1 13 �-Z.e t4 PRINT C .a� -/ HOA A I2JIL�___. VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION 1..0 r r 1 ige.. C�<<1�� /�‘3 5 A?'er -J7iz-C `C. 1 J Print name of the circulator Residence Address Ci ` Sta I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. ignalaof Circ ator ,. . • • PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES ,.. NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN - STREET AND UAI DATE OF SIGNING ... — ----7" PRINT .. t. , - - CITY AND ZIP CODE • ., . ' HOA V .„., 4 i . L- 4 . - , , • . .-, STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING 2 1.: IiIt 4 7 , -: . j"..-::.i,_,,!-,..., ,,-- f .... PRINT Y) t- 1 .- .,,, ..., CITY AM)ZIP LODE ..‘77;,:.1.+1!e;, 1 L.:, .r-..--,i;i fe-, HOA - .; i, i: (rw etut' ;, -.' \ _4 SIGN 7-. t y .... . .._. 1 STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING r $•-' •• V PRINT I: ---- :)- 3/ l'. , LAKI p.:2is i (...,-il,a)6-(x ..,-,ie- \ pt- _ _zi ,22(.2_,L'i ("7s',!-VT , .; -ti, El-ic ic,- "`m ) )*/ecr Cri sluP4 i . i - , STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING , ! / / (1.1 t - " A.L.-..‘;'_.__-_- , _I 'LL! 1:4 L i,"_[_:_.dir , PRINT - - i ---) -'... .., .1 ilk' f 0.,/5 -.1.9‹. CITY AND/ZIP opDE._L - ) ...,/,:..iii,..,„ ,411' H° ( /1 'Y SIGN STREET AND-- NUMBER. f DATE OF SIGNING 1_..1,_›-....:,,I L''''''.A...- k 1-- PRINT . CITY AND ZIP CODE .... N, t • HOA L\ " 1,: ---k""-- tO: L 1 _ S ' 1 STREET AND NUMBER DATE 6F SIGNING ? / L1/110517-4 CO .i....." BOA ,..r...54/2,riyik7a/6-- siGN \ criii1T4D.NUMBER DATE OF SIG ING 7---- lk. Lk;il-N" 4-f.16\ 0 S lq_P_Y_L-t PRINT .„t* STREET AND NUMB HOA_I li_t ei&-=)‘..,tio 1,14,101, to 0616 SIGN ,f.. ER D VIE OF SIGNW- ___,1.4 . I... l . PR,NT06 ; c/c / --17574--7 G-jI CITY...MI Z IP CODE .LACA•tf-• . ti) e.- (' I HOA-j--3-)4,444. I. SIGN STIV.T ANTI JR_IMBER DATE OF SIGNING • 1 ,D e_. 6 /6 ,,.._q.... . PRINT • 141:3ArrOp.53E.././/g7.-,tit/"..) HOA / ' eil— i C:d.-/k/ 1' SIGN 0 t STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING 1 -____ .-C-. . - _-/J).erZ ..________ ___ F Id.' ',/5. 51'1- --,0---,-.‘' '7 ill - PRINT CI TY AND ZIP coot. E-0...v4.... y„--3 t. 4 HOA ' VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION /49 411/12 ;4 e_ I er-i it /6-‘-3 5. .'-'../ "cc/ 6 veve- 2-t21.7 • Print name of the circulato - Residence Address Ci State ../ I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. ....._ Signa r _ . ' i - PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF S GNIN i _ 7 i ,3 5 1 ply _ I - PRINT /� �:,i n/ CITY AND ZIP CODE'� 3 - / '`1 lb HOA /^ SIG 4.... "`���JJ���� V f V STREET AND NUMBER �� 9 U l DATE OF SII IN(G2'' '''./7//7 .-------'------- 3/q ix-,K•iv Ex_ voyeigy j>,#, 7/ („J P i1T i, al' - r CI CODE �� ' ./ HOA �/ rF-E� I�1 -� J SIGN S AND NUMBER DATE OF IGNIN PRINT j� t CIT .C DE- ,-..N.-�i� �' r____ HOA --- SIGN s..„Nt /"'� STREET AND NUMBER D TE OF SI ING /� . 7f�ue� Y`t �L,`�, aide' t�. -A rid /1. A,-r /f�-L j P' At C -i i V 4` 11 k CI'RE �D - iJ,. D 'JG. /�c' HO SIGN , Y y � � S ET AND NUMBER - DATE OF SIGNING -`- - _ t€(ac S- p_t p-a, �.3 �E.o i -i 1 Lti Z 4 P: ! f, I — CITY....) IP C•raE 1 G� �J.3( (,io HOA �r�i C� +C.i I O �r t � �� r.ER � DATE 14 NG J����,: rf 14,15 b 1 io' . s i° "` '� �`'r.s<!`i I li ly��i "%�, s�'' l i �l .- i� ':' - �► _�•��- r/-:� ,►`i/, t viG-!F' ._�� ,z1 ti � '"•. - - PRIN}±w-l00 0>�� \ d. a+�►411/ 4 at,, C1i.� ;�Ii w �C i1 SIGN - A;. STt I 'UMBER 416 V DATE OF SIG ING / , _ ft.-- 2r- , - .-- .,- i S/ '04\ 7/ Y. 7K - NT ( le" ti n�, `,�,�`x�+ CITY AND ZIP CODE e " HOA / (,//J� SIGN !r-- t� 1` STREET AND NUMBER (�J DATE OF SIGNING _L- v !j 17--. 5 ire 11 vie) LAA:c._ `ice&- ? " V y PRINT -- TX A`D ZIl' DE, HOA I,J f 7 b " 1'5 )4 is��7 te-r n P, r> 3 4 �.�,. SIGN 1 -�- STREET _1: DATE OF SIGNING - P 7 S^C CITY AND ZIP CODE .tf 1 HOA 1. K/ &L7 y ti 1� � SIGN , ., 11 STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF'SIGNING n 10-- V - Wr i13— t ^y�-(�� - -- PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE ? /I h 1�• 1 (C.' . 1 --(1 HOA + -(_ =� VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION jj� r l �` 'it V` C. Wilij -i"-- 60 4e- 4/ .° -7- ‘ Aai Print name of the circula o Residence Address Ci / tate I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. ne,„,' .1, 4:resobe Signature +f rs,culator PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL • AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES AME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN . ' i STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING .i e,'' .i.• ,*, 4/eit ._./e, 4 PRINT l CI Tor D i/� HOA Y' zSIGN i Ut r,V— E61 Ki(R-z $T. NU E(tyt� /•� kK k DATE IG ING PRINT CITY AND ZIP••W I-,6 2 f f r H A /40 SIGN if/T- S ET AND f a ER J v t,b DA F S+NIN PRINT M /) A i' / 116 F rM CITY AND ZIP COD 4 ( �}1, / )6. HOA J�+o 2 SIGN / ,1 fE{�/1�`/' `C-•+•11 1('L' 1�• STREET AND NUMBER V'�lJ I DATE OF SIGN G vV PRINT •1--r-Ci ,;, i `6_S CITY AND ZIP CODE ,yam J !D ��6,'to HOA 4.2 SIGN C/I v,(/ YC� STREET AND NUMBER`"`I DATE OF SIGNIG , ;' / / 7 �.0t. ,r6 //z Jy PRINT? ,i //� rr 20� ( /� 7/5 r Cl/LAND ZIP COpE E ,> BOA SIGN �` STREE AND NUMBER/ DATE OF SIGNI G 6 61/4 , ..1\ �'�'�.._. f 9 .L i\\0,6 LC&\�Q �.-)c-t) — 1 PRINT G:t L .c:A \ 1 r CITY Au'l EO `'� ; ) J 7 • , 4"' HOA /40 SIGN 7 STREET/� AND NUMBER DATE �OF SIGMNG PRINT ift /�U C 'frE A .7-• 2 ce/4 BO I�C�e/ lode Ar SIGN L e- - +,- STREET � �L ,,/�� � �i /e DATE OF SIGNING j !� PRINT(:.I! ` GL�[�! !r( ! CIP L �l� � ! HOA " C SIGN jj STREET A36NUMBER. D OF SIGNIN i - -/r ,j-.87 e- R i Illg.CZ- PRI CITY ►P COD SIGN STREET AND NU R DATE OF SIGNING I P CITY AND ZTP CODE - - j G - !/ }IOA 2/2y 2-- 1,Y'C? S ✓L P (r 1-.. ce, ,, �4 1, ' 1 Lf/ VERIFICATION BY PE CIRC LATING PETITION" e eitif / Print name of the circulator Residence Address City State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. Signature of�rx� for PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES i �' _ RESIDENCE N 4, - DATE OF DATE/COUNTY /tom STREET AND NUMBER SIGING I -'' - Al> /5•°��yr���- s. {` _ /a� la, 1, .oc PRINT S L7U 1/ VJ 62 HOA I ANI} , DATE OF SIGNING _ iaq °: Z 9 le _ 1�- 2 2 ZIP O-A9 4 SIGN �� STREET RAND CNUMBER �ji / JD 51 DATE OF SIGNING _ /°I ? E. 6l,sets ETIed A's. :.I f / DZ PRINT A J Cr -/'dam ' CITY AND ZIP CODE y"�',y lb 3 t / HOA R.f 1 d ,s.,(,.4 SIGN STREET AND NUMBER / DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE a /e g/%/ HOA SIG STREET AND NUMBER ( ✓�L DATE OF SIG ING �� 4._._-- 6g-7 7 r_r�, l: u � Dr-- f7/ /1 ______ T > CITY AND ZIP CO HOA kk rt a..ker S 'IGN "�- STREET�" •� i.V'I P n�k�+.�� , DATE OF SI f P ( �, �� CIT NF D ZIP C D; 1 t� ��f 1. HO l - A' SIGN• STREET AN E�t ) 1�( DATE OF SIGNING C...l�` ,_ / 1(�� l 7 gi Y ex -11 ICI y t1-e) lt/�} PRINT C� - e CITY AI Cp r. / � ` 32 /� HOA / - 1 -. L SIGN STREET AND I is ER DATE OF SIGNING 61 >7'6r _ tifte.3'?Z S ;:AO 4-E 3�>s -7�- 1 ZY PRINT �I CITY AD ZIP O E ; L 9 g i HOA 14 I - JA - SIGN ' STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING , 7 5"r ?iV1 6� �• - t f-( - `� PRI r am!Y • CITYY4N Y j ^ .. j`--p HOA ) /�t)r SIGgeb % �t STREET AND NUMBERRL.. G. y % DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODED t. eGC� HOA VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION' ..o r rai rt a ia4 r /1S43 s. 5 veV wove t�►/r LD Print name of the circulator Residence Address City State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. O'i€ Signatur • . PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES - NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN .^, 511LEE1 AND NUMBER , DATE OF St NINC, 1 Y -_t,-. ------ CITY AND TIP CODE "' T kit-TV PRINT "I"- i dY(._ !ory i b x.-. 1C� ._ ,E1 e, 7861,6 HOA . hi-iv 4 -� , DATE OF SIGNING SIGN STREET ND NUMBER `.1 rt ` CITY AND Z.CP LODE. L ` ! 1✓7 ) HOA y S[ ,a. it))4T i e, r^` '— 2 ( STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF/SIGNING r 4 PRINT _ CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA iq SIGN S'TREETAND NUMBER ; DATE OF SIGNING 2 .//k t✓Z'I -fie- _: ` _ 7---_-7". ,. ,r,. ' A+,..-*' ----'-'''---.34r../ - ,f, - c]rY ZIIP C17. F '9 l 1. ' BOA • � d2 .�— r 1�'7 '© s F S"CRI:.ET'AxTD).1 UMBER f J f, DATE OF SIG "NG . Rd ^ ki pp,,p'T -1,3 \ F p:1 i u1 Y AND ZIP CODE r x BOA. .;,, ei � -� `�� ,E. Wit , ��- � s v :� ��: „if' Cet �_STAFF T AND NI bfBFR } DATF OF SI'NTNG y{,� PRL CI AN IP CODE 7 RDA J( d t I obe- - i ,4àz?a\ô272 / STREET 'DNt }cR DATEOFSIGNING - . PRINT - I.0 ',t.1-,t S i INN *f‘rE/ !D .. )(7) Y.1 1. im ti ii-It A let SIGN ANNUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRGN'L Id t t t lasnA _ 's.. 5 HC. -S L.r'll �..: # 4.CCf AD eOD]3 � SN STREET . NINIFIER t DAI Or SIGNING i' , PRINT L.�.- q.D 1%a 2'4 - 4,.& CFFiA 7 COPE s Gr i HO (c () • .:..03 } SIGN STREET AND NU RtR DATE OESIGNING PANT At"f 4a` e t�"s"i' at �,-/t,__. CITY Z � 6�� BOALiu -- VEI&IF CATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING P ' ITION t 1je ch 1 ge ` II !____ Print name of the circulator - r-7-4 i Residence Address tty V tate I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. 4,7 Sign. o . rculat• b i .r , • • PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES • N E RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN ak., STREET -NUMBERT-- --- /tit f ^DATE OF SI h7NG PRINT A% CITY AND ZIP CODE H( tO SKIN. 1 1 P ` A f STREET AND NUMBER 6 77) sqa DATE OF SIGNING , r .I.,_ -. ‘5,5ct--s��y''\Ci-, rA_ '.--- 7J'-� '2 ----- PRINT -N CITY AND ZIP CODELG-- 1 ) x �QA c HOA / 111 1 SIGN STREET AND NUMBER "``••C��CCC��....---- 1 (.�✓�n DATE OF SIGNING �/ C w.n~-- k \ "v..,',c�- ,rck v I ( q L zotia PR' ((1 t. CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA i La SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING -- ------------------------- PRINT C `e! `T`T ��Y,.` S)J L ci c. CITY AND ZIP CODE V.6 6 �)'/'j/ HOA SIGN T�REAND 'ID "V DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE g. HOAINVSI ST AID& BER5 DA1 FtPRINT ( / � J, CITY AND ZIP CODE HOASIGN !t/ ! STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING \,_....ls y,............„ 14&6) S _gitiele_ c1(0 I.L) 7/81241 P (� ! i c`. Co .f/ n/ CITY,AND ZIP CODE HOA SIGN 7 � f�/ STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AD ZIP CODE HOA SIGN • STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT - CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION Smarr k/d ) 37 S. kl v rd f I . a 1 c JO Print name of the circulator - Residence Address . Cit State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. Signature of Circulator PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PE i ING'I RAF.. C T ATING MEASURES V1 N RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN ,, STREET AND NUMBER DATE/OF SI NG I Y D DE ry� A e / / HOA ..,,/j s„v .. S T AND NL f (!(/".t' DAT OF SSL''l'INYIG zif ti tt . .L4 c. SC,.-Vic_c. /( 1p 5 5 L1-s I a D, e-L -7 7 c PRINT f v]LrFX--Cl C. S G� -Y"l e.Or--,- C AND ZIPCODE ' ©!✓ �lJ K- ���<S" -J. i/-- HOA UU SIGN STREET N ' DATE ONIGNING PRINT A/I eat CIT ZIPyE j s 3‘/6 BOA ,� l Lt}I SIGN , STRUT.4 7" -�''� ,/� DATE TOFF SI-NING .. e l'f:5 " CITY A CODE BOA �_...__-- qfie i bp SI STREET (7If en1LJ J.1�/RJR 1 ✓�4--e--- -�' - ) DATE OF PRINT lCIC Gam.. CITY AND ZIP CODE // no / 1 / SIGN STREET AND NUMBER / {l DATE OF SIGNING LL+✓� PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA SIGN ' STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AD ZIP CODE BOA _ _ - SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OP SIGNING I0- -------_----•---_^.__----_----_.—.__-_.- .._-_------------.---______--- PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION te t2;4 ae r l 3 ei,e.„ �^�►uP C.c� t f Print name of the circulator S Residence Address ' to I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name, the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. Signature C. r r 1r • PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY STREET AND NUMBER D°ATTE1OF SIGNING IP E ^s. HO 1•STREET, NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING "41,461. '11s }ram, /r7/S--- c 41 43 r, ,al± . 7-3 r2 1-1 Cla E�. 'E p t0A14) /RA +" ,+t.. i l DATE OF'SSIIGNING f��/ SIGN / ) ),y 4 y 1. , SIRCEE, 1V�jbER,r 11e'7,, t. — f'yr J / PRINT _ CITY AND LIP CODE u IF �yl1 �� SIGN STREET AND NUMBER �( DATE OF GNMC, a_r^'' (— C- L b 2 et vt._j CITY AND ZIP CODE 6,(i HOA i „)SIGN ,• ���j JJJ Jt STREET AND NUMBER DATE O!SIG U PRINT LX b vt ♦ J v ' CITY ApISEq Df� 130 (Y SIGN STREET AND WIDER DATE OF GNIN PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE4,.)...k, f & HOA J /� / S N STREET AND NUMBER C� DATE OF y�11GN1NINGG ,_;; _ __77.,3_ _RN_________ P CITY AND ZIP CODE 4 Q J HOA f/ c SIGN STREET AND NUMBER ( ---_ DATE 0 IGNItVG PRINT cell a0(,. j l(,c;r toCITY AD,2PP CODE �} HOAJ SIG - STREETfAN &ER s � DATE OF S GNIN r o Y'l ''"- A 1. CITY AND ZIP CODE Eby ,.]/8 �.f) 4 3( j % HOA i �� J SIGN �., �►, " STREET AND NUMBER 1i11"'-/` tS l ti,p DATE OF SIGNING PRINT .CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION VY'I F- c .- 47,. VOVe ed I; Print name of the circulator Residence Address Ci tate I state that I circulated the above etition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. Signatur . i r u: • PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES NAME _ RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING (.)3 a.."0,--ikeK 1;*".6•---:Ck yy z_k-i--",..‘,.......3L- A-, J - --) 1 -) . __ ...........___ . ..._.._ SIGIN Wiet. Ai A A�� ` '•` Al CITY AND AND NUMBER ZIP CODE E.-�( � �3��� BOA / 7 DATE OF S NIB PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA SIGN ' STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING r PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING ---_.. PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT v CITY AD ZIP CODE BOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA SIGN - STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION 7 Lr' 77 Jam 77 . d:r9c/e1�;� Ald4 Print name of the circulator ' Residence Address City J State U I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and t at e either the signer or I added the printed name the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. . Signature o ircu ator P .I• t., PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES i...- *., NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN 4,...--- STREL F AND NINBER DATE OF SIGNING 7/ ;-'( PRINT - C t,e!(°- N'i ft 1f2 CITY AND ZIP CODE Z-_, 11°A SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING kr--4,ife kj-iit,6 ....- 7/5 ,9?,7 ' 2_- -- tfkIN't ill ,,,„: yiki,r, 6jkiTrIA/1 (IFS AND ZIP C OW if,761 .,, kt,F,/4...kill) w. s-/-1,7, if i.•..,,„ • STREET AND NUMBER - DAD OF SIGNING PRINT CIT Y AND ZIP CODE HO A SIGN . it .., STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING - * , 7/34- P1;7' ft II 1.*.ACfliki CITY AND ZIP COOT 4— ,ykr, e 5,6,,f 4(....; HOA 1614- -'-' STREET AND NT:ItitIER DATE OF SIGNING 3 '1 \'- dett -.... k. --- .(14-__1::- ker,(_:!! Wi..f_C-r:_ PRIM . CITY AND/IP F ODE 1::::\o, i e Tc.f,5i.,z,L„FIGA -1 l:1 s I t,,te teetit SIGN ,........„..-- 4 I STREET AND NI.MBE R y -6ATE OF SiCA•11140 kj1/7 e-c/44 CITY AND ZIP GI HO i SIGN ,/, ' STREET AND NUMBER e) DA It OF tt.,NfiCt., 3 5 g E. eiri _LtsLift .,"))/- PRINT L.-.0 e ; (2.-,. ..,\.n e c CITY AND ZIP(()DE ct_cifie F.,3) ..(ct 110 Ar..,,,, ifIcis tAkt) Sl(rN STREET AND NUMBI . D A rt Of SIGNING S --)L-N_ Pi' PRINI riryi ' r-- e"'Wc.." CITY Al)ZIP R..._. .1 z„..1 c...., { HOA g 1.4.cs _ry . SIGN STREET AND NUM I 16 DATE OF SIGNING t, ... PRINT (ITV AND ZIP CO , HOA SIGN- S IREF1 AND HI DATE OF S .,NING PRINT CITS AND LIP CODE HOA VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION i . ,......_ I Or -.6/ S ' vdvezd7 .k---q- i 'at name ofr -the circu ato Residence Ad ss CityV State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name, the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. - , ..-.- Signat e eu a . ... . . • PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES NAME RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIC. __________ STREET AND��-T,,+)� 6 DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE Q ls° g BOA J SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SI NMG SIGNPRINT J �J � V Vid ARID S NAND CODE P. . 5564� HOA T AND OA6 OF SIGNING PRINT _ CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING -------- PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA SIGN - STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF'SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AD ZIP CODE HOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA SIGN STREET.AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION • hre- /,‘‘3 f Ve -teri Ve4,47 Print name of the circu or ; ` Residence Address ty State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name,the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. Sig 1rculator fr '' ''' PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUE.�iT THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL -,. AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST Y SUEDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES `"'fi AME RESIDENCE DATE/ t>UNTY � sZGN snt� I'ANn M R D �aF'sIGNI' or PRIN ni t�' i...)J �� CIT D P ) 1j(1 1 .'V f HO 4If#N ST ei A D NAER 3 �] Da S', h ✓ ,_,-.------De tf 1 401 CITY AND ZIP LODI �". •• ) ID 6C d �. HOAn i`'sif C��, EII3 STNE Y r STREET AND h`UMI3ER , f� DATE OF SIGNING -- ZC7 ram' c�'R J .� till " YRINI 7/��' i t (/y/t/J _„'""'� CI TY AND ZIP CODE �"�. j t Y1. C �J G SIGN S'FItE T AND. NL3RfBER 7-4t/ DATE OF SIGNING 71/7Ct II ',. ( T..� { 1\ (IrYANDZIPCOIIF- t --+� t1 NOA�- �C, r-0 ► fit ',. SIGN y f, STEEl T AND NCN1RER DATE G -- d`J OF SIGNING 9 f6 �� , '/vc J C'� pi, /7 /0o2y PRINT CIi'Y.AND ZIP CODE f,/{'� dl <vt I� �� � ��� �L �� L � / T� a .S�(r l�p tto,� S,° STREET'AND NI'MBER DATE OF SIGNING 553 �ttxYtClT (✓ F✓( 1 - - 'J �/ _).".... CIFY.ANDZIPCODE e (� HOA / q / SIGN \(4s rt� , 7GIC l,.«,,r7C_(-t./.rD STRELI'AND NUMEFR E IG^11NL DAT OF I � .�D am co / i E:i: T / NK) CC .P"rf ,P A witv iiti ul ING5I7N STREETOgAum.s, ` PRINT CITY 40 ZIP CODE SIGN2 STREET AND NIIAdF1FR DATE OF SIGNING ..............__.; __.. — _______-...-____ ________.___.._ ..._ DOA. PRINT CRY AND ZIP CODE ,,,Ar SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING. CITY AND ZIP CODEbOA S IFIcATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION 9 /^' f �l 7 � � � /�6tr'tjescoft/the circulator Residence Address / City r State I state that I circulated the above petition; that each signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that her the signer or I added the printed name, the residence address of the signer and the date of signing. Siena irculator w C PETITION TO URGENTLY REQUEST THAT EAGLE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR REJECT THE PROPOSED WILDERNEST SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PENDING TRAFFIC MITIGATING MEASURES NAME _ RESIDENCE DATE/COUNTY SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY N?j[� QDF f q� �('3//l HOT I G y� , ?� { [ jF(yy Lf J CJ vs b bza SIGN I STREET AND NUMBER DA OF SGNING _ 4. 6isplc1 -ti 1 s ev,r ;roik & � 1- 7 - 24 2 rPlum* se ;V L Y ��.'O,Vik, 1,' CITY Alt )0 f 3 616 HOA( J`k' c( ,✓.) C I SIGN J STREET ANDIUNW.ER DATE.OF SIGNING PRINT t I Q ‘ I / it1 7 C Tr GI ODE.31) 3(4,( BOA T.. 4�e i J 00 S SIGN STREET..#�� 6D NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE. HOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING o PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA SIGN 4 STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA L SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING —--- dam _ ._ __ --___W_ -. PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA SIGN. . STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AD ZIP CODE HOA - SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE HOA SIGN STREET AND NUMBER DATE OF SIGNING ------ PRINT CITY AND ZIP CODE BOA VERIFICATION BY PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION S- , / c, IPrint name of the circulator / 7/ Residence Address � Sr/ / tat( I state that I circulated the above petition; that e.ch signer personally signed this petition in my presence; and that either the signer or I added the printed name;/e residence a ss of the signer and the date of signing. OF Signature of Circu ator \ r. ----r--- . I 0 ..,,,,„,1 , .._#.., .....,.., N., \ lemmil $:11 1513 k;.:-..._ )-11 I—g CD ,,,,,,,Ak..;•,::: __ \ PV , . , ..... zt • --, :k..Z-:Z 0 A) 5,.. ,...:1 _ °It I I *III in , -'...,1-.Ii •.:- , Z . • lf::___,.4 1 ,f4-44.,:- - , 1.,,, ii,.•L '''.-- (D t ,-, 5 Id CD 11 , OK INI)• 0 - NI) 1 1 41 I , 1 t , • ,,,, 0) Iv CO N.) o Iv -r. N) t rt NNN, 011.‘ O - 9 ti 0 0 N N N O N J A 6/28/24, 11:42 AM CHAPTER 3 PROHIBITED PARKING , 5-3-5: CAMPERS, MOTOR HOMES, TRAILERS AND STORAGE CONTAINERS: A. Parking Certain Vehicles: It is unlawful for any person to park any of the following defined vehicles on any street in the city for more than seventy two (72) hours, except in accordance with provisions of this section: 1. Camper:A separate vehicle designed for human habitation and which can be attached or detached from a motor vehicle. 2. Motor Homes: A self-contained vehicle, designed for human habitation, with its own motor power, and with a passageway from the body of the home to the driver's and front passenger's seat. 3. Trailer: A vehicle without motor power designed for carrying persons or property on its own structure and to be drawn by a vehicle with motor power. The term trailer shall include coach, boat trailer, semitrailer, travel trailer or utility trailer. 4. Storage Or Shipping Container: A self-contained motorless enclosed structure designed for moving and/or storing property. No person shall park any such container upon a sidewalk, public street or highway within the Eagle city limits. B. Parking On Residential Streets: 1. Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, the parking of any vehicle on a street remains subject to regulation of parking established pursuant to the city or state traffic and zoning regulations. 2. Any vehicle may be parked on any street for a period not to exceed seventy two (72) continuous hours. C. Time Limit: At the expiration of the applicable time limit (72 hours) set forth in this section, a new time may begin only upon removal of the motor home, recreational vehicle, utility trailer, boat trailer or vehicle from the block, or five hundred feet (500')from the locations in which it was previously parked, whichever is farther, for a minimum of forty eight (48) hours. (Ord. 724, 10-28-2014) https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/eagleid/latest/eagle_id/0-0-0-1786 1/1 I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: \A l.__ & E1 SIGNATURE: #7.1-1/1 DATE: July 9t", 2024 ADDRESS: 1771 w AQ EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: 1 t1E 1-(Au �1 ,2E� P tol T F# } 1)2rS nJ C6-1_i VA) Ca � c��s� 2 NT \ AL r (Lc��c _� u`2trE �" E ���� c t om oc L -� ; A-v- TI4C I CIAi 0i Li )v LE7TEi I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: An �/i/IA/�(y�jYGyt ea/ejLj SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: /G� �. ` --�''�J L'-,ajJ EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: (20pwcr l /� a /7edy 1,4'7 ts a 7,eat_ ee4 t s i„,e/e/ cl&disKair �i w� w, kw/`e I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: / rneii I i SIGNATURE: f , ria2uA- DATE: July 9t", 2024 ADDRESS: fiLI`-I S s o utcu J EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: leave C On ce rr tkekt Sc1ti was door t o1N2,14 ScInt Was out etAd -hn 4s 11 KAy k,Uf✓ Cars (U ► Ctl► Wei/ e ns 00 buses ak Voino is 'n t-5 on Esau,'tvl woods T )vf' SciCtIIy (,04 efns wr'rl'N Siyit carp Creased Iraf' c. roan c 11y iy Cov`skYuCr+ \tetMcles. I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: C. onn .le un�e r SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: f BL-I-F1) s. Ik ce,1 Ric) iR.y EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: 1,a_e_ __ I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: GKCG \--k L11\1 TE I' SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: I E 4 Si s(a - t ja EAGLE, I DAH O 83616 y COMMENTS: 0:1 cvvnc i most ens i--c. t,a cy; N c, k lrvL_ O U r s oar � ��e Y, �e:t���bC �V-p a . YYlak k_ \.31b vNs\vcz I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: j\-• i cote._ t,oy 00-V1(kv SIGNATURE: �` f DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: /6 26 C. CraAv\e. EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: L!e are. C d v,ce t-necc L-3 ck'\'‘ -lraI c cc". C43°tA d tt �(� �, 5ee avvo tr) I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: ek sM40 SIGNATURE: 06:—. . DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: 9 C7tS7 (WA) R i rt i✓'� EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: he-I) e v-e--- 60 c41 ; ho7jc-/ re90 r-e_. ;ec:oya et v.Pc/ d -C (4/Aivii col Riv-Ri I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: ftI\ SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: &. _1 443Y- 1)2, EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: t S Fit t ►gy THE E V Op- f ‘ rv'T-re_D G i ce OF -c\A-LS D A ri C)0 c- A-6 c‘ (PcA-N Pi Ny D f' R) t-tc wo -S _Pr- Fr 44 o A2A-ni c®N-, v Aift v use NCj v4 A� s tiJ At D Cs 5\0Efak -ro,J _ 1\1`� 5ticn f¢d j co�s , I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: Richard Smith SIGNATURE: 1 DATE: July 9t", 2024 ADDRESS: 1781 E. Garden Brook Drive EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I would think the Eagle elected representatives would need to approve with urgency the commencement of a second or third avenue of exit out of the area. This in light of the high number of deaths in Maui Hawaii. To ignore this situation would be grossly negligent. I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: 1vFit- SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: l''V6 c C(cti a/17-e_ EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: ze wvi5c/ ? /lb !/1/� `/ çvJ7 1;61)yiR I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: Aii-44),›,,../ scrra r C_��= �`sS..P1i7e. . SIGNATURE: 4,,c,at-k,-))-2-,AQ4/Lc DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: �� S_ c �h ,C�s r a �1c- EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: 73 Vele fri4 r 0VA- CD hove_ `- 0o y►., ecr,s r?Gh 7 "V-� r./ I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION . PRINT NAME: Cr') *046c .0 9 (23r/ SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: a?X A() ukf',4 001r(ALIC11C) . EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: 9• Vvs'E_ 6i\iC l+(cS 0,c1R►0u C A P•E1~`L L. C'[�r1S l 4.a9-T/ 014 . f-t-i`c_ R` 13 H /irO 1 '9 FcSS / t5 k_6, 6/ C6-L 1ZI(01// i N./rsN i I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: cKem Cif- Viler)e•. _ SIGNATURE:C' DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: icrr 613,1e:Po ir et 4-- �2. EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: ' e— Ct rr On4-1-‘44 ©f 1 . 7 I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: C h h S n C C OIC t, SIGNATURE: ?‘"' DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: 15 $T F CI-a-Joe_ Pa iv1te__ ,V EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 Emit) t3 & /b COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: ik0 t L ct 6 r SIGNATURE: j DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: ( S(c 'f � . CeJE ov - EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: iyo‘t(\ A1Jo n SIGNATURE: 43/7.,,,/vr, DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: / 02 C vvv e EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: fl ± / SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: I (09 2 ep_c-r- EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: vac M fish SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: W17.,_ ea54- Cie c5\ CA1V-i EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: 1 < E.C� -?v�� -�` EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: ju_.5pt) Lq1?f3çK SIGNATURE: a/ti DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: C(sr fouto-r- i) C EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: - — r , 1 SIGNATUR - 1-` -a/2)'9 DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: &� Ceoboa_-e _ ---)-6 (v-t-e_ De , Tx-jiel _rip EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAMES yIV /-741--L- SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9t", 2024 ADDRESS: /5�5 EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: L61L(L[ Ca h a iI SIGNATURE: ydsc DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: /5.0.)- L' • Car�cA., ge'ook. 6r. EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: � Ct, CI- a'(ja//' SIGNATURE: -� 6z DATE: July 9°^, 2024 ADDRESS: ' 1"/ E �en �f(70'\ EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: 5EVr7y- i(cio1�+�L SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: C a\rr) D`. EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: A PA_ DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: l5 bathe()3n1 a Or. EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: G2�. T l)-I ) - SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: /502- GA,e.D ..fin°K EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: 6/A N :7>p, SIGNATUR : DATE: July 9t", 2024 ADDRESS: ( 5s e 6corL -cm EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: � ni " -e)r A - Co0(4-a— SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: V-1 (-V1 � � A'�d�-�+ .5I1)61C- - � - EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 E(niG.L� ( 0 g3(1b COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: ////4/ b S' . O LSow' SIGNATURE: --�/ DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: 1`F76 5v 69€it) ..B/20v/` , EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: E 2 S O isc9/0 SIGNATURE: C�< (Cr.,2-eCfr `-- DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: /4/76 > -1 , ‘2Qc L tie), c_ EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RANCH. PRINT NAME: �� \,k,)806 SIGNATURE: Cid L �I✓„PI;� ADDRESS: � � �� 1. 11��1(�lL1Yl �/)rod& EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RANCH. PRINT NAME: � t () ,n,p, (}()_ SIGNATURE: 1,11 ADDRESS: 11 7/1, 60Armi .9orDDN V � r EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION . ' PRINT NAME: De-f\v\) ETTD SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: P51 k(0 EAGLE, I DAH O 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: L i N A JED R, SIGNATURE: ,�bA 6/7/ DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: ( DeL 73) e CJ 1 EAGLE, I DAH O 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: A}&1k4 SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th 2024 ADDRESS: /J(o9 .S �SU *ha /210 Gci44' .47'3,1,er/ zIl EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: ALL, SIGNATURE: .� DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: / ..i3LA G [>io Em�� EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: Av// 01 S:w/7// SIGNATURE: � 4,,A;�� DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: / ?/7 is4 ek/ Gil o ��/ EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: 174' 5 017 EAGLE, I DAH O 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: 4l 01 SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: 1611 5. qo EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: Ck(kiA SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: 0 I S LAG0 Wov EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME Jej Va,v, r ti SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 20.4! (10 ADDRESS: , 4,1 / L EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: u SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 202 ADDRESS: S � (-3/ EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: Lo btf SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: I -7F5 S• Laic. EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: 0 01 D� SIGNATURE: - 1 v41‘:1 , DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: d '1 g 5 5 _ 1^17 EAGLE, IDAHO 836,V6 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: ,SCAh iCYv��° SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: I `oCK LoU \^fU�1 EAGLE, IDAHO 616 � COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: rn Q Ii SS U I.eVr'r SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: Nor f L,U�O �✓U� EAGLE, IDAH 8361 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: ✓u e 2ma_,n_ c-s_. SIGNATURE:R : � a � DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: 7/( 7726,1 V EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: PA - �7 SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: / s7 Z sou7--a w4; EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: \ e)a1 1. 0 Lp a EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: SIGNATURK • DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: [ f S L ° ( )A--y EAGLE, IDAHO 83 616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: (CAA, SIGNATURE: �-�- DATE: July 9t, 2024 ADDRESS: tict S C GJAv EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION . PRINT NAME: K U.;,c0.1\ - L�%le i c SIGNATURE: ales7e �� Lnk,31A1L%A DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: 170--1 5 Lp '� EAGLE, I DAH O 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: Afr 0Ao__Ic 1r SIGNATURE: , - fi-7,6-e9 /4:/( DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: /FLIt yo Oday EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: Gce 3CQ,`� `1N SIGNATURE: 4 DATE: July 9t", 2024 ADDRESS: / ? S L u00,-t-\ EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RANCH. PRINT NAME: &-CLI LOkA0 SIGNATURE: ��P,( k ADDRESS: Ll (0) Sb. Or LUc1 EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: 6ay SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: 117I 6. rgr(Mr/all EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: Lo c w 8 e:), M 0,_ SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: i 87' s c- k/,) EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: \(1 Oth ov-I Bohl-, .___ SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: I W'1 c , 4Q1Ari out-- Wes, EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 J COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: '" yes SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: •ct(-)'- F i— L� EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: CA /5 J-oPh7-r / B /'a l-ry SIGNATURE: , !i3 DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: I d' G1 S. , /70,-,'¢4 c(/q EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: /11/ 9/ �fl.✓rt� SIGNATURE: 7,41/6/7 ' DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: / ]d> S 4„/W--MAJ 14/4y EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: / !v y be:" �i✓7� -� SIGNATURE. DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: / 7/ S . / '/ / i�4n1 Pvy EAGLE, I DAH O 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: -g r►"iard r , �k SIGNATURE: C . It DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: l 1 o s s - i�r.:poc-cc.`, `-3QA1 EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: <DT - SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9', 2024 ADDRESS: (9 EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: Mviock Fajcvao ems_ SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9t", 2024 ADDRESS: I -7 2 z Ct EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: )4,1/34-Z- / e rx-j7.9)(4 SIGNATURE ����)/�� DATE: July 9`h, 2024 ADDRESS: 17 CZ- 9- Agri?9-m G04/ EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: 10 M \n c r G SIGNATURE: �"' G / ''14'f DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: S r c. t'U EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: It- 11 A IV) t yr ° SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS: & 'S . 1 pa r1 tA/� EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: � �� )40)1\1 SIGNATURE: DATE: July 9'", 2024 ADDRESS: ��3 7 cr. f.Wl�i✓ 111757 EAGLE, IDAHO 83616 COMMENTS: I SUPPORT THE WILLIAMSON RIVER RANCH LETTER OF CONCERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WILDERNEST RIVER SUBDIVISION. PRINT NAME: � ' s'" SIGNATURE: /414,-;7 DATE: July 9th, 2024 ADDRESS:. k 3 ` Arg".(°7;') EAGLE, IDAHO 83 616 COMMENTS: