Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 07/30/2024 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES July 30,2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the waking to order at 3:00 p.m. aka'` )! 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLES 'ER' EW,MitiY,RUSSELL,KVAMME, .A quorum is present. 4; t 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ; 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Communities for Youth Presentation: Communities for Youth seeks to support school communities that want to play a role in upstream prevention for youth mental health in ways that work for them. To that end we offer a variety of partnership options that schools/districts can choose from to fit their unique needs and context. After the presentation, Council may choose to participate in Communities for Youth or defer their decision to a later date. Mayor Pike introduces the item. Andrea Hill, representing Idaho Youth Well-Being Initiative presents information on the organization's goals. Focusing on building the best possible communities for youth in Idaho by focusing on upstream prevention and empowering communities to address youth well-being. Discussion.Council in unanimously in support of participating promoting the community listening sessions that are to be held at local middle schools throughout West Ada School District,including Eagle Middle School. 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION:74-206(1)An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two- thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: Gindlesperger move pursuant to I.C.74-206(1)that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of(f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER: AYE; RUSSELL: AYE: MAY AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES. Council enters executive session. Discussion of pending/threatened litigation. Council exits executive session. A. ACTION ITEM: Action Regarding Pending/Threatened Litigation. No action. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2024\CC-07-30-24spmin.docx 6. ADJOURNMENT: Russell moves to adjourn. Seconded by Kvamme. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the CounciletiVetiffp044 adjourned. pectfull submitted: G>.•• voRq•••to* t "i1( c) • T Y E. OSBORN,CMC ; *?1,SEAL ^:* CI CLERK ,s�q R'oR.:%°•�0,••; TE OF APPROVED: D PIKE, MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2024\CC-07-30-24s p m i n.d oc x Supporting y Through Prevention Idaho Youth Well-being Initiative Andrea Hill, MPH Community Engagement Coordinator I �y COMMUONITIES 1 Well-being.Together. 4— .4 It • ' ' 41 -. Ar ' - i. - ' :- , . 0, ... �' _/ I�i. An Idaho-based FaRyou i '(3li w, initiative focused on Ilk, _,. building the best / 1,,,, a possi ble communities -w for youth so that all t `d . . - may thrive ` .. • COMMUNITIES ''►y 0 Well-being.Together. k Tin as T -. ; I+ What We Do - - ., ,,,, dtt- J tIJ �y Ott coor,, ,,to „iv, , . .,,,.., _ We build capacity for upstream prevention by empowering Idaho communities to address youth well-being A ° °' "' ' • COMMUNITIES 0 Well-being.Together. What is Youth Well -being? Physical and mental ... .4% health that allows youth to reach their full potential t ,x iCOMMUNITIES J 0 H Well-being.Together. What is Upstream Prevention? Identifies the risks Promoting a thriving community and protective Create the types of communities factors in young that promote well-being for kids and include eandies to eirfa families people's lives to young people and theirfamilies together. prevent crises before Respond to cyroomids who need or they start Downstream s like emergency room Visits or in-patient care. #. c �• "'" ,'.n • COMMUNITIES Well-being.Together. Upstream Prevention in Action • Creates the types of communities where youth can thriveto • Focuses on increasing awareness I about and addressing risk and AT- protective factors • Aims at addressing youth needs - from many perspectives rather ; than just at the individual level • Empowers communities to take action • COMMUNITIES ouTH Well-being.Together. What Are Risk and Protective Factors? Conditions in the community that have impacts on physical and mental health outcomes • Risks - related to negative c ti outcomes • , • Protective - related to positive outcomes .A7 COMMUNITIES 1 0 0 H Well-being.Together. Examples of Risk & Protective Factors • Parents and Family o Time spent with parents, parental support, parental monitoring, & parental communication/collaboration x � • Peer Group o Decreased engagement with substance ' � '� 3 using friends, parents knowing friends ... (and their parents), lack of belonging • School _ � 1 l o Commitment to students, positive climate, safety = - • Leisure Time o Late outside hours, participation in COMMUNITIES meaningful activities and interests 0 0 H Well-being.Together. Our Pr . tw' BUILD A COMMUNITY COLLECT YOUTH VOICE COALITION The second step is collecting arO The first step is just gathering folks from information from teens in your across your community,including community to more closely educators,parents,policy understand the things hurting or makers,grandparents and helping their health. small business leaders ma 1 group dedicated to keeping the attention on youth health in your community. STEPS FOR A PREVENTIOUPSTREMN SET GOALS The third step is coming The final step is to keep the 4 together ass community to conversation going about look at the ways in which you what the key issues facing youth want to reduce challenges are and what your community plans to and promotestrengthsto a, do about them.Encourage moreimprove youth health in your people to join the conversation and community. COMM OITIES keep it going! J Well-being.Together. What's Happening in Your Area? • Partnerships are being developed & strengthened with: o The cities of Meridian, Eagle, & Star o West-Ada school district -, o St. Luke's Community Health & i ., Engagement • Community listening sessions are scheduled o Six dates September - October o Middle Schools located throughout the community l(j COMMUNITIES 0 Well-being.Together. Taking Action for Youth • We request your City Council's support to JOIN THE CONVERSATION offer the listening sessions in your di. ON YOUTH WELL-6EING community NO*p•mlItt end*can waM • We would appreciate your help in PP ere w.kOme publicizing the listening sessions with y your professional & personal contacts 0 • We welcome you to continue to support youth through upstream prevention , • COMMUNITIES efforts 0 Well-being.Together. COMMUNITIES Fob YOUTH Thank Learn more: communitiesforyouth.org VO w communities4youth@gmail.com f� Facebook.com/CommunitiesForYouth • COMMUNITIES Instagram.com/communitiesforyouth/ 0 0 J'H Well-being.Together. Icelandic Prevention Modell . W () Iz I. I) F1AC� IC :e .y, ts .ar i I Ili, —� '"' V1' ...‘1,, it m ; i 1 I ICELAND CR . � ..ii,A TEENAGE REV LI if4.IOW I t j ... ;' • COMMUNITIES .IA 0 Well-being.Together. Prevention is Possible ti COMMUNITIES 0 H Well-being.Together.