Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 07/10/2024 - SpecialEAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES July 10, 2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GI NDLESPERGER, MAY, RUSSELL, KVAMME. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pike leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 5. BUDGET CONSIDERATIONS: A. Social Eyes Marketing, President Blane Russell Mayor Pike introduces the item. Blane Russell with Social Eyes Marketing reviews services provided over the last year and makes suggestions for the upcoming budget year. Discussion amongst Mayor and Council regarding posts and boosting of a variety of events or activities. 6. FY 24/25 BUDGET PRESENTATION: A. General Budget Discussion Mayor Pike introduces the item. Kellie Rekow, City Treasurer, makes herself available to answer questions of the Council. General discussion regarding items including budget revenue and budget increases in the proposed budget, staff wages, police level of service. Council concurs to discontinue the On Demand service for VRT next budget year. Russell and Gindlesperger do not wish to continue with the services provided by Social Eyes for the upcoming year. May does not feel that the return on investment for Crimestoppers is worth retaining in the upcoming budget. The general consensus is that the Allumbaugh House and the Suicide Prevention Hotline should continue to be funded. Council concurs to discontinue funding of CrimeStoppers in the upcoming fiscal year. Police Chief Ruby comments on the overall crime statistics. Public Works Director Ziegenfuss discusses the placement of signs in City parks. Library Director, Steve Bumgarner discusses the materials budget. General discussion. Council provides direction to the City Treasurer and will have a special meeting on July 25'b at 3:00 p.m. B. ACTION ITEM Tentative Approval of the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Proposed Budget for Publication No action. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-10-24spmin.docx 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Urban Renewal Agency Seat 5 - Application Review and Council Advise on Same: In accordance with Resolution 24-05, Section 3 (c)(2) the Mayor and Council will meet to discuss their preferred selections, and the Council will advise the Mayor on their preliminary opinions. Selections should be based upon the Mayor and Council Members understanding of the function of the EURA. The Mayor will then take into consideration the advice of the Council and schedule interviews with a number of applicants that he or she chooses to interview. The Mayor, at his or her sole discretion, may work with the Council to develop a list of those to be interviewed during the Council meeting, or consider the Council advice and choose his own list of who to interview after the meeting. Seat 5 is for a 3 (three), the initiation date of the appointment will be August 2023. (BP) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Mayor notes that the current individual in Seat 5 has expressed a desire to be considered for re -appointment after her initial declination for re -appointment. The council would like to review her application prior to making their recommendation. The item will be continued to the next special meeting. 8. ADJOURNMENT: May moves to adjourn. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business, the Cousceijimvting was adjourned. pectfully submitted: /,.•'" •'le5)'•.• (1/1 'c7N( 1 .11, Y E. OSBORN, CMC • CITY CLERK , _ o •; P • 1 APPROVED: AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W. C ITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-10-24spmin.docx CG� � IUby 2024 CAMPAIGN STRATEGY Objectives for 2024 Digital Marketing Efforts: • Increase community engagement and participation in local events and facilities. • Promote new local businesses and enhance visibility for existing ones. • Inform citizens about city news and initiatives effectively. Proposed Strategies and Tactics: • Enhanced Targeting and Segmentation: o Audience Segmentation: Utilize demographic and behavioral data to segment audiences for targeted campaigns. o Personalized Messaging: Tailor ad content to resonate with specific audience segments based on interests and behaviors identified in 2023. • Content Strategy Optimization: o Visual and Interactive Content: Prioritize visually appealing content formats such as videos and infographics to increase engagement. o User -Generated Content: Encourage residents and businesses to share their experiences to foster community pride and engagement. M1 \ J WM/ SPITFIF SESocial Eyes Marketing A DIGITAL MARKETING AGENCY ANY QUESTIONS? ACTIVE CAMPAIGN: EAGLE FUN DAYS PROMOTION 0 0 3,054 36,858 2,724 IMPRESSIONS INTERACTIONS LINK CLICKS The number of people who viewed the post. The amount of engagement actions on the post. The amount of people who clicked through to view the website. LESSONS LEARNED • Target Audience Insights: Understanding our audience demographics and preferences was crucial. Overtime we were able to use the previous data from past campaigns to create a more detailed targeted audience segment for the City of Eagle which helped increase click through rates. • Content Performance: Analyzing the performance of different content types (e.g., videos, graphics, podcasts) helped us understand what resonates best with the community. We used this data to select certain posts types for different promotions such as videos for Eagle Fun Days or static posts for business promotion. • Ad Optimization: Continuous monitoring and optimization of ad campaigns were key. Adjusting targeting parameters and ad formats based on real-time data improved ad performance and ROI throughout the year. • Platform Effectiveness: Evaluating the effectiveness of different social media platforms for various campaign goals was enlightening. Platforms like Instagram were particularly effective for visual content, whereas Facebook proved valuable for community announcements and event updates. • Adaptability in Strategy: Flexibility in adapting strategies based on real-time analytics and community feedback proved essential. Being able to pivot quickly in response to unforeseen circumstances or changing trends ensured our campaigns remained relevant and impactful. These insights from our 2023 efforts will guide our approach in 2024, ensuring a more refined and effective digital marketing strategy for the City of Eagle. 2023 CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW Created social media ad campaigns for promotion Of Local Eagle Facilities & Events: • Eagle Fun Days • Eagle Senior Center • Eagle Regional Sports Complex Created social media ad campaigns for promotion of new local businesses in Eagle or Eagle business promotional events: • Gem State Brewing • Spit Fire Tacos • One Haute Cookie • Finer Frames • Sweet Tea Living • Old State Saloon Advertised the City of Eagle's website news to help inform citizens: • Whats Going On In Eagle? Kri 4 2023 SOCIAL CAMPAIGN KEY ACHIEVEMENTS 32,399 WATCHED The amount of people who watched the video at least halfway through. • 0 0,I, 47,818 ENGAGEMENT The amount of engagement actions on the post. d b U [� 285,382 REACH The number of people who saw any content from your Page or about your Page. 6 15,440 LINK CLICKS The amount of people who clicked through to view the website. $6,934.88 SPEND The amount spent across all facebook ad campaigns. THE CITY OF EAGLE STRATEGY OVERVIEW 1. Review of 2023 Digital Marketing Efforts • Recap of digital marketing objectives • Summary of services provided by Social Eyes Marketing O Social media ads for city events o Promotions for city activities, e.g., podcasts 2. Key Achievements in 2023 • Metrics and performance indicators • Impact on community engagement and awareness 3. Lessons Learned • Insights gained from 2023 campaigns 4. Digital Marketing Strategy for 2024 • Objectives for 2024 digital marketing efforts • Proposed strategies and tactics o Expansion of social media platforms o Enhanced targeting and segmentation O Integration of new digital marketing tools 5. Q&A Session - Opportunity for questions and discussion sESocial Eyes Marketing A DIGITAL MARKETING AGENCY 2024 DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY