Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 05/22/2024 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES May 22,2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER,MAY,RUSSELL,KVAMME, .A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: First Amendment to Eagle Rodeo Lease Parking Agreement: Approval of the first amendment to the parking agreement for the Eagle Rodeo Inc., for the 2024 Eagle Rodeo. (VV) Mayor Pike introduces the item. City Attorney, Victor Villegas reviews the amendments made to the lease parking agreement including reducing the bonding requirement, allowing the use of electricity in the house as well as the garage, the obligation of Eagle Rode to restore areas outside of the marked parking areas that may be disturbed and compensating the city for staff time required for staff onsite. May moves to approve the first amendment to the first amendment to the Eagle Rodeo lease parking agreement. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE,MAY AYE,RUSSELL AYE,KVAMME AYE.MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM: Strategic Planning Work Session: Mayor and Council will review and discuss Department responsibilities, staffing and project lists.their goals and project priorities. Mayor Pike introduces the item. Director of Long Range Planning and Projects,Nichoel Baird Spencer provides an overview of the goals of this exercise. General discussion. 5. ADJOURNMENT: May moves to adjourn. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council n}@atitM Misi45hjourned. o .ti � GL� Respec lly submitted: -� ••. oR A T • � . TRACY E. OS , AMC :U Pti ; CITY CLERK �` • 5 APPROVED: .,$,,,,SP,A osS"L,OF` . BRAD PI , MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2024\CC-05-22-24spmi n.docx 5/29/2024 dr��. • ,a,, „ IJ , Strategic 11 111 -��-r,t3 � Planning Work ` 9 Session PTHE CITY OF EAGL E May 22, 2024 IDAHO t 1 This is a place for collaboration... • Here to share information&educate. • Tackle problems, not people. • Success is measured by your level of participation. • Be present not elsewhere. • Focus on the high level &shared goals. • Defer judgment. • Be crew not passengers. • Today,we are filling the parking lot. • This is a start, not the finish. 2 1 5/29/2024 Today • How We got here • Goal • Information& Meeting Flow • Step 1: Department Questions&Clarifications • Step 2: Council Projects&Goals • Step 3: Protect Identification-goals,concerns, commonalities • Step 4: Reflection& Follow Up THE CITY OF EAGLE IDAHO 3 How we got here... April 23rd Councilwoman Russell requested, and the Council agreed to conducts a strategic planning work session: • Council Project identification • Review of staff capacity & resources • Understanding of department duties, projects, and tasks. (required, elected, and directed) • Department identification of what are crucial needs for on-going future and success. 4 2 5/29/2024 THE CITY OF EAGLE IDAHO Today's goal....UNDERSTAND allillrnIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMNMIMIEamim • Who's doing what? o What do the departments do? o Where are partnerships/gaps/redundancies? o Where does work need to be refocused? • What should the City be doing,but we aren't? o Are these statutory or elective? o What are the obstacles-staff, resources,time? o What is the consequence if we don't refocus? • What does the City Council want to get done? o What were your campaign platforms? o Why did you run for office? o If this is your last 2 or 4 years, how will you measure success? 5 Workshop Structure&Deliverables for May 22nd Special Meeting Goal of Workshoot:Understandin What do we do?What should we do?What do we want to do?Why aren't we? CAPITA DEPARTMENTS DEPARTMENTS CNCIL , L.PI.A.H ;: ;�r:is 1 "at' t'• rr _ n.. :.1 uonc At ut.: rOU r i. ntt. Prioritize projects B investments of the Ci , Completed annually& What are the daily What are At the end of your time t .. mirrored in the budget. responsibilities of each responsibilities or in office,what do you What are the department and needs of the want to say you challenges to getting current staffing? department that aren't accomplished? protect completed? getting done&why? Em metes t.a.nm..' SueeNnan a Pa R.,. EsaaY5: EaamaLb: Putalc Safety rnmela Sailor ln<k_In i;atan .2{aenners Councn Charmers na,al, •t Processing mbotnyls •wearily LDS arammN =. ore ply •La,w suppyers rCrrysarwcm gy ellgualllgu pti t rs car •Lack ot stall Comp Nan undeta fi ry.,is n Prx.r.wzan'vmgmmm ngy •Noterauyht t Snao'rn}aeons Cara •over altordan Pt Ma •Update plan and lack at >P •fi City..Events/yaw ia1bM �• �,u «r/Spr:nE LIN area to Camprxnenaive Plan availwibar _ •weak CempsN •Coaanfibaa wnh aCP ,r.�,rr ..,�mn rw, rratas •Swn CaWuty ••nr - •Lack oftundns Nbrk _ 1 Council to briny their list et pruiectste shed Detwernele Workshop Detieerahle' 'the May 22•0 workshop. Stan will provide a current projecti I status&draft 5-year projects list Due Maya will provide job descriptions tot each Capon.Head and by May 16^to the CC. Direct..tome CC.Due by May Wale smog. Worxshstp_2; Department Heads MI provide a summary of their current dept Identity shared goats,Heeds for scopes rp, (duties&staffing)end slist of projects,needs,or responsibilitieresponsibilitiesof work.funding,slatting and tinge for that aren't genets...and why.Due May 2e^to the cc. completion? I 6 3 5/29/2024 Meeting Flow Based on info provided-does the Council have Step 1:Questions&Clarification 1111111.11110 questions or clarifications for the Departments? Step 2:Council Projects What does the Council hope to accomplish in the next 2 or 4 years? Step 3: Project Identification-goals, Identify and list common goals,concerns,or concerns,commonalities ~ projects. Final concerns,thoughts,or directions as we Step 4: Reflection&Follow-up move forward into the next phase? 7 Notes 8 Wartl Cloutl Terms Document ; ,Wang common or repeating issues, concerns & Clerk/Treasurer opportunities. Document common themes. Document commonly used terms or phrases. i.e. "staff capacity" Miley -terms like this will '-.-.useful in Step 3 Museum " ",. ,,,... 1M1bworksMer sn,n JeJ,u M1elppx co Ncl wurrtu gMaanJtry Jeas aMaJWanrles urruitM1n worurwp Thexrroks0WMNINndnawa0ruWOWtlwtwltl M1elputyrwtleelor Menevwark3M1up. more y,MnaryeevworasJw rsuro imeanN 8 5/29/2024 5/29/2024 1.0011111NUIrftio trirOW1111111111111100 mum IN% "``'' Step1■�r I ■ - . , le„ _ � Questions & 1 �g { Clarifications rmomsooMill , rl Guiding Questions: THE CITYO , • What does the Council want to know about the Departments after reviewing the materials AG L E �` ,, „ provided? • Clarification on duties,assignments,or IDAHO staffing? • Clarification of needs or changes recommended 9 Iiji Step2: me ----- IIIIIII Council/Legacy �' � �iwilmiol'il tf3 Projects r, , •, - 011r AGLE Guiding Questions: THE CIT ` • • What were your campaign platforms? • Why did you run for office? • If this is your last 2 or 4 years,how will you IDAHO measure success? 10 5 5/29/2024 Step 3• •/..., .•.., ■ Project di Illp 6 lh imil � Identification t to goals, concerns, & commonalities Guiding Questions: • What are shared concerns? • What hasn't been worked on but needs it? . L E • What projects(administrative or capital)are most important? IDAHO • What needs Council direction/participation to move forward? 11 Scan the QR Code L -E-;' s Based on today's discussions,what are the top needs or projects within the Interactive tool to share your projects, goals, City of Eagle? concerns and find commonalities. The more people that use the same term the Friday-Fry Day! larger the term gets. Staff sleep overs Therapy Dogs Anonymous, total count but no names Word Cloud 12 6 5/29/2024 Thank you .............. • THE CITY OF EAGL IDAHO 13 7