Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 04/29/2024 - Town HallTHE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES TOWN HALL April 29, 2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL: GINDLESPERGER, KVAMME, MAY, RUSSELL. Present: Gindlesperger, Kvamme, May and Russell. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pike leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. TOWN HALL MEETING: The City of Eagle is pleased to invite all Eagle residents to attend the Town Hall meeting. The identified topics for discussion are: A. Housing B. Traffic C. Safety Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, each speaker should limit their comments to three (3) minutes. If time permits the Mayor, or City Council, may invite rebuttals or engage in additional discussions with the attendees. Respectful dialogues are the catalyst to great achievements, therefore as we come together to discuss the community we love, those in attendance are encouraged to conduct themselves in a civil manner. Please Note: Due to Idaho Statutes public hearing regulations associated with land use applications, discussion/testimony of any pending application before the City must be reserved for the date of the officially scheduled public hearing noticed for City Council or the Planning and Zoning Commission. A. Housing: Nichole Baird Spencer, Director of Long -Range Planning and Special Projects, discusses the building permits issued between the years 2015 — 2024 which includes residential and commercial. Cheryl Bloom, 2153 Hollybrook Place, Eagle, Idaho. States that the Mayor commented in the reports section at the last Council meeting that he was going to attend with surrounding Mayor's. She requests the Mayor elaborate on the meeting. Mayor Pike expresses that they were on a panel for the Idaho Apartment Association to discuss real estate questions. One subject being on density within the communities. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-29-24spmin Town Hall.docx Bill Morris, 19650 North McCloud Way, Eagle, Idaho. Requests if there are accessible statistics on property values or assessments. Baird Spencer discusses levy rates for Eagle residents. Andy Mcneel, 1084 East Crown Point Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Asks how much ACHD gets in taxes. Baird Spencer states that in the last 7 years, the COE did not hit even on the money collected came back to Eagle on projects. B. Traffic: Steve Guerber, 3316 West Skywood Lane, Eagle, Idaho. Years ago, the City of Meridian sent a large group to ITD Board meetings for an interchange at 10 mile. He suggests that City of Eagle representatives continue to attend the Board meetings to hear their voices in encouragement of constructing the Three Rivers Crossing project. He would like to know what the City of Eagle is doing to push the project. Council May touches on the Grassroots movement that she was a part of for the HWY 16 extension. Council Russell states that they've committed 100k to the Three Rivers Crossing project. Allen Reynary, 2778 South Lake Vista, Eagle, Idaho. He would like to know what the completion date is for the Plaza Downtown project. ACHD has a very informative webpage regarding this project and project updates. Charlie Buan, 5011 West Clearfield Way, Eagle, Idaho. Baun would like to know about three items: Old Park Place extension status, what is the status on the ITD and Dry Creek project and will the City send a letter of support, and Stillwater landscaping requirements being incomplete. Baird Spencer provides an update on the Old Park Place project and there is no status on the other two requests. Donna Guerber, 3316 West Skywood Lane, Eagle, Idaho. Why isn't the work being done at night for the downtown project. Mayor states that they are working 24 hours a day. Lori Reddick, 536 West Mango Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Where will the concert series be this year? The Mayor states that all City sponsored events will be held at the City Hall campus. C. Safety: John Harvey, 2609 North Haven Drive, Eagle, Idaho. He resides in the foothills and is concerned about the use in the foothills such has shooting and bon fires. The use needs to stop because it is a danger coming. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-29-24spmin Town Hall.docx Burke Mantel, 4690 North Hartley Road, Eagle, Idaho. Mantel has concerns regarding the use in the foothills, such as the fireworks, bon fires, litter and shooting. Steve Guerber, 3316 West Skywood Lane, Eagle, Idaho. Guerber discusses the intersection at Eagle Island State Park. There is no sidewalk or crosswalk, and he has concerns about bikers and pedestrians at that entrance and intersection. Mayor introduces Ada County Commissioner Tom Daley. 12. ADJOURNMENT: Russell moves to adjourn. Seconded by May. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting was adjourned. Res submitted: ss•,0,.gg. II•l, ,,, •.0 �Y OF ••,• POR •.Ct'•1% HOLLY N. CSENCSITS, idCMCT DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED: tt• ,% / // . • : T •' * ••• •, O �OFIDP"••••. AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-29-24spmin Town Hall.docx 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Post Recession Residential Permits 2015-2023 9-year Average 510 premits 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YTD Max. permits ever issued in a Q=216 in FY 2018 Q3 2022 Month Homes issued October 29 November 36 December 20 January 45 February 23 March 19 April 34 May 23 June 18 Ju'y 16 Augest 9 September IC Total: 282 Quarterly Rank Q1: 2 85 Q2: 87 3C.85'� Q3; 75 3 26.6C': Q4: 35 4 12.41% 2023 Homes issued Quarterly1111 October November December January Febuary March April May June Ju v August September Forecasted 16 18 6 7 9 2C SC _3 29 16 350 Fell short by 135 permits for FY 23. Month October November December January Febuary March April May June July August September Forecasted VTt l i/nnrhiaigar Ranh Q1: 3 40 11.43% Q2: 31 4 8.86=.. Q3: 63 2 `_8.CC _ Q4: 81 1 23.14% 2024 Homes issued Quarter! 31 23 12 35 30 48 350 Rank Q1: 98 28.CC'- Q2: 77 22.0C': Q3: 48 Q4: 0 ...CC°. YTD: % of Forecast % of pervious year YTD: % of Forecast % of pervious year 215 223 61.43% 76.24% 63.71% 103.72% 1200 1000 800 Annual Average Sq.Ft. Commerical] 208,500 600 4rla _�II :Iih11IiIIk... ■_Y ■ _ �� C I 2000 NOl 2W1 2003 2004 2006 NOG s 7 Nfl4 1sv 2010 2011 N12 201- 3 201- 4 2015 2016 2013 2018 New Residential Permits & New Commerial Sq FT (in 1,000's) Permitted by Year 2000-YTD 2024 Two unique permits Molenari Hotel and Idaho Lock & Bolt ■ New Residential Penults 2000-YTD2024 ■Conmercail SQFT (1000) • 2022 2023 Only 3 times in the last 2 decades hos rommerko( out -paced residential, each was followed by a commercial permit slow -down the following year. For budgetting purposes care should be taken when forecasting permits If current trend continues, residenttol permits will be the lowest on record since the recession Max permits ever Issued M a C 216 (n FY 201803, average Is 87permits/quarter Levy Rates 2021: Property Value $459,000 Tax District Levy % of the bill $ Collected Type of Gov't Rank ADA COUNTY 0.002149935 27.67% $ 839.13 GP 2 EMERGENCY MEDICAL 0.000118422 1.52% $ 46.22 SP 7 ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DIST 0.000701539 9.03% $ 273.82 SP 5 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2 0.002377895 30.60% $ 928.11 SP 1 EAGLE CITY 0.000714849 9.20% $ 279.01 GP 4 DRY CREEK CEMETERY 0.000030529 0.39% $ 11.92 SP 8 EAGLE FIRE 0.001508443 19.41% $ 588.76 SP 3 EAGLE SEWER 0.000023341 0.30% $ 9.11 SP 9 MOSQUITO ABATEMENT 0.000021106 0.27% $ 8.24 SP 10 COLLEGE OF WESTERN IDAHO 0.000124293 1.60% $ 48.51 SP 6 Total Levy: 0.007770352 2023: Property Value $710,400 Taxes Collected $ 3,032.82 Ira 2024 (Y1D) Tax District Levy % of bill $ Collected* Type of Rank Gov't increase ADA COUNTY 0.001610248 36% $ 1,143.92 GP 1 4% EMERGENCY MEDICAL 0.000087279 2% $ 62.00 SP 7 34% ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DIST 0.000490927 11% $ 348.75 SP 5 27% SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2** 0.000599341 13% $ 425.77 SP 3 -54% EAGLE CITY 0.000501212 11% $ 356.06 GP 4 28% DRY CREEK CEMETERY 0.000021842 0% $ 15.52 SP 8 30% EAGLE FIRE 0.001055369 24% $ 749.73 SP 2 28% EAGLE SEWER 0.000015916 0% $ 11.31 SP 9 24% MOSQUITO ABATEMENT 0.000015543 0% $ 11.04 SP 10 34% COLLEGE OF WESTERN IDAHO 0.000087502 2% $ 62.16 SP 6 28% *Does not reflects property tax credits granted in 2023 **Expired Levy Property Value Increase $ 251,400.00 54.8% $ 3,186.27 30% average increase Total Annual New Units Manufactured Home New Units z "Egg q,x!P,Kqm"s mmaammi7;MW VOW!: !§•set"s �$<PP.,sag °1z4444T. 1,Fi R m9aMo 1HU, mm<� 5555e5155554555555515555,55555155555555e5515555.55,5gg55g MAMIH r R.C' ° gmmmm mm mmm��mm IMUUR mmmmm nm gget Xman.aPaggX.X,XXII X e eV e r,No r7400000000000000o o$ EMMHVORAHRIMME A Xxg„X?:5XXX5,4555555,45,5Xmg55g m min uiaaemmmmmmmmm m min �n �nm m mmmm �000m-.00HNON000-+ a.� m g om a 5 m m X e 5 X X X X X X X X ry X e X X X 5 5 5 5 X X H 5. X 5 a 5 X X X X X .. a oa vumi n� n�.. v"io �n u� a �+ na.+ mav+ •e•F $ g g n n n n n g m m m m m m m m m m m m g m m m m m `g mmmm 8i m m m m m m m m A 0 .. .+.. mucus,i4APAHPAWAPAHM.EAH,HMil m "P m ..."""i71F mma ante« m 79 0 1 MMMVPAEHMEWOAMEMALUMNIROA 6 m Q S e[fl N a2 A 2 K A 2 2 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Post Recession Residential Permits 2015-2023 1 9-year Average 510 premits 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 YTD Max. permits ever issued in a Q=216 in FY 2018 Q3 2022 Month Homes ssued October 29 November 36 December 20 January 45 February 23 March 19 April 34 May 23 June 18 July 16 Augest 9 September 10 Total: 282 Quarterly Rank Qi: 2 85 30.14% Q2: 1 87 30.85% Q3: 3 75 26.60% Q4: 4 35 12.41% 2023 Month Homes ssued Quarter•y October November December January Febuary March April May June July August September Forecasted _6 _8 t 9 iJ ":o9 JC is 350 Fell short by 135 permits for FY 23. Rank Q1: 1 40 3 _1.4Y•G Q2: 31 4 8.86% Q3: 63 2 18.000 Q4: 81 1 25._ 2024 Homes ssued Quarter y Rank October November December January Febua ry March April May June July August September Forecasted 'TfI f Innrhiovar< 23 12 5 350 177 Q1: 98 _8_DID% Q2: 77 Q3: 48 Q4: 0 G.OG io YTD: % of Forecast % of pervious year YTD: % of Forecast % of pervious year 215 223 61.43% 76.24% 63.71% 103.72% New Residential Permits & New Commerial Sq FT (in 1,000's) Permitted by Year 2000-YTD 2024 1' 2012 ■New Residential Permits 200t}YTD 2024 ■Commerce)! SU rf (1000) Two unique permits Molenari Hotel and Idaho Lock & Bolt L 1 2021 2022 2023 Only 3 times In the lost 2 decades has commerical outpaced residential, each was followed by a commercial permit slow -down the following year. For budgetting purposes care should be token when forecosting permits IJcurrent trend continues, resldenkol permits will be the lowest on record since the recession Mac permits ever issued in o 0-216 In FY 2018 03, overage /s 87 permits/quarter Levy Rates 2021: Property Value $459,000 Tax District Levy % of the bill $ Collected Type of Gov't Rank ADA COUNTY 0.002149935 27.67% $ 839.13 GP 2 EMERGENCY MEDICAL 0.000118422 1.52% $ 46.22 SP 7 ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DIST 0.000701539 9.03% $ 273.82 SP 5 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2 0.002377895 30.60% $ 928.11 SP 1 EAGLE CITY 0.000714849 9.20% $ 279.01 GP 4 DRY CREEK CEMETERY 0.000030529 0.39% $ 11.92 SP 8 EAGLE FIRE 0.001508443 19.41% $ 588.76 SP 3 EAGLE SEWER 0.000023341 0.30% $ 9.11 SP 9 MOSQUITO ABATEMENT 0.000021106 0.27% $ 8.24 SP 10 COLLEGE OF WESTERN IDAHO 0.000124293 1.60% $ 48.51 SP 6 Total Levy: 0.007770352 2023: Property Value $710,400 Taxes Collected 3,032.82 21124 (y10) Tax District Levy % of bill $ Collected* Type of Gov't Rank increase ADA COUNTY 0.001610248 36% $ 1,143.92 GP 1 4% EMERGENCY MEDICAL 0.000087279 2% $ 62.00 SP 7 34% ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DIST 0.000490927 11% $ 348.75 SP 5 27% SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2** 0.000599341 13% $ 425.77 SP 3 -54% EAGLE CITY 0.000501212 11% $ 356.06 GP 4 28% DRY CREEK CEMETERY 0.000021842 0% $ 15.52 SP 8 30% EAGLE FIRE 0.001055369 24% $ 749.73 SP 2 28% EAGLE SEWER 0.000015916 0% $ 11.31 SP 9 24% MOSQUITO ABATEMENT 0.000015543 0% $ 11.04 SP 10 34% COLLEGE OF WESTERN IDAHO 0.000087502 2% $ 62.16 SP 6 28% *Does not reflects property tax credits granted in 2023 **Expired Levy Property Value Increase $ 251,400.00 54.8% $ 3,186.27 30% average increase A :r!",!!,6]!:IFYqP,HM guz VOMEMEHEMMEIMA m m n r vmni o�nnnm olIg XXXXXX t1M 6 xXXXX ��5X XmXNXXXXX1X5mXXX5t XX BN oon "'.'.mem NonmB�m n.� N'b'm n'�m n�$ne� m m 44:74433 `I' "o a�mmmaonuuuNNN�aaveeaa ammmmmnnn m `$ e A A e o ti mA P x p g m e n e r s a o" u W N 000000en 00.4. ri nm...+a mN m N m 0 me..oa.. n.. o..n..o ry n.. m m e o , mmEHE m&Oi °'o�2mSt mm£'IMAll8lE00000000000000 A g g f,n n g a X X g m I n g a ry mX X n n e u 7.2 15Z, *at A 0 0 n d N 0 0 0 ey 3,,,0000.000000.03, Ne Sao ;m° IliE O n 5, X 2 a LI m X e m 2 5 % g X 2 n � N u e 400030 n O O N N N 0 0 0 O ^n, mS��ta888,48814,4orrryrrrytiH Alf o aNaNm M nm Zia `a°n1 naMmau?5,e Irg e S n n n n n$ m m m w m m m m m a a 1 m 4 1 m m A m 2 a m g m m m m m m m m m X g A e vO Snm�n.m$a a'Va Sin5RE each 8n o9f3�$n�uNma�9u .4.............+.....r,.. 44.4nnnmmn;deevirieti t000uun a 0 z $ N R 8 N P O nrvry ��XXXXXX�� n � i0 ro o Fn e n r a nt n m m m ant a N o .. ry n r 2 H H n n o 0 0 B 0 1 0 4/30/2024 Downtown Eagle Mobility Improvements: Eagle Road & State Street STAGE z. ACHD W State St obble O.S. Bank INCLUDES UTILITY WORK EAGLE ROAD CLOSURE AIKENS RD TO PLAZA DP Shell W State St Resident, Business and Emergency Access Will be Maintained R.,nb.ndt. W Al kens Rd O rvllls Jackson Dreg StowB.ruM E Allow Rd i 1 l..7 �11 �Il�ll�ta uk ■II�1i*1♦ smdd, E Connemara In Albertson. E Lombard In Da. Evan Cara Rio Bank 4 Detour Route Closure 1 • THE CITY OF EAGLE 1:9,500 t?o 1.000 Fael A Soluenvon Long.. Areas ■ OtV Mao T+nons a,ta.p Foot.. Roans Eagle Subdivision Construction Areas - Near Downtown 2 1 4/30/2024 1 PLAZA DRIVE Plaza Drive PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS �.. :. •r 4 7 2 STATE STREET / 2ND STREET 2ND STREET / EAGLE ROAD / OLDE PARK PLACE State Street I Eagle Reed I Old* Perk Place f RI)TINC, CONDITIONS 3 5 6 PLAZA DRIVE 2ND STREET / EAGLE ROAD / OLDE PARK PLACE State Street I Eagle Road I Olds Perk Plate PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS 1 Brad Pike From: Joe Lombardo <jlombardo@adacounty.id.gov> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2024 4:37 PM To: Joe Lombardo Subject: Logistical information for Deputy Bolter Memorial Service (4/30) Greetings: The following logistical information has been compiled to enable your participation tomorrow in the Deputy Bolter Memorial Service. The ceremony is planned to begin at 3 PM at the Ford Idaho Center and end around 5:30 — 6:00 PM. However, it is advised that you arrive prior to 1 PM, since access to the parking area will be halted prior to the arrival of the procession, which is expected to occur at 1:30 PM. Note that there will be significant road closures anticipated immediately before the procession arrives and re -opened once the procession concludes. These roads include the following: • State Street • Star Road • Chinden (Highway 20-26) • Can -Ada Road • Franklin Road To access parking at the Idaho Center for our dignitaries/elected officials, you should arrive via Equine Road and you will be directed to parking locations on the south side of the facility and alongside the Idaho Horse Park. (see attached map). If these spots are filled, you will be directed to civilian parking at the NW corner of the Idaho Center Parking lot. If these spots are filled, you may walk to the Idaho Center from the following locations nearby: • CWI just to the north of the Idaho Center has closed their campus for the day and have opened their parking lot • Amazon has also opened several hundred parking spots that will be marked off for parking (shuttle available) • Walmart has also opened several hundred parking spots that will be marked off for parking (no shuttle available) • Edmark Toyota Overflow Parking (no shuttle available) • JC Penney (1200 N Happy Valley Rd) (shuttle available) Once on site, participants will not be able to enter the facility until after 2:30, when the tail of the procession has arrived. When it is time to enter the Idaho Center, please access the building via Entrance 3 where you will be greeted and directed to the assigned seating area. Please be advised that seating arrangements for elected officials have been planned to ensure consistency with the family's preferences for prioritizing seats for family and law enforcement attendees. It is also the preference of the family that no outside photography or videography be permitted. Please reach out with any questions related to this event. 1 Joe Lombardo, CEM, MEP, ABCP Director Ada County Emergency Management & Community Resilience 7200 Barrister Dr., Boise, ID 83704 (208) 577-4750 office (208) 859-8377 cell Email: jlombardo@adacounty.id.gov Visit us online at http://www.adaprepare.id.gov 11 2 F4-6? F Three range fires in summer of 2023. Other "party" bonfires Eagle Fire Dept. responded to. Illegal and unsafe firearms shooting. I've talked to at least 10 people who have heard bullets fly over their heads. I talked to 2 people who saw bullets hit about 4 feet from them. Spring Valley construction crews have heard bullets fly over them. Families and others don't use the annexed Federal lands managed by the BLM anymore because of shooting danger. Spring Valley construction crews found bullet holes in pipes they had piled before burying them. High speed motorized vehicle traffic. Hartley Rd. high speed (illegal) traffic on Hartley Rd.. Drag races. Unregistered vehicles. Underage alcohol consumption. Illegal drug use. Drug sales. Public urination. Loitering. Disturbing the peace. Littering. /(ttj.0 ',We*ra," Trash dumping. i a•"r' f" 11 City of Eagle Foothills Recreation Concept Flan — City of Eagle, Idaho On December 27, 2007, a pre-annexation/development agreement was signed between the City of Eagle and M3 Eagle/Spring Valley. This agreement initiated the process'that eventually resulted in a 30-year development agreement (Development Standards and Design Guidelines), and the annexation of 6,000+ acres of private lands (Spring Valley), and roughly 1,600 acres of BLM lands into the City of Eagle (Maps 1, 2, and 3). The final annexation agreement was signed and implemented on November 10, 2009, under City Ordinance 634. Since the City of Eagle annexed the private lands and the BLM lands, those BLM lands annexed into the city limits were now required to comply with local laws and ordinances, with if orcement authority by local law enforcement, pursuant to 43 CFR § 8365.1-7. Title 43. Public Lands: Interior— Subtitle B. Regulations Relating to Public Lands — Chapter 11. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Subchapter H. RECREATION PROGRAMS —Part 8360. VISITOR SERVICES —Subpart 8365. Rules of Conduct —Section 8365.1-7. State and local laws. —43 CFR § 8365.1-7 8365.1-7 State and local laws. Except as otherwise provided by Federal law or regulation, State and local laws and ordinances shall apply and be enforced by the appropriate State and local authorities. This includes, but is not limited to, State and local laws and ordinances governing: (a) Operation and use of motor vehicles, aircraft, and boats; (b) Hunting and fishing; (c) Use of firearms or other weapons; (d) Injury to persons, or destruction or damage to property; (e) Air and water pollution; (f) Littering; (g) Sanitation; (h) Use of fire; (i) Pets; (j) Forest products; and (lc) Caves. Page 3132 ORDINANCE NO. 861 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, AMENDING TITLE 5 "POLICE REGULATIONS", CHAPTER 2, "MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES", SECTION 3 "WEAPONS, DISCHARGE OF"; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SUMMARY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Eagle, Idaho is a municipal corporation organized and operating under the laws of the State of Idaho; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle desire to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle by updating regulations relating to the discharge of weapons; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE, Ada County, Idaho; Section 1: That Title 5, Chapter 2, Section 3, be and is hereby amended to read as follows with underline text to be added and strike through text to be deleted: A. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm, pcllet gun, or air gun within the corporate limits of the City except on any property twenty (20) acres in size or larger when the discharge will not endanger persons or property or on any property owned by the Bureau of Land Management.; provided, that Nothing in this section shall net be construed to prohibit any officer of the law from discharging a firearm in the performance of his or her duties, nor to prohibit any person from discharging a firearm when lawfully defending any person or property or when lawfully discharging a firearm on a sport shooting range as defined in Idaho Code. Section 2: The provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared to be severable and if any provision of this act or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance is declared invalid for any reason, such declaration shall not affect the validity of remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication as required by law. In lieu of publication of the entire ordinance, a summary thereof in compliance with Section 50-901A, Idaho Code, may be published. Page 1 of 2 K:\COUNCIL\Draft Ordinances\Ord 861 Weapons Discharge (10-7-2021).docx ,er r,v,621 Idaho Republican Party Platform ARTICLE X. STATE AND FEDERAL LANDS The Idaho Republican Party believes that due to state and federal governments administering the majority of Idaho lands, we need to limit and reduce the amount of land owned or administered by the federal government. We believe Idaho should manage and administer all state and federal lands. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL NAME April 29, 2024 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ADDRESS TESTIFY YES/NO PRO/ CON or NEUTRAL one0-hciN Se1t 261b N. i}o yve i (.1)e,,e,/ 190,-- -c-dIt w, 4-- (,( chnc-P10,-, ..,q iS-- A,1 1.1ei)zr)Vb a /3 aR/r ,,, 4,,,,,5L L/l0 2a h/ / rIC Ica l/ C•a'ciE_CiikKFIL 331LVCO1—,k1 More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL April 29, 2024 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. More on back