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Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 04/09/2024 - Regular
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 9, 2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, MAY, RUSSELL, KVAMME. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: 5. RECOGNITION: A. Recognition of Nancy Merrill for her years of service on the Design Review Board. Mayor Pike thanks Ms. Merrill for her years of service and presents her with a token of appreciation. 6. PRESENTATION: A. Introduction of the New Parks, Pathways and Recreation Commission Member: Mayor Pike would like to formally introduce Douglas Domene to the Eagle City Council. Mr. Domene is a newly appointed member of the Eagle Parks, Pathways and Recreation Commission. (BKP) Mayor Pike introduces Douglas Domene a newly appointed member of the Parks, Pathways and Recreation Commission. B. Introduction of the New Eagle Design Review Board Member: Mayor Pike would like to formally introduce Kelly Murphy to the Eagle City Council. Ms. Murphy is a newly appointed member of the Eagle Design Review Board. (BKP) Mayor Pike introduces Kelly Murphy, a newly appointed member of the Design Review Board. 7. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council: Gindlesperger reports on the Eagle Arts Advisory Committee. The Arbor Day tree celebration artwork is displayed in the lobby for all to enjoy. May reports on the weekly construction meeting with ACHD for the Eagle and State Street, things are on schedule. May has also been walking and visiting the downtown businesses with the City's Economic Development Specialist. She has also been meeting with stakeholders for the Regional Sports Complex. Russell reports on the Valley Regional Transit meeting. VRT will be attending the April 23`d meeting to give a report. Kvamme reports on the Eagle Sewer District meeting. They have recently adopted their long-range plan. The district is working with Calloway Ranch to look for options to connect that stand alone system to connect into the Eagle Sewer District system. Mayor Pike participated in an emergency vehicle driving course last week. Representative Cindy Sterling from Senator Risch's Office met to wish the City well. He had recently met with West Valley Little League. He judged an art show at Eagle Elementary and awarded the Mayor's Award. The artwork will be displayed at City Hall next week. B. Department Supervisor: City Clerk Osborn provides Council with a number of Ordinances that are currently being updated and will be brought forward for Council consideration, including updates to the alcohol ordinance, city clerk and treasurer section and special events. C. Eagle Police Department: Chief Ruby thanks Nancy Merrill for her service to the community, she was the Mayor when he first came to work for the City. He introduces Deputy Qualar and provides a brief review overview of his work history. Chief Ruby reports on incidents that occurred Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2024\CC-04-09-24min.docx last week involving a high-speed chase, a bomb threat at the high school as well as another. He provides information regarding the amount of staff time, both Eagle Police deputies as well as other Ada County Sheriffs deputies. Discusses the work involved and time commitment for the incidents. D. City Attorney: No report 8. CONSENT AGENDA: ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS. Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of March 26.2024. (TEO) C. Minutes of March 29.2024. (TEO) D. Minutes of August 3.2023. (TEO) E. Reappointment to the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission: In accordance with Resolution 23- 17, Mayor Pike is requesting Council Confirmation of the reappointment of Trent Wright to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Wright will be serving a three (3) year term that will expire in April 2027. (BKP) F. DR-2023-39 — Common Area Landscaping within Bronco Acres Subdivision — Mustang Crossing Eagle. LLC: Mustang Crossing Eagle, LLC, represented by Stephanie Hopkins with KM Engineering, LLP, is requesting design review approval for the common area landscaping within Bronco Acres Subdivision. The 9.84-acre site is located at the northeast corner of North Park Lane and State Highway 44. (ERF) G. DR-2024-04 — Multi -tenant Office/Personal Improvement/Retail/Restaurant Building within Stillwater Subdivision — Stillwater Development Partners. LLC: Stillwater Development Partners, LLC, represented by Corey Elitharp, is requesting design review approval of a 12,405-square foot, two- story multi -tenant office/personal improvement/retail/restaurant building. The 1.24-acre site is located on the north side of West Copper Silo Street approximately 400-feet west of the intersection of State Highway 44 and South Urban Gate Avenue at 2505 West State Street on an unplatted parcel associated with Stillwater Subdivision. (ERF) H. DR-2024-05 — Master Sign Plan for Multi -tenant Office/Personal Improvement/Retail/Restaurant Building within Stillwater Subdivision — Stillwater Development Partners. LLC: Stillwater Development Partners, LLC, represented by Corey Elitharp, is requesting design review approval for a master sign plan for a multi -tenant office/personal improvement/retail/restaurant building within Stillwater Subdivision. The 1.24- acre site is located on the north side of West Copper Silo Street approximately 400-feet west of the intersection of State Highway 44 and South Urban Gate Avenue at 2505 West State Street on an unplatted parcel associated with Stillwater Subdivision. (ERF) I. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of FPUD-2024-01 & FP-2024- 02 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Kingswood Subdivision No. 1— LGPD Utah, LLC: LGPD Utah, LLC, represented by Katie Miller with Bailey Engineering, Inc., is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Kingswood Subdivision, an 86-lot (74- buildable, 12-common) residential subdivision. The 38.41-acre site is located on the west side of North Linder Road approximately 1,430-feet north of the intersection of North Linder Road and West Floating Feather Road. (KDO) J. FP-2023-05-EXT1 — Final Development Plan/Final Plat Extension of Time for Beaconwood No. 1 Subdivision — Trilogy Development: Trilogy Development, represented by Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2024\CC-04-09-24min.docx Matt Price with J-U-B Engineers, is requesting a one (1) year extension of time for the final development plan and final plat for Beaconwood Subdivision No. 1, a 77-lot (72-buildable, 5- common), residential subdivision. The 37.34- acre site is located on the southeast corner of West Beacon Light Road and North Lanewood Road. (HSD) K. Development Agreement for RZ-02-22 — Alscott Rocking A Ranch Subdivision — Alscott Real Estate. LLC: Council authorization for Mayor to execute the development agreement associated with the rezone from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to A-R- DA-P (Agricultural- Residential with a Development Agreement - PUD). The 171.9-acre site is located on the east side of North Eagle Road, approximately 1,300 feet north of East Beacon Light Road. (MJW) L. Development Agreement for RZ-03-22 — Alscott Rocking A Ranch Equestrian Facility — Alscott Real Estate. LLC: Council authorization for Mayor to execute the development agreement associated with the rezone from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to A -R- DA (Agricultural -Residential with a Development Agreement).The 20-acre site is located on the corner of North Eagle Road and East Beacon Light Road, at 3000 North Eagle Road. (MJW) M. Development Agreement for RZ-13-22 — Brookstone Subdivision — Bonnie Pontier: Council authorization for Mayor to execute the development agreement associated with the rezone from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to R-6-DA (Residential with a Development Agreement). The 23.28-acre site is located on the north side of State Highway 44 approximately 1,850- feet west of the intersection of State Highway 44 and North Linder Road. (MJW) N. FP-17-23 — Final Plat for Auberge Subdivision — RB-AMS Eagle, LLC: RB-AMS Eagle, LLC,represented by Antonio Conti with Ackerman-Estvold, is requesting a final plat approval for Auberge Subdivision (Molinari), a 2-lot commercial subdivision. The 4.36-acre site is located on the northwest corner of North Palmetto Avenue and State Highway 44. (KDO) O. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of RZ-95 MOD4 — Development Agreement Modification for Eagle Marketplace (formerly known as Eagle Country Plaza Shopping Center and Eagle City Market) — Jeff Likes: Jeff Likes with ALC Architecture, is requesting a development agreement modification to modify the concept plan associated within Eagle Marketplace. The 7.5-acre site is located on the northeast corner of Chinden Boulevard and Eagle Road. (MJW) Findings for RZ-95 MOD4 Eagle Marketplace P. Permanent Pathway Easement Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Landmark Pacific Development, Inc.. for a Public Pathway within Kingfisher Cove Townhomes Subdivision: Landmark Pacific Development, Inc. is requesting approval of a permanent pathway easement agreement for the public pathway located within Kingfisher Cove Townhomes Subdivision. The 7.38- acre site is located on the northeast corner of West State Street and State Highway 44. (HSD) Q. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Tyler Daniel: A Live Performance Agreement between the City of Eagle and Tyler Daniel to perform at the Eagle Spring Arts and Craft Fair at the Bridges at Lakemoor. Compensation shall be at a rate of $300.00 for specified event. (JDH) R. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Helen Morris: A Live Performance Agreement between the City of Eagle and Helen Morris to perform at the Eagle Spring Arts and Craft Fair at the Bridges of Lakemoor. Compensation shall be at a rate of $300.00 for the specified event. (JDH) S. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Jeff Engelbert: A Live Performance Agreement between the City of Eagle and Jeff Engelbert to perform during the Toast to Eagle in front of the Eagle Library. Compensation shall be at a rate of $700.00 for specified event. (JDH) T. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Fand & Marcus: A Live Performance Agreement between the City of Eagle and Fand & Marcus to perform at Eagle Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2024\CC-04-09-24 m i n. d oc x Saturday Market at Eagle City Hall. Compensation shall be at a rate of $250.00 for specified event. (JDH) U. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Tim Foster: A Live Performance Agreement between the City of Eagle and Tim Foster to perform at Eagle Saturday Market at Eagle City Hall. Compensation shall be at a rate of $250.00 for specified event. (JDH) V. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Emma Beck: A Live Performance Agreement between the City of Eagle and Emma Beck to perform at Eagle Saturday Market at Eagle City Hall. Compensation shall be at a rate of $250.00 for specified event. (JDH) W. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Jeff Engelbert: A Live Performance Agreement between the City of Eagle and Jeff Engelbert to perform at Eagle Saturday Market at Eagle City Hall. Compensation shall be at a rate of $250.00 for the specified event. (JDH) X. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Lisa Bittick Lowe: A Live Performance Agreement between the City of Eagle and Lisa Bittick Lowe to perform at Eagle Saturday Market at Eagle City Hall. Compensation shall be at a rate of $250.00 for the performance. (JDH) Y. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Cliff Miller: A Live Performance Agreement between the City of Eagle and Cliff Miller to perform at Eagle Saturday Market at Eagle City Hall. Compensation shall be at a rate of $250.00 for the performance. (JDH) Z. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and SpeakWrite LLC: A Live Performance Agreement between the City of Eagle and SpeakWrite LLC to perform at Eagle Fun Days in front of the Eagle Library. Compensation shall be at a rate of $700.00 for specified event. (JDH) AA. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Brandon Tillman: A Live Performance Agreement between the City of Eagle and Brandon Tillman to perform at Eagle Fun Days in front of the Eagle Library. Compensation shall be at a rate of $500.00 for specified event. (JDH) AB. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Koki Gonzalez: A Live Performance Agreement between the City of Eagle and Koki Gonzalez to perform at Eagle Fun Days in front of the Eagle Library. Compensation shall be at a rate of $1,200.00 for specified event. (JDH) AC. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Luke Rutledge_A Live Performance Agreement between the City of Eagle and Luke Rutledge to perform at Eagle Fun Days in front of the Eagle Library. Compensation shall be at a rate of $400.00 for specified event. (JDH) AD. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Dave Nudo Band: A Live Performance Agreement between the City of Eagle and Dave Nudo Band to perform at Eagle Fun Days in front of the Eagle Library. Compensation shall be at a rate of $1,200.00 for specified event. (JDH) Mayor Pike introduces the item. City Clerk, Tracy Osborn requests that item 8C be removed. Kvamme removes item K. Gindlesperger moves to approve consent agenda items A -AD, excluding C and K. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; RUSSELL AYE; MAY AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. K. Development Agreement for RZ-02-22 — Alscott Rocking A Ranch Subdivision — Alscott Real Estate, LLC: Council authorization for Mayor to execute the development agreement associated with the rezone from RUT (Rural -Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to A-R- DA-P (Agricultural- Residential with a Development Agreement - PUD). The 171.9-acre site is located on the east side of North Eagle Road, approximately 1,300 feet north of East Beacon Light Road. (MJW) Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\M INUTES\2024\CC-04-09-24mi n.docx Kvamme believes that this is an outstanding development, and it is an appropriate density for the area. It is a quality event and an addition to the Eagle community. Russell moves to approve item 8K. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; RUSSELL AYE; MAY AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 8C Minutes of March 29, 2023. City Clerk, Osborn notes that the date should read March 29, 2024, and with that change the minutes are ready for Council action. Gindlesperger moves to approve 8C Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; RUSSELL AYE; MAY AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM Eagle Rodeo Lease Agreement: Approval of an amended and reinstated Lease Agreement with the Eagle Rodeo, Inc for the 10-acre located at 8660 West Equest Lane. (NBS) Mayor Pike introduces the item. City Attorney, Victor Villegas seeks Council direction if they would like an amendment to the lease drafted as direction was no. Matt Woodington, 8382 Foothill Road, Middleton, Idaho. Mr. Woodington states that they used the barn last year via an informal agreement, and they would like to do so again this year. However, this year they would use it for storage. Kvamme asks for confirmation that it would be for storage only. Woodington confirms. May states that upon a site visit there had been more extensive alterations made and would like to give the Rodeo representatives an opportunity to comment on those changes. Mike Gallegos, 3664 W. Temple Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Gallegos admits they removed the stalls, and installed a bar top. The big opening was where the barn doors had been. The rodeo did use the barn and served alcohol out of there, they are careful with alcohol service and use TIPS certified servers. Discussion regarding the Rodeos desire to use electricity from the house, with the understanding that they will need to obtain the appropriate permits and then return the site to its original state after the event. Discussion. Kvamme is in agreement to allow the use of the electricity from the house, with appropriate permitting. May does not want access allowed to the house. Access to the garage to utilize the electricity could be agreed to. Gindlesperger moves to approve the lease agreement as presented. Seconded Kvamme. Discussion for clarification. Gindlesperger amends to Direct City Attorney to prepare an amendment to the lease agreement to include the use of the barn and bring it back for Council action. Second concurs. GINDLESPERGER AYE; RUSSELL AYE: MAY AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEMale Rodeo Lease Parking,Agreement: Approval of a Parking Agreement for the Eagle Rodeo Inc. for the 2024 Eagle Rodeo. (NBS) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2024\CC-04-09-24min.docx Director of Long -Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird Spencer reviews the history of the parking agreement and the changes brought forward per Council direction for consideration tonight. Mr. Woodington with Eagle Rodeo discusses the aspects of the parking agreement they would like altered. Items discussed include changing the date for the fence erection and obtention of permits to May 24, 2025. Concerns are expressed with how the bond amount was calculated. Mr. Woodington suggests that they will be able to obtain their own bond quote to arrive at an agreeable amount. In addition, it is stated that they have not been provided with the requested copy of the hillside grading standards identified in item Item 5(a). Discussion regarding grading, parking, and ticket sales limits as well as the cost to the rodeo to comply with the conditions of the agreement. Director Baird Spencer states that staff has attempted to provide the grading plan and permit have however it is a very large electronic file and therefore the email size limitations have prevented it from being delivered. Baird Spencer speaks about development timeline and phasing for the park. The City will be utilizing Equest Lane for site access. Discussion amongst Council, Rodeo representatives and City Staff. Mayor Pike emphasizes how much the Council and himself want to make this work for both the rodeo and the City. Discussion. Russell moves to move forward and approve agenda item 9B Eagle Rodeo Lease Parking Agreement with the following amendments no gate ticket sales on Saturday date. Allowing electrical of the home only, no access to the home. To re-evaluate stake #13. To require the rodeo to implement marketing to include ride share. Item 9 to add the words writing. Item 3A change the date to May 24th. And to limit ticket sales to 4500. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion. GINDLESPERGER AYE; RUSSELL AYE; MAY AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS. Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. Public hearing testimony time limits: Individuals testifying are allotted three (3) minutes for non -repetitive testimony Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. RZ-11-15 MOD — Development Agreement Modification for East End Marketplace — TPC Commercial. LLC: TPC Commercial, LLC, represented by Zach Turner with Rennison Design, is requesting a development agreement modification (development agreement in lieu of a conditional use permit) to modify the conditions of development and concept plan contained within the executed development agreement. The 15.55-acre site is generally located on the east side of South Edgewood Lane between East State Street and State Highway 44. This item was continued from the February 27, 2024, meeting. The public hearing remains open. (MJW) Mayor Pike introduces the item and opens the public hearing. Deputy Planning and Zoning Administrator, Mike Williams briefly reviews events from the February 27, 2024, meeting. Debra Nelson, 601 W. Bannock Street, Boise, Idaho representing TPC Commercial LLC. Traffic impacts, pedestrian connectivity, and proposed tenant Chick-Fila. The applicant is proposing a modified site plan. The applicant has conducted a new traffic study provided by Kittleson and Associates and find that the site impact is actually slight less than the original site plan. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2024\CC-04-09-24min.docx Sabrina Wright, Chick Fila development. The proposed site has substantial room to accommodate drive through stacking and will be comparable to other locations in the valley. The operator of the Eagle location will be local. They are looking forward to bringing their business to Eagle. John Rengert, Kittleson and Associates, 101 S. Capital Blvd. Boise, Idaho. Russell seeks clarification on the report. Mr. Rengert states with the change of uses, now being a mixture of business offices and retail to provide a better analysis and that is why the calculation changed. There will be a small number of internal trips. Discussion. Mayor opens the public testimony. Nikki Slattery, 1510 W. Firehouse Lane, Kuna, Idaho. Ms. Slatterly works near Eagle and feels that this is a great addition to the Eagle community. Chick Fila has been a great supporter of local youth sports. She believes that the strategy to address traffic and traffic flows is great. Brent Lane, 651 Los Luceros, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Lane feels that Chick Fila is a great option for Eagle. This will be a great dining option and keep the tax dollars in Eagle. Ryan Brodin, 839 W. Bridgeway Place Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Brodin appreciates the premier developer for this site. The layout of this site will address the traffic well. As someone who is looking to start a family, Chick Fila would be a place he would want his kids to work. Dyrin Larson, 5892 N. Five Mile Road, Boise, Idaho. Mr. Larson states having Chick Fila as a dining option would be a draw to the Eagle community. Mark Bottles, 1770 Sugar Crest, Eagle, Idaho. Having been in Eagle for quite some time and has it seen over the years. Chick Fila gives back to the community for local high schools, women, and children and those in need. This is a win for Eagle and encourages the Council to approve the item. Cameron Luff, 2128 E. State Street, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Luff is a local business owner. To finally have this piece of property developed is important. It has been an empty lot for far too long. He does not feel that the impact of traffic would be too egregious. John Gochnour, 2603 N. Viscaya Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Gochnour is a business owner in Eagle. To have another catering option for his business would be useful. Traffic is a legitimate concern; however it will enhance the quality of life for this land to develop. Jack Gochnour, 2603 N. Viscaya Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Gochnour is representing Eagle High School and is a member of the Student Body. Chick Fila would be affordable and convenient food, as well as for employment for high school students. Wade Keller, 193 W. River Trail Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Keller is a resident as well as a business owner in Eagle. Having more food options is important to not only his employees but his family. John Roters, 2002 S. Vista Ave., Boise, Idaho. Mr. Roters was impressed with the drive -through design, and he supports the project. Jeff Cresto, 927 W. Wildbrush, Star, Idaho. Mr. Cresto is excited to hear about the addition of Chick Fila. He works in Eagle and his daughter goes to Eagle High School. Tyler Gillman, 3380 S. Eagle Brook Lnae, Eagle, Idaho. He has invested in Eagle heavily with his real estate business over the last 30 years. Mr. Rennison did the design for his business and is Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2024\CC-04-09-24min.docx known for quality development. This Council has the duty to enhance economic development and the quality of life and he encourages the Council to approve the modification. Shawn Hart, 4908 E. Eagle Landing Court, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Hart has worked in Eagle for the last 20 years. He recognizes the impact to traffic, but the other positive benefits that will be part of adding Chick Fila to Eagle are well worth it. He supports the application. Mark Butler, 1675 E. Bishop Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Butler lives 1062 feet from the proposed site. He loves the layout, and feels it is more pedestrian friendly. It is a great development and will fit well there with mixed use. Debra Nelson appreciates the testimony tonight. Adding dining and shopping amenities for both businesses and communities is what they are excited about. Discusses the traffic study. May inquires if the developer has met or discussed safety enhancements with ACHD. Nelson states they have been in touch with ACHD, and that no further improvements are required. Discussion. Mayor closes the public hearing. Gindlesperger thanks all those for attending tonight and for participating in the process. Discusses the challenges of balancing traffic concerns with the need for attractive commercial business. She is in support of the application. Kvamme agrees that it is difficult as a previous Council approved this site layout and design originally. He would not have approved of it. However, what is before them tonight is what it is. Items he would like to see addressed are improved ingress and egress, landscaping and architectural design. May concurs with the concerns discussed by Kvamme. General discussion. Deputy Administrator Williams attempts to verbalize Council concerns, in the form of a possible proposed condition. In addition to the landscaping required pursuant to Condition of Development 3.17, the landscaping plan shall show enhanced landscaping located between the parking areas and State Highway 44. The landscaping plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board and City Council prior to issuance of a Zoning Certificate for construction of any commercial buildings located within the parcels adjacent to State Highway 44. Gindlesperger moves to approve 10A RZ-11-15 MOD — Development Agreement Modification for East End Marketplace — TPC Commercial, LLC: Seconded by Kvamme. Discussion. Gindlesperger amends to include the Planning and Zoning conditions of development, staff recommendations, as well as the additional condition that Mr. Williams just spoke to regarding the landscape berms. Second concurs. Discussion. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL NAY; KVAMME NAY; MAYOR AYE. MOTION CARRIES. B. PP/FP-01-23 — Combined Preliminary and Final Plat for Retail One Subdivision — TPC Commercial. LLC: TPC Commercial, LLC, represented by Zach Turner with Rennison Design, is requesting combined preliminary plat and final plat approvals for Retail One Subdivision, a b- lot (6- buildable) commercial subdivision. The 6.19-acre site is located at the northeast corner of State Highway 44 and South Edgewood Lane at 650 South Edgewood Lane. (MJW) Mayor Pike introduces the item and opens the public hearing. Zach Turner, 2025 E. Riverside Drive, Eagle, Idaho, representing TPC Commercial LLC and reviews the application. Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\M INUTES\2024\CC-04-09-24min.docx Deputy Planning and Zoning Administrator, Williams reviews the staff report. Mayor Pike opens public testimony. No one chooses to speak. Mayor Pike closes public testimony. Mr. Turner states that they are in agreement with the conditions and ask for Council's approval. Mayor closes the public hearing. Russell moves to approve PP/FP-01-23 — Combined Preliminary and Final Plat for Retail One Subdivision — TPC Commercial, LLC. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Russell amends to add the site -specific conditions as recommended by staff. Second concurs. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 11. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM. Selection of the Conservation Advisory Committee Council Liaison. (TEO) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Russell expresses interest in serving as the liaison. Gindlesperger moves to have Council Member Russell serve as the Conservation Advisory Committee Council Liaison. Seconded by Kvamme. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEMState and Eagle Intersection: Approval to purchase historic streetlight poles for inclusion in the State and Eagle project and the Aikens Street Extension project in an amount not to exceed $160,500. (NBS) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Director of Long -Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird Spencer reviews the project and funding for the same. Russell moves to approve new business action item 11B State and Eagle Intersection Approval to purchase historic streetlight poles for inclusion in the State and Eagle project and the Aikens Street Extension project in an amount not to exceed $160,500. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES C. ACTION ITEMState and Eagle Intersection: Approval to increase the Cost share agreement with ACHD in an amount not to exceed $322,000 for the installation of historic streetlights in Phase 1. (NBS) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Director of Long -Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird Spencer reviews the project and funding for the same. Gindlesperger moves to approve new business action item 11C State and Eagle Intersection Approval to increase the cost share agreement with ACHD in an amount not to exceed Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2024\CC-04-09-24mi n.docx $322,000. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. D. ACTION ITEMFiscal Year 2024-2028 Capital Plan Modification No. 5: Staff is requesting a modification to the Fiscal Year 2024-2028 Capital Plan to increase funding for project PW CM- 15: Orville Krasen Park Playground Replacement in the amount of $1,925.00 reducing PW CM- 15: Trail Maintenance by $1,925.00, and increase funding for to TP CM-3: Eagle Road Ped/Bike Bridge in the amount of $300,000 by reducing TRL CM-4: North Channels Trail Repair by $97,760.00 and $202,204.00 from Trail Impact fees. (NBS) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Director of Long -Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird Spencer reviews the requested amendment to the Capital Plan. Russell moves to approve item new business 11D as staff has requested. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 12. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items. Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters (excluding Public Hearing and land use items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Mayor Pike introduces the item. Brent Sturgill, 1983 N. Rivington Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Sturgill addresses comments made by Kvamme regarding the lost of trust in the community. Mr. Sturgill reviews Council actions in December at which ordinances were approved and by doing so he believes that Idaho State Code was violated. Mr. Sturgill has reached out to the City of Boise to investigate their processes and procedures. He would hope that Council would take actions correct the matter. Manuela Walter, 1327 N. Konia Avenue, Eagle, Idaho. A great deal of the problem is disinformation in social media. She thanks Council for what they do, it is impossible to please everyone, but she appreciates the thoughtful manner the decisions are being made. Comments 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206 (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: Gindlesperger move pursuant to I.C. 74-206(1) that the City of Eagle convene an Executive Session for the purpose of (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; RUSSELL AYE: MAY AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 10 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2024\CC-04-09-24m i n.docx Council enters executive session. Council discussion of pending/threatened litigation. Council exits executive session. A. ACTION ITEM: Action Regarding Pending/Threatened Litigation. Russell moves to direct staff to work with our conflict Council and the Mayor and City Council to schedule and Executive Session as soon as possible to discuss Urban Renewal District matters. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; RUSSELL AYE; MAY AYE; KVAMME AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 14. ADJOURNMENT: Gindlesperger moves to adjourn. Seconded by May. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business, the Respect lly submitted: TRACY E. OSB j v , MC CITY CLERK Council meeting was adjourned. s,GLE . 0e1•• �PT�e••: ,G F�• / �- • Qv .14 - U • / • :v • e: %,,����ST/\17 °° AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 11 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2024\CC-04-09-24min.docx EAGLE CITY COUNCIL April 9, 2024 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. More on back (A) EAGLE CITY COUNCIL April 9, 2024 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. NAME (please print) TESTIFY PRO/ CON or ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL c( 41( [V /1/ phi (,04( Cab Al Zv �' 7r rT3V"A'q 2q-05 A . -( ,,Flc�uEL N E • cc11.w4vs.1 Ci, EAGL.I= !/ More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 9, 2024 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: RZ-11-15 MOD — Development Agreement Modification for East End Marketplace — TPC Commercial, LLC: NAME (please print) ADDRESS L.c .t-cz k no4 w JAoc k-26--Luel �✓r(last P_plc 6 �AhwAr INV ox Niu4 4f2 ,O;Gtayi 26;2-c ur)-f or) ilvtv I 0 n I ©+4-e +' Jo)1 wILCo3 Joe Mar\'hq QE.A1-a, As.) .%c-eNE "7/t.(/13 __Fikzik A a(' )49LLU vO, TESTIFY PRO/ CON YES/NO NEUTRAL tiem v, Ailklet:,L1)32e f\J Tro fro is3 w J L-Ta_i)14. �t.32 s L'41 Mtr� ta- 1(1 I I in/ / P r J S'r (p 6; 6,9 / Z- WO/ I J/DJ r• 4r� � L/2 Atig Zo z Z S . U , ST,k A' Via,. ►K / z l 3 // 13r l/V Cacti -- go% N Pro IiTD V(0/ N ��a Pve 0 0 Nu fro Pfa 'Pro N rd More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 9, 2024 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: RZ-11-15 MOD — Development Agreement Modification for East End Marketplace — TPC Commercial, LLC: NAME (please print) ADDRESS Zto (p w S t �--Y� r 4.151(- _ is-014 if - I ra:1111ff- ltl _Eslao Ccr,� — 1� 0� LA \ S7-1- 0.r (-1 e 4tosS w c ,e l.A.0,4 c7a-rcui, - fftaUtOk,i \*IAla\-ek 3bUW.6,u0 fiz.-Db�li�j� ; P gym. A A 51-! v A (( ci o7r 1001 Nfu.,Jl4 LA. 1-tt% 4-1 cL. TESTIFY YES/NO �D No �Q5 g r "1 L-rsZcou !fir no Auv PRO/ CON NEUTRAL r'\7-(7 g' 11\0 ‘r6 Pry) p-0 PRO -P 2 o pra r dad P� izo More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 9, 2024 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: RZ-11-15 MOD — Development Agreement Modification for East End Marketplace — TPC Commercial, LLC: NAME (please print) rNa\x/2-- 6l61- TESTIFY ADDRESS YES/NO vlEs PRO/ CON NEUTRAL Un More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 9, 2024 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: RZ-11-15 MOD — Development Agreement Modification for East End Marketplace — TPC Commercial, LLC: NAME (please print) DLit; n Lam TESTIFY ADDRESS YES/NO 5r1 N Yes l0DJ, 62X6A uk4SL \ O . 61.1(c1,1/1 V pY S V\0 W 61AOlie l a- ='w I iz6,26,L) c_ (14..- I na ID54 • ft.tria cFJ3:4-(V- C-4.1.6".‘ Cf - bkJ' t nsS E \J a hA (MOCIIi‘OW oc(fwav✓ ti (L4 f 54.44- 4 . C r-4 ft" a0 4 � s� 1786 c sreyif sir eAti LE 2 (.co6 tJ V:2-ckT wci- Y 2(0°3 GV - V(7-cavaw61y PRO/ CON NEUTRAL Pro P2J-C) 'P'(zU „PRO PI?) 1)i4 D .147>0 Pao P�e0 Pry Pro, rK0 More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 9, 2024 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: RZ-11-15 MOD — Development Agreement Modification for East End Marketplace — TPC Commercial, LLC: TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 9, 2024 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10A SUBJECT: RZ-11-15 MOD — Development Agreement Modification for East End Marketplace — TPC Commercial, LLC: NAME (please print) ADDRESS TESTIFY PRO/ CON YES/NO NEUTRAL (41 iCl A- ► A l_5 l D (A),utiimitszLr Y-es r� l s44 Ajo tsao 1/14.024-1 S i o0-4-_- L .ice rV4la1 L vSc, re on back /7( /, 39 2tJQ(t ro /39 ,,I' 2--2 Si V/5 e 1^K 121,o1 ay 2,.- s F gay 5 gr,c6c'c1 P/ Zoe S E e� c w fla�C 1 20 z5 veitito pie. 7750 t1 L91 s 5v92 it) vc.. r It 14 0 ? 4/d 40 ,N J }� e-c- ?(-D Mo IV 0 1 Pro Tc, 9a3 ire EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 9, 2024 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10B SUBJECT: PP/FP-01-23 — Combined Preliminary and Final Plat for Retail One Subdivision — TPC Commercial, LLC: TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL Vavi I L5-e-( [WI C ca4uvo4 Q✓ i Vayk_ w6 17ra More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 9, 2024 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 10B SUBJECT: PP/FP-01-23 — Combined Preliminary and Final Plat for Retail One Subdivision — TPC Commercial, LLC: TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back 4/19/2024 EAGLE RODEO PARKING AGREEMENT April 9, 2024 Nichoel Baird Spencer MCRP, AICP Director of Long -Range Planning & Projects nbaird p@cityofeagle.org owoo = a 1I foltiptl PRIWA0111 EAGLE 1 HISTORY after completing a sports park feasibility study, the City acquired (through purchase and donation) 90-acres of land for the Eagle Regional Sports Complex Park. JLU 2 •.. • • . •' a+ f EAGLE REGIONAL *PORTS PARK CI' CONCEPT MASTER PLAN 1 4/19/2024 Sprin Eagle Rodeo approached the City looking for a temporary location for their annual event and requested the use of 10 acres located at 8660 W. Equest Lane. Mn,/ 1 8, 202, the Eagle City Council entered into a 1 -year Parking Agreement May I y, 202 , entered into a 5-year lease agreement with the Eagle Rodeo 3 Summer of 'WY", the City has committed $784K for underground utilities, grading the roadway within the park and grading the 4 fields. Overhead Power Edge of Phase 1 of Park. Edge of 2/27/2024 City parking proposal 4 2 4/19/2024 , Mayor Pike received a request to enter into a new parking agreement for the 2024 Eagle Rodeo. 5 January 26, , Mayor Pike received a request to enter into a new parking agreement for the 2024 Eagle Rodeo. 6 3 4/19/2024 January 29 20 , Mayor Pike & Staff visited the site and provided the following option of a lease, an additional 1 4-acres. On February 28th, Mayor Pike, Council Liaison May, staff and agencies met on site. On March 5th, the following map was sent to Eagle Rodeo. AUMeasurements ate aopiroonaaona Ord Snoufd Dv retdmt ay the rodeo. 10-acre Lease 14-acre Parking @ 150 stalls/acre= —2,100 stalls 2 people/car= —4,200 attendees on site 7 March 14, 2024, Mayor Pike, Council Liaison, agency staff and the Rodeo representative met to discuss the site and parking request. Eagle Rodeo was requested to be conservative and provide a map illustrating the minimum parking needed with limited encroachment in the City's graded park. Edge of parking proposed by City 3/5/24 Disturbed areas- utilized for groding balancing and stockpiling for fields 8 4 4/19/2024 -s- acres Event Parking PotentialParking Allowance: • 20acres of tvem Par... 17 acra noon of Lowat Lanu 3 ac nos south or Ego. Lana in Cay snap tot a...a, Eo,.r 20cra 20.•150 car. •1A00 can von • 12.5 acrra•150- Lan ears moms cwp.u.m A waaww p.rtna • ueaaa thaay. a vaml I , unaaa wuwn aaum.ry • Provgea cOEN 0,lnean0n M pirk.q • a..p.Po.t0 0.ek on th* go.e road prom and meat or the. aatvp.e •r.•a. . P,•..n.a Gry Shop spit. E NM e _-..4I0011.Ipi 10-acre Lease 20-acre Parking @ 150 stalls/acre= —3,000 stalls Minus Contestant/ Volunteer parking= 1,125 Stalls Available Capacity= —1,875 stalls. 2 people/car= —3,750 attendees on site 9 r y The Eagle City Council held a special meeting to provide staff direction on how to prepare a lease agreement for the 2024 Eagle Rodeo. As a out come of that meeting the following map of the potential parking lease area was created and is contained in the agreement as Exhibit A: 10 10-acre Lease 18.81-acre Parking @ 150 stalls/acre= —2,820 stalls Minus Contestant/ Volunteer parking= 1,125 Stalls Available Capacity= —1,695 stalls. 2 people/car= —3,390 attendees on site 5 4/19/2024 The Eagle City Council held a special meeting to provide staff direction on how to prepare a lease agreement for the 2024 Eagle Rodeo. At that meeting the following direction was provided and is reflected in the current parking agreement: 1. Fencing of the parking edge Gee paragraph 3a) 2. Applicant shall get approvals from Eagle Police, Star Fire and ITD as well as a City special events permit. paragraph 3b) 3. Provide a signage plan for advising public when parking is full (c paragraph 3c) 4. Permit and repair electrical alternations to the house and barn (see paragraph 3d) 5. Daily meetings with agencies Gee paragraph 3. ) 6. Rows shall be marked off with t-posts & Twine (.ee puiuyiuph 4) 7. Compliance & Engineers report that any site alteration is not in violation with the City' FPDP or approved grading permit (.ee paragraph 5a & 5b) 8. Post event meeting on site (see paragraph 5c) 9. Bonding for repairs ( e paragraph 6) 10. Term is for the 2024 event only (see paragraph 7) 11. No alteration to site or structures Gee paragraph 8) 1 2. No alteration to site or structures without City approval (paragraph 9i) requesting grading (see paragraph 5a & 13. Cap Tickets for the event. (not in the agreemei..) Rodeo is requesting capping tickets at arena capacity —5,000. Parking generates approximately 1,800 stalls at 2 people per car 3,600 attendee. 11 EDITS SINCE THE PACKET RELEASE Paragraph 3a: Deadline for the removal of the temporary fencing June 21, 2024 Paragraph ( Bonding set at $460,000 Engineering estimate for Phase 1: $634,743 45% based on disturbed areas within the lease: 1 34 Plus, Actual Engineering costs for FPDP & Grading Permit: $38,21 9 Estimated Cost: 319 353.35 Bond @ 150°% of cost: 5460,000 Paragraph 11 Insurance Clarification Exhibit A & Replaced maps to match, added coordinates 12 6 4/19/2024 Exhibit A: 2024 Eagle Rodeo Parking N A 0 300 600 reet 10-acres Original Lease 18.83-acres Parking —1,750 stalls 1 6.1 6-acres N. of Equest 2.67-acres S. of Equest 13 STAFF REQUEST This is not a hearing item. Public comment can be taken if the Council requests it. Staff is requesting the Eagle City Council's direction on the 2024 Eagle Rodeo Parking agreement as presented. 14 7 Exhibit B: Marked Fence Areas N A 0 300 600 Feet Rodeo Fence Gate Fence IMMOlin Generated: 4/9/2024 Red lines indicate where chain link fence will be installed to contain th general public. Chain link will either be rolls attached as T-posts or panels. Exhibit A: 2024 Eagle Rodeo Parking N A 0 300 600 Feet Rodeo Areas WA Parking Lot A Parking Lot B Parking Lot C Existing Rodeo Lease • Lot Corner Points Generated: 4/9/2024 Retail One SUJC ivision (aka East End Marketplace) EAGLE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 20, 2024 APRIL 2015 Site History diVir441141-6 r gin 1.7 ,zr..1. SEPTEMBER 2022 el Nw xM =i17“ W Preliminary and Final Plat PRELIMINARY PLAT PRELIMINARY PLAT for w oRETAILTONE SUBDIVISION lopxo '.� •a. � ws w w ey e 1 I '.� nwsspmi+ 3 II¢'has rwmi1e11T4AMIN raxw. 1 � w w.iMMM � ,a 1 iaerws,ea N PEx.1 _______i ��' mm�ie�aNmp,F�R4ewrc nxuw� LOT LAYOUT ME. INDEX =EVELOPMEM' GOM o...A &nrMENr 1 s„s, — L�OE D POINT crerlNNwe /9 Zz✓�f7zJ,�f wuo x ✓Zifl1• w J� � ITEN slue xe■ N Li.,• FINAL PLAT RETAIL ONE SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE N W1/4 OF SECTION I5, • T. 4 N., R. 1 E., B.M., CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO 2023 \ \\ 1 Q % g a t`a - • 0• \ T8t8�j, \ V SCALE drrerrJ LEGEND 36 eaAoeoa 's BOOK PAGE . NOTES �N + mN WW Na o•,NE�S.m� '41=7.vs r"'"'"'=4un£wa rL u5mn-nM,,,,,5122,22s, nro 22, ror—ux � mrw¢r u ry . w , 0,2,22 Nax,E, IMALoc 47.4 rNSNMlxwwn Wa axu, aimNim[neswavmino ME wara. ASS0,24,10NOROmax ourre renupT.L45.1.4-0 WRMON,NF I,ynCff` visP J RPo1,122 20,6222,..75 22,24,221222, \ \ 9N2 PFON. 22. ANIMYIN22 er+XE WAX ftrOSA (11", 2NxAm11171I 15WAME Mine r, {CC. lip 0.6b-rr,worAinivon eo • wNOT. Questions? DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT MODIFICATION RZ-11-15 MOD Eagle City Council Public Hearing April 9, 2024 City Staff: Phone: E-Mail: Michael Williams, CFM, Deputy Planning& Zoning Administrator 939-0227 City Council Public Hearing February 27, 2024 Following the City Council's public hearing on February 27th the Council directed the applicant to provide the following information: • A traffic analysis associated with the overall site. • Building elevations of the proposed restaurant (with drive through) use located within Parcel A (Building 1) shown on the proposed site plan. • Additional pedestrian gathering areas. Project Summary • TPC Commercial, LLC, represented by Zach Turner with Rennison Design, is requesting a development agreement modification (development agreement in lieu of a conditional use permit) to modify the conditions of development and concept plan contained within the executed development agreement. • The 15.55-acre site is generally located on the east side of South Edgewood Lane between East State Street and State Highway 44. Topics for Discussion • Traffic Exiting the Site • Pedestrian Gathering Areas • Proposed Concept Plan • Styles of Architecture • Locations of restaurant (with drive -through) uses • Buffer area located adjacent to State Highway 44 Concept Plan contained within the executed development agreement, Ada County instrument #2016-035523 Proposed Concept Plan L �,.,�mmr• NIGXI/AV N • Concept Plan contained within the executed development agreement, Ada County instrument #2016-035523 • EAST END MARKETPLACE CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN • r.._ uuil(Si BurJ210f11n 1'11.. •II•Y11 .1 111'1 VW.? eMelle Jrw.. :AT CIA Proposed Concept Plan 1rovii ■■1. r•• • fl Er1 NMI VII, • Ws {I • •a% JV WE Y b W.A., I•4••• J.V .J.1•1.-.. V•V ■ • 1 .ra VI YV•••- 9111r ,.• Sl1■1Sf 00r.S. SOW Min/ 11.a1 S1V 111• ■ 1■rr.1. STATE HIGHWAY 44 / EAOIE $YPA$$ - INIIMINKUMWM".0r11 +=4000 l•1pr 111111IS�••An •pAUMJ40~ NMI •versa g44000W1.40 7.■d r010000 7l11d 001000000/ 100~06 •00 11.•_.10.1oi .1! 1/01.014s•1• •._ •I ■4 ■pp•445p 1.S1w11••. •.■1.1.1p1.■•1.1•• 19•1MN•■• SINEW4••••• Mw••.•Cr CKhrK R N 157� NOW .•• v.-1,-r nl• Mi(Yii WU OW40. al MM. 0Ir1.. 6114.4. ••yr.wwr 1lryww■r Styles of Architecture • The executed development agreement contains exhibits identifying the style of architecture. The development agreement does not specifically identify a style of architecture associated with the development. • The applicant is proposing style of architecture be limited to Italianate, Craftsman, and/or Mediterranean style of architecture as shown on Exhibit "E.' • To ensure the proposed architecture is in conformance with Eagle City Code, if the development agreement modification is approved, Condition of Development #3.7 should be amended to read as follows: 3.7 The multi -family building shall be constructed utilizing a "Craftsman" style of arc itecture similar, but not limited to, the arc itecture shown on Exhibit D. The commercial/retail buildings shall be constructed utilizing "Italianate, Craftsman, and/or Mediterranean," style architecture and as shown on Exhibit E. The multi -family building and commercial buildings shall be designed in conformance with the Ea:le Architect - . • - - : : • • uti izing Review Board and Cit Council approval of the detailed arZFITT.. pans for the development is required prior to the issuance of buildin permits for the multi iI commercial/retail buildings. Proposed office use • An office use was not previously identified within Condition of Development #3.8 as one of the allowed uses. An office use is a permitted use within the C-2 (General Business District) zoning designation. If the development agreement modification is approved, Condition of Development #3.8 should be amended to read as follows: 3.8 The commercial area of the Property as depicted on the Concept Plan is to be developed with a combination of retail, restaurant, office, and bank uses allowed within Eagle City Code Section 8-2-3 "Official Schedule of District Regulations" under the C-2 zoning designation. The commercial area shall be limited to a maximum of 80,000-square feet of enclosed area (i.e., enclosed with walls and roof). No commercial building footprint shall exceed 30,000-square feet of enclosed area (i.e., enclosed with walls and roof). Allocation of proposed uses • The applicant is proposing 17-tenant spaces which is a reduction from the 21-tenant spaces originally approved. The applicant is not proposing to reduce the number of restaurant (with drive -through) uses within the development. Also, the screening of the drive -through lanes should be addressed. If the development agreement modification is approved, Condition of Development #3.10 should be amended to state as follows: 3.10 The Restaurants (with drive through) shall be limited to Pads 1, 2, 3a, and 5a. Additionally, the development may include a bank with drive through, which is an allowed use in the C-2 zone. Owner shall provide a minimum forty -eight -inch (48") buffer (berm, decorative block wall, cultured stone, decorative rock, or similarly designed concrete wall) between the restaurant drive through lanes and the adjacent roadway to reduce the impact of the vehicles utilizing the drive through lanes (i.e. vehicle headlights and vehicle cueing). Buffer area located adjacent to State Highway 44 • The owner was previously required to install a three foot (3') high landscaped berm (measured from the centerline of State Highway 44), or alternative method of compliance within a common lot. The applicant is not proposing to subdivide the area located adjacent to State Highway 44 in its entirety. The applicant is requesting to allow the berm to be placed within an easement versus a common lot. Since it is commercial development the property owners or business association will be responsible for the maintenance of the landscaped area. If the development agreement modification is approved, Condition of Development #3.17 should be amended to read as follows: *3.17 Owner shall install a three foot (3') high landscaped berm (measured from the centerline of State Highway 44), or alternative method, within a 30-foot-wide easement located adjacent to State Highway 44. The berm area shall be landscaped with the following plants per one hundred (100) linear feet of right of way: two (2) shade trees, three (3) evergreen trees, and twenty-four (24) shrubs. Each required shade tree may be substituted with one (1) flowering/ornamental tree, provided that not more than fifty percent (50%) of the shade trees are substituted. The total number of trees shall be twenty-five (25) and the total number of shrubs shall be four hundred and seventy-five (475) as depicted in the plan provided on December 15, 2015 (Exhibit F 1-4). The landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to submittal of a final plat application. Loading facilities • The Concept Plan contained within the executed development agreement identifies an anchor tenant located at the southwest corner of the development. The anchor tenant was proposed with a loading dock located adjacent to the north elevation of the building. As proposed, the development will not contain uses requiring a loading dock. If the development agreement modification is approved, Condition of Development #3.19 should be amended to read as follows: 3.19 Loading facilities or docks shall not be located on the south side of structures, where visible from State Highway 44; however, deliveries may be received on the south side of the building. Planning Commission Recommendation On January 22, 2024, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted (4 to 0, Wright absent) to recommend approval of this application with the conditions of development provided on page 14 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. End of Presentation Projected Traffic Eagle East End Market Place — DA Mod Original TIS — ITE 9th Edition of the Trip Generation Manual ADT PM Peak Specialty Retail 52,300 SF 2,318 141 Fast Food W/ Drive Thru 11,400 SF 5,656 373 Total 7,974 514 Revised Site Plan Trip Generation Estimate — ITE 11th Edition of the Trip Generation Manual ADT PM Peak Shopping Center 46,600 SF 1,725 158 Fast Food W/ Drive Thru 11,120 SF 5,198 367 Coffee Shop W/ Drive Thru 1,925 SF 1,027 75 Total 7,950 600 Difference -24 86 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AND ZONING MAP DESIGNATIONS: Existing Proposed North of site South of site East of site West of site COMP PLAN DESIGNATION Commercial and Mixed Use No Change Commercial and Mixed Use Mixed Use Mixed Use Downtown ZONING DESIGNATION C-2-DA (Commercial- General Business with a Development Agreement) MU-DA (Mixed Use with a Development Agreement) Modification to the development agreement associated with the current zoning designations MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]) MU-DA (Mixed Use) BP (Business Park) MU (Mixed Use) and MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement) LAND USE Vacant property and senior apartment complex Office, retail, restaurants with drive through, and bank Single-family dwellings (Gated Garden Subdivision) Commercial subdivision (Tennis Club Plaza Subdivision) Mobile home park and medical office Office, Commercial, Retail Center RETAIL ONE SUBDIVISION PP/FP-01-23 Eagle City Council Public Hearing April 9, 2024 r City Staff: Phone: E-Mail: Michael Williams, CFM, Deputy Planning& Zoning Administrator 939-0227 Applicant Information Applicant: TPC Commercial, LLC Address: 430 East State Street, Suite 100 Eagle, ID 83616 Represented by: Zach Turner with Rennison Design Phone: 208-938-2440 E-mail: Zach@Rennisoncompanies.com Project Summary • TPC Commercial, LLC, represented by Zach Turner with Rennison Design, is requesting combined preliminary plat and final plat approvals for Retail One Subdivision, a 6-lot (6-buildable) commercial subdivision. • The 6.19-acre site is located at the northeast corner of State Highway 44 and South Edgewood Lane at 650 South Edgewood Lane. Aerial Photo EAST END RI (TENNIS CLUB PLAZA SUB No. 1) PRELIMINARY PLAT tow RETAIL ONE SUBDIVISION A PAACCI. O/ LAN* LOCATED IN A bMWM Of 1M1 V 1/a OI 714C NW 1/4 O/ SLCTIOK 1a WAIN.. K M. CRY OI CAOIC, ADA COUNTV.I0.000 aOa! 6410141 .11,144.+u n31A•..K.171•04, Car Apt: ., M.., fi1�v m oat mane 6.1 art rt 1 660 60 wt040W 1R t1616 aloes 114•111aAat61614 1.116196:1.6 0. e11LL ppy1�63C imemo *IOC Mho K O.11I1111L .164611 ai 1AW u% 641.E pRRMi tAaM'I Final Plat Me,*orw.a .......w s,•.ln.E .....-fog.•. / a ii I Rost spa,7 *cm ■ re a if IQ. •re,ar IV -- ar.�w.a�r roam. Juan- 401-,Vo S k sg sir 2rs a FOR cINFIOARsf TIFFS laSitt .400MOROLIF • 4 RETAIL ONE SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN THE NWI/4 OF SECTION 15, T. 4 N., R. I E., H.M., CITY OF EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO 2023 arn4wa+„ F,F. ewrrwMr. RR wwswaw PLR 22* 412 AIMED REFFRENCES OtED•q, Ki R+,.tem• RA, SICCICM, AMINCIA113. MOM — WR,¢mo,I,n v,4 NNW 114ALt0.0 Ct u.M.{YItI 200t SuRYEIM lMURRA ME ronw,ruuwoww.•+rov •, cl $MAW.. MT.."" MS, •M<alm,rr Site Data Total Acreage of Site — 6.19-acres Total Number of Lots — 6 Total Number of Units-0 Residential — 0 Commercial — 6 Industrial — 0 Common —0 Single-family — 0 Single-family attached — 0 Duplex — 0 Multi -family — 0 Total Acreage of Any Out -Parcels — 0 Issues of Special Concern • Perpetual reciprocal cross -parking and cross -access agreement (vehicular and pedestrian ingress -egress) (SSC #4 and #10) • Maintenance of pressurized irrigation, parking lots, landscaping, and amenities (SSC #5 and #10) • Direct lot access from East State Street, South Edgewood Lane, and State Highway 44 (SSC#6) Perpetual reciprocal cross -parking and cross -access agreement (vehicular and pedestrian ingress -egress) 4. The applicant shall provide a copy of the CC&Rs which contain language addressing the reciprocal cross - parking and cross -access for vehicle and pedestrian ingress -egress to the public right-of-way. The CC&Rs shall be submitted with the final plat application for review and approval by the City Attorney prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. 10. The applicant shall be required to provide a copy of the CC&Rs which contains the following provisions: (a) An allocation of responsibility for maintenance of all community and privately owned pressurized irrigation facilities, service drive aisles, parking lots, and amenities. The repair and maintenance requirement shall run with the land and that the requirement cannot be modified and that the Agreement cannot be dissolved without the express consent of the city. (b) A requirement that all landscaped areas are to be privately owned but shall be described in and subject to a reciprocal easement allowing for common use by all property owners within the development. The Agreement shall provide that a designated property owner or group (i.e. business owners association) shall have the duty to maintain and operate all the landscaped areas in a competent and attractive manner, including watering, mowing, fertilizing and caring for shrubs and trees in accordance with Eagle City Code, in perpetuity. (c) A requirement addressing the reciprocal cross -parking and cross -access for vehicle and pedestrian ingress -egress to the public right-of-way (d) A requirement that all parking areas shall be shared within the subdivision. The CC&Rs shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat Maintenance of pressurized irrigation, parking lots, landscaping, and amenities 5. Provide a copy of the CC&Rs with language stating that the landscaping, parking lot and other shared site improvements are to be maintained by one business owner's association. The CC&Rs shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney and staff prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. 10. The applicant shall be required to provide a copy of the CC&Rs which contains the following provisions: (a) An allocation of responsibility for maintenance of all community and privately owned pressurized irrigation facilities, service drive aisles, parking lots, and amenities. The repair and maintenance requirement shall run with the land and that the requirement cannot be modified and that the Agreement cannot be dissolved without the express consent of the city. (b) A requirement that all landscaped areas are to be privately owned but shall be described in and subject to a reciprocal easement allowing for common use by all property owners within the development. The Agreement shall provide that a designated property owner or group (i.e. business owners association) shall have the duty to maintain and operate all the landscaped areas in a competent and attractive manner, including watering, mowing, fertilizing and caring for shrubs and trees in accordance with Eagle City Code, in perpetuity. (c) A requirement addressing the reciprocal cross -parking and cross -access for vehicle and pedestrian ingress -egress to the public right-of-way (d) A requirement that all parking areas shall be shared within the subdivision. The CC&Rs shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat Direct lot access from East State Street, South Edgewood Lane, and State Highway 44 6. Provide a revised final plat with plat note #6 revised to state, "Direct lot access from East State Street, South Edgewood Lane, and State Highway 44 is prohibited unless approved by the Ada County Highway District, Idaho Transportation Department, and the City of Eagle. Current permitted access point(s) are shown hereon." The revised final plat shall be provided prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. Staff Recommendation Based on the information provided to date, if the combined preliminary/final plat is approved, staff recommends the site specific conditions of approval on page 4 and the standard conditions of approval are provided on page 11. Planning Commission Recommendation On February 20, 2024, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 to 1 (Guerber against) to recommend approval of this application with the site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval provided on page 7 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. End of Presentation Comprehensive Plan Map Designation Zoning Map Designation Existing Proposed North of site COMP PLAN DESIGNATION Commercial No Change ZONING DESIGNATION C-2-DA (Commercial- General Business District with a Development Agreement) No Change Commercial and Mixed Use MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement) Mixed Use East of site Mixed Use West of site Downtown South of site MU-DA (Mixed Use) C-2-DA (Commercial- General Business District with a Development Agreement) MU-DA (Mixed Use with a Development Agreement) MU (Mixed Use) and MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development agreement) LAND USE Vacant property Proposed six (6) lot commercial subdivision Industrial Flex Space, and Clock Tower Retail Center Commercial subdivision (Tennis Club Plaza Subdivision) Vacant property and senior living facility Office, Commercial, Retail Center Retail One Subdivision Proposed Concept Plan lui U 1111111111101111111111 I dbldll� l ild Vill lhll : liu i li aa.iw Proposed Preliminary Plat for.m___I . ..... —1 �r 1 1 ,.fi-..�_--_a_T__I— �_._.�.._ j 1 __ i j � T 1'-- i'H----- I 1 1 L 0101H161111.11 I. rum 611,01 Retail One Subdivision Approved Concept Plan Proposed Preliminary Plat Project/File: Lead Agency: Site address: Staff Approval: Applicant: RECE GOD '` Developm nt Serv�. E ACHD File:__ Route tri• Eagle East End/ EAG15-0023/CPA-05-15/RZ-11-15 This is a comprehensive plan amendment and rezone application to allow for the development of 48 multi -family units, retail stores, drive-thru restaurants, a bank, and a grocery store on 15.55 acres. The site is located at the northeast corner of SH-44 and Edgewood Lane in Eagle, Idaho. For this application ACHD is a recommending body to the City of Eagle. City of Eagle NEC of SH-44 and Edgewood Lane November 4, 2015 John Rennison TPC Commerical, LLC 450 E. StateStreet STE 100 Eagle, ID 83616 Representative: Shawn Nickel SLN Planning 1589 N. Estancia Place Eagle, ID 83616 Staff Contact: Mindy Wallace Phone: 387-6178 E-mail: mwallace@achdidaho.org A. Findings of Fact 1. Description of Application: The applicant is requesting approval of a comprehensive plan amendment and rezone application to allow for the development of 48 multi -family units, retail stores, drive-thru restaurants, a bank, and a grocery store on 15.55 acres. The site is located at the northeast corner of SH-44 and Edgewood Lane in Eagle, Idaho. 2. Description of Adjacent Surrounding Area: Direction Land Use North South East West Commercial/Mixed Use SH-44 Business Park Mixed Use Zoning C-2/M U N/A BP MU 3. Site History: ACHD previously reviewed this site as Eagle Gateway Subdivision on December 13, 2006. The requirements of this staff report are consistent with those of the prior action. 1 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 4. Adjacent Development: The following developments are pending or underway in the vicinity of the site: • Eagle Tennis Club — EDR-19-13 MOD, is locate across SH-44 south from the site. It was approve by ACHD on May 6, 2015. • Renovare Subdivision is located south of the Eagle Tennis Club was approved by ACHD on December 6, 2012 and consists of 84 residential units. This project is in various stages of development. 5. Transit: Transit services are not available to serve this site. 6. New Center Lane Miles: 0 7. Impact Fees: There will be an impact fee that is assessed and due prior to issuance of any building permits. The assessed impact fee will be based on the impact fee ordinance that is in effect at that time. 8. Capital Improvements Plan/ Integrated Five Year Work Plan: There are currently no roadways, bridges or intersections in the general vicinity of the project that are currently in the Integrated Five Year Work Plan (IFYWP) or the District's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). B. Traffic Findings for Consideration 1. Trip Generation: This development is estimated to generate 8,955 additional vehicle trips per day; 417 additional vehicle trips per hour in the PM peak hour, based on the traffic impact study. 2. Traffic Impact Study A traffic impact study was prepared for this application and is currently under review. ACHD may have additional requirements and recommendations as a result of the traffic impact study review. These items would be included as part of any future development application on the site. Condition of Area Roadways Traffic Count is based on Vehicles per hour (VPH) Roadway Frontage SH-44** 830-feet Functional Classification Principal Arterial PM Peak Hour Traffic Count 1,551 Edgewood 460-feet Minor Arterial 242 E. State 1,085- feet Local 53 PM Peak Hour Level of Service Better than Better than N/A Existing Plus Project Better than Better than "D N/A * Acceptable level of service for a five -lane principal arterial is "E" (1,770 VPH). * Acceptable level of service for a four -lane minor arterial is "D" (1,200 VPH). * Acceptable level of service for a five -lane minor arterial is "D" (1,540 VPH). ** ACHD does not set level of service thresholds for State Highways. 3. Average Daily Traffic Count (VDT) Average daily traffic counts are based on ACHD's most current traffic counts. • The average daily traffic count for SH-44 west of SH-55 was 33,159 on 3/25/15. 2 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 • The average daily traffic count for Edgewood Lane north of SH-44 was 3,925 on 10/23/14. • The average daily traffic count for E. State Street east of Edgewood was 961on 1/27/11. C. Findings for Consideration 1. SH-44 /State Street SH-44/State Street is under the jurisdiction of the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD). The applicant, City of Eagle, and ITD should work together to determine if additional right-of-way or improvements are necessary on SH-44/State Street. Staff Comments/Recommendations: Comply with requirements of ITD and City of Eagle for the SH-44 frontage. Submit to the District a letter from ITD regarding said requirements prior to District approval of the final plat or issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. ITD approved a right-in/only driveway off of SH-44, as requested by the applicant as part of this application. See attachment 3. 2. Edgewood Lane a. Existing Conditions: Edgewood Lane is improved with 5-travel lanes — one of which is a free running right turn lane and no curb, gutter or sidewalk abutting the site. There is 140-feet of right-of-way for Edgewood Lane (70-feet from centerline). b. Policy: Arterial Roadway Policy: District Policy 7205.2.1 states that the developer is responsible for improving all street frontages adjacent to the site regardless of whether or not access is taken to all of the adjacent streets. Master Street Map and Typology Policy: District Policy 7205.5 states that the design of improvements for arterials shall be in accordance with District standards, including the Master Street Map and Livable Streets Design Guide. The developer or engineer should contact the District before starting any design. Street Section and Right -of Way Width Policy: District Policy 7205.2.1 & 7205.5.2 states that the standard 3-lane street section shall be 46-feet (back -of -curb to back -of -curb) within 70 feet of right-of-way. This width typically accommodates a single travel lane in each direction, a continuous center left -turn lane, and bike lanes. Right -of -Way Dedication: District Policy 7205.2 states that The District will provide compensation for additional right-of-way dedicated beyond the existing right-of-way along arterials listed as impact fee eligible in the adopted Capital Improvements Plan using available impact fee revenue in the Impact Fee Service Area. No compensation will be provided for right-of-way on an arterial that is not listed as impact fee eligible in the Capital Improvements Plan. The District may acquire additional right-of-way beyond the site -related needs to preserve a corridor for future capacity improvements, as provided in Section 7300. Sidewalk Policy: District Policy 7205.5.7 requires a concrete sidewalk at least 5-feet wide to be constructed on both sides of all arterial streets. A parkway strip at least 6-feet wide between the back -of -curb and street edge of the sidewalk is required to provide increased safety and protection of pedestrians. Consult the District's planter width policy if trees are to be placed within the parkway strip. Sidewalks constructed next to the back -of -curb shall be a minimum of 7-feet wide. 3 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 Detached sidewalks are encouraged and should be parallel to the adjacent roadway. Meandering sidewalks are discouraged. A permanent right-of-way easement shall be provided if public sidewalks are placed outside of the dedicated right-of-way. The easement shall encompass the entire area between the right- of-way line and 2-feet behind the back edge of the sidewalk. Sidewalks shall either be located wholly within the public right-of-way or wholly within an easement. ACHD Master Street Map: ACHD Policy Section 3111.1 requires the Master Street Map (MSM) guide the right-of-way acquisition, arterial street requirements, and specific roadway features required through development. This segment of Edgewood Lane is designated in the MSM as a Town Center Arterial with 3-lanes and on -street bike lanes, a 46-foot street section within 70-feet of right-of-way. c. Applicant Proposal: The applicant has proposed to construct a 5 foot wide detached meandering sidewalk on Edgewood Lane abutting the site. d. Staff Comments/Recommendations: The applicant's proposal to construct a 5 foot wide detached concrete sidewalk on Edgewood Lane abutting the site should be approved, as proposed. Consistent with ACHD's Sidewalk policy, the detached sidewalk should be constructed parallel to Edgewood Lane, as meandering sidewalks are discouraged. 3. E. State Street a. Existing Conditions: E. State Street is improved with 2 to 3-travel lanes, 32 to 40 feet of pavement, and no curb, gutter or sidewalk abutting the site. There is 70 to144-feet of right-of- way for E. State Street (35 to 60-feet from centerline). b. Policy: Local Roadway Policy: District Policy 7207.2.1 states that the developer is responsible for improving all local street frontages adjacent to the site regardless of whether or not access is taken to all of the adjacent streets. Street Section and Right -of -Way Policy: District Policy 7207.5 states that right-of-way widths for all local streets shall generally not be less than 50-feet wide and that the standard street section shall be 36-feet (back -of -curb to back -of -curb). The District will consider the utilization of a street width less than 36-feet with written fire department approval. Standard Urban Local Street-36-foot to 33-foot Street Section and Right-of-way Policy: District Policy 7207.5.2 states that the standard street section shall be 36-feet (back -of -curb to back -of -curb) for developments with any buildable lot that is less than 1 acre in size. This street section shall include curb, gutter, and minimum 5-foot concrete sidewalks on both sides and shall typically be within 50-feet of right-of-way. The District will also consider the utilization of a street width less than 36-feet with written fire department approval. Most often this width is a 33-foot street section (back -of -curb to back - of -curb) for developments with any buildable lot that is less than 1 acre in size. Sidewalk Policy: District Policy 7207.5.7 states that five-foot wide concrete sidewalk is required on both sides of all local street, except those in rural developments with net densities of one dwelling unit per 1.0 acre or less, or in hillside conditions where there is no direct lot frontage, in which case a sidewalk shall be constructed along one side of the street. Some local jurisdictions may require wider sidewalks. The sidewalk may be placed next to the back -of -curb. Where feasible, a parkway strip at least 8-feet wide between the back -of -curb and the street edge of the sidewalk is recommended to provide increased safety and protection of pedestrians and to allow for the planting of trees in accordance with the District's Tree Planting Policy. If no trees are to be planted in the 4 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 parkway strip, the applicant may submit a request to the District, with justification, to reduce the width of the parkway strip. Detached sidewalks are encouraged and should be parallel to the adjacent roadway. Meandering sidewalks are discouraged. A permanent right-of-way easement shall be provided if public sidewalks are placed outside of the dedicated right-of-way. The easement shall encompass the entire area between the right- of-way line and 2-feet behind the back edge of the sidewalk. Sidewalks shall either be located wholly within the public right-of-way or wholly within an easement. Half Street Policy: District Policy 7207.2.2 required improvements shall consist of pavement widening to one-half the required width, including curb, gutter and concrete sidewalk (minimum 5-feet), plus 12-feet of additional pavement widening beyond the centerline established for the street to provide an adequate roadway surface, with the pavement crowned at the ultimate centerline. A 3-foot wide gravel shoulder and a borrow ditch sized to accommodate the roadway storm runoff shall be constructed on the unimproved side. c. Applicant's Proposal: The applicant has proposed to widen the 2 lane section of E. State Street (first 400-feet of east of Edgewood Lane) to 3 lanes to match the existing 3 lane section of the roadway. The applicant has proposed to construct vertical curb, gutter, and a 5 foot wide detached concrete sidewalk on E. State Street abutting the site. All of the improvements are proposed within the existing right-of-way for E. State Street. d. Staff Comments/Recommendations: The applicant's proposal meet's District policy and should be approved, as proposed. 4. McGrath Road a. Existing Conditions: McGrath Road is improved with 2-travel lanes, 24 feet of pavement, and no curb, gutter or sidewalk abutting the site. There is 180 to 40-feet of right-of-way for McGrath Road. b. Policy: Local Roadway Policy: District Policy 7207.2.1 states that the developer is responsible for improving all local street frontages adjacent to the site regardless of whether or not access is taken to all of the adjacent streets. Street Section and Right -of -Way Policy: District Policy 7207.5 states that right-of-way widths for all local streets shall generally not be less than 50-feet wide and that the standard street section shall be 36-feet (back -of -curb to back -of -curb). The District will consider the utilization of a street width less than 36-feet with written fire department approval. Standard Urban Local Street-36-foot to 33-foot Street Section and Right-of-way Policy: District Policy 7207.5.2 states that the standard street section shall be 36-feet (back -of -curb to back -of -curb) for developments with any buildable lot that is less than 1 acre in size. This street section shall include curb, gutter, and minimum 5-foot concrete sidewalks on both sides and shall typically be within 50-feet of right-of-way. The District will also consider the utilization of a street width less than 36-feet with written fire department approval. Most often this width is a 33-foot street section (back -of -curb to back - of -curb) for developments with any buildable lot that is less than 1 acre in size. Sidewalk Policy: District Policy 7207.5.7 states that five-foot wide concrete sidewalk is required on both sides of all local street, except those in rural developments with net densities of one dwelling unit per 1.0 acre or less, or in hillside conditions where there is no direct lot frontage, in which case a sidewalk shall be constructed along one side of the street. Some local jurisdictions may require wider sidewalks. 5 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 The sidewalk may be placed next to the back -of -curb. Where feasible, a parkway strip at least 8-feet wide between the back -of -curb and the street edge of the sidewalk is recommended to provide increased safety and protection of pedestrians and to allow for the planting of trees in accordance with the District's Tree Planting Policy. If no trees are to be planted in the parkway strip, the applicant may submit a request to the District, with justification, to reduce the width of the parkway strip. Detached sidewalks are encouraged and should be parallel to the adjacent roadway. Meandering sidewalks are discouraged. A permanent right-of-way easement shall be provided if public sidewalks are placed outside of the dedicated right-of-way. The easement shall encompass the entire area between the right- of-way line and 2-feet behind the back edge of the sidewalk. Sidewalks shall either be located wholly within the public right-of-way or wholly within an easement. c. Applicant's Proposal: The applicant has proposed to vacate approximately 950 feet of McGrath Road between E. State Street and the site's east property line and to construct a realigned section of McGrath Road abutting the site's east property line. This would be constructed between an existing portion of McGrath Road and E. State Street. The applicant has proposed to construct the existing portion of McGrath Road abutting the site as one half of a 33 foot street section with vertical curb, gutter, and a 5 foot wide detached concrete sidewalk located outside of the right-of-way. The McGrath Road realignment is proposed to be constructed as a 33 foot street section with vertical curb, gutter, and a 5-foot wide detached concrete sidewalk on the west side of the roadway abutting the site. These improvements are proposed to be constructed within 58- feet of right-of-way. d. Staff Comments/Recommendations: Staff is supportive of the applicant's proposal to vacate and realign a portion McGrath Road. The vacation of right-of-way is a separate process with its own application and series of public hearing and Commission approvals. The vacation should be completed prior to plans acceptance or signature on any future final plat. 6 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 If the vacation is approved, the applicant's proposal to construct the existing portion of McGrath Road abutting the site as one half of a 33 foot street section with vertical curb, gutter, and a 5 foot wide detached concrete sidewalk located outside of the right-of-way should be approved, as proposed. The applicant should be required to provide a permanent right-of-way easement for the sidewalks placed outside of the dedicated right-of-way. The applicant's proposal to construct the realigned portion of McGrath Road as a 33 foot street section with vertical curb, gutter, and a 5-foot wide detached concrete sidewalk on the west side of the roadway within 58-feet of right-of-way meet's District policy and should be approved, as proposed. 5. Driveways 5.1 Edgewood Lane a. Existing Conditions: There are no driveways to or from the site onto Edgewood Lane. b. Policy Access Points Policy: District Policy 7205.4.1 states that all access points associated with development applications shall be determined in accordance with the policies in this section and Section 7202. Access points shall be reviewed only for a development application that is being considered by the lead land use agency. Approved access points may be relocated and/or restricted in the future if the land use intensifies, changes, or the property redevelops. Access Policy: District policy 7205.4.6 states that direct access to minor arterials is typically prohibited. If a property has frontage on more than one street, access shall be taken from the street having the lesser functional classification. If it is necessary to take access to the higher classified street due to a lack of frontage, the minimum allowable spacing shall be based on Table la under District policy 7205.4.6, unless a waiver for the access point has been approved by the District Commission. Driveway Location Policy: District policy 7205.4.5 requires driveways located on minor arterial roadways from a signalized intersection with a single left turn lane shall be located a minimum of 330-feet from the nearest intersection for a right-in/right-out only driveway and a minimum of 660-feet from the intersection for a full -movement driveway. Successive Driveways: District policy 7205.4.6 Table la, requires driveways located on minor arterial roadways with a speed limit of 35 MPH to align or offset a minimum of 330-feet from any existing or proposed driveway. Driveway Width Policy: District policy 7205.4.8 restricts high -volume driveways (100 VTD or more) to a maximum width of 36-feet and low -volume driveways (less than 100 VTD) to a maximum width of 30-feet. Curb return type driveways with 30-foot radii will be required for high -volume driveways with 100 VTD or more. Curb return type driveways with 15-foot radii will be required for low -volume driveways with less than 100 VTD. Driveway Paving Policy: Graveled driveways abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. In accordance with District policy, 7205.4.8, the applicant should be required to pave the driveway its full width and at least 30- feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of the roadway and install pavement tapers in accordance with Table 2 under District Policy 7205.4.8. Cross Access Easements/Shared Access Policy: District Policy 7202.4.1 states that cross access utilizes a single vehicular connection that serves two or more adjoining lots or parcels so that the driver does not need to re-enter the public street system. c. Applicant's Proposal: The applicant hasn't proposed any driveways onto Edgewood Lane to access the site. 7 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 d. Staff Comments/Recommendations: The applicant's proposal is consistent with ACHD's Access Management policies and no driveways are approved on Edgewood Lane. 5.2 McGrath Road/E. State Street a. Existing Conditions: There are three existing driveways onto the portion of McGrath Road proposed to be vacated and one existing driveway onto E. State Street from the site. b. Policy: Driveway Location Policy: District policy 7207.4.1 requires driveways located near intersections to be located a minimum of 75-feet (measured centerline -to -centerline) from the nearest street intersection. Successive Driveways: District Policy 7207.4.1 states that successive driveways away from an intersection shall have no minimum spacing requirements for access points along a local street, but the District does encourage shared access points where appropriate. Driveway Width Policy: District policy 7207.4.3 states that where vertical curbs are required, residential driveways shall be restricted to a maximum width of 20-feet and may be constructed as curb -cut type driveways. Driveway Paving Policy: Graveled driveways abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. In accordance with District policy, 7207.4.3, the applicant should be required to pave the driveway its full width and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of the roadway. c. Applicant's Proposal: The applicant is proposing to eliminate or close all of the existing driveways and to construct two 30 foot wide driveways onto McGrath Road located approximately 290 feet south of E. State Street. The driveways onto McGrath are proposed to create a 4-way intersection with McGrath Road. The applicant has proposed to construct three driveways onto E. State Street. The driveway width and locations are as follows: • One 30 foot wide driveway located approximately, 225 feet east of Edgewood Lane. • One 25 foot wide driveway located approximately, 535 feet east of Edgewood Lane. • One 36 foot wide driveway located approximately, 760 feet east of Edgewood Lane. d. Staff Comments/Recommendations: The applicant's proposal meet's District policy and should be approved, as proposed. The applicant should be required to pave all of the driveways their full width and at least 30 feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of McGrath Road and E. State Street. 6. Access Edgewood Lane is classified as a minor arterial roadway. Direct lot access is prohibited to this roadway unless specifically approved by ACHD and the City of Eagle. 7. Tree Planters Tree Planter Policy: Tree Planter Policy: The District's Tree Planter Policy prohibits all trees in planters less than 8-feet in width without the installation of root barriers. Class II trees may be allowed in planters with a minimum width of 8-feet, and Class I and Class III trees may be allowed in planters with a minimum width of 10-feet. 8. Landscaping Landscaping Policy: A license agreement is required for all landscaping proposed within ACHD right-of-way or easement areas. Trees shall be located no closer than 10-feet from all public storm drain facilities. Landscaping should be designed to eliminate site obstructions in the vision triangle at intersections. District Policy 5104.3.1 requires a 40-foot vision triangle and a 3-foot 8 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 height restriction on all landscaping located at an uncontrolled intersection and a 50-foot offset from stop signs. Landscape plans are required with the submittal of civil plans and must meet all District requirements prior to signature of the final plat and/or approval of the civil plans. 9. Other Access Edgewood Lane is classified as minor arterial roadway. Direct lot access is prohibited to this roadway and should be noted on the final plat. D. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1. Comply with requirements of ITD and City of Eagle for the SH-44 frontage. Submit to the District a letter from ITD regarding said requirements prior to District approval of the final plat or issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. 2. Construct a 5 foot wide detached concrete sidewalk on Edgewood Lane, parallel to the roadway abutting the site. 3. Widen the 2 lane section of E. State Street (first 400-feet of east of Edgewood Lane) to 3 lanes to match the existing 3 lane section of E. State Street, as proposed. 4. Construct vertical curb, gutter, and a 5 foot wide detached concrete sidewalk on E. State Street abutting the entire site, as proposed. 5. Vacate approximately 950 feet of right-of-way for McGrath Road between E. State Street and the site's east property line, as proposed. The vacation of right-of-way is a separate process with its own application and series of approvals. The vacation should be completed prior to plans acceptance or signature on any future final plat. 6. Construct the existing portion of McGrath Road abutting the site as one half of a 33 foot street section with vertical curb, gutter, and a 5 foot wide detached concrete sidewalk located outside of the right-of-way should be approved, as proposed. Provide a permanent right-of-way easement for the sidewalks placed outside of the dedicated right-of-way. 7. Construct the realigned portion of McGrath Road as a 33 foot street section with vertical curb, gutter, and a 5-foot wide detached concrete sidewalk on the west side of the roadway within 58- feet of right-of-way, as proposed. 8. Construct two 30 foot wide driveways onto McGrath Road located 290 feet south of E. State Street creating a 4-way intersection with McGrath Road, as proposed. 9. Construct three driveways onto E. State Street as follows: • One 30 foot wide driveway located approximately, 225 feet east of Edgewood Lane. • One 25 foot wide driveway located approximately, 535 feet east of Edgewood Lane. • One 36 foot wide driveway located approximately, 760 feet east of Edgewood Lane. 10. Pave all of the driveways their full width and at least 30 feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of McGrath Road and E. State Street. 11. Direct lot access is prohibited to Edgewood Lane unless specifically approved by ACHD and the City of Eagle. 12. Payment of impacts fees are due prior to issuance of a building permit. 13. Comply with all Standard Conditions of Approval. 9 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 E. Standard Conditions of Approval 1. All proposed irrigation facilities shall be located outside of the ACHD right-of-way (including all easements). Any existing irrigation facilities shall be relocated outside of the ACHD right- of-way (including all easements). 2. Private Utilities including sewer or water systems are prohibited from being located within the ACHD right-of-way. 3. In accordance with District policy, 7203.3, the applicant may be required to update any existing non -compliant pedestrian improvements abutting the site to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The applicant's engineer should provide documentation of ADA compliance to District Development Review staff for review. 4. Replace any existing damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk and any that may be damaged during the construction of the proposed development. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file number) for details. 5. A license agreement and compliance with the District's Tree Planter policy is required for all landscaping proposed within ACHD right-of-way or easement areas. 6. All utility relocation costs associated with improving street frontages abutting the site shall be borne by the developer. 7. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of-way. The applicant at no cost to ACHD shall repair existing utilities damaged by the applicant. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-811-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACHD right-of-way. The applicant shall contact ACHD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACHD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. 8. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact the District's Utility Coordinator at 387-6258 (with file numbers) for details. 9. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the ACHD Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Standards unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. 10. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of ACHD prior to District approval for occupancy. 11. No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized representative of ACHD. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from ACHD. 12. If the site plan or use should change in the future, ACHD Planning Review will review the site plan and may require additional improvements to the transportation system at that time. Any change in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with ACHD Policy and Standard Conditions of Approval in place at that time unless a waiver/variance of the requirements or other legal relief is granted by the ACHD Commission. F. Conclusions of Law 1. The proposed site plan is approved, if all of the Site Specific and Standard Conditions of Approval are satisfied. 10 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 2. ACHD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. G. Attachments 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plan 3. ITD Approvals 4. Utility Coordinating Council 5. Development Process Checklist 6. Request for Reconsideration Guidelines 11 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 VICINITY MAP r R m ME 12 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 SITE PLAN 7;\ 3LTL [11.1 0 lit I pS I LM 25.1, ,161 31.1 px11 7:: 1 %..1%.r11,40•10.1N, 110.1 Strf 1-415112; t 1.4 • 240 *Yale 0. 4.14 ZlItt. 1601+ I 4Z.V.1465,.., .0•.171.1:,,S.10.1.0•114 • vus 13 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 ITD Approvals IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 8028 Boise, ID 83707-2028 October 8, 2015 John Rennison P.O. Box 1001 Eagle, Idaho 83616 VIA EMAIL RE: APPROACH PERMIT APPLICATION 3-16-129 Dear Applicant: (208) 334-8300 itd.idaho.gov ITD has reviewed your initial proposal for a right -in approach on the Eagle Bypass (SH-44) located 797 feet east of S. Edgewood Lane in Eagle, ID. The Eagle Bypass is an expressway and approach locations are as specified by the Department. ITD has reviewed your proposal and has determined you can proceed with stamped engineered drawings of your proposed access. Final approval of the access is determined once all documentation has been provided and the permit is signed. Your plans show constructing the development on part of the existing E. McGrath Road. Please provide ITD with the documentation you were provided that determined ownership of the existing E. McGrath Road and how you obtained permission to construct your development on this property. If you have any questions, please contact me by email at iim.morrisonC61itd.idaho.eov or by phone at (208)332-7191. Sincerely, James K. Morrison District 3 Development Services Manager 14 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 mails'v 9now41IN1111I111ba N IYUN ID NINOUINNJL 21 weld /AM OO AINO 13'134OI7 Ifl VOLLW H AV/WIDEN ICOrlet1971119Th ara Am AYid A.ODh'OD L1OI0dil 15 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 Ada County Utility Coordinating Council Developer/Local Improvement District Right of Way Improvements Guideline Request Purpose: To develop the necessary avenue for proper notification to utilities of local highway and road improvements, to help the utilities in budgeting and to clarify the already existing process. 1) Notification: Within five (5) working days upon notification of required right of way improvements by Highway entities, developers shall provide written notification to the affected utility owners and the Ada County Utility Coordinating Council (UCC). Notification shall include but not be limited to, project limits, scope of roadway improvements/project, anticipated construction dates, and any portions critical to the right of way improvements and coordination of utilities. 2) Plan Review: The developer shall provide the highway entities and all utility owners with preliminary project plans and schedule a plan review conference. Depending on the scale of utility improvements, a plan review conference may not be necessary, as determined by the utility owners. Conference notification shall also be sent to the UCC. During the review meeting the developer shall notify utilities of the status of right of way/easement acquisition necessary for their project. At the plan review conference each company shall have the right to appeal, adjust and/or negotiate with the developer on its own behalf. Each utility shall provide the developer with a letter of review indicating the costs and time required for relocation of its facilities. Said letter of review is to be provided within thirty calendar days after the date of the plan review conference. 3) Revisions: The developer is responsible to provide utilities with any revisions to preliminary plans. Utilities may request an updated plan review meeting if revisions are made in the preliminary plans which affect the utility relocation requirements. Utilities shall have thirty days after receiving the revisions to review and comment thereon. 4) Final Notification: The developer will provide highway entities, utility owners and the UCC with final notification of its intent to proceed with right of way improvements and include the anticipated date work will commence. This notification shall indicate that the work to be performed shall be pursuant to final approved plans by the highway entity. The developer shall schedule a preconstruction meeting prior to right of way improvements. Utility relocation activity shall be completed within the times established during the preconstruction meeting, unless otherwise agreed upon. Notification to the Ada County UCC can be sent to: 50 S. Cole Rd. Boise 83707, or Visit iducc.com for e-mail notification information. 16 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 Development Process Checklist Items Completed to Date: ®Submit a development application to a City or to Ada County ®The City or the County will transmit the development application to ACHD ®The ACHD Planning Review Section will receive the development application to review ®The Planning Review Section will do one of the following: ❑Send a "No Review" letter to the applicant stating that there are no site specific conditions of approval at this time. ®Write a Staff Level report analyzing the impacts of the development on the transportation system and evaluating the proposal for its conformance to District Policy. Write a Commission Level report analyzing the impacts of the development on the transportation system and evaluating the proposal for its conformance to District Policy. Items to be completed by Applicant: ['For ALL development applications, including those receiving a "No Review" letter: • The applicant should submit one set of engineered plans directly to ACHD for review by the Development Review Section for plan review and assessment of impact fees. (Note: if there are no site improvements required by ACHD, then architectural plans may be submitted for purposes of impact fee assessment.) • The applicant is required to get a permit from Construction Services (ACHD) for ANY work in the right-of- way, including, but not limited to, driveway approaches, street improvements and utility cuts. EPay Impact Fees prior to issuance of building permit. Impact fees cannot be paid prior to plan review approval. DID YOU REMEMBER: Construction (Non -Subdivisions) ❑ Driveway or Property Approach(s) • Submit a "Driveway Approach Request" form to ACHD Construction (for approval by Development Services & Traffic Services). There is a one week turnaround for this approval. ❑ Working in the ACHD Right -of -Way • Four business days prior to starting work have a bonded contractor submit a "Temporary Highway Use Permit Application" to ACHD Construction — Permits along with: a) Traffic Control Plan b) An Erosion & Sediment Control Narrative & Plat, done by a Certified Plan Designer, if trench is >50' or you are placing >600 sf of concrete or asphalt. Construction (Subdivisions) ❑ Sediment & Erosion Submittal • At least one week prior to setting up a Pre -Construction Meeting an Erosion & Sediment Control Narrative & Plan, done by a Certified Plan Designer, must be turned into ACHD Construction to be reviewed and approved by the ACHD Stormwater Section. ❑ Idaho Power Company • Vic Steelman at Idaho Power must have his IPCO approved set of subdivision utility plans prior to Pre -Con being scheduled. ❑ Final Approval from Development Services is required prior to scheduling a Pre -Con. 17 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 Request for Appeal of Staff Decision Appeal of Staff Decision: The Commission shall hear and decide appeals by an applicant of the final decision made by the Development Services Manager when it is alleged that the Development Services Manager did not properly apply this section 7101.6, did not consider all of the relevant facts presented, made an error of fact or law, abused discretion or acted arbitrarily and capriciously in the interpretation or enforcement of the ACHD Policy Manual. a. Filing Fee: The Commission may, from time to time, set reasonable fees to be charged the applicant for the processing of appeals, to cover administrative costs. b. Initiation: An appeal is initiated by the filing of a written notice of appeal with the Secretary of Highway Systems, which must be filed within ten (10) working days from the date of the decision that is the subject of the appeal. The notice of appeal shall refer to the decision being appealed, identify the appellant by name, address and telephone number and state the grounds for the appeal. The grounds shall include a written summary of the provisions of the policy relevant to the appeal and/or the facts and law relied upon and shall include a written argument in support of the appeal. The Commission shall not consider a notice of appeal that does not comply with the provisions of this subsection. c. Time to Reply: The Development Services Manager shall have ten (10) working days from the date of the filing of the notice of appeal to reply to the notice of the appeal, and may during such time meet with the appellant to discuss the matter, and may also consider and/or modify the decision that is being appealed. A copy of the reply and any modifications to the decision being appealed will be provided to the appellant prior to the Commission hearing on the appeal. d. Notice of Hearing: Unless otherwise agreed to by the appellant, the hearing of the appeal will be noticed and scheduled on the Commission agenda at a regular meeting to be held within thirty (30) days following the delivery to the appellant of the Development Services Manager's reply to the notice of appeal. A copy of the decision being appealed, the notice of appeal and the reply shall be delivered to the Commission at least one (1) week prior to the hearing. e. Action by Commission: Following the hearing, the Commission shall either affirm or reverse, in whole or part, or otherwise modify, amend or supplement the decision being appealed, as such action is adequately supported by the law and evidence presented at the hearing. 18 Eagle East End/EAG15-0023 East End Marketplace Development Agreement Modification Eagle City Council April 9, 2024 PLOT MEARff_Y11 rz021 1122 OM EXHIBIT B-1 PRE HAW HA 1101 YAEII11EPHG EGieIr➢WE East End Marketplace I Conceptual Site Plan EAGLE, IDAHO sra STATE HIGHWAY 44 / EAGLE BYPASS SCALE IN FEET VICINITY MAP 164dd3 Ter wen* Itt rY EXHIBIT B-1 PILE IMYL YtldliO IYL'wblwibnr111.1Ati East End Marketplace I Conceptual Site Plan EAGLE, IDAHO STATE HIGHWAY 44 1 EAGLE BYPASS O 50 100 SCALE IN FEET LEGEND: 0 PATHWAYS 0 PATIOS! PEDESTRIAN NODES CuosY eng n19r Lr.ingAwnmenYs t8 unnsl PACIFIC COMPANIES I� KITTELSON flik &ASSOCIATES Daily trips: AM peak hour: PM peak hour: 20% reduction 16% reduction 2% reduction Table 2. Eagle East End Marketplace Estimated Trip Generation & Comparison to TIS Trip Generation Revised Land -Uses Trip Generation Residential Uses Senior Adult Ho using -Maki -Family I 252 l 48 l 164 Residential Internal Trips [59) Residential External & Net New Trips I I I 104 Strip Retail Plaza (Pads 3b, 4a, 4b, 5b, 6a-6c) Strip Retail internal Rips Strip Retail External Trips Pass -By Trips 10% AM/ 0%PM) Retail New Trips Retag Lisp 822822 I 17,253 1 958 (393) 565 565 Restaurant Uses Fast Food Restaurant with Drive Through (Pads 2v 3a, 5a( 934 I 7,288 I 3,407 Fast Food w/0rioe Through Internal Trips 1217( Fast Food w/0riveTh,r4if�pij External Trio Fast Food w/Drive Through Poss-By Trips �509L AM, 55% PM) (1,59S) Fast Food New Trips 1,595 Chick-lil-A lead 1) NA 4,850 L94p Chick fii-A Internal Trips (325) Chick fihA External( Trips 3,624 Chick-fii-A Pass -By Trips (50% AM & 55% PM) (1,812) Chick fiI-A NT Trips,_ Restaurant Sub -Total 7,356 Restaurant internal Trips (542) Restaurant External Trips 6,814 Restaurant Pass -By Trips (1,407) Restaurant New Trips 3,407 General Office Building Office Uses 710 129,524 ( 403 Office Internal Trips (85) Office External & Net New Trips I 318 Devekoneat Total TOTAL TRIPS 8,881 Total Internal Trips (1,079) EXTERNAL TRIPS (DRIVEWAY TRIPS) 7,802 Total Pass -By Trips (3,407) BUILDOUT NET NEW TRIPS 4,395 10 (1! 9 41 (8) 33 33 325 (131 312 (163) 149 75 (3) 76 (35) 37 404 (16) 388 1202) 186 55 (15) 44 514 (40) 474 (202) 272 3 3 25 (4) 21 21 166 (6) 160 (89) 77 40 (1) 39 (20) 206 (7) 195 (103) 96 J 52 (9) 43 286 (20) 266 (103) 163 7 (1) 6 16 (4) 12 12 12 (1) 5 115 (56) 59 59 159 241 j7( (23) 152 218 [80) (121) 72 97 39 322 (2) (30) 37 292 (19) (161) 198 563 (9) (53) 185 510 [99) (282) 90 228 7 60 (6) (10) 1 50 228 (20) 208 (59) 105 750 (126) 624 (282) 342 7 7 5 (3) 2 58 57 (V5) (W_ 23 36 23 35 125 116 (14) 116 102 (63) (58) 53 44 (9( 79 252 (20) 272 (149) 123 167 155 (11) (19) 156 136 (86) (75) 61 271 (33) 238 (133) 105 10 ) 50 (4) (6) 6 44 367 (63) 304 (149) 155 383 (63) 320 (133) 187 Previously Approved TIS Trip Generation TIS TOTAL TRIPS j 9,526 602 307 EXTERNAL(DRIVEWAY/TRIPS 9,526 602 307 Total Pass -By Trips J (4,036) (279) (145) . I . Id ' ht "h I 5,490 323 162 29S 295 (134) 161 Comparison of Revised Land -Uses to Previously Approved TIS Trip Generation 594 594 (245) 349 303 303 (124+ 179 291 291 (121) 170 TOTAI •. .• • : • : I .: (645) [88) [21) EXTERNAL [DRIVEWAY) TRIP DIFFERENCE (1,724) (128) [41) NET NEW ' .h • : •.. 1 .E [1,095) (51) 1 NET heW i diP PiACPNTAGE INCREASE/DECREASE I -20% I -16% 1% [67] [87] [52] -3296 156 30 (7) -2% 64 1 (24) -13X 92 29 17 1056 D4 „EMER�e.��IOR ELEVATION- EAST C4EXTEROR ELEVATION- WEST XTERIOR ELEVATION- SOUTH B4E A4Err ERIOR ELEVATION- NORTH i NORTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION EXTERIOR ELEVATION- SOUTH 51i16' = 2016 2022 East End Marketplace Thank you r+1111mLf_14 I 1 111141 mQ �a 11111111:1- 111Ib11 A11. 111 11111117111 ffit Original Site Plan Updated Site Plan LEGEND: INGRESS TO SITE INGRESS AND EGRESS 0 ROADS TOIF ROM SITE • 4: