Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 04/03/2024 - SpecialEAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES April 3, 2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, MAY, RUSSELL, KVAMME. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pike leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS, DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Review, Discussion and Action Regarding Municipal Fiber System: Staff is seeking Council direction on the path forward for the Municipal Fiber System for areas including, but not limited to: 1) Future phasing of system construction and estimated costs for same. 2) Contract vs. City Employee driven construction costs and capacity. 3) Funding mechanism for construction until user revenue generates self-sustaining system. (ELZ) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Public Works Director, Eric Ziegenfuss reviews a fiber tracker map showing current infrastructure installed by both the City as well as by developments currently under construction. Provides an overview on fiber activities to date. Bruce Patterson with Entry Pointe, the consultant hired by the City of Eagle. He has been working with the City since the initiation of the fiber project. Mr. Patterson reviews his history with the City of Ammon and the construction of their fiber system. He presents his opinion on the best path forward for the City in order to "stand up" the City's fiber system. He discusses funding options, including LID's, Judicial Review and bonds. General discussion. A scope of work with options to move forward in regard to funding and phasing is needed. Director of Long -Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird Spencer discusses the previous action of Council moving and seeks clarification for what Council desires in the scope of work. Director Ziegenfuss discusses current staffing and the partnership with Entry Pointe. Russell states she would like to see a funding option utilizing a non-profit, similar to what is used in Montana, May and Gindlesperger concur. Kvamme would like to invest in a project manager to run this project, and it should be done immediately. Having a strong defensible project to convey to public is critical at this point. Discussion. May requests that Entry Pointe provide a scope of work towards standing up our project team, our department, to move forward with the fiber for the City of Eagle. Seconded by Russell. May amends to add to bring back the whole thing, including the financing component utilizing the non-profit, for the whole project. Patterson states he will lay out a scope of work in a logical process to it to a citywide solution. Utilizing a non-profit funding option. He will bring forward a scope of work with next steps, who will be needed on the team to get everything going, and then as part of it to articulate what is needed internally how they will be trained, and as construction moves through the City may be able to hire from those Page 1 C:\Users\hcsencsits\Desktop\CC-04-03-24spmi n.docx participants and bring them in internally. Discussion. Second concurs. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 6. ADJOURNMENT: Gindlesperger moves to adjourn. Seconded by May. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business, the Council meetingviasa¢,joumed. 3 L E ........ J� • NT % • •O- T' •CYE. �•:O' . : CITY CLERK ,o • ••. r� ;•: �C{ APPROVED: / •''•.,, S" ` yA Res ectfully subm IKE, MAYOR ,CMC AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W. C ITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 2 C:\Users\hcsencsits\Desktop\CC-04-03-24spmi n.docx Eagle Subdivision Fiber Tracker As of 3/4/24 Public Conduit Eagle City Limits Fiber Tracker Phase L.- NMI Pre Plans Joint Trench Proposal Joint Trench Overlay Proposed Conduit/Duct installed Boxes/Handholds installed Not Required or Requested Previous Private Conduit Unknown *subject to change N 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles ■�f J r 41 110 1' 1 A 12.05 Miles of Public Conduit as of 4/3/24 Esri, NASA, NGA, USGS, FEMA INTER OFFICE City of Eagle Long Range Planning & Projects To: Mayor Pike and City Council Members From: Nichoel Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP, Director of Long -Range Planning & Projects Subject: Capital Plan Modifications Date: December 12, 2023 Attachment(s): FY 24-FY28 Funded Capital Projects - Reprioritized High Priority Staff Request: Please Review the staff proposed amendment to the FY 24-28 Capital Plan. Once Staff has Council general concurrence from individual Council members, the document will be brought forward for formal modification. The approved modification will be the starting point for drafting the FY 25-29 Capital Plan. Overview: On February 21, 2024, the City Council directed staff to begin modification to the general fund to address the anticipated on -going operation and maintenance of the Fiber Department based on a effort to complete construction of the expanded system as proposed. On February 26, 2024, staff issued a memo to the Council requesting a workshop to discuss the next steps and implication on the general fund. Staff worked with the Council to prioritize the requested fiber projects against the capital projects contained in the FY 24-28 plan to get direction on which projects were funded, delayed, or removed from the program. The initial ranking created three categories of projects- high, medium, and low. The prioritized projects were presented to the Council at their March 14, 2024, special meeting. The council was then requested to review their personal rankings and the combined ranking to determine if there were issues or concerns. Attached to this memo is the FY 24-FY28 Funded Capital Projects - Reprioritized High Priority. This draft prioritizes "high" ranked projects for funding in FY 24-28. The guideposts for the is prioritization was to reduce capital projects by approximately $346,000 in the current FY and by $1M annually in FY 25-28. The proposed plan a High Priority Capital Plan Adjustments Draft Planned Capital Allocations from GF GF in Adopted FY24- 28 Plan Reduction FY 24 $ 1,568,000.00 $ 1,853,000.00 $ 285,000.00 FY 25 $ 1,000,000.00 $ 2,000,000.00 $ 1,000,000.00 FY 26* $ 1,000,000.00 $ 1,967,000.00 $ 967,000.00 FY 27* $ 1,000,000.00 $ 1,688,000.00 $ 688,000.00 FY 28* $ 1,000,000.00 $ 1,625,000.00 $ 625,000.00 TOTAL $ 5,568,000.00 $ 9,133,000.00 $ 3,565,000.00 *Capital Plan utilize a $2M annual set -side for projects, but was not maximized each year to give the city the ability to adjust or add projects. Staff capped the set -aside at $1m for this adjustment. Page 1 of 2 https://cityofeagle-my.sharepoint.com/personal/nbaird_cityofeagle_org/Documents/FY 24 Modification No 6 Draft mel.doc str You will note that the goal of $346,00 in the current fiscal year (2024) has not been achieved, but in conversation with staff we feel that the cuts are sufficient. Utilizing the assumption that the Capital Plan set -side would be reduced from $2M to $1M annually, staff then shifted funds based on two criteria: Project Commitment & Timelines: Projects that are cooperatives with other agencies or have a specific timeline for construction were allocated funds as available to fulfill those commitments. Priority: in Outlying years (FY 27 & 28) funds were shifted to the highest priority project that still had a funding shortfall. These changes are reflected in two places within the FY 24-FY28 Funded Capital Projects - Reprioritized High Priority spreadsheet. A new column was added entitled "Staff Post Fiber Adjustments" and a detail of the change and rational is in orange underlined text in the column entitled "Staff Notes". The Projects that are no longer funded in the draft plan are as follow: Medium/Low Projects Potentially Losing Funding FY 24 Project Rank Project Name # FY 24 Rank Project Name Project 4 7• Foothills Shooting Sport Park* a V co18 a Idaho Street Streetscape Improvements u o 23 Merrill Park Storage Building u ,, cc m a c a 24 Downtown Facade Improvement u o w 12 Parks, Trails & Open Space Master Plan a. V cc m oa a 30 N. Channel Dry Creek Bridge a' u ,10., coF 17 Pamela Baker Park a cc o a 31 Trails Wayfinding & Branding co u cc 25 y Entry Sign Plan a 3 n 36 28 34 Trailhead Amenities - Ada Sports Complex a u m cc i— 9 Linder Road Underpass @ N. Channel _, ,-. a: 1— Dry Creek & Dry Creek Canal o. u ,^-, cc f- 4 City Owned Shop a u Laguna Point Bridge E- u " K N 19 1st Street Festival Street m a u Lil o 21 Ped/Bike Studies - FF & BL Rds. m m a. a. a a atl CO H 1- 26 S. Channel @ Eagle Road Ped/Bike Crossing (Bridge & Underpass) ' u ,,, m `' H 32 Bookmobile N d. u m 29 Downtown Parking a u 0 33 Water Trail Study V , ¢ 15 16 Charlie Wood Park (ED CP- P&R CP- 6 7 35 Williamson River Ranch Bridge 111 TRL CP- 20 Excess ROW- State Street Project is under contract for $500K Staff will be reaching out to individual council members to confirm if this is the information to be brought forth for a formal capital plan modification. If you have questions on this item, please feel free to contact me directly at nbaird@cityofeagle.org or at 208-489-8772. Page 2 of 2 https://cityofeagle-my.sharepoint.com/personal/nbaird_cityofeagle_org/Documents/FY 24 Modification No 6 Draft mel.doc Post  Fiber  Rank FY 24 Rank Project  No.Project Name Project Cost Post Comments/Rational  FY 24‐28  Requested  Amount  FY23              Carry  Forward/Savings Plan Years GF by Year Impact fees Reserve  Transfer by  Year  Outside  funding  Staff Post Fiber  Adjustments  Total Project  Balance  % Funded in     FY 24‐28 Plan  % Funded per  Total project  cost Staff Notes:  FY 24 ‐$                          780,000.00$         ‐$                      FY 25 250,000.00$                              ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 26 250,000.00$                              ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 27 250,000.00$                              ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                     352,000.00$         FY 28 250,000.00$                              ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                     700,000.00$         FY 24 425,000.00$                              ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 25 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 26 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 27 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 28 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 24 ‐$                                            1,800.00$                 ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 25 FY 26 FY 27 FY 28 FY 24 400,000.00$                              ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 25 400,000.00$                              ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                     285,000.00$         FY 26 400,000.00$                              ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                     300,000.00$         FY 27 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                     248,000.00$         FY 28 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 24 ‐$                          50,000.00$           ‐$                      FY 25 ‐$                          50,000.00$           ‐$                      FY 26 50,000.00$                                  ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 27 50,000.00$                                  ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 28 50,000.00$                                  ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 24 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 25 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 26 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 27 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                     100,000.00$         FY 28 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      7 Incomplete GEN‐CP‐1/  T&P CP‐10Three Cities River  Crossing (3CRX)100,000$         Delayed due to regional coordination  efforts                                                                 Study Completion FY24 This is a regional project in the COMPASS Long‐range Transportation  Plan.  It requires interagency review of the feasibility Study.  The  agency partners have asked for additional review as a resiliency  project (floodway protection and protection of the Boise wastewater  treatment plant) in addition to just transportation connectivity &  congestion.  $         100,000.00  $            100,000.00 FY24  $                                             ‐     $                        ‐     $                       ‐     $         100,000.00 100% 100% $100K in current FY 24 budget, seed money  8 Incomplete T&P CP‐3Eagle Road Ped‐ Bike Bridge 330,000$        Delayed due to highwater                              Completion FY24 Carried forward to complete final Landscape and graffiti coating after  water level drops  $           30,000.00  $              30,000.00 FY24  $           223,000.00  $                        ‐     $       125,760.00  $         378,760.00 1263% 1263% Close out was higher than anticipated, this  reflects Capital Plan modificaiton #5 FY 24 16,000.00$                                  ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 25 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 26 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 27 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 28 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 24 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 25 65,000.00$                                 ‐$                           ‐$                      113,000.00$         FY 26 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 27 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 28 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 24 500,000.00$                              ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 25 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 26 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 27 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 28 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 24 162,000.00$                              ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 25 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                      1,013,000.00$     FY 26 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 27 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 28 ‐$                                             ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 24 FY 25 FY 26 FY 27 FY 28 FY 24 ‐$                          250,000.00$         ‐$                     (250,000.00)$       FY 25 ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 26 ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 27 ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      FY 28 ‐$                           ‐$                       ‐$                      Plan Years GF by Year Impact fees Reserve Transfer  by Year Outside funding Staff Post Fiber  Adjustments Annual Total FY 24 1,568,000.00$                          224,800.00$            1,080,000.00$     238,760.00$         ‐$                     3,111,560.00$        7,528,000.00$  2,775,534.00$     FY 25 715,000.00$                              ‐$                          50,000.00$          1,251,760.00$     285,000.00$        2,016,760.00$        FY 26 700,000.00$                              ‐$                           ‐$                      125,760.00$        300,000.00$        825,760.00$           FY 27 300,000.00$                              ‐$                           ‐$                      125,760.00$        700,000.00$        425,760.00$           FY 28 300,000.00$                              ‐$                           ‐$                      125,760.00$        700,000.00$        425,760.00$           TOTAL 3,583,000.00$                          224,800.00$            1,130,000.00$     1,867,800.00$    1,985,000.00$    6,805,600.00$       GF in Adopted FY24‐ 28 Plan Reduction  FY 24 1,568,000.00$                          1,853,000.00$         285,000.00$         FY 25 1,000,000.00$                          2,000,000.00$         1,000,000.00$      FY 26*1,000,000.00$                          1,967,000.00$         967,000.00$         FY 27*1,000,000.00$                          1,688,000.00$         688,000.00$         FY 28*1,000,000.00$                       1,625,000.00$         625,000.00$         FY 24‐28 %  Reduced TOTAL 5,568,000.00$                      9,133,000.00$     3,565,000.00$ 39.03% 169% 2,026,000.00$     $            851,000.00  100% 100% 858,000.00$          115%  $         600,000.00  $            584,000.00 100%T&P CP‐2Aikens Street  Extension  $        855,000  Department: LRP&P                                         Staff:  Nichoel Baird Spencer                           $858K Requested $113K Match from Eagle URA                         ACHD Cost Share  Med‐Low Public Score                                      High Staff Score                                                 Construction FY25 10 Department: LRP&P                                         Staff:  Nichoel Baird Spencer                           $600K Requested No Match Med‐Low Public Score                                      High Staff Score                                                 Construction FY24 Olde Park Extension T&P CP‐12,026,000.00$         $         745,000.00  $            680,000.00  2,033,000.00$        Augmentations to the ACHD project providing for 10‐ft paver  sidewalks, street trees, and historic streetlights.  This project has over  90% of the funding to match ACHD's investment DT. Future FY will not  require allocation of additional general fund $ unless project comes in  over budget. EURA is funding 50% of the cost share costs.  Fully  funded in FY 24 ‐ carry forward for project into FY 25 & FY26 as  needed.   $      1,013,000.00 P&R CP‐2Department:  LRP&P                                        Staff:  Nichoel Baird Spencer & Eric  Ziegenfuss                                   $12M  Design & Construction                        Impact Fee Eligible up to $4.9M                     Med‐Low Public Score                                      Med‐High Staff Score                                        Construction FY24‐FY28 3 T&P  CP‐12 $  12,000,000  Augmentations to the ACHD project providing for enhanced  sidewalks, street trees, and medians to Linder Road north of SH‐44 to  Floating Feather Roads .This project will move forward for  construction by ACHD in FY 26.  Either the City participates and funds  the design elements they have requested (paver medians, planters  and augmented landscape) or ACHD defaults to their standard section  with the potential of a delay.    $      1,200,000.00 Linder Road                 (SH‐44 to FF)  $      1,250,000.00  12           NEW POL CP‐2Police Weaponry 1,800$              Department: Police                                          Staff:  Chief  Wilkie Ruby                                 $615,000 Requested  $350,000 from Impact Fees  Partnership with Eagle Fire                              Med‐High Public Score                                     Construction TBD As identified in the Police Impact Fee Capital Plan  If the Council adds  officers in FY 24 the carry forward of $90K can be used for equipment  purchases for new officers ($900/officer).      Construct a +/‐ 90 ‐acre sports park on SH‐16 north of Beacon Light  Road.  To date the City has spent or contracted $4.5M toward this  park. The $12M is for phase 1 construction only (infrastructure and 4  fields).  Bringing to the total to complete phase 1 to $16.5M.  The City  has already committed 27% of the total project cost without  consideration of the impact fee credits to GWC for land purchase.   This project alone could consume the entire FY24‐28 capital plan and  still not be fully funded. This project is to have an annual set aside of  $250K,Council has directed a funding committee be established to  pursue match dollars from public/private entities.  Once  partners/funds are found the project can move toward construction.   Project is impact fee eligible up to $18.9M.  The park impact fee fund  was diminished in 2022 and will need time to recover before it will be  able to support this project. City has expended/committed  $4.5M to  date on land acquisition and engineering. Contingent on outside  partnerships. Augmentations to the ACHD project providing for 10‐ft paver  sidewalks, street trees, and historic streetlights to the extension of  Aikens Street from 1st street to 2nd street.  The City has set‐aside  $745K to date and with the EURA match ($113K) this project is fully  funded but has been on hold for nearly a decade due to ROW issues.   While still a priority should the City continue to hold funds for the  project or leverage the money to complete higher priority projects  and replace these funds over time?  The project does not impact the  General fund request for FY 24.  City is holding funds for 1 more year  to see if ROW or partnership can be achieved. If a path forward is  available the city will fund the remaining $65K. Contingent on ACHD  partnership.  $     2,000,000  Department: LRP&P                                         Staff:  Nichoel Baird Spencer                           $1.2M Requested ACHD Cost Share  Med‐Low Public Score                                      High Staff Score                                                 Requested Year: 2022                                       Construction FY26  $        600,000  The City is to construction an extension of Olde Park Place from the  current terminus at Aikens Street to the signal at  Plaza Drive.  Project  has an estimated $585K carry forward from FY23 with an estimated  preliminary construction  cost of $600K (assuming limited ROW  costs).  This project is planned to be constructed with the 2nd phase  of the State and Eagle Project.  Fund fully in FY 24 and to make  adjustments in future years as needed for ROW. Contingent on ACHD  partnership. 6 No Rank PW CP‐17Fleet Expansion   (changed from PW  vehicles)   $           50,000  Department: Public Works & Water  Dept.                                                                 Staff:  Eric Ziegenfuss                                   $50K Requested Annually                               REQUESTED CONSTRUCTION:  As needed    Funds will be used for fleet expansion on an as needed basis.  Funds  will be carry forward each year until needed.  Project was brought  back into the Capital Plan at the Mayor's request.    $                            ‐   2,832,000.00$         $                            ‐   425,000.00$            $                            ‐     TBD  $              90,267.00 1,800.00$               24% 100% 100% 102% 100% 200%  $        150,000  Department: Library                                        Staff: Steve Baumgartner                               $150K Study Only                                             No Public Score                                                  High Staff Score                                                 TBD                                           Begin saving for a Library Master Plan that will help direct investment,  expansion and the provision of services.  This savings was set aside by  the Library Board before the Library became a City Dept.  The project  will need to be ranked in future years for funding.   150,000.00$           100% Merger of three City Hall facility projects into a single FY 24  expenditure‐ City Hall safety improvements, Clerks Office  Reconfiguration & Glass in Rec Center   $         425,000.00  227% 100%  $        500,000  Department: LRP&P & Public Works            Staff:  Nichoel Baird Spencer & Eric  Ziegenfuss                                   $477K  Requested                                             Impact Fee Eligible up to $23.5K             Med‐Low Public Score                                      Med‐High Staff Score                                        Engineering Design FY23                                 Construction FY24                            Construct a greenbelt access, parking area, and native area on the  southside of the north channel of the Boise River, west of Eagle Road  and the terminus of the Eagle Road Ped/Bike Bridge. Project is 90%  designed and ITD has agreed to issue the permit and construct the  improvements within the center turn area of SH‐55.  Project is a good  augmentation to the ped bike bridge completed in FY 23. project is  categorized as a park thus benefiting the City's LOS.   Project is  impact fee eligible up to $577K.The park impact fee fund was  diminished in 2022 and will need time to recover and will not be able  to support this project. 250,000.00$          100% 33%  $         250,000.00  $                            ‐     $         500,000.00  100% FY 23                Carry Forward  100% 500,000.00$          100%  $                         ‐     $              50,000.00  Dedicated funding source can not be utilized  for other projects  550,000.00$          69% 12%  $                            ‐    600,000.00$           Funded in FY24 for $600K, $16K for final  engineering and design and $580K for  construction in FY 25. Project has had  challednges with ACHD and will still need ROW  aquostion before constructing. ACHD to go to  bid August of 2024,all engineering and  aquiston will need to be completed by then to  construct in FY 25.  $250K per year for construciton of phase 1 of  park; could increase GF controibution in FY 27  & 28 without harm toother top projects.  This  is the only project that has expenditures  identified through FY 28, as the hightest  scoring project the adjustements in FY 27 &  FY27 were significant.    Fully Funded in FY 24 Budget  Estimated at ~$2M, will need an increase of  $400K in both FY 25 & 26 to complete. Staff  recomends reallocating the unprogrammed  funds in capital (up to $1M annually) to this  project as the priority as the timeline is set by  ACHD. $465K in current year budget.  This project  may need addtioanl funds but there year of  construction FY 24 or FY 25 have limited  additonal allocations.  Staff placed money in  shortfalls from Linder Road.  Dedicated funding source can not be utilized  for other projects  Fully Funded in FY 24 Budget  Construction of a parking area on the Mace  Park site  at the s. terminus of the Eagle Road  Ped/Bike Bridge.  Project is in final engineering  and design and will be ready for bid in April.  $  $500K in FY 24 budget.  4/2/24 Construciton  estimate: $406K Council requested no expenditure but to build  the fund for future needs 90,267.00$            15% 15%13 2 $50K in current year budget.  Will require  additional $75K for programming. This project  was not in the FY 24 Capital Plan, but due to  priortization by the CC in this process staff  allocated $100K in FY 27.  This propject does  not have a critical timing issue. 1 9 PW CP‐13City Hall Facility  Projects  $        425,000  Department: Clerk/Treasure  & Public  Works                                                             Staff:  Tracy Osborn, Kellie Rekow, & Eric   Ziegenfuss                            $425K                                                                  Med‐High Staff Score                                       Construction FY24 4 Regional Sports  Park ‐ Phase 1  $     2,026,000  Department:  LRP&P                                        Staff:  Nichoel Baird Spencer                           $1.013M Requested $1.013 Match from Eagle URA                        ACHD Cost Share  Med‐High Public Score                                     High Staff Score  Construction FY24 & FY25 3 4 5 6 9 No Rank  Draft  Planned Capital                    Allocations  from GF  *Capital Plan utilize a $2M annual set‐side for projects , but was not maximized  each year to give the city the ability to adjust or add projects.  Staff capped the set‐ aside at $1m for this adjustment.  High Priority Capital Plan Adjustments FY 24‐FY28 Funded Capital Projects ‐ Reprioritized High Priority (April 3, 2024) 12 POL CP‐1Police Substation 615,000$         Department: Police                                          Staff:  Chief Wilkie Ruby                               $615,000 Requested  $350,000 from Impact Fees  Partnership with Eagle Fire                              Med‐High Public Score                                     Construction TBD As identified in the Police Impact Fee Capital Plan, begin the process  of identifying and constructing a police substation.  The project is  funded solely through impact fees. City needs to determine feasibility  of the station  prior to FY 27 and allocate collected funds or fund  alternative projects allowed in the Police Impact Fee CIP. If the  Council adds officers in FY 24 the carry forward of $90K can be used  for equipment purchases for new officers ($900/officer).     $         615,000.00  11 12 1 T&P CP‐1State & Eagle  Intersection  $              90,267.00 LIB CP‐1Library Facilities  Master Plan 10 FY 24‐28           Total Requested  22 P&R CP‐11Mace Park 5 P&R CP‐8Foothills Shooting  Sport Park  $     4,500,000  Department: LRP&P & Public Works            Staff:  Nichoel Baird Spencer & Eric  Ziegenfuss                                   $70,000 Preliminary Design                             Construction:$4.5M                                         Outside Foundation Match: $1.2 M               No Public Score                                                  Med‐Low Staff Score   Construction FY24‐FY28                                  Council is aware of challenges on this project.   There is $359K remaiing on the Contract with  TRS for Phase 1 & 2.  City has carried forward  $300K andallocated an additonal $500K in FY  24.  $250K from GF and $250K from Reserves.   Staff removed the GF TRansfer of $250K and  kept the Reserve transfer and carry forward to  cover the remaining contract amount.   14 Complete a design‐build of  a +/‐ 85‐acres shooting sports park  (archery, pistol, rifle & shotgun).  City in under contract for the design  and phased construction of the Phase 1&2 of the park (archery).  The  City has committed $500K to date (11%) for design and the archery  range in FY23. It is anticipated to carry forward $300K from FY 23.    The timeline for construction if full funding is achieved is 9 months.   Due to the limited timeline for construction this project is a good ‐ quicker, faster, smarter project that helps bolster the City's Parks LOS  while larger projects are developed.  This project is to have an annual  set aside of $500K,  Council has directed a funding committee be  established to pursue match dollars from public/private entities.   Once partners/funds are found the project can move toward  construction.  Project is impact fee eligible up to $20M. The park  impact fee fund was diminished in 2022 and will need time to recover  before it will be able to support this project. City has committed  $500,000 to date on studies and design. Contingent on outside  partnerships.   $         800,000.00  $            300,000.00  'COMMON J $ 2,000 DROP 1 $ 500 PASSINGS TAKE RATE TOTAL COMMON TOTAL DROPS TOTAL PROJECT COMMON DROP TAKE RATE TERM INTEREST 13,139 35% 35 $ 26,278,000 $ 2,299,325 $ 28,577,325 'PAYING SUBS AVG COST PER SUB I $ 'AMOUNT $ 6,214.291 TERM (MOS) . 3601 INTEREST 5.00% ANNUALLY: ($404.25)1 4598.651 6,214.29 I 30 YEARS 50 ($33.69) PER MONTH PER SUB Closing Amount Passed Connected Take Rate Assessment AVG per Pass Passing Interest Payment LID1 $795,002.60 369 269 72.90% $2,955.40 $2,154.48 $1,254.48 3.00% $16.40 LID2 $671,887.54 388 206 53.09% $3,261.59 $1,731.67 $831.67 4.20% $20.11 LID3 $955,365.55 505 283 56.04% $3,375.85 $1,891.81 $991.81 2.88% $23.12 LID4 $1,289,781.78 634 373 58.83% $3,457.86 $2,034.36 $1,134.36 2.77% $18.78 'TOTAL I 18961 1131! > 2,000 Connected today >$480,000 Annually CAPITAL RECOVERY $33.69 $33.69 $33.69 $33.69 Total FSLs 13,139 1 Gigabit Internet $15.00 Take Rate 35% 600 Megabit Internet $12.00 Total Subs 4,599 300 Megabit Internet $6.00 10 Megabit Free $0.00 Bond Payment $154,916.33 $1,858,996.00 Annually Technical Operations $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Tech OPS $22,993.25 $275,919.00 Annually Physical Operations $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Plant OPS $68,979.75 $827,757.00 Annually TOTAL MONTHLY $68.69 $65.69 $59.69 $53.69 Other Considerations: Commercial subs, new development, and contracted access (outside of standard utility access) TO EAGLE $53.69