Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 03/12/2024 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 12,2024 INVOCATION 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER,MAY,RUSSELL,KVAMME .A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pike leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: NONE 5. PRESENTATION: A. Introduction of the New Eagle Conservation Advisory Committee Board Members: Mayor Pike would like to formally introduce Mike Pellant and Tim Johnson to the Eagle City Council. Mr. Pellant and Mr. Johnson are newly appointed members of the Eagle Conservation Advisory Committee. (BKP) Mayor Pike introduces Mike Pellant and Tim Johnson, recent appointments to the Conservation Advisory Committee Board Members. B. John Palumbo with the Southwest Idaho Mountain Biking Association (SWIMBA) will provide a presentation regarding the proposal for Idaho's first fully adaptive mountain bike trail to be located in Eagle(Avimor). Mayor Pike introduces John Palumbo. Mr.Palumbo reviews Project Inclusive. SWIMBA is seeking to create,protect and sustain a world- class multi-use trail network that embodies inclusivity. The Avimor development is developing both a housing community as well as a trial system intended for the entire Treasure Valley Community and allows the use of e-bikes on all trails.Reviews the full adaptive mountain bike trail they are in the process of developing. SWIMBA is not seeking funding from the City, only to inform them of this exciting project. The council applauds the efforts of SWIMBA, it will be a huge asset to the community. Brad Pfannmuller with Avimor states there are 640 acres of land that that Avimor would like the City to take the easement on. Avimor asks that they be able to work with staff to work with them to grant the city a perpetual easement so that it was safeguarded with the wildlife mitigation plan as well. In addition, they would like to pursue the donation of the parking lot discussed, as Albertson's foundation and SWIMBA do not have the ability to own property.Avimor asks to work with staff to work on the donation of the parking lot,with the understanding that the Avimor HOA takes care of the facilities including landscaping and restrooms. They would prefer that it be maintained consistent with Avimor standards,therefore they would like the HOA to be responsible for maintenance. The council concurs that it would be appropriate for Avimor to work with staff and bring forward the necessary easements and/or agreements for consideration. 6. REPORTS: Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-12-24min.docx A. Mayor and Council: Gindlesperger reports on the Eagle Arts Advisory Committee's call to artist for the Arbor Day celebration. May reports that ACID is holding a work session with the City of Star,ACHD and ITD tomorrow regarding the intersection near Palmer. May urges people to sign up for updates on the Downtown Mobility Project. She also went out to local businesses with the City's Economic Development Specialist to touch base with them. May attended the ACCEM meeting and provides an update on the same. Russell has been working with Eagle's Public Information Officer to get information on the home page of the Eagle's App. Russell is hoping to schedule Valley Regional Transit in April for an update on ridership. Kvamme reports on the Eagle Sewer District meeting.Mayor Pike gives an update on activities since taking office. He has met with various City Departments, attended several ACHD meetings,as well as meetings with Treasure Valley Partnership, ACCEM, Eagle Rodeo, Friends of Eagle Library and a variety of other individuals and entities. B. Department Supervisor:No report. C. Eagle Police Department:Chief Ruby gives an update on data an analytics workshop that was held last week. Their goal is to have the custom reports completed by April. He will be following up with them to ensure it is on target.Chief Ruby introduces Sgt.Keith James and Bailey Skillings Victim Services Unit Supervisor providing a brief work history of both and what their duties entail. Eagle Police Department has conducted lock down drills at each of the Eagle schools. He also reports on recent policing incidents in Eagle. D. City Attorney: Reports on the lawsuit between the City of Eagle and Home Depot. Oral argument was held yesterday on the City of Eagle and SOS Eagle, Avimor annexation lawsuit. Judges usually act within 30 days. 7. CONSENT AGENDA:ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS. Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion.There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of February 13,2024.(TEO) C. Minutes of February 21,2024.(TEO) D. World Wish Month Proclamation:A Proclamation for the City of Eagle declaring April 2024 as World Wish Month in the City of Eagle,Idaho.(BKP) E. Military Caregiver Proclamation: A Proclamation of the City of Eagle in Support of Eagle's Military Caregivers, in collaboration with Idaho's Daughters of the American Revolution and Hidden Heroes, declaring May 2024 as the Month of the Military Caregiver. (BKP) F. Pyrotechnic Public Display Contract Between the City of Eagle and Fireworks & Stage FX American, LLC dba Fireworks America: A Pyrotechnic Public Display Contract between the City of Eagle and Fireworks & Stage FX America, LLC dba Fireworks America to provide fireworks for Eagle Fun Days. Compensation shall not exceed$20,000.00.(JDH) G. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Denial of RZ-04-17 MOD3—Development Agreement Modification for Bronco Acres Subdivision — Mustang Crossing Eagle, LLC: Mustang Crossing Eagle, LLC, represented by Stephanie Hopkins with KM Engineering, LLP, is requesting a modification to the rezone development agreement associated with Bronco Acres Subdivision.The request is to modify Condition of Development#3.12,removing the requirement to construct a six-foot(6')high pre-cast concrete fence located adjacent to the northern boundary of the property. The 9.84-acre site is located at the northeast corner of North Park Lane and State Highway 44. (MJW) Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-12-24min.docz H. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of PU-03-23—Valnova Planning Unit Master Plan (PUMP) No. 4 — GWC Capital, LLC: GWC Capital, LLC, represented by Langvardt Design Group, is requesting approval of Planning Unit Master Plan(PUMP)No. 4 for the Valnova Planned Development(formerly known as Spring Valley).Planning Unit Master Plan No. 4 consists of 26.32-acres of land within the Southwestern Planning Area and includes one(1) 9.92-acre Estate Residential parcel and one (1) 14.28-acre Regional Open Space (ROS) lot, pursuant to Eagle City Code Title 11A and in accordance with the amended and restated development agreement associated with the Valnova Development, designating the land for the future development of the City of Eagle regional sports park. The 26.32-acre site is generally located 2,800-feet northeast of State Highway 16 at Equest Lane. (DLM) I. FPUD-07-23 & FP-12-23 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Kingswood Subdivision No. 1 — LGPD Utah, LLC: LGPD Utah, LLC, represented by Katie Miller with Bailey Engineering, Inc., is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Kingswood Subdivision,an 86-lot(74-buildable, 12-common)residential subdivision. The 38.41- acre site is located on the west side of North Linder Road approximately 1,430-feet north of the intersection of North Linder Road and West Floating Feather Road. (KDO) J. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for the Approval of FPUD-10-23/FP-18-23 — Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Beaconwood Subdivision No. 2 — Endurance Holdings,LLC: Endurance Holdings,LLC,represented by Matt Price, P.E. with JUB Engineers, Inc., is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Beaconwood Subdivision No.2,a 38-lot(34-buildable,4-common),residential subdivision.The 15.89-acre site is located on the southeast corner of West Beacon Light Road and North Lanewood Road. (HSD) K. Appointment to the Urban Renewal Agency: In accordance with Resolution 20-03, Mayor Pike is requesting Council Confirmation of the appointment of Janet Buschert to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency.Ms.Buschert will be serving a vacated term that will expire August 2026.(BKP) L. Appointment to the Urban Renewal Agency: In accordance with Resolution 20-03, Mayor Pike is requesting Council Confirmation of the appointment of Jason Barnes to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency.Mr.Barnes will be serving a vacated term that will expire October 2024. (BKP) M.Cost Share Agreement for Maintenance of Service Ditch: A Cost Share Agreement for Maintenance of Service Ditch between the City of Eagle, Valynn Village Homeowners' Association, Inc., and Bill Cowen in an amount of$2,500. The delivery of water to each party originates from a canal owned and operated by New Dry Creek Ditch Company which is diverted onto a service ditch that is approximately 1,732 feet long extending from New Dry Creek Ditch Company's canal to a distribution box. (ELZ) N. Third Amendment to Fleet Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Commercial Tire: Third Amendment to Fleet Service Agreement between the City of Eagle and Commercial Tire to provide fleet services.Exhibit A-3 of the agreement provides service cost. (ELZ) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Russell removes items K and L.Kvamme removes item E and F. Pike removes D. Russell moves to approve consent agenda items A-N, excluding D, E, F,K and L. Seconded by Gindlesperger.GINDLESPERGER AYE;MAY AYE;RUSSELL AYE;KVAMME AYE. MOTION CARRIES. D. World Wish Month Proclamation: A Proclamation for the City of Eagle declaring April 2024 as World Wish Month in the City of Eagle,Idaho. (BKP) Mayor Pike reads the proclamation and presents the proclamation to representatives from the Make A Wish Idaho representatives that were in attendance. Russell moves to approve consent agenda 7D World Wish Month Proclamation.Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. MOTION CARRIES. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-12-24min.docx E. Military Caregiver Proclamation: A Proclamation of the City of Eagle in Support of Eagle's Military Caregivers, in collaboration with Idaho's Daughters of the American Revolution and Hidden Heroes, declaring May 2024 as the Month of the Military Caregiver. (BKP) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Council Member Kvamme reads the proclamation declaring May as Month of the Military Caregivers and presents the proclamation to representatives of the Eagle Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in attendance. Gindlesperger moves to approve consent agenda item E Military Caregiver Proclamation. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.MOTION CARRIES. F. Pyrotechnic Public Display Contract Between the City of Eagle and Fireworks & Stage FX American, LLC dba Fireworks America: A Pyrotechnic Public Display Contract between the City of Eagle and Fireworks & Stage FX America, LLC dba Fireworks America to provide fireworks for Eagle Fun Days. Compensation shall not exceed$20,000.00. (JDH) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Kvamme inquires as to the location for the fireworks display,as Eagle Island State Park where the fireworks had been in years past is currently under construction. Public Works Director Ziegenfuss states that the City has been working with Eagle High School to use that site for the fireworks display this year. Russell moves to approve consent agenda item 7F. Seconded by Kvamme. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. MOTION CARRIES. Consent Agenda items 7K and L. Russell states she would like the two items moved under new business. Russell moves for consent agenda items 7K and L to be heard under 10C under New Business. Seconded by Kvamme. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE;RUSSELL AYE;KVAMME AYE. MOTION CARRIES. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Ada County Highway District's 2024-2028 Integrated Five-Year Work Plan (IFYWP) Request: Review of the Ada County Highway District's Draft IFYWP priorities and discussion of additional comments to the ACHD Commission prior to ACHD's adoption. (NBS) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects,Nichoel Baird Spencer reviews the public outreach and comment process, as well as the City's process for making recommendations regarding the integrated five year work plan. General discussion. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-12-24min.docx Gindlesperger directs staff for those changes as directed by tonight and submit a letter to ACHD no later than end of business on March 15, 2024. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. MOTION CARRIES. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS. Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law.The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council. This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter.Public hearing testimony time limits: Individuals testifying are allotted three (3)minutes for non-repetitive testimony Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest. A. CU-13-23 — Conditional Use Permit for a Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-3-5 (A)(1) —Constance Larsen-Witte: Constance Larsen-Witte is requesting conditional use permit approval for a waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-3-5(A)(1) to permit the construction of a pergola located within the street side yard area.The 1.8-acre site is located on the southwest corner of West Autumn Crest Drive and North Locksley Way at 2939 West Autumn Crest Drive. (KDO) Mayor Pike introduces the item and opens the public hearing. Constance Larson-Witte reviews the conditional use permit application for a waiver of Eagle City code. Planner,Kaylee Oneida reviews the staff report and items for special consideration. Mayor Pike opens public testimony. No one chooses to speak. Mayor Pike closes the public testimony and public hearing. Gindlesperger moves to approve action item 9A CU-13-23 — Conditional Use Permit for a Waiver of Eagle City Code Section 8-3-5 (A)(1)with site specific and standard conditions of approval. Seconded by May.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. RZ-04-07 MOD/PP-01-22 —Development Agreement Modification and Preliminary Plat for Flats Sixteen Subdivision—Jordan Tampien: Jordan Tampien, represented by Clifton Trimble with Storhaug Engineering, is requesting a development agreement modification (development agreement in lieu of a PUD) and preliminary plat approvals for Flats Sixteen Subdivision, a 109-lot(94-buildable [59 single-family, 35 single-family attached], 1-commercial, 14-common) mixed use subdivision. The 31.16-acre site is located on the west side of State Highway 16 approximately 1,290-feet north of the intersection of West Beacon Light Road and State Highway 16 at 3701,3703, and 3705 North Highway 16. (MJW) Mayor Pike introduces the item and opens the public hearing. Elizabeth Koeckeritz, with Givens Pursley, 601, representing Jordan Tampien. Ms. Koeckeritz reviews the history of the site, and the applicants request for a development agreement modification. Deputy Planning and Zoning Administrator, Mike Williams reviews the staff report and items for special consideration. Discussion for clarification between Council and Planning Staff. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-12-24min.docx Mayor Pike opens public testimony. No one chooses to speak. Mayor closes the public testimony. Elizabeth Koeckeritz states that there is no public access to the golf course. Discussion regarding ITD traffic studies, site access,open space and other changes to the development agreement. Mayor closes the public hearing. Discussion amongst the Council. Russell moves to approve action item 9B RZ-04-07 MOD/PP-01-22 — Development Agreement Modification and Preliminary Plat for Flats Sixteen Subdivision. Seconded by May. Discussion. Russell modifies the motion to add the word detached to development agreement condition 3.10 and require the applicant provide the elevation exhibits displayed tonight as exhibit E. Second concurs. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Mayor calls a brief recess. C. RZ-11-23 & PP/FP-02-23 — Rezone and Combined Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for Oakwood Meadows Subdivision — Shane Mace — Buffalo Hump, LLC: Shane Mace — Buffalo Hump, LLC, represented by Sanel Tucakovic, is requesting a rezone from R-E (Residential-Estates) to R-2-DA (Residential with a development agreement), and combined preliminary plat and final plat approvals for Oakwood Meadows Subdivision,a 5-lot(4-buildable, 1-common)residential subdivision.The 2.8-acre site is located on the north side West Oakhampton Drive approximately 200-feet east of the intersection of West Oakhampton Drive and South Mallard Wing Way at 1920 West Oakhampton Drive. (HSD) Mayor Pike introduces the item and opens the public hearing. Derrik Kerner design engineer for the project, 9175 W. Black Eagle Boise, Idaho representing Oakwood Meadow Subdivision reviews the application. Discussion for clarification regarding pressurized irrigation, fencing types, lot sizes, and existing trees. Planner,Hailey Durham reviews the staff report and items for special consideration. Mayor Pike opens the public testimony. Dave Yorgason, 2300 W. Oakhampton Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Yorgason is the President of the Creighton Heights subdivision. Mr. Yorgason notes that the applicant has chosen to create their own pressurized irrigation plan, but should they change their minds Creighton Heights is willing to speak with them. It will be a nice improvement. Mayor closes the public testimony. Derrik Kerner,at this time the applicant is proceeding with their own pressurized irrigation system. The placement of the open space at the rear of the lots was an intentional option for them. Mayor closes the public hearing. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-12-24min.docx Gindlesperger moves to approve item 9C RZ-11-23 & PP/FP-02-23—Rezone and Combined Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for Oakwood Meadows Subdivision. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM Request for Reconsideration for RZ-08-23—Rezone from A-R to R- E-DA—Robert West: Robert West is requesting City Council reconsideration of the decision to deny the following:A rezone from A-R(Agricultural-Residential)to R-E-DA(Residential-Estates with a development agreement). The 4.95-acre site is located on the east side of North Beverly Drive approximately 860-feet south of the intersection of West Floating Feather Road and North Beverly Drive at 950 North Beverly Drive.(MJW) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Deputy Planning and Zoning Administrator,Mike Williams reviews application history and makes himself available for questions. Discussion amongst Council. Russell states that she has reviewed the information provided and found nothing that would incline her to move forward with the reconsideration.Kvamme states that his concern is with changing the character of the neighborhood. Gindlesperger moves to deny item 10A Request for Reconsideration for RZ-08-23—Rezone from A-R to R-E-DA—Robert West. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE;MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM First Reading of Ordinance 916-Idaho Power Franchise Agreement: An Ordinance In Accordance With Idaho Code 50-328,50-329 And 50-329a Granting A Franchise To Idaho Power Company, A Corporation, And To Its Successors And Assigns, To Construct, Maintain And Operate In And Upon The Present And Future Streets, Highways And Other Public Places Within The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Electric Utility Property And Facilities For Supplying Electricity And Electric Service To The City, The Inhabitants Thereof, And Others For A Term Of 25 Years,Including The Nonexclusive Right To Physically Locate And Maintain Telephone, Cable, Fiber Optics Or Other Communications Facilities; Setting Forth An Agreement Not To Compete, Reserving Power Of Eminent Domain; Providing For The Payment Of Franchise Fees; And Specifying Other Limitations, Terms And Conditions Governing The Exercise Of Said Franchise. (TEO) Mayor Pike introduces the item. City Clerk,Tracy Osborn,states that staff is requesting that this item be continued to the March 26, 2024,meeting. Russell moves to continue new business item 10B to the March 26,2024,meeting. Seconded by May.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. C. *ACTION ITEM: Discussion to consider an amendment to Ordinance 833 to reduce the number of Eagle Urban Renewal Board of Commissioners.(HMR) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Council President Russell states that she has reviewed the history of the Urban Renewal Agency along with the number of Commissioners. Ordinance 833 was adopted in 2020 to reduce the number of elected officials to create a separation of power from the Mayor and Council and the Urban Renewal Agency. The total number of Commissioners has fluctuated and felt that this might Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-12-24min.docx be a good time to address what the total appropriate number of members should be. There is also the matter of Commissioner terms that may need to be clarified. Gindlesperger concurs that seven board members is more appropriate than the nine. Additionally, the term of each Board member should be clarified as well. May states that the Urban Renewal Agency is different than other sitting committees as they are not elected, and yet control a large amount of tax dollar expenditures.The only oversite the City has is associated with the appointment process. She feels that seven is a more constrained number. Discusses concerns with the activities of the Sub-committees within the Agency there seems to be a bit of a disconnect. Kvamme does not see a need to reduce the number of members, nine seems to be working well. Having a broad base for opinions and knowledge is valuable when making decisions. It does also help with a quorum when unexpected absenteeism occurs. There are several existing subcommittees, the reduction in Commissioner numbers would put the committee decisions in fewer people's hands and it would be difficult to establish a quorum for committee meetings. There has been quite a bit of turnover on the agency, so establishing a core for depth for the Agency is needed. Discussion. Mayor Pike reads a letter dated March 12,2024,from Terri Ledoux(attached). She writes on behalf of herself,not the Urban Renewal Agency Board which she Chairs. Ms. Ledoux asks the Council to delay action so that the Agency may meet and discuss the number of board members.Discussion regarding the intent of Ordinance 833 to create a separation of power. General discussion. May further discusses her concern with subcommittee members meeting in groups of three. Kvamme states that the recent matter regarding the subcommittee was an isolated incident. There have been several improvements made to the process recently and does not see the reason to reduce the number of members. Gindlesperger reads a letter from Mark Butler(attached) stating that the July 2020 amendment to the Urban Renewal Agency was not aimed at eliminating quorum issues or providing diversification, but to limit the number of Council members on the board. Gindlesperger moves to approve 10C to reduce the total number of Board Members for the URA to seven in the Ordinance of 833 and keeping the terms to two and three years. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME NAY. THREE AYE: ONE NAY(KVAMME).MOTION CARRIES. K. Appointment to the Urban Renewal Agency: In accordance with Resolution 20-03, Mayor Pike is requesting Council Confirmation of the appointment of Janet Buschert to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency.Ms.Buschert will be serving a vacated term that will expire August 2026.(BKP) L. Appointment to the Urban Renewal Agency: In accordance with Resolution 20-03, Mayor Pike is requesting Council Confirmation of the appointment of Jason Barnes to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency.Mr.Barnes will be serving a vacated term that will expire October 2024. (BKP) Mayor Pike introduces the item. City Attorney Villegas provides Council with options on how to address the appointment items. With the direction just provided via the previous motion, the appointments could become a moot point. However, as the ordinance is still coming, Council could choose to table the appointments until such time the ordinance is brought forth for action. Gindlesperger moves to table consent agenda items K and L. Seconded Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME NAY. THREE AYE. ONE NAY(KVAMME).MOTION CARRIES. Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-12-24min.docx Mayor Pike provides information on how vacancies are filled, including accepting applications, interviewing applicants with an established interview panel in this case the Mayor,Council member Kvamme and Ashley Squires with the Urban Renewal Agency. After interviews, the interview panel decided as a group what applicants would be brought forward for consideration of confirmation by the Council. Each aspect of the process was held in accordance with City policy. It was the recommendation of the committee to bring forth these two candidates. Regarding the appointment process that was followed in accordance with City policy.The process was conducted in a fair and equitable manner. 11. PUBLIC COMMENT: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter,up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items.Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters (excluding Public Hearing and land use items) during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. Mayor Pike introduces the item. Mike Hope, 737 W. Headwaters Drive, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Hope thanks the Council for the opportunity to speak. He has been attending meetings since the beginning of the year. Mr. Hope compliments Council on their thoughtful decision, and mentions the recent Starbucks proposed location denial and the denial of the vacation of the playground lot. The programs at the Senior Center are greatly improved and an asset. Lori Gail,2914 South Windward Way,Eagle,Idaho. Ms.Gail was appalled by the public resorting to repeated derogatory name calling of the elected officials during the Avimor hearings and other public meetings. There is no place for that. Legitimate questions or inquiries in a respectful manner are always appropriate and fair. Hilda Garcia, 5396 West Seguaro, Eagle, Idaho. She appreciates the discussion tonight though it may be difficult. Ms.Garcia commends the Council women on the difficult discussion tonight,she felt that the Mayor came across frustrated and full of rage and she felt sorry for the Council women. A healthy discussion is important without fear. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206 (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session.There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds(2/3)vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: No executive session is needed. A. ACTION ITEM: Action Regarding Pending/Threatened Litigation. 13. ADJOURNMENT: Gindlesperger moves to adjourn. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-12-24min.docx Res ctfully submitted. GLE �Q.,,...... p,TE 'TRACY E. B RN, CMC : 1 osL p CITY CLERK • ti • F . c1 • � 0 VTo O APPROVED: �+'•••• ::,•' ; ST4P� .�`• BRAD PIKE, MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 10 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-12-24min.docx EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 12, 2024 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9C SUBJECT:RZ-11-23 & PP/FP-02-23 — Rezone and Combined Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for Oakwood Meadows Subdivision — Shane Mace —Buffalo Hump, LLC: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL 00,\AQ y6,6i 2 3-0O 'v�l. a1 k-h o p ve_% n.e n CJf5�� �e H MwIUKI BAY PR ., , 013/ fft-rt\cr— (lo6 W 810,k adte, Pro �e D,2✓ y'n) FctlFF q,7S 4/ etA-4'c ,mac 1*--(1(pc Vc u vk c itirL& (1,9 &t U C.? More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 12, 2024 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 9C SUBJECT:RZ-11-23 & PP/FP-02-23 — Rezone and Combined Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for Oakwood Meadows Subdivision — Shane Mace — Buffalo Hump, LLC: TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back Eagle City Hall 660 E. Civic Ln./P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, ID 83616 (208) 939-6813 (ext.201) fax (208) 939-6827 To: Mayor Pike & City Council From: Tracy E. Osborn, CMC —City Clerk CC: City Attorney Date: March 12, 2024 Re: Agenda item l OB Staff is requesting Council continue this item 10B:ACTIONITEM.: First Reading of Ordinance 916 - Idaho Power Franchise Agreement to the March 26, 2024 meeting. New information was received from Idaho Power, yesterday and additional time is needed for staff and the legal counsel to review prior to the introduction of the item to the Council for consideration. Teri Ledoux Chairperson, Eagle Urban Renewal Agency March 10, 2024 Mayor Pike Council Member Russell Council Member Gindlesperger Council Member Kvamme Council Member May RE: March 12, 2024 Agenda Items 7K, 7L, and 10C Dear Mayor and Council Members: I was appointed to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency Commission last year and very recently appointed Chairperson. I have really enjoyed the experience and appreciate the opportunity to serve the City I now reside in. Three years ago, I moved from southern California to the beautiful city of Eagle after retiring from a 25-year career in local government. I have not had the pleasure of meeting all of you, but I look forward to that opportunity. The purpose of this letter is to address the above listed agenda matters which are set to be heard on March 12th. Because these matters arose before they could be discussed by the EURA Board at a noticed meeting, I want to make it clear that am writing on behalf of myself, not on behalf of the EURA Board of Commissioners. In addition to the requests to appoint two new members to the EURA Board, you will also be considering an amendment to Ordinance 833 to reduce the number of EURA Board of Commissioners. I completely respect your authority to make any amendments you believe are in the best interest of Eagle, but I respectfully request that after considering the matter you hold off on any action until the EURA Board can meet to discuss the matter and provide input to you on the needs of the Board with regard to the number of members. It is my understanding that the number of members has fluctuated over the past several years, but the most recent amendment occurred in July of 2020 when the Board was increased to 9 to allow for committees of the Board, to alleviate quorum issues due to vacancies and absences, and more importantly to provide diversification of experience/skills/opinions on the Board. I appreciate your consideration of this request to hold off on your decision making on items 7K, 7L, and 10C until input from the EURA Board of Commissioners can be provided after our March 19th Meeting. S ^cerely Ten Ledoux EURA Chairperson CG 3//1k!ay Tracy Osborn From: Melissa Gindlesperger Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 10:09 AM To: Tracy Osborn Subject: Fwd: Upcoming EURA appointments Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Mark Butler<markleebutler@gmail.com> Date: March 12, 2024 at 8:11:57 AM MDT To: Brad Pike <bpike@cityofeagle.org>, Helen Russell<hrussell@cityofeagle.org>, Melissa Gindlesperger<mgindlesperger@cityofeagle.org>, Mary May<Mmay@cityofeagle.org>, Craig Kvamme <ckvamme@eagleurbanrenewal.org> Subject: Re: Upcoming EURA appointments The July 2020 amendment was not amended to increase to up to nine to allow for committees of the board, to alleviate quorum issues due to vacancies and absences, or to provide diversification of experience skills and opinions on the board. It was to limit the number of Council Members on the board. I just listened to the meetings for 833 to verify that as a recent letter to the city regarding this matter incorrectly described why the ordinance was amended. On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 4:28 PM Mark Butler<markleebutler@gmail.com>wrote: THANK YOU SOMEONE!!! The agenda tomorrow shows someone is proposing to reduce the EURA board from nine people to seven. That is right in line with the gist of my previous letter. Nice to see someone wanting to reduce government instead of expand it for a change. I am all in favor of seven people on the EURA board. Not nine. Actually five would be preferable. We had five people for years and did not have a problem getting a quorum. Just like the council. Sent from my iPhone 1 On Feb 21, 2024, at 9:38 AM, Mark Butter<markleebutler(o>gmail.com> wrote: Mayor and Council members - Please see attached. Mayor - Sorry but I could not hear what you said while I was speaking with agency members about 7 minutes into the EURA meeting yesterday. All I could make out was "thank you". I listened to that section of the meeting a couple times and asked three people who were at the meeting what you said and I could not figure it out. They all heard different things such as "You don't love me", to "You weren't there" to "You doubt me". I do not know what you were thanking me for. Anyway, I hope to get hearing aids next month. Mark Mark L. Butter Author of Freedom Now Order here: https://amzn.to/2A91 Mqv BRAVEHEART--- THE GREATEST OF ALL RISK THEIR LIVES FOR FREEDOM!!! <EURA appointments.pdf> Mark L. Butler Author of Freedom Now 2 Order here: https://amzn.to/2A91 Mqv BRAVEHEART--- THE GREATEST OF ALL RISK THEIR LIVES FOR FREEDOM!!! 3 Mark 1. Butler P.O. Box 314--- Eagle, Idaho 83616--- Phone 208-939-7444---email: markleebutler@gmail.com February 21, 2024 To: Mayor Pike and Eagle City Council Members 660 E. Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 RE: Upcoming Eagle Urban Renewal Agency (EURA) appointments Dear Mayor Pike and Eagle City Council Members, The focus of my time on the agency has been to limit wasteful and legally questionable spending. Below are three examples of items I have not been able to curtail. ✓ On March 7, 2023, the EURA voted 7 to 2 in favor of an Owner Participation Agreement for a big developer which included, in part, agreeing to a reimbursement of$750,000 toward building facade improvements. This was not a façade improvement project for an existing building as the Idaho State Statutes contemplates. This was for the new huge three-story building now under construction at the southeast corner of State Street and Eagle Road. The only agency members who voted against this were member Agrusa and me. The vote in favor by the seven other members was in spite of the EURA attorney, Todd Lakey, advising that the reimbursement is"Edgy" (this is his word recorded as a part of the public record) as it relates to the powers granted to Urban Renewal agencies under Idaho State Statutes. ✓ The EURA spent$97,000 for consultants with Kimley Horn to develop a downtown parking study in the middle of the Covid pandemic. ✓ The EURA spends thousands of dollars to lobby the state legislature when legislators propose bills that would rain in EURA wasteful actions and to lobby for legislation that would boost its own powers for expanding districts and spending money. In summary, we should all find it disturbing that Urban Renewal Agencies take money from other taxing districts but are not directly accountable to the voters. That is why I am so intent on eliminating spending unless it goes as directly as possible to "non-government"renewal projects. In the past our agency has nickeled and dimed needed and legal financial assistance for mom-and-pop rehabilitation projects but has promoted virtually unbridled spending for major developers, consultants and its own government projects. As the council members look toward confirming appointments for the two vacant seats, I hope they will focus on"true fiscal conservatives" versus"grow government"and "big developer sympathizing" individuals. Sincerely, • , .,, • i k:. / 1 L. Mark L. Butler Page 1of1 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL March 12, 2024 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. TESTIFY PRO/CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL //il‹.6- /10/E '237 /LA litBle-iriN/Z 4/Y 7-751- sl� c,c U "\ik Ue- '"C ' �./c ()VES- More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL March 12, 2024 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. More on back ' SWIMBA ■, ,-.. ,, , Southwest Idaho Mountain Biking Association Project Inclusive The first purpose-built adaptive trail in the Treasure Valley Trail Construction Anticipated Spring 2024 Outline o Background / Objective o Scope o Value to Community o Fundraising Approach o Funding o Partners o Project Timeline SWIMBA / ii:' Ail s. i 4 V. I006 * 8 . yam. 6 i "-7kiEiz (�1 t i t, ALUMS -e- 'tE VOt ,,rn„..4. .3„, „:„.,: .,..4:,,. ..: cES Ot-r' tt? 0�--.tfJJS'PE `(Ct 1l_ , ..4.2I -NEA'D -1-t T' TELL '(Ou -- 140a rh C,t J'-r; 'R -r L(Ou auS-r-t-tA,VE TO CAD .1 ` eCTZ-t-r No MArrEiz-- T:" ,, (.ucookS ONAI & -- Immo /. '.., ., (ti. Quote&Photo Source:https://www.challengedathletes.org/athletes/lucas-onan/ 4% t K4a t 4- _. ,.7 a„ CI>C's Nnhnnnl C:anrer nn P rth(fe{er:fz ord I)avolopmezr,nl!).nhi,r,as Ilk IMPACTS IDAHO Background / Objective E.eryone con ployo,ol pp ng p g , d olr to help people wrh.o kl d.abt --b- II d rh CCC and rs por!ners as we,.ark together to mprove me heath of people Hnh d sab I es. An estimated 11%*of adults in Idaho have a mobility disability. 1,.,croroi dimbLy rrco< Disability Types Mt e M.h*ty S.nuus dhfcdlr wNng a The longest adaptive trail in the Boise area is 3.8 miles long(Hard Guy Trail) c mbmq.rmr. m cear,ul..:s,no�ddli<af> r wM m;nq.,.nisnd g n,mol;y and does not allow e-bikes. 42N236 whets Ia I . :a •d,ffi_Iry Idaho haws rt 000.. molam,weh n:.irinrgn Daebtlitydnp:[) fnoa ddf;wlry The SWIMBA mission is to create,protect,and sustain a world-class tl w9� o.w a elty.a:b. multi-use trail network that embodies inclusivityand enhances the outdoor ■ .w"gqe, Self pditcWKdma.q or bath, experience for all in our breathtaking region. Actors..,-rh dsobiries;n Idabo erperence hoot*h dspon ties end are more likely ro... The Avimor development located in Eagle is developing both a housing e e ,p.eu;on bx community as well as a trail system system intended for the entire Treasure Valley Community and allows the use of e-bikes on all trails. a ha.r, zax .rt nx Objective: H.a D nho•ez 1 ■wnh G ab l ry Establish an ACCESS FOR ALL Trail system in Avimor that 0,0Ne,,.O_ MUM includes built-for-purpose adaptive trails. 0 3 20 50 dJ 50 nil dhd•.cd<.qor for more dwbllity and hoalrh dafo acroca rha Un�rod Sfara.. Serve as a destination for all trail users Serve as a launching point for adaptive community (I)DASABILIIY HEALTHCAM COSTS wmrwo' c Provide adaptive equipment on-site to enable access for anyone •About 633NILI ON par yea,,or up toll%of if*sto,e., 33% o Create an inclusive venue for community events h.ald,aar<.p.edn■ • Events/Races •Aba�6N,Od9parpersonwld,adaobedy ■ Potential Idaho Special Olympics venue am ha.coc aaa.rar,pr>,.amo,.a lo.,;fh diwbihrioo ar • NICA training venue raf p+.n w.....cdc go./ncbddd/di•ab,liryandh.o!rb/popmmo.h!ml. _4 CDC *Source:Disability&Health U,S.State Profile Data:Idaho I CDC SWIMBA AMTB Project Scope Trail Project 400 SWIMBA as Project Owner Phase 1-Five miles of adaptive trails accessible by all located in Avimor(5 additional miles in phase 2) Purpose built adaptive trails from design to construction adhering to aMTB trail standards Ability to expand trail system via subsequent phases o Destination based amenities Capable of hosting events • Wounded Warrior Events • Special Olympics o Parking lot for ease of access Amphitheatre/Events Barn o Full service restrooms o "Barn"for adaptive bike/vehicle storage Scenic overlooks at various points along the trail Kevin A Pavlis Memorial&Park(1971-2009) Member of the bicycle community o Adaptive athlete coach �'` " Trail System at Avimor SWIM BA Accessible Trail Proposal _Phase 1 Existing Trails usable by AMTB �.� Existing Trails Avimor planned trail to be usable by AMTB tie 4r a 4-o _ « 914 Jill Cr-IC j 8+ S d w (43 91 5 91 6 7"el fi ..2.9 zl'''1-4:1°11 ri:I I I I I 11 t:77,__,_,__...„.„,,," I/57;:111711.'P': --4 IF1 3 94 I:2•--:-9' 1 9 .9''.-1'':'°' '-''''''.9:1<1'' PAVLIS PAR91K A.VIMOR CONCEPTUAL PLAN(2.6 AC) 8 9 1 7'- '-:'9'' 'j°°91 INCLUSIVE TRAIL PARKING AND TRAILHEAD "" ""_........__._._.,......., EAGLE.IDAHO Value to Community _ . ; _ ` o First of its kind purpose built adaptive trails providing access for ALL o Ability to host events, competitions, etc. o Fosters improved Community Health and Behavioral Health o Enables progression from entry level to illh. ����' competitive athlete o Athlete and family access to scenic Idaho trails o Access for all regardless of socioeconomic status -: o Provides access to equipment that stays on-site .,,'"feat n, through a partnership with Idaho for All •---: - ' o Continues to place emphasis on Treasure Valley - '�. '7 � and its' premiere trail system while providiO. ng �" I �� Y P 9 ' ,i ,, '. ' ,,,---,'---'.. ' ; -1,,Iii access to all t �► is N «. - Fundraising Approach Multi-prong approach to fundraising o Corporate/Foundation Sponsors o Grants • . . o Grass-roots funding campaign 61 1,4 4'4- -aii(! o Sponsors and funding for specific components ■ Scenic overlooks, Restrooms, Memorial, etc. o In-Kind Donations Funding Total Project Estimate $640,000 Phase 1: Committed In-Kind Donations -Avimor- $2,500,000+ o Trail Construction $250,000 o Land o Infrastructure - electricity, water, sewer, paving, Subsequent$Phas0 o Restroom $125,0000 curbing, parking lot, parking blocks, sidewalks, o Barn for adaptive bike storage $125,000 Pavlis Park construction o Scenic Overlooks $40,000 * Up to four o Restroom / facility maintenance,landscaping covered shade areas with benches o Trail Maintenance (on-going) $50,000 o Kevin A Pavlis Memorial $10,000 o Infrastructure (general signage, concrete pads, cattle guards, etc.) $40,000 Status - Cash Donations o Committed - $10,000 towards rest area and $20,000 in grants for the project o $250,000 Trail Construction (rant Fiinriari SWIMBA Partners and Proposed Partners SWIMBA o Project Owner Avimor o Destination/infrastructure provider as a donation in-kind Corporate Partners (Pending campaign execution) o Commitment - Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation Inc. o Commitment - United Heritage Financial Group o Anonomous Corporate Donor Community Partners (Additional partners TBD) o Challenged Athlete Foundation - Partner, Guidance, consultation, fundraising catalyst a Chair the Hope Foundation - Partner, Guidance, consultation, fundraising catalyst o Idaho for All Foundation - Partner, Guidance, consultation, fundraising catalyst Local Community o Individuals o Local Bike Shops o Bicycle Clubs SWIMBA Project Timeline Completed o Avimor partnership and commitment defined o Phase 1 Trail build estimates defined and subsequent phases estimates defined a Trail GIS mapping defined o As building continues in Avimor, trails have been marked o First scenic overlook sponsor committed WwTea-Z�Z3 Sn2.11J0-240 t,A-T Sc wc1-Z4 la-MAInnnicTZ Zit ANIP ZLZS Complete-Avimor Secured funding for Execute Construction Subsequent phases In-Kind Donations Phase 1 for phase 1 -Trail build-out based on Build-out secured funding Execute Fundraising Begin Fundraising for Campaign for Phase 1 - subsequent Phases Continued Fundraising Trail Build for subsequent phases as necessary t •(6u!uua1d japdoD s{uauaaaa6a mots zsoJ - joDo7)speload 4uewaldwi o4 uolysa} pa4aulpaooa a u! )aoM of 0 Elle`' D lgnd ay} puo 'se ua6a aau.pod e' }}als 'slap!}}o pa}Dala srnoll`d •saaa,( an!} 4Xau alp Jan() ans,ind II!M (GHJV) P!a4s!Q •saaaX XOMl]6!H XTunoJ =- 4a6pnq aan4n}ao}s4ao}}a sQHJy ID OUT l(PILIM snDo}sioaA 6uluiawaa eia sa!4popd puo 1 spaload 'sa!6ajaa4s aye t/ool s4as •06pn8 sAHJV TPA u1ila uald ay} }o saaai( 0Mj 4sal} ayl zdMA31 3H1 SI 1VHM dd211 }o ao4Daa14 dJlb d21JW aaDuads pala8 laoyP!N 0.tll� 3H1, VLOL 'L L PaoW .-� .•_f._.� IPunoD AID 016a3 "Ammoi°161111111 if SNOIlVON ] WWO ) 321 Ali ) Wd119Odd TOM NV3A-3AI3 01ld21931N 16Z0Z-SlOZ tzoz/6Z/E Z 17 6ul,loaH D!Ignd GHDV and{o{ual 'bZOZ aagwaldes aaoi sluawwoJ uo dot's)1aoM uO!SS!WWOD aHJV Tag Jagwa{das 1lao3 1}aaa uolssiwwoj aHJy uo s{uawwoJ X{iJ °bZOZ 'b L {sn1ny {uawwoJ/asnoH uad0 aHDV °bZOZ 's L 4Inf asaalad uald ;}ma GHDV IbZOZ 'L L 'Inf uoisslwwoj aHJV sdoysiaoM;sanbad se!Dua6y °bZOZ 'c L 40W uo!4opuawuaoDab jo nnainaa Ipuno0 A;!) :KOL 'L L gpa°W salalaopd paload }o uol{opuawwoDed 'g sisanbad DIlgnd GHJV '17ZN 'S L 4aon3gaJ GHDV WOa}{sanba>j Io!4!UI :C OZ 1egwaDaa a H)V W0213 1S3 f1O3I 1df1 N NV UOl SS!W W O3 Aagod slaa45 alaJdwO.)purr apog ubrsao slag, algonl7•doyy QH J y ay{dq paww.la{ap aio laaaQ aJSoyy agl 6utpnput uold uoliwbalul asn purl,uOuouodsuo.rl'uotd uoutsuwl apArg uorgsapad'uoid aalsoyy ar,rg sluawnaoo 8wuueld leuouepunos s,010V suolspap 6uipui}purr sai{uo!Jd !ow}'Apoq 15WpuaWWOJaJ o Arlo si d4i0 ayl :NON spafold luawaweyua pue aweualuleµl la8pnp lenuuy luawanoadwl ueld A+oM i: ueld sluawanoldwl }O -an}3 paler8awl 4 leedep 611!WLI_•is3 -"4- luawanlonul uogo,onv aarnosay puo luawabouoyy Jassy d,(ilk,( ueld M2ale,1S ,lowl� lapoyy puewap uoueuodsueq,pue suoppalwd,!gder8owaa MUM W fallllMW WO]veld UopVLddSuerl teuodau uas7n asn pu07 AO gs9gols3 suet,'alysuayaadW0)Nunn)pue ND lZOZ/6Z/E £ 9 s4sanba,palwd a,6uis o oww pednomb op Amu spoloAd:a4oN (MO,oI( aas) 4sil ay4 ul pa}o.iodaoDul uaaq anoy ut)ld paTdopo aHjv ay} ul ;ou Inq pal}l4uapl Xlsno!na.id spalo.d •paau _MUMS AO OWOS ay4 X}lwapl Toys suold puo sdiysaau}.iod 4.1.thapi •(sa!I!!!Do j a>llq/pad 'loops o; sa4noa a}os 'uol4Dna4suoD '1(pn4s aopuaoD) 4)aload ay4 6ul4sanba1 s! 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Ad,County layers niS- ( c. 6>RDE,C,y i tent: i RUT:Rural Urban Transition s-_:. (County) i f i '• i ➢ Goal 3,3,c,XwlicIe residents of the City of Eagle and th• ea of City Impact with opportmities i seek housing in a neighborhood of their choice. R2:Medium Density Residential i (Star) i r 1 RUT:Rural Urban Transition (County) �I,i haug 3 (MU)"to provide for a variety and mixture of uses such as limited office,limited _ commercial,and residential.This district is intended to ensure compatibility of new z,,,;,,t development with existing and future development.It is also intended to ensure ata A(AgrkukuraD assemblage of properties in a unified plan with coordinated and harmonious development which shall promote outstanding design without wil A-R(Agricultural-Residential) unsightly and unsafe strip commercial development." BP(Business Park) it au -1(Ne'(Neighborhood Business) rfillinnommee �C-2(GanaralBusness) i. r 111111111 �C-3(Highway Business) MIN in Et C B D(Central Business) w L-O(Limited Ogee) i �_ � �-- — � m M-1(Light Industrial) �MU(Mired Use) • ew PS(Pub&/SemQrrbic) R-E(Residential-Estates) R-1(Residential) ' R-2(Residential) �� �� 1- 41• R-4(Residential) ��,�� . R-5(ResidentiaD II Ijr IIIii a R-12(Residential) tas R-15(Residential) 4 2 3/19/2024 ,,,, ,- - q, SITE:31.16 TOTAL ACRL-5 �� VS. 2013 DEV AGREEMENT �'�r � �€,� a PROPOSAL I PROGRAM^fi'{ ,' ''� I 26.16 ACRES RESIDENTIAL , Up to 24 ACRES RESIDENTIAL -41 ' 1 ,, 5 ACRES COMMERCIAL 7 ACRES COMMERCIAL rj s .'i� s r .� 94 RESIDENTIAL LOTS 120 RESIDENTIAL LOTS *59 DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY '34 DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY 1, a DWELLING UNITS DWELLING UNITS '35 ATTACHED SINGLE FAMILY '86 ATTACHED SINGLE FAMILY *1' , t,- DWELLING UNITS(TOWNHOMES) DWELLING UNITS I',400 as8fm H 6 RES MAX DENSITY:3.6 DU/ACRE RES MAX DENSITY:5 DU/ACRE `j - °ME%-; (OVER 24 ACRES) ,�,� - � ,� (OVER 26 ACRES) 4f f P w , "v' ' ,.,244 ., 5 ACRES COMMERCIAL--- 7 ACRES COMMERCIAL w 1 �` -1 • "' BANQUET/EVENT SPACE , q (FLATS AT 16/FIRST MIRACLE) 1 1' % r t u 11 } " 411`} :,,,;t 9 OPEN SPACE OPEN SPACE: t` '" "- , - 44, ‘ ,, 8.1 ACRES(31%OF RESIDENTIAL) 0 2.8 acres,if 14 acres residential a 4.8 acres if 24 acres residential ' � r T > � (20%of total) - - p .' ',,, STORHAUG ENGINEERING Flats Sixteen,LLC Flats Sixteen-Conceptual Site Plan hEug 5 TRANSPORTATION N \i r SITE LOCATION'� �,� .E$ t \1t�l S „ - II 4., L11 :.. .�.F- MI IEAN '* ® -�j. BEACON LIGHT ROAD - ,,,�,."4120 cab u J•Lo e*. STORHAUG ENGINEERING Flats Sixteen.LLC Flats Sixteen—Trip Generation 6 3 3/19/2024 /, , ; ,. 1 ; ... t ."" .. xis. i EMMETT>0 ' *,r .. • ..1.1....*. '. ....:/)/' , ' ::/:\X. a -- r li DESII i 111 IL i a t foi ....,., 7 FLATS SIXTEEN FUTURE T° CONNECTION To POLLARD LN I 411 -�: -.A<TION CT THE SOUTHWEST Vn OY THE NORTHEAST /a I II /// AND THE NORTHWEST 1/F OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/n, ',ECTON i'..TOHIGHIP 5 NORTH,RANGE'WE'iT.EM. 3 / CITY OF EAGLE.ADA COUNTY,IOAHO_ .�''` GRAPHIC SCALE NT1X£ m•-�-r—>� -I IN FM1 T�s __ +v I I —wa + H. ti I e o o n. it MOWS' y AI a `. c j 1 ff. \\' \\''''..\ \ . vc .\ O \ . , . • st. , .., ,E;R Or` N% ,< z. �1� RATS .r'anSIXTEEN 4. 8 4 3/19/2024 January 26, 2024, we received ITD Staff Requirements for the approach permit, for Final Plat. The applicant accepts these as conditions of approval to be completed prior to Final Plat recording. Highlights of Conditions/improvements • Widening and restriping the existing northbound center turn lane on SH-16 to meet ITD standards. Shoulders maintained at 6' • Striping 300ft north and 300ft south of the project. • Right-of-Way equal to the Right-of-Way used to widen and restripe the existing northbound center turn lane, to maintain shoulder widths, and relocate drainage shall be dedicated to ITD. • Construction of a gated emergency access • Redesign of commercial access(relocated+100'west) • Remove all existing trees south of the existing access Construction plans to be submitted at Final Plat detailing the above improvements SI'OltHdl G ENGINEERING Flats Sixteen.LLC 'haug 9 t 1 i —,",— —.. 'Jtel Noyes p=,('r of Lugle Trails i !PROCESS... PROJECT CONCEPT EVOLUTION... and Pat hway.s Superintendent,stated t J" "' - — — in the 10,2-1,2022 PPRC Staff Report t , I t', 441that the Mats Sixteen development i t twill play an important role in regional '},_ alternate trans/i ration andei>mmnnit7' v t Recreation". (Unanimously approved by (Remanded back by PPRC) � PPRC). 8/2022 - 10/2022 , ---\\0),,, ,\\ ----\ s. .e- t ' ' 1 ;r 14 1• '' , . . STORHAUG ENGINEERING Flats Sixteen,LLC Flats Sixteen-Coneeptu tl Site Planrhaug' 10 5 3/19/2024 " Back to the program : " .. 4,._. e a � i `` y i' 4 is,.. r *.1." 4-Mt+3` -' - Y t° 1 r 11, * 4 t �,A >� 111'-4i4- 14-kr ;: 1 4 .r"'j See r :__o #k, 7r '' STORM,, I_1t:1,EERING Flats Sixteen.LLC Commercial Area/Event Space hug 11 EvcAt.Genr'2 ✓ >,r, 3 t `J..' °a is ._ 44 t i' 4 i J f y 1.t.n,_ r 1 .,... '.9 `�� AI a STORHAUG ENGINEERING Flats Sixteen,LLC Flats Sixteen-Conceptual Site Plan .•..,., ,w.. h\g 11 6 3/19/2024 k, '7 1 — fir :......''''''''''''Sns.,..• Ns ,GIONAI. fYe` ` ,..,,t HNC't6 c.. Q!t !; G 5� f*^ .Y ham ', II Mit t 1 g - 4 "a i. 0 i , U 11 fa..t p* ;iA ,, y � D4 E '7.4e,f:y 4}Y�e.: b Landscape Buffer/Regional Trail O1i11 tt`'`Nt'lNf I Flats Sixteen.LLC a 13 FLATS SIXTEEN PATHWAYS AND TRAILS PLAN 1 / :_:-042024 1 I /; xI LEGEND PATH TYPE to Concrete e'Concrete 5'Concrete Sidewalk / C \' -�- Clry of Eagle Proposed Pathway / - ' _. Open Space FI '. I f� \\ EAG, i I1 ly4.�4 \ ,,----- !I — S i STORHAUCENGINEERING ,..---- Flats Sixteen.LLC Pathways and Trails Planstorhug 14 7 3/19/2024 ,.. -. GO LE COI7RSE - y•.. ® y t . " �- °k _�wa .II! Sm.J:- -, la_ la r -0141 4 GOLF COARSE/SUBDIVISION s'Loaearc FntasEFxisc Flats Sixteen,LLC Fitts Sixteen-Conceptual Site Plan r 3ug 15 I a , r, _p + I i X - _ �1' � �/" ,` -t t .,•'..^ r GOLF COIIRSki/SUHDIVISR)N '-',_,., • • ,'' ,, .., ,,,,.,,,,,.....„,........,',.4 **:' -:AttH/4*-..:'''': STORHAUG ENGINEERING Flats Sixteen,LLC Flats Sixteen-Conceptual Site Plan a raug 16 8 3/19/2024 War, ,.,.. - ...V...t. - '..- '-- ._ -' k ' :.-, . -,,,, , 0. PF•-•...:-.., --- .', sr .110 . ____ . .. -. ., ...,;,„ --, • :,, . ...., , -. .. .... . .. ...,,,,4,.. .k.1, .. . .--- - * 7"- .•-• Y-• - --- " -:---- . 40'---- '' ' I ir il 'il ' ei la 6 - .' OttilitF7C.1 il a, '1 11' ......r- lir -- - As .-... ,,,r.,,..• - —...." 1.-- ' ----- .. _ .......... .... : . . , •. - '41 F All public services are available to the site including: -- --' ' • Star water and sewer stubbed at the south end of the site -- '-,„-- • Irrigation provided by the Farmers Union Irrigation •i- ,,, • School Districts-Star Elementary,Star Middle School,Eagle - High * • Star Fire Protection # i „. i---- - ----- ---4 Police Dept.-City of Eagle,, Ada County Sheriffs Office .,- *With a net gain to municipal services Flats Sixteen.LLC Flats Sixteen .... 17 .., FLATS SIXTEEN;SUPPORTING CITY GOALS FOR DEVELOPMENT to, 1. ''.-,-'l','„pk--:--**l1l,.y.tti••e•':'''': ':'''''-''.,: Lt.' ;--:':-"1tl.•-:?I.:, s 1- ',kit), - l *, 1: - . „ , 77 1% , A _ o .4..••• '•• il. 1 3 N , .• "' l' ' '" t;;.-."..-------a..., Goal 3.3.C. nr,, ,k, Goal 5.6.h... ; .A. • : t' r.iddnk of Ind I_S ot 1:410 :::T'Z'IZI,1:,V;g;::It::;:,hisLg .... 0 and the Al.''l Cob F Impact a till speetitun of housing choices. ..... .^itt, Goal 6.4.D Proem:the ' .: ''' ,.., , .. ..their choice ,11 HOUSING STOCK EXAMPLES , -A* ;;;`,"."! 1-.''.'.." ,4.."!' - ,-7. \ „. . , , ‘;.%:',',:::::V;`,.`iiIL,;:i'l,t. ' . .0.: ..„ trtsf,ratayam_k..--, %.''.. Mai A r ,,,t ,...., . r-4,, -, .., ,-, ..„...- ..„. . .,, , ,.: Goal 3.3.0 Pnoide t 1-mit ,,, — ... i•i 1.- # ii '• lesidents ooldie coO of Eagle Goal 3.3.B. Promote and maintatn — I._,_ 4iit. , , ....... ,,., and the Area of Cat Impact --,....a high(11.1,11iIN of life and IntlolOr in ip * * ilip',--, VI TX., he commundy regardless Of g 10,Ell 'Sp.., ,go.I,2 , rti'' 1 '=-, ' ^ • '''' '' o T--- i : ..,-.4 - : .4. . 1„ .. .. .vt-„„ , 0 plan idr. .-r ' - -- t '411:.-i . 11443 Objective 3.4.A. 1 for I anticipated populations and households that the community can support oath adequate services . '.`,_-- s.;-7.......-liftaki'ar 4., -t *.*':, .,0 ,:, 4, %• --.1r * , ,,,,. ,, 0,,::1. a I i ill '',o,4 ill ',• v-.1 4 .,, ti, ''. .,,..'—':' '..4-!.''''''L.' - 'les.' i'''-...- - 4 . fe - , 4 li 4 ,, 4 ig°' ‘,•2444,4. it, . -1.L....-- ' , ' -11- T- * 1,- ) 1 A. 7 4:-., 44'--..4"..4.t.itC„pc.""...„ COMMERCIAL AREA STORHAUG El IGII TEEM IG ..."'''" • Flats Sixteen.LLC Flats Sixteen sl:Drhaug ss-- 18 9 3/19/2024 We respectfully request approval for the project, and are in agreement with staff's conditions. Thank you for your time and consideration. STO kII,\l'(I:\GI o Flats Sixteen.LLC Flats Sixteen rau_ 19 - ` _`" ....Questions; discussio . - �x. '`'. <<<, Nwv tee .--� r )/ t .0.% 41111j°7.- ''<-* 181...9' - . '''. .÷ 0..---,--4.-_, (....._ -.,,,-., - ../ 40,,, , . _ �, n +•a. .� GOLF COIJ k'I � ' .)` " f G0 LF LOURS!(SU[iIIVISION .z MOHAVE ENGINEERING Flats Sixteen.LLC Flats Sixteen-Conceptual Site Plan "h3ug 20 10 3/19/2024 FLATS SIXTEEN PRELIMINARY PLAT �Y ,- «- s„ .WMNXI Of HE 50 1HM£sT iµ or THE NORTHEAST 1/..wo THE NORTHWEST iµ ro THE sannea'T'74 :A..--- ......•.Ti" • '"9 0A0 it's"•" , i'10...3�Ta".sssa' ' n'r- _ _ ® yeti .ci "°w°:�,� i-rz{gis-,-avaosx::. �i�® _ z..T .aa. _..._.. _ Y'Ki.'. I.-ji�.`-4,-., - -. --En _ ..$ '9Earr--n:�sY En a .. x wxvvn,. , , __,_i , mini 6.14,...v...„..„ :2:;::-- ,-....%-= :=- ,r, ,...:C.',A:•••.:1- (I' p\\ �^ \ �� "'...� I"=it up1wF-' ! auk'-e t...rssvas: m0 = �` ..:s.... fix:..,.. - lit'-',:qrk ,a._ .q i A __ g`m. .L h`rr -ems tee_ -✓r0 IF� i , �storhaug .__-.._ ... Drhug 21 li �r (I 1\ ^---- `�.. i '\�' ' e �� �\� e.:rw�amm¢..nex axa to\ \1:\,.. . ( . , .. . .. `__` —.. �_tee { \�0 Flats Sixteen—Irrigation Line Re-alignment nUg 22 11 3/19/2024 >»a�,.. : i <•--EXSTING HWY16 � - PROPOSED FRONTAGE ROAD �_. 4 , '� 1.Widening and restriping the *= existingnorthbound center turn lane;maintain shoulders @ 6' CON? -t 2.Striping 300ft north and 300ft south of the project. j3 3.Right-of-Way equal to the Right- �'sa of-Way used to widen and i ' � restripe the existing northbound ' k '' F 1 ■ center turn lane,to maintain • �} j_ .; uL shoulder widths,and relocate sNt ' "' drainage shall be dedicated to _� ITD. I + #e '�ti '. 4.Construction of a gated I ;: = ' , emergency access i ' �+:.�'! 5.Redesign of commercial access . = (relocated+100'west) 77..7. 4 ,„, c j , 6.Remove all existing trees south 3 `" '1 (;,'., '�.,1 of the existing access . art 1`t1-r-r '.41,1 i r , .tr , , 't t * i..as i* tips, �/��p.yt 'haug 23 s- A 1.Widening and restriping the \ 4. existing northbound center turn ca.. , .A - lane;maintain shoulders @ 6' 41 % �,� �, 2.Striping 300ft north and 300ft ? ! 1 ' �+ south of the project. ( mot. �,. 2 3.Right-of-Way equal to the Right- •r _ of-Way used to widen and * restripe the existing northbound 7 .ir center turn lane,to maintain shoulder widths,and relocate 7 \e. »: ,+ �_ drainage shall be dedicated to ' ITD. �' r t,44- ( 4.Construction of a gated emergency access ; 5.Redesign of commercial access \ 1 1r` (relocated+100'west) iCc' r l 6.Remove all existing trees south 4 , y , of the existing access fy", 1 /.f Y \ I "".v M ., ., 'haug. 24 12 3/19/2024 Figure 3B-2. Example Lett-Turn lane Markings Netts __... 1.s..S.cton 38.02 ontl Sec BCAB pl lM 4VTCD lot lopOt.aWibM Oritl tl.tk..a. l 2.For.:p.1 ,top rosso let,wn bn•..o.IHmwe tns etlwoge lo:r lMoupn Nt..cl4d wpoc,t1 on II U�•.Oq5~MmrWp'pMd oY 1.5.100 II ▪ rat wco,ito8•1 Vrt•lwn Wn...v..ln. lyo:.p.taco•4�aa; L.n•hen ...:as vaw -f�.n�kri` �- V%MI 5200 En 800 800 1000 h -W IIF:7IFb7E ll not• 'st. EZI111/01/1 �•T77E:t�tEFE ti •:>fEI7E 1iFf7Fb7 ele aas_vuoi_ t3•P 7 mums, Fi .F)FFnl l07aiFtFRAMPIIRNIF7 ,-- book lY ta.4Y^9 the � toPoo star octor. theab MIaW.o00... t j PTg , bfttr1 II L.:-:W 'G AIM 15 140 20 1.52 %/I Gf' S5-- i o 3.Ca...tn.pp*non a.IWoew Post.so ma 1 40 n•pn or w,. Y bbD d 0.0 Length•9W 1 ' Po"teo lama of 45 Goo mph w Ngn.r Lenpn•15W * • W Tw•wtq Ian..Wln yp_n f U...W o Ulon4nn01F,0 D.la IM aa Pe•.•a D.crc�lon Imp W 2�._____.. �Q E s: tIV .5 1 25 •,I ' ,�; L _tom I p . _ _ •e 26 13 3/19/2024 FLATS SIXTEEN FENCING PLAN -'� ., 07.13.2023 " "' A LEGEND OPEN FENCE TYPE MATERIAL '1 4'Transparent Meta l.Wrought Iron tube steel aluminum oth ,fir \ I , or er decorative,durable material T 6 Transparent Metal:wrought Iron tube steel aluminum ^.'T or other decor.ve durable materal / . \8\ B'Transparenter Metal wroughtIron tubesteel,alumnum / „ � Seni-Transparent or oMer tleDOral vO tlurable materal \ , W4 Open Transparent Fence Examples T. ) \II »41, _� f ..Ii t 1 1 1 ' i \( /0 4,..// - \ Open Semitransparent Fence Examples 1/4 j tNOFNCESNALL E%CEEDa NMEIGHT,� y ``\ 2. CHAIN L NM.CEDAR AND SIMILAR HIGH MAINTENANCE ANDADR UNSGMTLT FENCING �' I SHALL NpT BE PERMITTED WIT THE FLAi55%TEEN DEVELOPMENT ASECTMIN WITHIN " "" THE SUBDIVSION GCARS SHALL BE CREATED FOR THE REMAND0N OF FENCES TO THIS O �,i l4 \1 EFFECT.(ORD.500.546.2007 AND.ORD.820.12-10 mmt 27 _.. Required per c�C, (ode P.• SITE DATA TABLE +09 Lots 108(94 residential) n/a n/a rNlo a a�E'siDENTML Lon OA Lot density 3.6 DU/acre MU Zone:20 DU/acre Eagle City Code Section No.OF ATTAtlEED OWE cS SS 8-2-4 NO.OF RESIDENTIAL COMMON LOTS NO.Ci COMMERCIAL LOTS t6TAroIFn INFO ING s0AN^ARDS: Min Lot Size 6,066 sf 5,000 sf Eagle City Code Section MINNW LOT SIZE xow SF. TYPICAL LOT 892s 7,7w SF 8-2-4 TYPICAL FRONTAGE 55' Frontage 35' 35' Eagle City Code Section rnoMrr TYPICAL LOT SSETBAACK xIN o 8-2-4 FR.IT YAR0 GARAGE AT STREET 25' REAR TARO SETBAcx 20' Front Yard Setback 20' 20' Eagle City Code Section NTDTOR SIDE YARD sEBACN 05 STREET SOF YARD mitts. +0' 8-2-4 RITACMFD❑NOTING STANDARDS Front Yard to Garage 25' 25' Eagle City Code Section MN..LOT SIZE 1600 SF TRAM.LOT SIZES SDO SF. 8-2-4 TYPICAL FRONTAGE 25'A Rear Yard Setback 20' 20' Eagle City Code Section M.CFRONT TARO LOT SETBACK +2 5-2-4 FRONT TARO SETBACK IF ALLEY LOADED 10' REAR YARN SETBACK 15 Interior Side Yard 7.5' 7.5' Eagle City Code Section Rue YARD SETBACK r ALLEY LOADED 5'pp FOR Pun EASEArc0.0 MTERIO8-2-4 STREETR Si.yARD SOO YARD 5E BACKN 20' FTn cWMUN WALL) Street Side Yard Setback 7.5' 20'(7.5'with end cap) Eagle City Code Section zDMNG Mu,DEVELOPMENT AC:TE+ORT M00. 8-2-4 LNNPEMENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION mu aXISTNG sTR2CTVRESN5E5 LANor 00510finCK SoPPLY GAMUT/ n:a(hec Hou SinE EVENT CENTOT/WHERY SWTART SEWER STAR SEER AND MATER INSTINCT Min Lot Size 3,000 sf 1,600 at Eagle City Code Section *AYES PURVEYOR STAR SERER AND MITER CISMO FIRE BISTMiT STAR noc DEPARTMENT 8-2-4 ROUCE DEPARTMENT or,Cr EADI.E SCHOOL DISTINCT WEST ADA SCHOOL DISTRICT 42 Frontage 25' 20' Eagle City Code Section SOTpAL'ASSTE PEPLIPUC ROLES 8-2.4 CCNMERDAL son ACRES ACR Front Yard Setback 10' 20'(10'if alley) Eagle City Code Section RIGHTEOf AMAT OEDICATICNS 6O66 ACES 8.2.4 TOTAL COnoON SI•ACE a.22 ACRES TOTAL(3+R2M OF Esro SPACE) Rear Yard Setback 5' 15'(5'if alley) Eagle City Code Section An ab vO CCAM SPACE 004(5 COMMON LOTS 667 ACRES MI TIN OF rorAL 8-2d SPACE 0.590E C01.a0N COMUDIR SPACE) Interior Side Yard 0' 5'(0'ft for common Eagle City Code Section COMMON EOM D s1 ACRES(s non of TOTAL wall) 8-2-4 STREET PLANTER +25 ACRRES SPACE) Or TOTAL Street Side yard Setback 5' 20'(5'with end cap) Eagle City Code Section couvnl.s0ACEj 8-2-4 NE9WESTAL DENSITY TOO UNITS/ACRE NATURAL FEATVRES TREES,GRASSY PLAIN Open Space 8.2 acres(31%) 5.2 acres(20%) Eagle City Code Section EXISTING MOLDINGS PRCFMSED uSE ATTACHED a DETACHED RESIDENTIAL (6.6 acres active) (0.8 acres active) 8-2A-7(1) COMMERCIAL PARCEL NUURER S0373420250.SO33L28170 Landscape Buffer 75'wide 75'wide 8-2A-70)(4) ummou Exrsnno SLOPE 50n s1U171131(.1.\CIV 1.lint. Flats sixteen.I_I.c Flats Sixteen—Infrastructure Design 28 14 3/19/2024 «- FLATS SIXTEEN CLUSTER MAILBOX(CBU)PLAN R 4 i �,., i COu ExAMPLE, riff J1 . \ICI v \\ �._ Cau SECTION Ex nNCFD NM '9a �� /iA� i,�w aid _. . � III � � � Via, III IIII = 11 iir ds, I STORHAII(..F.NGIN'EERING - Flats Sixteen.LLC Flats Sixteen—Infrastructure Design ,-st-,-,,rhaug 29 FLATS SIXTEEN LIGHTING PLAN '4,, °14 I LEGEND LIGHTING TYPES MATERIAL SPECIFIACTIONS Ie APProx.25'Tall Street Light Metal.Steel.aWminum 5,000-10,000 Lumens or other durable matenal 50-100 Watts • APProv.8'Tall Pede lnan Ltghl Metal-.Steel,alununum, 1,000-5,010 Lumens at other dutable maittral 10-50 Wails '... 'Af*odor Coy a Etta./and sat donna TYPICAL STREET LIGHT EXAMPLES: :! TYPICAL PEDESTRIAN LIGHT EXAMPLES. ,-mot - t I I . ' . *# a. W t V 41OR11:A1'GEVGIMF: S(ERI . �� aau Flats Sixteen,LLC Flats Sixteen—Infrastructure Design P�l'hug 30 15 3/19/2024 \P-- PHASING PLAN !i %, i m /:".\\4:Iii. \-\\ N" i'lk lgggti . ..'3 ''''..\ ' Pgnnee a..,-,,,,i • \\1 T ` S�k``iA is 3i haug 31 HOUSING EXAMPLES, SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED _ === ., a _ I&! 41� : _ �� = f1UI1U.11l _�F ____ L:= = m _-im _ I--all ill..a 7.,g iin1111H1l l 2= [T[G111'[TIJi'ul . ill- _ ._ ....... ,-\ i j Z/N-N Itlii ` ;——LT— — LL LILLLUCIIIIQI� : ®11]® — ®®u.ui® E. E m — Ean1100:1001E n m� haug 32 16 3/19/2024 HOUSING EXAMPLES, SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 1A14 \ , N. Ilil Ti ,r_ L1II IIIIC®I I111 [1111111T1LI1 I]LII I] 411111116 L4Miih m -®I�®® I ' ._��� 111 r �lILiIDITm ' [11 s_ -__--, = 11I liii liii 11 =7 �— s ue haug. 33 HOUSING EXAMPLES, SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 1'1 II1 _ ./d16111111. —•■1 _ I Iiu i i fiat all IlEi /....N L__ niuurinur. zANN'N-r- IlL ant 111r—I e OEDO [UliiFilhllrllfrui LII7[lI]LUJ "' rill —® ®® ®miwi �..� q._..:. Lrhaug. 34 17 3/19/2024 HOUSING EXAMPLES, SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED 1 / II 41Mii - -- °- • 1I 1 •.:..... n: . t . ....., orr I % 3 3 f I .0 I 1 4. _ a n �� � ( � • 0 • ._. 1 \_� h iiul . b,haug 35 Site AMA(APP.x.)' M.O..Me,rtn,.aw.1:,SMNs.t(IS...A...1 WAM..00.11.0w1 ,.e) ft...rytM....) $etbecks(MU) 2013 APPROVED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT `°.o.......0..... PARKING ANALYSIS HIGHLIGHTS =»µr. APPROVEDFOR 120 LOTS MI., ' °""err "'"0 "0% " "1 1A1"00 '° .0" 1.0.1111..1 .0" MIN LOT SIZE: 5,000 sf MULTIPLE COMMERCIAL USES 1,c;mm wem, ZONING: Mixed Use Ir.c „,,.„_,emir., _,wor,.::, Orrti .r A.....a.1... ,_.,............,.e..,....,,.......,....,..., RESIDENTIAL DENSITY RESIDENTIAL USES: 11rv.1.Or.ae m><emow). .,i.rn.,n.mta.0 DENSITY OF 5 DU/ACRE .......gym.....,.... WU. e.,A.rarrol D.+k..,..a.. .0,....,....v.Warn, COMMON OPEN SPACE 2.82 ACRES OF OPEN SPACE to+.aww nr�..+o" VIVAa .,04.010.0...a .tn *. Mrn0.t+a 36 18 3/19/2024 0'4: x N.`. 1 4 ; z ., ,` O 1 I * -�.. j �,. 1'� * � as "'"aa, w,k _ a < ry 711Thi y y ry 1 +. �- r swill's!.G F.A(ISI I:RIFE Flats Sixteen.LLC Flats Sixteen 37 19 3/19/2024 L11re. FLATS SIXTEEN SUBDIVISION p MOD/PP-01-22 Eagle City Council Public Hearing March 12, 2024 .} ?rm .'.N. .. _ ...,. City Staff: Michael Williams,CFM,Deputy Planning&Zoning Administrator Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: Atil 1 Project Summary Jordan Tampien, represented by Clifton Trimble with Storhaug Engineering, is requesting: • A development agreement modification (development agreement in j' lieu of a PUD) and preliminary plat approvals for Flats Sixteen Subdivision, a 109-lot (94-buildable [59 single-family, 35 single-family attached], 1-commercial, 14-common) mixed use subdivision. • The 31.16-acre site is located on the west side of State Highway 16 ;: approximately 1,290-feet north of the intersection of West Beacon Light Road and State Highway 16 at 3701, 3703, and 3705 North Highway 16. :gin . 2 1 3/19/2024 • ,s Vicinity SU 13ZjE C I s: .• 'ROPFP,TY D- - r M a P 1.0333427r'1. HWY 16 APPROX 1 2 MILE . Betc Light Rd APPROX 1 2 MIL ' Concept . PlanRi1111.MITIAL Ar'41> • . ,41 ir4ti, • 1 r It* 2 it 114. 41,-?1,7111.4'4411—ti - * wikt."0,„ 11/1S1C..4 2 3/19/2024 PreliminaryPlat , v, FLAT! 5Ll'TEEN PRELIMINARY !'I,\'P ---- �=-> --- - - -I . i THE - TN nE'�^i THE .1HE—T THE H'E T E THE ,.� .. ,-Y,�... Cl2L. ire ;E!6" .. rm \ ?.?:E...''' .. .."..—B=--= 21:7' 11'' / ''''':31"........."---4/, 1, �' .�i , ..�‘ ' N .. III \ .---k_ vrr-- I r a 1 p*` -'- 5 Site Data Total Acreage of Site - 31.16-acres (26.08-acres residential) (5.08-acres commercial) Total Number of Lots- 109 Residential -94 Commercial-1 Industrial-0 Common-14 Total Number of Units-94 _ Single-family (detached)-59 Single-family (attached)-35 ,. Multi family 0 Total Acreage of Any Out-Parcels- 0 giM ab-lo,-; <7` .-cat-w r =�.. 4 6 3 3/19/2024 Site Data ADDITIONAL SITE DATA PROPOSED REQUIRED Dwelling Units Per Gross Acre 3.59-units per acre 3.59-units per acre maximum (as limited within the development agreement) Minimum Lot Size 3,000-square feet 5,000-square feet(minimum) Minimum Lot Width 25-feet 50-feet(minimum) Minimum Street or Alley Frontage 25-feet 20-feet(minimum) 35-feet(minimum) Total Acreage of Common Area 8.22-acres 5.23-acres(minimum) Percent of Site as Common Area 31.4% 20%(minimum) Percent of Common Area Open Space as 81.1%(6.67-acres) 15%(minimum)(1.05-acres) Active Open Space N._ Topics of Discussion • Modification to Concept Plan • Setbacks • Proposed uses • Architecture • Lot and Block numbering (private alleys) ( • ITD Right-of-Way • Access and Stub Streets 4 3/19/2024 , ! I ! Modification to Concept Plan i PARKING ANALYSIS ...r PC7F371W� j 1 .;f;, RfiSIDPNlyiL DENSITY �. {� `;. •\ s i -_ . , vs A ��'� COMMON OPEN SPACE m+,a C'�!� .. 'M Y . • r..?w orii. al , ..„ , . 4.7. -' '''. ' -.. '' fir.. 9 Setbacks e,, .._w 3.5 The required setbacks shall be as follows: ' Single-Family Detached Units Front 20 feet 31-feet(front yard garage at street) Rear 20-feet Interior Side 7.5-feet (first story), 5-feet(each additional story Street Side 20-feet Maximum Lot Coverage 50% `" ' "' °°E Single-Family Attached Units Front 20-feet (10-feet if alley load) Rear 15-feet (5-feet if alley load) I Interior Side 5-feet(0-feet for common wall) Street Side 20-feet Maximum Lot Coverage N/A (I . 10 5 3/19/2024 • Proposed uses 3.6 The following permitted and conditional uses shall be the only • Museum allowed uses within the Commercial Lot of the Property: • Nursery • Artist Studio • Office Business,professional,and medical • Arts and Crafts shows • Personal Improvement • Bar(with approval of a conditional use permit) • Personal Service • Beauty/barber Shop • Photographic Studio Bed and breakfast facility • Professional Activities • Convenience store with no fuel service • Restaurant(no drive thru)(hours limited to • Family&Group Childcare 7am to 10pm) • Food and Beverage Sales(hours limited to 7am to • Retail Sales(limited) 10pm) • Retail Sales(pharmacy and medical) • Gift Shop • Travel services • Health club,spa,weight reduction salons (including a racquet club) • Winery s`'�. • Hotel(up to 20 rooms) • Vet Clinic(excluding overnight boarding) '' `' • Live entertainment events(with approval of a t' conditional use permit) • Microbrewery sa � � . ,��.�� tom ., . ,- t3 i 1 • € a 3.10 The single-family detached dwellings shall be constructed in substantial conformance to the styles of architecture as shown on Exhibit E. �� No similar front elevation (utilizing the same architectural style or color) of any residential 3 dwelling shall be duplicated: __ o Within five(5) lots measured from each side lot line; o Directly across the street and within five (5) lots(measured from each side lot line); and o Directly behind any lot and within five(5) lots(measured from each side lot line). * To assure compliance with this condition, the applicant shall create an architectural control committee (ACC) as a component of the development's CC&Rs. Provisions regarding the creation and operating procedures of the ACC shall be included in the CC&Rs and shall be reviewed and approved by the City attorney prior to the approval of the first final plat. The submittal of the building permit application to the City for each structure within the a development shall be accompanied by an approval letter from the Architectural Control Committee. Building permit applications that do not have an approval letter attached will not be accepted. > To assure compliance with the conditions of approval herein,the City reserves the right to deny,at its discretion, any building permit application that does not substantially conform to the design requirements as shown on Exhibit E. If a building permit is denied,the applicant i shall have the right to appeal the decision to the Eagle City Council in accordance with Eagle g , City Code Section 8-7-4-1 17 6 3/19/2024 is Lot and Block numbering ( Private Alleys) 5.Provide a revised preliminary plat with Blocks 3 and 4 combined to become Block 3 with ne • sequential lot numbering, and Blocks 5 and 6 combined to become Block 4 with new sequential lot - numbering. Block 7 should be renumbered to be Block 5. The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a final plat application. tR 13 ITD Right-of-Way 17. The applicant shall provide a copy of professional survey of the site demonstrating that all non-access site design features (including residential fir. dwelling units) do not encroach on any ITD Right-of-Way (Ada County instrument number 433443) or any ITD easements (Ada County instrument number 137341 and 137351). The professional survey shall be provided prior to submittal of a design review application. If ITD determines that the non-access site design features encroach into the ITD Right-of-Way or ITD easements, the applicant shall provide a revised preliminary plat showing all non-access site design features located outside of the ITD Right-of-Way and ITD easements prior to submittal of a design review application. 14 7 3/19/2024 Access SH-16 and stub street locations 18. All access points; road and stub street locations shall be approved by ACHD and ITD prior to submittal of a final plat application. T Staff Recommendation If the rezone conditional use permit, preliminarydevelopment p plan and preliminary plat are approved, staff recommends the conditions of development on , site specific conditions of approval on of the Staff Report and standard conditions of approval on of the Staff Report. 8 3/19/2024 Planning Commission Recommendation: On February 5, 2024, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 to 0 to recommend of this application with the conditions of development, site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval. provided on page 23 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 17 End of Presentation 9 3/19/2024 Comprehensive Plan Map Designation & Zoning Map Designation COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION MU-DA(Mixed Use with a development Commercial Lot,One(1)Existing Existing Mixed Use agreement) Landscape Supply Company,and Undeveloped Land Proposed Mixed Use MU-DA(Mixed Use with a development Commercial Lot and Residential agreement) Subdivision North of site Large Lot with a Transition Overlay RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County Single Family Residence with Agricultural designation) Land South of site Estate Rural Residential(City of Star R2(Low Density Residential Zone—Ada Golf Course and ResidentialSubdivision. designation) County designation) (Trellis Subdivision) East of site Large Lot with a Transition Overlay RUT(Rural-Urban Transition—Ada County Single Family Residence with Agricultural (northern designation) Land portion) East of site MU-DA(Mixed Use with a development Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (southern Compact with a Transition Overlay agreement) portion) (Terra View Subdivision) West of site Estate Rural Residential(City of Star R2(Low Density Residential Zone—Ada Golf Course designation) County designation) 19 10 Site Location : 2939 W Autumn Crest Dr. • Corner lot:Autumn Crest Dr and N Locksley Way • Fully landscaped • Single-Family Dwelling built in 2022 • 1.80 Acres • 7367 square feet • Pool House—1320 square feet • Pool • Septic field • Culverts along streets 2939 W Autumn ►: �,r. , t a Crest Dr. � Proposed - � Accessory Unit wnn t QOOL u,e i emm apvt:rrai fog a t.-.�•e of C3gla tat <odo Solt.()fI 3 3 3IAi to fanlitatF .I a� wysfrvtfure w'itli.tt thEs[rPets. -0ts•:. l� l..to bettl .Y'.)VyAt l•�tltii:... HOA approved �' CUP Approval Waiver .w. • Since we are a corner lot, this triggers the need for CUP 4iitig; i$ e L • Pergola structure not connected to home • Setback information • -76' from N Locksley Way • -130' from back fence • "220' from Autumn Crest Ct HOA approved • All setbacks are within City requirements Proposed Structure: Exterior Pergola ....,, , - _ sits,--zstAmmek.' S2 -T,,,, A, 1 . ' rii m rcri. nip III! , L 2OG1. 'II Proposed Structure: Exterior Pergola i .1- T ;m-.):1- ' st dii L1iJU(HLL h •• _ __.__ — — FRONT VIEW s ���rrr"' Cgrbw.lamn _. _. - — f � 1p16M W16 ia.vr n•w� j• r..n y)11.11111.11111111r , ,--- t•4 • ` _.__...__... DIAGONAL VIEW as. i • 40'W x 20'D x 10'H Pergola • Provide shade and privacy for current pool area • Proposed: View from backyard • Current '� - - / r. ;- .., - -' , ..,..,..e,i, '17-'N. - t _ ........ ,,..„.. ,.. '4. 1 ,. . - . -1.,;;_, _ __„. 1,_ _ . ,,,,vi. ., ,, „ . 4 Vic'- .k a . 7 Proposed Structure: Exterior Pergola 5titi......,,,,,-Tv-„,::;,;', 1;To - _40 AIL `•-S ti ��. 7 r Iei.r k1 y g ' . .. i- Looking south at • Proposed intersection of Locksley �:�.. Way & Autumn Crest Dr. , - A • Current : -, t r a .;� �ti t ' nth wa , a ,.tip 11 „. . _ . , �� �� ,� w ; a ""��,�i'yf.y "3 "Y:jyM1 slit ,� �aP`•„`,y��,"A�� �x n �`Sit` : ..n. F Heading north on • Proposed Locksley Way w • Current . y'y w a .. m i i .ri ..- 1 1 4.i iii I r . 3 "- "' - Surrounding Homes and ADU's • 2108 N Locksley • 3000 W Autumn Crest % � - ' ' t - ' '?.. -Ailt • 2938 W Autumn Crest • 2977 W Autumn Crest •ae. Looking west on • Proposed Locksley Way a • Current '-° . � - .0. 10 s'o aM1j ,Y M„ 4 w. �` vt e 1 I %.fir —: t yy wW ffiv �.`k - _- t.7 ati" 'fit...witi-r - ;,,, . 3(.3_ I �.w.t - j a rA .1.+fit; j F .rh• t/r r ; � In summary: • We want to build a detached pergola m • Well-designed, works well with T��` ^� current home and landscaping • Within all City required set backs Proposed location is optimal for the site: • Avoids gas/power lines • Provide shade for current pool area -s � ;'of • Provide privacy for current home and pool area • Within all City required setbacks HOA approved ✓ 3/19/2024 Ct .�'r. lc,,,,,, 4q4W.. • iL , o/441 OAKWOOD MEADOWS SUBDIVISION GZE Ia 4' Eagle City Council Hearing March 12, 2024 RZ-11-23 & PP/FP-02-23 1 Project Summary: The applicant, Shane Mace — Buffalo Hump, LLC, represented by Sanel Tucakovic, is requesting: • Rezone from R-E (Residential Estates) to R-2-DA (Residential with a development agreement); and • Combined Preliminary/Final Plat approvals for Oakwood Meadows Subdivision. 2 2 1 3/19/2024 u '}S` wn.fw- .L ,y 1 •. Y q MI .. 3r4 • State Highway 44 ! Q .n; y • j . f .� r EAGLE CITY a . Vicinity Map: -¢ } ••' ,.' { `- " '_� ` �"� , ,may • - .____.. /` , f h � 4 , j_� �� ,,, 3"' , '.. g _ ;a t . T r I •.. . SITE '"• • I,, '' .• o t ti .i, ^ "'"•+.,,may f ��` ..;,,�,y l'-,1 •14•, •k• #i wi1i a ,.-,„,,• "----•-••• •_ _{i�t V. A$•✓► i 't +r� (C x .A 1 �.'.` , i #J 4 IT 'I. !clog o`a `�'B' 9 i'„'^ �''' '. Mt' t Ch' den Boulevard r !,- t i {SKi"3' • ,e.. loo ; I . " . . ; `, -�>' 4_ ' BANBURY Site Map: �� MEADOWS W WHIFF DRIVE SUB.NO 6 r• • R.2-P r• i '_ _ 3.3 units per acre , -• WOODS SUB. I ' _ R-2-DA-P ' BANBURY 1.14 units per acre a ! MEADOWS GOLF ' COURSE N a s' IV �pKp, I ,i BANBURY - _ _•_ i $ !y i MEADOWS - _ _ �o aR/1 'i SUB. NO 8 y C /GH�N WO0 . mpro 2.2 units per acre w N sow Delve SVg- $ ; -�'14 n w�' Total Acreage: 2.8-acres • Per acre Total Number of Lots: 05 CREIGHTON ' • - - HEIGHTS SUB. - - Residential —04 R-E ' Common —01 1 unit per 2.5 acres Total Number of Out-Parcels—0 4 2 3/19/2024 Plat: $�$ _� BURYMEg00,,,s X IF COURSE S1 POINT OF yes luao BEGINNING �S?•T.. N 0 4N., �t S � N �. BEE OEIM. 1B,.BF � UUS 111 IN.Ir Bel �B>8, .....1a O1 6c.. raaN. ..........j,. UU t ..... —_ __I 250M SF l I yNi 2 Q 25624 BF m r. At S50 -` 1 fTj BLOCK I I�K 4 tq CMft R,may `R•W�..,_ I M.>N 6F ^r f R h9liS5B-'� r0 k.4410. aw.7-- ARIPTON DR iv 'V4 tt,,Wig soN I S PG Ie024 / F<w -`_ - - slrl>��ao vls,lseo'•� 30 . R•ly._— 5 P I a t• 8ANKURY yea\�_.�...._�•��- ME� GOtF COVRSE ,F_,-��`.4 _BEGIPOINN IN �'��'S�9' sos ' - (1)Common Lot(R-2-DA) 6 m^ .. ewe .....1.- air., 1„ zs U15 SF n K. 13611 BF L! (4)Residential Lots(R-2-DA) y 3 .roIr.sF o c � . _ •-�_�- I BLOCK 1 4 S rsw " y if 26,na Si 111: '0.14,:--.'"----....,.. .244 l i R`-� p,3KHAMP ..... ".21 stt 0s�wT'- amrp��R/V —NO-2 •�•"_ -• 7srr v Cg -�, E. stag*"KOOOS kw w'aNly: _"—._ -�,j2g,r. FBK IlePB � G'ON ].' _ s,ssso / 6 3 3/19/2024 Site Data for the R-2 Zone Additional Site Data Proposed Required Dwelling Units Per Gross Acre 1.4-dwelling units per acre 1.4-dwelling units per acre(as limited within the development agreement) Minimum Lot Size 25,075-square feet 17,000-square feet Minimum Lot Width 117.25-feet 75-feet minimum Minimum Street Frontage 75-feet 35-feet Total Acreage of Common Area 0.51-acres 0.5-acres(minimum) Within the Subdivision Percent of Site as Common Area 18.2% 18% Percent of Common Area Open 83.7% 15%(minimum) Space as Active Open Space 7 7 Comprehensive Plan & Zoning Map Designation: COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Neighborhood R-E(Residential-Estates) Single-Family Dwelling Proposed Neighborhood R-2-DA(Residential with a Residential Subdivision development agreement) (Oakwood Meadows) North of site Neighborhood R-2-P(Residential-PUD) Single Family Residential Subdivision (Banbury Meadows) South of site Neighborhood R-2-DA-P(Residential with a Single-Family Residential Subdivision development agreement-PUD) (Banbury Meadows and Creighton Woods) R-3-DA(Residential with a Single-Family Residential Subdivision East of site Neighborhood development agreement) (Banbury Meadows) West of site Neighborhood R-2-DA-P(Residential with a Single-family Residential Subdivision development agreement-PUD) (Creighton Woods) 8 8 4 3/19/2024 Comprehensive Plan: Neighborhood Residential i L.::- 1 ...._ t , 1 11 _- ^j Neighborhood - Residential -e- U NEidentiaIr single family -- 1 r residential. �,. • Densities may range between 2 i" units per acre to 4 units per acre. I Large Lot Estate Residential _ 4 a _ Eagle is HOME Comprehensive Plan—Chapter 6—Land Uses 9 9 Zoning Compatibility: ZONING COMPATABILITY MATRIX (HYMNING CIASSIFICAGONSa Retrdenbal Districts Neighbor. Central Agnsaltural Residential United(onnerdal hood General rbghway Business Light Industnal new, Extractive Public/Sens- Mixed R11RBIg{µC115E001�1A710tlSs Assicultural Residential Estee fl-Gin gone Airport Business Business Business taunts industrial Park Industrial industrial Public use _ ,,,,,,....v..„..�..,._....__ IAI (AR) IRA) R 1 R-2 R_I W4 R-S R.10 (10) (C-A) (C-I) (C-21 IC-31 ((BD) (M-1) (M-AI) (M12i (M 3) IPS) (MU) Agricultural/Rural X X I x Foothills"" X X X at X X X X X X % x X X x x Estate Residential % % X % tatga Lot X X It X x _ Ne.ghborflood' X x X x_X X % i x _.... Cpnpact' X X X X X X X X X X _ Inlilt/IBgh Denuty' X X X X X X X i X x Mixed else' X X _ x X - - - x Downtown' X X a %_._ Village/COlnmunity Center's' - - _ X X X X X X X x _ -- Neigllborhood4enter'a' - X x X X X X I X _. Comnlerual`' ' X X X X X x X Professional Othte/gusiness Park u'at — ._.. __.. .._. t _... ._ z x a X I z x - - Industrial' X % 1 x X x Roadway X x Head of Eaglelsland X x P1sdit/Semi-Public - _ '.. - x SUN/Park X X Eagle is HOME Comprehensive Plan—Figure 6.8 Zoning Compatibility Matrix is 10 5 3/19/2024 Items for Discussion: • Overhead Power • Pressurized Irrigation System • Common Lot Access ii 11 Items for Discussion: • Overhead Power • Pressurized Irrigation System • Common Lot Access 12 12 6 3/19/2024 Overhead Power: r • The overhead power located internal to a.., the site shall be removed prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. 13 13 Items for Discussion: • Overhead Power • Pressurized Irrigation System • Common Lot Access 14 14 7 3/19/2024 Items for Discussion: • Overhead Power • Pressurized Irrigation System • Common Lot Access 15 15 Pressurized Irrigation System: • Eagle City Code Section 9-4-1-9(C) Pressurized Irrigation Facilities: All residential dwelling units and subdivision common areas shall be provided with a pressurized irrigation system to be served with irrigation water from a surface water right unless a waiver, as outlined herein, is approved by the city council. 16 16 8 3/19/2024 Pressurized Irrigation System: • The proposed development relies on the previously constructed Creighton Woods pressure irrigation (PI) station to provide PI. During the construction of Creighton Woods Subdivision, a pressurized irrigation stub was provided to the subject property. To connect to the Creighton Woods PI system, the applicant will need to negotiate a user agreement with Creighton Woods HOA. The applicant should provide a copy of the executed pressurized irrigation agreement between Oakwood Meadows Subdivision and Creighton Woods Subdivision Homeowner's Association prior to the issuance of a notice to proceed (NTP) letter by the City -OR- construct a stand-alone PI system in accordance with Eagle City Code 9-4-1-9 (C) prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. If a stand-alone system used solely for Oakwood Meadows is utilized, the design of the system should be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a NTP letter by the City. 17 17 Pressurized Irrigation System: • Site Specific Condition of Approval#6: Provide a copy of the executed pressurized irrigation agreement between Oakwood Meadows Subdivision and Creighton Woods Subdivision Homeowner's Association prior to the issuance of a notice to proceed (NTP) letter by the City-OR- construct a stand-alone pressurized irrigation system in accordance with Eagle City Code 9-4-1-9 (C) prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. If a stand- alone system used solely for Oakwood Meadows is utilized, the design of the system shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a NTP letter by the City. 18 18 9 3/19/2024 Items for Discussion: • Overhead Power • Pressurized Irrigation System • Common Lot Access 19 19 Items for Discussion: • Overhead Power • Pressurized Irrigation System • Common Lot Access 20 20 10 3/19/2024 Common Lot Access: • The applicant has proposed a common -, " .-- -�c� lot along the rear of the proposed "°' ~ "`' residential lots. As proposed, there is no - access to provide maintenance to the common lot and access would have to be t ..I taken through one of the proposed """ ,. residential lots. The applicant should provide revised preliminary and final plats with either (1) .. - a common lot or(2)a maintenance access _ ' ' -.w. easement at least 15-feet wide along the / western perimeter of Lot 1, Block 1 to Wa„' provide access to the common lot for landscape maintenance. 21 21 Common Lot Access: • The applicant has proposed a common - '�— f lot along the rear of the proposed .2.. ---- residential lots. As proposed, there is no j access to provide maintenance to the ^-^ ry•I ` - _� - common lot and access would have to be "°�' ;'� �' taken through one of the proposed + - I I w residential lots. I ( i The applicant should provide revised preliminary and final plats with either (1) --.____ I - J' a common lot or(2)a maintenance access L easement at least 15-feet wide along the western perimeter of Lot 1, Block 1 to w o,K„a„P,o provide access to the common lot for -,; landscape maintenance. 22 22 11 3/19/2024 Common Lot Access: • Site Specific Condition of Approval #7: Provide revised preliminary and final plats with either (1) a common lot or (2) a maintenance access easement at least 15-feet wide along the western perimeter of Lot 1, Block 1 to provide access to the common lot for landscape maintenance. The revised preliminary and final plats should be provided prior to the submittal of a design review application. 23 23 Planning and Zoning Recommendation: On February 5, 2024 the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 to 0 (McLaughlin absent) to recommend approval of this application with the Site Specific Conditions of Approval found on page 11 and the Standard Conditions of Approval on page 13 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 24 24 12 3/19/2024 End of Presentation 25 25 PINLMNANY PLAT FOR r• Tom` &aoux SETBACKS. PROPOSEDTT . Q _wr u. r . TT . DiNTWO I I! d �. wm: • 26 13 3/19/2024 3.8 Owner shall submit a design review application showing at a minimum: 1) proposed common area landscaping, 2) elevation plans for the irrigation pump house (if proposed), 3) landscape screening details of the irrigation pump house (if proposed), and 4) useable amenities such as picnic tables, covered shelters, benches, gazebos, water features, and/or similar amenities (if proposed). The design review application shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle Design Review Board and Eagle City Council prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat mylar. the issuance of a NTP (Notice to Proceed) with construction letter by the City. 27 27 Conditions of Development: 3.1 The maximum density for the Property shall be 1.43 dwelling units per acre(4 single-family dwellings). 3.2 Owner will develop the Property subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in this Development Agreement. Further, Applicant will submit such applications regarding floodplain development permit review, design review, preliminary and final plat reviews, and/or any conditional use permits, if applicable, and any other applicable applications as may be required by the Eagle City Code,which shall comply with the Eagle City Code, as it exists at the time such applications are made except as otherwise provided within this Agreement. 3.3 The Concept Plan (Exhibit C) represents the Owner's current concept for completion of the project. As the Concept Plan evolves,the City understands and agrees that certain changes in that concept may occur.If the City determines that any such changes require additional public comment due to potential impacts on surrounding property or the community, a public hearing shall be held on any proposed changes in the Concept Plan, notice shall be provided as may be required by the City. 28 28 14 3/19/2024 Conditions of Development: 3.4 The conditions,covenants and restrictions for the Property shall contain at least the following: (a) An allocation of responsibility for repair and maintenance of all community and privately owned landscaping, pressurized irrigation facilities,and fencing.The owner shall provide an operation and maintenance manual including the funding mechanism as an addendum to the CC&Rs and the repair and maintenance requirement shall run with the land and the requirement cannot be modified and the homeowner's association or other entity cannot be dissolved without the express consent of the city. (b) A requirement for all fencing to be installed as shown on the Concept Plan Fence Exhibit(Exhibit D).All other fencing(i.e.dog-eared cedar fencing,vinyl,chain-link)shall be prohibited. (c) A requirement that in the event any of the CC&Rs are less restrictive than any government rules,regulations or ordinances,then the more restrictive government rule,regulation or ordinances shall apply.The CC&Rs are subject to all regulations,laws,and ordinances of all applicable government bodies.In the event a governmental rule,regulation, law,or ordinance would render a part of the CC&Rs unlawful,then in such event that portion shall be deemed to be amended to comply with the applicable rule,regulation,law or ordinance. 29 29 Conditions of Development: 3.5 A letter of approval shall be provided to the City from the Eagle Sewer District indicating the Property has been annexed into the Eagle Sewer District's service boundaries prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat mylar.Owner shall comply with all applicable Eagle Sewer District's regulations and conditions prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat mylar.A letter of approval shall be provided to the City from the Eagle Sewer District approving construction plans prior to the issuance of a "Notice to Proceed"with construction letter. Prior to the issuance of any building permits,Owner shall provide proof of central sewer service to the proposed residential use. 3.6 Owner shall connect the four(4)proposed residential lots to central water service. 3.7 Owner shall comply with all of Idaho Power Company requirements, including, but not limited to, the separation distance between an electrical transformer and structure. 3.8 Owner shall submit a design review application showing at a minimum: 1) proposed common area landscaping, 2) elevation plans for the irrigation pump house (if proposed), 3) landscape screening details of the irrigation pump house (if proposed), and 4) useable amenities such as picnic tables, covered shelters, benches, gazebos, water features, and/or similar amenities (if proposed). The design review application shall be reviewed and approved by the Eagle Design Review Board and Eagle City Council prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat mylar. the issuance of a NTP(Notice to Proceed)with construction letter by the City. 30 30 15 3/19/2024 Site Specific Conditions of Approval: 1. Comply with all conditions within the development agreement for rezone application RZ-11-23. 2. Comply with all requirements of the City Engineer. 3. The applicant shall submit payment to the City for all engineering and legal fees incurred for reviewing this project, prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat and/or upon receipt of an invoice by the City,whichever occurs first. 4. Provide revised preliminary and final plats with a new plat note stating,"A portion of Lot J Block J is servient to and contains the ACHD storm water drainage system.The lots are encumbered by the certain first amended master perpetual storm water drainage easement recorded on November 15,2015,as instrument no.2015-013256 official records of Ada County,and incorporated herein by this reference as if set forth in full(the"Master Easement").The Master Easement and the storm water drainage system are dedicated to ACHD pursuant to Section 40-2302 Idaho Code.The Master Easement is for the operation and maintenance of the storm water drainage system.The revised preliminary and final plat shall be provided prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. 5. The overhead power located internal to the site shall be removed prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. (ECC 9-4-1-8) 6. Provide a copy of the executed pressurized irrigation agreement between Oakwood Meadows Subdivision and Creighton Woods Subdivision Homeowner's Association prior to the issuance of a notice to proceed with construction (NTP)letter by the City-OR-construct a stand-alone pressurized irrigation system in accordance with Eagle City Code Section 9-4-1-9(C)prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. If a stand-alone system used solely for Oakwood Meadows is utilized,the design of the system shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a NTP letter by the City. 31 31 Site Specific Conditions of Approval: 7. Provide revised preliminary and final plats with either(1)a common lot or(2)a maintenance access easement at least 15-feet wide along the western perimeter of Lot 1, Block 1 to provide access to the common lot for landscape maintenance. The revised preliminary and final plats should be provided prior to the submittal of a design review application. 8. The applicant shall remove all the existing buildings within the site prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. 9. The developer shall provide shade-class trees (landscape plan to be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board)along both sides of all streets within this development. Trees shall be placed at the front of each lot generally at each side property line, or as approved by the Design Review Board. The trees shall be located within an 8-foot- wide landscape strip between the 5-foot-wide concrete sidewalk and the curb. Any and all drainage swales and/or seepage beds shall be placed so as to not interfere with the required placement of street trees. Prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat the applicant shall either install the required trees, sod, and irrigation or provide the City with a letter of credit for 150% of the cost of the installation of all landscape and irrigation improvements. Trees shall be installed prior to obtaining any occupancy permits for the homes. A temporary occupancy may be issued if weather does not permit landscaping.Partial reduction of the surety may be permitted for any portion of the development that is completed, including street trees that have been installed. On-going surety for street trees for all undeveloped portions of the development will be required through project completion.(ECC 8-2A-7[E]and ECC 8-2A-18) 32 32 16 3/19/2024 Site Specific Conditions of Approval: 10. The developer shall provide a detailed arborist report and a tree inventory map identifying all existing trees located on site.The report shall identify,at a minimum,species,size,and health of the trees.The arborist report and map shall be provided with the submittal of a design review application. All living trees shall be preserved, unless otherwise determined by the Design Review Board and the City Council.A detailed landscape plan showing how the trees will be integrated into the open space areas or private lots(unless approved for removal by the City Council)shall be provided for City Council final approval prior to the submittal of a final plat.Construction fencing shall be installed(pursuant to the Design Review Board's direction)to protect all trees that are to be preserved, prior to the commencement of any construction on the site. No trees shall be removed from the site prior to city approval of a tree removal and replacement plan. 11. The applicant shall provide a license agreement from ACHD approving the landscaping located within the public rights- of-way abutting and within this site prior to approval of a final plat. 12. Any fencing located adjacent to common area open spaces and on the street side of all corner lots shall be an open fencing style such as wrought iron or other similar decorative style, durable fencing material. Specific buffer area fences and decorative walls may be allowed as otherwise required in ECC Section 8-2A-7(J). 13. The Oakwood Meadows Subdivision shall remain under the control of one Homeowners Association. 14. The applicant shall bury all above ground utilities (other than transmission lines within the right of way) prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat mylar.(ECC 9-4-1-8) 33 33 Site Specific Conditions of Approval: 15. The applicant shall place a note on the final plat that the pressurized irrigation system and all common lots are to be owned and maintained by the Homeowner's Association prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat mylar. 16. The applicant shall provide CC&Rs that the Homeowner's Association shall have the duty to maintain the pressurized irrigation system, and all common landscape areas in the subdivision are maintained in a competent and attractive manner,including the watering,mowing,fertilizing,and caring for shrubs and trees in perpetuity. 17. The applicant shall provide a letter from the project contractor stating that all existing buildings and the drain field within the site have been removed prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat mylar. 18. Owner shall work with the City to establish a Conservation and Education Program(CEP) Funding Plan associated with Oakwood Meadows Subdivision.The CEP Funding Plan shall be executed by the Owner and City prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat mylar.(ECC 8-6-7[Bj) 19. To allow for the future installation of municipal fiber-optic cable, the applicant shall be required to install municipal fiber-optic conduit lines along all streets in accordance with the City's Fiber Master Plan.The applicant shall conduct a pre-application meeting with the City of Eagle Fiber Department prior to the issuance of the "Notice to Proceed"with construction letter. Upon completion of the installation of the municipal fiber-optic conduit lines, the applicant shall provide GIS coordinates of the locations of the municipal fiber-optic conduit lines.The municipal fiber-optic conduit lines shall be installed,GIS coordinates provided,and the fiber-optic conduit lines shall be dedicated to the City prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat mylar. 20. All plat notes that are required on the preliminary plat shall be transferred to the final plat prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat mylar. 34 34 17 ! 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