Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 03/14/2024 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES March 14,2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER,MAY,RUSSELL,KVAMME.A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. NEW BUSINESS: A.ACTION ITEM: Fiber Funding and Capital Plan Investments: Council will review and provide guidance on preferred funding options for the contract construction of the Fiber System and implications to the current and future General Fund budgets and the FY 24-28 Capital Plan. (ELZ, KR,NBS) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Director of Long Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird Spencer reviews funding options and seeks guidance in relation to the Capital Plan investments and fiber system. General discussion. Russell moves to direct staff to work on the reallocation of ARPA funds to either expend or contract by the end of the calendar year, and rework on the Capital Plan. Seconded by May. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Gindlesperger moves to adjourn. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. sy 3CtfUllY submitte ,='`'P,C�I-E•••• ,�'�•,� O: 04 • O ' TRACYE : ' : RN, CMC - >"• c y`• E-{ ^. CITY CL v v / w, �,�q 4 APPROVED: / ��'�, * •••STP,,,;•,,, /�_ B'1 " , t MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-14-24spmin.docx INTER City of Eagle Long Range Planning & Projects OFFICE To: Mayor Pike and City Council Members From: Nichoel Baird Spencer,MCRP,AICP, Director of Long-Range Planning&Projects Subject: Fiber Funding& Contracts Date: February 26,2024 Attachment(s): FY 24-28 Capital Plan Project List Copy To: Kellie Rekow,City Treasurer Eric Ziegenfuss,Public Works Director Victor Villegas, City Attorney Staff Request: Staff is requesting the Eagle City Council's review and schedule a special meeting to conduct a workshop style discussion of the fiber contracting and funding options. Background: After the meeting on February 21,2024,about the utilization of ARPA funds for contract construction to expand the City's fiber system,I was given the opportunity to talk with the Public Works Director,the City Treasurer,and the Mayor about the implementation of the Council's direction and impacts to both the budget(existing and future)and the City's capital plan. As staff implements the Council's direction, it may be beneficial to have an additional discussion through a special meeting in a workshop format with the Council to talk through the next steps and options for implementation.This memo is not intended to question or subvert the Council's directives,but to help staff clearly and effectively implement the Council's directions. As staff requests this meeting,we wanted to provide the Council with a framework for the discussion and some information that might be beneficial as you enter expanded discussions on implementation. Project Costs and Funding Availability: The projects presented at the meeting were for consultant and construction costs only, FY24/25 ARPA A ber Projects CH to Hut 5 backbone $ 217,413.55 Hill fad to Pebble Beach Way $ 233,643.70 Floating Feather to Sports Complex $ 866,160.40 $1,317,217.65 Page 1 of 6 K:\Capital Facilities Planning\2024\Fiber Construciton Mel.doc These costs did not include City staffing costs(estimated at$449K)for the remainder of FY 24,nor how these costs fit into the existing FY 24 budget.The FY 24 projected fiber revenue of$1.8M, is from two sources ARPA and customer connections fee for approximately 300 users. At this time, it is unlikely that the customer revenue will be achieved in FY 24,nor FY 2025. With these changes in mind,the Fiber budget for the remainder of the FY looks as follows: FY2024 Fiber Budget Revenue Reduction Q1 FY24 Balance Contracted StaffingCosts1 (no customer base in Operatingshort (i ncl udi ngARPA) Project Estimates (remainingFY24) FY24) fall $ 1,623,550.00 $ 1 317,217.65 $ 448,868.00 (204,000.00) $ (346,535.65) Femaining 3 quarters of FY24 There is an anticipated$346K shortfall that will need to be offset by the General Fund. In the presentation to the Council these shortfalls from fiber would need to be covered by the General Fund. In discussions with the City Treasurer the current FY 24 budget does not have capacity in the General Fund to cover additional shortfalls,currently the ACSO contract is not fully funded. The next available source of funding is from the City's Capital plan. The Council received a Q1/FY 24 update on the Capital Plan on February 13,2024.The Status of the Capital Projects was as follows: FY 24-Q1 Capital Project Status Spent/ Project No. Rank Description FY24 Budget Committed %Complete Comments GEN CP-1 Incomplete 3CRX $ 100,000.00 $ - Working with ITD&COMPASS On scope of work for a study TP CP-3 Incomplete Eagle Road Ped/Bike Bridge $ 30,000.00 $ 18,370.35 61.23% TP CP-1 1 ACHD's State and Eagle Project $ 1,010,309.00 $ 406,592.75 40.24%Change order needs for street lights, electrical&fiber,$will carry over to Phase 2 PW CP-2 2 City Owned Shop Study $ 100,000.00 $ - 0.00%Staff is scoping study TP CP-6 3 Olde Park Extension $ 600,000.00 $ - 0.00%Final Engineering P&R CP-2 4 Regional Sport Park-Phase 1 $ 780,000.00 $ 654,447.50 83.90%underagreement for cost share& construction P&R CP-8 5 Foothills Shooting Sports Park $ 800,000.00 $ 500,000.00 62.50%$27.6K expended,under contract for 500K TP CP-2 6 Aikens Street Extension-SAVINGS ONLY $ 680,000.00 $ - 0.00%Saving for ACHD scheduling PW CP-13 8 City Hall facilities Projects $ 425,000.00 $ - 0.00% (PW CP-13,P&R CP-new,PW CP-new) Preliminary design,majority of funding is TP CP-12 10 Linder Road Expansion(SH 44 to FF) $ 400,000.00 $ 12,325.00 3.08% savings for construction P&R CP-11 11 Parks,Trails&Open Space Master Plan $ 287,000.00 $ - 0.00%RFP prepped waiting for staff assignment P&R CP-7 14 Charlie Wood Park Prospectus $ 20,000.00 $ - 0.00% PW CP-11 17 Pamela Baker $ 5,458.00 $ 332.50 6.09%Pump install needs programmed PW CP-9 22 Mace Park $ 500,000.00 $ 9,750.00 1.95%Final Engineering,Bid prep TP CP-8&9 23/39 Ped/Bike Studies(FF&BL Rds.) $ 200,000.00 $ - 0.00%Needs scoped Total Capital Fund Programmed $5,937,767.00 Total Spent/Committed YID $1,601,818.10 I %Spent/Committed YTD 26.98%I Staff would like to discuss if it is the intent of the Council to amend the FY 24 Capital Plan to address the shortfall within the FY 24 Fiber budget. Future Funding: As discussed on February 21,2024,it is anticipated that the fiber fund, once construction of the ARPA projects is completed,will have an on-going operational expense of$1-1.9M. Staff has further reviewed this assumption and feels the appropriate number is closer to$1M,assuming there are no new expansion/construction projects,and after the ARPA construction contracts the focus of the Fiber Page 2 of 6 K:\Capital Facilities Planning\2024\Fiber Construciton Mel.doc Department shifts to customer connection. Customer connections and the Fiber Department in FY 25 to FY32 would be funded through the general fund,connections fees,and/or local Improvement districts (LIDs). It is estimated that in current dollars the Fiber Department will require 3,000 users to become self-sustaining,additional funding would be needed to continue development and expansion of the system. In association with water system projects and COMPASS population projections,the staff has been working on growth and building permit estimates for the City. Applying these same assumptions to the fiber utility will help guide when self sufficiency within the Fiber Fund will be achieved. It also provides an estimated annual shortfall that needs to be funded through the General Fund or Capital Plan. The staff has provided 4 levels of take rate to illustrate the potential impacts on the general fund and the timeline to self-sufficiency.It is important to note that the take rates are gross based on all building permits issued within the City,not just areas of the City will have fiber available. The staff feels most comfortable utilizing a 10%take rate but will look for direction from the Council. For comparison,the staff has provided historical building permit data for the region,cities, and Ada County to help guide expectations. While several jurisdictions have issued over 1,000 building permits in a single year,multi-family permits were the majority of the units permitted,this is not applicable to Eagle.The staff has some concerns about the likelihood of the City issuing more than 1,000 single-family permits in a year. To date,the highest number of permits ever issued by the City was 839,of which 54%were multi-family. Estimated Bui'di ngPermits Timeline Estimate Gwtth(uits/yr.) Fiber Take Rate(all tufts) Total NewBdg FY Forecast year Valnova' Avimor' lamer City FocttillsOther Permits' 10%' 30% 50% 60% 2023 (aotua) 1 0 2 213 0 215 No ConnectionsAvailable-willrequire LID 2024 2 0 50 200 _ _0 r 250 2025 3 336 120 200 218 r 874 87 262 437 524 2026 4 336 200 250 218 r- 1004 100 301 502 602 2027 5 336 150 250 - 218 r 954 95 286 477 572 2028 6 336 425 250 218 r 1229 123 369 615 737 2029 7 336 375 250 218 p 1179 118 354 590 707 2030 8 328 25 200 - 218 r 771 77 231 386 463 2031 9 297 375 200 218 a 1090 109 327 545 654 2032 10 297 550 150 218 r- 1215 122 365 608 729 2042 20 2339 2000 - 300 2180 6819 682 2046 3410 4091 2052 30 1467 2700 _ 0 0 ' 4167 417 1250 2084 2500 2062 40 0 0 2541 254 762 1271 1525 Totals: 7,160 8,761° 2,250 3,924 22,308 2,184' 6,553 10,922 13,106 N/A 2038 2032 2028 ':Total Units allowed in lX&Timeline provided by the deeeloper in fiscal Impact to analysis Fiber Sustairlabil ity Yea r ':Yellow is est.year of fiber enterprise fund self sufficiency(3,000 customers),10%take rate is beyond 2062 ':City highest number of permits issued in a singleyear is 714in 2018 ":Year that fiber can function as an enterprise fund with no general fund support 2022 Residential Units Permitted in Legon Location Total units %Multi-Family Ada/CanyonCo. 9,690 47% Ada County(al I) 6,393 52% Boise 1,642' 81% Meridian 2,711 . 53% Nampa 1,642' 51% Eagle 219 0% Highest SingeYear Permits (Meridian,2018) 3,126 42% Page 3 of 6 K:\Capital Facilities Planning\2024\Fiber Construciton Mel.doc Utilizing these growth forecasts,the staff was able to estimate the funding shortfall from fiber each year between FY 24 and FY 32. It is important to note that the Fiber Fund is not anticipated to become self- sufficient until after 2032. The scenarios below illustrate a 10%and 50%gross take rate city-wide. FY24 to FY32 Fiber Budget with 10%Take Rate Estimated Estimated Estimated GF AberARPA Contracted Project Non Contract 'hurtfall(before Income from 10% Need FYFY24 Budget Estimates customer base) take rate2 Adjustments(w/ )PPeratwns Needed from GF 10%Gross Take) 24 $ 1,593,580 $ 1,317,218 $ 731,525 $ (455,163) $ - $ (455,163) 25 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 57,684 $ (942,316) 26 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 123,948 $ (876,052) 27 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 129,228 $ (870,772) 28 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 144,078 $ (855,922) 29 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 158,928 $ (841,072) 30 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 128,700 $ (871,300) 31 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 122,826 $ (877,174) 32 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 152,130 $ (847,870) ':Assumes no new projects&no price escalation 2:Assumes gross take rate City wide 3:Remaining 3 quarters of FY24 FY24 to FY32 Fiber Budget with 50%Take Rate Estimated Estimated Estimated GF FiberARPA Contracted Project Non-Contract Shortfall(before Income 50%take Need FYFY24 Budget Estimates customer base) rate2 Adjustments(w/ Operations Needed from GF 50%Gross Take) 24 $ 1,593,580 $ 1,317,218 $ 731,525 $ (455,163) $ - $ (455,163) 25 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 288,420 $ (711,580) 26 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 331,320 $ (668,680) 27 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 314,820 $ (685,180) 28 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 405,570 $ (594,430) 29 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 389,070 $ (610,930) 30 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 254,430 $ (745,570) 31 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 359,700 $ (640,300) 32 $ - $ - $ 1,000,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 400,950 $ (599,050) Assumes no new projects&no priceescalation 2:Assumes gross take rate Citywide 3:Remaining 3 quarters of FY24 If the intent is to offset the fiber utility from the capital plan it will be important for the Council to address how the capital plan and fiber are funded as we develop the annual update and the FY 25 budget. It will be key to clearly articulate to the public which capital projects will be delayed or removed from the program. The funding impact to the capital plan between FY24-32 is 10-49%with the most significant impact on the near term (FY25 to FY28)which are contained in the current capital plan approved in September. A copy of the FY24-28 capital projects list is attached for review when considering the offset numbers provided above. Page 4 of 6 K:\Capital Facilities Planning\2024\Fiber Construciton Mel.doc Impact to Capital Plan with Fber(10%Take) Capital Plan Reduction tofund Capital Fund Plan FY Estimate' Fber(w110%Take Balance 24 $ 1,853,000 $ (455,163) $ 1,397,837 25 $ 2,000,000 $ (942,316) $ 1,057,684 26 $ 1,967,000 $ (876,052) $ 1,090,948 27 $ 1,688,000 $ (870,772) $ 817,228 28 $ 1,625,000 $ (855,922) $ 769,078 29 $ 2,000,000 $ (841,072) $ 1,158,928 30 $ 2,000,000 $ (871,300) $ 1,128,700 31 $ 2,000,000 $ (877,174) $ 1,122,826 32 $ 2,000,000 $ (847,870) $ 1,152,130 ':Adopted in FY24-28 Capital Ran Impact to Capital Plan with Fber(50%Take) Capital Plan FL.ductiontofuid Capital Fund Plan FY Estimate' Fiber(w/50%Take Balance 24 $ 1,853,000 $ (455,163) $ 1,397,837 25 $ 2,000,000 $ (711,580) $ 1,288,420 26 $ 1,967,000 $ (668,680) $ 1,298,320 27 $ 1,688,000 $ (685,180) $ 1,002,820 28 $ 1,625,000 $ (594,430) $ 1,030,570 29 $ 2,000,000 $ (610,930) $ 1,389,070 30 $ 2,000,000 $ (745,570) $ 1,254,430 31 $ 2,000,000 $ (640,300) $ 1,359,700 32 $ 2,000,000 $ (599,050) $ 1,400,950 ':Adopted in FY24-28 Capital Ran Alternative Funding Structure: An alternative funding structure would be to allow for the phasing of the projects over time. Oppose to approving and directing construction of all three phases(CH to Hut 5 backbone,Hill Road to Pebble Beach Way,Floating Feather to Sports Complex)at once. Is there a way to build one at a time and develop a user base as we build the system? This would change how the projects are funded. Oppose to funding fiber only,the ARPA dollars could be utilized to pay for other general fund budgeted items between now and December of 2024. The equivalent offset of general fund monies could be set aside and carried forward in the budget for the next phase of fiber projects, either this fiscal year or next. This funding structure would focus efforts to construct improvements and then getting users of the system in phases which could have a more immediate return on investment. It is important to note that over half the forecasted users presented to the Council on February 21 s`are in the newly preliminary platted lot and are yet to be constructed,this is a 10-18-month process. Constructing the system in one larger phase does not increase or hasten the number of users on the system. YTD the City has issued only 110 permits, while we anticipate this to increase with Avimor and Valnova coming on board,the take rate for new construction is still limited and market driven. Special Meeting Discussion: Staff would request a special meeting in a workshop format with the Council that will help us with some guiding questions including: • Does fiber funding trump all projects in the capital plan? • Should fiber funding be prioritized with/against other capital projects? Page 5 of 6 K:\Capital Facilities Planning\2024\Fiber Construciton Mel.doc • Should fiber construction be phased? • Should this decision be agendized as an amendment to the capital plan? • How does the City balance fiber funding with partnership projects- i.e.ACHD,Floodway,etc.? The staff feels that some direction could benefit the process as we enter contracts for construction,begin updating the Capital Plan,and begin drafting the FY 25 Budget. The Staff looks forward to working through these issues and discussion points as the City works to development the municipal fiber utility. If you have questions on this item,please feel free to contact me directly at nbaird@cityofeagle.org or at 208-489-8772. Page 6 of 6 K:\Capital Facilities Planning\2024\Fiber Construciton Mel.doc v� Eh m g x� t v $ $ 8 8 $ 8 r. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 o „. » » » H 8 8 , 8 c E 8 8 8 8 $ 8 8 8 g k Si Si g g 4 sa g E n r V C _ ,n v. .n ,n ,n .n , _ ,n t LL LL L t L L ,. t L L L ,. 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