Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 03/06/2024 - SpecialEAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES March 6, 2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, MAY, RUSSELL, KVAMME. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pike leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PRESENTATION: A. Eagle Sewer District General Manager, Neil Jenkins, will Present on the Draft Facility Plan. Neil Jenkins provides a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Eagle Sewer District draft Facility Plan. City Council is excited about the plan and are happy to see the rates will continue to be low in comparison to surrounding areas. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS. Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Pricing Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Score: Pricing Agreement between the City of Eagle and Score for the purchase of City league recreation uniforms. (BLA) City Attorney, Victor Villegas, suggests that the Council pull item 5A. The City Attorney states that an Idaho Code clause is missing. An addendum has been provided to Recreation to include in the agreement. Gindlesperger moves to approve item 5A with the addendum as stated by the City Attorney. Seconded by May. GINDLESPERGER AYE; KVAMME AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Discussion Regarding Law Enforcement Analytics and Reporting: Eagle Police Department, Chief Ruby and Ada County Sheriffs Office representatives will review data analytics and discuss customization of reporting. (BKP) Chief Ruby introduces the ACSO Data Analytic team. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\CC-3-6-24minsp final.docx Laura Williams, Clerk's Office Administrative Specialist II shares a spreadsheet that she created to compile daily blotter data over the last year and a half. This was done for the former Mayor. Chris Saunders, Manager of Data Analytics provides an overview of what the department does and shares sample reports for Council review. General discussion and Q&A between the City Council and Data Analytics team. Council Russell provides sample reports from the Idaho Transportation Department and Ada County Sherriff's Office. The Data Analytics team has agreed to send monthly reports to Council which will include the requested data. 7. ADJOURNMENT: May moves to adjourn. Seconded by Kvamme. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting was adjourned. Res s- tfully submitted: HOLL '; N. CSENCSITS, idCMCT CITY ERK AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W. C ITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\CC-3-6-24minsp final.docx Year to Date Comparison Report Beginning Date: 01/01/2024 Ending Date: 01/31/2024 Printed On: 03/06/2024 Page 1 of 2 Offenses Known to Police Agency: ADA CO SO Classification of Offenses Animal Cruelty, Total Arson, Total Assault Offenses, Total Aggravated Assault Intimidation Simple Assault Bribery, Total Burglary/Breaking and Entering, Total Counterfeiting/Forgery, Total Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property, Total Drug/Narcotic Offenses, Total Drug Equipment Violations Drug/Narcotic Violations Embezzlement, Total Extortion/Blackmail, Total Fraud Offenses, Total False Pretense/Swindle/Confidence Game Credit Card/Automatic Teller Machine Fraud Welfare Fraud Wire Fraud Hacking/Computer Invasion Identity Theft Impersonation Gambling Offenses, Total Betting/Wagering Operating/Promoting/Assisting Gambling Sports Tampering Gambling Equipment Violations Homicide Offenses, Total Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter Negligent Manslaughter Human Trafficking, Total Human Trafficking, Commercial Sex Acts Human Trafficking, Involuntary Servitude Kidnapping/Abduction, Total Larceny/Theft Offenses, Total Motor Vehicle Theft, Total Offenses Offenses Projected Last YTD Percent Reported Cleared Rate/1000 Reported Change 0 0 0.001 0 - 0 0 0.00 0 - 78 43 0.57 110-29.09% 15 11 0.11 14 7.14% 15 3 0.11 29-48.28% 48 29 0.35 67 -28.36% 0 0 0.00 0 - 17 0 0.12 10 70.00% 3 0 0.02 5 -40.00% 13 3 0.09 19 -31.58% 153 105 1.11 102 50.00% 78 53 0.57 53 47.17% 75 52 0.54 49 53.06% 0 0 0.00 1 -100.00% 0 0 0.00 0 - 7 1 0.05 5 40.00% 3 0 0.02 4 -25.00% 2 1 0.01 0 0 0 0.00 0 - 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 - 2 0 0.01 0 - 0 0 0.00 1 -100.00% 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 1 0.01 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 1 0.01 0 - 3 3 0.02 1 200.00% 30 4 0.22 23 30.43% 7 0 0.05 2 250.00% © Idaho State Police Year to Date Comparison Report Beginning Date: 01/01/2024 Ending Date: 01/31/2024 Printed On: 03/06/2024 Page 2 of 2 Classification of Offenses Pornography/Obscene Material, Total Prostitution Offenses, Total Assisting or Promoting Prostitution Prostitution Purchasing Prostitution Robbery, Total Sex Offenses, Total Fondling Rape Sexual Assault with an Object Sodomy Sex Offenses, Non -Forcible, Total Statutory Rape Incest Stolen Property Offenses, Total Weapons Law Violations, Total Group A Offense, Total Crimes Against Person, Total Crimes Against Property, Total Crimes Against Society, Total Offenses Offenses Projected Last YTD Percent Reported Cleared Rate/1000 Reported Change Officers Killed or Assaulted YTD 0 2 1 0.01 1 100.00% 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 - 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 9 -100.00% 0 0 0.00 2-100.00% 0 0 0.00 5 -100.00% 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 2-100.00% 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 0 0.01 3 -66.67% 3 1 0.02 2 50.00% 318 162 2.31 293 8.53% 82 47 0.59 120-31.67% 78 8 0.57 68 14.71% 158 107 1.15 105 50.48% 3 © Idaho State Police Number of Offenses Agency: ADA CO SO Offense: Violent Crimes 40 35 30 29 29 25 20 21 Offense Trends Comparison Report Years: 2022 - 2023 35 32 31 23 24 15 15 it 10 Jan 30 20 34 12 i 28 19 23 18 27 16 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec -w- 2022 t 2023 Offense and Arrest Summary Report Beginning Date: 01/01/2023 Ending Date: 12/31/2023 Printed On: 03/05/2024 Page 1 of 1 Agency: ADA CO SO Total Offenses 3,693 % change from last year 8.43% Total Arrests change from last year Group A Crime Rate per 100,000 Population : 3,068 -4.01% 2678.47 Arrest Rate per 100,000 2225.17 Population : Offense Reporting Clearance Rate Last years rate Hate Crime Offenses Law Officers Assaulted Summary based reporting Crime Rate per 100,000 Population : Group "A" Offenses Reported Offenses Cleared Offenses Reported Last Year Murder 2 1 1 Negligent Manslaughter 0 0 0 Justifiable Homicide 0 0 0 Rape 37 15 49 Robbery 6 1 11 Aggravated Assault 192 133 217 Burglary 97 15 106 Larceny 357 68 426 Motor Vehicle Theft 45 13 39 Arson 11 4 7 Simple Assault 710 415 662 Intimidation 238 102 197 Bribery 0 0 0 Counterfeiting/Forgery 33 13 33 Vandalism 263 71 239 Drug/Narcotic Violations 722 448 582 Drug Equipment Violations 713 454 534 Embezzlement 5 4 12 Extortion/Blackmail 7 1 6 Fraud 79 18 92 Gambling 0 0 0 Kidnapping 10 4 19 Pornography 25 11 30 Prostitution 2 2 2 Sodomy 14 6 16 Sexual Assault w/Object 13 7 19 Fondling 31 14 42 Incest 0 0 0 Statutory Rape 0 0 0 Stolen Property 29 16 21 Weapons Law Violations 50 27 40 Human Trafficking, Commercial 0 0 1 Sex Acts Human Trafficking, Involuntary 0 0 0 Servitude Animal Cruelty 2 0 3 Total Group "A" 3,693 1,863 3,406 Population : 137877 50.45% 59.72% 0 27 541.79 Crime Against Person 1,247 - This year 1,223 - Last year 1.96% - Percent Change Crime Against Property 932 - This year 992 - Last year -6.05% - Percent Change Crime Against Society 1,514 - This year 1,191 -Last year 27.12% - Percent Change Arrest Reporting Group "A" Adult Juvenile Unknown Total Arrests Arrests Reported Last Year Murder 0 0 0 0 0 Negligent Manslaughter 0 0 0 0 0 Justifiable Homicide 0 0 0 0 0 Rape 4 1 0 5 14 Robbery 0 2 0 2 4 Aggravated Assault 74 10 0 84 103 Burglary 7 2 0 9 17 Larceny 17 8 0 25 63 Motor Vehicle Theft 2 3 0 5 7 Arson 0 2 0 2 3 Simple Assault 85 33 0 118 163 Intimidation 32 13 0 45 65 Bribery 0 0 0 0 0 Counterfeiting/Forgery 6 0 0 6 11 Vandalism 16 11 0 27 46 Drug/Narcotic Violations 393 42 0 435 373 Drug Equipment Violations 80 7 0 87 80 Embezzlement 2 0 0 2 5 Extortion/Blackmail 0 0 0 0 0 Fraud 2 0 0 2 12 Gambling 0 0 0 0 0 Kidnapping 1 0 0 1 1 Pornography 5 4 0 9 10 Prostitution 2 0 0 2 0 Sodomy 1 1 0 2 4 Sexual Assault w/Object 0 0 0 0 1 Fondling 4 0 0 4 6 Incest 0 0 0 0 0 Statutory Rape 0 0 0 0 0 Stolen Property 5 2 0 7 5 Weapons Law Violations 12 6 0 18 12 Human Trafficking, 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial Sex Acts Human Trafficking, 0 0 0 0 0 Involuntary Servitude Animal Cruelty 0 0 0 0 2 Total Group A Arrests 750 147 0 897 1,007 Group "B" Arrests Bad Checks 0 0 0 0 0 CurfewNagrancy 0 10 0 10 7 Disorderly Conduct 10 1 0 11 19 DUI 386 7 0 393 371 Drunkenness 7 0 0 7 1 Family Offenses -nonviolent 9 0 0 9 18 Liquor Law Violations 47 19 0 66 87 Peeping Tom 0 0 0 0 0 Runaways 0 0 0 0 0 Trespass 11 1 0 12 18 All Other Offenses 1,556 107 0 1,663 1,668 Tn11 G.nu.. R Armcic ems 1451 011 2.171 2,189 'Total Arrests I2,7761 2921 011 3,0681 3,1961 Offenses Reported' Types Person Property Society Total Crimes Crimes/1,000 Pop 2021 74 59 52 185 13.8 2022 110 92 67 269 17.7 January 2024 Police Report 2023 86 106 132 324 18.3 2024 YTD 4 3 14 21 Crimes Reported by Month and Type 15 1 Oct Nov 8 11 1 Props-,, 9 10 1 14 14 1 1 Police Activity' Citizen Calls for Service (CPS) Proactive Policing Select CaII Types Crash Response Crisis/Mental Health" Domestic Violence Juvenile Activity Location Checkss Property Crime Calls6 School Checks Traffic Stops Welfare Checks 2024 Monthly Oct 23 Nov 23 Dec 23 Avg3 237 307 276 255 1,551 1,611 1,688 1,341 2024 Monthly Avg3 32 7 4 15 426 10 60 227 18 Jan 24 237 January 2023 268 1,551 1,392 Oct 23 Nov 23 Dec 23 Jan 24 22 14 5 19 394 26 49 254 24 25 13 5 18 351 16 43 401 28 27 9 4 12 322 20 37 279 16 32 7 4 15 426 10 60 227 18 January 2023 32 12 10 9 525 13 40 369 15 Case Report Types Person Crimes = murder, manslaughter, rape/sodomy, assault, intimidation and kidnapping offenses •Property Crimes = robbery, burglary, larceny/theft, arson, destruction of property, counterfeiting, fraud, embezzlement, blackmail and stolen property offenses •Society Crimes = drugs/narcotics, gambling, pornography, prostitution and weapons law violations No. of Arrests II Other al DUI 9 1 6 10 7 1 All Code 3 Response Time (min:sec)' c 03:32 02 : 24 3 0332 AVG 02:13 AVG 04:07 03.44 f1oa 23 Dec 23 Jan 24 'Offense Reports are compiled from fJIBRS RMS. Police Activity reflects calls within the City of Star and all calls dispatched with a Star deputy. 'Monthly averages are based on all prior months of the current year. 'Calls are for Crisis, Mental Holds, and Suicidal Subjects. 'Location checks include Construction Site, Property, and Security checks. 6Property Crime Calls Include Theft, Vandalism, Burglary, Fraud. 'Code 3 Calls represent all incidents that are routed at Priority 3, where Priority 3 calls require an immediate emergency response. Last updated: 9/14/23 VB Offenses Reported' Types Person Property Society 2021 137 189 175 501 2022 164 201 216 581 January 2024 Police Report 2023 196 211 313 720 Release Date 2024-02-16 2024 YTD 11 16 33 60 Police Activity' Citizen Calls for Service (CFS) Proactive Policing 2024 2024 Total Monthly Oct 23 Nov 23 Dec 23 Jan 24 Avg3 486 486 600 573 547 486 1,166 1,166 1,810 1,747 1,797 1,166 Select CaII Types 2024 Total Code 3 CPS Alarm 58 58 39 50 36 58 Crash Response 67 67 65 70 84 67 School Checks 20 20 51 58 56 20 Traffic Stops 483 483 664 779 702 483 Welfare Checks 38 38 52 51 44 38 2024 Monthly Oct 23 Nov 23 Dec 23 Jan 24 Avg3 16 16 27 22 32 16 Case Report Types *Person Crimes = murder, manslaughter, rape/sodomy, assault, intimidation and kidnapping offenses •Property Crimes = robbery, burglary, larceny/theft, arson, destruction of property, counterfeiting, fraud, embezzlement, blackmail and stolen property offenses 'Society Crimes = drugs/narcotics, gambling, pornography, prostitution and weapons law violations No. of Mental Hold Cases Average 2 7 7 :Oct 23 No 23 Dec 23 3 All Code 3 Response Time (min:sec)4 'Oi e 'Reports are e compiled iled rorn NJIBRS RMS. 2P„ lice Activity reflects calls* .,rn the City of Eagle and all calls dispatched with an Eagle deputy. 'Monthly averages are based on all prior months of the current year. 'Code 3 Calls represent all incidents that are routed at Priority 3, where Priority 3 calls require an immediate emergency response. Last Updated:9/14/23 VB ,".*Igo w.�� Eagle Sewe Agenda • District Background • 20-year Planning Effort • Planning process • Draft plan results • Near -term investments for lower long-term operational costs • Rate projections • Questions/comments 4EAGLE SEWER District Mission, Vision, Values DISTRICT Mission —why do we exist, who are we Our mission is to be responsible stewards for our patrons. We provide reliable, efficient, and cost-effective collection and treatment of used water so that it can be safely returned to the environment. Vision — aspirations and future state To be a best -in - class wastewater utility that brings high value to our patrons. Values -What do we stand for - We believe in serving our community, protecting the environment, and the integrity of our employees. - We believe in active, open, and transparent communication. -We value employees who are talented and motivated professionals that work together in a spirit of cooperation and with respect for all individuals. - We believe in responsibility, integrity, and fairness in managing the financial resources entrusted to the District. Who We Are ,.4)/EAGLE SEWER DISTRICT • Only centralized wastewater collection and treatment service in Eagle • Public agency formed in 1963 by the voters in the Eagle area • City of Eagle was incorporated in 1971 • Operates by authority of Idaho State Code, Chapter 32, Sections 42-3238 to 43-3201 • Eventual owners/operators of the Spring Valley wastewater system • Once the developer builds the system and gives it to us. It's not connected with the existing system, and won't be in the future. • Who we aren't • City of Eagle Wastewater Department (there isn't one) • Avimor Wastewater Department (their system is owned and operated by a private company) • Eagle Water Company (doesn't exist anymore, was purchased by Veolia/Suez and only deals with drinking water) • An irrigation district or any community/private sewer system — we don't manage septic systems • We don't supply drinking water • We don't manage trash or recycling service Who We Are if,EAGLE SEWER DISTRICT • Only centralized wastewater collection and treatment service in Eagle • Public agency formed in 1963 by the voters in the Eagle area • City of Eagle was incorporated in 1971 • Operates by authority of Idaho State C ;dehap+er 32, Sections 42-3238 to 43-3201 • Eventual owners/operators of tr Sp ng al ?.y v'actewatE system • Ont�ff e h te' it t u no a a h thy. t • City of Eagle Wastewater Department (there isn't one) • Avimor Wastewater Department (their system is owned and operated by a private company) • Eagle Water Company (doesn't exist anymore, was purchased by Veolia/Suez and only deals with drinking water) • An irrigation district or any community/private sewer system — we don't manage septic systems • We don't supply drinking water • We don't manage trash or recycling service i Collections and Treatment Systems • Collection System • 200 miles of collection system pipe • 5,200+ manholes • 12 Pump Stations • Treatment plant — 2.3 million gallons a day of water is cleaned • Screening/grit removal • Aerated lagoons • Settling lagoons • Effluent pumping to the West Boise Water Renewal Facility 4EAGLE SEWER DISTRICT What treatment we are doing now Collected Wastewater goes to the Treatment Plant EAGLE SEWER DISTRICT Treated water is pumped to West Boise WRF for further treatment and released to the Boise River Effluent line that was completed in early 2023 Eagle Sewer District System District Revenue Sources • Monthly O&M rates • Vast majority of total revenue • Funds operating and maintaining the system • Funds depreciation (replacing aging system) • Connection fees • Variable revenue stream depending on sewer permits sold • New connections buy into the system. We built it larger than needed so people can buy in when they want to without having to wait for us to build bigger infrastructure. Connection Fees, 19% Annual Revenue Sources Property Taxes, 2% Monthly O&M Rates, 79% • Property taxes • Very small revenue from property taxes • Generally used to pay District property and liability insurance Neighbors Rates • Last rate increase was Dec 2019 • Rates remained unchanged through recent high inflation as District costs increased • Example: Idaho Power 13% rate increase in 2023. Boise annual rate 9% increase. Neighbors FY24 rates $70.00 $60.00 $50.00 $40.00 $30.00 $20.00 $10.00 $- $46.07 $39.00 EAGLE SEWER MERIDIAN DISTRICT $46.81 BOISE $54.25 STAR $65.14 $59.81 NAMPA MIDDLETON Comparative Connection Fees $12,000 $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $3,328 $3,500 $3,575 $2,949 Connection Fee (2022) $3,784 $3,884 $4,000 $4,065 $4,133 $4,13 $7,500 $7,518 $6,300 $6,364 $6,376 $5,500 $10,485 PO,(•\ ,P�QP S�Pe,, P�• ��▪ �O ��\O\P� PJ\4\0 ����� Jam,, c-k\- P�,, c.O�h,,,z- „C..,.,. .,_ O�„ ,., ,OHO �,0���ks OJsOP„F ,Q,\�O'i 0 „,4 q- �k, .zO O.� (c,P 20-Year Plans for Treatment Plant 2.3 million gallons of water per day today (Enough water each day to cover a football field 7- feet deep) 4 million gallons of water per day at buildout in 2040 4EAGLE SEWER DISTRICT 4.6.1 DOMESTIC WATER GOALS PROVIDE SAFE, RELIABLE AND COST-EFFICIENT WATER SERVICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF THE CITY BY CONSTRUCTING AND MAINTAINING A WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM WITH STORAGE FACILITIES THAT WILL MEET THE WATER DEMANDS OF CURRENT AND FUTURE WATER CUSTOMERS AS OUTLINED IN THE EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. 4.6.2 OBJECTIVES A. Protect groundwater quality by requiring, when feasible, the use of municipal wells constructed to federal, State, and City standards. B. Promote groundwater conservation through the use of surface water sources and treated wastewater effluent for irrigation in combination with the development of water rates that encourage conservation. C. Ensure that municipal water facilities provide water pressure and flows that meet or exceed state and local requirements. 26 EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN M. Design a community that is the pinnacle of water conservation promoting limited use/extraction, reuse and innovative irrigation and landscape design. If necessary, land use entitlements may be limited until sufficient potable and irrigation water is established. 106 EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CHAPTER 6: LAND USE Treatment Plant Facility Plan Update Feb 16, 2023 Commence WWTP Facility Plan Document existing conditions. Prepare expected future conditions Develop preliminary list of alternatives to meet future conditions Eagle Public Outreach Evert and Survey Screen preliminary alteratives based on Level of Service Goals (carry forward feasible alternatives) Further develop feasible alternatives A Board reviews preliminary ranking of alternatives and prehminar, finding Cr itegy -{r Rank alternatives based on Level of Service Goals Public outreach open house and 60th AnnivF',ary eVP'.f Further develop perferred alternative and implementation projects and schedule Novvnber Develop Funding Stragety T 0 d a Y ecember Spring 2024 Finalize plan documents. DEQ review. Public comment period. Board moves to adopt plan and implementation schedule 110 (-Secure funding, design, and build infrastructure May 2023 Survey on website/ in public Public Outreach Efforts May 2023 we created a survey for patrons to leave their input and opinions. This survey was posted to our website, taken to several meetings including City of Eagle, Chamber of Commerce and Urban Renewal, and available in our admin office. July 2023 • July 2023 a handful of staff volunteered to participate in Eagle Fun Eagle Fun Days Days. We had a display with an interactive survey where patrons could tell us where they would like our renewed water to go, our cleaning truck and camera truck were driven in the parade, we gave out water squirt guns and had water fill stations in front of our admin office during the event. September 2023 0 Facility plan open house Sept 2023 we held a public open house. We invited patrons to come view the new operations building as well as educate themselves on our facility planning process and the options that were considered to move the District forward in an budget friendly and effective way. Final Alternatives and Public/Stakeholder Feedback Alternative 1: Business as Usual Year - Round Discharge to Boise, No New Capital (Do Nothing) Alternative 2: Add Processes to Improve Water Quality to Boise, Year - Round Discharge to Boise Alternative 3: Water Self - Reliance - Summer Canal Reuse and Winter to Boise Alternative 4: Water Self - Reliance - Summer Canal Reuse and Winter Canal Infiltration Alternative 5: Secure Boise River Discharge Permit Community Feedback Few were interested Most liked the flexibility and rate predictability from this option. Many said that this was the obvious answer to and "make it happen" Many liked the canal reuse aspect to increase the water supply and how it builds on option 2 Many liked the concept for more groundwater but was too much permit uncertainty and cost to choose now Most/all said too expensive and too much risk in not getting a permit Refined Preliminary 20-year Costs Alternative 1: Business as Usual (Do Nothing) Alternative 2: Add Processes to Improve Water Quality to Boise, Year - Round Discharge to WBOI Alternative 3: Water Self - Reliance - Summer Canal Reuse and Winter to WBOI Alternative 4: Water Self - Reliance - Summer Canal Reuse and Winter Canal Infiltration Alternative 5: Secure Boise River Discharge Permit Valuation Metrics ESD Investment Needed for New Projects ESD and Boise 0&M ESD Rehab and Repair Total 20-Year Cost 20-year cost difference from current operation $ - $ $ 80,389,887 $ $ 3,047,951 $ $ 83,437,837 $ 20,611,084 $ 38,114,632 $ 67,435,207 $ 120,326,823 50,821,311 $ 45,346,561 $ 56,118,624 $ 59,213,212 6,279,156 $ 6,417,777 $ 7,786,932 $ 5,725,159 77,711,551 $ 89,878,970 $ 131,340,762 $ 185,265,194 $ (5,726,286) $ 6,441,133 $ 47,902,925 $ 101,827,357 Make investments in our system today to reduce the operational costs Tong -term and conserve water resources Refined Preliminary 20-year Costs Valuation Metrics ESD Investment Needed for New F ESD and Boise O&M ESD Rehab and Repair Total 20-Year Cost Alternative 2: Add Processes Alternative 1: to Improve Business as Water Quality Ilciial (fln to Rnica Vaar_ Alternative 3: Water Self - Reliance - Summer Alternative 4: Water Self - Reliance - Summer (`anal Ponca Alternative 5: Secure Boise River Board meeting direction: Prepare an implementation plan that includes completing Alternative 2 ASAP for cost savings then Alternative 3 for community value of water reuse as soon as reasonably possible thereafter. VV,JV:I,V(-1 1 JV,VG_L 1 L �j) YJ,JY VJV1 4) JV 1IVV GY 4) JJG IJG IL $ 3,047,951 $ 6,279,156 $ 6,417,777 $ 7,786,932 $ 5,725,159 $ 83,437,837 $ 77,711,551 $ 89,878,970 $ 131,340,762 $ 185,265,194 20-year cost difference from current operation $ - $ (5,726,286) $ 6,441,133 $ 47,902,925 $ 101,827,357 Proposed Project Implementation Schedule Primary Column Stait Date End Date "Oufation 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2t 2a 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 Oa 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 :if Facility Plat 1010123 04/02/24 133d . _:,::a Facility Plan + Altemative 2: Lagoon Intensification $2,346,000 11/01123 04/08/25 I 375d Altemative 2: Lagoon Intensification $2.346,000 • Altemative 2: Filtration $3,942,000 10/18/23 06/03/26 686d Altemative 2: Filtration $3,942,000 + Altemative 2: Phosphorus Precipitation $525,000 12/01/23 237d Altemative 2: Phosphorus Precipitation $525,000 + Alterative 2: Expansion for Future Flows: $3,284,684 01/01/29 05/17/30 i 360d + Altemative 3: Reuse Permit $150,000 + Altemative 3: UV Disinfection $3,768,000 • Altemative 3: b Genii $8.129,000 - Altemative 3: Altemative 4: Alt 2: Reduce Boise bill complete in FY26 709d1 04/0126 101/19/28 ] 471d 092825 1 08/1128 _ _ T 751d 1/01/29 108106/31 052429 Alt 3: Clean water to the canal in FY29 Altemative 3: Reuse Permit $150.000 Capacity expansions from FY30-FY32 FY24 FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 FY30 Alternative 3: UV Disinf I Marna& -_t j FY31' FY32 $1,858,542 $5,847,102 $4,189,644 $6,763,137 $9,109,953 $5,252,593 $7,442,625 $10,883,403 $107,315 Costs shown are in that year's dollars. 3.5% assumed annual inflation Recommended Approach Primary Column Start Date End Date Duration 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 01 02 03 Q4 Q1 02 03 Q4 Qt QZa / ',Q1• Q2 Q3 04 Qt Q2 Q3 Q4 01 02 03 0 0' 02 03 0.4 01 Q2 03 Q4 at Q2 03 04 • Facility Plan 110/01/23 04/02/24 133d Alternative 2: Lagoon Intensification $2,346,000 11/01/23 04/08125 975d • Alternative 2: Filtration $3,942,000 10/18/23 06/03126 ! 686d + Alternative 2' Phosphorus Precipitation $525,000 12/01/23 10728/24 237d + Alternative 2: Expansion for Future Flows: 53,284,684 01/01/29 05/17/30 + Alternative 3: Reuse Permit $150,000 01/01/24 09/17/26 + Alternative 3: UV Disinfection 53,768,000 04101+26 01/19/28 471d + Alternative 3- Pipeline to Canal $8,129,000 /1 /?8:;5 rib:I 1:78 751d + Alternative 3' Expansion for Future Flow: $11255,904 0y r0':28 no'06131 635d + Aterna FY24 ( + FY24 ( Phase 2/ Alternative 2 Facility Begin significant investments to reduce long-term operating costs Alternative 2, Lagoon Intensification $2,346,000 -- ! Alternative 2: Filtration $3,942,000 Alternative 2: Phosphorus Precipitation $525,000 1 Phase 3/ Alternative 3 i Alternative 3: Reuse Permit $150,000 Begin sending water to the canal for irrigation All the neighbors (including Valnova) are already doing emaWe3, reuse for irrigation t4ernative 3: Pipeline Canal $8,129.000 Alternative 4: Witter Infiltration Feglbikty Studies Review financial status at this point and consider additional rate increase or bond to pay for capacity expansions and Alternative 4 projects (if applicable). $90 $80 w $ 70 aa). $60 $50 0 V $ to $30 g $ 20 2 $10 so 2024 Projected Monthly User Rate Higher blue line means higher monthly rates Rate increase is needed this year to cover inflation and asset replacement regardless of the alternative selected Lower orange line means lower monthly rates 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 —0—Alt 1: Status Quo. No New Capital Projects at ESD —fi—Alt 3: Summer Canal Reuse. Winter Discharge to West Boise WRF Neighbors Rates • Last rate increase was Dec 2019 • Rates remained unchanged through recent high inflation as District costs increased • Example: Idaho Power 13% rate increase in 2023. Boise annual rate 9% increase. Neighbors FY24 rates $70.00 $60.00 $50.00 $40.00 $30.00 $20.00 $10.00 $- $46.07 $39.00 $46.81 $54.25 $59.81 $65.14 EAGLE SEWER MERIDIAN BOISE STAR NAMPA MIDDLETON DISTRICT Public Comment Period and Public Hearing • Idaho Department of Environmental Quality provided a technical review of the draft facility plan • Found the plan technically approvable • Recommended a public comment and public hearing since irrigation reuse is a change in where the water is going • Published public hearing notice in Idaho Statesman, March patron bills, and on Eagle Sewer District website • Presentations to specific stakeholder groups • Patrons, City of Eagle, City of Boise, willing irrigation partners • Public comment period culminates with this public hearing What have we heard so far: 4EAGLE SEWER DISTRICT THE CITY OF EAGLE Life, Done Right. • Eagle Sewer District Patrons • Surprised that rates haven't increased since 2019 • Excited for increase in community water supply • Eagle City Council • Potential irrigation partners • Excited at the prospect of drought -proof water • City of Boise • Supportive of reuse • Need to determine cost implications of summer reuse )EA GLE SEWER DISTRICT QUESTIONS / COMMENTS