Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 01/23/2024 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 23,2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER,MAY,RUSSELL,KVAMME.A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pike leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 5. PRESENTATION: A. Hardin Sanitation Year-in-Review for 2023: Mark Fulwiler, Hardin District Manager, will provide a year in review for solid waste sanitation services in Eagle. District Manager Fulwiler provides a year in review for solid waste sanitation services provided by Hardin Sanitation. General discussion. 6. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council: Gindlesperger states that the Library Board cancelled their meeting last week. The Arts Advisory Committee held a special meeting,they have initiated a Valentine's Program for Seniors. They are also issuing a Call to Artist for a new program called "Wish you were here." The Avimor CID Board met. Kvamme reports on the Urban Renewal Agency meeting and an RFP that is currently under review. There are currently 2 openings on the Agency Board. He also attended the Parks, Recreation and Pathways Commission meeting, they discussed the growing need for more field space and challenges with basketball team registrations. The American Legion is asking to utilize the Jackson House for fundraising on Friday the 12th and March 23rd They would like to have a BBQ as well as some outdoor activities. Mayor Pike suggests Council Member Kvamme work with staff on the ability of the City to facilitate the requests of the American Legion. B. Department Supervisor 1. City Treasurer, Financial Reports for Month Ending December 31, 2023, and Quarter Ending December 31,2023. (KR) 2. City Clerk reports on the Idaho Power Franchise agreement that is set to expire this year. Idaho State Code establishes the process for franchise agreements and staff are working with Idaho Power and the City Attorney to bring that forward. Also, notes the upcoming Town Hall meeting on January 29th at 5:30 p.m. and a Special Council meeting on February 8th at 3:00 p.m. 3. Public Works Director to Provide an Update on Current Projects. (ELZ) Public Works Director, Eric Ziegenfuss provides an overview of the Public Works Department activities and projects. C. Eagle Police Department: Sgt Justin Elliot presents the monthly report for December. The introduction of the new police Chief will be presented during item 10A. D. City Attorney: No report Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-23-24min.dock 7. PUBLIC COMMENT 1: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding subjects not on the agenda. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time.This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, land use application,or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak,the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Joan Mantell, 4690 N. Hartley Road, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Mantell submits a written statement that discusses activities that occurred on the BLM property which included parties, a medical emergency and a great deal of trash. Property damage to the BLM land as well as the adjoining properties is occurring. Ms. Mantell suggests ways to deter detrimental use that is occurring. Steve Prudy,579 E.Eagle Wood Lane,Eagle,Idaho. Mr.Prudy lives in Lakemoor and plays senior softball in Meridian but would like a sports park in the City of Eagle. It would bring business to Eagle and provide a place for the kids and people to enjoy. 8. ALL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. DR-63-23—Common Area Landscaping within Valnova PUMP No. 1—Lots 32-34: GWC Capital,represented by Eric Langvardt with Langvardt Design Group, is requesting design review approval for the common area landscaping within Valnova PUMP No. 1 -Lots 32-34. The 56.53- acre site is generally located 1 1/2-miles east of State Highway 16(approximately 2.44-miles north of Beacon Light Road(Ada County Assessor parcel number S0323131450). (BAW) C. DR-68-23 — Multi-tenant Retail/Office (Business/Professional and Medical/Dental) Building for Connect Pharmacy—Julie Brown: Julie Brown, represented by Robin Gates with Studio L Architecture, is requesting design review approval to construct a single story, 5,983- square foot multi-tenant retail/office(business/professional and medical/dental)building.The 0.63- acre site is located northeast of State Highway 44 and North Fisher Park Way at 44 North Fisher Park Way within Eagle Island Crossing(Lot 10,Block 2,Arts West Subdivision No. 2). (ERF) D. DR-69-23—Master Sign Plan for a Multi-tenant Retail/Office(Business/Professional and Medical/Dental) Building—Julie Brown: Julie Brown, represented by Robin Gates with Studio L Architecture, is requesting design review approval for a master sign plan for a multi-tenant retail/office (business/professional and medical/dental) building. The 0.63-acre site is located northeast of State Highway 44 and North Fisher Park Way within Eagle Island Crossing(Lot 10, Block 2,Arts West Subdivision No. 2). (ERF) E. DR-72-23 — Multi-tenant Restaurant with a Drive-Through and Restaurant/Retail Building — Rennison Companies: Rennison Companies, represented by Walt Lindgren with Lindgren Labrie Architecture, is requesting design review approval of a 3,774-square foot restaurant with drive-through and restaurant/retail building. The 0.57-acre site is located on the southeast corner of South Edgewood Lane and East STate Street at 650 South Edgewood Lane within East End Marketplace. (BAW) F. DR-73-23—Master Sign Plan for a Multi-tenant Restaurant/Retail and Restaurant with Drive-Through Building — Rennison Companies: Rennison Companies, represented by Walt Lindgren with Lindgren Labrie Architecture, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a restaurant/retail and restaurant with drive-through building. The 0.57-acre site is located Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-23-24min.docx on the southeast corner of South Edgewood Lane and East State Street at 650 South Edgewood Lane within East End Marketplace. (BAW) G. FP-14-23 — Final Plat for Final Plat for Valnova Subdivision No. 2 (Lots 32-35, Spring Valley Subdivision No. 1) — GWC Capital, LLC: GWC Capital, LLC, represented by Landon Northey, is requesting final plat approval for Valnova Subdivision No. 2 (Lots 32-35 of Spring Valley Subdivision No. 1), a 78-lot (72-residential, 6-common [1-public infrastructure]) subdivision.The 56.51-acre site is generally located 3.0 miles northeast of the intersection of State Highway 16 at Equest Lane. (KDO) H. FP-11-23—Final Plat for Final Plat for Carp Ranch Subdivision—Gemshore Eagle RE, LLC: Gemshore Eagle, LLC, represented by Kevin Froehlich, P.E., with KM Engineering, LLP, is requesting final development plan and final plat approvals for Carp Ranch Subdivision, a 76-lot (69-buildable and 7-common) residential subdivision. The 34.57-acre site is located on the south side of West Floating Feather Road approximately 500-feet west of the intersection of North Cove Colony Way and West Floating Feather Road. (MJW) I. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Carla Lewis (Ever After Enchantments): An Independent Contract Agreement between the City of Eagle and Carla Lewis (Ever After Enchantments)to perform at Daddy Daughter Dance. Compensation shall be at a rate of$200.00 for the event. (HAY) J. Live Performance Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Rory Patterson: A Live Performance Agreement between the City of Eagle and Rory Patterson to perform DJ services at the Daddy Daughter Dance.Compensation shall be at a rate of$500.00 for the event. (HAY) K. Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Chrissy Ray: A Professional Services Agreement between the City of Eagle and Chrissy Ray to provide photography services at the Daddy Daughter Dance. Compensation shall be paid for services not to exceed$200.00. (HAY) L. License Agreement Between Drainage District No. 2 and the City of Eagle: A License Agreement between Drainage District No. 2 and the City of Eagle to provide an easement location at Drain No. 15 for the installation of fiber line and conduits. (ELZ) M. Idaho Power Public Utility Easement: City of Eagle is granting Idaho Power a Public Utility Easement for the undergrounding of power within the Eagle Regional Sports Complex located on State Highway 16 at Equest Lane. (EZ/NBS) N. Development Agreement for RZ-05-23 —Hevostila Subdivision—GHW Holdings, LLC: Council authorization for Mayor to execute the development agreement associated with the rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to R-4-DA (Residential with a development agreement). The 12.14-acre site is located on the south side of East Floating Feather Road approximately 355-feet west of the intersection of North Falling Water Avenue and East Floating Feather Road at 2385 East Floating Feather Road. (MJW) O. Water Easement Agreement Between Terra View, LLC and the City of Eagle: Request for approval of a Water Easement Agreement between Terra View,LLC and the City of Eagle for offsite City of Eagle water system improvements located within property located on the east side of State Highway 16 between West Floating Feather Road and West Beacon Light Road. (MJW) P. Water Easement Agreement Between G&G Investments Idaho, LLLP and the City of Eagle: Request for approval of a Water Easement Agreement between G&G Investments Idaho, LLLP and the City of Eagle for City of Eagle water system improvements constructed at 8301 West Beacon Light Road. (MJW) Q. Water Easement Agreement Between TV 44, LLC, Artic Wild, LLC and the City of Eagle: Request for approval of a Water Easement Agreement between TV 44, LLC, Artic Wild, LLC, and the City of Eagle for offsite City of Eagle water system improvements constructed on property located on the east side of State Highway 16 between West Floating Feather Road and West Beacon Light Road. (MJW) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-23-24min.doss May moves to approve consent agenda items A-Q. Seconded by RUSSELL. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM Review of 2024 liaison positions for Mayor and Council. Mayor Pike introduces the item. Discussion regarding liaison positions for 2024. The following changes are requested to the draft liaison list, Gindlesperger will take on the Eagle Fire Department, Russell will remain the Valley Regional Transit primary liaison, and Kvamme will take the Eagle Sewer District. May and Mayor Pike will be voting members on COMPASS, Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects will attend as staff subject matter expert. By unanimous consent of the Council to accept the changes as identified. B. Update on Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant.(HR) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Deputy Justing Elliot reviews the regular duties of current STEP Deputies. Deputy Elliot reviews STEP grant application in which they request funding for one additional STEP Deputy. The full cost of one Deputy would be $147,726.00, the City's match would be 25% in an amount of $36,931.50. Items that would qualify for the qualified match including equipment, man hours and/or mileage,this would fund a position for fiscal year 2025. Council member Russell discusses the Law Enforcement Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan and how those funds may or may not be used. The current CIP funds could not be utilized for the purchase of a vehicle as it would not have a lifespan of 10 years and is not called out in the CIP. Russell is in favor of following the easiest way to track data as the method to utilize account for the 25%match. Gindlesperger concurs. Discussion. Mayor Pike encourages Sgt Elliot to work with staff to finalize the submittal of the grant application for the additional STEP position. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM Confirmation of Appointment of Police Chief: In accordance with Eagle City Code 1-6-1,the Council shall confirm the appointment of the Police Chief. (BP) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Ada County Sheriff Matt Clifford introduces Lt. Travis Ruby and briefly reviews his law enforcement work history. Councilmember May welcomes Lt. Ruby. Lt.Ruby addresses the Council and expresses his excitement to serve the Eagle Community. May moves to approve the appointment of Lt. Travis Ruby as Eagle Police Chief. Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE; MAY AYE; RUSSELL AYE; KVAMME AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-23-24min.docx 11. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS:Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. • Public hearing testimony time limits: Individuals testifying are allotted three (3) minutes for non-repetitive testimony. • Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest A. A-02-23/RZ-03-23/PP-03-23 — Annexation, Rezone, and Preliminary Plat for Huntridge Subdivision — BPS Palmer Lane, LLC: BPS Palmer Lane, LLC, Shannon Ely, represented by Kindi Moosman with Horrocks Engineers, is requesting an annexation, rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition —Ada County designation) to R-6-DA (Residential with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]), and preliminary plat approvals for Huntridge Subdivision, a 73-lot(58-buildable [5 single-family detached, 53 single family attached], 15- common)residential subdivision. The 10-acre site is located on the west side of North Palmer Lane approximately 445-feet south of the intersection of West Beacon Light Road and North Palmer Lane at 3101 North Palmer Lane. (MJW) Mayor Pike introduces the item. Mayor calls a 10-minute recess. Matthew Riggs, 529 W. Fordham Drive, Eagle,Idaho. Mr. Riggs discusses their vision for the development. Debra Nelson, 601 W. Bannock Street, Boise, Idaho. The applicant is in full agreement with the recommended conditions of approval by both staff, the Planning and Zoning Commission and agency comments. Ms. Nelson reviews the application. General discussion for clarification regarding alley width, snow removal and other specifics. Nelson states that at this time they have no plans for the units to be owner occupied. David Bailey, Civil Engineer 1119 E. State Street, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Bailey discusses the radius and proposed width for access. Discussion regarding pool and deck size, open space amenities and fencing type. Planner III, Mike Williams presents the staff report and site-specific conditions of approval as well as areas for special consideration. Reviews density of surrounding developments. Discussion. Mayor Pike opens the public hearing. Ezra Jackson,2725 N.Esquire Circle, Eagle,Idaho. Mr. Jackson owns one of the neighboring properties. He has concerns with the stub out roads and the impact on irrigation access. In addition, he is also concerned with the number of stub outs and the potential of runoff onto their farm property. Manuela Walters, 1327 N. Laconia, Eagle, Idaho. Walters lives south of the development. Ms. Walters is concerned with the R-6 density compared with the surrounding developments and feels that 58 homes is a lot for 10 acres. Ms. Walters is not in favor of these all being Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-23-24min.docx rentals vs owner occupied. She does not believe there is adequate open space for the number of units. Lori Reddick, 536 Mango Drive,Eagle,Idaho. Ms.Reddick agrees with many of Ms. Walters statements. The density is of concern, lack of adequate parking, and allowing exceptions to the rule rather than following the rule of the code. Eagle is over building the downtown and we are not concerned with setbacks. The setback should be adequate for larger vehicles to park without hanging over the sidewalk. Mayor Pike closes the public hearing. Ms. Nelson provides rebuttal to testimony and concerns expressed by Council. Discusses the proposed park open space and pool size. The open space percentages are comparable to the surrounding developments and meet the City's requirements. It is the requirement to maintain the stormwater onsite, it is an ACHD and requirements of the City and they intend to do so. The water and sewer will be stubbed out to the neighboring property for future development of that property. Discusses compliance with the Comprehensive Plan with the proposed density and zoning surrounding the site. There are sidewalks proposed, as well as parking spaces for each unit. • Matthew Riggs addresses the owner-occupied vs rental aspect of the development that had arisen earlier. They are amiable to both; however, their focus is currently to make the offer of rental units, at some point in the future they may change the offering. It is their hope to offer housing opportunities that may not currently be met in Eagle. Discussion. Discussion amongst the Council. Gindlesperger asks staff what the current zoning of property is with Ada County and if there are any conditions pertaining to owner occupied vs rental. Russell states that based on already approved developments in the vicinity that she is not in favor of annexation at this time. Gindlesperger agrees with Russell. Kvamme believes that the proposed density is too high. Discussion. Gindlesperger moves to deny item 11A A-02-23/RZ-03-23/PP-03-23 — Annexation, Rezone, and Preliminary Plat for Huntridge Subdivision — BPS Palmer Lane, LLC. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 12. PUBLIC COMMENT 2: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding concerns or comments they would like to provide to the City Council regarding any matter, up to and including any subject on the agenda with the exception of Public Hearing and land use items.Comments regarding Public Hearing and land use items need to be made during the open public hearing for said item(s) in accordance with Idaho Code. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters(excluding Public Hearing and land use items)during this allotted time. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three(3)minutes. Mayor Pike introduces the item. No one chooses to speak. 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206 (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-23-24min.docx No executive session is needed. 14. ADJOURNMENT: Russell moves to adjourn. Seconded by May. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Res ectfully submitte • OF EA G T CYE RN, CMC .N . e0RA2, 's CITY CL • o C.) • • ' APPROVED: ~ ; SV•A I; • �.: •✓\(Y)RPURP ai *F BRAD , MAY AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-23-24min.docx 1/23/2024 Hardin Sanitation - City of Eagle Year in Review -202.3 t 19;‘,411rPlirlq .11 THE CITY OF EAGLE , ... • , ••:,; •t Hardin .400041.SANITATION 4 1 2023 by the Numbers 22 20 23 10 23 31 21 S3 21 22 23 31 ..1440 33.4111.1162100.6393112 ions 01 c0.3.92r2,91 waste 1200612d ' 2'7 0,J6,61r"..00i '2'.9.1,0!`*° • Taal,020.12109201.91,29 050166641 28.34 24 51 29 20 04 62 16 44 1381 14612 2549 30 12 35.08 34.42 32 27 .5.111161116 9"WW.frefr...14' 2.411Mr — $ 92 $ 243 $ 314 $ 385 5 4 41 $ 4 94 $ 1/1 $ 4 65 5 2.24 $ 4.14 $ 4 se 5 3 33 5 3 33 • Serviced 12K+homes/550+businesses weekly and landfilled nearly 45 million pounds of trash • Diverted 3.78 million pounds of recyclable materials from landfill • Donated close to$35K of services to the City of Eagle departments and events lardin - • *4' • • .k• I Hardin Sanitation-1854 E Lanark Street Meridian,ID 83642 2 1 1/23/2024 Hardin Sanitation --City of Eagle Price Corn•orison 2022 vs 2023 SERVICE DESCRIPTION PER Hardin Prior Republk %difference between Hardin Rate Rate rate and prior rate 32 Gallon Curbside Service(trash&recycle) Mo. $18.24 $ 25.09 -27.30% 65 Gallon Curbside Service(trash&recycle) Mo. $19.29 $ 25.09 -23.12% 95 Gallon Curbside Service(trash&recycle) Mo. $20.43 $ 25.09 -18.57% 32 Gallon Curbside/Carryout Senior Mo. $15.84 $ 21.25 -25.46% Citizen/Veteran Svc(trash&recycle) 65 Gallon Curbside/CarryoutSenior Mo. $16.89 $ 21.25 -20.52% Citizen/Veteran Svc(trash&recycle) 95 Gallon Curbside/CarryoutSenior Mo. $18.03 $ 21.25 -15.15% Citizen/Veteran Svc(trash&recycle) Commercial Cart Service Mo. $24.73 $ 49.32 -49.86% 3-Yard Bin Collection(1 s per week) Mo. $122.07 $ 131.44 -7.13% 6-Yard Bin Collection(1 X per wee)) Mo. $165.59 $ 220.64 -24.95% 9-yard yin Collection(1 X per week) Mo. $186.99 $ 308.21 -39.33% 3 The Customers' Experience Our goal is to ensure City of Eagle customers know: Hardin • What to expect 9ANRATION • When to expect it • How to reach us with questions Ha Ya valued Aav m ste �1. H n 4 A - , H ..„ , 6.9 R ..... .. , , r :.,. ®® H e.. M. o 4 2 1/23/2024 2023 Transition Challenges • City of Eagle roll out of equipment-didn't receive good data • Fall Leaf pick up scheduling-recommend we move back to November • Safety#1 Value-we had 3 minor incidents involving customers property • Landfill Price Increase-could have communicated the pricing effect more clearly ta 1 Y9` f I a ; a y iF � ��`•i 77. City of Eagle Community Events Hardin Donated services to many Eagle Events including: Harvest Fest, Eagle Fun Days, Eagle Country Christmas and the Eagle Spring Fling. O� 60 Eagle r''rNARVEST• FEST FUN DA '16°. iasn+ Fling• ;, ��. iiliicATE Saturday,April 22,2023 9amtonoon /� SPon ored n LET•f GIV[[ACK. bY' Ir Eagle eRx.MFl PnPeP E�rgle Carxsr ��.�� U gloves R 4�r{IeIMI,un t M[ET AT: ee:to:me:,w. H F�oodbank hienvshl o aixe Pux Slgn up :04.4!! 1, pAr_C P:n EAGLEv V •COUNTRY• roam CNRISTMAS - "`"` rt 6 3 1/23/2024 Partnership with City of Eagle Summary Summary I�r•+` - '"• • Trusted partner f 14 • Cost Savings to residents& businesses in City of Eagle i varlp.4 • Local, responsible, reliable, and safety-focused provider • Dedicated community support • Responsive to the needs of those we serve THE CITY OF • Decentralized structure with nation-wide resources EAGLE 1110111 00 I lardin 7 4 1/23/2024 PUBLIC WORKS Eric Ziegenfuss 1 BRANCHES LANDSCAPING TRAILS Maintains grounds related Attends to Eagle's many miles needs such as mowing, of pathways and trails, ensuring trimming, planting, and smooth passage and safe seasonal treatments. conditions. FACILITIES FIBEROPTICS Responds to the custodial, Strategizes, acquires, installs, maintenance, and updating and sustains the city-wide Fiber t•'' , ..., needs of the City's buildings. Optic Internet Network. ** '" PARKS Upkeeps the many parks and `d • 4; � shelters utilized for recreation and events. 2023 PUBLIC WORKS .. 2 1 1/23/2024 PW STAFF Emergency Preparedness • RC Track • Collaboration with Event Logistics Surrounding Jurisdictions • Spring Fling F'" Safety Program Budget Tracking z .Q • Snow Removal • Final Report for 2018 • Winter Driving FEMA , Safety Gear& Uniforms Project Coordination • Welding Helmets • OK Park Playground • Chainsaw Gear • Merrill Park Doors __ • Cold Weather Gear • Library Roof Contracts &Agreements • Senior Center Remodel • BMX • Splashpad Repair PUBLIC WORKS 3 ` BOOTS ON THE GROUND i , -- ' ,-- ii , 'r� + — Hill Road Tree Planting 41 Its, • �•• Linder Landscape Plan Review .. Idaho Horticulture Expo ' a `- -'` �mi ,_ Safety Fest .,. Snow Removal .� 4 Christmas Lights • � 'I Senior Center Electrical for EFB Ii WoodLab Table ; PUBLIC WORKS 4 2 1/23/2024 xxr FIBER ' 1,,1. . a J < .... Estrada Subdivision Boxes , - , City Hall to Guerber Park `� *� �3 Avimor, Valnova, & Molinari r 1'. 23 Developments , Y rii r - Downtown (Eagle/State) r • o., f_ , t IRON Guerber Fiber Hut PUBLIC WORKS 5 5 ! • FORWARD THINKING PURCICWORRSAll • Jackson House Clean up and Study • Pamela Baker Park Pump • Sports Complex • Spring Fling • Incident Command System • City Shop 2023 PUBLIC WORKS 6 3 1/23/2024 THAN K YOU ., t • PUBLIC WORKS r 7 4 December 2023 Police Report 'POLICE IL Release Date 2024-01-12 fir ctfl LAIME Offenses Reported' Case Report Types •Person Crimes=murder,manslaughter, Types 2020 2021 2022 2023 YTD rape/sodomy,assault,intimidation and kidnapping Person 102 137 164 196 offenses •Property Crimes=robbery,burglary,larceny/theft, Property 229 189 201 211 arson,destruction of property,counterfeiting,fraud, Society 239 175 216 313 embezzlement,blackmail and stolen property offenses 570 501 581 723 •Society Crimes=drugs/narcotics,gambling, pornography,prostitution and weapons law Crimes Reported by Month and Type violations Person Property Society No.of Arrests 0 Other • DUI 39 35 36 35 40 32 22 21 17 17 20 ii.1 18 24 12 11 10 11 11 1i 10 0 Sep Oct Nov Dec Sep Oct Nov Dec Sep Oct Nov Dec Sep Oct Nov Dec No.of Mental Hold Cases Police Activity' 8 2023 2023 6 Monthly Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Avg3 Average:5 Citizen Calls for Service 7,719 643 686 600 573 547 4 7 7 (CFS) 2 Proactive Policing 19,007 1,584 1,598 1,810 1,747 1,797 2 2 0 Select Call Types Sep Oct Nov Dec 2023 All Code 3 Response Time(min:sec)4 2023 Total Monthly Sep Oct Nov Dec Avg3 AVG 04:23 Code CFS 282 24 24 27 22 32 Alarm 536 45 50 39 50 36 Crash Response 740 62 70 65 70 84 04 54 04 33 04 12 03 52 School Checks 420 35 56 51 58 56 Traffic Stops 7,576 631 625 664 779 702 Welfare Checks 587 49 45 52 51 44 Sep Oct Nov Dec 'Offense Reports are compiled from NIBRS RMS.2Police Activity reflects calls within the City of Eagle and all calls dispatched with an Eagle deputy.'Monthly averages are based on all prior months of the current year.'Code 3 Calls represent all incidents that are routed at Priority 3,where Priority 3 calls require en immediate emergency response. Last updated:9/14/23 VB '*CKrw Avurn Uvu EAGLE CITY COUNCIL January 23, 2024 PLIBLOMMENT' 1 SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. TESTIFY PRO/CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS 'YES O NEUTRAL ''' th i 4U){. S-77 i-li' 4/ - , i s_)Ca." ‘A laftie- I Ai 69 b A) 434 -f(-e -Eaj/Po More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL January 23, 2024 PUBLIC COMMENT 1 SIGN-UP Time is allotted on the agenda at the beginning and end of the council meeting. Time is limited to three (3) minutes per individual. More on back 11A3PLI 2024 comments by Joan Mantel for the Eagle City Council regarding the annexed BLM Lands You have heard the phrase, "It takes a community to raise a child." What are the values this council wants for the youth and young adults of Eagle? On January 7,2024 our neighbor was a witness as an unconscious young girl was taken from the BLM gate at the end of Hartley Rd. by ambulance from a BLM party. Her friends had vomit on their clothes. In the morning this trash was along my property on the road. My neighbor was taking pictures of the vomit and urination spots left behind. Some kids park their cars along our properties at night and are picked up and dropped off by others with pickup trucks and taken to their pallet bonfire parties. This happens most weekends and occasionally during the week. A bit of my history. Meridian subdivisions were moving ever closer when I moved to this property in 1991. 1 came to one of the first Eagle Town Hall meetings in 2016 with a few "show and tell" grocery bags full of beverage containers and shotgun shells. Later I was on the mayor's committee chaired by Nicole Baird because I was concerned about increasing conflicts between diverse users . Families with kids and dogs going for a walk quickly retreated to their cars when they heard or came upon shooters. In the past pellets have bounced off my dining room windows and barn roof My neighbor has bullet holes in their home and their electric gate has been broken several times by trespassers. A 5" firecracker was thrown into cheat grass this summer and it burned 28 acres. I understand that the police/sheriff officers do not want to get involved at night on a rutted dirt road and THAT IS THE WAY THE KIDS LIKE IT. My Constructive Suggestions 1. Set up sobriety checkpoints where the kids can't see them from the top of the hill. 2. Kids have learned to throw dirt on some of their fires, race down the hill and hide in the Goodall cul-de-sac when they see the fire engine lights coming. 3. Hopefully there are creative minds on this council to think of ways to discourage these summer bonfires, and curb underage drinking and/or illegal drug use. 4. Organized clean up days could use offenders given community service because I will no longer pick up party and shooter trash. 5. Public Service announcements about not abusing the muddy foothills should also apply to Eagle as it does Boise. It would be great to curb the destruction done to the land by trucks, RAZR's (razors) and dirt bikes. 6. Don't count on the BLM land managers to do anything. Eagle annexed the land. The BLM mantra is "Too many acres and too few managers." Common sense tools like signs and closing the gate during muddy weather have no support. I have one question about disturbing the peace. What are the laws governing the noise of loud music and loud trucks and dirt bikes between the hours of 12:30 and 3 am? I am losing too much sleep. The following is a list of stuff I and a few others have picked up. It is so peaceful to walk in the Eagle hills when this trash is gone. DISGUSTING TRASH on the Eagle annexed BLM land my husband and I have picked up and put in our our garbage used condoms used toilet paper shards of shot up ceramic sinks and toilets Shot up computers, TV's and office machinery burned baby crib bed springs and mattresses shot up and burned chairs and sofas stuffing of furniture blowing around construction hardware, materials and insulation golf balls hit off hill tops and burned golf clubs raked up nails and hardware from pallet fires various rugs, towels and discarded clothing many pounds of aluminum cans and fast food containers pounds of brass cartridges, shotgun shells and abandon targets tedious removal and burial of shot up liquor and beer bottle glass propane cylinders and a dishwasher, and tires Others have helped with the trash and taken larger items to the land fill. Since the Ada County Land fill has raised their rates I expect more trash Dog owners have asked to use our hay field for dog training because of all dangerous trash. 1/24/2024 W ----I) POLICE %I.III CITY of EAGLE Grant 1 k.....„, . ,,,,.. : :,,, , . r. , . .. . ,. ... ,. ... . ----___„ .., , I . „. ,. ,,, . , , , , . *11','"1",...... ' ' .' ' s' .... :,. ii4,,ii -- , .777"''',',:;'' - NI; ,,,, r . __ ,. t......._ , i �. ,1110k., pia ' d m - iiilo • o�F .Na . i ....c.„......._ ___ ,,,,,_,_ . -.,_ , _ ,. _ „......, . -,: _ ..,,. .,..... .,.,.. \ ._ 1 1/24/2024 !4A1 , „ ....., . , ....._ ,-.. c- ./.....,'# •, . ., .-`4' . ... 1 • 1 _ 4 ... —.4 *.... -... -.41---■ _. ...--_... .... . _ --... .,.. .. . - --..-- . . . .., . 3 Education, Engineering and Enforcement , ".' 114111.1111111 , ,. ,...„ _ _...e. ' i.„, a .. -......_, , -, .... -.-,,, =lig . -. .i.k.' +, ' /1116 ;'.:::::: .7.7.7 )110-• iinim i s••=smi 'A m %'"' , .„,„,,,,,,,,, ' ..41I. ' b. • "71,,,=::::::"::.=...,.,.. 1 ••••••••'"----....„..........., - , .,.....• . ,., N - . ; or;4"74111%o .. ,,, . _,• .- ' NAL ,C-1' —r,— !' *1-- . `'‘V li"-•-Itk ‘oe'i;., ' ..--"•--- * ,. r.,- ,''''', , 4 ri.S-.....1•' -......, ';, („tA•••44*.Zi:..,,,,, • ,'..,-44'•:-.°11 , '", ,4,, ,‘ s,.e_ ;', 7. ; • ,00,...,, 4 4 ts,,,,%. ;16;.V r''' it '•i' "i ' '' ' '..,, t'' .ft-;-,_,.,,..,..,,;,,,;_:_z4.--: !..... " . . :..t..-:::"•*4‘,',tio' '. , '-..-.7.. .',.t.'2!-,:'*.,-,:"..5.':- '3- ..•-_.- ....--, ,,,:', , 4 2 1/24/2024 Eagle Police• ... The most common concern we hear about public safety in Eagle is about traffic.We get a tot of reports for speeding-especiatly on arterial roads like Idaho 44 and Idaho 55.Our officers also investigate a lot of crashes on those roads with the majority being rear-end collisions nee! intersections. In essence a small but Signiricant amount or people are dnvino too rott and agg!esrive through - � octal media M ,A _ { ,.„ Classroom activities ORO$ 4,15 � , . . e l 6 3 1/24/2024 Crash data for the City of Eagle 2018-2022 unvw.fill.Idaho.gou/safely ert, 14, Star 7 Within the City of Eagle 2020 until present apps.itd.ldaho.gou/apes/wehcars • 1 ,124 collision events • 2,218 vehicles involved ($3,327,000) • 2,935 occupants involved • 490 injuries • 6 fatalities 8 4 1/24/2024 Age , 23 En 105 -, .1168.. NM 51 49 .43 -'r 4fi 35 ♦24 Irl iailla• MAMA2 .1...33WE•.32 Lt2111J714 T 14 ' 1 1. • 15 8 1 1 9 5 4 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 9 contributing circumstances ggressrve °riving: An in°!viouai committing a combination or oving traffic offenses so as to endanger other persons or property(NHTSA) • Alcohol impaired: 100 • Distracted in or on vehicle: 161 • Failed to yield: 452 • Following too close: 69' . Cam;! +.-, .,6, ,,, ..,-,.,l. no • Inattention: 440 • None: 2,095 ",,,,, ,..," ,., 'or conditions: 140 10 5 1/24/2024 By year •2020: 232 •2021 : 338 •2022: 286 •2023 (to date): 270 11 Since we received the LIDAR units in the 2023 mini grant: • 116 MPH ina55 • 68 MPH ina35 • 90 and 97 MPH in a 55 • 120 MPH in a 55 (11-28-2023) • 100 MPH in a 65 (1-16-2024) • 90 MPH in a 55 (1-23-2024) 12 6 1/24/2024 FY 2025 grant request: • Eagle Police Department would like work with the City of Eagle to submit a grant application for man hour reimbursement through the Idaho Office of Highway Safety for fiscal year 2025 (October 1, 2024 until September 30, 2025) for the Selected Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP). • 2,080 hours at the fully "loaded" Deputy rate • The position would work later in the afternoon during peak hours. 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ?+8888 cc 13 FY 2025 Idaho Office of Highway Safety Grant application process: 1: Apply for the grant before the deadline of the end of January 2024. The grant would be specific in requesting items related to traffic safety and enforcement identifying issues to include impaired driving,distracted driving,aggressive driving and other traffic laws. The goal is to reduce collisions. 2: The City of Eagle or Eagle Police would need to commit at least a 25%agency match of the 2,080 hours of funding. At the fully"loaded"Deputy rate of$147,726.00 the match would be a$36,931.50. This could be in the form of equipment to include a vehicle,traffic enforcement related equipment, mileage or a man hours match completed by Eagle Police. 3: ITD reviews the application and provides an award letter the City of Eagle. The City of Eagle funds the position,which would start on October 15t,2024. 4: The Eagle Police Department will work the 2,080 hours in traffic safety and enforcement. This can be completed using existing staff as well as the new position(s). 5: Logs world be maintained to include timesheets,activity logs,mileage,traffic stops,citations,etc.with updates lat least quarterly to ITD. This would be the responsibility of the City of Eagle Police and Data Analytics. 6: The City of Eagle would be refunded the man hours. 14 7 1/24/2024 Examples of grant positions within the Ada County Sheriff's Office: • The City of Kuna was awarded a grant position in FY 2022 for a STEP position. 25% match by the city included a Harley Davidson motorcycle and traffic related equipment for the deputy. • The City of Star was awarded a grant position in FY 2024 for a STEP/POP position. 25% match by the city included a police equipped vehicle and traffic related equipment for the deputy. 15 Concerns about the grant funds: • The grant funds need to be applied for every year and may not be awarded. • Accurate documentation of activity hours, mileage, timesheets, payroll verification, etc. • The grant funds can only be awarded for three consecutive years and City Council needs to be prepared to absorb any position(s) into the budget at the conclusion of the grant process. 16 8 1/24/2024 The 25% match can practically be done a few different ways: • Equipment match • Man hours match • Mileage match 17 2, ,:* FF >. '• i.t.•.;k ' ,,s ,P.,- -t- 1 1 t k r i7 Equipment match: �� f-d adfv �r", �r •4046,. • FY24 rat is around$80,000 �;" �� T • Typical) the ACSO leases the vehicle to the contract city _ ' x. howev r this includes maintenance,maintaining '• _ certific tions,specs,replacement,etc. z- -' 1 • Well over the 25%match and is easy to document. • The City of Eagle will need to change the yearly grant N application over the 3 year process as the 25%match will not be met during the life of the grant. ��, E * / • $80,000/3 years is less than the$36,931.50 per year match. CITY of EAGI E �` ._ A 18 9 1/24/2024 Man hour match: • 2,080 man hours at 25%match=520 hours per year • 520 hours per year/12 months per year=43.33 hours per month of traffic related activities. This includes,but is not limited to traffic stops,directed patrols,collision investigations,drunk driver checks,etc. • Is the preferred method by the Ada County Sheriff's Office and Data Analytics can complete the report in a timely manner. • The breakdown of the lease of the patrol vehicle can be broken down over the preferred 5 year lease($80,000.00/5 years=$16,000 per year). • The Eagle Police is already fulfilling the man hours match,without the added positions as is. 19 December 2023 traffic related activity by Eagle Police: Tnfkc Calla In December 2023,Eagle Deputies(call type and time taken). DP/EP/ 1050PD/57 1050PI/57 Reckless/Road Complaint/ Stated Cell Response on Traffo NAME UNIT T-Stop Grant Hit and Run Hit Run Injury Rage/Speeding 1055 Hazard/Control Vehicle Count Cell HH:MMSS ® EEMMICEMINEINI©©_©_©©® '®' IIIIMINIEEIMMIMIE Goold ®®0000©0©EMIM ®�mml©©olllllll©a10111137® ��m®oo©000mo� MEMIENEMMININ3IIIMIIMIIMMIMMININCIMMIE=1111211111 EMEN■IIIMINmoo©000©oM2MEM 118111MINESEmm®© o©©llll©® EMMEIIIIMINEIMMEM=3111111MMIMMIIINEMMIIIIIIM� Ism®©©00000mwarusm ITEEN■®mo©00000m® 12331=MMEMMEINMCIM=M11111=MIIMIIMINEMIEMEMIIECIMEEEENN ��®m©o©aoo©mom 120111ZEMEM®o©ooIII000®IIMMZEM El=2111111121111Imo©000©©®NIMMIIII MIEME=MEZZINWENIEZINEIRIMIIMMEMIEEMNIIEMMINEREIMINIII 20 10 1/24/2024 Mileage Match: • $147,726.00 (fully "loaded" Deputy) X 25% (match) = $36,931.50 • $36,931.50 / $0.70 mile (current reimbursement for mileage) = 25,853 miles • 25,853 miles / 12 months per year = 2,155 miles per month • Requires paper logs that will be turned into the Idaho Transportation Department Office of Highway Safety 21 3¢,, ,z ek Questions or clarifications. 22 11 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 23, 2024 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11A SUBJECT: A-02-23/RZ-03-23/PP-03-23 —Annexation, Rezone, and Preliminary Plat for Huntridge Subdivision — BPS Palmer Lane, LLC: TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL Ezf (\ ac(1Sah 777 c ti Esciv , recif YQL More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 23, 2024 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 11A SUBJECT: A-02-23/RZ-03-23/PP-03-23 — Annexation, Rezone, and Preliminary Plat for Huntridge Subdivision — BPS Palmer Lane, LLC: TESTIFY PRO/ CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL More on back BARON PROPERTIES HUNTRIDGE SUBDIVISION BARON PROPERTIES 24 FOUNDE IN AT A GLANCE TOTAL PROF-. ,> 1983 . 7,1 DEVELOPED 5 000+ 9 Al INC, IN 6 MARKETS OWNED+ OPERATED UNITS • • '. . . - — ... 0 1 0 ' , ,, .. , ____- , .., „ , 9 ‘ ....„, , •• .. , .. . ,'''' . , 11311199.- '' • liiiiiir *• QUALITY MANAGEMENT Own and operate our dovolopme .,.. .... t /I ong term owner s - Experienced&professional management service seven days a i r5„,,,„„...,------ —1,1, .1;.•;"'• r,,, , 1...„5:-..,:: week :h .. 24 hour on-call maintenance - -. --- "DERN_Regulated community oversight -A 44,4 —CRAFTSMAN -A 41me 9,111P , MODERN CRAFTSMAN , , ,..,,,,.', ._.„.. ,„ :'"--,„.....1.; '.- ile4_ } s�siC,§ s�, I /F� a _ � 1#� ! fit.' ^ I. �441 `? va4,, as�, P — k R u I VV �. a I , .....„, .. _. ,.. MODERN_ -CRAFTSMAN iiiiiul . 11 j\ 111 1A 1 , jr. ,,, , 40 MODERN_ air. -CRAFTSMAN VICINITY MAP VI W Baai ioiRjghl Fd _.. W W on Light Ad.__._____._ -.W Bexon-Wild i S a z S A MODERN_ i.3<Zsscs N 162e20.7e WI —CRAFTSMAN SURROUNDING DEVELOPMENT ,y_-�� ,_,r .. TERRA YIEW A. 1 r-'--i 2,ii. ,. " mopi IN s ,� ',1 j �ORRENTE r,------ ..b...a.,,o. .. , 0 ..... r,,,,,„.„ .c...„:..,..,..,,,,,,.....0. .,, ),„k.. ,,,, , „„„, ,.* VI"::: 4,,eatili. i f II eis ? :lass,t■, -- - ,� Ii. ,,1. , :1 •all 7,T_4/5-:':i..' MILLS ONE i N�a11/! ('r, aue i Ip ' FARMS •`1IiU&iJlIIa' r� & f.1m �' ortinmi I iii: oirs w ... `'0 . I ,, Ti 111111 , L 1 11 I ♦ 4 i i 1 1 m....1 11 V. y T J.r rr ,1. .1! Y,. MODERN_ 6;, r/ ,_ 5" -.�u,plll/lllu .:'ll...:,.n�.--,; -,,; —CRAFTSMAN • f FUTURE LAND USE MAP ? . . B a nit!,ht R t SITE v W Ho.•REGIONAL OPENSPACE OVERLAY�I PROFESSIONAL OFFICE/BUSINESS PARK MIXED USE E IF.'TRANSITION OVERLAY FOOTHILLS RESIDENTIAL =DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY CENTER AGRICULTURE/RURAL I......VILLAGE/COMMUNITY CENTER' p CO SCENIC CORRIDOR ESTATE RESIDENTIAL ;COMMERCIAL Q- FLOODWAY LARGE LOT INDUSTRIAL Z NEIGHBORHOOD al PUBLIC/SEMI PUBLIC -,• » I COMPACT I BIM PARK INFILL/HIGH DENSITY EAGLE ISLAND SPECIAL U :.. - _ ' • W State-5 .,.e 4111. .1.1.=1111s... MODERN_ CRAFTSMAN SITE PLAN , ..,,, ,,....„..„....__ ___ -- ,. ,,, , ,, . , .,,, ,, 4 , ,4 , _,„ .. .. .., ... w .. , 'a 7 " ' $ ' `T- , - 44-... ii* = 0 .... — r „. ,.. „___144: .1 ;1F .y, 1 +r ' �atitazi1,11:111, 4111 'writ i ir ja !NM Of 'pq e. , illailh dill linft IT .1.r µ . I , .,.....,.., 1 . 0 • __wt. , ,, J i ialg rA. ��alit a s eLoc =wit i , ,yr 7F-011 . , 1 1 f El 1{ . t, VP �Ji1F ii,EW,.. �3+. �,p Irr.„,...4,, misimmii /Vs..... .,..,1 Irign 4101 to . . I =1�.'�"a at''4 ' rm r+ "� 'µ'� ,a 4�� Pi EL g---- •optii Air . `v./ m _ :tea. m ;l'. _{ 4} tr re � n Eli_ 11--rommiesM Ms , ���� �_f1 .. _MODERN_ Lir `1 ., ° s� , j Y a CRAFTSMAN FRONT SETBACK - LOT 7, BLOCK 3 t• ga p W -, GP11 t 8o t Single-Family Attached Units r PF®', L Ft+ant(Lot 7,Block 3) 17-feet(living),25-feet(garage) t ` Rear 15-feel(5-feet if alley load) � Interior Side 5-feet (0-feet for common wall) t 87 O�j �''!'ff��-�rr(��'! Street Side 20-feet f o ,� %t 33't VIA"' ��iV,Jjr.II : limil I • tr. ii S .I girl MI MODERN —CRAFTSMAN 2BED2BATH - � -, . ., , _ „. ., ,,,,, . • 15 units (26% of unit mix) 1111111111111111111fti,- • 1,245 sf I POOP • Two different roof lines • Three exterior color r .' schemes • ` . `>. .0116444 ... , SINGLE,SLOPE I-200f ■tilt`.._. {, 3 BED 2 BATR17„. � 4 � „ . �_ - : R� : ._ , . , .. ....,„. ,. _, , , . •..........''''S • 15 units 26°0 of unit mix) • 1,453-1,567 sf ,„PPOOF • Two different roof lines • Three exterior color s _ '"`•• schemes � •` �� yr r , fit, ,p a , o iN('L L.',LOPE Fit;OF 4 BED 2.5 BATH ,. ..,... , t { 1 " �_. • 7 units (12% of unit mix) '" • 1,748 sf HIP ROOF • Two different roof lines A • Three exterior color 7 1�schemes •� a � •j r °+.0 1 .-:::-:" M sIN•L•,L• • .:1 - .,. V.. `3 pp 2 & 3 BED/2.5 BATH TOWNHOME • 21 units (36°0 of unit mix) t'''•;—••. I Ilt-4, tc," .0 i „, ,,• 1,213 — 1,352 sf .... .., 11t hIll. ..,-, Ti • Three exterior color " schemes ‘ • 2 car tuck under garages • Private balcony f'ZItt;',-As4..,.- •-•:, „ .,... ,. ,A ,, ... 001 '.f-- Ills,„, -Ua- 411P.., ''• --4:. 1 -..- " ".--rmain*-+IA•.- -, `,'.-/ ..! .._--, -- la ii -•••.:.4.' " 4.. ' ''.'"Or ` -------' -----.-- 1 111 'it r, ek ) L , .- 1 _ tail , 1 7, - MODERN_ . , —CRAFTSMAN 't CLUBHOUSE _ ... a%.0"•' li -N. _ ....-..,,, A,.•..^ .. , , -- ... , . . ...-' .1%**.411".-?N................- 0 ' ....,* ,. ....... ' ,,,,,........- ...- . ...- ........... +k• 1 III : ',... -.: wo..."" I .' .. - iiiisiorii - -;-•' --,..-.-': COMMUNITY AMENITIES `A fix to z >:� n. h s gun' �„ _ rs < roar ✓ m+q. - — :: .. sn A r ,, ve..e: ' >r PATHWAYS - . - 1 L r - 4 .�I 1- _• ill 11 t '... » E_.1 L. L',.�... r 1 1 ._... r ' r _.J 1 ,"J R -I .or cA-1E IrIi. eE ro 14. { ". '�C[. ..: I •a roctrlE u.iL7F Z AlHear% 0 1 —�---- , -_ ,a a .^ : co 1 IIP1LWs!LVF ,._=. F--•—• NM (1 Pill 1 ...Icei,,, . I ii.rA r.,,,s_ _ _ ,--L:, I '-•,. • MI s:_ -.- ...-, ! moll apilltia.cile_atta g ii • via 1 a _Ns_ -a _ .... . ,a ___. I Ta 11 ',Iir.q.:-] (1. limb 1, ikialrallirl 111 k '''''-. , IL ciA‘ ..__ .__2 hiq_°21,__ ___, allEi SR:li - - 1 1 i MODERN_ -CRAFTSMAN OPEN SPACE __,_ lii F to - - -; =_ 1114 AisY MODERN_ —CRAFTSMAN SERVICE & UTILITIES • Star Fire Protection District • Eagle City Police • Eagle Sewer District (Sanitary Sewer) • Eagle City Water (potable water) • Farmer's Union Ditch Co (Irrigation Water) • Republic Services (solid waste) • ACHD - all condition of approval are acceptable MODERN_ —CRAFTSMAN THANK YOU MODERN_ -CRAFTSMAN 1/24/2024 �1 r HUNTRIDGE SUBDIVISION A-02-23/RZ-03-23/PP-03-23 Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing December 4, 2023 City Staff: Michael Williams,CFM,Planner Phone. 939-0227 E-Mail. 1 Project Summary BPS Palmer Lane (Shannon Ely), is requesting: • BPS Palmer Lane, LLC, (Shannon Ely), represented by Kindi Moosman with Horrocks Engineers, is requesting an annexation, rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to R-6-DA (Residential with a development agreement [in lieu of a PUD]), and preliminary plat approvals for Huntridge Subdivision, a 73-lot (58- buildable [5 single-family detached, 53 single family attached], 15- common) residential subdivision. • The 10-acres site is located on the west side of North Palmer Lane, approximately 445-feet south of the intersection of West Beacon Light Road and North Palmer Lane at 3101 North Palmer Lane. 2 1 1/24/2024 Comprehensive ..Y. , Plan Designation • x a111/ /tG lPB C 0S�lul!9rs11i�?Cc7 ut Z 5 3 6.6. 1 Village Planning Area Uses/Design A. The land use and development policies specific to the Village Planning Area include residential,commercial retail,civic,research and development park,corporate and/or educational campus,hospitality,and office uses. Non- residential uses will be focused in the Village Center. 1. Village Center: The Village Center is generally located along the north and south sides of Beacon Light Road, extending from State Higghllway 16 East to Hartley Lane,as shown on the Future Land Use Map(Map .1). All t. Non-residential uses will be focused in the Village Center. 'Phis area is comprised of three key components: a. A research/development pment ark,educational campus.and/or corporatepark area designed to provide sufficient 1 p p ��. �, g space for corporate headquarters in a park-like setting with ancillary commercial uses located in the Village Center:and b.The village center should include supporting office,retail commercial, hospitality, and civic uses that will benefit and support the non-residential uses,as well as the larger residential area; c. Office and restaurant uses with drive thrus are considered a supporting use to the corporate and campus uses. Office and restaurant uses that are appropriately designed and internally oriented to the larger development area may be considered on a case by case basis. 2.Residential Uses should be developed as follows: • a. New developments proposed near the Village Center in the Compact Residential designation are encouraged to include apartments,town homes,condominiums,patio homes.bungalows and live/work units ranging m densities from 4 to 8 units per acre 4 2 1/24/2024 Vicinity _, 4 Map �' _•__Z$lltRC v., . Tight Pd WYOacon 1.4111 Rd / µ,me 1{.Q4 rd . _. ... . i �— Iz .I .. 4 4 143'42'58 61-N 136°36 20 16'W I 5 Preliminary Plat - ---- .1 ,4-s - - 8.1— 4 0 ,. , ., I n � I• 1• :l�_� - 7 C ! C 1 ! , 11 7 I J{ 1 I 11 u " i- 1- r I 1 C 4b41. ; I rap . 1 -- _ . , : ,..,„ __ __ Pr.i IM1' m� I it t . Ei a 1-- �f�� i. . _ i 1 • :- ' . . „,_ .... __A Cla:- : •i 11;' _ •1 1 1 .�� 1 r i 1 1 • 1 l i C I 1 1 i 1 _.. I k 1 IF ., , - 1%Wi: * : ; 3 1/24/2024 Site Data Total Acreage of Site— 10-acres Total Number of Lots— 73 Residential —58 Commercial—0 Industrial—0 Common—15 (inclusive of 2 private alleys) Total Number of Units— 58 Single-family—3 (attached) Multi-familySingle-family—0 —53 Total Acreage of Any Out-Parcels—0 Site Data Additional Site Data Proposed Required Dwelling Units Per Gross Acre 5.8-units per acre 5.8-units per acre maximum(as limited within the development agreement) Minimum Lot Size 1,686-square feet(R-6 attached) 1,600-square feet(minimum) 5,404-square feet(R-6 detached) 5,000-square feet(minimum) Minimum Lot Width 22-feet(R-6 attached) 20-feet(minimum) ?g, 48-feet(R-6 detached) 50-feet(minimum) Minimum Street Frontage 22-feet(attached) 20-feet(minimum) 20.6-feet(detached) 35-feet(minimum) yy Total Acreage of Common Area 2.03-acres 2.0-acres(minimum) Percent of Site as Common Area 20.3% 20%(minimum) ) Percent of Common Area Open Space as Active Open Space 40.4%(.82-acres) 15%(minimum)(.30-acres) 4 1/24/2024 Torrente Secco ' Subdivision --__ - (located east of 'MI _ ,../- ,),E..4.D ezir------ -,r, Palmer) � '�i \(t ~ . .1 - Lir 4 . 1' h= -- ___ _ _ , ..._.., IT Torrente o - 1 �Secco _ ry- f . Subdivision [... f 1 (northern portion) _>' _ � 1 J , • ` I ' '"-"` 1 h }_. ,- �.,t.-ram _.., �' :l �r r 10 5 1/24/2024 Terra View sx� Subdivision ' `' � ' (located north of w Beacon Light Road) , k" �.,'-.° ,, 1 +tee era ' a w' '' 999 Y 0 ', tl 111 € R W +. "ifiliftr - r r i 11 - Terra View Commercial TERRAVIEW COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION Subdivision „'i _ A (located north of ,'r SITE DATA Beacon Light Road) __` g a ._ I 1;i . . _ _ a !1 per - 1 " , x P r , m i, �e _, 1 .�,w. ,_.,. ice_. ...�24. 1") 6 1/24/2024 Millstone Farm _ Subdivision i (located south of = the proposed !L:__. i ....3 _ , . '' development) f : I_ - • - "7.--. I - } - . - ,! • . Ir 9 1 13 -Millstone � � � ',ill � ' � 1- -"-", TT Farm �` .� � �L�• _ • �.` _ --- �- Subdivision �fI I � 4. ,northern portion) : 1 . d 4� , ._ � �� [ �c III * 3t I _: �� i n I� ! - 1 e l I•F.. I I 'I f �� a13 '' w / l al.` F CIS _ 1-. I —y .. _ , pii �y ll��. of -- n 9rll- a -LEI I Ia_ III; J _j/ ; 4.4 : ' ,�� h —1 I I � I, I�IRAi� ��..��I +Rl� bw•-•.0 I«••sFw�i III y�a:`a m:�i ....�.,,.. 14 7 1/24/2024 Issues of Special Concern • Setbacks (Condition of Development #3.5) • Storage Trunk Line Fees (SSC #4) • Pathways (SSC #5-7) • Width of utility easement (SSC#8) 4 Setbacks i 37 RIGHT-OF-WAY TYPICAL STREET SECTION 3.5 The required setbacks shall be as follows: Single-Family Detached Units Front 21-feet 36-feet(garage) Rear 20-feet Interior Side 7.5-feet(first story)5-feet(each additional story) Street Side 20-feet Maximum Lot Coverage 60% Single-Family Attached Units Front 21-feet(10-feet if alley load) Front(Lot 7,13lock3) 17-feet(llvine,25 feet(garage) 36-feet(garage tront-load) Rear 15-feet ( -teet it alley load) Interior Side 5-feet (0-feet for common wall) Street Side 20-feet Maximum Lot Coverage N/A 1.( 8 1/24/2024 Setbacks I-.T TGE\CH E-"E"E' ,, " • ='.TC• T.._ fl E:;.-L.• I -I ~ -. F ET;;..,.. [F ;.) i 6 -; i ^' d _ 1 x .il HUNTRIDGE SUBDIVISION TYPICAL 'SETBACK EXHIBIT' NOT TO SCALE 17 Setback Recommendation . 3.5 The required setbacks shall be as follows ' Single-Family Detached Units Front 21-feet 36-feet(garage) Rear 20-feet Interior Side 7.5-feet(first story)5-feet(each additional story) „t Street Side 20-feet Maximum Lot Coverage 60% Single-Family Attached Units ; Front 21-feet (10-feet if alley load) 36-feet(garage front-load) Front(Lot 7.Block 3) 17-feet(living),25-1'eet(garage) � Rear )5-feet (5-feet if alley load) Interior Side 5-feet (0-feet for common wall) Street Side 20-feet • Maximum Lot Coverage N/A �`�ia; s,6�in? �.rxa 'va.t .n.;: . a • ti*ate, a< .�. .., a..^^,+.; .r^ :�' .'a.;'.roa;:v,mc. 18 9 1/24/2024 Storage Trunk Line fees (STL) 4. The applicant shall be required to pay the required $60,900.00 preliminary plat Storage Trunk Line fee along with the associated final plat Storage Trunk Line fee at the time of submittal of the first final plat application. In the event the City adopts water • system capitalization fees prior to submittal of a final plat application the payment of the STL fees shall not be required. The required water system capitalization fees shall be paid at the time of submittal of a final plat application. t , 19 1 Pathways : ' ring , i ii ,r- 7-- ., . 4' , 1 - ' .1 , lilt yr Fia 5711: 1 '":111111tme MI6 4111111. iii.ilik —Ilk.'".: i ' .' 0 (1. , , w . i _____ _ pri ...,aujm, I , I ' ...Nip killrfill rillinkrittrirt ilk 0 10 1/24/2024 Pathways b 1 vi +c�: ,-.Lra ` sy t�,iy�,q LT1H :10., .,_ r _ Firi4V • 17111102111realiVir . _; i r IF (......x, - �z ■. iIt 1. �W L :: - 1 '7.1. Fra9 i. dreirigt a:- 1 21 Pathways 5. The developer shall provide a 10-foot-wide concrete sidewalk built to ACHD Standards for Sidewalks along North Palmer Lane prior to the City Clerk ' signing the final plat. 6. The developer shall provide 6-foot-wide concrete pathways built to City Standards for Concrete Pathways in alignment with the pathway shown within the common area (Lot 13, Block 5) and Lots 1-6, 8, 10-12, and 14- 16, Block 5. The pathways shall connect to the 5-foot sidewalk located within Lots 7 and 10, Block 5. The pathway shall be located within a 20- foot-wide access easement. The easement shall have a minimum 4- foot-wide margin on each side of the pathway tread. The pathway easement shall be recorded and referenced as a plat note on the final plat. The 6-foot-wide pathway shall be constructed prior to the City Clerk signing the final plat. 7. Provide a revised preliminary plat showing a 6-foot-wide pathway located within the common area (Lot 13, Block 5) and Lots 1-6, 8, 10-12, and 14-16, Block 5. The revised preliminary plat shall be provided prior to submittal of a design review application. 22 11 1/24/2024 Public Utility Easement 7;-- . ,—, ---- 8. Provide correspondence from -' Idaho Power indicating approval of . � r.EH the locations of the public utility E_E E easements prior to submittal of a • � F .T _ ^i c _ _[F ET<,�] final plat application. ' E« t E:..L.. III - I t 1 t is ET , I t XI k t , / .. C); 2 Staff Recommendation If the annexation and rezone with development agreement (in lieu of a PUD) are approved, staff recommends the conditions of development on If the preliminary plat is approved, staff recommends the site specific conditions of approval on of the Staff Report and standard conditions of approval on of the Staff Report. 74 12 1/24/2024 Planning Commission Recommendation On December 4, 2023, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 to 0 (McLaughlin absent) to recommend of the applications with the conditions of development, site specific conditions of approval, and standard conditions of approval provided on page 17 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 25 End of Presentation 26 13 1/24/2024 Comprehensive Plan Map Designation & Zoning Map Designation COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Village/Community Center and Compact RUT(Residential—Ada County designation) Contractor's yard Residential No Change R-6-DA(Residential with a Development Single-family residential subdivision Proposed Agreement[in lieu of a PUD[) North of site Village/Community Center RUT(Residential—Ada County designation) Agriculture South of site Compact Residential RUT(Residential—Ada County designation) Agriculture East of site Village/Community Center and Compact MU-DA(Mixed Use with a development Proposed Torrente Secco Subdivision Residential agreement)and R-4-DA(Residential with a development agreement) West of site Village/Community Center and Compact RUT(Residential—Ada County designation) Agriculture Residential 27 14