Minutes - 2024 - City Council - 01/29/2024 - Town Hall EAGLE CITY COUNCIL TOWN HALL MEETING MINUTES January 29,2024 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pike calls the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL: GINDLESPERGER,KVAMME,MAY,RUSSELL. All present;A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pike leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. TOWN HALL MEETING: The City of Eagle is pleased to invite all Eagle residents to attend the town hall meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome your input and look forward to answering any questions that you may have. Have a suggestion?We'd love to hear from you! Like what's happening?Great! Let us know! Have a concern...we want to hear those as well! We wish this to be an open discussion inspired by the interests of all of the people of our wonderful community. Stop by to visit with your elected officials. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak,each speaker should limit their presentation to three (3)minutes.If time permits,and after all attendees who wish to address the City Council have done so, the City Council may invite rebuttals or engage in additional discussions with the attendees. Most items are eligible for discussion,however, due to the public hearing regulations associated with land use applications, discussion/testimony of any pending application before the City must be reserved for the date of the officially scheduled public hearing noticed for City Council or the Planning and Zoning Commission. Each speaker is to be treated with the utmost respect, courtesy and afforded the right to speak without interruption.The intent of our town hall meeting is to create a friendly community spirited forum where by the Eagle community may express their views openly and freely. May we suggest this is a gathering of neighbors openly speaking with neighbors, and we hope everyone will feel welcome to participate. The Council Members and Mayor introduce themselves to the public. Joan Mantel,4690 North Hartley Road,Eagle,Idaho.Mantel expresses her thanks to the Mayor, Council and 3 staff members who cleaned up a burnt couch from the foothills in the snow. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-29-24min Town Hall.docx Burke Mantel,4690 North Hartley Road,Eagle, Idaho. Mantel expresses that the Council has the capability to pass an Ordinance to regulate the use of the BLM land.He provides a handout that includes photos of target shooting areas and bon fire debris. Scott Keen, 567 Two Rivers Drive,Eagle,Idaho.Keen expresses that Mayor Pike used the words harmony after winning the election. He hopes that everyone will choose harmony and requests that the rumors or hated comments will be shut down. Michael Bell,2620 North Foudy Avenue,Eagle, Idaho. He congratulates Mayor Pike on the election.He expresses his concerns with the previous Mayor. Stephanie Payne was brought up in a military family. She was upset on how some of the Council members split the republican party.Every time she hears something that comes through on social media, she is unsure if it is true or not. She wants more transparency from the police department. Ed Thoams,300 South Cobblestone,Eagle,Idaho.He objects to comments made by a previous constituent. We should look forward and not backwards. Gindlesperger states that the Council votes on the issues not the Mayor and that the previous Mayor only broke 2 ties since she has been in office. She also states that surveys cannot be done on land use items. Michael Hope, 737 West Tidewaters Drive,Eagle,Idaho. He would like to focus on the vision of Eagle. The improvements downtown are a nice addition and have created a lively community. The Community events are a great addition and go by the model"Life Done Right."He hopes the City will continue to improve the trails. Curt Smith, 2502 West Timber Drive,Eagle,Idaho. Smith is concerned with the Hardin rate increase. Keely Morris, 551 Eagle Hills Way,Eagle, Idaho. Has concerns with the shooting sports park and the location. She offers a solution which is reevaluating the uses of the space. Please protect the open space and peace of the foothills. Jay Combs,409 Wingfoot,Eagle,Idaho.He is a part of the judicial review of Avimor. The review gives them the opportunity to reanalyze the project. Rebecca Navaras, 601 Racing Water Way,Eagle. She would like to know what the status is on the Senior Center and also has concerns about the downtown parking. Mayor Pike expresses that the Senior Center is under investigation so they can't discuss the topic. However,there are still activities going on at the Senior Center as well as Meals on Wheels. They are looking at different opportunities for downtown parking. Council May provides information regarding the Downtown Eagle Mobility Improvements. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-29-24min Town Hall.docx Council Russell states that on the Eagle App you can look up where there is public parking. Lori Reddick would like to know what seniors will be receiving the valentines card promoted by the Eagle Arts Committee. Council Gindlesperger will look into that and get back to her. Carol Varible, 1230 North Hill Pan Way,Eagle,Idaho. She congratulates Mayor Pike and hopes the same respect will be given to him by the Council members as they gave the previous mayor. She is also a member of the non-profit Senior Center and would like to get back into the City owned Senior Center building. Linda Westin,4661 West Escalante,Eagle,Idaho. She enjoyed the recent a-letter and thought it was very informative. Meredith Hawkins, 1059 North Beachwood Court,Eagle,Idaho. She would like to see a focus on the Seniors. Susan Prostar, 1589 East Long Shore Lane,Eagle,Idaho. She attends the Eagle Parks and Recreation Senior Center and enjoys the activities and the people. She invites all to attend. Tim Muirfield,4795 North Hartley,Eagle,Idaho. He requests that the Council refer to the Foothills proposed plan and not let it go forgotten. Margie Ridgeway, 1735 Rush Road,Eagle. She would like to know what is being built on the corner of Eagle Road and Old State Street. Mayor Pike states that there will be commercial and residential.As time goes on,there will be significant improvements on the sidewalks. He encourages the public to support the local businesses downtown. Susan Prostar, 1589 East Long Shore Lane,Eagle,Idaho. She wonders if there could be security monitoring within the foothills. Marsha Thomas, 300 South Cobblestone, Eagle,Idaho. She feels bad for the folks that live near the shooting sports park. She suggests that the shooting sports park should be closed on Sundays. She suggests a water feature at the corner of Eagle Road and Old State Street. Rebecca would like an update on the Jackson House. Gindlesperger states that the City is currently in the process of getting a historical evaluation to see what the City can utilize it for and what needs to be renovated. Curt Smith,2502 West Timber Drive,Eagle,asks why the Saturday Market has moved locations. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-29-24min Town Hall.docx Stan Ridgeway, 1735 Rush Road,Eagle,Idaho.He suggests reconsidering the 20 mile an hour speed limit in the downtown area.He also suggests that the grey house next to the Jackson House be cleaned out.Eagle is more than just the downtown area. He suggests focusing on all the businesses within Eagle. Christopher Hadden, 909 North Morley Green Place, Eagle,Idaho. Hadden asks if the new council members would be in support of overturning the new ordinances. He also discusses the Avimor Judicial Review. Kvamme states that he would not overturn it at this time. He is very objective. Council May echoes his comments. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Russell moves to adjourn. Seconded by Gindlesperger. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. Re e fully submitted: HOLY . CSENCSITS, idCMCT DEP CITY CLERK APPROVED: IKE, YOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.C ITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-29-24min Town Hall.docx aat.Id'M ut.107-810Z OO L80# uzoa•iisuz2�n suoi��azacua�samdmt otiepi`puuisI°ISug J1DN JoARI asiog a a € y 2 w X _ - Lam . _ � _1 _' y ,p G� �.,. � ;e—�� J ; -• � • . . -•'; .'•".1 fi','tl '':.! ...4;::‘;''...-': HOr'''',. .'''''. 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RATE ADJUSTMENTS. A. CPI-U AdjustmentAdjustment.liegitming on thViitoild iversa`of the Aftretment,and ,. afte ua1 , the Service Provider may request rate increases by an amount not to exceed the increase, if any, in the CPI-U during the Prior Rolling Twelve-Month Period, or up to a maximum v . ;'the turretit.awing,whichever is lower. The"Prior Rolling Twelve Month Period" shall be the most recent twelve (12) month period for which the CPI-U is available on each annual anniversary date of this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "CPI- U" shall mean the Consumer Price Index published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for All-Urban Consumers: United States, All Items (1982-84 = 100). Proposed' rate increases are subject to public hearing requirements established in Idaho Code 63-1311Aand approval by the City Council. B. Disposal and Governmental Fee Cost Adjustments. At any time dining the term of this Agreement,the Service Provider may request rate increases to pass through documented increases in disposal fees, increases in the Service Provider's costs due to changes in local, state or federal rules, ordinances or regulations applicable to the Service Provider's operations or the services provided hereunder, and any increases in and newly imposed taxes, fees or other governmental charges assessed against or passed through to the Service Provider (other than income or real property taxes). Proposed rate increases are subject to public hearing requirements established in Idaho Code 63-1311A and approval by the City Council. C Operating Cost Adjustments. At any time during the term of this Agreement, the Service Provider may also petition the City for additional rate and price adjustments at reasonable times Page 9 of 18 k:\clerks\franchises\solid waste\franchise service agreement-hardin sanitation-final.docx W 0 0 0 gg o o gg o '. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 gg o 0 0 gg o 0 0 @ O 0) O in o-) ) N lD 0 c-i O O m m N 0) O N c-I N inm N N Cr O O 00 a.) in to m O r-I N O N (-4 o O N Cl lD CO Ln CO N m N LC) O r-1 O O O (U U 1-1 r1 N m 4 in IN CO C) M O ri r-i N r-1 m C' ri -'i r-I Cr; LD IN 00 O O c N ri 0 Cr 0) M c-1 O) in .--1 N m LD in Cr C) M 00 CY o C) Cr 00 CY LD N 00 r-I N (NI N Cr lD 00 M CO N 0 TT LID CO 00 0 N N N in lD N N N--1 VD 0 CO CO a) CO O) O N L!) I-: O N N r-1 1n l0 00 4 n O) N m lD lD N Ct t\ Lb in 00 a) %--1 r-I N N N N N m m V} V} i--1 c-I %--I N N N N N N N m M m V} V} co 2: VT v.). i/? V} V} V} V} V} V} L} V} V} V} V} V} V} V). V} V} V} V} V} (1) > a I. 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Town Halt Questions: ()ler These are several projects that were initiated over the last four to eight years. Are you going to move forward with them? If not why, and if so,what is your plan and timeline? ( • Stillwater Development(landscaping and front berm for Phase 2) - °"j �`7n �,, C6e \� l / ►? [.A.1.'// ,4 .e ° - CNkk e, • Update to Open Space, Parks,and Trails Master Plan \' sok With the annexations of Avimor,Vatnova,and the potential for other foothills developments, the city has significantly increased the amount of open space and habitat within the city limits. How are you planning on managing the open space, habitat,wildlife, recreation, and wildland fire? • 2,200-2,500 Acres of BLM Lands and the Recreation and Public Purpose Act(RPP) Application and Possible Land Exchanges • Regional Sports Complex • Regional Shooting Park • Open Space and Ag Preservation • Senior Center:do you plan on continuing to have the city oversee administrative and programming using city resources,or do you plan on putting it back under control of the non-for-profit group. If so, how do you plan on making sure that previous administrative and safety issue are addressed? • Maintaining the 20 MPH in downtown • Do you have plans to split out the Planning and Zoning Departments, or Hiring a City Manager or Chief of Staff? . Eagle Foothills Annexed Federal Land 4 • ,‘ : . MOTORIZED USE LIMITED TO ROADS , ka ., � % Yl•blew w•••qva ro P••V t.•.M•♦7 C•,.•f/•onna 4,fOtk. Ut11 F•t p .- T w�•a••aAa.••NH•,cased Sw tlww it W Mfs•pnf•• "` -. Oar•ovoid axo a msau-saso i . 4' /i -a '. ,''s ".'‘-''' " ' -^'''.., '— --;-Ns.- - 1 , s. 4 1.41A- x• k14 i--,�. _ as ( L -. _ + s F ° )'.F !F Rio- -« 01 _ .• " • I ,' ¢ '4 - 'N - - 'stia : fit.' , r g��.ra^ c P 1 - ram. - � ^i�.t- A r t F`� t et �1k P r.W....- �^•r _`' 11. n Y, i.nlllii•-qrhI.ZPT.-,.--.,.":›_4.-'-'. 4'11.11 1 p� 'i!' _r 1 i -. ' ;fa � 4- --i'er i 'Altill4- '-- '44L. '-^. ' t • '' ''' fri fir. .. y FL ` rr f -' . t https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/QgrcJHsTnPzrdxRsGpkDKsrRLtngstlgTZl?projector=1&messagePartld=0.4 ill • ' City of Eagle Foothills Recreation Concept Plan—City of Eagle, Idaho Background On December 27,2007,a pre-annexation/development agreement was signed between the City of Eagle and M3 Eagle/Spring Valley. This agreement initiated the process'that eventually resulted in a 30-year development agreement(Development Standards and Design Guidelines), and the annexation of 6,000+acres of private lands(Spring Valley),and roughly 1,600 acres of BLM lands into the City of Eagle(Maps 1,2,and 3). The final annexation agreement was signed and implemented on November 10,2009,under City Ordinance 634. Since the City of Eagle annexed the private lands and the BLM lands,those BLM lands annexed into the city limits were now required to comply with local laws and ordinances,with nf orcement authority by local law enforcement,pursuant to 43 CFR§ 8365.1-7. Title 43.Public Lands: Interior-Subtitle B.Regulations Relating to Public Lands- Chapter II. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT,DEPARTMENT OF THE LNTERIOR Subchapter H.RECREATION PROGRAMS-Part 8360.VISITOR SERVICES-Subpart 8365.Rules of Conduct-Section 8365.1-7.State and local laws.---43 CFR§ 8365.1-7 8365.1-7 State and local laws. Except as otherwise provided by Federal law or regulation, State and local laws and ordinances shall apply and be enforced by the appropriate State and local authorities. This includes, but is nottate and local laws and ordinances governing: (a) Operation and use of motor vehicles, aircraft, and boats; (b)Hunting and fishing; (c) Use of firearms or other weapons; (d)Injury to persons, or destruction or damage to property; (e)Air and water pollution; (f)Littering; (g)Sanitation; (h) Use of fire; (i)Pets; (I)Forest products;and (k) Caves. Page 3132 1 . � T ,A. t . - 4F - rl 4. 1 ::--..,;AP.,--. ,�,. mot.: ..' W,,. ^. � .eRff•_•� I '' . t- .SR"�wa.�- "sue •i 5 Y-G .a[4 444ti+-'- ','A,Ai 4Y.:- . ' `f -34.E ,z4' _ ' .,�.�},.�� .. 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T ••�. `4 — ""IR:- "ma's'- -..- y a - - �-_ ,, --ifet,y1 , ,. 4` . _. ,, ...„...,.. __ _ _ ____ eAlli,M .,..w i41/0001,„, - f f. ,. -.der, .4 �� �, _ No . 01 I2'1/-�2�02 ex , rer • t . �, • ` ' ` i rt t� . 1, -.-r4 zy sd • €. 3 '..-;:•,,- , _ �m .F, k*'� . fr �• f r2: y'.: P `'` i '� ,1 _ — r, ';, _, . • ! ! w Ns a C `1�+ ^r . f - ` s # i } i . C. fit .c. Ridge to Rivers closing more trails in Boise Foothills citing muddy conditions To prevent long-term damage due to wet and muddy conditions, Ridge to Rivers is closing more trails in the Boise Foothills on Friday. Updated: 1 :43 PM MST January 25, 2024 BOISE, Idaho — Ridge to Rivers is closing additional trails in the Boise Foothills due to wet and muddy conditions. The closures announced Thursday are put in place to help prevent long-term damage to the trails and their ecosystems. "It's important that we close these trails to protect the trail tread when it's most susceptible to damage," Ridge to Rivers Trail Manager David Gordon said. "We continue to observe high use of these trails despite muddy conditions, which is unfortunate. This is leading to trail deterioration, rutting and widening in popular areas so we are taking immediate action to prevent further damage that is difficult if not impossible to undo."