Minutes - 2003 - City Council - 12/01/2003 - Regular City Council minutes December 1, 2003 2:00 P.M. This meeting took place at Eagle City Hall via a telephone conference. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor calls the meeting to order at 2: 10 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. Absent: BASTIAN. (note: Sedlacek was present at City Hall, Guerber & Nordstrom were present via conference call). 3. NEW BUSINESS: A. Review and.J!£!jon on a Beer and Wine application submitted...!!Y.James and Dorothv Lake dba: The Chef Shoppe for consumption off premises only. The license will be displayed at 228 E. Plaza Dr. in the Eagle Pavilion shopping center. Mayor introduces the item. Sedlacek moves to approve the beer and wine application for The Chef Shoppe. Seconded by Nordstrom. SEDLACEK ,AYE, GUERBER, AYE; NORDSTROM, A YE. MOTION CARRIES. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Sedlacek moves to adjourn at 2:15 p.m. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: .","". II." Ii,"'" \"tY OF ""'" ," C......../:1'1 ".. I .... .... () ~ .!! . ,.ORPOh .......... ~* . v 'f.~. :: -1....~tt'\... : =- -. t!1 : : : ø :~ 811 - : : \~\.~.~4L 1\,1*1 T;. "'O."TE'>..q ~, 0 OPlD"'~ J.R C<À-'« ¥- '1q ~ . SHARÒN K. MOORE CITY CLERKfI'REASURER Page 1 of 1 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-01-03spmin.doc