Minutes - 2003 - City Council - 11/05/2003 - Regular v'. ORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes November 5, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. Nordstrom and Guerber are absent. A quorum is not present. Council Member Guerber is expected. 3. NEW BUSINESS: C. Discussion on citv hall facility needs. The Mayor and Council are seeking public input on the method citizens prefer in order to provide adequate space for city hall operations. The options being considered are: 1. A $2.6 million bond election in either February or May of 2004 to fund a new 16,000 square foot facility. 2. Lease space and move city operations into an existing building in Eagle at an estimated annual cost of $260,000. 3. Design/Build option. General discussion on the last bond election for the new city hall. Present are: Teri and Ron Bath, Commercial Real Estate and Development; Tom Zabala, Cathy Sewell and Wes Edwards, ZGA; Ron Baker, Library Director; Sharon Floegel, Design Review Board; Cliff Marks, Parks Committee and Frank Thomason, Valley Times. Mike Moore, City Attorney, discusses a design build option. The City could not enter into a long term obligation. The City can only enter into a lease for the current year. The proposer would need to have the financing. The proposer would have to lease to the City at the fair market lease rate. General discussion. 6:00 p.m. Council Member Guerber is in attendance and a quorum is present. Sedlacek moves to add to the agenda as Item 3D authorization for the Mayor and Council Member Sedlacek to provide testimony for the Brookwood Well hearing before the Department of Water Resources on November 13-14, 2003. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..................... Continued discussion on Item C. Discussion on the needs assessment that was done by the Facilities Assessment Committee and revised by ZGA. Discussion on what the City would get in a building at a cost of $2.6 M. and 16,000 sq.ft. Discussion on the size and configuration of a new city hall. Discussion on value engineering. Council concurs that this needs to be done. Consensus is to go for a bond in May. Page I K:\COUNCIL\MlNUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-1 J -OS-O3spmin.doc Council concurs to schedule a workshop with ZGA. A. Canvas votes from the November 4. 2003 General Election. Mayor introduces the issue. Final Election Results as presented by the City Clerk: Nancy C. Merrill for Mayor - 1,194 votes Council Members - 2: Stanley J. Bastian - 992 votes Scott E. Nordstrom - 892 votes Cliff Marks - 301 votes Douglas W. Patterson - 275 votes Jessi Brooks - 164 votes Bastian moves to approve the canvas of the votes for the Mayor and City Council. Seconded Guerber. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES................... B. Review and approval of Citv Hall/Senior Center re-roof bid. (SKM) Mayor introduces the issue. City Clerk Moore: This matter needs to be continued to the November 11, 2003 City Council meeting. Bastian moves to continue the review and approval of City Hall/Senior Center re- roof bid to the November 11, 2003 City Council meeting. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES............... D. Authorization for the Mayor and Council Member Sedlacek to provide testimony for the Brookwood Well hearing before the Department of Water Resources on November 13-14,2003. Mayor introduces the issue. Sedlacek: Provides Council an update on the hearing and her meeting with the City Attorney. Sedlacek moves to authorize the Mayor and Council Member Sedlacek to provide testimony for the Brookwood Well hearing before the Department of Water Resources on November 13-14, 2003. Seconded by Bastian. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES..................... 4. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Page 2 K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-ll-05-03spmin.doc Respectfully submitted: JJ-. (LA-<. - ~ ~ SHARON K. MOORE CITY CLERKfI'REAS URER APPROVED: 1#r~1{~ M YOR ""n...", "~I " ,...." OF BAG' "'## "',,~ ....... ~^'" J' .... .... ....v' '\ ~ v. <>..:? OR41'. ... : : 0" ~..... : :û \*: .. .-.. :*. - .. .. L~.: ~ ~~ SEA ~/O ¡ ~ ...C'o ~<:)..'."t.:. ~ ~ d\.. ..Ji'ÞOR""'.. ""'. ~ " .,. ........ ~..' "",-11'1: 0 f \'? ..,...., """11"11""'" Page 3 K:\COUNClL\MlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-ll-05-03spmin.doc EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 5,2003 CANVASS VOTES FROM THE NOVEMBER 4, 2003 ELECTION VoteS VõTes Precinct Precinct Total #500 #501 Votes Nan C. Merrill Ma or 572 622 1,194 Stanle J. Bastian 459 533 992 Scott E. Nordstrom 415 477 892 Cliff Marks 170 131 301 Dou las W. Patterson 138 137 275 Jessi Brooks 79 85 164 Total votes cast Precinct #500 Total votes cast Precinct #501 Total votes cast 686 736 1,422 Registered voters #500 #501 Total Registered Voters 3,597 4,056 7,653 19% voter turn out