Minutes - 2003 - City Council - 09/02/2003 - Joint ./ ORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Joint Meeting with ACHD Commissioners Minutes September 2, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: City Council: Bastian, Sedlacek, Guerber, Nordstrom. All present a quorum is present. ACHD Commissioners: John Franden, Dave Bivens and David Wynkoop present. Susan Eastlake and Sherry Huber are absent. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Gravel site at Hill Road - Eagle Mayor introduces the issue. Errol Morgan: ACHD's legal department has had an appraisal done on the property. ACHD has surveyed a site in Ada County that would meet their needs. General discussion. The City Council will discuss the gravel site with the Ada County Commissioners on September 9,2003 at their scheduled meeting. Discussion on the Master Plan for the Hill Road Park. B. Update on Plaza Drive Extension - Eagle Mayor introduces the issue. Mike Brokaw: Provides some history on the purchase of the Plaza Drive. Plaza Drive was not included in the August 27,2003 CIP. Impact Fees will not be used to build collectors. General discussion. C. Future local roadways on Comprehensive Plan map and construction thereof - Eagle Mayor introduces the issue. This item has been discussed previously under the Plaza Drive discussion. D. Project Updates - ACHD 1. Three Cities River Crossing - An update on ACHD's schedule and steps that need to be taken is provided. Discussion on the funding of the project. General discussion. 2. State Street Corridor Study - Larry Sale discusses the study. General discussion. E. Impact Fees - Elected Officials Mike Brokaw: The public hearing on the proposed ordinance is scheduled for September 17,2003. Discusses the fee schedule and the projects that have been adopted in the CIP. General discussion. F. Other (time permitting) Mayor discusses a concern from a student at Eagle High School. He rides a motorcycle to school and it does not trip the light on Park Lane. How can he trip the light? Page I K:\COUNCIL\MINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-09-2-03juntngACHD.doc Commissioner Franden: He can buy a piece of metal to attach to his motorcycle that will trip the light. General discussion. Discussion on private streets. Discussion on street signs in Eagle that are incorrect. Discussion on Eagle city limits and impact area and the development on Highway 16. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES.. 00'" ...... ..00....' Hearing no further business, the joint meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ,~ ~" -- \~ l'fY\ fr1 ~ SHARON K. MOORE t CITY CLERKfI'REAS URER ""U.""" ..", OF B II" !i,..' ~ ÆO ", .." "\. ......... '( ", .:> ,> . .. ~ ~ i .0. ~J' OR",/, ... \ : :<.? ~\ ~ : : . : : * . rt..- : * : : : - . ~, ;::~: : °." t'. A L~.. : \ if> '. ';. . " , ,,<).. 0 ¡ .... .;. ."'.' 'C. R !\ '" ... ~ .." ", "'1 J' .. ....." <'\ ~ ...." '" l] OF \V ..,' """"."""""' Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-2-03jtmtngACHD.doc 3CRX = EIERP = 2002 August 28, November 6 November 8 December 2 2003 January, on-going January 27 January 30 February May 1 July 9, on-going August 15-23 August 25 Future September 17 October 1 October 9-10 November 17 éC- c¡-~-o.-? Three Cities River Crossing Status Update September 2, 2003 Three Cities River Crossing Eagle Island Environmental Restoration Project MOA #2002-02 between COMPASS and ACHD COMPASS Board prioritize#1 and nominated project for Executive Order #13274 (environmental streamlining) Governor nominates project for EO#13274 Cooperative Agreement between COMPASS and ITD Coordination with EIERP COMPASS Board prioritized # 1 for FHW A congressional delegation funding (TEA-21 Reauthorization) Interagency introductory meeting Entered on Project List for Executive Order #13274 Elected Officials Briefing Hydraulics & hydrology technical coordination with EIERP Request For Qualifications (RFQ) advertisement RFQ informational meeting Response to RFQs Select short list of consultants Interview short-listed consultants Tentative Notice-to-Proceed Q:\Plan&Program\3CRX.doc\Status Updates\9-02-03 City of Eagle.doc Page 1 of I