Minutes - 2003 - City Council - 07/02/2003 - Special (2) v ORIGINAL The City of Eagle Special Meeting minutes Impact Area Workshop July 2, 2003 Call to Order: Called to order by Mayor Merrill Roll Call: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, NORDSTROM, Absent; GUERBER Roll Call: STENEGA, GORDON, Mayor GLASCOW, BELL arrived at 3:25 p.m., a quorum is present. Introductions and opening remarks by Mayor Merrill Tricia Nilsson, with Ada County Development Services gives a brief overview of the proposed planning area, the purpose of an impact area, rural zoning districts, and development outside the area of impact boundary (i.e., planned community) Lynn Moser, gives an overview of the Eagle Sewer District (ESD) boundaries using a color board of the 1999 Facilities Plan showing the existing sewer coverage and proposed expansion boundaries. Mr. Moser states that the regional lift station located 600-feet west of Linder Road should accommodate development approximately 1800-feet west of Linder Road. Phil Krichbaum, an engineer with JUB discusses ESD Western Services Area Map. Mr. Krichbaum notes the importance of the size of the existing sewer lines in the district. Lynn Moser address the package plant facilities. Moser states that he believes that the public or ESD purview of these facilities is very important. Stan Bastian asks a question of the City of Stars sewer plan. Lynn Sedlacek asks about the maintenance of collection systems of package plant facilities. Introduction of Jim Keller with Keller and Associates, representing the Star Sewer District gives a presentation on the existing treatment facilities and the new membrane filtration plant that is to be built within the next few years. Discussion on the services. This plant will serve an additional 3500 people or 1700 equi valent connections. Dan Friend, Eagle Fire Chief gives a presentation on the current fire district and the proposed new fire station to be built on Linder Road for better services to the west Chief Friend states that a response time of 4 minutes or less for 90% of their calls is good. Mayor Glasgow briefly discusses the Star Fire District Plans and the proposed new fire station. Idaho Transportation Department representative, Sue Sullivan discusses their future long range transportation plans. Discussion on access control, noise abatement and the corridor study for Highway 44 and Highway 20/26. Discussion with Dennis Stenga and Mayor Merrill on the Highway 16 extension. Questions on who determines the route and the environmental impact statement that will need to be completed before the route is determined. Questions as to whether ITD has this roadway extension in the long range transportation plan. Also, question on how this road alignment affects Meridian and what are Meridian's feelings on the alignment. ITD will respond to questions regarding the Highway 16 extension in the next couple of weeks. Chevron Pipeline representatives, Joe Watts and Joe Castelenta give an overview of the pipeline route, services and safety requirements A suggestion was made to have preplanning meetings with the contractors before beginning development. Layne Dodson representative for Idaho Power gives an overview of Idaho Power services and routes served by the various substations. They have a 10 year plan that shows the immediate need is in the Star area. A new substation is planned for Star and another application is currently in the process for a substation on Linder Road and Beacon Light. Kevin Cortney from the Star Fire department speaks about the proposed fire station on Highway 16 and another in the Canyon County area. Mayor Merrill asks Ada Co'Where do we go from Herè'? Tricia Nilsson responds with I. Public opinion and involvement 2. Address preferential land uses 3. Identify"sacred places' and the need to preserve the local knowledge of those places. Open Discussion. A decision was made between both Cities of Star and Eagle to have Ada County develop a proposal to timeline the process and move forward with a plan. Discussion on the next day to schedule another joint meeting. Ada County Staff will contact the Cities and County to come up with a satisfactory day for the next meeting. Bastian Moves to adjourn. Seconded by Stenega Hearing no further business the workshop adjourned at 5: 15 P.M. Respectfully submitted: ~ç~g ~ ~ðML SHAR 'N K. MOORE CITY CLERKffREASURER ........,:,:;. , ~,.~' :to "" , " !i." ;A. G " ,¡;~~ "......')'(A"'" ~.. 'JI: "PgP. ,,v' . :¡~~.-Þ'"9:-,' n.,,-.,'l~ '"-:. "" ~. .." , , , . . .. :.. e. ( V'.. ': :Sk :: (.¡ -e- . * : :,= *e~. SEÅ-~ ':;, § ([I OtA' ~.,',',,: .?> L.'H>OR A ^ , - ,~ .' : ...q.~ !...." ',,' ~ "ð'ÒF '/ ~~Ii""" .,.,- ",.....,.".