Minutes - 2003 - City Council - 05/15/2003 - Town Hall v EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes May 15, 2003 ORIGINAL A. CALL TO ORDER: Called to order by Mayor Merrill. B. ROLL CALL: Present: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. C. Presentation of information on upcoming bond election. Mayor and Council make themselves available to answer any questions or concerns the public may have for them. Draw everyone's attention to the displays at the rear of the Senior Center, as well as to the handouts. D. Question and Answer session with the public. General discussion between public and Mayor and Council. Tom Zabala with ZGA Architects, Mike Moore with Moore, Smith, Buxton and Turcke, and Bud Way with Wells Fargo are also in attendance to answer questions. E. Tour of current City offices and facilities. No one expresses an interest to tour current facilities. F. Adjournment Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ~c-'--. K~ SHARON K. MOORE CITY CLERKfTREASURER ..""""""'" "'.'. OF B.-t "" "'.'" ~~ ........0.(. "" I Ù.....~ l' 0 R -1 .~..f' \ '" . 0'- "A..- : . v v'.. : : ~*: : * . .- . : .- . ) . . \ . - ,-::. : ";. ,c.. \./ ' '/ 0 .: ~Ú'~" ~..., '- -r' " '-##; -1 . ,~"o" ;;;.. . ",' ........" . APPROVED: Page 1 K:\COUNCll.IMINUTESITeJl1>Orary Minutes Work Area\CC-OS-1S-O3spmin,doc