Minutes - 2003 - City Council - 04/08/2003 - Regular
April 8,2003
PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA 6:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m.
1. Ada County Sheriff's Office: Presentation of the March montWy report and on possible
acquisition of new bikes. Sgt. Schnieder presents the monthly report for March and discusses the
samc. General discussion.
Deputy Jon McDaniel, Ada County Sheriffs Office, discusses the need for new bikes for the bike
patrol. Facilitates Community Policing. We are currently using 2 County owned bikes that are
shared with other cities. rhe current bikes are mountain bikes and we need more of a patrol type
bike that would facilitate our patrolling and the deputies would be able to ride the bikes for a
longer period of time. The bikes would cost $490 base price and with the accessories the total
per bike would be $747.00 for a total of $1,494.00 for two bikes. General discussion. This item
wilJ be added to the regular agenda.
2. Report by the Park and Pathway Development Committee. Mike Hummel discusses the
pathway system and the easements that need to be obtained. We will be able to obtain all of the
necessary easements except for the Dater Property easements, which we will need to do some
morc negotiating. General discussion.
Discussion on the pedestrian tunnel under Eagle Road from Eagle River Property to the North
Channel property, General discussion.
Discussion on the pathway along the South Channel by Island Woods. Island Wood
Homeowners' want to know if the asphalt was taken out and replaced with a hard surface path
would the City of Eagle be willing to take over the maintenance of this pathway? General
3, Report by the Historical Preservation Commission. Geneva Trent, representing the Historical
Preservation Commission, distributes a report to the City Council and discusses the same. Our
Blacksmith shop is finished and the Eagle Lion's Club did a lot ofthe work for us.
We need to have storage space and would like Council's opinion on renting storage space.
Geœral discussion,
Council Member Guerber: There possibly might be some storage space on a temporary basis
with the State Historical Storage facility. Long term a storage space would probably need to be
rentèd, General discussion.
Our annual meeting is tomorrow and we are proposing an amendment to the by-laws to name the
Cit) of Eagle as the entity to receive any remaining assets upon the dissolution of the Society.
Discussion on applying for grants, including a planning grant.
4. I\layor and Council's Report:
Bastian: The Library Board has not met this month.
Reports on the meeting with the Ada County Sheriffs Office in regards to contract negotiations if
a new city hall is built. General discussions.
School District meetings are coming up in the future.
Guerber: Air Quality Board meets tomorrow and Parks Committee meets next week.
Reports on the Eagle Fire Department meeting.
NorJstrom: Discussion on transportation issues.
5. City ClerkfI'reasurer Report: I'm up and running on the Election. Applications for absentee
balLJts can be made at City Hall.
Mayor: Reports on the Emergency Management meeting. Discussion on duplication of services
being done by the government boards and commissions. General discussion.
6. City Engineer Report: Moved to end of agenda
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7, Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to end of agenda
8. City Attorney Report: Moved to end of agenda
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
absent. A quorum is present.
Bastian moves to amend the agenda by adding the following items to the Agenda:
4C2. Minutes of March 25, 2003; 6C. Fair Housing Proclamation and 9B. Purchase
of two bikes for the Ada County Sherifrs Deputies. Seconded by Guerber. ALL
AYE: MOTION CARRIES.................
. Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one
motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor,
a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be
removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the
Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence
determined by the Rules of Order.
. Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of
Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission,
or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's
Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise.
. All design review applications will be appealed by the Zoning Administrator
to the City Council for their review and approval.
A. Claims Against the City.
B. Minutes of March 11,2003.
C. Minutes of March 31, 2003.
C2.Minutes of March 25, 2003.
D. DR-O4-03 - Buildine Wall Sien for Countrywide Home Loans-
Countrywide Home Loans: Countrywide Home Loans, represented by
Diane Mazy with Aim Sign Company, is requesting design review
approval to construct a building wall sign for Countrywide Home Loans
located within the Eagle Forum building. The site is located on the south
side of Cedar Ridge Drive, north of the Alternate Route and east of Eagle
Pavilion Shopping Center at 408 South Eagle Road. (WEV)
E. DR-O6-03 - Buildine Wall Sien for Ceramic Expressions - Beth Olson:
Ceramic Expressions, represented by Beth Olson, is requesting design
review approval to construct a building wall sign for Ceramic Expressions.
The site is located on the north side of East State Street approximately 30-
feet east of 1 sl Street at 124 East State Street. (WEV)
F. DR-O7-03 - Buildine Wall Sien for Homeland Realty - Joseph Lucas:
Homeland Realty, represented by Joseph Lucas, is requesting design
review approval to construct a building wall sign for Homeland Realty
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within Eagle Plaza Shopping Center. The site is located at the northwest
corner of East Plaza Street and 2nd Street at 228 East Plaza Street, Suite G.
G. DR-O8-03 - Three Multi-tenant CommerciaVOfficelRetail Buildines -
Eagle Group LLC: Eagle Group LLC, represented by Mark Butler with
Land Consultants Inc., is requesting design review approval to construct
three multi-tenant commerciaUoffice/retail buildings totaling 26,000-
square feet. The site is located on the north side of East State Street
approximately 190-feet west of Stierman Way at 430 East State Street.
H. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-ll-02 - Conditional
Use Mobile Home Occupied By A Family Member Dale R. Chesnut:
Dale R. Chesnut is requesting conditional use approval to allow a mobile
home occupied by a family member to continue to be located upon a lot in
which a single-family dwelling already exists. The site is generally
located on the northwest corner of Conover Street and Syringa Street at
2052 and 2054 Syringa Street. (WEV)
I. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for FPUD-I-03 & FP-I-03 -
Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Fresh Creek Subdivision
(formerlv Cottonwood Cree~on) - Na2V Sprinecreek. LLC.
and Cottonwood Creek LLC: Nagy Springcreek, LLC, and Cottonwood
Creek LLC, are requesting final development plan and final plat approval
for Fresh Creek Subdivision (formerly Cottonwood Creek Subdivision), a
26-lot (IS-residential, 6-commercial, 5-common) subdivision. This 13.67-
acre (approx.) development is located on the west side of Eagle Road
approximately 3/4 mile north of Chinden Boulevard, at 2421 North Eagle
Road. (WEV)
J. Alcohol Beverage License renewal for Albertsons and Pizza Hut:
Bastian: I would like to remove Item 4G from the Consent Agenda.
Guerber moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended.
Nordstrom. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES.....................
Seconded by
4G. DR-O8-03 - Three Multi-tenant CommerciaVOfficelRetail Buildin s - Ea e
Group LLC: Eagle Group LLC, represented by Mark Butler with Land Consultants Inc.,
is requesting design review approval to construct three multi-tenant
commercial/office/retail buildings totaling 26,000-square feet. The site is located on the
north side of East State Street approximately 190-feet west of Stierman Way at 430 East
State Street. (WEV)
Mayor: I would like to declare a conflict of interest, as my son-in-law is part of this
Bastian: I removed this item from the Consent Agenda as I have a concern that there is
no street access and I would like the developer to address this issue.
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Mark Butler, representing the applicant, displays a site plan and discusses the roadway.
The roadway is not needed for this site. Discussion on cross access with the Baptist
Church. General discussion,
Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Discusses the cross access with the Baptist Church and
the meeting with the Baptist Church. General discussion.
General discussion on cross access the Dr. Courtial's property on Stierman Way.
General discussion.
Bastian moves to approve DR-O8-03 - Three Multi-tenant Commercial/Office/Retail
Buildings - Eagle Group LLC with the Site Specific Conditions of Approval as proposed
and the Standard Conditions of Approval. Motion dies for lack of a second.
General discussion.
Guerber moves to table this matter to the April 22, 2003 City Council meeting and ask
that the parties bring to us information from the adjacent landowner's as to the cross
access issues. Guerber withdraws the motion.
Guerber moves to deny DR-08-03 - Three Multi-tenant Commercial/Office/Retail
Bui1dings - Eagle Group LLC. Motion dies for lack of a second.
Nordstrom moves to continue DR-08-03 - Three Multi-tenant Commercial/Office/Retail
Buildings - Eagle Group LLC to the April 22,2003 City Council Meeting. Seconded by
Bastian. Discussion, Bob Moffat, applicant, discusses the cross access issue. Nordstrom
with draws the motion. Bastian withdraws the second.
General discussion.
Bastian moves to approve DR-O8-03 - Three Multi-tenant CommerciallOffice/Retail
Buildings and modify Site Specific Condition #6 to provide a cross access agreement
to the east and west to access this site and a through access agreement with the
property owners to the West and add Site Specific Condition #18 that if a cross
access to the East can not be obtained then a 3 lane access to State Street be
required. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION
A. Municipal Clerks Week Proclamation: Proclaiming April 27th - May 3rd Municipal
Clerks Week.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Council Member Guerber reads the Municipal Clerks Week Proclamation into the record.
Bastian moves to approve the Municipal Clerks Week Proclamation. Seconded by
Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES....................
B. The Prudential Spirit of Community Award Proclamation: Proclaiming April 9th
as Michelle Claverie Prudential Spirit of Community recognition Day in Eagle.
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Mayor introduces the is,sue.
Mayor reads The Prudential Spirit of Community Award Proclamation into the record.
Bastian moves to approve The Prudential Spirit of Community A ward
Proclamation. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES...............
Mayor introduces Michelle Claverie.
C. Proclamation declaring the month of April as Fair Housin2 Month:
Mayor introduces the issue.
Nordstrom reads the Proclamation into the record.
Nordstrom moves to approve the Proclamation declaring the month of April as Fair
Housing Month. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES..................
Bastian moves to amend the Agenda by moving Item #7 A. to the end of the agenda.
Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES.............
A. Review and action on proposed credit card policies and procedures. (SKM)
Moycd to the end of the Agenda by Motion.
B. Review and action on contract with CSHOA for ~oad Park Master
Planning. (SEB)
Mayor introduces the issue,
City Attorney Bastian: Discusses the changes to the agreement. Using these contracts
protect the interests of the City, General discussion.
Guerber moves to approve the contact with CSHQA for the Hill Road Park Master
Planning for the project amount of $26,650.00 and direct the Mayor to sign the
Agreement. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE;
Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES......................
C. Review of municipal enforcement officer proposal submitted by TZ Consultin2.
(WEV & NM))
Mayor introduces the issue.
Thomas W. Wilson, discusses his proposal for a municipal enforcement officer. General
discussion. General discussion.
City Attorney Buxton: The contract before you is not sufficient as an Independent
Contractor agreement. Another issue is making sure that we have in our Code the
jurisdiLtion that we need not to go through the Sheriffs Department to issue our citations.
(Reads from the contract with the Sheriffs Department) The Sheriffs Department is
willing to amend their contract. General discussion.
Guerber moves to accept the proposal from TZ Consulting to assume the
responsibilities of the City Code Enforcement Officer with final approval to come
before the Council at the April 22, 2003 meeting, following the completion of the
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contractual agreement. Seconded by Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION
D. Review of arborist proposal submitted by W. Keith Atkins. (WEV & NM)
Mayor introduces the issue.
General Council discussion.
Keith Atkins discusses his proposal submitted for a City Arborist. General discussion.
JeITY Hayes, has a question on plan review for landscape review. General discussion.
Gul'rher moves to ask the City Attorney to prepare a contract and bring the
cont ract outlining the'duties of the arborist back to the City Council at the April 22,
2003 Council meeting. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION
CAR R I ES......... ......
Genera! Council discussion.
Cheïyl Bloom: Discusses the need for landscaping and code enforcement. I would like to
become part of the solution. I have volunteered my time to the City. I have tried every
avenue to get some of these problems solved. Our code is there but nobody will enforce
it. General discussion.
Ma) or calls a recess at 9:20 p.m.
Mayor reconvenes at 9:30 p.m.
A. V A C-I-03 - Vacation to the final plat of Eaelecrest Subdivision No.2 - Asin
Homes LLc.: Asin Homes LLC, represented by Kent Brown with Briggs Engineering
Inc., is requesting City approval to vacate a turnaround access easement within Eaglecrest
Subdi vision No.2. The turnaround easement is located on Lots 41 and 42, Block 1,
appmximately ISO-feet north of the intersection of East Campsite Lane and East Eagle
Creek Lane. (WEV) This item was continued/rom the March 25,2003 meeting.
Ma) \)r introduces the issue.
Zol11ng Administrator Vaughan: The information Council requested from the last
meeting has been provided in your packet.
Mayor opens the Public Hearing.
Mayor closes the Public Hearing.
Bast ian moves to approve VA C-I-03 - Vacation to the final plat of Eaglecrest
Subdivision No.2 - Asin Homes LLc. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Council
Member Nordstrom will abstain from voting. TWO A YES: ONE ABSTAIN:
MO rI ()N CARRIES....................
B. ^-2-02/RZ-2-02 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT to R-2 - Larry Flynn:
reprc~ented by Brian Flynn with Rocky Mountain Engineering and Surveying, is
requesting an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural Urban Transitional) to R-2
(Resiclcntial- up to two dwelling units per acre). The 36-acre site is generally located
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approximately V2 mile east of Eagle Road at 736 East Riverchase Way. This item was
contilluedfrom the March 25,2003 meeting. (WEV)
Maynr introduces the issue.
City Attorney Buxton: It is my understanding that Mr. Flynn obtained title to the property
from VIrs. Wells. I have not reviewed any title commitments. The ownership issue is
resolved. I do have a copy, from Al Russell, of an easement for his property. There
appClrs to be a 30' wide ingress/egress easement. We have also worked an Annexation
and] )evclopment Agreement with the applicant today and they have agreed to that.
Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Displays an overhead of a map showing the location of
the riOperty and discusses the project, ownership of the land and private streets.
Brian Flynn, Rocky Mountain Engineering, discusses the zoning
MaJor opens the Public Hearing.
Mih' Chase, 70 W. Floating Feather Road, Eagle, I have no complaint against the project.
I would like to see a public road in the project in case of flooding issues.
MaJor closes the Public Hearing.
GenLTal discussion on the annexation and the development agreement.
Guerber moves to approve A-2-02/RZ-2-02 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT to
R-2 - Larry Flynn with the inclusion of the annexation development agreement for
the guidelines to finalize that agreement. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Council
Member Nordstrom will abstain from voting on this issue. Guerber amends the
motion to add: to be finalized upon the completion of the required public hearing on
the I Jevelopment Agreement. TWO A YES; ONE ABSTAIN: MOTION
CA]{ RIES......................
C. PP-3-02 - Hidden Island Subdivision - Larry Flynn: Larry Flynn, represented by
Brian Flynn with Rocky Mountain Engineering and Surveying, is requesting preliminary
plat ::pproval for Hidden Island Subdivision. The 36-acre, 12-10t (ll-buildable, 1-
common) residential subdivision is generally located approximately Y2 mile east of Eagle
Road at 736 East Riverchase Way. This item was continued/rom the March 25,2003
meeíillg, (WEV)
May,)1' introduces the issue.
Briaii Flynn, Rocky Mountain Engineering and Surveying, representing the applicant,
provIdes the Council with an overview of the project.
Zoning Administrator Vaughan: I would stand for questions. General discussion.
Bria, Flynn: We agree, with the staff recommendations.
Ma~ or opens the Public Hearing.
Ma~ or closes the Public Hearing.
Genè-ral Council discussion.
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Bast ¡an moves to approve PP-3-02 - Hidden Island Subdivision - Larry Flynn as a
preliminary plat with the following modifications of the Site Specific Conditions of
Approval: #6 shall be stricken and replaced with: the streets of the subdivision shall
be public and shall meet all of the conditions of the ACHD and all conditions of the
Eagle City Code. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Bastian amends the motion to
add: contingent upon the public hearing and approval of the Annexation and
Development Agreement. Second concurs. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION
CAR RIES.............
E. ('0-01-03 - Wendy's Restaurant with Drive-Thru Service - Eaele River LLC:
Eagle River LLC represented by Billy Ray Strite with BRS Architects, is requesting
com!itional use approval to construct a Wendy's restaurant with drive thru service. The
.95-~~TC si te is generally located on the southeast corner of Eagle Road and Eagle River
Stred, (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue,
Billy Ray Strite: Provides Council an overview of the request for a conditional use
appn )val.
Zoni ,¡g Administrator Vaughan: Planning and Zoning approved approval. Provides
Cou:lci I an overview of the request. General discussion.
Dale Naggey: This is a national company and local franchisee. Discusses the signage
and \11C benn. General discussion.
Bill; Ray Strite: Discusses the height of the berm.
Mayor opens the Public Hearing.
Ma) or closes the Public Hearing.
Gm'!-ber move to approve CU-OI-03 - Wendy's Restaurant with Drive-Thru Service
- Eagle River LLC making special note of the Council's concerns about shielding
ligh t -; and the sti pulation that the berm be a minimum of 4'. Seconded by
Nordstrom. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES................
D, Qrdinance No. 437: Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County Idaho, Amending
Eagk City Code Title 4 "Public Health And Safety", Chapter 5 "Animal Control",
Sect ()]ì L "Dogs Prohibited In Specified Locations", And Amending Section 4
"En ,¡¡cement", Subsection 2 "Administrative Procedure" And Providing An Effective
Datl (SKM) This item was continued/rom the March 25,2003 meeting
Ma~ ;1 introduces the issue. The Public Hearing was continued.
Guc;hcI moves to continue Ordinance No. 437 to the May 13,2003 City Council
Mec': I1g. A Public Hearing will need to be noticed on the new ordinance. Seconded by
Bast! an, Discussion. Guerber withdraws the motion. Second concurs.
Gen, Hayes, 655 E. State Street, Eagle, discusses the existing ordinance.
Guc 'her moves to disapprove Ordinance No. 437 and prepare a new ordinance.
Sect nded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES..............
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Discussion on the Mutt Mitts. Council would like to have these ordered.
F. ()nlinance No. 441: An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Requiring All
Busi1csses Operating Within The City Limits To Register Their Business; Requiring
PaY¡;,:l1t Of A License Fee Established By Resolution; Requiring Annual Renewal Of
Suci ! .icense By ~otice To The City Clerk Before The End Of The Previous Calendar
Yea¡ I :stablishing A Penalty For Failure To Register; And Providing An Effective
Dak í,SKM)
Ma\i 11' introduces the issue,
Ma~ or opens the Public Hearing.
Ma,ì or closes the Public Hearing.
COli: '11 Member Guerber: I want to have this recorded that this is not an item that the
Cit: ¡ Eagle went out and dreamt up in order to pull $25 a piece for the City of Eagle.
Thi.-,\ as in fact an ordinance that was requested by the Chamber of Commerce as being a
reas, l1able and appropriate identification of businesses forlegitimate reasons in their
opinllll1 and that is why this ordinance is being adopted tonight.
Gelh'ral discussion.
GUl ¡'ller moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requiring
Ore;, mnces to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be
dis¡ísed with, and t~at Ordinance #441 be considered after being read once by
tith aly. Guerher reads Ordinance #441 by title only. Seconded by Bastian.
AL . \. YE: MOTION CARRIES.................
GUt'iher moves that Ordinance #441 be adopted. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion.
BasLan: AYE; AYE; Guerber: AYE: Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION
CA 1; RIES................
G, ,'solution 03-06: A resolution in conjunction with Ordinance No. 441, establishing
a $: ')0 annual fee for the registration of businesses within the City of Eagle.(SKM)
introduces the issue.
GeLd discussion.
Bas: ¡~!ll moves to approve Resolution 03-06 as presented. Seconded by Guerber.
AU ,\ YE: MOTION CARRIES................
7 A. Review and action on proposed credit card policies and procedures. (SKM)
Cit" ' jerk: I have changed the Credit Card Policies and Procedures to have only one
cre(~anl issued to the City ClerkfTreasurer. General discussion.
Ba~' , n moves to approve the Credit Card Policies and Procedures and the forms as
pro' i ¡sed. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES...............
A. ;;iscllssion of Burn Ban ordinance. (NM)
Ma \ í introduces the issue.
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Gel l tal discussion.
B. }~¡¡rchase of bicycles for the Ada County SheriIT's Deputies:
Ma' ,i' introduces the issue.
Bas!U moves to authorize the purchase to 2 bicycles to be use by the Ada County
SIlt f's Deputies in the City of Eagle for an amount not to exceed $1,495.00.
Sec(íi:ded by Guerber. Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE; Nordstrom: AYE: ALL
A Y;: MOTION CARRIES................
Cit) :ngineer Report: No report
Administrator's Report: Reports on the use of the old Fire Station on State Street. Staff
ite a Jetter to Mr, Purdy to discuss the uses of the building. General discussion.
" all the AP A Conference,
Cit\ torney Report: Reports on the United Water contract negotiations.
Disl ,iOll all thc water franchise fees with United Water and Eagle Water. A letter will be
writ, to Unitcd Water and Eagle Water in regards to applying to the PUc. General discussion.
Thc' ; :lyor would like this item to be on Council agendas until the issue is resolved.
he l
: Administrator Vaughan: Reports on the DeShazoÆagle Water issues.
,1: !VIr. Lindquist who owns property on Rush Road contacted me in regards to some
IlS that he wants to add to his home. Mike Mongelli denied him a building permit because
'[ meet Code. He thinks this is unfair. I have advised him that he needs to apply to the
he wou lei like to appeal to the City Council. General discussion.
sion on dogs in the parks.
Dis-;sion 011 the power lines that Idaho Power is proposing through the City.
Bas ;;m moves to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION
CA 'UES...
g 110 further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11 :30 p.m.
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