Minutes - 2003 - City Council - 03/31/2003 - Joint EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Joint Meeting Minutes March 31, 2003 ORIGINAL 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 6:37 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: City Council: Present: BASTIAN, SEDLACEK, GUERBER, NORDSTROM. Design Review Board: Present: BARNES, STANGER,. Absent: MCCULLOUGH, PAULSON, FLOGEL, BOWEN, CHRISTENSEN. Planning & Zoning Commission: Present: DECKERS, BLOOM, CROOK, BANDY Absent: CADWELL 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Council will provide an update on the upcoming bond election. (LS) Sedlacek gives a brief review of the Town Hall Meeting and the resulting decision to go to a bond election. Discussion regarding the Citizens Committee which has been formed to promote the passage of the bond. B. Discussion of consultant selection for the analysis of the Idaho Power transmission line. (LS) Mayor reviews the Council's selection of the Consultant of Black and Veatch. The process will take approximately 6 weeks. General discussion. C. Update on proposed joint land use planning with Star, and area of impact expansion. (LS/CB) Review of meeting held on March 25th regarding the above. Discussion of subdivisions outside of our area of impact and the high density that Ada County is allowing. Mayor would like the City Attorney to begin working on amending our area of impact ordinance. Joint referral area between Star and Eagle, staff is to look into coordinating comments in this local. D. Discussion with the Design Review Board on subdivision street lights, flags, and white vinyl fences in Rl and RE zones. (LS) Sedlacek feels that the vinyl fences deter from the rural feel of the Eagle community. Discussion regarding fencing and potential requirements, as well as amending the lighting ordinance. Staff is directed to obtain costs to retro-fit our historic street lights with the interior "caps" for budget consideration for FY 03-04. Sedlacek has concerns with the flags flown at Eagle River that are not United States flag, or the Idaho State flag. She feels that the St. AI's flag should be considered a billboard. Discussion regarding amending sign ordinance. E. Discussion on gated communities. (SD) PlI ¡e I K:\COUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O3-3I-O3spmin.doc .,/ Discussion regarding gated communities, pros and cons. Staff is directed to amend the current code to eliminate private streets with strict conditions for variances. Discussion regarding lot coverage vs. building footprint. Mayor suggests a workshop with the building official. Comments on using roof height to determine setback requirements. Discussion. F. Discussion on incomplete design review projects, and appropriate follow-up procedure. (DB) Barnes expresses her concern with Pioneer Federal Credit Union's lack of landscaping around the sign, and the( installation of incorrect light fixtures and J Bar K's sign. The sign currently up at J Bar K is their temporary sign, not the approved sign. Barnes suggests a surety for a commercial development for signage. Cerda notes that the Visionary Committee is working on language for a certificate of completion for signage. Discussion. Stanger suggests fining the sign violators. Discussion Mayor comments on a code enforcement proposal coming before Council on April 8th. It is the general consensus that signs need a "hammer" to insure timely compliance with conditions of approval. G. Discussion of East - West Connections. Bastian comments on a development for which the developer is providing an easement, but that ACHD will not construct the road as it is for a local road. Mayor feels that it should be addressed at the next Joint ACHD meeting. Discussion. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Sedlacek moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9: 10 p.m. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: .'.""""""" ~." Of BAG "~I#. ,." ~~ .."..... ~.t¡. , I c).....~YORA.;~J \ : : (,;° «J : : _.- -ic. - \ \~ SB^L~ 0 ~ .. (', A~......-: !It ~ .p ..~JlJ>Otl"'~.. ",T' ~,» ....." ~ ~ ~. '",;11'£ Ot' \: ",." "".........", ...J ~'-1~" \L- ~(~ SHAR N K. MOORE CITY CLERKfTREAS URER Pll ¡e 2 . K:\COUNCll.IMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work Area\CC-O3-31-O3spmin.doc