Minutes - 2003 - City Council - 02/25/2003 - Regular
February 25, 2003
PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Larry Sale, Highway District Liaison to the City, discusses the status of the signal light on Eagle
Road. We have sent a letter to ITD with some minor points that need to be addressed. As soon
as we hear from ITD we will be ready to go out for bid. General discussion.
Hill Road Park site: Nothing has really changed. This is not as high a priority for ACHD as it is
for the City. Council concurs to have this item added to the agenda for the joint meeting on
March 4, 2003.
Discussion on ACHD Impact Fees that is on the joint meeting agenda. Highest priority of the
Highway District is maintenance of the existing roads; this is done with non-impact fee revenue.
I have copies for you tonight of the Five Year Work Program. Distributes to the Council.
I. Report from the "Let's Talk Trash" Committee.
Council Member Guerber: Introduces Mark Miller who is the chairman of the "Let's Talk Trash"
Committee and provides an overview of the committee.
Mark Miller, Lets Talk Trash Committee, presents a Power Presentation to the Council. Key
Issues: Workman's Comp Increase for BPI, Standardize Carts/Automation, Increase in Recycling,
Unlimited Service, Landfill Capacity, Residential Only and Cost. The Committee would like to
see an increase in recycling. Discussion on program goals. Committee came up with two
programs: Continue Existing Programs and TrashlUnlirnited Recycling Pilot Program.
Discussion on programs. General discussion.
Mayor calls a recess at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor reconvenes at 7:05 p.m.
2. Brad Hawkins-Clark, Planner with the City of Meridian, will present the north Meridian area
plan. Brad is currently the acting Planning Director. Presents a Power Point presentation to the
Council on the North Meridian Plan and discusses the same. General discussion.
3. Mayor and Council's Report: Moved to end of Agenda
4. City Engineer Report: Moved to end of Agenda
5. City ClerkfI'reasurer Report: Moved to end of Agenda
6. Zoning Administrator'.s Report: Moved to end of Agenda
7. City Attorney Report: Moved to end of Agenda
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Merrill calls the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
quorum is present.
Mayor: We inadvertently left an item off from the agenda that was motioned to be placed
on this agenda. This matter was continued from the February 18, 2003 meeting in regards
to Once Upon A Subdivision's drainage issues. This should be added under Unfmished
Business Item #6A. I would also ask Council to entertain a Motion to take the rest of that
Unfinished Business and move to after New Business.
So moved by Bastian. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES................
PlI¡e I
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Bastian: I would like to amend the Agenda one more time. We have interested parties in
Items #6 A&B and I would like these items placed back under Unfinished Business and
have the ditch issue with Once Upon the Subdivision as Item A and then proceed with B &
C. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES.....................
City Attorney Buxton: Madame Mayor we are over capacity. The capacity of this room is
39, which includes the foyer area as well. General discussion.
I do think that we need to proceed with Consent Agenda items, as the City needs to pay the
claims against the City and after taking care of these items we need to close down. General
There are several people who have elected to remain outside, they were not requested to do
so. There are now 36 people so we can proceed with the meeting.
. Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one
motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a
Council Member, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed
from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda
will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of
. Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval
from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design
Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda
approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise.
. All design review applications will be appealed by the Zoning Administrator to the
City Council for their review and approval.
A. Claims Against the City.
B. Minutes of February 11,2003.
C. Minutes of February 18,2003.
D. DR-69-02 - Master Sien Plan for the Camille Beckman Facilitv - Camille
Beckman: Camille Beckman, represented by Jason Keeble with Classic Design
Studio, is requesting design review approval of the master sign plan for the
Camille Beckman facility. The site is located on the southwest comer of West
State Street Rosebud Lane at 175 South Rosebud Lane. (WEV)
E. DR-13-m MOD - Monument Sien for Wells Fareo Bank - Wells Fareo:
Wells Fargo Bank, represented by Craig Jamieson with Young Electric Sign
Companx, is requesting design review approval to construct a monument sign for
Wells Fargo Bank. The site is located on the north side of Plaza Drive within
Eagle Plaza Shopping Center approximately 2oo-feet east of Eagle Road Street
at 108 East Plaza Drive. (WEV)
F. DR-72-02 - Buildine Additions to Eaele Fire Station No.2 - Eaele Fire
Department: Eagle Fire Department, represented by Greg Toolson with JGT
Architecture, is requesting design review approval to construct a 768-square foot
building addition to the existing 3,450-square foot fire station building and to
enclose the existing entry to create a vestibule. The site is located on the
northeast comer of Floating Feather Road and Horseshoe Bend Road at 3180
East Floating Feather Road. (WEV)
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Guerber removes Item #4F from the Consent Agenda.
Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by Sedlacek.
ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES................
Bastian moves to pay the claims against the City. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE:
MOTION CARRIES........................
4F. DR-72-02 - Buildine Additions to Eaele Fire Station No.2 - Eaele Fire Department:
Eagle Fire Department, represented by Greg Toolson with JGT Architecture, is requesting design
review approval to construct a 768-square foot building addition to the existing 3,450-square foot
fire station building and to enclose the existing entry to create a vestibule. The site is located on
the northeast corner of Floating Feather Road and Horseshoe Bend Road at 3180 East Floating
Feather Road. (WEV)
Guerber: I removed this item from the Consent Agenda as I am a Fire Commissioner and need to
abstain from voting on this item.
Sedlacek move approves to approve DR-72-02 - Building Additions to Eagle Fire Station
No.2 - Eagle Fire Department. Seconded by Nordstrom. 3 A YES: 1 ABSTAIN (Guerber)
MOTION CARRIES................
5. Final Plats:
A. FP-I-02 - Final Plat for YES Subdivision (Eaele Towne & Count") - Eaele
Development Associates LLC.: Eagle Development Associates, represented by White Leisure
Development, is requesting final plat approval for YES Subdivision (formerly Eagle Towne &
Country), a 44A-acre, 14-10t commercial subdivision located on the north side of State Highway
44 between Highway 55 and Horseshoe Bend Road, at 3182 East State Street. The site is within
the Eagle City Limits. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Jeff Heuber, representing Eagle Development Associates, the developers of Eagle Towne &
Country. I am in agreement of the staff report with the exception of numbers 5 and 6. I am in
agreement that the site needs to be cleaned up. The final plat has to be signed before we can
proceed with closing and construction on the site. I have donated the buildings to the Eagle Fire
Department and they are scheduled to burn the buildings on March 29,2003 as a training
exercise. General discussion.
Jeff Lowe, City Planner: Displays a site plan and discusses the same. The final plat is in
substantial compliance with the preliminary plat. General discussion.
Bastian moves to approve FP-I-02 - Final Plat for YES Subdivision (Eagle Towne &
Country) - Eagle Development Associates LLC. with the following recommendations: 1, 2.
3, 4, and 7 as stated; #5: AD existing residential dwellings and nursery buildings located on
site shall be removed prior to the issuance of any building permits; #6. All debris, refuse
piles, and weeds shaD be removed from the site prior to the issuance of any building
permits. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES...................
A. Once Upon a Subdivision - drainaee issues.
Mayor introduces the issue.
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City Attorney Buxton: I have reviewed everything with Staff and the City Engineer. I appreciate
all of the work Mr. Gass has done but the issues stated all appear to be allegations against the
Developer. Discussion on the easements on the plat. The City also received a letter from
Northwest Development, LLC. I think they have the issues in regards to the easements.
We have not received any information from Dry Creek as to issues of safety.
It is my recommendation to the Council that the City take no further action in this matter.
General discussion.
Mr. Gass has threatened to sue the City and I suggest that his letter be forwarded to the City's
insurance carrier and that any further discussion on this matter be done in Executive Session.
Further discussion.
Bastian moves that we adopt the advice of our legal counsel and we recognize that the city
has no jurisdiction concerning the dispute over the lateral ditch at this time, and we
recognize that all site specific and standard conditions of approval appear to have been met
at this time. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES..............
B. Proposals for Merrill Park Maintenance. (SKM)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Franz Witte, 9770 W. State Street, I think the proposal is self-explanatory. We have eliminated
the general contractor's mark up costs. The contract is through November 2003. The most
important factor is that you have the same person doing the job and we like to finish out our
We will need to schedule a meeting with the Fire Department and the Council in regards to the
use of the park for Eagle Fun Days. The sod areas will be all right but the seeded areas are still
very tender. The most important thing is to minimize the use and that you do not have the tents,
serving area and parking on the ball field area. I would never recommend parking on the ball
fields area. General discussion.
Tal Trautman, Trautman Lawn & Landscape, back in a City Council meeting we projected what
it would cost for the maintenance of Merrill Park. Discussion on warranty issues. Sometimes it
is good to have another set of eyes. Discussion on Maxi-Com. The only thing I would worry
about is the trees. There are still roses in storage that came out ofthe Library. We can provide
the maintenance on the Park. General discussion.
General Council discussion.
Sedlacek moves to accept the bid provided by Franz Witte for $33,800, which comes in just
under budget. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. Bastian: AYE: Sedlacek: AYE:
Guerber: AYE: Nordstrom: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES................
C. Selection of Merrill Park public art pr01ect. (SKM)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Guerber: Discusses the Park and Pathway Committee recommendation of the Labyrinth.
General discussion.
Further general discussion.
Bastian moves to not authorize the art project in Merrill Park and table the matter and ask
the Art Commission to look for another place or project. Seconded by Sedlacek.
Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES...............
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Mayor calls a recess at 8:55 p.m.
Mayor reconvenes at 9:00 p.m.
A. CPA -4-021 A -3-02IRZ-S-02 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Residential Two to
Mixed Use/Annexation and Rezone from RUT to MU-DA (Mixed Use with Development
Aereement and Rezone from R-2 to MU-DA (Mixed Use with Development Aereement):
B.W. Eagle, Inc., represented by Dan Torfin, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to
change the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from Residential
Two (up to two dwelling units per acre) to Mixed Use, an annexation and rezone from RUT
(Rural Urban Transitional) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with Development Agreement) and a rezone
from R-2 (Residential-up to two dwelling units per acre) to MU-DA (Mixed Use with
Development Agreement). The site is located on the east side of Eagle Road approximately
l000-feet north of Chinden Boulevard. This item was continued from the February 18. 2003
meeting. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Council Member Nordstrom: In my previous association with the Planning & Zoning
Commission I heard this applicant and I want this to be on the record and to eliminate any
conflict of interest I would like to approach the applicant and ask if they have a concern about me
hearing this application as a City Council Member. I will be glad to recuse myself accordingly.
City Attorney: I need to clarify. I don't believe there is a concept of a conflict of interest. I
believe there may be a potential or a perception of a conflict. This is a political not a legal issue.
Dan Torfin: We are fine with Council Member Nordstrom participating in this application.
Mayor swears in Dan Torfin.
Dan Torfin, representing B.W. Eagle, Inc., displays a site plan with surrounding locations and
provides Council a history of the project and discusses the need for a Comprehensive Plan
Amendment. General discussion.
Zoning Administrator Vaughn: Provides Council an overview of the application, discusses the
Comprehensive Plan and changes to the plan, discusses the implementation of how this plan
could be implemented if approved. General discussion.
Mayor opens the Public Hearing.
Bob Van Arnem, 3049 S. Whitepost Way.
Mayor swears in Bob Van Arnem.
Bob Van Arnem distributes his written comments to the Council. My main concern about where
I live is the traffic noise. There are several items in the development that are inconsistent with
the Comp Plan. Discusses noise mitigation. Discussion on the speed limit on Eagle Road.
General discussion.
Council Member Sedlacek reads the names, addresses, pro/con into the record from letters that
have been received by the City in regards to this matter.
Duayne Didricksen, 3430 E. Chinden Blvd, Eagle.
Mayor swears in Duayne Didricksen.
Duayne Didricksen, I am here to speak in favor of this project. I thought it was important to
voice my opinion. This is an asset to what Eagle is trying to do. General discussion.
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Nancy Marsden, 233 W. Hampton Drive.
Mayor swears in Nancy Marsden.
Nancy Marsden, I have lived here two years. I live in Banbury Meadows and I agree that the
traffic is a problem. I was astounded that the Planning and Zoning had recommended this. I am
concerned about the commercial development in the project. Eagle Road has become a rat race
and I am wondering why we are adding more commercialism.
Jim Liley, 3410 E. Chinden Blvd.
Mayor swears in Jim Liley.
Jim Liley, I overlook this project. I have an artesian well and I am concerned about my well. All
of the green belt area seems to be back where you don't see it. I would like to see the green area.
Discusses the traffic noise.
City Attorney Buxton: The City does not have the obligation to protect other people's right
waters except to make sure that the City is not doing something that would be a taking or that the
City is allowing someone to create a public nuisance or otherwise agreeing with them that they
would take somebody's property or something like that with a physical invasion. They would
have a private action against the developer for any interference they would have with their well
or diminution of in value or diminution in the volume of the water. When the City grants
someone the opportunity and permission to develop a piece of property the City is not granting
them the rights to interfere with someone's water right or take their water right. All of the water
laws still apply. The City cannot grant the right to a developer to negatively affect water rights
of other parties.
Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Discusses the Development Agreement and rezoning to the
mixed use district. Discussion on Planning and Zoning recommendations. General discussion.
Dan Torfin, provides some history with ITD and signalized intersections. General discussion.
Patrick Dobbie, 777 Hearthstone Drive, Boise,
Mayor swears in Patrick Dobbie.
Patrick Dobbie discusses the traffic issues. General discussion.
Dan Torfin, discusses the Three River Crossing. Development of this project will take several
years to complete. Discussion on the land exchanges that have taken place. There will be an
Eagle Park as a buffer next to the sewer plant. This is 30 acres. The 6 acres would be a second
step and eventually would become a pond and the City of Boise would donate this area to the
City of Eagle.
Dennis Baker, Developer.
Mayor swears in Dennis Baker.
Dennis Baker, there is a long history with this project. I have owned the property for twelve
years. We have tried to work with the neighborhood concerns over the years. Discussion on the
land exchange with the City of Boise. Part of our project is in the impact area and needs to be
annexed into the City. Discussion on the impact on the roads. Overall discussion of the project.
Steve Bradbury, 225 N. 9th, Boise.
Mayor swears in Steve Bradbury.
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Steve Bradbuy, I would like to discuss the Development Agreement. We are working with staff
and the City Attorney on the Development Agreement. There is another meeting in the works. I
would like to request the Council to continue a decision on the Development Agreement.
General discussion.
Mayor: I am not closing the Public Hearing.
Guerber moves to table this item to March 25, 2003. Seconded by Nordstrom. ALL AYE:
MOTION CARRIES................
Guerber moves that Item #7B appear after Item #7E. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE:
MOTION CARRIES.............
Mayor calls a recess at 10:50 p.m.
Mayor reconvenes at 10:55 p.m.
C. CPA-2-02 - Impact Area Boundarv Adjustment and Comprehensive Plan Amendment
- Bob and Laree Van Treeck: Bob and Laree Van Treeck, represented by Land Consultants,
Inc., are requesting a westerly expansion to the City's Impact Area Boundary to include the 2.03-
acre site located on the southwest comer of State Highway 44 and Linder Road at 201 Linder
Road. The applicant is also requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to include the site
into the City's Land Use Map as Commercial. (WEV)
D. CPA-5-02 - Impact Area Boundarv Adjustment and Comprehensive Plan Amendment
- Briar Creek. LLC.: Briar Creek LLC, represented by Land Consultants, Inc., are requesting a
westerly expansion to the City's Impact Area Boundary to include the 14-acre site is located
approximately 12oo-feet north of State Highway 44 at 767 N. Linder Road. The applicant is also
requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to include the site into the City's Land Use Map
as Residential Two (up to two dwelling units per acre). (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue. We will be hearing Item #C and #D together but there will be
separate actions taken.
Mark Butler, representing the applicants.
Mayor swears in Mark Butler.
Council Member Nordstrom: I have had the opportunity when serving on the Planning & Zoning
to hear these items.
Mark Butler: I have no problem with Council Member Nordstrom. I have done a lot of
preliminary legwork on these two items. Displays overheads of the vicinity maps of the projects.
Provides Council an overview of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Staff has recommend
approval of both. Butler reads the names into the record of the people who have signed a petition
in favor.
Zoning Administrator Vaughan: In reviewing these applications the biggest concern was how
will the overall area develop. General discussion.
City Attorney Buxton: Discusses on what authority the public hearing is being held. General
Mayor opens the Public Hearing.
Ann Shank, 410 N. Eagle Road, Eagle.
Mayor swears in Ann Shank.
. PII¡e7
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Ann Shank, we live on the NE comer of Eagle Road. I am in support of the amendments. With
the sewer being extended it has made a difference in the area.
Elaine Thiel, 4648 Old Valley Road.
Mayor swears in Elaine Thiel.
Elaine Thiel, we have lived in the area for 11 years. We are in favor of the property going to
commercial. The whole area has changed greatly. When the High School was built it changed
the whole character of the area. General discussion.
Rick Humphreys, 4831 West Old Valley Road.
Mayor swears in Rick Humphreys.
Rick Humphreys, I am in favor of Mr. Van Treeck's proposal. The traffic noise is great. No
developer contacted me; I just got tired of it and put my property up for sale. I am in favor of
this. It used to be nice and peaceful.
Laree Van Treeck, 201 Linder Road.
Mayor swears in Laree Van Treeck.
Laree Van Treeck, I have reviewed the concept plan that Mark Butler has proposed. It seems to
me that this is a natural area for future growth in Eagle. This is already a major intersection. We
have not had anyone contact us to sell. We had planned on retiring here but it is to congested.
Tony Louts, 839 N. Linder Road.
Mayor swears in Tony Louts.
Tony Louts, we moved to our present location and planned on retiring in the area. The area is
growing and some planning needs to be done.
Bob Van Treeck, 201 Linder Road.
Mayor swears in Bob Van Treeck.
Bob Van Treeck, I agree with everything that has been said. No one has contacted us.
Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Discusses planning outside the area of impact.
Mark Butler: I also work in Star. I see this area as a two-phase deal. I think it will take 2-5
years to bring the parties together. We need to look at the area from Linder to Star. I don't see
how approval will hurt anything or cause a domino effect.
Gale Shank, 410 N. Linder Road.
Mayor swears in Gale Shank.
Gale Shank, I want to address a comment that Council Member Sedlacek made about John Evans
not wanting to annex into. Eagle. I think that was tongue in cheek comment. We plan on
annexation into the City of Eagle.
Mayor closes the Public Hearing.
Sedlacek moves to approve CPA-2-O2 Impact Area Boundary Adjustment and Comprehensive
Plan Amendment, Bob and Laree Van Treeck as I feel this area needs to be commercial with all
of the conditions stated at the Planning & Zoning including the Deed Restriction. Seconded by
Bastian. Discussion. Sedlacek withdraws the motion, second concurs.
General discussion.
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Bastian moves to approve CPA-2-02 Impact Area Boundary Adjustment and
Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Bob and Laree Van Treeck requesting a westerly
expansion to the City's Impact Area Boundary with the following Site Specific Conditions
of approval: Item #1 and #2 be stricken from the Commission recommendations; that #3
becomes #1 and #4 becomes #2 and add #3. The property owner consents to an annexation
agreement and any other conditions of approval. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE:
M OTI 0 N CARRIES...................
General Council discussion on Item #D: CPA-5-O2 - Impact Area Boundary Adjustment and
Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Briar Creek, LLc.
Guerber moves to deny CPA-5-02 - Impact Area Boundary Adjustment and
Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Briar Creek, LLC. Seconded by Sedlacek. Discussion.
ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES..................
E. RZ-06-02 - Rezone From C-1 to C-3-DA - Eaele River LLC: Eagle River LLC,
represented by Bill Clark with Clark Development, is requesting a rezone from C-l
(Neighborhood Business District) to C-3-DA (Highway Business District with development
agreement). The 1.55-acre site is located on the east side of Eagle Road approximately 8oo-feet
south of State Highway 44. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Bill Clark, representing Eagle River, we have made an application to change the zoning
designation for about 1 Yz acres of land. Displays a site plan showing the area. This 2 acre
parcel of land was left out of the current development because we didn't own it. We do now own
it. The zoning surrounding this parcel is C-3. Discusses the need for the rezone.
Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Discusses the Development Agreement and the limitations.
General Discussion.
Mayor opens the Public Hearing.
Mayor closes the Public Hearing.
Nordstrom moves to approve RZ-O6-02 - Rezone From C-1 to C-3-DA - Eagle River LLC
as submitted with staff recommendations, with the following changes: Strike 3.2.1 first
paragraph and the first.13 items of non-allowed uses and to replace them with the verbiage
and the non-allowed uses specific as agreed upon between staff and applicant and they be
included in the Findings of Fact so that Council can have a final review on them before a
final determination. Seconded Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES...............
B. CPA-1-02 - Impact Area Boundarv chanee and Comprehensive Plan Amendment - The
Citv of Eaele: The City of Eagle is proposing to amend the Area of Impact Boundary and is
proposing to amend the Comprehensive Plan to include new land use designations on the Land
Use Map and to make changes to the text within the plan. (WEV)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Nordstrom: For the record I have had the opportunity to review this item previously.
Zoning Administrator Vaughn: discusses the proposal to amend the Area of Impact Boundary
and amending the Comp Plan. General discussion.
Mayor opens the Public Hearing.
Mayor closes the Public Hearing.
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Nordstrom: In the matter of CPA-l-O2 - Impact Area Boundary change and
Comprehensive Plan AIpendment - The City of Eagle Council accepts staff
recommendations with the following inclusions: Under Public/Semi-Public include the
word cemeteries after schools; Under Head of Eagle Island add to the description: refer to
land use map, and to direct staff to confirm that Sage Acres is proper at an R2 designation.
Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES....................
A. Discussion of Tree Voucher Proeram: (SKM)
Mayor introduces the issue.
Council addresses the Memo provided by the City Clerk as to the specifications for the program.
B. Permit Application ReQuirements for Storm Water Discharees:
Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering: We need to have the Mayor sign a letter that exempts the
City. General discussion.
Sedlacek moves to authorize the Mayor to sign the draft letter presented by Mr. Brewer.
Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES.................
Mavor and Council's Report:
Mayor: March 18th at 7:00 p.m. will be the date for the Town Hall meeting. General discussion.
City Attorney Report: The special meeting on March 6th will start at 4:30 p.m.
The Contract with CHQA is completed except for the scope of work. General discussion.
Discussion on the draft letter to ACHD on the Olson Property.
Nordstrom: Has anyone thought about flying to Spokane instead of driving to the AIC annual
meeting? General discussion.
Guerber: The parks board is interested in the City pursuing the Ada Eagle Park and Eagle Island
becoming a regional park. It is my understanding that if the Mayor writes a letter to the County
that would be the first step to negotiations. General discussion.
Bastian: I met with Patrick Schneider and Linda Scowen on the substation space at the new city
hall. Provides Council details of the terms to be negotiated. Different options were discussed on
a lease. General discussion.
Reports on the Design Review meeting. Design Review is concerned about the orange on the
Home Depot building.
Nordstrom: reports on the ACHD meeting. I need Council to let me know what the City's needs
are so I can that to ACHD. General discussion.
City Engineer Report: No report
City Clerkffreasurer Report: No report
Zoning Administrator's Report: No report
Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES...
Pll¡e 10
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Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 1 :40 p.m
Respectfully submitted:
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