Minutes - 2023 - City Council - 12/12/2023 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 12,2023 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: GINDLESPERGER, PIKE, BAUN, RUSSELL. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: Pike moves to remove items 9F, G and H from the agenda. Motion dies due to lack of second. City Attorney Villegas discusses Idaho State Code regarding amended agendas. Pike moves to accept the amended agenda. Seconded by Buan. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Pike moves to move items 9F, G and H to be heard after consent agenda. Motion dies to due lack of second. 5. REPORTS: A. Mayor and Council: Gindlesperger no report. Pike reports on the Sewer District meeting. The Sewer District has issued over 300 permits this year. He also reports on the Urban Renewal Agency,the audit of 2023 was presented and accepted by the Agency. There were no issues with the audit. Russell provides a copy of the Citizens Academy and provides a draft to Mayor and Council for consideration. The proposal will be placed on the December 19 meeting for Council discussion and potential action. Russell states that Ada County Sheriff's Office has been working with the City's Public Information Officer to place call reports on the website. Russell addresses a social media rumor,to dlarify that while her health is a private matter, she wants to assure people that she is in good health and has no plans to resign from the Council. B. Department Supervisor: Director of Long- Range Planning and Projects,Nichoel Baird Spencer reports on some bid opening for Phase one of the Eagle and State Intersection improvements. C. Eagle Police Djepartment: Sheriff Matt Clifford discusses changes in leadership at Ada County Sheriff's Office that will occur as of January 1st. When the new Chief is decided upon, he will provide the information to the City. His goal is to provide Eagle with a fresh start and begin the new year with the n w leadership at the City. D. City Attorney:No report 6. ALL CONSENT A ENDA ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on thesq items unless the Mayor,a Councilmember,member of City Staff,or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff,Planning&4oning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Minutes of November 14,2023.(TEO) C. Minutes of November 28,2023. (TEO) D. Service Agreement Between the City of Eagle and Western Records:A Service Agreement between the City of Eagle and Western Records to provide shredding and destruction services in Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12.12-23MIN.docx an amount not to exceed $87.00 a month. The service agreement is a year long contract that will expire December 14,2024. (TEO) E. Lease Agreement Between the City of Eagle and the Eagle Community Food Bank Inc.: A Lease Agreement between the City of Eagle and the Eagle Community Food Bank,Inc.to lease space at 310-312 East State Street, Eagle. The lease agreement shall expire September 30, 2024. (JP) F. Reappointment to the Eagle Arts Advisory Committee : In accordance with Resolution 23- 17,Mayor Pierce is requesting Council Confirmation of the reappointment of Christina Hamlett to the City of Eagle Arts Advisory Committee.Ms.Hamlett will be serving a three(3)year term that will expire in December 2026. (JWP) G. Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law for the of A-01-23/RZ-02-23/CU-03-23/PPUD- 02-23/PP-02-23 - Annexation, Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan, and Preliminary,Plat for Everton Subdivision - TH Lost River, LLC: TH Lost River, LLC,represented by Stephanie Hopkins,with KM Engineering,LLP, is requesting an annexation, rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition - Ada County designation) to R-1-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD), R-4-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD), R-6-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement - PUD), and C-2-DA-P (General Business District with la development agreement - PUD), conditional use permit, preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat approvals for Everton Subdivision, a 241-lot (212- residential[138-single family,74-single-family attached], 11-commercial, 18-common)mixed use planned unit development. The 76.85-acre site is located at the northeast corner of State Highway 44 and North Palmer Lane. (MAW) H. Resolution No.23- 3-Designating Records Custodians: A resolution of the City of Eagle, Idaho, rescinding Res lution Nos. 18-20 and 18-44 in their entirety and designating records custodians and alternat s; and providing an effective date. (TEO) I. Resolution No.23-24-Adopting the City of Eagle's Records Retention Policy:A resolution of the City of Eagle, Idaho,rescinding Resolution No. 19-08 in its entirety and adopting a records retention policy; and providing an effective date.(TEO) J. Water System Capitalization Fee Study Acceptance: HECO Engineers has completed a study of the City of Eagle Water System to determine new Capitalization Fees which will replace the current Storage and Trunk Line (STL) Fees and the Water Construction Equivalency (WCE) Fees. Staff requests City Council acceptance of the study. (KR) K. Case Construction for Museum: The Museum director is requesting approval for an independent contract agreement with Fred Fritchman to construct Founding Families case exhibit not to exceed$4251.50(ACD). L. *Caselle Year End Payroll Reporting Services: Staff is requesting Council authorization of the use of ARPA funds and approval of services for the provision of year end payroll reporting services by Caselle, in an amount not to exceed$2,050. (TEO) M. *Caselle Affordable Care Act Reporting Service: Staff is requesting Council authorization of the use of ARPA funds and approval of services for the provision of Affordable Care Act(ACA) reporting services by Caselle, in an amount not to exceed $1,800. (TEO). Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Baun requests E, J and K be removed. A member of the public requests that Items H and I be removed. Pike moves to approve consent agenda items A, B, C, D, F, G, L and M. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. E. Lease Agreement Between the City of Eagle and the Eagle Community Food Bank Inc.: A Lease Agreement between the City of Eagle and the Eagle Community Food Bank,Inc.to lease space at 310-312 East State Street, Eagle. The lease agreement shall expire September 30, 2024. (JP) Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-12-23MIN.dock Ili Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Clerk, Tracy Osborn notes that the correct square footage should read 450 with Exhibit A updated to reflect as well. With that change the agreement is ready for consideration. Russell states that the lease portion would be where the boutique area was once located and that is currently not being utilized. Baun moves to consent agenda item 6E Lease Agreement Between the City of Eagle and the Eagle Community Food Bank Inc. with the correction noted by staff. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GD DLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE; ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. H. Resolution No.23-23-Designating Records Custodians: A resolution of the City of Eagle, Idaho, rescinding Resolution Nos. 18-20 and 18-44 in their entirety and designating records custodians and alternates; and providing an effective date. (TEO) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Clerk Osborn,states that the Resolution is in accordance with stipulations found in Idaho State Code. The City Clerk would work with each Department Supervisor to identify a records custodian within each Department who will be instrumental in fulfilling public record requests as well as abiding with the records retention policy. Baun moves to approve Resolution No. 23-23—Designating Records Custodians. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. I. Resolution No.23-24-Adopting the City of Eagle's Records Retention Policy:A resolution of the City of Eagle, Idaho,rescinding Resolution No. 19-08 in its entirety and adopting a records retention policy; and providing an effective date. (TEO) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Gindlesperger moves to approve 6I Resolution No. 23-24 Adopting the City of Eagle's Records Retention Policy.Seconded by Baun.GINDLESPERGER AYE;PIKE AYE;BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. J. Water System Capitalization Fee Study Acceptance: HECO Engineers has completed a study of the City of Eagle Water System to determine new Capitalization Fees which will replace the current Storage and Trunk Line (STL) Fees and the Water Construction Equivalency (WCE) Fees. Staff requests City Council acceptance of the study. (KR) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Baun would like the review of the study prior to action on the public hearing regarding the fee adoption. Baun moves to move consent item 6J to public hearing 8.A. 1 Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CA S. K. Case Construction for Museum: The Museum director is requesting approval for an independent contract agreement with Fred Fritchman to construct Founding Families case exhibit not to exceed$4251.50 (ACD). Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-12-23MIN.docx Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Baun moves to continue consent agenda item 6K to the December 19, 2023, meeting. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Mayor Pierce calls a brief recess as public hearings cannot begin prior to 6:00 p.m. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 8. ALL PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC HEARINGS:Public hearings will not begin prior to 6:00 p.m. • Public Hearings are legally noticed hearings required by state law. The public may provide formal testimony regarding the application or issue before the City Council.This testimony will become part of the hearing record for that application or matter. • Public hearing testimony time limits: Individuals testifying are allotted three (3) minutes for non-repetitive testimony. • Disclosure of ex parte and/or conflict of interest Water System Capitalization Fee Study Acceptance: HECO Engineers has completed a study of the City of Eagle Water System to determine new Capitalization Fees which will replace the current Storage and Trunk Line(STL)Fees and the Water Construction Equivalency(WCE)Fees. Staff requests City Council acceptance of the study.(KR) Mayor introduces the item. City Engineer, Mike Davis with HECO Engineering Payette Idaho. City Engineer, Davis reviews the history of the current storage and trunk line fees (STL) and methodology associated with the new capitalization fee calculation. The methodology is based on an Idaho Supreme Court ruling of the North Idaho Building Contractors Association v. City of Hayburn. The fee limits the cost basis for the capitalization fee to the replacement cost of the existing infrastructure. It excludes any future planned project costs in the fee calculation. Davis notes that Council has held workshops on the new fee study,input from these workshops were considered in the study before Council tonight. General discussion. A. A Public Hearing to Consider a New Capitalization Fee for the City of Eagle Water Department. (HECO and KR) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Mayor opens the public hearing for both 8A and 8A.1. Ken Burgess, 7200 W. McMullins St., Boise, Idaho, representing Building Contractors Association of Southwest Idaho. Mr. Burgess is requesting a delay of a vote on this item so that they may have more time to review the study and provide comments. They are consulting their attorney to ensure compliance with the Supreme Court ruling. In the future,the BCASWI have meetings wherein these type of policies proposals could be presented to the group for input. Dave Yorgason, 14254 W. Battenburg Drive,Boise, Idaho. While realizing that the fee hasn't increased in quite some time, he does question the calculation. He appreciates the time to provide input, though he does have questions about implementation. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-12-23MIN.doss Mike Davis provides further clarification on the calculation method. The calculation is not growth dependent; the methodology is the replacement value minus unfunded depreciation divided by the existing system capacity. Discussion regarding fee implementation. Baun moves to continue action items 8A and B until December 19 keeping the public hearing open. Seconded by Russell. Discussion. Baun amends to include consent agenda item 6J. Second concurs. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. A.1. Resolution No. 23-33, New Capitalization Fee to Replace Storage and Trunk Line Fees and Water Construction Equivalency Fees in Accordance with a City of Eagle Water System Capitalization Fee Study: A resolution replacing the Storage and Trunk Line (STL) Fees and Water Construction Equivalency (WCE) Fees with a new Capitalization Fee for the City of Eagle Water Department in accordance with Eagle City Code Section 1-7-4 and providing an effective date.(KR)Resolution 23-33,Establishing New Capitalization Fees B. A Public Hearing to Consider New and/or Increased Fees for the Building and Water Departments. (KR) B.1. Resolution No. 23-34, Amending the Fee Schedules for the Building and Water Departments: A resolution amending the fee schedules for the City of Eagle Building and Water Departments to establish new fees and to increase existing fees in excess of five percent (5%) and remove inactive fees from the fee schedule in accordance with Eagle City Code Section 1-7-4 and providing an effective date. (KR) C. RZ-08-23 - Rezone from A-R to R-E-DA - Robert West: Robert West is requesting a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to R-E-DA (Residential-Estates with a development agreement). The 4.95-acre site is located on the east side of North Beverly Drive approximately 860-feet south of the intersection of West Floating Feather Road and North Beverly Drive at 950 North Beverly Drive. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Robert West, 950 N. Beverly Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. West reviews the rezone application. Planner III, Mike Wi liams reviews the staff report and areas for special consideration. Discussion. Mayor opens the public hearing. Jeff Schaberg, 2787 W. Timber Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Schaberg lives to the south of the site. He believes that the owner of the property should be allowed to do what he is requesting. It is a reasonable request, and the site will still quite large lots, and the fact that he is doing it for family resonates with him. Kelly Ford 945 N. Beverly Drive Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Ford is opposed to the application and owns property adjacent to the site. Ms. Ford states that her property has an Accessory Dwelling Unit. They conducted extensive research to locate a property that would allow three horses and existing inventory was quite low. The feel fortunate to have found the property in Wehren Subdivision. She believes that allowing the rezone will reduce the agricultural nature of the neighborhood, as well as open the door for other neighbors to follow suit with rezone requests increasing the overall density. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-12-23MIN.docx ill Ed Salvi, 2568 W. Timber Dr., Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Salvi lives to the southwest of the application. Mr. Salvi believes that the application violates the Comprehensive Plan. This application damages the property rights of adjoining properties and does not take into account comments by the Eagle Fire Department. By allowing the split it will negatively impact surrounding property 'yalue. City code requires connection to the water system and the issuance of an additional waiver should not be granted. He is requesting the application be denied so that the split does not negatively impact property values. Devin Gneitirg, 1030 Beverly Dr., Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Gneitirg lives directly north of the site. He is in support of the application and has no opposition. Ron Park, 2546 W. Timber, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Park is directly to the south of the site and is opposed to the application. He believes that if granted it will impede the privacy of his home and his neighbors. The south property is lower than the application, so if additional structures were built, their homes would look upon Mr. Parks property thus it negatively impacting his privacy in his home. In 2007, a similar split on a different lot in this subdivision was denied. There are violations in the fire department conditions that should not be disregarded. Scott Nordstrom, 2590 W. Timber Dr., Eagle Idaho. Mr. Nordstrom is opposed to the application. He believes that property rights go both ways, not only for the applicant but by those neighboring properties. There will be a negative financial impact on his property. The Comprehensive Plan i a guide, but the code is the rule which should be followed. He would caution the Council of setting a negative precedent. Robert Ford, 945 N. Beverly Dr., Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Ford is opposed to the rezone. They searched for 5 acre lot that would allow their agriculture endeavors. The potential impact is beyond just this applic tion but could go beyond to other lots within the subdivision. The Fire Department condition of approval have been waived for the application and should not be allowed. Mark Butler, 1675 E. Bishop Way, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Butler agrees with the comments by Mr. Salvi. The Comprehensive Plan is a large document, using one small section to request the rezone doesn't make sense. To waive the water and sewer requirements does not make any sense. It will set a precedent that will increase density negatively impact the original design of the subdivision. Craig LeBeau, 1200 Beverly Dr., Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Lebeau, states that he believes that the previous owner of his property did seek to split the property into 4 one acre lots. Mr. Lebeau is the family member that wants the lot split so that he can live next to his father-in-law with his wife and children. He has lived in Eagle for about 35 years and has no desire to change it. It is where he wants to raise his family, and where he'd like his grandchildren to come. Kurt Smith, 2502 Timber Dr., Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Smith believes in property rights, but rights are governed by zoning ordinances. The current home was built in accordance with codes, but what they are asking is against it. To waive conditions would set a precedence that would open the door for others. Perhaps an accessory dwelling unit would be a better option and work within existing laws. Robert West rebuts the testimony. Mr. West notes the geographic proximity of several of the people that testified. Regarding the neighborhood meetings and meeting notices, the Fords came into ownership fter the meetings had taken place. Theoretical real estate factors may not be applicable to th actual situation. He is not asking to change the rules as he feels they are complying with he rules. Mr. West has no desire to impact owning horses in the subdivision. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-12-23MIN.docx Mayor closes the public hearing. Baun seeks clarification on the letter from Eagle Fire Department from Staff and discusses the rezone process. He is concerned with the waivers for water hook up. Pike states that the Fire District is familiar with private drives and rural fire suppression methods. Property rights is of importance to hit. He is leaning towards approval with the development agreement stipulations. Russell biased on con testimony tonight is more in favor of denial. The Comprehensive Plan requires the balance of property rights and impact to others. Gindlesperger concurs with Russell.The testimony by the neighbors and citizens was poignant and is not inclined to approve the project. Discussion. Baun moves to approve RZ-08-23 - Rezone from A-R to R-E-DA - Robert West. Seconded by Pike. GINDLESPERGER NAY; PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE;RUSSELL NAY;MAYOR AYE. Motion fails. Gindlesperger moves to deny RZ-08-23 - Rezone from A-R to R-E-DA - Robert West. Seconded by Russell.G1Ie DLESPERGER AYE;PIKE NAY;BAUN NAY;RUSSELL AYE; MAYOR AYE.MOTION CARRIES 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM: Canvas Votes for the 2023 General Run-Off Election: Acceptance of the December 5, 2023,1runoff election results as canvased by the Ada County Commissioners. [I.C. §50-412] (TEO) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Clerk, Tracy Osb rn states that the acceptance of the election result is part of the process required by State Stat e. A motion to accept the election results as canvassed by Ada County Commissioners is the action to be considered, reflecting Brad Pike as the winner of the Mayoral Runoff Electi, n, Mr. Pike will be sworn into office at the first meeting of January. Baun moves to accept the canvassed election results as approved by Ada County Commissioners. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM Mace Park: Public Comment on the Mace Park Project Design, City Council direction and approval to begin the public bidding process for construction. (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects, Nichoel Baird Spencer reviews Mace Park Project Design. Mayor Pierce inquires if there is anyone in attendance that wishes to comment on the design. Nancy Soares. 1016 S.Arbor Island Way.Eagle,Idaho.Ms. Soares has a background in design and has some concerns about what was presented tonight. The three top concerns are safety, traffic flow and impact on neighbors. The pork chop design is duplicated at Two Rivers Drive where it does not direct traffic flow as intended. There are not enough parking spaces,causing parking to overflow into nearby neighborhoods. The landscaping will not block any of the noise which is of a great concern of the neighbors. Discussion. Nicki Rodriguez, 528 i N. Pole Cat, Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Rodriguez states that there was to be a restroom and now it is gone. She would like to know why it was excluded from the design. Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-12-23MIN.docx Blake Neederhouser, $98 S. Island Glen Place, Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Neederhouser is also concerned about the safety of u-turns onto Eagle Road. There is also concern with the pathway. Safe travel for the public from Mace Road through this area to the greenbelt is of great importance. Director Baird Spencer speaks to the design. No pathway was included on the north side of the parking lot due to the proximity to the floodway. The restroom was eliminated due to the proximity of other public restrooms, as well as public comment received. As to the pork chop design, it is an ITD requirement, however there will be a curbed median that would prohibit something. Baird Spencer states the Council does have the ultimate decision to request a redesign should they so desire. Discussion. Baun moves to appralve action item 9B Mace Park and to direct staff to move forward with the public bidding process for construction. Seconded by Russell. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Mayor calls a 5-minute recess. C. ACTION ITEM: Parks,Trails & Open Space Plan Scope of Work: Staff is seeking City Council direction and approval to begin the Request for Proposal process for the Parks, Trails & Open Space Master Plan. (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects,Nichoel Baird Spencer reviews the draft scope of work. Staff is seeking further Council direction or confirmation that this document is the direction they wish to proceed. Baun moves to approve action item 9C Parks,Trails & Open Space Plan Scope of Work directing staff to move forward with issuance of the SOW (scope of work). Seconded by Russell. GINDLESPERGER AYE;PIKE AYE; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. D. ACTION ITEM: Fiscal Year 2024-2028 Capital Plan Modification No. 2: Staff is requesting a modification to the Fiscal Year 2024-2028 Capital Plan to increase funding for project PW CM-15: Orval Krasen Park Playground Replacement in the amount of$82,196.00 to a total not to exceed $210,195.00. (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects, Baird Spencer notes that the Capital Plan allows for instances to move funds within the plan with Council approval via the modification process. Discusses the unforeseen cost increase that has initiated this modification request. Baun moves to approve new business item 9D Fiscal Year 2024-2028 Capital Plan Modification No. 21 to increase funding of PW CM-15: Orvill Krasen Playground Replacement through the transfer of$80,195.28 from TRL CM-11: FEMA Trail Repair 4A. Seconded by Gindlesperger. GINDLESPERGER AYE;PIKE AYE;BAUN AYE;RUSSELL AYE.ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. E. * ACTION ITEM Request for Reconsideration for RZ-11-22/CU-13-22/PPUD-07- 22/PP-17-22 -Gora Estates Subdivision - Roth Ryczowski, LLC: Roth Ryczowski, LLC, represented by RyanWallace, is requesting City Council reconsideration of the decision to deny the following: A rezone from A-R(Agricultural- Residential)to R-1-DA-P (Residential with a development agreement—PUD),conditional use permit,preliminary development plan, Page 8 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-12-23MIN.docx 11 and preliminary plat approvals for Gora Estates Subdivision (re- subdivision of Lot 2, Block 1, Sulik Subdivision), a 6-lot (4-buildable, 2-common) residential planned unit development. The 4.7-acre site is located on the north side of West Beacon Light Road approximately 1,285- feet east of the intersection of North Hartley Road and West Beacon Light Road at 6390 West Beacon Light Road. (WEV) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Planner III, Mike Williams states that upon receipt of the request for consideration findings of fact for Gora Estates Subdivision they were reviewed by the Staff and the City Attorney. Staff is not recommending any changes to the approved findings. Gindlesperger moves to approve action. Motion dies due to lack of second. Russell moves regarding new business item 9E Request for Reconsideration for RZ-11- 22/CU-13-22/PPUD-07-22/PP-17-22 -Gora Estates Subdivision - Roth Ryczowski, LLC to deny the request for reconsideration. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. F. *ACTION ITEM: Ordinance 913 - Amendin2 Title 1 Chapter 6 Section 1 and 2: An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County Idaho Amending Eagle City Code Title 1 Chapter 6 " Sections 1' and 2 ; Providing A Severability Clause; And Providing An Effective Date. (JP) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Baun moves,pursuant to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#913 be considered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Russell. THRE AYE; ONE NAY(PIKE): MOTION CARRIES. Baun moves that Ordinance#913 An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County Idaho Amending Eagle City Code Title 1 Chapter 6 " Sections 1 and 2 ; Providing A Severability Clause; And Providing An Effective Date. Seconded by Gindlesperger. Discussion. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE NAY; BAUN AYE; RUSSELL AYE. MOTION CARRIES. G. *ACTION ITEM: Appointment of Auxiliary Positions: In accordance with Ordinance 913,Mayor Pierce is seeking Council confirmation of the appointment of a Public Information Officer, a Director of Long-Range Planning and Projects and a Economic Development Specialist. (JP) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Gindlesperger moves to approve item 9G action item appointment of auxiliary positions. Seconded by Russell.I I►iscussion.THREE AYE; ONE NAY(PIKE).MOTION CARRIES. H. *ACTION ITEM U rdinance 914-Amendin, Title 1 Cha i ter 5 Section 5:An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagl-, Ada County Idaho Amending Eagle City Code Title 1, Chapter 5, Section 4 and 5; Provi•ing a Severability Clause; And Providing An Effective Date. (JP) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Baun moves,pursuan to Idaho Code,Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three diffe ent days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-12-23MIN.docx Ordinance#914 be coni,idered after being read once by title only. Seconded by Russell. THREE AYE; ONE NAY(PIKE).MOTION CARRIES. Baun moves that Ordinance#914 An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County Idaho Amending Eagle City Code Title 1, Chapter 5, Section 4 and 5; Providing a Severability Clause; And Providing An Effective Date be adopted. Seconded by Russell. Discussion. GINDLESPERGER AYE; PIKE NAY; BAUN AYE;RUSSELL AYE.THREE AYE; ONE NAY(PIKE).MOTION CARRIES. 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 74-206 (1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authrrize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. An executive session may be held: City Attorney Villegas, states that there is no need for an executive session. A. ACTION ITEM: Action Regarding Pending/Threatened Litigation. 11. ADJOURNMENT: Gindlesperger moves 10 adjourn. Seconded by Baun. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business,the Council meeting was adjourned. 0s ectfully submitted: 4••% �'��•� . '9Cit �'.G • R+ Y E. OSBORN, Mc 1:_ �� CI CLERK ;* 'S E A J o,'�" •••�� T'•OR::E�•'O�ae APPROVED: '�ii• F OF 1UP'se J ic PIERCE MA R AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 10 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-12-12-23MIN.docx EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 12,2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 8A and 8A.1 SUBJECT: A Public Hearing to Consider a New Capitalization Fee for the City of Eagle Water Department. TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL \4Q. C\ \A\'`r CS \e '0001z, \(10(ors 6„(\ LO-C" WC-%,6e/ af;'Le \fo More on back EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 12,2023 PUBLIC HEARING: Item 8C SUBJECT: RZ-08-23 -Rezone from A-R to R-E-DA- Robert West TESTIFY PRO/CON NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL cl405 wi;.4brDr Ye 5 Ktt, 6{? °Ns P)exe,(1) Con /tee T r en e � ����. Sc., j,'*77 17 4(� ��► ),,,- Y-cs cDQA 16e) '";\; J2s-\ 'PO— ROY %-k c95 9 to w i .) i no e i/ D n\vc E S (or St77.7- /1--b, Pti inettgyL )4-4_ e61-il � ;i��� ii/kry Li)-SIC ��a� ` ��i�L 0 y FAr 4t- h' . P11P40-') Trlvj YL1`' CDI Nkfl‘i k' Bu4 y Le bud 16r-k" to,TAik, More on back City of Eagle c u 6l_ A l Citizens Academy IDAHO The Citizens Academy is a chance for residents to learn more about their city government and become more connected to their community. This seven to nine-week program is an excellent way to educate residents, build positive relationships, increase communication between government officials and citizens, and inspire future municipal leaders and volunteers. The classes are typically held on Wednesday evenings for from 6:30- 9:00 p.m. beginning in September. Each night focuses on a different facet of local government ranging from finance/budget, public safety, parks and recreation, and planning. Citizens will be asked to commit to attending a minimum of 7 sessions. r) v,tn ,m nt Each department will work with the Council lead and LRPP to draft a presentation and materials that explain the essential duties and functions of their department and the uniquely Eagle or Idaho facets of their job. Tentative Session Topics: Session 1 (XX/XX) Introduction, History, &Administration (Clerk/Mayor/Council) Session 2 (XX/XX) Finance & Capital Projects (Treasurer/LRPP) Session 3 (XX/XX) Committee, Commissions& Boards and Communications(Clerks, PIO, IT) Session 4 (XX/XX) Recreation, Historic Preservation, and Arts(HP/Recreation) Session 5 (XX/XX) Public Works& Parks (Public Works) Session 6 (XX/XX) Police & Fire (ACSO/EFD) Session 7(XX/XX) Planning, Zoning, Comprehensive Plan &Code Compliance (Planning/LRPP) Session 8 (XX/XX) Design Review& Building Department (Planning& Building) Session 9 (XX/XX) Economic Development& Public Hearings (Economic Development/City Attorney) TBD City Council Recognition at the completion of the academy. Acader'v rtne°nherc will o Have the opportunity to meet City Council members, department heads, and staff. o Learn about the structure of municipal government in Idaho. o Learn how decisions are made, how city funds are allocated, and how departments operate. o Enjoy comprehensive overviews of departments, programs, and services. o Discover the current status and plans for development and programming in Eagle. o Expand their knowledge and become more informed on current issues and proposed projects within the City. o Participate in lively discussions, role-playing, and other fun interactive activities. o Tour city facilities. o Become informed, involved citizens Registratic; Sign ups can be accommodated through laser fiche forms. For the first year it is recommended that the program be capped at dart,4.pant> Registration should close a month-ahead l�) 1 _ Cit y of Eagle rh Citizens Academy of the academy and a wait list will be used to fill spaces on an as needed basis. If requested the program could be opened to High School age students and/or Eagle business owners. • City of Eagle resident • Registered Voter • 21 or Older Citizens will be asked to commit to attending a minimum of 7 sessions. It is recommended that the Citizens Academy be given annually to a Council member as a Council assignment. The assigned Council member will review the materials for each year and make recommendations for changes to the Council and City staff. Council Approval of draft format Meetings to scope departmental presentations and participation. • + .� p 3 City of Eagle Water Capitalization Fee t f, j T City Council r ' �,: , December 12,2023 ""� , ` t-` C p( , At lia HECO '1:•• '' i ENGINEERS �ds 1 • Goals ■ Review of the City's current fees o Hookup o STL—Storage&Trunk Line Fee o WCE—Water Construction Equivalency Fee ■ Incorporate existing fees into a new Capitalization Fee using mandated methodology lea HECO ENGINEERS a e 2 1 • Existing Fees ■ STL—Storage&Trunk Line Fee o Implemented by Resolution 05-13 o Amended by Resolution 08-09 o Fee was last adjusted in 2008 ■ Hookup Fee o Typically increased annually ■ WCE—Water Construction Equivalency Fee o Established in 1992;Title 6-5-24 in City Code o Fee based on proportional share of existing system o Fee was last adjusted prior to 2008 HECO • ENGINEERS •��' 3 • Capitalization Fee ■ System equity buy-in imposed on new development ■ Methodology based on Idaho Supreme Court ruling in North Idaho Building Contractors Association(NIBCA)v.City of Hayden ■ Limits the cost basis for the Cap Fee to the replacement cost of the existing infrastructure ■ Excludes any future planned project costs in the fee calculation 114311 HECOIt4 E• NGINEERS 4 4 2 • Existing System • Groundwater wells—Total of 5 • 1 MG Concrete Reservoir • Approximately 50 miles of water distribution pipe • 431 Fire Hydrants • Pressure Reducing Valve Stations—2 • Water Rights—3.25 cfs licensed in Eastern Zone;5.37 cfs permitted in Western Zone t n • • t girHECO • ENGINEERS 7 7 :• Inventory/Age • Example: Piping and Hydrants Tracking—City compiled data&updates annually a.F• si`o.a e• d• It' Li- u• x• Heck.. Other Pill le nu.. sgmd a" e• r io• u• m• xo• wyd...0 om.r w n HECO AI ENGINEERS 8 ,. 4 • Methodology • Determine the net system replacement value • Determine the capacity of the system Replacement Value —Unfunded Depreciation Cap Fee= Existing System Capacity Net Replacement Value=Replacement Value—UnfundedOepredatipn 411, 11,0 HECO 4 ENGINEERS 5 • Net Replacement Value • Replacement value of existing system o Current replacement costs of system components • Unfunded depreciation o Accounts for decline in the value of the system due to age • Current indebtedness o Amount owed on the system;Deducted from replacement value since repayment of debt is funded through rates • Steps V Inventory existing system ✓ Determine age of system ✓ Determine current replacement costs ✓ Determine value of aged system ✓ Determine net replacement value to HECO ENGINEERS 6 6 3 • Net Replacement Value Replacement Value • Replacement costs determined using RSMeans for piping&hydrants • Original Costs adjusted to current cost using RSMeans Construction Cost Index(CCI) • If Original Costs unknown-used original costs of similar project and adjusted to project construction year using RSMeans CCI • Water rights value determined using the rental price of storage from the Boise River Rental Pool-Water District#63 Depreciation Expected Asset Life • Accounts for age and life expectancy Pipe(PVC) 70 of each component using straight- Hydrant 40 line depreciation method Well 50 • Asset life expectancy based on Well House 50 Pressure Reducing Valve 50 typical industry values and AWWA& Station EPA publications Reservoir 60 41, toHECO � ENGINEERS 9 9 •:e Net Replacement Value • Determined using the following equation: ning Net Replacement Value =Existing Replacement Cost x Fern Lifaie ExpectaUsefnulcyLife Replacement Value$175.43 $18674 $20431 $216.70 $248.98 $359.57 $518.31 Expected Life= (70) earfor Value- 2022 Year 4" 6" 8" 10' 12" 16" 20. Total Value Remaining Life Depreciated Value 1992 $0.00 $763,215.84 $314,232.62 _$668,516.93 $178,023.27 $0.00 $0.00 $1,923,964.66 40 $1,099,422.03 1993 $0.00 $832.683.98 $565,332.67 $572,735.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,970,752.56 41 $1,154,297.93 1994 $0.00 $530,721-66 S808,055.92 $1,104,298.96 $0.00 $0.00 $000 $2,443,076.54 42 51,465,845.92 1995 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.W $0.00 $000 $0.OD 43 $0.00 1996 50.00 $70,962.08 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 $70,962.08 44 $44,604.74 1992 $0.03 $244,632.43 $326899.99 $344,551.68 $0.00 $0.00 .03 $916,034.10 45 $588,911.21 • Example: Net Replacement Value = $2,443,076.54 x �a=$1,465,845.92 F HECO 1110, Ip 10 5 • Net Replacement Value • Summary Eastern Zone Western Zone Pipe(PVC) $16,603,107.49 $31,707,385.89 Hydrants $362,152.43 $1,459,243.89 Well/Well Houses $774,580.28 $2,347,648.36 PRV $35,000.00 $46,000.00 Reservoir $1,733,526.92 N/A Water Rights $450,000.00 $1,555,080.99 Total Net Replacement Value $19,958,367.13 $37,115,359.13 Combined Net Replacement Value $57,073,726.26 111.0 HECO ENGINEERS fit* ;",s_ II 11 • Net Replacement Value • Additional reductions Indebtedness (DEQ loan balance for construction of concrete reservoir) Balance as of September 30,2022—$749,059.41 e Reserve Balance Balance as of September 30,2022—$997,000.00 STL Fee Balance Balance as of September 30,2022—$1,108,974.81 Net Replacement Value=$54,218,692.04 110 �fr HECO ENGINEERS ui*� I: 12 6 • System Capacity • Eastern Zone—Regulatory Capacity(Firm Capacity) o DEQ required redundancy—Largest source out of service o Limited by the pumping availability from the wells o Source capacity shall meet maximum day demand Well 2 has a capacity of 650 gallons per minute(gpm) o Water Master Plan(in progress)has an estimated maximum day demand of 432 gallons per day(0.3 gpm)per Equivalent Dwelling Unit(EDU) 650 gpm Eastern Capacity= = 2,167 EDUs 0.3 gpm/EDU HEco ! ° Lj ENGINEERS Ig 13 • System Capacity • Western Zone o Limited by the available water rights(5.37 cfs=2,410 gpm) o No storage—System must meet peak hour demand o Water Master Plan(in progress)has an estimated peak hour demand of $48 gallons per day(0.45 gpm)per Equivalent Dwelling Unit(EDU) Western Capacity= 2,410 gpm ac = 5,356 EDUs p y 0.45 gpm/EDU • Total System Capacity Total Capacity=2,167+5,356=7,523 EDUs(Regulatory) oak_ HEco ENGINEERS -" pP 17 14 7 • Cap Fee Calculation Value of System(Net Replacement Values) Asset Life Expectancy Eastern Zone Asset life Pipe $16,603,107.49 Pipe(PVC) 70 Hydrants $362,152.43 Hydrant 40 wells/Wellhouses $774,580.28 Well 50 PRV $35,000.00 Wellhouse 50 Reservoir $1,733,526.92 PRV 50 Water Rights $450,080.00 Reservoir 60 Total Eastern $19,958,367.13 Western Zone Pipe $31,707,385.89 Hydrants $1,459,243.89 PRV 2,Well:/Wellhou:es $2,347,648.360 $54,218,692.04 Water Rights $1,555,080.99 Cap Fee= 7,523 EDUs =$7,207.06/EDU Total Western $37,115,359.13 Combined System Replacement Value $57,073,726.26 Reserves(Replacement) $997,000.00 STL Balance(Expansion) $1,108,974.81 Current Indebtedness $749,059.41 Net Replacement Value $54,218,692.04 System Capacity(IOU=Equivalent Dwelling Unit) Limiting Factor Eastern Zone 2167 EDUs Source Supply With Largest Well Off Western Zone 5356 EDUs Water Right Withdrawal of 5.37 cfs 7523 EDU5 00 H ECO = ENGINEERS I C 15 • Reduced Fee • Two City Council Work Sessions • City Council requested that a reduced fee be considered • Account for potential development of a new well in the Eastern Zone • Recalculate fee with both wells in Eastern Zone in operation(no redundancy) leHECO 6 ENGINEERS 16 8 Adjusted System Capacity • Eastern Zone—Operational Capacity • o Capacity of system without DEQ required redundancy o System must meet maximum day demand o Operational capacity is limited by the available water rights(3.25 cfs= 1,458.6 gpm) o Water Master Plan(in progress)has an estimated maximum day demand of 432 gallons per day(0.3 gpm)per Equivalent Dwelling Unit(EDU) Adjusted Eastern Capacity= 1458.E gpm _4,862 EDUs 0.3 gpm/EDU Adjusted Total Capacity=4,862+5,356=10,218 EDUs(Operational) HECC? ENGINEERS U 17 • Reduced Cap Fee Calculation Value of System(Net Replacement Values) Asset life Expectancy Eastern Zone Asset life Pipe $16,603,107.49 Pipe(PVC) 70 Hydrants $362,152.43 Hydrant 40 Wells/Well houses $774,580.28 Well 50 PRV $35,000.00 Wellhouse 50 Reservoir $1,733,526.92 PRV 50 Water Rights $450,000.00 Reservoir 60 Total Eastern $19,958,367.13 Western Zone Pipe $31,707,385.89 Hydrants $1,459,243.89 PRV $46,000.00 Wells/Wellhouse: $2,347,648.36 $54,218,692.04 Water Rights $1,555,080.99 Cap Fee= 10,218 EDUs =$5,306.19/EDU Total Western $37,115,359.13 Combined System Replacement Value $57,073,726.26 Reserves(Replacement) $997,000.00 STL Balance(Expansion) $1,108,974.81 Current Indebtedness $749,059.41 Net Replacement Value $54,218,692.04 Capacity With Boys Weis On (No Redundancy) System Capacity(EDU=Equivalent Dwel' nit) Limiting Factor Eastern Zone <EDO EDUs Water right Withdrawal of 3.25 cfs Western Zone 5356 EDUs Water Right Withdrawal of 5.37 cfs 10218 EDU5 010 to � ENGINEERS e. Is 18 9 THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING December 12, 2023 APPLICATION#:RZ-08-23 APPLICATION BY:Robert West PROJECT SUMMARY:Robert West is requesting a rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential)to R-E-DA(Residential-Estates with a development agreement). 1 PRO ECT LOCATION: This 4.95-acre site is located on the east side of North Beverly Drive approximately 860-feet south of the intersection of West Floating Feat er Road and North Beverly Drive at 950 North Beverly Drive. The .roject proposal is to divide the existing lot into two apprpximately 2.5 acre lots. 2 1 _ a i .14 a 4 r jitii &w _ <, t , �. rir , 1 • _�� •y._ ..4� 4 2 yr f t ' t 7• ♦� P. fi� r ) '1 ei yfiT it. _. FF zci ' - s ; N. _ z 414,),!.1,-„,,,ii :mi. ar -. ..,..., -/ s - { 11pi..* v . , :/ " v ; 3 i r .1,...1.. ;V: -,,I.istr*i'r."'‘4;;\3343N.,r1 4='14:214!:.•;...ii:'''. ...,41.,,... .,r11.0...''''11,1it:t..--.-1,,.. ....A.'. „...::'..14,ii I: "".:..:0—',1, ,,, -i.,‘,.'SV''',:,,.::—.''''' 4 0 bk[ , 5 ,f.A,li E. :,-... 'oe*lit*'' , it., ..i- ,. 4a ' . ,;, �;. ,. . iir,, :4, , ,. . . , . a., .: . 1 �Y . tea.*.`+.'Aap' i 4.5, t' % 3. 1 �t,.yir v r . ‘, 6 3 CHAPTER 6:LAND USE Page 74 EAGLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN C.The roadway network along State Street east of Park Lane should be designed to provide internal circulation with access only from the signal at Eagle Island Crossing/Fisher Parkway. D.The land use for the properties north of Flint Drive and extending north to Floating Feather Road,east of Eagle High School,is Neighborhood Residential with a Residential Transition Overlay. Development in this area should be designed to ensure compatible residential lot sizing(1-acre lots)adjacent to the Colony Subdivision and transition to a density of up to 3 per acre near the high school. The overall density of the area should not exceed 2 units per acre. F.The area located on the northwest corner of State Highway 44 and Park Lane is designated Mixed Use for the southern 17-acres,transitioning to neighborhood residential,up to 3 units per acre,for the northern portion of the property The transition area between the mixed use and the residential area shall be reviewed and conditioned by the City through the use of a development agreement at the time of rezone. G.The area located northwest of Linder Road and State Street intersection is designated as compact residential to provide for apartments,town homes and patio homes,and transitioning northward to neighborhood residential(up to 1-2 units per acre). Internal circulation is essential to the development of extended from Linder Road west to the intersection of Moon Valley Road and State Highway 44. Uses should focus on Escalante Drive(not State Street) with berming and wide setbacks to be used to buffer the residential uses from State Highway 44. Escalante Drive should not be allowed to have front on housing. H.Large lot residential with a transitional overlay should be encouraged south this area;a frontage road(Escalante Drive)should be of the mixed-use area along Old Valley Road and north of the Boise River Lots may be clustered to encourage separation and protection of wetlands,floodways,and habitat areas as open space. The area should be designed to provide formalized river access. 7 Estate Residential A single family residential area transitioning between agriculture and conventional residential uses. Densities range from 1 unit per 2 acres to 1 unit per 5 acres. Small scale agriculture and horticulture uses are encouraged. Density may be limited due to the limit ed availability of infrastructure and roadway capacity. Large Lot Residential Suitable for single family residential adjacent to Estate Residential uses. Densities range from 1 unit per acre to 1 unit per 2 acres. Infrastructure such as sewer and water are required for densities higher than 1 unit per 2 acres. Open space and parks in this area will be generally limited. Land uses in this category will tend to appear as suburban large lot and generally less agrarian than the Estate Residential and Agricultural/Rural designations. 8 4 1 and Irl or Ip A'. L{ 1 7 I 1 Ji. :.7, „, .S a .ter.. rv..H W. /♦ V. .-- K. -fr+ _,..:_ ��'... ./ 'y''s:..-�- .� .u:.. :4,...4.:.�.fti:...e: +i. .f'-dai.. .ia..—sty .`u�«..c..+ .l�'r.+u �..w� n..... co,.,..c.� ....i .(4.4.w�,.a.....r ':,� 4;:.1 ci e.! .f c':.,..T.r.r-:..:. Gm...-."•.'t-.. 9 VEOIIA Water Idaho INC OS.3 I i - 1() 5 Pierce,Scott https:/idaho-capital-investment-hub-vnagis.hub.arceis.corni Attached is a VEOLIA Map for you to get an Estimated Total Project Costs.Send Map to Approved Contractor for Estimate.This will be your Estimated Contractor Costs.VEOLIA Costs are 20-25%of the Contractor Costs.The total of the Contractor Costs and VEOLIA Costs equal your Total Project Costs.The offsites are where you can make some of your investments back if you other neighbors connect to this water main.These offsites are only good for 10 years from our signed Contract.Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks/ Scott Pierce onstruclion Supervisor Inaho Operations(Municipal) VEOLIA NORTH UNITED STATES Office(208)362-7329 8248 W Victory Rd/Boise,ID 83709 scott.pjerce www.veolianorthamerica.com On Thu,16 Feb 2023 at 17:12,Rob West<dbrj(6aol.com>wrote: Scott Very nice to visit with you on the phone today. Per your request,I am responding back to your email to receive additional information,namely: -Flow chart of activities to pursue a water line contract and cost estimate -description of post 10-year rebate -list of contractors to contact for rough cost estimate We understand that a Veolia approved contractor provides a price estimate and Veolia adds approx 20-25%on top of that for its overhead,inspections,approvals,etc. From our rough estimate,it looks like Beverly Drive is about 970'in length,give or take.At a rough estimate New rough estimate)of around$250/ff (including Overhead),we are in the neighborhood of$250,000 in total cost;give or take. I assume that there are additional costs to then bring the water from the street up to the home.Correct? Just a quick summary:We are wanting to subdivide two 5-acre lots into 2 lots each. 1200 Beverly and 950 Beverly. Thank you, Robert West 11 Feb 6.2023 Mr.Ned Jenkins Eagle Sewer District 44 N Palmetto Ave Eagle,ID 83616 RE 950 Beverly Dr it 1200 Beverly Dr Dear Neil: Thank you very much for taking the time today to moot with us regarding the option between City Sewer and Septic in conjunction with our desire to subdivide gun properties front a 5-acre to into two 2.5 acre lots.We learned a gnat deal. With the technical option of conning sewer lines along Lion's Gate property easements into the rear of our lots,and with the cost of annexation,buy-in,landscaping.sewer line construction,and residential connection costs,it may not be unreasonable to assume costs could range from$80,000 to$150,000+per lot. With the option of running sewer hoes out of Lien's Gate and then North along Ballantyne.then West long Floating Feather,them South along Beverly Dr.costs may run into$I M-,for two lots. Costs for Septic Tank Systems seem to range front$10,000 to$25,000 per lot. To date,We have had good results with septic systems on Beverly Drive. With that in mind.and given that the area appears to have a low nitrate concentration,it seems reasonable and economical to seek a septic permit through the Central District Health Dept. With your agreement we ask for your support in delivering a letter to CDH in our behalf for that request. Sincerely: Rob West 950 Beverly Dr Eagle,ID 83616 12 • Rob West 950 Beverly Dr Eagle,ID 83616 February 8,2023 Re:Sewer Service for 950 Beverly Drive Dear Mr.West, The property at 950 Beverly Drive is currently about 500-feet from the nearest sewer main line.While connection to central sewer is the better environmental option than an onsite septic system,it is likely not economically feasible to extend the sewer for this one residence.Therefore,we concede that an onsite septic system may be the appropriate short-term solution but propose connection to the central sewer system when the sewer main line reaches the property boundary in the future. Sincerely, Neil Jenkins General Manager CC:file 13 Final Comments Conclusion 14 7 THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION 15 Q & A 16 8 ii o. 11611IRUIt'ISIO\S: The plat of this subdivision shall not be mended or resubdivided or by metes and bounds descriptions tithout Prior approval of the governmental agency having jurisdic- tion and at least tho-(birds (2/3) majority of the record owners of said subdivision. Any proposed resubdivision of this plat crust comply v th the standards for subdivision in force as of the date of such roposed resubdi vision. This particular covenant can't he erase if the covenants are erased, 17 18 9 12/14/2023 4141, . .. REZONE FROM A-R (AGRICULTURAL- RESIDENTIAL)10* A. TO R-E ( RESIDENTIAL- ESTATES) RZ-08-23 Eagle City Council Public Hearing December 12, 2023 City Staff: Michael Williams,CFM,Planner Ill Phone: 939-0227 E-Mail: 1 Project Summary 10Robert West is requesting: 01 • A rezone from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to R-E (Residential - Estates) ` • The 4.95-acre site is located on the east side of North Beverly Drive approximately 860-feet south of the intersection of West Floating - ,, Feather Road and North Beverly Drive at 950 North Beverly Drive. 2 1 l7/l4/ZUZ3 sr VAN 34 Aerial Map ,t*66 Vicinity Map 2 12/14/2023 We h re n WENREN SUBDIVISION A PORTION OF THE NEINWI AND OF THE NIMINEI OF SECTION 71TIN.,R.IL,E.K, ADA COUNTY,I0ANO. NGfENANN S FFSNE-S-CGNSULTING ENGINEERS Subdivision N KE ✓ fLOOING'EMU n " TeN.11.111001111. -LEGENO- mj 1. a W.u.[a.er.mrpnnr O O cIL...e>e^Ne 4 mnr��Y suu .�, • • a ZFn1n1= A K o : P, i e V; Naw• 950 11, Bc✓er Or calk, fD £'36I6 o ° ._--- ._____1 5 Comprehensive Plan Designations Large Lot Suitable for single family residential adjacent to Estate Residential uses. Densities range from I unit per acre to 1 unit per 2 acres. Infrastructure such as sewer and water are required for densities higher than I unit per 2 acres.Open space and parks in this area will be generally limited.Land uses in this category will tend to appear as suburban large lot and generally less agrarian than the Estate Residential and Agricultural/Rural designations. Neighborhood Residential Suitable for single family residential.Densities range from 2 units per acre to 4 units per acre. Residential Transition Overlay Residential development that provides for a transition between land use categories and uses. Commonly requires a transition/change in density, lot sizing, and building scaling with a specific parcel or project. Base densities may be reduced or units may be clustered to increase open space within a portion of a site when property is in this overlay. Neighborhood design will be paramount in this overlay to ensure appropriate transition between uses. See specific planning areas for further description. 6 3 12/14/2023 Eagle Comprehensive Vvi oaOk n e 1 Plan % ....... _ L -- --1 LARGE LOT ,, # .** ' i , i I 1144.4 NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSITION OVERLAY , , .., , p;„....,, „. , „. . . ,, , , ,,,,,, . , . ... [sr ComprehensiveMap Designation Desi nation &v p Zoning Map Designation wt COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE gg DESIGNATION DESIGNATION ([, �.• Large Lot Residential A-R(Agricultural-Residential) Single-family residence ).. , Existing No Change R-E(Residential-Estates) Re-subdivide the lot into two(2)lots Proposed S Large Lot Residential A-R(Agricultural-Residential) Single-family residence subdivision North of site (Wehren Subdivision) 1 iNeighborhood Residential,Large Lot R-I(Residential)and R-2-DA-P(Residential Single-family residence and common lot South of site Residential,and Transition Overlay with a development agreement-PUD) (Redwood Creek Subdivision No.2 and Countryside Estates Subdivision No.2) i, Large Lot Residential RUT(Rural-Urban Transition-Ada County Single-family residences(Unplatted East of site designation)and R-1-DA(Residential with a parcel and Lions Gate Subdivision) development agreement) Large Lot Residential A-R(Agricultural-Residential) Single-family residence(Wehren West of site Subdivision) a ) i. 8 4 12/14/2023 Planning Commission Recommendation On November 6, 2023, the Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission voted 3 to 2 (Wright and Guerber against) to recommend of this application with the conditions of development provided on page 5 of the Planning and Zoning Commission Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 9 End of Presentation 10 5 12/14/2023 FY 24 - 28 CAPITAL PLAN MODIFICATION NO. 2 kW 01December 12, 2023 rair• Nichoel Baird Spencer MCRP,AICP Director of Long-Range Planning&Projects EAGLE nbairdl cityofeoalb.orq J\. L 1 STAFF REQUEST Staff is requesting the Eagle City Council's review and approval of Modification No.2 to the FY 2024-2028 Capital Plan adopted on September 26, 2023, to increase the funding of PW CM-15: Orville Krasen Playground Replacement through the transfer of $80,195.28 from TRL CM-1 1 : FEMA Trail Repair 4A. 2 1 12/14/2023 OVERVIEW The OK Park Playground replacement was originally budgeted for FY 23 but was delayed to FY 24. Since the adoption of the FY 2024-2028 Capital Plan, the cost estimate for the OK Park Playground replacement has increased to $210,195.28. The current configuration of the park and equipment selected is in compliance with the recommendation of the PPRC & the Council in 2022. 3 CURRENT FUNDING 2024-2028 Capital Plan: Department:Public Works Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss Orville Krasen Park Playground 13 PW CM-15 OK Park Playground Year Requested:2022 $ 130,000 $ - $ 130,000 $ - $ - $130K In carry forward from FY 23 Priority:Planned FY 2022 Amount Requested:$130K FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2023 Department Planning&Zoning Staff:BIII Vaughan FEMA Trail Repair R4A Year Requested:2023, 21 TRLCM-3 FEMA Repair 4A $ 104,000 $ 104,000 $ - $ - $ - TRL CM-11 incomplete In FY 21,22,& Incomplete in FY 21,22,&23 23.Funding requested for FY26 for 'T K Priority:FEMA Repair Amount Requested:$272.3K TRl CM-11.Per CC wrksp 5/18 CF FY 29-27 PLAN YEAR:2023 maybe leveraged forth.completion Department Public Works of TRL CM-4,If partnership can be Staff:Eric Ziegenfuss secured. Greenbak Merrill Park Staff moved$100K to PW 26 TRLCM-4 Greenbelt Merril Year Requested:2023 $ 104,000 To be determined may be fundedwith S from TRL CMII __. Libra Roo to rover current estimate Priority:Planned Replacement Amount Requested:$1B0K „.,,: FY 23-27 PLAN YEAR:2025 4 2 12/14/2023 THIS REQUEST . . . FY 2024-2028 Capital Plan Modification No.2 9-26-23 12-12-23 Balance Rank CM x Project Name Approved Adjustment Forward 13 PW CM-1S OK Playground $133 333 J0 S S0.195 2S $210.195.2E 21 25 TRLS V-11;.® =EVA ear»4 OR Merrill Greenbeis 51433 000 33 $ 11.30.195-2E1 $ 59 S34 72 Policy Implication: FEMA Trail Repair#4 will require additional funding and re-prioritization in the FY 25-29 Capital Planning process. 5 STAFF REQUEST Staff is requesting the Eagle City Council's approval of Modification No.2 to the FY 2024-2028 Capital Plan adopted on September 26, 2023: To increase the funding of PW CM-15: Orville Krasen Playground Replacement through the transfer of $80,1 95.28 from TRL CM-1 1 : FEMA Trail Repair 4A. 6 3 - `. k. t .4 r!L. t,I ..)-- t .....rya► I m� '' a�,, STATE OF IDAHO ,y�� i AlCounty of Ada fin! r We,the cgmmissioners of the county and state aforesaid,acting as a Board of Canvassers of Election,do s t c hereby sta}e that the attached is a true and complete abstract of all votes cast within this county at the }� ) ,*I DECEMBER 2023 EAGLE MAYOR RUNOFF ELECTION,held December 5,2023,as shown by the records ::, now on tile in the County Clerk's Office 1 ,,\,41:4;;::::::ti r," ,z; i .,4 1__.,,, �• j� Rod Beck(Chairman) ii- \ a i van vid t�, � ;:::: \� t County Board of Canvassers /, g G ' ATTEST: +: �� ' Clerk �` ii ..STATE OF IDAHO 1 No,,,,tota r County' of Ada SSl'f� ' I,Trent Tripple,CountyClerk of said countyand state,do herebycertify that the attached is a full,true,and h,'> ,,:ijooi. t PP fY complete copy of the abstract of votes cast as shown by the record of the Board of Canvassers filed in my , office this 13th day of December 2023. i� �' 7:\: z ��//t .^'Ilts ..�' -III! County Clerk G �, f t � i � l 1 t a r t ;e . 4,,,o t'rr,,0, i'y,„ ,C - ADA COUNTY, IDAHO Unofficial Results December 2023 Registered Voters Unofficial Results Eagle Mayor Runoff 9,873 of 23,610 = 41.8% Run time : 9:57:25 PM 12/05/2023 Precincts Reporting 20 of 20=100.0% Run Date: 12/5/2023 Page 1 of 1 El=NOT COMPLETED R7=ALL BALLOTS COUNTED El Absentee Mail W Early Voting EAGLE MAYOR 1 Total Votes Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Jason Pierce 4,427 44.8% 425 26.8% 884 37.6% 3,118 52.5% Brad Pike 5,444 55.2% 1,161 73.2% 1,464 62.4% 2,819 47.5% 9,871 1,586 2,348 5,937 mie : r nor.ii:4\.)xax)aaa\x ru t-axi�n.ym e.y Y 1 ) nn m >> pp:,, O) yy yN A W <<pp !� N 0y O ter/ \ / OO /�0.• CDEZAZf,n.):1ny 2, i0;:pA„gP8'1,l2'9>PA° m Ill/® /}`��p O3,u o , y 0,,,-00 CZC KO zr�. <mDDm y�ZZZOn N?aa yn Z22 m / /� p yzs y5r,x 2 2 zo go z �► I:. 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